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Surname | Location | Date of Birth |
Parent | Gender |
Claigue | 3207 Walnut | 01/17/1909 | to wife of J. Claigue | son |
Stiles | Rainier Beach | 03/04/1909 | to wife of J. Stiles | son |
Trumbell | city | 03/10/1909 (blurry) | to wife of R. Trumbell | daughter |
Daly | 1367 24th S. | 03/11/1909 | to wife of J. Daly | son |
Gargan | 928 27th | 03/11/1909 | to wife of L. Gargan | son |
Hadfield | city | 03/12/1909 | to wife of J. Hadfield | daughter |
Pugh | city | 03/12/1909 (blurry) | to wife of H. Pugh | son |
Anderson | 1918 24th S. | 03/13/1909 (blurry) | to wife of Samuel Anderson | son |
Beckman | Seattle General Hospital | 03/16/1909 | to wife of V. Beckman | son |
Mole | 1601 26th S. (blurry) | 03/16?/1909 | to wife of James Mole | daughter |
Molette | city | 03/16/1909 (blurry) | to wife of T. Molette | son |
Hunter | 610 James st. | 03/19/1909 | to wife of R. Hunter | daughter |
Smith | 221 Second N. | 12/12/1909 | to wife of J. Smith | son |
Doughty | city | 12/16/1909 | to wife of F. Doughty | daughter |
Kiefer | 554 Porspect | 12/18/1909 | to wife of E. Kiefer | son |
Lord | 308 Roy | 12/23/1909 | to wife of H. Lord | son |