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The Seattle Republican, March 22, 1907
Mr. J. H. Ryan, of Tacoma, was in the city this week distributing "Ryan's Legislative Manual." It is a work of beauty.
Misses Mildred and Ivy Olden, of Bellingham, are visiting the city. They are guests of Mrs. George Selby and came to the city to attend the wedding.
Mrs. George Lyons is at the residence of Mrs. J. Jackson and is very sick. Mrs. Lyons lived here some years ago but went to Alaska from which place she returned last fall broken in health and is now seriously ill. Let us not forget the sick. It may be your turn next.
The Pioneer Social Club held a mask social at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hawkins, 743 Summit avenue. Most of those present were masked and a most enjoyable evening was spent. Dancing and cards were indulged in to the delight of those present. Refreshments were served. Music was furnished by Messrs. F. R. Brooks and J. Faulkner.