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The Seattle Star, December 12, 1904
Almost murdered and then robbed of every cent, was the fate of James Boston, who took a stranger to his room last Saturday night. Sunday afternoon feeble groans were heard by people in the hallway of the Phoenix hotel. Patrolmen Damm and King were summoned and the semi-conscious man told a story of brutality. The police have arrested W. H. Albert on suspicion. Albert was picked up in Tacoma by City Detectives Hubbard and Freeman. Boston and his assailant are both colored.
The former says that he befriended the man by taking him to his room to pass the night. When he arose yesterday morning he was assaulted and beaten into insensibility. He says that over $100 was taken from him. Dr. Ludlow dressed the injured man's wounds, which will not prove fatal, although he will be under a doctor's care for some time. The brutal attempt at murder was committed with a rude sandbag. A rock was placed in the toe of a stocking. It was found in the room soaked with the blood of the injured man.