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D. S. Maynard, W. H. Robertson

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Seattle Gazette, December 17, 1863

D. S. Maynard, Physician & Surgeon

Office at the Hospital building on Commercial between Main and Jackson Streets, where he will be found at all hours unless on professional calls. Seattle, December 1, 1863.


_____ between Main and Jackson Streets

THIS INSTITUTION will be open on the 15th day of December, for the recepton of applicants, who upon satisfactory evidence of ability to pay, will had Rooms and Board suited to their case and comfort.


Will be entirely under the care of Mrs. C. T. Maynard, with the aid of suitable nurses.

Puget Sound Weekly Gazette, June 17, 1867

W. H. Robertson, M.D., Physician and Surgeon, Seattle, W. T.

Offers his professional services to the inhabitants of Seattle and vicinity in the various branches of Medicine and Surgery.

Thankful for past patronage, he hopes to merit a continuance of the same. April 5, 1866.