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Name | Newspaper & Date |
Info |
Koll-Guernsey | Seattle Star 01/01/1908 |
Ingsbury-Washburn | Seattle Star 01/01/1908 |
Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Washburn of Rainier Beach announced the engagement of their daughter, Mary Geneva, to Mr. Guy Ingsbury. The wedding will take place about the middle of January. |
Flaven-Medley | Seattle Star 02/12/1908 |
Married, February 8--Rev. Ed. Lincoln Smith officiating--Dr. Jas. Flaven to Caroline Medley, of Platteville, Wis., in the home of dr. and Mrs. J. M. Saxe. |
Yelland-Macpherson | Seattle Star 02/12/1908 |
Married, February 10--Rev. W. H. Lee officiating--George Yelland to Jessie Macpherson, both of Vancouver, B. C., at the home of the bride's brother, A. E. D. Stewart, 1716 Boylston av. |
Akers-Whitchurch | Seattle Star 02/12/1908 |
Married, February 10--M. A. Matthews, D. D., officiating--Wm. B. Akers, Seattle, to Katherine H. Whitchurch, of North Bend, Wash., in the manse, 1433 16th av. |
Francis-McCracken | Seattle Star 02/12/1908 |
Married, February 10--M. A. Matthews, D. D., officiating--William Francis, of Seattle, to Florence McCracken, Seattle, in the parlors of the First Presbyterian church. |
Helm-West | Seattle Star 02/12/1908 |
Married, February 10--M. A. Matthews, D. D., officiating--Walter W. Helm to Minnie E. West (or Weat?),both of Seattle, at the manse, 1433 16th av. |
Lang-de Koslowlski | Seattle Star 02/14/1908 |
Wedding. Dr. J. M. Wilso, of he West Minister Church, united in marriage, Wednesday evening [02/12/1908], Arthur Lan, banker in Valez, Alaska, to Pauline de Kozlowski, of Seattle. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride, 1510 East Jefferson st. |
Ward-Marshall | Seattle Star 02/14/1908 |
Engagement. Mrs. Florence Marshall of 2011 Yesler Way has announced the engagement of her daughter, Nan, to Mr. Fred S. Ward |
Cohen-Schubach | Seattle Star 02/14/1908 |
Announcement Reception. An announcement reception will be given February 26 by Mrs. Schubachof 1602 East Jefferson, for her daughter, Paula, who will be married in May to Mr. Manuel Cohen. |
Oberstein-Hoffman | Seattle Star 02/14/1908 |
Engagement Announcement. The engagement has been announced of Miss Mary Hoffman, of 1409 East Marion, to Mr. Leo Oberstein, of this city. The wedding will take place February 19, at 802 Fifteenth av. |
Jamison-Graham | Seattle Star 02/14/1908 |
Coming Wedding. The wedding of Miss Gene Graham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald B. Graham, to Mr. Earl Jamison, will take place in the Trinity Parish church February 22. |