Helen Goodwin
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The Seattle Post Intelligencer
September 1, 1911, page 1
Gentle Old Mare Drags Girl to Death
Riding Double with Neighbor's Child, Helen Goodwin, 7 Years Old, Is Thrown
Helen Goodwin, 7 years old, daughter of John W. Goodwin, secretary of the Goodwin Real Estate Company, of this city, left the Goodwin summer home at Waterman, Kitsap County, yesterday morning, mounted on a gentle old family horse. A neighbor's little girl rode the horse with her.
During their ride the horse became frightened and bolted. The little girls fell and Helen Goodwin caught her foot in the stirrup, dragging on the road and receiving wounds which caused her death.
It had been a common practice of the little chums to ride double on the slow-going mare.
The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock, at Waterman. Interment will be in Mount Pleasant Cemetery.