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The Seattle Star, October 22, 1907
Would you seek the Hotel Butler barber shop to have your nails manicured if you were sure of having your hand held by a dainty young lady with large, soulful eyes, wavy light hair, beruffled clothing, and an unruffled disposition?
Would you linger in the barber shop until you were shaved, singed, shampooed, curled, and all but broke in order to listen to her musical voice and revel in the thrill of her magnetic presence?
Would you become a daily sacrifice at the tonsorial altar to listen to the rustle of the ruffles and to jally with the gentle rustler?
Proprietor J. E. Schrewsbury thinks you would, and recently made the effort to put you in touch with a feminine opportunity of this sort. It was with visions of a veritable feminine charmer, who would hold the hands of the gentleman victims while he attended to the rest of the business, that he engaged Miss Ida Weill, of Sacramento, Cal., to come to Seattle and handle the manicuring end of his business. He had visions of a drawing card that would make the drummers forget all about home and attract a steady stream of trade to his shop. Instead he has secured a lawsuit.
When Miss Weill arrived, all Mr. Shrewsbury's fluffy-ruffle dreams were shattered. There was none of the coy coquette about Miss Weill. She did not swish her skirts to produce the approved tantalizing and enticing rustle. There were no elusive suggestions of hidden beauty about her as she walked into the shop. Not a sign or a hint of a ruffle. Her hair was not ruffled. Her manner was perfectly straight.
When Mr. Shrewsbury recovered from the shock of disillusionment, he explained to Miss Weill that she would hardly fill the bill around his shop. He wanted the fluffy-ruffle style of manicurist who could charm trade out uf each masculine victim.
But despite her appearance, Miss Weill immediately became ruffled, not in the fluffy-ruffle way, but in the plain, old fashioned style. She hastened to Justice Carroll and started suit for $30.85 expenses incurred in coming to Seattle, and Mr. Shrewsbury's fluffy-ruffle dream is apt to prove expense instead of profitable.