George B. Reichert and Reginald B. Horner
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Seattle Daily Times
March 21, 1900
At Rest At Last
Ceremonies at the Funerals of Reichert and Horner.
Old Comrades of the First Washington and Grand Army in Attendance.The funeral of the last of Washington's soldier heroes who laid down lives for their country in the far off Philippines, George B. Reichert and Reginald B. Horner, took place today, a large number of the militia and many friends and relatives of the deceased attending.
The bodies of the two soldiers which have lain in state in Butterworth's Chapel since Saturday last, were at noon today taken to the Methodist Protestant Church, corner Third Avenue and Pine Street, where many people paid a fitting tribute to the departed heroes prior to the funeral services.
The church was beautifully decorated with palms, cut flowers, the national colors and evergreens, and the caskets containing the remains of the deceased were almost buried under wreaths and flowers sent by friends and relatives of the young men.
Rev. Louis J. Sawyer and Rev. Clarke Davis officiated at the church, and in eloquent sermons paid a splendid tribute to the young patriots who had given up friends, relatives, and business prospects to follow the banner of their country in a far off country.
It was nearly 3 o'clock when the solemn services and the imposing cortege moved towards Lakeview Cemetery. Two hearses, followed immediately by the relatives of the deceased, carried the remains. Local military organizations were well represented in the cortege. Miller and Stevens posts were in attendance and two details from the National Guard were also present, each under the command of a corporal. Twelve guardsmen acted as pallbearers. The impressive ceremony at the ceremony was brought to a conclusion by the firing of three volleys over each of the graves.
Private Reichert, one of the heroes whose body was laid at rest today, was killed in the battle of Santa Ana, February 5, 1899.
Reginald Horner, who distinguished himself on several battle fields, died in the First Reserve Hospital at Manila, November 5, 1899.