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Surname | Location | Date of Birth |
Parent | Gender |
Heaton | Seattle | 01/23/1908 | to wife of G. H. Heaton | daughter |
Barnes | 2431 7th W. | 01/31/1908 | to wife of J. Barnes | son |
English | Seattle General Hospital | 02/01/1908 | to wife of J. English | son |
Thompson | Seattle | 02/02/1908 | to wife of F. T. Thompson | son |
Johnson | 604-1/2 Pike st. | 02/02/1908 | to wife of J. W. Johnson | daughter |
Gilbert | 821 30th av. | 02/03/1908 | to wife of T. Gilbert | daughter |
Thomas | 7233 13th N. E. | 02/03/1908 | to wife of C. A. Thomas | daughter |
Erickson | Not Listed | 02/05/1908 | to wife of C. Erickson | daughter |
Anderson | 5850 Wallingford av. | 02/05/1908 | to wife of G. Anderson | son |
Anderson | Seattle | 02/08/1908 | to wife of F. Anderson | daughter |
Charlton | Seattle | 02/09/1908 | to wife of F. C. Charlton | son |
Hank | 1910 5th W. | 02/10/1908 | to wife of E. R. Hank | daughter |
Richmond | 3717 Jefferson | 02/11/1908 | to wife of W. W. Richmond | son |
Caffiere | 4044 39th S. | 02/13/1908 | to wife of E. W. Caffiere | son |