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Asotin Spirit
April 11, 1884
By F. A. Shaver
"A Busted Mining Room"
The story states that another mining company has been started for the
purpose of finding "Captain Kidds booty",
which is suppose to be
concealed in the town of Asotin,
The mining company has started to
stake out parts of town and the prospectors are waiting to start work.
First the water has to be put in the mining ditch, and then the work
will begin in earnest.
May 9th, the Captain Kidd treasure reported to be concealed in the
gravel bed on which the town of Asotin is located,
is in no immediate
danger of being unearthed, as the mining company formed sometime since,
for working the claims staked out, find it much pleasanter to sit in the
shade and speculate with their mouths
as to the probable richness, than
with pick and shovel to explore for long lost treasure.
Submitted by Carla North
Joseph H. Prentice, who had beensuffering from a tubecular trouble since
last summer, which was considered the outgrowth of an injury received
sometime previous, and whose health had been steadily declining for
several months, died at his home in Asotin at about 11:30 on Thursday
night, December 10th. Funeral was held from the family residence at ten
o'clock Saturday forenoon, services being preached by Rev. J. S. Bell of
the Methodist church and interment was made in the Asotin cemetery.
Joseph H. Prentice was born June 21, 1874, at Heathcote, Ontario, and
there continued residence for a number of years, when he moved with his
people to New York. From New York he came west to Kittson county,
Minnesota where he resided for several years, and where eighteen years
ago he was united in marrriage to Miss Emma Dammarell, at Boulder.
eleven years ago he and his family came to Asotin county and took up
residence at Cloverland. Between seven and eight years ago he moved to
Asotin and up to the time of his taking ill about six months ago was an
employee of the Fulton store, as well as being a representative of one
or two life insurance companies.
Mr. Prentice was one of that happy, congenial disposition, who made
acquaintances easily, which acquaintance rapidly grew into friendship,
and endeavored to always do the honorable thing as between man and man,
in business or other affairs. He was most kind and considerate of his
family, and while he did not possessany realty at the time of his
passing away, he had been most thoughtful of his wife and taken on some
old line life insurance, as well as being a member of the Woodmen of the
World, and carrying the limit of fraternal insurance in that order.
All who knew Josep Prentice will miss his jolly, cordial greeting, and
his wife and two daughters and two sons have the sympathyof all friends
in this their bereavement.
Submitted by Carla North
The Northern Pacific Railway Co., came to Vineland in 1895 to make a survey of the land and to see how much it would cost to set up and irrigating system for our fertile land. Mr. E.H. Libby, after talking to the engineer decided to form the Lewiston Power & Light Co. and get people to invest in setting up a canal, for irrigating. He got one local investor besides himself, George W. Bailey of Asotin. The other investors were out of town people, Charles Francis Adams, L. Abbott, W.H. Bowker, W. Wheeler, all of Massachusetts. the next step was to start selling the land the co., had invested in and in the meantime the canal was completed, and on April 16, 1896 Vineland was platted by the L.W.&P. Co.
Originally the town of Clarkston was platted under the name of Lewiston by the L.W.&P. Co., on October 10, 1896. The name was later changed to Clarkston by a special act of the legislature. The bill passed the Senate and House and finally the name was approved by the Governor March 01, 1901.
Submitted by Carla North
Wm. Honshell passed away very suddenly at his Asotin home Friday evening
last, the cause of death being attributed to acute indigestion. The
funeral was held Sunday afternoon at one o'clock, being conducted by
Rev. J.S. Bell and the burial was made in the Asotin cemetery.
Mr. Honshell was 47 years of age and was a native of Virginia. He came
west a good many years ago and located in the Willamette Valley. About
four years ago he moved to Asotin county, locating at Anatone. He took
up his residence in Asotin about one and one-half years ago. He had not
been in very good health for some time, but his passing away came as a
suprise and shock to everyone. Of his immediate family he leaves a
widow to mourn his loss-having no children. The deceased was a member
of the Odd Fellows' lodge at Anatone and the members of that lodge and
Asotin took charge of the burial services at the cemetery.
Submitted by Carla North
The completion of the superb steel bridge across the Snake River, thus uniting Lewiston with Vineland in Washington, marks a new era in the history of this city and it's immediate enviornments. While the ferry for many years has given as good service as any similar means of transit across the river in this country, yet the rapidly growing community on the Washington side of the Snake River necessitated a bridge, and the bridge is here. The interests of Lewiston will in no way be mared by the building up of Vineland. On the contrary, Vineland will be of incalculable benefit to Lewiston. The people in Vineland, for the most part, will do their business and make their chief investments in Lewiston. Thus the magnificent bridge has practically brought the two communities together, and their interests being identical save for the matter of taxation alone, whatever shall help the same will similarily benefit the other.
Submitted by Carla North
Mrs. C.M. Brantner received word from Pullman Thursday morning announcing the death of Mrs. George Grimes on Wednesday, the cause of death being consumption, and funeral will be held at Pullman today, Friday. Mrs. Grimes will be remembered, having made her home at Asotin for a number of years, her maiden name being Maude Burnette. She was born in Omaha in 1882 and moved with her parents to Asotin, when quite small. She was married nearly thirteen years and besides her husband leaves children. The sympathy of Asotin friends is with the sorrowing husband and children.
Submitted by Carla North
H.D.Powell received a message Wednesday evening from Cottage Grove, Oregon announcing that his brother, Owen Powell, had passed away that day. The remains will be brought to Asotin for internment, but the date of arrival and the time of holding the funeral cannot be given out at this time.
Mr. Powell was about 75 years of age, being a native of Wales. He came to America in1869 and located in Iowa, where residence was continued until 1882. At that time he became imbued with a desire to come to the northwest and on reaching the territory of Washington, settled in the Lewiston flat section of Asotin county, where he secured a considerable body of fine farm land.
About seventeen years ago he ceased active work on the ranch and moved to Asotin, where he made his home for many years. A few years ago his three sons moved to California and after the death of his wife, the deceased went to that state to make his home with his children, moving to Oregon about a year ago. Mr. Powell was one of the pioneers of this section who did much in helping to develop a portion of Asotin county, residing only a few miles from Asotin.He was an excellent Christian gentleman, generous to a fault and charitable towards all. One by one the sturdy citizens of fronteir days are passing away, and in the death of Mr. Powell one of the worthiest has gone. He was a friend to all and all people were his friends.
The deceased leaves three sons--D.O. and Arthur Powell, residing in California , and Liewelyn Powell residing in Cottage Grove, Oregon. He also leaves a brother H.D. Powell, a resident of Asotin.
Submitted by Carla North
Mrs. Walter Flock, a resident of the lower river for the past several years, died yesterday morning at the family apartment in the Porter block, from bright's disease.
Mrs. flock was about 31 years of age and is survived by her little son and husband.
She had been in poor health for some time and the family removed to the city about six weeks ago in order that she might be given the advantages of the best medical attention. Before her marriage, Mrs. Flock was engaged in teaching school in Asotin county and she had many friends in that locality. For the past several years she has resided with her husband on the lower Snake river, where Mr. flock was employed as foreman on the White Bros. and Crum ranches. The funeral was conducted Thursday afternoon from the Vassar Chapel.
Contributed by Carla North