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February 15, 1902, Seattle Star
Three Divorce Applications
Minnie A. Rogers, wife of Lyman H. Rogers, a real estate dealer, has sued him for divorce on the ground of extreme cruelty. They were married at Portland in 1888, and Mrs. Rogers alleges that her husband has made life burdensome to her by his ungovernable temper.
Mary C. Bayless complains that her husband, H. M. Bayless, treated her cruelly while she lived with him, and that he has deserted her, so she thinks a divorce [is] about the right thing.
Henry J. Wingert has sued for a divorce from his wife, Emma Wingert, charging her with adultery with an unknown man at the Cecil hotel in Chicago, in July, 1900.
August 26, 1902, Seattle Daily Times
Jennie Hansen Found Married Life a FailureShe Left Her Husband When She Made the Find--Divorce Day Up on Profanity Hill
Judge Tallman granted eleven divorces this morning, continued one for further evidence and annulled one on account of the youthfulness of the bride when she was married.
The marriage annulled was that of Jennie Gibson, whose maiden name was Hansen. She was married to John Gibson last January in Seattle without the knowledge or consent of her mother. Mrs. Gibson told the court this morning that she soon learned that she had made a mistake, for her husband was cruel to her and failed to provide her with a decent home or sufficient to eat. Continuing she said: "Last May I learned that I had not been legally married on account of my age, and I at once left my husband and went right home to mama. He was then in California and began writing letters to me, threatening to kill me if I did not return to him."
The court concluded that the best interests of society would be subserved by annulling the marriage, which was done.
Estella R. Dodge
Estella R. Dodge recited a long list of personal indignities which she said her husband, Otis K. Dodge, a street car conductor, had heaped upon her. She said that on one occasion he went into the pantry and found two cold potatoes, and at once raised "particular Cain" about it and ended by throwing the cold vegetables at her. This was only one of the many incidents which contributed in making her life unhappy. Mrs. Dodge is a dressmaker and earns her own living, and on some occasions she has been compelled to help support her husband.
Anna M. Town Has No Use for Him
One of the most interesting cases was that of pretty little Anna M. Town, who has been compelled to support herself by manicuring and hairdressing. She gave the court a long list of her patrons among the 400 of Seattle, whom she visits at their homes and makes presentable for parties and other swell functions. She was married to her husband, Wallace N. Towns, in Oakland, some four years ago, but he has failed to assist in her support during the last three years. In order to keep the wolf from the door, she learned the hairdressing trade and has since made a good living, especially since coming to Seattle, a year ago last June. She was given a decree.
Peter F. Louy
Peter F. Louy told the court that his wife, Elizabeth, became infatuated with other men in Toledo, O., four years ago, and finally deserted him. He has several children, but they are still in Ohio, where he has made provisions for their support during their minority by turning over a lot of real estate. Mr. Louy is a machinist and is employed by Moran Bros. He was given a decree.
Hattie Gooch
Hattie Gooch was given a decree from Thomas Gooch on the ground of nonsupport and cruelty. She testified that on numerous occasions he had threatened to kill her, and one time in California he tried to induce her to enter a room when he had a loaded revolver behind his back. She observed it and ran to a neighbor. He was arrested for the assault, but she told Judge Tallman that, woman-like, she saved him from the penitentiary by swearing to a lie for him. Later, when he repeated the assault, she left him and came to Seattle.
And These Also
Other divorces granted were as follows:
Louis Weisenbacher from Lulu D. Weisenbacher, on the ground of desertion.
Nellie R. Neskin from Martin Neskin, for nonsupport and desertion.
Lottie M. Heyde from William H. Heyde, for nonsupport.
There were about ten other applications for divorce, which had been set for this morning, but the attorneys interested did not appear to look after them. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Faben seriously contemplated asking the court for an order directing the attorneys to read the daily newspapers. Mr. Faben had asked the different reporters several days ago to announce that the default cases would be heard today, and such announcement was made, yet a dozen lawyers evidently had not seen the notices. Many of their clients were present and were compelled to leave without the coveted decree.