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W. St. M. Barnes

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The Seattle Star, November 24, 1903


W. St. M. Barnes Met Tragic Fate at Pier No. 1 Last Night

W. St. M. Barnes, who until recently was general agent of the Theil Detective agency in Seattle, was drowned by falling from Pier No. 1, at 10 o'clock last night. He was on his way to Vancouver, B. C., in answer to a business telegram received yesterday afternoon, and missed his footing while attempted to find his steamer in the darkness.

Mr. Barnes left his home last night at 9:30 o'clock, expecting to take the steamer Ramona. On his way to the water front he met two men who were also going to Vancouver on the Ramona, which was lying at Pier A. In the darkness they mistook the Humboldt for the Ramona, and started up the gangplank, but were told by Watchman Doren that they were boarding the steamer Humboldt, and were given directions as to the berth of the Ramona.

In turning around to leave the dock, Barnes, who evidently did not notice how near he was to the edge of the pier, stepped off into the water. In another instant the watchman and the two men heard him strike the side of the Humboldt and he was seen no more. His cap and valise were found a few minutes late, and the police summoned. A diligent search has been made ever since to find the body, but without success..

Mr. Barnes leaves a son seven years old at his residence, 225 Boylston avenue. The lad is in the care of the housekeeper, Mr. Barnes' wife being dead. For 10 years Mr. Barnes was general superintendent of the Pacific coast agencies of the Thiel company.