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The Seattle Daily Time
Thursday, November 26, 1925
Page 3, Column 4
Maiden name: Waite
Note: Please also see the obituary for Mrs. Laing.
Seattle Woman Killed as Auto Goes Over Bank
When an automobile driven by her son went over the bank near Vancouver, Washington, late yesterday, Mrs. Olive E. Laing of Seattle was instantly killed, according to Associated Press dispatches. B.W. Laing, the son, 1308 30th Avenue South and his wife and 2 year old daughter received only minor injuries.
The Laings were en route to Portland to spend Thanksgiving Day with Mrs. B.W. Laing’s mother, Mrs. Anna Hopkins, 306 Holliday Avenue, Portland, when their car went over the bank of Vancouver and dropped thirty five feet to the creek bed.
Mr. Laing is the proprietor of Laing's Garage, 3007 Judkins Street.
-------------------------------------------------------------------The Oregonian Portland, Oregon
Thursday, November 26, 1925
Page 1, Column 2
Olive E. Laing Killed
Seattle Woman Coming to Family Party Dies in Wreck
Vancouver, Washington, November 25. Olive E. Laing was killed instantly today, when an automobile driven by her son, B.W. Laing of 1308 Thirtieth Avenue South, Seattle, ran over the bank on Salmon Creek, five miles north of Vancouver and dropped 35 feet. Mr. Laing, his wife and infant daughter, who were in the front seat, received minor injuries.
The automobile turned a somersault and landed partly tipped on one side with the engine towards the bank. Mrs. Laing was in the back seat. Her chest was crushed.
The Laings were on the way to spend Thanksgiving Day with Mrs. B.W. Laing’s mother, Mrs. Anna Hopkins of 306 Holladay Avenue, Portland.
-------------------------------------------------------------------Generously contributed by: Sheila Simpson