Carrie Matthewson
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The Seattle Star
December 12, 1907
Either because of despondency over ill health or because she had received a mild rebuke for a mischievous prank, Carrie Matthewson, 20 years of age, committed suicide late yesterday by swallowing poison in the laboratory of Stewart & Holmes Drug company, where she was employed.
The girl had apparently been in good spirits and had joined in a prank with a number of other young women working in the store, stealing a box of candy and dividing it up between them. For this she was rebuked, but not severely, by Chemist J. M. Watson, under whom she was working. A short space of time afterward, as she was filling and labeling bottles, she fell forward and died before any medical assistance could be given to her.
In the pocket of her apron was found a note to a gentleman friend, bidding him goodbye, but giving no cause for her rash act.
Miss Matthewson lived with her father at 1610 Spruce st. He attributes her suicide to her poor health, stating that she had been ill for a year. Those with whom Miss Matthewson worked declare that she was always cheerful.