Carrie S. Steele
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The Seattle Star
March 27, 1905
At Ballard
After lingering between life and death for ten days, Mrs. Carrie S. Steele, the mother of the enormous 17-pound baby, which was born March 12, died at her home, 439 Baker street, Sunday night [03/26/1905], from blood poison. Dr. Adam had been the attending physician during her previous illness and had been present at the birth of the child. He left her in the care of a midwife a few days after the birth, thinking her to be out of danger. About the third day after the birth of the child, she began to grow worse and fearing that she would die, a trained nursse was called in. The nurse said that a doctor must be summoned immediately as her case was very critical. Dr. Adams was again summoned and she recovered somewhat.
She finally got dangerously ill on Saturday and Dr. Sturgess from Seattle was called in. He did what he could to relieve her, but it was too late. Infection following child birth was the immediate cause of death. She leaves four children and her husband, H. W. Steele, who has for some time been employed as ship carpenter at the Ballard shipyards.
The 17-pound girl is in good health.
Mrs. Steel was 40 years of age and of Swedish descent.