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The Seattle Star, December 4, 1909
Mother found on Overland Limited and Taken to Hospital--Strange Mystery Develops in Heart of Cascade Mountains.
Mystery veils the identity of a newly born baby, found between the ties of the Great Northern tracks near Scenic, early yesterday morning.
The tiny mite of humanity, weighing barely six and one-half pounds, was picked up alive and unscratched from its bed of cinders and snow, by a track worker and companion, who had heard its wails.
The Oriental Limited passenger train has passed the spot but a few moments before. The babe's mother had either dropped or thrown him from the train.
The mother is in the Great Northern hospital at Leavenworth, where she gives the name of Mrs. Georgette Roth, of Georgetown. A woman giving the name of Mrs. Amelia Buhl, of Georgetown, who claims to be Mrs. Roth's sister, is with her.
Mystery Lurks Here.
A woman who claims to be Mrs. Amelia Buhl was seen by a Star reporter in Georgetown this morning. She denies all knowledge of the incident; says has not been out of Georgetown, and that she has no sister named Georgette Roth.
In the meantime, the baby is being cared for at the Scenic Hot Springs hotel, where all the women guests are making baby clothes for him. A nurse has been provided and Dr. A. N. Greason, of the Great Northern staff, is giving him medical attention.
Despite his thrilling experience, the little fellow is doing well and has as good a chance as any baby to live. If the mother doesn't claim him, Great Northern officials declare he will be adopted and cared for by the railroad.
Mother Won't Talk.
The mother absolutely refuses to discuss the case. Her relationship was not discovered until a search was made of the train at Leavenworth. She was in a precarious condition, evidently having given birth to the babe while on the train. She was taken from the train to the hospital. Her condition is yet very grave, and the lack of information from her is due as much to her condition as to her reticence. The woman with her maintains an obstinate silence.
The discovery of the baby was due to the chance meeting of William E. Robinson and a track walker. Robinson heard the baby wailing and the two men started a search. The track walker kept his lantern close to the ground and was soon rewarded by sighting a pink little lump of flesh between the rails. The men immediately stripped off their coats and wrapped the little fellow up. They hurried to the hotel. Everybody had retired, but in a moment the entire house was up in dishevel, all anxious to take charge of the late arrival.
Who the mother is, and the circumstances surrounding the first few minutes of the baby's existence, are still unsolved questions. It is believed that the woman came from Georgetown, or otherwise she would not have given the name of Mrs. Buhl.