Henry A. Stanley
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The Seattle Star
February 12, 1908
Henry A. Stanley, a grain and feed dealer, 59 years old, committed suicide by shooting late yesterday afternoon at his home at 524 Fairview av. Despondency over the failure of a business deal was the motive.
Marion, his daughter, aged 17, found the body when she returned from school, together with a note explaining the cause of the deed.
Stanley shot himself twice, the first inflicting only a flesh wound. The tragedy began in the bath room, and after the unsuccessful attempt, he washed away the blood, and, leaving a trail of blood behind, went to his bedroom. The next shot, fired while the victim was looking into a small mirror, completed the deed, and he fell dead across the bed.
Stanley was formerly in business in South Dakota and later in Auburn. He had planned to go into business here with W. Wohlander, of 621 Thomas st., but the deal fell through, causing him much worry.
In her own room, Miss Stanley found that, before he fired the fatal shot, her father had carefully laid out across the bed a list of his creditors, about $250 in cash which he bequeathed to her, and a few checks for small amounts.
Mrs. Stanley died several years ago. Two grown sons in South Dakota, besides his young daughter, survive him. The body is at Bonney-Watson's.