Historical News items
of Lincoln County Pioneers
Submitted by Barbara Curtis
Page 1..........News items listed chronologically....... by date
The Sprague Herald, December 20, 1888
All citizens of Lincoln county interested in securing the admission of Washington Territory into the union as a State, are hereby requested to assemble at the council chambers in this city on Saturday evening next, 22dst., for the purpose of choosing delegates to attend a Territorial convention to be held at Ellensburg on January 3rd, 1889, for the purpose of discussing the admission question and taking such steps as may be deemed advisable toward securing this Territory's enrollment in the galaxy of States of the Union. The basis of representation is one delegate to every 500 or major fraction thereof, and one at large from each county. By order of the Mayor. *
Herald, Sprague, Washington Territory, Thursday, May 3, 1888
JOHN INNES, commonly known as "PORTUGUESE JOE," on
Tuesday last, while
driving a roller harrow on his farm met with a very serious accident. In some way his team became frightened and ran away, throwing him under the
harrow in such a position that one of the rollers passed over his legs cutting one of them through to the bone. He was removed to this city and
is now at the Commercial Hotel undergoing treatment. Mr. Innes is one of the
best known men in this section of the Territory, having a fine property on Crab Creek. While his injury is indeed serious it is hoped that he will
suffer no permanent results. Submitted
by Barbara Curtis, September 29,2003
The Sprague Herald, Wednesday, September 7,1892
Mr. THOMAS McALLISTER was shocked last Thursday by the receipt of a telegram announcing the death of his baby at Laramie, Wyoming. Mrs. McALLLISTER had been at Hot Springs, Ark., and while there the baby was taken ill. After a short time the little one so far recovered as to warrant Mrs. McAllister in starting for home. Soon after, however, the baby getting worse again, Mrs. McAllister was compelled to stop off at Laramie for treatment, but without avail as the little innocent passed away. The broken hearted mother, accompanied by the remains of her only child reached Sprague on Saturday evening and on Sunday all that was mortal of REATHA ALCINDA McALLISTER was buried at Lakeview cemetery, REV. W. H. SELLECK officiating. The following letter from the attending physician at Laramie will be read with interest:
"Laramie, Wyo., Aug 30, 1892
Mr. Thos McAllister
Sprague, Washington
Mr. Dear Sir:
At the special request of your wife, I write to tell you the particulars of the sickness and death of your baby. About two o'clock this afternoon I received a telegram from the conductor of train No. 7, stating that a very sick child was on his train and that he wanted me to be at depot upon his arrival. He feared that the child would not live until the train reached Laramie. At 3:25 I saw the little suffering babe and at once told the weeping mother that I feared it was too late, but the only hope there was for the little one was to get off the train and give it the best of care. Mr. STEPHEN BOYD kindly offered to take your wife and baby to his house and thither we went at once and immediately proceeded to do all in our power for the little one, but all in vain. She passed away at 6:15 p.m. Mr. Boyd and his family, the REV. MR. WAAGE, the train crew, the U. P. officials and many passengers tendered sympathy and all the aid that lay in their power. Although your wife was among strangers, she found many kind hearted people in her sad affliction. I remain yours faithfully, H. L. STEVENS, M.D., Laramie, Wyo." To all the kind people both at home and en route who so generously volunteered all assistance within their power during their terrible trial and sad affliction Mr. and Mrs. THOMAS McALLISTER return their heartfelt thanks.
The Laramie Daily Boomerang, Aug 31,1892
Mrs. Thomas McAllister, of Sprague, Washington, who was a passenger yesterday afternoon on No. &, returning to her home from a trip to Arkansas hot springs, was obliged to stop off in Laramie on account of the illness of her little child, eight months old. She went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. STEPHEN BOYD on the west side. The child had cholera infantum and died at 6:20 last evening. She resumed her sad journey home this morning on No. 1 with the remains.
The Sprague Herald, Wednesday, October 25, 1893
About 2:30 yesterday the continued whistling of DAVE VINYARD's wood sawing engine warned the people that a fire was in progress. Another instant and the fire department with its apparatus was making for the residence of Mr. THOS MCALLISTER, situated on the hill on the north side of town, being the corner of D and Fourth streets north. The elevated position of the building made the sight a commanding one and also made it a very arduous undertaking to get the hose in place almost a thousand feet being necessary to reach the house from the nearest hydrant. However the firemen and citizens generally lent a helping hand. But owing to the length of the hose and the elevation to which the water had to be raised but very little pressure could be obtained, and a fire which would have been easily subjugated anywhere else within reaching distance was of necessity allowed to burn itself out, as before any kind of a stream could be obtained the building was one mass of flames. Eager hands removed articles of furniture as could be got at and the rest was swallowed up by the flames. Mr. McAllister's family were in the building at the time the fire was discovered and Mr. McAllister had only returned to his harness store from lunch about a half hour previously. The fire was supposed to have originated by sparks from the kitchen chimney dropping upon the roof and being fanned into a flame by the rather stiff breeze which was prevailing at the time. Besides the loss of almost all of their furniture, the personal effects and clothing of Mr. and Mrs. McAllister and the children were all destroyed. Mr. McAllister carried $1,150 insurance upon the building and $500 upon the contents. He estimated the total loss at $1,500 and above the insurance.
The Sprague Herald, Wednesday, November 15,1893
THOS. McALLISTER, whose residence was destroyed by fire a short time since, is now occupying the second story of his First street brick.
The Sprague Herald, Wednesday, December 10,1893
Through A. W. HOLLAND & SON'S insurance agency, Mr. THOS. McALLISTER was, on Monday, paid the $500 insurance occasioned by the burning of his household effects a short time ago. The $1,150 on his house will be paid in a day or two.
The Sprague Herald, Wednesday, Jul 25, 1894
Mr. THOMAS McALLISTER has purchased the residence property of Mr. H. A. SPEAR, on the corner of Second and E streets, and expects to move into the house on or about August 1st. Consideration $1,050. The change was made necessary owing to Mrs. McAllister's poor health, it being too hard a task for her to climb the flight of stairs leading to their present second-story apartments.
Submitted on March 1, 2004 by Jan Mackie
The Sprague Herald, Nov 29, 1893
Last Saturday, at La Grande, Or., WILL PLUMB, son of Engineer PLUMB, formerly of Sprague, was the innocent cause of the death of a school mate by the accidental explosion of a gun in the hands of young PLUMB, the contents of which entered the body of SHERMAN KENT, a 12 year old boy who, with others, was shooting at a mark. Death followed immediately. WILLIE PLUMB is the grandson of Mr. G. G. OSBORN of this city and a nephew of Mrs. M. VETTER. *
The Sprague Herald, Dec 20, 1893
Mrs. A. J. WELLS, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. GIBSON of this city, died at her home at Portland, Or., on Sunday last, the bereaved parents being advised by telegraph on Monday. The Herald has been unable to obtain further particulars, but the following Portland telegram published in yesterdays' Spokane Review is self explanatory: Mrs. ALICE J. WELLS, a follower of Mrs. GEORGE H. WILLIAMS, the faith-cure priestess, died Sunday night of starvation. She was attempting to purify her soul by starving her body. A short time ago she fasted 40 days on bread and claret, and had begun a 40 days' fast on bread and water. She reached the 35th day. Saturday evening she collapsed and died the next day. The coroner will hold and inquest tomorrow and as Mrs. Williams has been summoned developments are expected. *
"The Owls" is the name of a new whist club just organized in this city with the avowed intention of having a royal good time this winter over the whist tables. They met in solemn(?) circle at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. SPAULDING, corner of 3d and E Sts., last Friday evening. The following half dozen young, bursting , blushing buds, and the full compliment of bold and gallant chevaliers are the members: Misses LIZZIE TREWICK, NELLIE HIGGINS, LORA SMITH, HILDA and ANNA LEENS and Miss JENNIE MEAGHER; Messrs. V. D. MILLER, L. F. WILLIAMS, J. J. DONOVAN, JESSE NEWMAN, GUY LINDSAY and CLAY SHIPMAN. Effervescing refreshments were served, and the evening was spent in a jolly, giddy, good time. This week Friday, they will meet with Miss TREWICK, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. GEO. H. GILPAN, corner of G and lst street. *
The Sprague Herald, December 27, 1893
Death of the Gentleman After Whom this City was Named
From yesterday's Spokane Review we clip the following sketch of the life of GEN. JOHN W. SPRAGUE who died at this home in Tacoma last Sunday afternoon. It was in his honor that his city obtained its name: On leaving the army GEN. SPRAGUE became general manager of the Winona & St. Peter railroad, and from there came to Washington territory in 1870 as general superintendent, assistant treasurer and assistant land commissioner of the North Pacific Railroad Company, which position he resigned in 1877 to become general superintendent of the Oregon Steam Navigation Company with headquarters at Portland. In 1879, at the urgent request of the Hon. FREDRICK BILLINGS, C. B. WRIGHT and B. P. CHENEY of Boston he again took charge of North Pacific affairs on the Pacific coast as general superintendent and assistant treasurer and land commissioner, and built the Pend d' Oreille division, resigning in 1883 on account of his health and needed rest. He afterward for many years was president of the Tacoma National bank and the Olympia and Tenino railroad. He leaves a large estate, a wife, four sons and a daughter, to whom he was much attached. Gen. Sprague had a large circle of acquaintances and was respected by all. In Spokane he was well known, and had a large circle of friends here. All old-time Sprague citizens remember the late General well and will be profoundly sorry to learn of his death. *
The Lincoln County Times, Davenport WA, March 29, 1895
It is said the body of ED PORTER, formerly of Davenport, was found among the tullies of the lake near Sprague a few days ago, where he had fallen in while skating last winter. The skates were still on his feet. *
The Sprague Times, September 15, 1899
Yesterday evening as train No 58, Conductor DOANE, was leaving the yards a young man who has been for the past month working at the ranch of R. M. BACON, tried to board a box car and was thrown under the wheels. Several persons saw the accident and went quickly to his assistance. His left leg was cut almost entirely off about three inches below the knee. His face and hands were also slightly bruised. Medical assistance was summoned and the young man was taken to a lodging house on D street where DRS. NEWCOMB and BITTNER amputated the leg. This morning the young man was resting very well and his condition is as good as could be expected. He gave his name and address as CHARLIE MALLON, 1117 Briggs Street, Omaha, Nebraska. A telegram has been sent to his folks but no reply has been received up to the time of going to press. *
Chronology of Events of 1900 as Shown by the Files of the "Times"
December 28, 1900 *
The Sprague Times, February 23, 1900
Thomas Mason Instantly Killed on the Railroad
THOMAS MASON, a well dressed laboring man, fell from an engine and was instantly killed at 8:45 p.m. Saturday night.
Mr. Mason and his partner LEWIS LARIMORE had been working in the Northport smelter and were enroute to Seattle. At Marshall they climbed up on the rear of a west bound light engine intending to steal their way through as far as possible. When the engine was coming down the hill near the Sprague creamery Mason lost his hold and fell backwards striking his head on the rail and killing him instantly. His partner got off as soon as the engine stopped at the depot and went back to find Mason and then reported the matter to the city Marshal. The coroner was notified but did not deem it necessary to hold and inquest so the body was taken charge of by the undertaker Jones. Mr. Mason was about 35 years old and evidently a man of good habits as he was well dressed and had with him $161.30 in money and a gold watch. His brother at Armstrong, B. C., was notified and took charge of the body and property. *
The Sprague
Times, Sprague, Lincoln
County, Wash., Friday June 15, 1900
The funeral of Mrs. JOE TAVARES took place from the
Catholic church in this city last Friday morning. Mrs. Tavares died of heart failure the
Wednesday morning previous. Throughout it is one of the saddest occurances
in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Tavares are natives of Portugal. Mr.
Tavares came here 23 years ago and settled near Lake Colville. Seventeen years ago the couple
were married and have lived in happiness in that community since. There
are seven children, four boys and three girls, left to go through life without the mother's loving hand to guide them.
Last year, on the same day of the month on which Mrs.
Tavares died, one of the boys was struck on the head by a rock, thrown by one of the town
boys here. The little fellow came near dying and was in the hospital at Spokane for many months. He was taken there by Mr. Tavares on the same day
of the month that Mrs. Tavares was buried. Surely the 6th of June has been
an unlucky day for the Tavares family. Mr. Tavares wishes to convey his sincere thanks to all
the kind friends who rendered him so much assistance and sympathy in the sad hour of his
bereavement. Submitted by Barbara Curtis on September 28,2003
Sprague Times, Sprague, Lincoln County, Wash., June 16, 1900
A plan has at last been perfected whereby Sprague will
have a long felt want satisfied. Ten acres of ground, directly north of the present
burying ground has been purchased from HARRY JENSEN and within a few days will be plowed up and
harrowed and put in proper condition for seeding this fall. A well will be
dug and a windmill and tank erected and pipes laid all over the plot. The soil of the new cemetery is very fertile and with the watering facilities
thus provided can be made a place of beauty. The company interested in this project is known as the
Maccabee Cemetery Association and is officered as follows: W. J. GRAY, president; P. H.
DENCER, vice president; L. C. FISHER, secretary; THOS. AMERY, treasurer; T. M. COOPER, W. J. GRAY, and L. C. FISHER, trustees.
It is not the intention to use the cemetery as a
private burying ground but lots will be sold to whomever may apply. We wish the promoters every success in this venture and
feel assured that they will have the thanks of the community if they succeed in making
what they intend to make--an evergreen cemetery. Submitted
by Barbara Curtis, September 29, 2003
Thompson Smith, to Protect his Family, Shoots Pete McCormack
The Sprague Times, Friday, August 31, 1900
PETE MCCORMACK received the full charge of a shotgun load last Tuesday night at about 8:30 while causing a disturbance at the residence of THOMPSON SMITH, four miles north of Sprague. The whole story of the affair is about as follows: Some years ago Mr. Smith settled up with McCormack who had been working for him, and in doing so held out $1.50 for a canvas which was missing and which Mr. Smith suspected McCormack of taking. A few words passed between them at the time but they had no serious trouble. Tuesday, McCormack was in town and drank whiskey enough to be quarrelsome and after several minor scraps here started to go out to Underwood's, riding out in the back end of Mr. Smith's wagon. When Smith stopped at his home McCormack got out and walked on up the road to Underwood's. After supper there he got the canvas, over which he and Smith had had the trouble, and went back to the Smith ranch. By this time Mr. Smith was in bed with his little daughter, TRIXIE, who is very sick, and when McCormack came to the house he was greeted by Mrs. Smith. McCormack threw the canvas down on the porch and demanded his $1.50. Mrs. Smith explained to him that their daughter was very ill and that Mr. Smith could not leave her then and asked him to go to the barn and go to bed and that in the morning Mr. Smith would pay him the money. This set McCormack wild and with oaths and curses he threatened to kill the whole family. Mrs. Smith tried to reason with him but he would not listen and as he was making a threat to blow the top of her head off Mr. Smith rushed out of the bed room with a shot gun. Mr. McCormack was in the doorway trying to force his way into the house. Mrs. Smith was just inside the door holding a lamp in her hand. Mr. Smith attempted to rush in between them and strike McCormack with the gun but in the attempt the light was knocked out of Mrs. Smith's hands, leaving them in darkness. Smith then, expecting every second to hear McCormack shoot, took a shot in the direction of McCormack and the full charge caught him in the back, just under the shoulder blade, the charge ranging upward. It is thought that when McCormack saw Smith attempt to strike him with the gun he wheeled and dodged and in this way was shot in the back. As soon as Mr. Smith found out what he had done he sent for neighbors and a doctor and had McCormack brought into the house and taken care of. Smith then came to town and notified the authorities who allowed him to go back home, knowing he could be found whenever wanted. Constable W. H. CAMPBELL got a wagon and brought McCormack into town where he could be attended. Sheriff GARDNER was notified early Wednesday morning and came over to Sprague where he made arrangements for McCormack's removal to Davenport for treatment and care as with no friends nor money he becomes a county charge. The extent of McCormack's injuries are hardly known but it is not expected that he will survive the wound. A preliminary examination was held before JUSTICE BARTOL Wednesday evening which resulted in the exoneration of Mr. Smith, the Justice ruling that he was only protecting his family and was justified in his action. Mr. Smith has been a resident of this community for nearly twenty years. He has always been a quiet, law-abiding and respected citizen and deeply regrets the part he was forced to play. Pete McCormack has been around here for four or five years and is generally considered a worthless character. He has served time in the city and county jails and is the recipient of very little sympathy in this , his latest escape. *
A Part-Interest Passes to the Centennial People
The Sprague Times, Nov 30, 1900
A deal was made last Tuesday whereby the interest owned by D.K. McPHERSON in the Sprague Roller Mills passed into the control of the Centennial Mill Co. of Spokane and Seattle. A meeting of the stockholders was held on Nov. 27th, at which Mr. MORIX THOMSEN, president of the Centennial Mill Co., was elected president of the Sprague Roller Mills; W. J. C. WAKEFIELD was elected vice-president and W. H. BONNE, secretary and treasurer, D. K. McPHERSON retiring from the corporation.......more flour, none make a better grade or have a wider market than the Sprague Roller Mills.*
The Sprague Times, December 21, 1900
Sprague, Wash., Dec. 14, 1900, To the City Council of Sprague:
We the undersigned committee appointed to canvas the returns of the City Election held in the City of Sprague on Tuesday, December 4th, 1900, beg to report that we have examined the returns and find them in regular order. We further beg to report that we find the number of votes received by each candidate at said election to be as follows:
For Mayor......H. W. BONNE, 125
For Councilman-at-large....N. B. McKY, 115 and R. R. JONES, 1
For Councilman-at-large Two years......J. S. LUCAS, 113; E. H. PETERSON, 107; H. F. MENGES, 108; L. WILLIAMS, 4; A. BOEHL, 1; T. AMERY, 1.
For Clerk:.....J. F. HALL, 105 and W. H. CAMPBELL, 24
For Health Officer.....L. A. DAVIS, 117
For Treasurer......C. E. M. SANDERSON, 102 and M. CLINTON, 22
We therefore declare the candidates receiving the majority of votes cast for the respective office to be elected as follows:
Mayor----H. H. BONNE
Councilman-at-Large---N. B. McKY
Three Councilmen for Two Years----J. S. LUCAS, R .H. PETERSON, and H. F. MENGES
Clerk----J. F. HALL
Health Officer---L. A. DAVIS
Treasurer---C. E. M. SANDERSON,
Respectfully submitted, J. W. REED, J. D. BAYMAN, Committee *
The Sprague Times, December 21, 1900
After a residence of nearly a score of years in Sprague that venerable old landmark--UNCLE JOHN BARTOL--left Wednesday for Washington, Penn., where his daughter, Mrs. H. B. HALLAM, resides, with the avowed intention of remaining there. We have grave fears for Uncle John's behavior in the east. He has been in the west so long and has become so thoroughly permeated with western ways that the eastern town to which he goes will either have to adopt western ways or it will never hold Uncle John. Mr. Bartol came to the Pacific Coast, around the Horn, about 45 years ago and there is very little of the pioneer history of the states of Washington, Idaho and Oregon, that he does not know. In the 20 years he has lived here he has always been an active citizen. There has hardly been a public meeting or a public movement of any kind but what he has been found mixed up in it somewhere, and usually at the head. He is the only living member of Lincoln county's first board of commissioners and he has almost continually held some federal, county or city office. In politics he started in a democrat and has never learned any better. Uncle John will be missed here and we are sorry to lose him. No history of Sprague could ever be complete without his name as one of its makers. His footprints here are indelible and to coming generations the name of Uncle John Barton will not be unknown. We hope some day to welcome Uncle John back to Sprague but should he not come he may rest assured that the best wishes of many of our citizens are with him wherever he may be. *
The Lincoln County Times, Friday, June 21, 1901
PROF. J. W. PARKS, who has been teaching continuously in the Spring Creek school during the school seasons of the past two years, went to Spokane Saturday to take up the study of law. He will be under the instruction of CROW & WILLIAMS, in the Hyde Block.
Mr. WEISER, who has been tending bar for M. L. PRATT at Harrington, had an accident which proved very serious, causing the total loss of one eye. Mr. Weiser was handling some bottles of soda pop, when one bottle bursted, a piece of glass striking the eye ball and destroying the sight.
E. F. SCARBOROUGH, of Wilbur, was over to Olympia last week, and passed a successful examination before the supreme court, and was admitted to the bar. Thirty-five others took the examination; among them two ladies and two colored gentlemen. Four of the number failed. There were 96 questions in the written examination, and six hours allowed. Mr. Scarborough, while at the Sound, had the good fortune to go "aboard" the United States Battleship Wisconsin, and have the workings of the guns explained to him by a sailor that was with Dewey at Manila bay on that eventful May morning.
JERRY CAMERON, one of the original owners of Deer Trail No. 2, who returned to Cedar Canyon a few weeks ago from British Columbia, where he has been otherwise engaged for the last two or three years, has again leased the Old Deer Trail mine, and it is reported that he has struck another rich vein upon it, and begun shipping ore. The find is said to be a rich one and Mr. Cameron is pushing work rapidly. Little or no work had been done on this mine for some times, but it again becomes a shipper as soon as one the original owners gets back on to it.
Mr. ED THORP and ED VANBRUNT had a bucking contest last week. The first animal brought up was one belonging to Mr. H. DEVENISH. The first man to ride was Mr. THORP who rode until the horse threw himself. Mr. Vanbrunt danced a jig while the band played. Mr. Vanbrunt again mounted the animal and stayed with him well for awhile, but finally lost his seat and landed in the street. Mr. Vanbrunt;'s face was sc(r)atched a little, and the crowd had some fun at his expense, but he took it quite good naturedly, and gave the prize to Mr. Thorp. Then a prize of $20 was raised for Mr. Thorp, if he would ride the horse again, which he did. After the ride Mr. Thorp was honored all the same as ADMIRAL DEWEY. * New 5/10/04
Lincoln County Times, June 28, 1901
Deputy J. J. INKSTER was out Wednesday to replevy a horse owned by S. J. GRINNELL, but claimed by IKE WELSH. Grinnell claims that he offered DAVE KICK a third of his band of horses which were ranging over the Crab creek country if he would gather them up for him. Dave Kick then made arrangements with Ike Welsh to go in with him on the proposition, but instead of gathering up the strays on Crab creek they rounded up six animals near the home place. Grinnell made settlement with Mr. Kick, but claimed he did not hire Welsh. The latter, in the meantime had fastened onto the best horse in the band, and claimed it as his property. Mr. Grinnell has replevied the animal, but the end is probably not yet.*
The Lincoln County Times, Friday, July 12, 1901
Edwall, Wash.--- A very sad accident occurred here last Saturday night, while LESTER STUDLIE was driving a cow to a neighbor's pasture. The horse on which Lester was riding gave a sudden turn to head the cow, throwing the boy. The boy's foot caught in the stirrup, and the horse became frightened and ran away, dragging and kicking the boy, breaking his arm and leg, besides bruising other parts of the body in a fearful manner. The horse was caught after a run of half a mile, but the boy died. Lester was eight years old. Heartfelt sympathy is felt for the father and mother over their sad bereavement. *
The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, July 19, 1901
Mr. JOHN RILEY, a well known farmer who lives a few miles southeast of town, was thrown from his wagon while crossing the railroad track east of the mill Wednesday evening, which resulted in a broken leg and several bad bruises. Mr. Riley was driving four horses, and in crossing down over the track attempted to put the brake on with his foot, and in some way slipped and fell forward in such a way as to break one of his legs above the ankle. He lay insensible for about half an hour, before recovering sufficiently to call for help. Fortunately his lead horses had wheeled around face to the wagon and stopped. Mr. Riley was taken to WHITNEY's, where his injuries were dressed, and is now doing nicely. *
On Wednesday the county commissioners, through STEVENS & SPENCER, purchased the JOHN REDDY place, three and a half miles north of town, which will be used for the county poor farm. The purchase price if $4,150, and is the place formerly owned by HANS ROSENQUEST. The place is well situated, the land is good and contains uplands and bottoms. Suitable buildings will be erected, and in due time all paupers will be taken there for care, and will be looked after by a superintendent who will be placed in charge of the farm. The land will be tilled and improved under the supervision of the superintendent, and all able-bodied paupers will be required to render such assistance as they may while stopping on the farm at the county's expense.
The man in the buggy is now abroad among the grangers, remarks one of our exchanges, and may come this way. He may be the church parson or the parish priest, looking after the spiritual welfare of the deacons and pillars of their respective churches; or he may be a fellow taking orders for shortweight and adulterated Chicago groceries; or he may be a chap with some fine clothes which his uncle has smuggled in from Canada; or he may be a slick schemer with a patent right to sell; or he may be in the lightening rod business, or some fellow begging for an office. When they come to your place, always, excepting the parson or priest, whistle for old Towser, and get ready for business. These chaps all have tongues hug on ball bearings, and your best means of protection is to administer the grand bounce just as soon as they set foot on your premises. Keep your eye out for the man in the buggy. *
The Sprague Times, Friday, Mar 7,1902
MRS. W. P. A. CRAIG is laid up with an attack of fever. Mrs. Craig has suffered for four years with a crippled finger for which amputation seemed the only cure but now she reports the finger completely cured. Dr. BITTNER, who treated the finger, has operated upon it a number of times, each time removing pieces of decayed bone.
(Note: Janet's fingers were severely frost-bitten in the storms of 1890 while she was trying to rescue the cattle. This surgery is undoubtedly a result of that injury. Judy Driscoll) Submitted Mar 1, 2004 by Judy Driscoll
Lincoln County Times, Apr 21,1903
Ex-Sheriff JOHN CODY, now of Keller, spent last Sunday in town, his first visit in about six years. He is interested in some of the best mines in the Keller district, to which properties he has been giving his attention for the last six for eight years. He quit the farm along in 1895, the last year of the "hard times" period, and has since been devoting his time and energies to mining. Mr. Cody was elected sheriff of Lincoln county just after its formation, about twenty years ago, and for many years after was prominent in political circles but like most others of that day, he has passed out of the knowledge of present day political workers in the county, and many of the communities that knew and stood with him in those days, know him no more. Submitted February 21, 2004 by Judy Anne Driscoll
The Wilbur Register, page 2, Thursday, Oct 11,1973(1903)
"Wilbur will soon have electric lights. For a while the promoters were in the dark financially, but enterprising citizens came to their rescue with more cash, some in the form of stock purchases and some as loans. Now the company is on its feet again."
....."After a partnership of more than seven years, Howard SPINING and H. S. BASSET are parting ways as owners of the Wilbur Register and the Hartline Standard. Spining is now the sole owner but Bassett will remain as foreman of the mechanical department."
....."GODFREY THOMPSON has been promoted to succeed Mr. LIEBEN as head bookkeeper in the Hay store. Mr. Lieben has accepted a position on the coast. Miss BELLE MATZGER has been installed as cashier in the same institution."
....."D. L. WOODS has purchased MITCH RING's farm of 160 acres, three miles north of town, for the sum of $3,500."
....."A rumor has it that N. C. DAVENPORT, publisher of the Wilbur Sentinel will soon be called to the pastorate of the Baptist church at Sherman."
......"Ground was broken on the hotel site Monday. The building is to be 56 x 70 feet on the ground and three stories high. The ground is sufficient to permit a large lawn, which will add to the beauty of the surroundings." Bass. Submitted by Linda M. Thank, Oct 2004
The Creston News, Oct. 20, 1905
Following is a list of petit jurois drawn for the November term of the Superior Court, to be and appear at 10 o'clock a.m. November 6th:
JOHN HORWEGE, Davenport; FRED J. PETERSON, Moscow; GEORGE McCLURE, Harrington; HOWARD J. REID, Sprague; A. W. LULL, Wilbur; J. A. McMILLAN, Davenport; FRANK KINER, Wilbur; J. E. LOWELL, Wilbur; ALFRED NYGREN, Plum; JAMES BAYLEY, Peach; SAM HUDDLESTON, Creston; E. L. HERDRICK, Tipso; S. P. CARMICHAEL, Sprague; WILLIAM HALL, Govan; J. N. HILLIARD, Reardan; L. L. SMITH, Govan; A. E. LOCKHART, Harrington; C. L. KIK, Earl; LEO MARTIN, Wilbur; A. DORE, Sprague; T. H. CONNERS, Almira; F. A. CALLMAN, Almira; JAMES McCALLUM, Larene; JOHN DUNGAN, Creston.*
The Creston News, Oct. 20, 1905
The first collegiate football game of the season was played Wednesday with the Montana Agricultural College with a score of 32 to 0 in favor of the State college. The game was not up to the usual standard because of the condition of the Montana boys after the Moscow game. The game was called at 4:20 and ended at dark, the halves being 15 and 10 minutes. The State college team leaves today on the Oregon trip. They play two of their hardest games in Oregon-- one with Willamette University on Wednesday and with the Oregon Agricultural College on Saturday. MRS. VAN DOREN, the preceptress, was in Spokane last week making arrangements for the refurnishing of the girl's dormitory of Stevens Hall. The reception rooms, the parlors and dining room will be repapered and new furniture installed. This will add much to the comfort and beauty of the girls' home. The enrollment of the college is nearing the 800 mark and many crowded classes are in evidence. Several modern language classes recite in the chapel. The class in elementary drawing of 70 is in a room hardly large enough for 30. The domestic art class is in a small room in the Chemistry building. One half of the girl's rest room has been cut off for classes in English. The result of this will be that the Board of Regents will build a cheap building which will answer for class purposes until the legislature can appropriate money for a new building.*
The Creston News, Oct 20, 1905
MR. and MRS. W. W. SCOTT of Peach gave a pleasant dinner party Sunday at which MR. and MRS. MARCUS BAYLEY who were married in Spokane last week were the guests of honor. It was a quiet event, but was made the occasion for extending hearty congratulations and well-wishes to the young people. REV WOODS of Creston was among the number present. *
The Creston News, Nov 10, 1905
The re-opening of the Creston Pharmacy, mentioned last week as a coming event, became a fact Monday. The new proprietor, DR. W. F. AKEY, is a physician as well as a registered pharmacist, having graduated from the Ohio Medical College of Cincinnati and practiced his profession for fifteen years. Whether he will enter into active practice here or not will depend upon circumstances that may develop later. *
The Creston News, Nov. 17, 1905
The family of FREEMAN BAXTER of Bachelor Prairie supplied business for the surgeon two days of this week. Monday forenoon FREEMAN got his right hand into the gearing of the feeder of a threshing machine and when he got it out about half of the first finger was gone. He came to town and DR. HOLGATE dressed the injury for him. Tuesday evening the Doctor was sent for and on reaching the ranch found one of the little boys, three years old, suffering from a fracture of the humerus, near the elbow. The end of the broken bone was forced almost through the skin. The accident resulted from a fall from a horse.
PHIL HARRIS, who recently dumped his farewell stick and threw away pencil, scissors and pastepot in the News office, has entered into a cahootnership with T. W. MAXWELL of the Wilbur Sentinel. Phil is hardly u0p with GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS or HENRI WATTERSON as a writer, though not far behind some of the rest of the tribus scribens of the Big Bend, but he is a hard worker and a square man, and we wish him success. *
The Davenport Times Tribune, December 12, 1912
Cupid's genial assistant, Deputy Auditor, J. L. NEILLY, has issued the following licenses this week: H. J. ERLEY, Davenport, 25, and ALICE AHERN, Coeur d'Alene, 25; EARNY HEAVENER, 21, and CLARA MASTERS, 18, both of Harrington; LLOYD HALL, 21, and SYLVIA STOUT, 20, both of Creston. The latter couple were married by Justice of the Peace C. W. JARVIS, Tuesday afternoon.*
The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, Wa., December 19, 1912
The thirteen teachers who finished the teachers' examination at Davenport Saturday afternoon were:
F. E. ROBINSON and ALICE SHOWALTER of Davenport, HELEN L. TELFORD and GRACE TELFORD of Rocklyn, MRS. MAUD L. SMITH, REGINA ANDERSON, and VIOLET THOMAS of Creston, LUCILE KABRICK and EUNICE McCALL of Peach, GRACE HINCHCLIFF of Wilbur, MYRTLE GALEGHER of Mold, Wash., BERTHA E. BONNER of Coulee City, and JENNIE F. BOWEN of Fruitland. This is one of the smallest winter classes examined in several years.*
Lincoln County Times, January 3, 1913
Spangle, Wash., Dec. 27.---Christmas dinner at the JOHN C. C. KNUTH home in Spangle was spread on a tablecloth that was woven 125 years ago by MR. HERMAN HINNEMANN in Germany, grandmother of Mrs. KNUTH, to whom the piece of goods was handed down by her mother as an heirloom. The linen woven in the finest texture, is well preserved, showing the wear of more than a century in but one small place. It is not, however, used every Christmas. *
The Sprague advocate, August 15, 1913
The F. G. KNOTT property in the east end was sold on Monday to MRS. WM. WINKLE. Mr. Knott has taken a position with a Lynden automobile firm as salesman and the family expect to leave for that point tomorrow. During the past two years Mr. Knott has been City Marshal and has given good satisfaction. FRED is a good fellow and a good citizen and we regret to have the family leave the community. The lure of the Coast country has been upon them very strong for several years past and we trust that they may find all they expect it to be.*
The Sprague Advocate, September 26, 1913
At the Commercial Club meeting on Wednesday evening it was decided to hold alfalfa meetings on Friday, October 10, at the following places: A. BALDWIN, JAS. McCAFFERY and S. S. FENN farms and at Sprague and Lamont. A committee composed of A. L. SMALLEY, DOC MILLS and F. H. McCROSKY was appointed to secure automobiles and make general arrangements. *
By order of Prosecuting Attorney, all stores in Sprague must be kept closed on Sunday. This includes cigar stores and barber shops.*
The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, Friday, December 19, 1913
Creston, Dec 14---JUDGE JOSEPH SESSIONS and former SENATOR CHARLES E. MYERS of Davenport and PROFESSOR J. W. HUNGATE of Cheney, judged the debate Friday night, when the hi9gh school team won over the Sprague trio, which had the negative of the state question. CARL ELLIOTT, WALLACE FOSTER and JOHN HOPE were the winning debaters, while the Sprague team was composed of Miss GLADYS MELVILLE, Miss STOLP and Mr. CANNON. A dance and refreshments followed the debate. *
PETER JANETT, 76, a prominent pioneer and father of the three JANETT brothers, heavy land owners of Davenport, and Mrs. GEORGE E. CRAIG of Cheney, was operated upon Friday. A few days ago he stumbled and fell on the point of a fork handle, resulting in internal injuries. *
The Sprague Advocate, Friday, November 13, 1914
A. J. BURTSON son-in-law of REUBEN THACKER near Fishtrap was taken to Davenport Wednesday by a deputy from the sheriff's office. Burt is charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to do murder and was bound over to the next term of the Superior Court in the sum of $2,000 by JUSTICE GUERIN. Burt is alleged to have attempted to kill his father-in-law on Saturday last by shooting and with a gun used as a club. One shot it is reported, failed of its mark and the gun refusing to go off was used as a club. Mr. Thacker escaped to a neighbors and was kept in safety until JUSTICE GUERIN and City Marshal SAM MEYERS arrived at the Thacker home. The house was surrounded by neighbors with guns and a fight was expected. Justice Guerin's demand for Burt's surrender was granted without difficulty and he was brought to Sprague and held in custody until Wednesday. Mr. Thacker swore out a warrant Saturday charging Burt with assault on Mr. Thacker's son, this incensed Burt, it is supposed and upon his return from town and while under the influence of liquor he made the assault on his father-in-law. *
The Sprague Advocate, December 11, 1914
In the Municipal election held Tuesday last, 231 votes were cast. J.C. MARTIN was Inspector and G. H. WILBUR, MIKE BRISLAWN, WILL MCGLADE, Judges and Clerks.
The following is the vote in detail:
For Mayor: A. L. SMALLEY 141, D. W. MATHESON 27, J. MOYLAN 13.
Councilman 3 year term: Geo S. BROWN 194, MATT BRISLAWN 189, D. W. MATHESON 94.
Councilman at large: E. A. CHILD 206
City Clerk: J. F. HALL 211
City Attorney: JNO. I. MELVILLE 184
City Treasurer: A. E. HOLGATE 112, RALPH JONES 92,
The J. A. CAMPBELL family left on last Friday evening for Waitsburg where Mr. Campbell was recently appointed agent for the N.P.(Railroad).*
The Sprague Advocate, December 11, 1914
G. E. HALLIDAY was shot Monday afternoon at Lamont by ALEX BRIGHT a rancher living west of town. Halliday was brought to Myrtle Hospital at Sprague and at this time promises to come out without serious results. Halliday and Bright had had a previous quarrel it is said about three weeks ago when Halliday ejected Bright from a dance hall accusing him of being disorderly. On Monday in a Lamont saloon the men met and a quarrel ensued in which Bright pulled a gun but was prevented from using it by bystanders. Later however, on his way home Bright saw Halliday about to enter the hotel. He drove up near the hotel and again started a quarrel which resulted in the shooting as stated above. We are informed that the Whitman County sheriff arrested Bright at his home Monday evening taking him to Colfax where he is held to await the result of Halliday's wound. *
One of the many beautiful dances taught by PROF F. W. BOULEY who instructs a class in dancing at Masonic Hall every Saturday evening. Sprague people appreciate Mr. BOULEY;s efficient instruction as is evidenced by the rapid growth of his class which now numbers about 40 people. For particulars see P.N. SMALLEY or Miss HELEN SALISBURY. * Also on December 1914 front page.
The Sprague Advocate, Friday, July 7,1916
SEBERT SMITH, son of W. L. SMITH of Lamont and Mrs. ANNIE ROGERS of Amber was instantly killed at Wallace, Idaho, on Saturday, July 1. Mr. Smith with another employee of the Washington Water Power Co. was connecting the Heller Park line to the high power line and were working several feet below the high power line carrying 60,000 volts when in some manner probably by lightning, a circuit was made resulting in the death of Mr. Smith and the serious injury of the other woman. The boy was brought to Sprague on Tuesday and the funeral was held on Wednesday at 1/3o p.m. from the Methodist church, REV. COOK officiating. Burial was made in Lakeview Cemetery beside a twin brother who died in 1900. Sebert Smith was born near Louisiana, Missouri, September 18,1885. He came with his parents to this city in 1888 where his father W. L. Smith worked in the shops for 6 years afterwards moving to a farm near Lamont. He was a barber by trade and had only worked for the Washington Water Power Co. about 3 weeks when the accident occurred. He was unmarried. *
The Sprague Advocate, Friday, July 28, 1916
Two Ford cars, one driven by JOHN PEYTON, the other by Mrs. GUSSIE GORR collided at the McCABE Drug Store corner on Wednesday afternoon. A little girl in one car was thrown out into the street but appeared to be unhurt. No one else was injured. Both cars appeared to be out of their places. This accident emphasizes the necessity of having some regulation in our streets to compel autos to keep in their proper places. A row of posts such as are used in many places appears to be the best solution to the problem. *
The Sprague Advocate, Friday, Aug 18, 1916
On Friday evening at the home about 8 miles north of Sprague J. HENRY SCHEUCH committed suicide in the presence of his wife and children by cutting his threat with a razor. Mr. Scheuch came into the house staggering, a son says. He hurried to the bed room and secured his razor and stepping into the kitchen said "here goes" struck himself twice before an attempt could be made to stop him. His wife seized his right arm and he immediately transferred the razor to his left hand and made another slash at his throat. DR. J. E. BITTNER of Sprague was summoned by telephone and the injured man placed in an automobile and hurried to town. They met Dr. Bittner about half way how made an examination and found the victim dead. The body was brought to the Lee undertaking parlors from whence it was taken to the Sasson church Wednesday where funeral services were held and interment made in the cemetery of the church. It is supposed that Mr. Scheuch was suffering from a mental difficulty caused by the effect of hot weather. He was born in Germany about 61 years ago and came to America with his parents when a small boy. He has lived in this vicinity close to 30 years and had acquired ownership of 3/4 of a section of good wheat land. His first wife died about three years ago. His second wife, one girl and five boys survive him, three children two girls and a boy having proceeded him in death. *
The Sprague Advocate, Friday, January 5, 1917
On Christmas morning about 5 o'clock the CHAS. BEAL family living on a homestead 4 miles southwest of Lamont were awakened by fire and found their home in flames. They barely had time to get out of the building and were unable to save any of their effects. They had been to a Christmas tree the night before and on their return the son in building the fire threw a pine knot out doors supposing it was dead. The knot is now supposed to have held fire and the wind blew it into a flame which caught the side of the building. They took refuge with a neighbor Mr. BLACK who has been taking a collection for them. He secured about $60 at Lamont and enough here to make $150. Mr. Black will come to Sprague on Saturday to get a range donated by some person here and at that time any one who has any furniture that can be spared is requested to either leave it at the Child & Brown Co. Store or advise them to have Mr. Black call for it. Almost every family has something about the house that is not in use and which would come in handy for the Beals who lost everything they had including about $30 in money. Here is a chance to help. *
The Sprague Advocate, January 26, 1917
ED BOEHL is showing his friends an interesting picture. It is a picture of his entire family including himself, the good wife and eleven of their children. The Boehls are comparatively young to be the parents of so large and interesting a family. The children with the exception of one boy who died at 8 months of age about 15 years ago, are all alive and in good health. Of the eleven, 9 are girls and all are beautiful children and we may go a step farther and say all are good children. Four of the oldest girls are married the balance of the flock still being at home right to be. The picture was taken during the holidays when all the children were home for a family reunion. *
The Sprague Advocate, April 20,1917
Considerable agitation has been carried on here with reference to the matter of organizing a Home Defence League. The purpose of such an organization is to form a body of men whose duty it shall be to be on the lookout at all times to protect the town and vicinity against plotters who might desire the destruction of property. The matter will be taken up at the next meeting of the Commercial Club which will be held at the Congregational Church on Tuesday evening at 6:15 o'clock.*
BUYS $5,500 BULL
FRANK M. ROTHROCK and JOHN NAPIER, herd superintendent of the Hercules Stock Farm at Sprague, will leave for the east on a buying trip soon. They are going primarily to receive the $5500 purebred Shorthorn bull recently purchased in Scotland. The animal has left Scotland and will be obliged to remain in quarantine at New York before being moved west. He is the most valuable animal ever imported into the Inland Empire, stockmen declare. Mr. Rothrock will purchase two or three cars of purebred Shorthorns from middle western breeders. Most of the animals will go the Hercules farm, although Mr. Rothrock will also secure some cattle on orders from other western breeder--Review *
The Sprague Advocate, Friday, October 25, 1918
The death of JIM SWANNACK of the Gresham neighborhood occurred early Monday morning at the Myrtle hospital where he was receiving attention for injuries sustained in an accident last Saturday. Mr. Swannack, his wife and Lester Swannack were returning home Saturday forenoon driving a team hitched to a single buggy. Lester Swannack was driving and Mrs. Swannack was riding on her husband's lap. A short distance below Gresham church the team became frightened at an old plow near the road and turned suddenly throwing Jim and his wife from the buggy. He tried to save his wife from injury but both had a very hard fall. He fell in such a way as to rupture an intestine. Every efforts was made to save his life but medical aid did not help and he died at 4:30 Monday morning. The funeral will be held today at the Gresham church at 11 o'clock. Mr. Swannack is survived by a wife, five children, his parents, seven brother and two sisters. *
The Sprague Advocate, October 25, 1918
The County Health officer ordered that all children under the age of eighteen be kept on home premises and not allowed on the streets, while city is under quarantine for contagious disease. Quite a number of our Sprague residents pay little or no attention to this order and allow their children on the streets or to gather in groups in different parts of town. Parents no doubt think there is no danger in letting their children do these things, but they are violating the health laws and making themselves liable to severe penalties. In order to keep down " Spanish Influenza" and other contagious disease it is necessary for all to do their part. We can do this by keeping the children at home and away from crowds. MRS. W. A. BUCKLEY, Deputy, Health Officer.
WARNING ABOUT INFLUENZA (There was a flu epidemic in 1918)
So far the city of Sprague has escaped the epidemic of influenza raging in the surrounding towns and over the United States. The best way to prevent such an epidemic is for every citizen to consider it his duty to avoid visiting or traveling, fearing that he might contract the disease and give it to his family and in so doing start an epidemic in Sprague that would result in death. It is not all to congratulate ourselves that we have escaped such an epidemic, but we must prevent it in the future. It is far easier to prevent than to sure. J. E. BITTNER, M.D., Health Officer *
Friday, December 6, 1918
The city election called out a very light vote only 49 ballots being cast. The following were elected:
Mayor, MATT BRISLAWN; Councilmen: V. HERTRICH, J. C. WILLIAMS, D. M. STRANG, WM. SANBORN, AUGUST WITT, D. R. COLE; City Attorney: Jno. I. MELVILLE; City Treasurer, JOHN MOYLAN; City Clerk, J. F. HALL; D. W. MATHESON is a hold-over councilman.
The public is hereby notified that anyone traveling on trains will have to submit to quarantine for a period of five days after returning to Sprague. J. E. BITTNER, City Health Officer. *
The Sprague Advocate, Sprague, Wa.,December 20, 1918
In this issue we have the sad duty of reporting the deaths of several people either Sprague residents or former Sprague residents. The list includes WESLEY MARSH, MARSHALL BURDASS, MRS. PETER LUVAAS nee FLOSSIE B. MORRIS, MICHAEL CORCORAN, WILLIAM J. McDONALD, GLEN DOAN AND MRS. N. A. HAMLEY.*
(See Sprague Advocate obituaries, under Obituaries page)
The Sprague Advocate, December 20, 1918
At a meeting of the county board of health held at Davenport Tuesday it was decided that no modification of the quarantine regulations could be allowed at present because of the great number of cases of flue still existing. Hence it is hoped people will be reconciled to the fact that there can be no Christmas exercises or other gatherings, knowing that by refraining much good can be accomplished. The board desires to thank the people for their co-operation in fighting the epidemic. They take the stand that if a single life can be saved by precaution it is well worth the sacrifice.*
Walks off Train Near Downs While Enroute to Coast
The Davenport Times Tribune, Nov 17, 1921
Charles Culcross of Alexandria, Minnesota, walked off a west bound Great Northern train near Downs late Thursday evening, lit on his head in a pile of rocks, rolled over a hundred feet down hill, crawled back to the railroad tracks and died as a result of the fall and exposure. The body was discovered at about ten a. m. Friday by a brakeman on a westbound freight train. Culcross is said to have been subject to attacks of aphasia, or loss of memory, and it is thought he was suffering from one of these attacks when the accident occurred. The man was arrested by the Spokane police Thursday when he was found, hatless, wandering around the Great Northern depot. He was later turned over to his wife, who stated that they were traveling from Alexander to Seattle to visit relatives. She said her husband had left the train in Spokane and she had not missed him until she neared Odessa. She returned to Spokane and located him and started again for the coast Thursday evening. Her husband, she says, stepped back to the smoker after passing Harrington, and she did not become worried until she reached Wilson Creek. She left the train at that point and returned to locate him again, only to find that he had been killed. She will take the body to Minnesota for burial. Sheriff F. B. RENNIE was notified as soon as the body was discovered and went to the scene of the accident. He brought the body to Harrington where it was turned over to Mrs. Culcross. *
Davenport Times-Tribune, April 28,1932
A 30 gallon still, about 3-4 of a gallons of moonshine liquor and two barrels of mash were discovered at the farm home of ARTHUR B. CONNELL, 68-year-old Lincoln county pioneer, when Sheriff LEW HUTSELL and Deputy Sheriff RAY E. KURTZ visited the place, west of Harrington, last Thursday evening. Mr. Connell was arraigned in the superior court here Friday afternoon and plead guilty to an information charging him on one count with the possession of intoxicating liquor, and on the other count, with illegal possession of a still. JUDGE W.M. NEVINS sentenced him to pay a fine of $10 on the first count, and to pay a fine of $251 on the second count, and also gave him a four-months suspended jail sentence on the second count. Mr. Connell told the court he took the stall as part payment of a debt last November, and thought he could dispose of it and raise some money. He could not sell the still and finally last December, made some liquor as an experiment. He never sold any of the liquor, he stated, keeping it for his own consumption, there being only three gallons in the entire output. He stated he had farmed in Lincoln county for 36 years and had never been in trouble in his life before. C. A. PETTIJOHN, CORTEZ BROWN, JIM GOODWIN and R. M. DYE all testified as to Mr. Connell's good character during some 30 years that all of them had known him*
JIM DOWNIE, Davenport youth, was painfully burned about the left leg, and had a narrow escape from serious injury, Wednesday afternoon of last week, in a peculiar accident which occurred at Doc's Service station in this city. Downie and several other boys were helping GALE BUMGARNER clean some car parts with gasoline and Downie spilled a considerable amount of gas on his trouser-leg. He went into the service station to get more gas, and FRANK RAMBO, who was standing near him, lighted a match on the stove in the station. When the match flamed up, it ignited the gas with which Downie's trouser-leg was saturated, and the gas burst into flame. Young Bumgarner threw a bucket of water of Downie, who was fast becoming a human torch, and FORD SHOEMAKER and CHARLES E. IVY, who were in the station, beat out the fire with a wet sack before any serious injury occurred to the youth. *
Davenport Times-Tribune, May 25,1939
The new power ferryboat that will operate on the state highway No. 4 crossing of the Columbia river at what is known as the KERRER(Keller) ferry site, was launched Friday, with about 250 persons attending the ceremony. JAMES NOVOTNEY, ferryman, there for many years, will have charge of the new boat which is 24/65 feet and will accomodate eight large automobiles at one crossing. The boat is operated by two 125-horse power Deisel engines. It was built by CAPTAIN T. B. TUTTLE. The old ferry has been pushed back and forth by a motor launch in recent months since backwater from the Grand Coulee. *
May 25, 1939
Just at closing time yesterday OTTO ROHN, age 22, and BERNICE V. VAUGHN, age 21, both of Spokane, accompanied by DOROTHY ROSE VAUGHN as witness, appeared at the auditor's office here and secured a marriage license. Then, with a grin of triumph, Mr. Rohn placed handfulls of pennies on the counter, and told Auditor LLOYD B. PEFFLEY that was the license fee. The auditor counted the pennies, and then he grinned. " YOU have just $2.40 cents here and it isn't enough," he said. Mr. Rohn dug into his pockets and produced another handful or two of pennies and the auditor began the count again, and still had a good laugh coming, as the second installment was for only 60 cents, and Mr. Rohn gave up, and paid the remainder of the $4.50 fee in silver. *
Many attend funeral
The Almira Register Section of the Wilbur Register, Thursday, September 5, 1974.
Many from this area attended the funeral services of Mr. LLOYD MITCHELL of Coulee City last week. Services were held at the Presbyterian church in Coulee City and interment in the Wilbur cemetery. Submitted by Linda M. Thank 10/19/2003
For more Pioneer News see PAGE 2 and PAGE 3, etc..............
This page last updated November 2004.
* A special thank you to Barbara Curtis for finding and submitting these items with the asterisk.
Thank you for the additions by Linda Thank and Judy Driscoll.
All items typed as is from the newspaper, spelling errors, oddities etc. included, by Rella : )
Used with permission.
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