Mr. Aurelus King Shay
Return to S Surnames.
The Seattle Daily Times
Friday Evening, May 30, 1913
Page 12, Column 6
Confederate Veteran Dies In This City
A.K. Shay, 74 Years Old, Succumbs to Attack of Heart Disease
A.K. Shay, 74 years old, a resident of Seattle since 1891, died of heart failure yesterday at his home, 528 Twentieth Avenue North. Shay was a veteran of the Confederate Army. Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 3:30 o’clock tomorrow afternoon at the Bonney-Watson Chapel under the auspices of the United Confederate Veterans.
He was born at Alexandria, Virginia in 1839. In 1869 he married Miss Julia Stanford Lewis of Albemarle County, Virginia. When the Civil War broke out he enlisted with the Louisiana Light Artillery and was with Stonewall Jackson in his famous valley campaign. At the Battle of Cedar Mountain he was severely wounded.
Besides the widow, he leaves seven sons and one daughter. They are: Julian L. Shay, A.K. Shay, Samuel K. Shay and A.B. Shay of Seattle: O.B. Shay, Wenatchee, H.L. Shay, Philadelphia, V.H. Shay, Spokane and Mrs. James Wilmot, Seattle.
-------------------------------------------------------------------Generously contributed by: Sheila Simpson