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Name | Newspaper & Date |
Info |
Spencer-Cox | Seattle Star 01/01/1908 |
Miss Hallie L. Spencer and Mr. Roy A. Cox were quietly married on Tuesday, Dec. 24, at 4 p.m. in the parlors of the new Presbyterian church, Rev. Dr. Matthews officiating. |
Fellows-Antonette | Seattle Star 01/01/1908 |
At 1 o'clock on Christmas day, Miss Florence Adell Fellows was married to Mr. Joseph B. Antonette in the Presbyterian church by Rev. Dr. Matthew. Mr. and Mrs. Antonette are residents of Tacoma, in which city they will make their home. |
Johnson-Davis | Seattle Star 01/01/1908 |
On Dec. 21 occurred the wedding of Miss Flora Johnson and Mr. Russel Davis at the parsonage of the First Methodist church, Rev. W. H. W. Rees officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Davis will make their home in Seattle. |
Mogler-Grell | Seattle Star 01/01/1908 |
Miss Lydia M. Mogler was married on Tuesday, Dec. 24, to Mr. Edward F. Grell by Rev. W. H. W. Rees at his study in the Epler block. |
Shyman-Cohen | Seattle Star 01/01/1908 |
Miss Annie Cohen was married on Sunday, Dec. 29, to Mr. Jesse D. Shyman. The ceremony was performed at the home of the groom's uncle, Mr. Soloman Shyman, 517 Sixteenth av., by Rabbie Koch of Temple de Hirsch. |