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Surname | Location | Date of Birth |
Parent | Gender |
Bravender | 24th av. and Mercer st. | not indicated (04/05/1910 newspaper) | to the wife of A. Bravender | not indicated |
Abe | 821 Washington st. | 03/2/1910 | to the wife of T. Abe | son |
Morel | city | 03/24/1910 | to the wife of P. Morel | daughter |
Malcolm | 2006 15th S. | 03/25/1910 | to the wife of R. Malcolm | son |
Kanemoto | city | 03/25/1910 | to the wife of H. Kanemoto | son |
Kierman | 1949 3rd W. | 03/25/1910 | to the wife of P. Kierman | daughter |
McPherson | 7337 14th N. W. | 03/25/1910 | to the wife of C. McPherson | son |
Jacobson | 5629 17th N. E. | 03/26/1910 | to the wife of PW. Jacobson | daughter |
Hase | city | 03/27/1910 | to the wife of F. Hase | daughter |
Morand | 6716 3rd S. W. | 03/27/1910 | to the wife of C. Morand | daughter |
Enos | city | 03/29/1910 | to the wife of J. Enos | son |
Burkson | 40th S. W. | 03/30/1910 | to the wife of A. Burkson | daughter |
Noman | 2230? Eastlake av. | 03/30/1910 | to the wife of P. Noman | son |
Evans | 1814 Terry | 03/31/1910 | to the wife of W. Evans | daughter |
Becker | city | 03/31/1910 | to the wife of F. Becker | son |
Westermeyer | 2830 Fairview | 03/31/1910 | to the wife of L. Westermeyer | daughter |
Lasz | 3957 Day st. | 04/01/1910 | to the wife of J. Lasz | son |
Ivers | 819 21st | 04/01/1910 | to the wife of T. Ivers | son |
Mueller | city | 04/02/1910 | to the wife of H. Mueller | son |
Johns | Youngstown | 04/02/1910 | to the wife of M. Johns | daughter |
Erickson | 817 73rd W. | 04/03/1910 | to the wife of C. Erickson | daughter |
Donald | 1817-1/2 Boren | 04/22/1910 | to the wife of G. Donald | son |
Sheehen | Pacific hospital | 04/28/1910 | to the wife of F. Sheehen | son |
Anderson | South Alki | 05/01/1910 | to the wife of R. Anderson | daughter |
Linne | 136 34th N. | 05/04/1910 | to the wife of B. Linne | son |
Ryan | city | 05/04/1910 | to the wife of A. Ryan | daughter |
Bowen | 1837? 23rd | 05/04/1910 | to the wife of C. Bowen | daughter |
Claigue | 3207 Walnut | 05/06/1910 | to the wife of J. Claigue | daughter |
Prothers | 4043 16th S. W. | 05/06/1910 | to the wife of W. Prothers | twins, daughter and son |
Thomas | city | 05/07/1910 | to the wife of C. Thomas | daughter |
Babcock | city | 05/07/1910 | to the wife of C. Babcock | son |
McClellan | 2708 East Madison | 05/08/1910 | to the wife of A. McClellan | son |