Obituaries of Whatcom County, WA

There are 2 sets of obituaries on this page.

This first set of obituaries is of early residents. The ending date for this collection of obituaries is 1939 with a few exceptions.

More recent obituaries are found in the set below.

A   Ba
Be   Bi
Ca-Cl  Co-Cy Da-De  Di-Dy E
F Ga-Gi



Ka-Ki   Kl-Kw La-Le   Li-Ly Ma   Mc
Pa-Ph   Pi-Py   Q Ra-Rh   Ri-Ry Sa-Sc   Se-Sj 
Sk-Sp   St-Sz
U V Wa-Wh  Wi-Wy Y Z

Some Funeral Notices from the Whatcom Genealogical Society Collection and recent newspapers.
The date range here is 1940 forward with a few exceptions.

Aa - Ada

Adc-Ales Alex - Allyn     Alm - Andersen A-H  Anderson
I-Z  Anderson Andr - Any Ap-Ar As At-Az
Ba-Baj Bak-Ban Bar-Baro Barr-Barz Bas-Bay Be-Beg
Beh-Bel Ben Ber-Bh Bi -Bj Bl Boa-Boo
Bor-Boz Bra Bre-Bri Bro-Brou Brown-Broz Bru-Bs
Bua-Buo Bur Bus-Buz By
Ca-Cal Cam-Cap Car-Carl Carm-Cary Cas-Caz Ce
Cha-Chap Char-Chay Che_Cho Chr Chu-Ci Cla
Clark Clarke-Clem Clen-Cly Co-Cole Coleman-Coly Combee-Con
Coo Cop-Cot Cou-Coz Cra Cre-Cro Cru-Cz
D Misc Ea Eb-Ec
Ed-Eds Edw Ee-Ek El-Elk Ell-Elli Ello-Elz
Em-Eng Enl-Ep Er Erickson Es-Eu Ev-Ez
Fa-Fan Far-Fay Fe Fic-Fio Fir-Fit Fj-Fly
Fob-For Fos-Fox Fra Fre Fri-Fru Fry-Fy
G Misc Ha-Had Hae-Hai Hal-Hali
Hall Halm-Haly Ham-Hami Haml-Hamz Hanb-Hang H Misc
I Misc J Misc
Ka Kea-Kem Ken-Keys Ki-Kit Kiv-Km Kn
Ko-Kor Kos-Kr Ku-Ky L Misc
M Misc Mc Misc Na-Nelms Nelson
Nem-Ney Nib-Nic Nie-Nix No-Nor Not-Ny
Oa-Ok Ola-Olo Ols-Olu Om-Or Os-Oz
P Misc Q Misc R Misc
Sa-Sal Sam San Sap-Saz Sca-Sche Schi-Schm
Schn Scho Schr Schu Schw Sco
S Misc
T Misc U Misc V Misc
W Misc Y Misc Z Misc

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