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Surname | Location | Date of Birth |
Parent | Gender |
Stevens | 2812 22nd av. | 01/16/1907 | to wife of V. Lewis Stevens | daughter |
Harris | 2629 Puritan st. | 01/29/1907 | to wife of Clark Harris | son |
Floursey (sp?) | Pacific hospital | 02/02/1907 | to wife of A. G. Flourney | son |
Gordon | 719 27th av. | 02/08/1907 | to wife of Percival C. Gordon | daughter |
Meredith | 1010 E. Columbia st. | 02/08/1907 | to wife of Charles E. Meredith | daughter |
Mangan | 125 16th av. | 02/09/1907 | to wife of Wallace H. Mangan | son |
Lundy | 606 17th av. | 02/10/1907 | to wife of Ira Lundy | son |
McClelland | 149 29th av. | 02/12/1907 | to wife of Ernest McClelland | daughter |
Anderson | 905 5th av. | 03/20/1907 | to wife of M. J. Anderson | son |
Baughman | 132 13th av. | 03/23/1907 | to wife of K. G. Baughman | son |
Carter | 7505 Latona st. | 03/25/1907 | to wife of J. H. Carter | daughter |
Harris | 1211 Howell st. | 03/25/1907 | to wife of Bernard Harris | daughter |
Hawkins | 1524-1/2 13th av. | 03/25/1907 | to wife of E. O. Hawkins | daughter |
Reynolds | 6012 4th av. NE | 03/25/1907 | to wife of J. S. Reynolds | daughter |
Snyder | 417 E. Denny way | 03/26/1907 | to wife of J. J. Snyder | (not indicated) |
Warren | 1412 6th av. | 03/26/1907 | to wife of F. H. Warren | son |
Kahlow | 504 28th st. S. | 03/27/1907 | to wife of Daniel Hahlow (sp?) | daughter |
Graham | 803 Pike | 04/21/1907 | to wife of Albert Carl Graham | son |
Burglehaus | at Hillman | 04/25/1907 | to wife of Fred Gurglehaus (sp?) | daughter |
Rayner | 1109 Fifth av. N. E. | 04/26/1907 | to wife of G. Rayner | daughter |
Jensen | 5821 Wallingford st. | 04/30/1907 | to wife of Jeus Jensen | daughter |
Jones | 1208 Seventh av. | 04/30/1907 | to wife of Lewis A. Jones | daughter |
Little | 3052 22nd av. W. | 04/30/1907 | to wife of Frank W. Little | son |
Cundy | 1909 Minor av. | 05/01/1907 | to wife of U. S. G. Cundy | son |
Thomas | ??58 East Green Lake | 05/01/1907 | to wife of Joseph E. Thomas | son |
Connor | 1412 E. Pike | 05/01/1907 | to wife of Arthur J. Connor | daughter |
Rogers | 715 Spring st. | 05/02/1907 | to wife of G. Rogers | daughter |
Arabolod? | 511 Minor av. | 06/18/1907 | to wife of George Arabolod | daughter |
Preem | 4027 12th av. E. | 06/19/1907 | to wife of Albert E. Preem | daughter |
Ray? | Ravenna | 06/20/1907 | to wife of Arlando B. Ray | son |
Anderson | 2132-1/2 Sixth av. | 06/22?/1907 | to wife of Andrew Anderson | son |
Gaine | ??? Jackson st. | 06/23/1907 | to wife of Thomas Gaine | daughter |
Flinn | ??? Third av. | 06/24/1907 | to wife of J. F. Flinn | son |
Koipflt (sp?) | 1818 18th | 06/25/1907 | to wife of A. E. Koipflt (sp?) | girl |
Siegfriedte | 4502 11th av. N. E. | 06/27/1907 | to wife of T. A. A. Siegfriedte | boy |
Austin | ??? Woodland Park av. | 06/27/1907 | to wife of L. F. Austin | son |
Wilson | Raenna | 06/28/1907 | to wife of Winfield S. Wilson (or Nilson) | son |
Jobe | 66th and Aurora av. | 06/28/1907 | to wife of E. L. Jobe | girl |
Bohlke | ?42 22nd av. | 06/28/1907 | to wife of H. B. Bohlke | daughter |
Benson | ? Federal av. N. | 06/28/1907 | to wife of C. D. Benson | son |
Moody | 5719 16th av. N. E. | 07/01/1907 | to wife of A. A. Moody | boy |
Tocco | 1125 N 20th av. | 07/01/1907 | to wife of Alfonso Tocco | boy |
Johnstone | 1114 E. _owell(?) | 07/04/1907 | to wife of R. Johnstone | girl |
Sheffer | 728 64th N. | 07/05/1907 | to wife of T. B. Sheffer | boy |
O'Hern | 112 50th N. W. | 07/06/1907 | to wife of ?? O'Hern | girl |
Wilson | Pacific hospital | 07/06/1907 | to wife of George F. Wilson | boy |
Blackstad | 230923rd av. | 07/07/1907 | to wife of K. Blackstad | girl |
Peterson | 4th N. and Hayes st. | 07/07/1907 | to wife of A. Peterson | girl |
Johnson | 225 Second | 07/08/1907 | to wife of Jacob Johnson | boy |
Olson | Seattle | 07/08/1907 | to wife of Carl Olson | girl |
Acteson | 2525 Brooklyn av. | 07/09/1907 | to wife of Albert E. Acteson | boy |
Loy | 1015 Union st. | 07/09/1907 | to wife of Martin Loy | girl |
Moore | East Seattle | 07/09/1907 | to wife of F. D. Moore | girl |
Smith | 131 Earl st., Ballard | 07/09/1907 | to wife of C. J. Smith | boy |
Twombly | South Park | 07/09/1907 | to wife of William H. Twombly | boy |
Brown | 250 Fiorentia | 07/10/1907 | to wife of Finley Brown | boy |
Murchie | 340 Ross Place | 07/10/1907 | to wife of Alexander Murchie | girl |
Madson | 6th W. and Mercer | 07/11/1907 | to wife of A. Madson | boy |
Webb | 119 Washington st. | 07/14/1907 | to wife of M. V. B. Webb | daughter |
Falkenberg | 717 68th av., N. | 07/21/1907 | to wife of E. Falkenberg | son |
O'Flaherty | Columbia City | 07/23/1907 | to wife of John O'Flaherty | son |
Gleandy | 813 Eighth av. | 07/25/1907 | to wife of C. J. Gleandy | son |
Andersen | 233 Post st. | 07/28/1907 | to wife of A. G. Andersen | son |
Ashby | Rainier Beach | 07/28/1907 | to wife of Jack Ashby | daughter |
Powers | Hemlock st. | 07/28/1907 | to wife of J. A. Powers | son |
Shourd | 1407 47th av., N. | 07/28/1907 | to wife of B. A. Shourd | son |
Dearing | 147 Pike st. | 07/29/1907 | to wife of R. M. Dearing | daughter |
Rodenhauser | 1318 Howell st. | 07/29/1907 | to wife of J. O. Rodenhauser | son |
Santich | 315 29th av., N. | 07/29/1907 | to wife of Paul Santich | son |
Washburn | Hillman City | 07/29/1907 | to wife of O. O. Washburn | son |
Butler | 1937 Fourth av., W. | 07/30/1907 | to wife of J. W. Butler | son |
Smith | 821 Tenth av. | 08/08/1907 | to wife of H. W. Smith | son |
Axling | 928 31st av. | 08/14/1907 | to wife of P. L. Axling | daughter |
Roffe | 1012 King st. | 08/15/1907 | to wife of L. Roffe | son |
Duncan | 1210 Weller | 08/16/1907 | to wife of James Duncan | daughter |
Martin | 1334 18th av. | 08/16/1907 | to wife of T. Martin | son |
Nelson | 722 Summit av. | 08/16/1907 | to wife of N. P. Nelson | daughter |
Yoshokato | 665-1/2 Main st. | 08/16/1907 | to wife of S. Yoshokato | ?? |
Niles | Interbay hotel | 08/17/1907 | to wife of G. Niles | ?? |
Walden | 146 Riverside | 08/17/1907 | to wife of P. Walden | son |
Dempsey | 615 Union st. | 08/18/1907 | to wife of J. Dempsey | daughter |
Clave | 841 17th av. S. | 08/19/1907 | to wife of C. C. Clave | daughter |
Pederson | West Seattle | 08/20/1907 | to wife of M. M. Pederson | son |
Engstrom | 723 15th av., N. | 08/21/1907 | to wife of N. Engstrom | son |
Woselin | 4009 Stone av. | 08/23/1907 | to wife of C. A. Woselin | son |
Edwards | Seattle General Hospital | 08/??/1907 | to wife of E. Edwards | ?? |
Owens | 1922 Fourteenth av. south | 09/17/1907 | to wife of S. O. Owens | son |
Ikatz | 1228 Jackson st. | 09/17/1907 | to wife of N. Ikatz | daughter |
Kime | 502 West Mercer st. | 09/19/1907 | to wife of J. B. Kime | son |
Shields | 5803 Twenty-fourth av. west | 09/19/1907 | to wife of William Shields | daughter |
Malone | 333 Ninteenth av. | 09/20/1907 | to wife of J. Malone | son |
Schram | 2231 Sixtieth av. north | 09/21/1907 | to wife of A. A. Schram | son |
Harrington | Pacific hospital | 09/22/1907 | to wife of C. W. Harrington | son |
London | 102 Sixteenth av. north | 09/23/1907 | to wife of J. W. London | son |
Pearl | 1100 Terrace st. | 09/23/1907 | to wife of M. Pearl | daughter |
Solmonson | North Main st., Ballard | 09/23/1907 | to wife of J. T. Solmonson | son |
Reynolds | 935 26th av. S. | 10/02/1907 | to wife of William C. Reynolds | son |
King | 1706 Twenty-second av. | 10/06/1907 | to wife of H. S. King | son |
Bergh | 1310 Sixty-ninth av. northeast | 10/11/1907 | to wife of A. Bergh | son |
Ritter | 1133 Fifth av. south | 10/13/1907 | to wife of J. Ritter | son |
Winchill | 522 Aloha st. | 10/15/1907 | to wife of F. Winchill | daughter |
Windall | 2306 Western av. | 10/15/1907 | to wife of J. Windall | daughter |
Beach | 1815 9th av. | 10/16/1907 | to wife of B. B. Beach | son |
Morrison | 513 Denny way | 10/17/1907 | to wife of J. Morrison | son |
Muffay | Renton apartments | 10/19/1907 | to wife of H. A. Muffay | son |
Bendas | 924 Washington st. | 10/21/1907 | to wife of M. Bendas | daughter |
Lunner | 509 Westlake av. | 10/23/1907 | to wife of D. Lunner | daughter |
Mathews | 408 23rd av. S. | 10/23/1907 | to wife of O. J. Mathews | daughter |
Spear | 1933 Federal av. | 10/23/1907 | to wife of E. Spear | son |
Durham | 129 20th av. | 10/28/1907 | to wife of A. Durham | daughter |
Dasrille | Seattle | 10/29/1907 | to wife of J. S. Dasrille | daughter |
Eastman | 122 40th av. N. | 10/31/1907 | to wife of D. P. Eastman | daughter |
Larson | 1210 Lane st. | 10/31/1907 | to wife of A. Larson | daughter |
Garvey | 921 Yakima place | 11/01/1907 | to wife of G. M. Garvey | son |
Farrar | 1114 15th av. N. | 11/02/1907 | to wife of Bert Farrar | daughter |
Moon | 444 E 73rd st. | 11/02/1907 | to wife of J. R. Moon | daughter |
Rudge | 1019 16th av. S. | 11/02/1907 | to wife of J. Rudge | daughter |
Ward | 1816 Boylston av. | 11/02/1907 | to wife of H. Ward | daughter |
Webb | 5508 N. Terrace | 11/02/1907 | to wife of C. T. Webb | twin sons |
Weshem | 403 Dewey | 11/03/1907 | to wife of P. W. Weshem | daughter |
Wotherspoon | 523 11th av. S. | 11/07/1907 | to wife of J. Wotherspoon | son |
Meyer | 5161 12th av. | 11/10/1907 | to wife of H. Meyer | daughter |
Hodge | 174-1/2 Thomas st. | 11/12/1907 | to wife of H. Hodge | daughter |
Bast | Seattle | 11/13/1907 | to wife of L. Bast | daughter |
Hicks | 442 22d av. S. | 11/13/1907 | to wife of F. W. Hicks | daughter |
Lyons | Wayside Emergency hospital | 11/17/1907 | to wife of John Lyons | daughter |
Duton | 425 62nd st. | 11/23/1907 | to wife of L. Duton | daughter |
Lauson | 1635 5th W. | 11/23/1907 | to wife of T. J. Lauson | daughter |
Weston | Wayside Emergency hospital | 11/25/1907 | to wife of C. W. Weston | daughter |
Towey | 923 E. 72nd st. | 11/29/1907 | to wife of M. Towey | daughter |
Albertson | 2909 Third av. | 12/01/1907 | to wife of Judge R. R. Albertson | son |
Gaunnitz | Seattle | 12/01/1907 | to wife of P. Gaunnitz | son |
Pacht | 1535 19th av. S. | 12/01/1907 | to wife of P. Pacht | son |
Sharp | Minor hospital | 12/01/1907 | to wife of W. E. Sharp | daughter |
Carlson | Minor hospital | 12/03/1907 | to wife of J. Carlson | son |
Carlson | Ballard | 12/03/1907 | to wife of J. Carlson | son |
Compton | 3803 Whitman | 12/03/1907 | to wife of H. E. Compton | son |
Doren | Seattle | 12/03/1907 | to wife of G. A. Doren | son |
Scott | 1416 33rd S. | 12/03/1907 | to wife of G. W. Scott | daughter |
Hitchison | Seattle General hospital | 12/04/1907 | to wife of A. Hitchison | daughter |
Huff | Seattle | 12/04/1907 | to wife of J. W. Huff | son |
Kriegel | 2586 4th av. W. | 12/04/1907 | to wife of W. W. Kriegel | son |
Burnell | Minor hospital | 12/05/1907 | to wife of L. M. Burnell | son |
Franklin | 1834 27th av. | 12/06/1907 | to wife of B. L. Franklin | son |
DuBoy | Columbia | 12/08/1907 | to wife of H. A. DuBoy | son |
Bangt | 2611 Fourth av. | 12/09/1907 | to wife of B. Bangt | daughter |
Dawling | Seattle | 12/10/1907 | to wife of J. N. Dawling | daughter |
Morris | Seattle | 12/10/1907 | to wife of J. C. MOrris | daughter |
Olson | 4226 Corliss | 12/11/1907 | to wife of A. Olson | daughter |
Daly | 3212 23d av. W. | 12/12/1907 | to wife of William Daly | daughter |
Wyckoff | 1009 25th N | 12/13/1907 | to wife of L. J. Wyckoff | son |
Reed | 1806 W. Broadway | 12/14/1907 | to wife of T. D. Reed | daughter |
Dixon | 2012 Twenty-fourth S. | 12/15/1907 | to wife of J. W. Dixon | daughter |
Ripley | 415 Belleview | 12/15/1907 | to wife of E. Ripley | daughter |
Gambee | Seattle | 12/16/1907 | to wife of I. C. Gambee | daughter |
Gondo | 708 Maynard | 12/17/1907 | to wife of S. Gondo | daughter |
Newman | 115 Twenty-third av. south | 12/17/1907 | to wife of E. B. Newman | daughter |
Blackmore | West Seattle | 12/18/1907 | to wife of J. F. Blackmore | daughter |
Dreyer | 512 Twenty-eighth av. south | 12/18/1907 | to wife of A. Dreyer | daughter |
Hynes | 612 W. 49th | 12/18/1907 | to wife of T. Hynes | daughter |
Wilson | Renton | 12/18/1907 | to wife of R. H. Wilson | son |
Larson | Columbia | 12/19/1907 | to wife of C. Larson | son |
Bight | 315 Eighth N. | 12/21/1907 | to wife of Earl Bight | son |
Williams | South Park | 12/21/1907 | to wife of C. Williams | son |
Kellogg | 143 Madrona place | 12/22/1907 | to wife of O. B. Kellogg | twins, son and daughter |
Peterson | 523 Twenty-seventh S. | 12/22/1907 | to wife of O. Peterson | son |
Romstead | 529 N. 62nd st. | 12/22/1907 | to wife of H. Romstead | son |
Make | Seattle | 12/23/1907 | to wife of A. Make | daughter |