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Death Notices & Obituary Listings 1905

Return to Obituary Index for more obituaries.

Surname Newspaper
& Date
Date of Death Notice
Bertsch Seattle Star
02/20/1905 Rachiel Bertsch, age 61 years, at 922 Taylor avenue, died February 20.
Valentine Seattle Star
02/20/1905 Castare Valentine, age 36 years, at Georgetown, died February 20.
Goodwin Seattle Star
02/23/1905 Patsy Goodwin, age 30 years, died February 23.
Kaufman Seattle Star
02/24/1905 Mrs. N. G. Kaufman, age 56 yers, at Aberdeen, died February 24.
Drury Seattle Star
02/24/1905 Sidney Drury, age 70 years, at 1430 Twentieth avenue, died February 24.
Hartsfield Seattle Star
02/24/1905 N. D. Hartsfield, age 42 years, died February 24.
Buchanon Seattle Star
02/25/1905 A. G. L. Buchanon, age 9 years, at 703 Twenty-first avenue, died February 25.
Reese Seattle Star
02/27/1905 Mrs. Margaret Reese, age 65 years, died February 27.
Sterling Seattle Star
02/26/1905 Haddens Sterling, age 71, was found dead in his home at 227 East Mohr street, this morning with his neck broken. [See his Featured Obituary for more details.]
Lambert Seattle Star
03/26/1905 Mrs. Ruth M. Lambert, mother of Mrs. John Holmes, of 1528 Franklin avenue, died Sunday afternoon from paralysis. The body will be shipped east for interment.
Kerr Seattle Daily Times
10/28/1905 William W. Kerr, Metropolitan Sanitarium, age 58, October 28