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The Seattle Star, December 16, 1909
Well, there are a lot of little children in Seattle who won't be disappointed this year. Santa Claus' cry for assistance has been heard. Every day bachelors, young and old, are coming into The Star office with money and presents.
The youngest bachelor yet reached The Star office late yesterday afternoon. He was pretty near as tall as a good sized typewriter desk. The editor had to look way over to see him.
"I've brought the punching bag!"
"What punching bag?"
"Why, for Russell," said the youngster, "Russell Sneddon, the little boy whose father was killed in the mine, and who wanted a punching bag for Christmas. I want him to have mine."
Willard Atherly was the youngest bachelor's name. He lives at 233 26th av. N. There is a sermon in his act for a lot of us older bachelors. For Willard's punching bag meant more to him than a lot of money does to some of us.
The Star this year is trying to locate as many poor families as possible--families where Santa Clause will not come. It has asked the bachelors of Seattle to help. It may be a dollar or two, or a present, but GIVE SOMETHING. It means a lot to some lonesome, sorrowful little neighbors of yours.
A well-known Seattle businessman came in this morning to the office. "That's a corking good idea---that Bachelors' Christmas plan," he said. "I came in specially to get in on it. You don't need my name, but I want you to have my money for the cause."
He went through his pockets and cleaned them out. Then he found a post office money order, and endorsed it over. It totaled $5.25.
"That's all I've got with me," he said. "God speed you in the good work."
Can you remember when you were a kid---how you stole down stairs early on Christmas morning to see what Santa Claus had brought you over night? What would you have thought if the little stocking had been limp and empty, and there had been no Christmas tree in the corner? That's what'll happen to many hundreds of families in Seattle this year unless you help.
"I want the names of 10 or 12 families," said A. J. Engebretson, of 1523 Ninth av. "There is a bunch of us getting up some plum puddings for their Christmas dinners. We've got some presents, too, for them."
Mr. Engebretson will get the names of the families. Postmaster Russell's mail carriers are looking for them today. They will report the needy cases to The Star.