Cornelia G. Butler
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The Seattle Republican
June 5, 1905
Mrs. Cornelia G. Butler, wife of Mr. R. W. Butler, the well-known contractor and builder, died last Monday night, after a long and painful illness. Mr. and Mrs. Butler have lived in Seattle for the past sixteen years, and during the greater part of the time both of them have been active in religious work. Two days before she died, she realized that the end had come, and she instructed her husband and those about her how she desired her funeral to be conducted. She will be buried from Butterworth undertaking parlors, this (Friday) afternoon, the Rev. S. P. Haywood officiating. At the time of her death she was in her fifty-fourth year. She was born in St. Louis, Mo., where she has one daughter, a sister and a brother to mourn her loss. She was an ardent religionist, and died rejoicing in the love of Christ.