Skagit County Washington
  Death Certificates from 1907

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1907 - 1909

Bryant, Herbert E.
Stats: m/w/single . Born: 24 May 1881 Maine ; Age at death: 27 yrs .. 6 dys . Father: Bryant, Nathaniel J. born Maine ; Mother: Lawrence, Eva L. born Maine . Occupation: millhand . Died: 20 Jun 1908 . Cause of Death: TB . Buried: Arlington . Informant: Hanscom, Morris of McMurray WA
Certificate Number 91
Sedro Woolley
Dameren, Everett Munroe
Stats: m/w/married . Born: 5 Jun 1858 Missouri ; Age at death: 50 yrs--19 dys . Father: Dameren, Willis Murcine ; Mother: Dysart, Annie . Occupation: engineer . Died: 24 Jun 1908 at 1.20 pm . Cause of Death: cerebral hemorrhage . Buried: Tacoma
Certificate Number 92
near Sedro Woolley
Cotter, Adeline
Stats: F/w/married . Born: 1853 Virginia ; Age at death: 55 . Father: Jordan, Wm born US ; Mother: Amos, Delia born US . Occupation: housewife . Died: 24 Jun 1908 at 2:30 pm . Cause of Death: crebral hemorrhage . Buried: Sedro Woolley 25 Jun 1908 . Informant: Jordan, Wm. of Sedro Woolley
Certificate Number 93
Sedro Woolley
Bartl, Ocolet
Stats: f/w . Born: 27 Jun 1908 Skagit County ; Age at death: 4 hours . Father: Bartl, Jacob born Missouri ; Mother: Smith, Christina born California . Died: 27 Jun 1908 at 5 pm . Cause of Death: premature birth . Buried: Clear Lake
Certificate Number 94
Riffe, Thyon Katherine
Stats: f/w . Born: 27 FEb 1906 Edmunds Wn ; Age at death: 2 yrs 3 mos 7 dys . Father: Riffe, R. A. born Texas ; Mother: Beard, Grace born Mainsbee, Mich . Died: 5 Jun 1908 . Cause of Death: intestinal intoxication . Comment: res. of Concrete 2 months . Buried: Sedro Woolley
Certificate Number 95
near Sedro Woolley
Burch, baby
Stats: m/w . Born: 30 Jun 1908 Wash ; Age at death: 5 hrs . Father: Burch, Davis born Iowa ; Mother: Frayzy, Mary born Iowa . Died: 30 Jun 1908 at 7 pm . Cause of Death: premature birth . Buried: near Sedro Woolley
Certificate Number 96
Mt Vernon
Kyland, Martin
Stats: m/w/unknown . Born: 11 Feb 1845 Europe, Ireland ; Age at death: 63 yrs 4 mos 11 dys . Occupation: carpenter . Died: 22 Jun 1908 . Cause of Death: cancer of stomach . Buried: Mt Vernon
Certificate Number 97
Mt Vernon
Kamb, Sadie
Stats: f/w/married . Born: 1 Jul 1870 Pennsylvania ; Age at death: 37 yrs 11 mos 21 dys . Father: Rutter, Robert born PA ; Mother: Rutter, Re? Allen . Occupation: housewife . Died: 22 Jun 1908 . Cause of Death: tb . Informant: Kamb, John of Mt Vernon
Certificate Number 98
Sedro Woolley
Breene, Mary Jane E.
Stats: f/w/s . Born: 8 Oct 1890 Washington ; Age at death: 17 yrs 8 mos 21 dys . Father: Breene, Lewis born Ohio ; Mother: Collins, Martha born Ohio . Died: 29 Jun 1908 at 2:15 pm . Cause of Death: tb . Buried: Sedro Woolley 30 Jun 1908 . Informant: Conway, Mrs of Sedro Woolley
Certificate Number 99
Sedro Woolley
Barreau, Annie
Stats: f/w/s Canada ; Age at death: 25 yrs . Father: Barreau, Matt born Canada ; Mother: Barreau, Emily born Canada . Died: 11 Jun 1908 at 7:30 pm . Cause of Death: tb . Buried: Sedro Woolley
Certificate Number 100
McKoy, Eliza
Stats: f/w/widow . Born: 4 Jun 1840 Montbridges Canada ; Age at death: 67 yrs 11 mos 25 dys . Father: Porter, Joseph born Ireland ; Mother: Hears?, Eliza born Ireland . Occupation: no . Died: 24 May 1908 at 10 pm . Cause of Death: pneumonia following lagriffe. Comment: resident of Sedro Wooley . Buried: Burlington Cem . Informant: McKoy, Joseph P. of Burlington
Certificate Number 101
Fulk, Earl Maynard
Stats: m/w/single . Born: 28 Nov 1894 Wash ; Age at death: 13 yrs 6 mo . Father: Fulk, Owen born Indianna ; Mother: Inman, Tola born Iowa . Occupation: student . Died: 15 May 1908 . Cause of Death: heart trouble due to rheumation complicated with brights . Buried: Bay View
Certificate Number 102
Hedland, John Aurthur
Stats: male/white . Born: 12 Dec 1904 Sweden ; Age at death: 3 yrs 6 mos . Father: Hedland, Johanis born Sweden ; Mother: Lindquist, Alma born Sweden . Died: 1 Jul 1908 at 3 pm . Cause of Death: Some vegtable (sic) poison from the surrounding timber got while playing . Buried: Pleasant Ridge
Certificate Number 103
not listed
Jones, John Lee
Stats: m/w/widowed . Born: 2 Jul ... Indiana ; Age at death: ? yrs 6 mos 27 dys . Father: Jones, Samuel born US ; Mother: Jones, Margret born US . Occupation: carpenter . Died: 2 Jul 1908 at 1 pm . Cause of Death: Brights Disease complicated with heart trouble former residence Iowa lived Skagit Co 1 1/2 yrs . Buried: LOTM Cem.
Certificate Number 104
Oltmanns, Henry
Stats: male/white . Born: 18 Jan 1900 Neb ; Age at death: 8 yrs 3 mos 20 dys . Father: Oltman, born Germany ; Mother: Frierichs, Thade born Germany . Died: 12 Apr 1908 . Cause of Death: Drowning his body was recoved Jun 29th 1908 (comment...this surname spelt three different ways) . Buried: Burlington Cem . Informant: Oltmanns, Geo of Belfast
Certificate Number 105
McClelland, Geo. Arthur
Stats: male/white . Born: 16 Sep 1907 Skagit Co WA ; Age at death: 8 mos . Father: McClelland, Wm. born Ohio ; Mother: Metcalf, Nellie born Minn . Died: 16 May 1908 at 3:40 pm . Cause of Death: obstruction of the bowels peritinitis . Buried: Burlington Cem . Informant: McClelland, C. F. of Burlington WA
Certificate Number 106
Sedro Woolley
Russell, Laura Gerturde
Stats: female/white . Born: 14 Sep 1904 Whatcom Co WA ; Age at death: 3 yrs 9 mos 17 dys . Father: Russel, Jas. L. born Cannada (sic) ; Mother: Davidson, Ida born Snohomish Co WA . Occupation: girl . Died: 5 Jul 1908 at 2 pm . Cause of Death: Shock. childs dress caught a fire burning 1/2 of body. Four hours later they brought her to me. Comment: Extensive burns treated for 1 1/2 days . Buried: Sedro Woolley
Certificate Number 107
near Sedro Woolley
Jenkins, Infant
Stats: female/white . Born: 2 Jul 1908 WA . Father: Jenkins, Harry born South Wales ; Mother: Kimsey, Eva born Wash . Died: 2 Jul 1908 . Cause of Death: Atelexasis . Buried: Sedro Woolley 3 Jul 1908
Certificate Number 108
Mt Vernon
Limmon, stillborn
Stats: female/white . Born: 24 Jul 1908 Mt Vernon WA . Father: Limmon, Miles D. born Indiana ; Mother: Cays, Marissa E. born Michigan . Died: 24 Jul 1908 at 2:30 pm . Cause of Death: still born due to accidental fall of mother Jul 24 1908 . Buried: Pleasant Ridge
Certificate Number 109
Mt Vernon
Sharfenberg, Joseph
Stats: male/white/married Germany ; Age at death: 75 yrs 13 dys born Germany born Germany . Occupation: farmer . Died: 21 Jul 1908 at 8 pm . Cause of Death: apoplexy . Buried: Pleasant Ridge . Informant: Sharfenberg, Albert, R. F. D. #4 Mt Vernon
Certificate Number 110
Mt Veron(sic)
Edward, Mary
Stats: femall/Indian (white had been crossed out) Kagett Co. (Skagit ; Age at death: 6 yrs 6 mos . Father: Edward, Henery (sic) born Kagitt Co (sic) ; Mother: Johnson, L...(this guy covered up bad spelling by bad writing) born Skagitt Co(sic) . Occupation: laborer . Died: 21 Jul 1908 . Cause of Death: Drowning by falling off a log in Skagit River near R. R. Bridge . Informant: Edward, Henery of Mt Veron(sic)
Certificate Number 111
Mt Vernon
Tillman, Robert Irving
Stats: male/white . Born: 11 Dec 1907 Minnesota ; Age at death: 7 mos 14 dys . Father: Tillman, Edward born Indiana ; Mother: King, Edna born Minnesota . Died: 25 Jul 1908 at 6 am . Cause of Death: whooping cough . Buried: Burlington . Informant: Eplin, Mary I. of Mt Vernon
Certificate Number 112
poor farm
Eagan, James
Stats: male/white/married . Born: 15 Apr 1830 Liverpool England ; Age at death: 78 yrs 1 mo 16 dys born England probably born Probably England . Occupation: laborer . Died: 31 May 1908 . Cause of Death: old age hastened by an attack of influzena . Buried: Pleasant Ridge 2 June 1908
Certificate Number 113
Mt Vernon
Dawson, baby
Stats: male/white . Born: 5 Jul 1908 Mt Vernon . Father: Dawson, Rexford born Avon Wash ; Mother: Steen, Edith born Blain (sic) Wash . Died: 5 Jul 1908 at 11pm . Cause of Death: stillborn
Certificate Number 114
Mt Vernon
Netherlund, Anna Victoria
Stats: f/w/s Wash ; Age at death: 14 yrs 9 mos 25 dys . Father: Netherlund, J. O. born Sweden ; Mother: Netherlund, Bertha born Sweden . Occupation: school girl . Died: 26 Jul 1908 . Cause of Death: tb of lungs....... . Buried: Mt Vernon WA
Certificate Number 115
Sedro Woolley
Sullivan, Jerry
Stats: male/white/married . Born: 20 May 1883 Minnesota ; Age at death: 25 yrs 2 mos 3 dys . Father: Sullivan, Timothy M. born Maine ; Mother: Sullivan, Mary born Maine . Occupation: laborer . Died: 23 Jul 1908 at 6 pm . Cause of Death: cerebral hyperemia Comment: while...healed bathing in cold water. Usual Residence: Thornwood WA . Buried: Quoka Minn? . Informant: Cain, D. J. of Thornwood WA
Certificate Number 116
Benn, Maggie
Stats: female/white/single . Born: 29 Feb 1888 Minn ; Age at death: 20 yrs 3 mos 29 dys . Father: Benn, Edwd born Canada ; Mother: Elliott, Mary born Iowa . Occupation: domestic . Died: 29 Jun 1908 at 5 pm . Cause of Death: TB . Buried: Anacortes
Certificate Number 117
Anderson, Henry William
Stats: male/white . Born: 30 May 1908 Washington ; Age at death: 10 dys . Father: Anderson, Chas Wm born Minn ; Mother: Brokers, Annie born Nebraska . Died: 8 Jun 1908 at 11 pm . Cause of Death: asphyxia
Certificate Number 118
Larsen, L. C.
Stats: male/white/married . Born: 10 May 1849 Norway ; Age at death: 59 yrs 1 mo 11 dys . Father: Larson, C. born Norway born Norway . Occupation: farmer . Died: 12 Jul 1908 . Cause of Death: cardiac astheria Comment: Usual Residence was Friday Harbor . Buried: Friday Harbor . Informant: Larson, L. B. of Friday Harbor
Certificate Number 119
Hutton, Henry Curtis
Stats: male/white/married . Born: 11 Nov 1851 Indiana ; Age at death: 56 yrs 7 mos 19 dys . Father: Hutton, James born Ohio ; Mother: Munden, Elizabeth born Ohio . Occupation: farmer . Died: 20 Jun 1908 at 9:50 pm . Cause of Death: cancer of rectum . Buried: Anacortes . Informant: Hutton, J. W. of Anacortes
Certificate Number 120
Miyakama, M.
Stats: male/single . Born Japan . Occupation: laborer . Died: 15 Aug 1908 at 12:30 am . Cause of Death: typhoid fever . Buried: Anacortes
Certificate Number 121
Whiteley, Gordon Henry
Stats: male/white . Born: 11 Mar 1906 Washington ; Age at death: 2 yrs 6 mos 13 ys . Father: Whiteley, Thos Albert born Haufax England ; Mother: Mooney, Ruby born Mt . Died: 24 Aug 1908 at 8 am . Cause of Death: dipheheria . Buried: Anacortes
Certificate Number 122
Lund, Erick
Stats: male/white Norway ; Age at death: abt 55 yrs . Father: Lund, . Died: 20 Aug 1908 . Cause of Death: run over by G. N. Train no. 287 . Buried: Mt. Vernon . Informant: Wills, Ed Deputy sherriff(sic)
Certificate Number 123
Sedro-Woolley, near
Peterman, Earl
Stats: male/white . Born: 30 Jun 1906 Skagit WA ; Age at death: 2 yrs 1 mo 11 dys . Father: Peterman, James W. born Wisconsin ; Mother: Shepard, Lydia born Wisconsin . Died: 10 Aug 1908 at 5 pm . Cause of Death: cholera infantine . Informant: Freday, John of Sedro-Woolley
Certificate Number 124
Ross, Harry or Harry Moore
Stats: male/white ; Age at death: 30 yrs . Occupation: laborer . Died: 3 Aug 1908 . Cause of Death: he was run over by G.N. freight 1702 at Burlington was tring (sic) to steal a ride.
Certificate Number 125
LaConner Skagit Valley Hospital
Wicker, Fred
Stats: male/white/ . Born: 7 Aug 1908 Wales ; Age at death: 32 yrs . Occupation: labor . Died: 11 Aug 1908 abt 8 am . Cause of Death: Injury to spine . Comment paralysis and hypropysexia . Buried: Bay View
Certificate Number 127
Sedro Woolley
Reno, Benj. Franklin
Stats: male/white/widowed . Born: 9 Oct 1830 Penn ; Age at death: 77 yrs 10 mos 15 dys . Father: Reno, Lewis born Penn ; Mother: Vorberg, Mary born New York . Occupation: ? . Died: 24 Aug 1908 at 4 pm . Cause of Death: senility . Buried: Marengo? Iowa
Certificate Number 128
McNaughton, baby (no name on certificate)
Stats: male/white . Born: 30 Aug 1908 Sedro-Woolley ; Age at death: 29 hours . Father: McNaughton, Chas born Mich ; Mother: Davidson, Florence Harriet born Mich . Died: 31 Aug 1908 at 9 pm . Cause of Death: Inaantron? . Comment Instrumental delivery
Certificate Number 129
Stats: male/white . Died: . Cause of Death: most likely suicide . Comment This body was found 30 May 1908 under the Opera House . Buried: Anacortes 3 Jun 1908
Certificate Number 130
Edison - residence near Edison
Stearns, John J.
Stats: male/white . Born: 6 Feb 1841 Ohio ; Age at death: 67 yrs 7 mos 6 dys . Father: Stearns, William born Pennsylvania ; Mother: Smith, Catherine . Occupation: farmer . Died: 12 Sep 1908 . Cause of Death: Chronic heart disease . Buried: Bay View Cemetery 14 Sep 1908 . Informant: Johnson, W. H. of Bellingham WA
Certificate Number 131
Lillbeck, John
Stats: male/white/widowed Finland . Occupation: Laborer . Died: 27 Sep 1908 at 7:20 am . Cause of Death: Rupture of stomach and bowel by a shingle bolt falling upon him (accident occured in McMurray 26 Sep 1908) Comment: usual Resident McMurray . Buried: Sedro-Woolley 27 Sep 1908
Certificate Number 132
none listed
Claiborn, W.
Stats: male/white/married Tenneisse (sic) ; Age at death: 34 yrs . Father: Claiborn, Mr. born Tennisse (sic) . Occupation: shingle weaver . Died: 6 Aug 1908 . Cause of Death: drowning on Skagit River at Rockport . Buried: Sedro-woolley . Informant: Claiborn, Mrs. L. of 1311 First Bellingham
Certificate Number 133
Arnold, Baby
Stats: male/white . Born: 27 Aug 1908 Sauk ; Age at death: 2 dys . Father: Arnold, Frank born Nebraska ; Mother: Smith, Mabel born Nebraska . Died: 29 Aug 1908 at 7 pm . Cause of Death: congenital malformation
Certificate Number 134
Thomas, Katherine
Stats: female/white/single . Born: 10 Aug 1893 Washington ; Age at death: 14 yrs 11 mos 29 dys . Father: Thomas, John born England ; Mother: Thomas, Mayaran born England . Died: 9 Aug 1908 at 9 am . Cause of Death: pericious Anaemia
Certificate Number 135
Clear Lake
Womach, (Infant)
Stats: male/white . Born: 30 Sep 1908 Wash ; Age at death: 2 dys . Father: Womach, Charles born Ore ; Mother: Jensen, Millie born Minn . Died: 3 Oct 1908 at4 am . Cause of Death: Ininition . Buried: Clear Lake
Certificate Number 136
Mt Vernon
Sather, premature born
Stats: male/white . Born: 15 Sep 1908 Mt Vernon ; Age at death: 19 hrs . Father: Sather, Peter born Norway ; Mother: Johnson, Freda born Sweden . Died: 15 Sep 1908 at 9:30 pm . Cause of Death: premature born 6th month . Buried: Conway
Certificate Number 137
Kendall, Sylvester Peter
Stats: male/white/married . Born: 3 Feb 1865 near Logans Point Ind ; Age at death: 43 yrs . Father: Kendall, Henry born Kentucky ; Mother: ..., Winifred T. born Ireland . Occupation: farmer . Died: 0 Sep 1908 . Cause of Death: Accidental discharge of a shoot gun . Buried: Pleasant Ridge 16 Sep 1908
Certificate Number 138
Peterson, Anne Agnes
Stats: Female/white/single . Born: 25 June 1895 Michigan ; Age at death: 15 yrs 3 mos 23 dys . Father: Peterson, John born Sweden ; Mother: Pearson, Nellie born Sweden . Died: 16 Sep 1908 at 10:30 am . Cause of Death: TB . Buried: Bore WA 17 Sep 1908
Certificate Number 139
Holmquist, Maria
Stats: female/white/married . Born: 11 Dec 1851 Finnland (sic) ; Age at death: 56 yrs 10 mos 6 dys . Father: Fagarnas, Matt. born Finnland (sic) ; Mother: Fagernas, Maria born Finnland (sic) . Occupation: Housewife . Died: 17 Sep 1908 at 8:40 pm . Cause of Death: Acute dilatation of heart. Croupous Pneumonia Buried: Mt Vernon . Informant: Holmquist, John
Certificate Number 140
Henderson, Herman
Stats: male/white/single . Born: 16 Apr 1876 Sweden ; Age at death: 22 yrs 4 mos 18 dys . Father: Henderson E...? born Sweden ; Mother: ...Geda? born Sweden . Occupation: Laborer . Died: 5 Sep 1908 . Cause of Death: Fracture of both legs Comment: shock Buried: Bay View . Informant: Bursen, Herman of Bay View
Certificate Number 141
Bull, Mary
Stats: female/1/2 breed (sic)/married British Columbia ; Age at death: 50 yrs . Father: Iotte born British Columbia ; Mother: Ignac born British Columbia . Occupation: Housewife . Died: 4 Sep 1908 at 6 pm . Cause of Death: Shock. Post Operation . Carcinoma of Uterus Comment: Usual Residence Orcas Island Buried: Orcas Island . Informant: Bull, Alford of East Sound
Certificate Number 142
Whitney, E.T.
Stats: male/white ; Age at death: 38 yrs . Occupation: Saloon keeper . Died: 7 Sep 1908 at 12:15 am . Cause of Death: Alcoholism Buried: Anacortes
Certificate Number 143
Straw, Harry
Stats: male/white/married . Father: Straw, L.R.? born US ; Mother: Ayar, Carolina born US . Occupation: watch maker . Died: 13 Sep 1908 . Cause of Death: Pulmonary ... Buried: Anacortes WA . Informant: Straw, Kate E. of Anacortes WA
Certificate Number 144
Mt Vernon
Peterman, Abram
Stats: male/white/married . Born: Ohio ; Age at death: 76 yrs . Occupation: laborer . Died: 15 Sep 1908 . Cause of Death: chronic ...old age Buried: IOOF Cem Mt Vernon 16 Sep 1908
Certificate Number 145

Green, Edgar
Stats: male/white/single . Born: 6 Jul 1881 Michigan ; Age at death: 27 yrs 3 mos 7 dys . Father: Green, Irvin ; Mother: Freeman, Hattie . Occupation: Rail Roader . Died: 13 Oct 1908 . Cause of Death: external injuries caused by being caught between two cars Buried: Sedro-Woolley 15 Oct 1908 . Informant: Monroe, D. W. of Sedro Woolley
Certificate Number 146
Saulsburry, William Clark
Stats: male/white/single . Born: 15 Feb 1880 Washington D. C. ; Age at death: 28 yrs 4 mos 1 dy . Father: Saulsburry, John M., born Ill ; Mother: Bronson, Maggie, born Washington D. C. . Occupation: General laborer . Died: 16 Jun 1908 . Cause of Death: drowning Buried: Sedro Woolley 17 Oct 1908
Certificate Number 147
Stevens, Velvora
Stats: female/white . Born: 21 Aug 1908 Snohomish Co WA ; Age at death: 2 mos 3 dys . Father: Stevens, Henry born Vermont ; Mother: Johnson, Essie born Minnesota . Died: 24 Oct 1908 at 3 am . Cause of Death: bronchitis Comment: malnutrition Buried: McMurray 25 Oct 1908
Certificate Number 148
Vlasich, John
Stats: male/white/married . Born: 12 Dec 1877 Austria ; Age at death: 30 yrs 10 mos 15 dys . Father: Vlasich, Jns. born Austria ; Mother: Boljtolo, Lucy born Austria . Occupation: laborer . Died: 27 Oct 1908 at 8:00 pm . Cause of Death: internal injuries following accident in...Quarry. Buried: Seattle
Certificate Number 149
Sauk, Thomas
Stats: male/Indian/married . Born: One Rie? Skagit . Father: Elk born Skagit River ; Mother: Sussie, Oev.? born Skagit . Occupation: none . Died: 22 Oct 1908 . Cause of Death: Intoxication and exposure Buried: Sauk WA
Certificate Number 150
Mt Vernon
Jewett, Walter
Stats: male/white . Born: 21 May 1906 Washington ; Age at death: 2 yrs 5 Mos . Father: Jewett, John W. born Wisconsin ; Mother: Crowder, Elzord born Tennessee . Died: 21 Oct 1908 at 11:30 pm . Cause of Death: Bronchial pnemonitis (fathers occupation probable teamster) Buried: Burlington 23 Oct 1908
Certificate Number 151
Nelson, Charles
Stats: male/white/single . Born: Sweden ; Age at death: 27 months . Father: Nelson, Gust born Sweden ; Mother: Peterson, Caroline born Sweden . Died: 12 Oct 1908 . Cause of Death: tb
Certificate Number 152
Murphy, Ethel
Stats: female/white ; Age at death: 14 yrs . Father: Murphy, Wm. . Died: 11 Oct 1908 at 8 pm . Cause of Death: Endocardilis chronic...
Certificate Number 153
Bay View
Ranous, Bethuel Corter
Stats: male/white/married . Born: 30 Mar 1834 Ontario Canada ; Age at death: 74 yrs 6 mos . Father: Ranous, James born Ontario Canada ; Mother: Corter, Rachel born York State . Occupation: mechanic . Died: 30 Sep 1908 . Cause of Death: heart failure Comment: Brights disease Buried: Bay View . Informant: Ranous, Mrs. E. J.
Certificate Number 154
Sedro Woolley
Terwilligar, Nancy
Stats: female/white/married . Born: 20 Jun 1834 Canada ; Age at death: 74 yrs 4 mos 1 dy . Father: Bailey, John T. born Mass. ; Mother: Stonner, Mary born Canada . Occupation: none . Died: 21 Oct 1908 . Cause of Death: general droxy Buried: Sedro Woolley . Informant: Terwilligar, Charles of Sedro Woolley
Certificate Number 155
Dolph, Eunice R.
Stats: female/white/married . Born: 28 Feb 1854 tapann (best I can do)?Canada ; Age at death: 52 yrs 7 mo 7 dys . Father: Beckwith, Wm born London England ; Mother: Smith, Maria born London England . Occupation: housewife . Died: 5 Oct 1908 at 11 pm . Cause of Death: cancer of the womb Comment: since 1906 Buried: Anacortes . Informant: Dolph, W D.
Certificate Number 156
Hildenburg, Frank David
Stats: male/white/married . Born: 4 Sep 1876 Wisconsin ; Age at death: 32 yrs 1 mo 2 dys . Father: Hildenburg born France ; Mother: Hughes, born New York . Occupation: baker . Died: 6 Oct 1908 at 7 pm . Cause of Death: typhoid fever Buried: Anacortes Wa . Informant: Hildenburg, Mrs of Anacortes
Certificate Number 157
Anderson, Hans Andreas
Stats: male/white/married . Born: 8 Oct 1851 Norway ; Age at death: 57 yrs 4 dys . Father: Anderson, Jonas Smith born Norway ; Mother: Amonson, Andrea Johanna born Norway . Occupation: Sfa (?) Engineer and machinest . Died: 12 Oct 1908 . Cause of Death: dilatation of heart Buried: Anacortes . Informant: Anderson, H. L Anderson of Anacortes WA
Certificate Number 158
Nelson, Jens. O.
Stats: male/white/married . Born: 8 May 1871 Norway ; Age at death: 37 yrs 5 mos 14 dys . Father: Nelson born Norway born Norway . Occupation: fisherman . Died: 22 Oct 1908 at 5:30 am . Cause of Death: tb Buried: Anacortes WA . Informant: Nelson, Mrs J. O of Anacortes
Certificate Number 159
Kushell, ??
Stats: male/white/married . Born: 9 Apr 1832 ?? ; Age at death: 87 yrs 6 mos ??dys . Father: Kushell, Caleb born ?? ?? born ?? . Occupation: ?? . Died: 2 Oct 1908 at 7:15 pm . Cause of Death: appoplexy Buried: Iowa . Informant: Kushell,???of LaConnor
Certificate Number 160
Crorrley, baby
Stats: male/white . Born: 10 Oct 1908 Skagit ; Age at death: 1 day . Father: Crowsley, Geo born Neb ; Mother: McKinzey, Maude born Kansas . Died: 11 Oct 1908 at 4 pm Comment: (surname spelt 3 different ways...) Buried: R.O.T.M.Cem. . Informant: Crossleyee?, Burlington
Certificate Number 161
Grant, Ross
Stats: male/white/married . Born: Oct 1884 Tilbury Ontario ; Age at death: 24 yrs . Father: Grant, William born Ontario ; Mother: Waltan, born Ontario . Occupation: teamster . Died: 17 Oct 1908 . Cause of Death: pneumonia Comment: cold and exposure Buried: LOSM Cem. . Informant: Bennett, D. of Burlington Wa
Certificate Number 162
Mt Vernon
Danielson, Gina
Stats: female/white/single . Born: 21 Aug 1888 Skagit Co WA ; Age at death: 20 yrs 2 mos 1 dy . Father: Danielson, Nels born Norway ; Mother: Holm, Anna born Norway . Occupation: housekeeping . Died: 26 Oct 1908 . Cause of Death: tb Buried: Millton WA . Informant: Holm, Ole of Fir WA
Certificate Number 163
Mt Vernon
Horn, Arthur E.
Stats: male/white/single . Born: 8 Aug 1908 (sic) Horn's Pier, Wis ; Age at death: 31 ys 2 mos 22 dys . Father: Horn, W. H. born Germany ; Mother: Strinke, born Germany . Occupation: millowner . Died: 30 Oct 1908 at 3 pm . Cause of Death: accidental discharge of loaded shotgun Buried: IOOF Cem Mt Vernon
Certificate Number 164
Sedro Woolley
Martin, Lucy Cook
Stats: female/white/married . Born: 10 Jan 1881 Michigan ; Age at death: 27 yrs 10 mo 5 days . Father: Cook, Fred F. born New York ; Mother: Thomas, Mary born New York . Occupation: housewife . Died: 15 Nov 1908 at 11:15 pm . Cause of Death: exhaustion from vomiting Heart failure Comment: surgical operation for removal of ovary ... Buried: Sedro Woolley . Informant: Martin, Chas. M. of Sedro Woolley
Certificate Number 165
Sedro Woolley
Gerdon, Charles
Stats: male/white/single . Born: 10 Jul 1892 Wash ; Age at death: 16 yrs 3 mos 23 dys . Father: Gerdon, W. J. born Indiana ; Mother: Colner, Sarah born Indiana . Occupation: student . Died: 3 Nov 1908 . Cause of Death: tb Buried: Sedro Woolley . Informant: Gerdon, Ira O. of Sedro Woolley
Certificate Number 166
Sedro Woolley at Frazer Hospital
Mansur, Luther
Stats: male/white . Born: 21 Oct 1902 Washington ; Age at death: 6 yrs 14 dys . Father: Mansur, George born Wisconsin ; Mother: Macomber, Anna born Wisconsin . Died: 3 Nov 1908 at 1:25 pm . Cause of Death: menigitis Comment: Resident of Lyman Buried: Lyman . Informant: Mansur, Geo of Lyman WA
Certificate Number 167
Sedro Woolley
Keyes, C. W. Mrs
Stats: female/white/widowed . Born: 10 Dec 1842 Illinois ; Age at death: 65 yrs 11 mos 4 dys . Father: Collins, Fredrick born Conn. ; Mother: Collins, Mary Louise . Occupation: housewife . Died: 14 Nov 1908 at 6:20 am . Cause of Death: exhaustion following exprtoxin Buried: Minniapolis Minn . Informant: Keys, Lorine of Sedro Woolley
Certificate Number 168
Greely, Edith
Stats: female/white/married . Born: 27 Aug 1889 Wisconsin ; Age at death: 19 yrs 2 mos 9 dys . Father: Mansur, George born Wisconsin ; Mother: McCumber, Anna born Wisconsin . Occupation: housewife . Died: 5 Nov 1908 at 7:50 am . Cause of Death: tb Comment: (This is second child lost in 2 days) Buried: Lyman WA . Informant: Mansur, Geo of Lyman WA
Certificate Number 170

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