Creek Cemetery
Submitted by Marge Womach
Page J through L
Spring Creek Cemetery is located in SE ¼ of SE ¼ of Sec 22 Twp 26 N Range 39, 4 miles NE of Reardan. This land was originally patented by John Surber, issued on 11-23-1891 and defined as 160 acres in the S ½ of the S ½ of Sec 22 Twp 26N Range 39. This land was owned by Fred B Barnard as shown on the 1911 Atlas. See more information about the cemetery on Page A
Jackson, Pearl Lorene; {b. 1914; d. 1969.} “Pearl L Jackson. Died: 29 Dec 1969. Residence: Spokane.” (WA State Death Index: Certificate #090807; did not view)
Jarvis, John W;
{b. 7-23-1884; d. 7-24-1908.} “John Washington Jarvis. Died: 24 July
1908, age 24, Crescent, Lincoln Co, WA. Father: Frank Jarvis. Mother: Mary
Bennett.” (WA State Death Records); “Reardan,
July 30.—The funeral of John Jarvis was held Sunday at Spring Creek Cemetery.
Mr Jarvis had been in the employ of a rancher north of here as teamster and was
going to the mill with empty trucks for a load of lumber. While on one of the
grades a tug broke, letting the wagon tongue fall and the horses became
frightened. After running 80 feet the tongue caught in the ground breaking the
wagon reach, part of which struck Mr Jarvis. He was injured internally and died
a few days later. Spokesman-Review.” (LCT: 8-07-1908)
Jeppesen, Walter H; b. 1913; d. 1996; Beloved Uncle. “Walter H Jeppesen. Died: 12-05-1996, Spokane, WA. Birth: 11-09-1913.” (SS Death Index);
Johnson, Harry R;
b. 5-07-1922; d. 5-23-1988; MSGT USAF WW II.
“Harry Russell ‘Johnie’ Johnson, 66, of Spokane died in that city
May 23, 1988. Mr Johnson was born
May 7, 1922 in Guthrie, MN. He served in the US Air Force for 21 years and was a
master sergeant. He was retired. He was a member of the Horton-Strength VFW Post
#3386 in Airway Heights, DAV, and the FOB Club at Fairchild AFB.
Survivors include two sons, Major Russel Johnson of Germany and Sgt
Richard Johnson of Hampton, VA; five daughters, Bette Grant of Reardan, Mary
Dunning of Jeffersonville, IN, Susan Schuerer of Spokane, Nancy Fosberg of Reno,
NV, and Karen Johnson of Spokane; two sisters, 11 brothers, and 12
grandchildren. Services were held May 27 in the chapel of the Strate Funeral
Home, Davenport. Pastor Phil Falk officiated. Burial was in the Spring Canyon
(sic) Cemetery, Reardan. Strate Funeral Home was in charge.” (Davenport Times:
6-09-1988) “Harry R ‘Johnie’
Johnson died May 23, 1988. Funeral services for Mr Johnson have been scheduled
Friday, May 27, at 11 a.m. in the chapel of the Strate Funeral Home. Pastor Phil
Falk will officiate. Strate Funeral Home is in charge.” (Davenport Times:
Jordan Land Patent: “Patentee: Alexander Jordan. Issue Date: 5-26-1888, Spokane Land Office. 160 Acres, Lincoln Co, WA. NW 8-24N-39E.”
Jordan surname: No pre-1913 filings of probate in Lincoln Co, WA. No listing of death in the pre-1908 Lincoln Co Death Ledger. No listing of births nor maiden name of mother in the pre-1908 Lincoln Co Birth Ledger. “George William Jordan. #138. Birth: 8-27-1897, Reardan, Lincoln Co, WA. Father: Benjamin B Jordan. Mother: Lydia (sic) Hamilton.” (Lincoln Co Superior Court Delayed Filing of Birth Records); No listings in Reardan Cemetery for surname Jordan. “Mr Wm Jorden, a young man 20 years of age, who lived on Hawk Creek, died Monday evening from inflammation of the bowels, after a few days’ illness. He was engaged with a thresher in the harvest field when taken ill. His father is proprietor of the sawmill in Hawk Creek canyon. The funeral occurred on Thursday, the interment taking place at the cemetery near town, where a short service was conducted by Rev S A Smith.” (LCT: 8-27-1901; burial in Mt View Cemetery in Davenport.) No listing for Jordan in Reardan or Davenport business listings of 1910, nor on the county taxpayers of 1910. “J T Jordan, male, 41, IL, clerk; J A Jordan, female, 31, IL; Chas E Jordan, male, 6, WA.” (Lincoln Co 1892 census); “A J Jordan, male, 24, IL, B. helper.” (Lincoln Co 1892 census, separate household); “Winnie Jordan, 14, female, born US, single, servant.” (Lincoln Co 1887 census); “Bell Jordan, 27, femal, ME, married, milliner; Harry Jordan, 1, male, WA Terr., single.” (Lincoln Co 1887 census, separate household); “Jno T Jordan, 36, male, IL, married, salesman; Judith A Jordan, 26, female, IL, married; Chas E Jordan, 1, male, WA Terr., single.” (Lincoln Co 1887 census, separate household); “Alex Jordan, 65, male, Canada, married; Ester Jordan, 67, female, Canada, married.” (1887 Lincoln Co census, separate household); “J T Jordan, 34, IL, married, clerk; J A Jordan, 24, female, IL, married.” (Lincoln Co 1885 census)
Jordan surname: “Samuel Hamilton, 71; Mary Hamilton, 61; Benjamin Jordan, son-in-law, 41; Mabel Jordan, 8; George Jordan, 6; Edward W Childs, 41.” (1900 Reardan, Lincoln Co, WA census details.) “Jordan, George William. Born: Aug 27, 1897 at Reardan. Father: Benjamin B Jordan. Mother: Lydia Hamilton.” (Superior Court Delayed Births-#138 for 8-27-1897) “Hamilton, Samuel. Dated: Sept 3, 1898. Warrant #30, $50. (Reardan) unable to work, aged 69 yrs, destitute circumstances.” (Lincoln Co GAR Relief Applications: 9-03-1898); “Resolutions of Condolence.—At a regular meeting of CWH Bentley Post, GAR No. 60, the following resolutions were adopted relative to the death of Commander of Post Samuel Hamilton, late of 5th Kansas Cavalry, who died on the 7th day of February 1901, at Reardan. We regret his loss. He was post commander seven years, he was a good and patriotic citizen, we herewith extend our sympathy to his wife and family and it was further resolved to send a copy of these resolutions to each of the newspapers at Davenport and one to his widow, Mrs Mary Hamilton, at Reardan. Committee.—John Glazebrook, John Wickham, Jerry Rockhold.” (Edit: Samuel Hamilton was buried in the Spring Creek Cemetery; Dav. Tribune: 3-07-1901); “Fifty-seven friends gathered at the home of Mrs Mary Hamilton last Friday evening the occasion being the 65th birthday of that lady. A jolly good time was had by all present and before leaving the company presented her with a handsome rocking chair.—Reardan Gazette.” (Citizen: 5-13-1904)
Jordan tombstone: Five inscriptions are on one tombstone. D J Jordan, Eliza J Hamilton Jordan, Joseph W Jordan, Mary Hamilton, and Samuel Hamilton. In previous recordings, the Hamilton names were listed as Jordan.
Jordan, D J; d. 3-17-1896; 1 yr 2 mos 17 days.
Jordan, Eliza J Hamilton; b. 1874; d. 1897; w/o Benjamin B.); “I hereby certify, That on the 15th day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, at residence of the bride in the county of Spokane and State aforesaid, I, the undersigned, a Methodist minister, by authority of a license bearing date the 2nd day of March, AD, 1891, and issued by the County Auditor of Spokane County, did on the 15th day of March, AD 1891, join in lawful wedlock Benjamin B Jordan of the county of Spokane, State of WA, and Eliza J Hamilton of the county of Spokane, State of WA. In the presence of Frank Lehr, Nette Smith, witnesses. W O Benadom, Pastor, M E Church.” (Certificate of Marriage U-961: Spokane Co Auditor; Note that the bride’s signature is: “Lida J Jordan”.)
Jordan, Joseph W; b. 1867; d. 1886.
Kelso, Eva Wendlandt; b. 7-28-1914. Married 10-19-1933. (shared stone w/Jasper)
Kelso, Jasper Virgil; b. 10-16-1908; d. 5-19-1989; (shared w/Eva); Married: 10-19-1933. “Jasper V Kelso of Reardan died May 19, 1989 in Davenport’s Lincoln Hospital. He was 80. Mr Kelso was born Oct 16, 1908 in Reardan. He graduated from Reardan High School in 1928 and on Oct 19, 1933 he married Eva Wendlandt. At the time of his retirement in 1973, he was employed by the Grant County PUD as a chief operator at the Priest Rapids Dam on the Columbia River. Prior to working for Grant County PUD, Mr Kelso worked as an operator for the Okanogan County PUD at the power plant on the Silmilkameen River northeast of Oroville. That plant was closed in 1959. Survivors include his wife, Eva, of Reardan; a daughter and son-in-law, Diane and Gerald Brommer of Davenport; two grandsons, Patrick and Nicholas Brommer of Davenport; a brother, Clair of Reardan; a sister, Eileen Bussert of Grand Coulee; an aunt, Edna Lain of Portland, Oregon; and many cousins, nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Wednesday, May 24, at 2 p.m. in the chapel of the Strate Funeral Home, Davenport. Interment was in the Spring Creek Cemetery, north of Reardan. Pastor Phil Falk officiated.” (Davenport Times: 5-25-1989, photo) “Jasper Virgil Kelso. Died: 5-19-1989. Birth: 10-16-1908, WA. Spouse: Eva Loreen Wendlandt. Father: Lenard Hutton Kelso. Mother: Althea Catherine Lair. Burial: Spring Creek Cemetery, Reardan, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card); Len Kelso is moving his family from the McCullock place where they have lived for the past to years to the W H Childs’ farm.” (Lincoln County News: 4-01-1915);
Kinney, Francis Ann; b. 6-05-1860; d. 2-03-1933. “Frances Ann Kinney. Died: 3 Feb 1933, age 73, Kennydale, King Co, WA. Father: Alfred Gregory. Mother: Forbes. Spouse: Fred Kinney.” (WA State Death Records);
Kinson Land Patent: “Patentee: John Kinson. Issue Date: 10-04-1886, Spokane Land Office. 160 Acres, Lincoln Co, WA. E ½ W ½ 30-26N-39E.”
Kinson Land Patent: “Patentee: John Kinson. Issue Date: 3-31-1888, Spokane Land Office. 80 Acres, Lincoln Co, WA. S ½ NE 6-26N-39E.”
Kinson Land Patent: “Patentee: John Kinson. Issue Date: 10-02-1889, Spokane Land Office. 160 Acres, Lincoln Co, WA. W ½ E ½ 30-26N-39E.”
Kinson, John; {d. 2-17-1892; 44 yrs 4 mos 17 days.} “Kinson, John. Lincoln Co Probate file #177 filed April 20, 1892; died Feb 17, 1892; Mrs Molisa Kinson executrix; only heir Molisa Kinson; no will, Mondovi. File shows the purchase of tombstone of Myrick & Co of Spokane, 4 ft tall, 10 inch thick, deliver to Reardan, 6 miles from PO in Oct $80. Engraved with name, death date & aged 44 yr 4 mos 17 dys.” (taken from Probate notes, file of 4-20-1892)
Kuest, Margaret: Margaret Gordon (McCurdy) Kuest died March 16, 2005 in Spokane. She was born Dec 21, 1918 to Alex and Jane McCurdy, near Winnipeg, Manitoba. She moved with her parents to Ireland in 1939. She spent the war years working in the War Office in London as secretary, where she met Leroy Kuest, of Odessa. Margaret and Leroy were married in Odessa on Sept 15, 1946. Graveside service was at Spring Creek Cemetery at Reardan. (notes from Odessa Record: 3-24-2005)
Lair Land Patent: “Patentee: George H Lair. Issue Date: 11-15-1892, Spokane Land Office. 160 Acres, Lincoln Co, WA. Parts of 22-26N-39E.”
Lair Land Patent: “Patentee: Albert A Lair. Issue Date: 11-18-1907, Spokane Land Office. 80 Acres, Lincoln Co, WA. E ½ NW 34-27-38E.”
Lair surname: “Groom: Albert Lair, age 21; Bride: Miss Nancy McNeese (sic), age 18. Marriage: 22 Sept 1881, Sullivan Co, MO.” (Missouri Marriage Records Index) “Albert Agustus Lair. Birth: 7 Feb 1857. Died: 3 Nov 1937, Central Point, OR.” (Oregon Death Index); “Nancy Ellen McNees. Birth: 7 Oct 1857, KY; Died: 28 Dec 1936, Reardan, Lincoln Co, WA.” (submitted); {Edit: Nancy Ellen McNees Lair died 28 Dec 1936 and was buried in Reardan Cemetery, Lincoln Co, WA, which see also. “Nancy Ellen Lair. Died: 28 Dec 1936, age 79, Reardan, Lincoln Co, WA. Father: Hugh NcNeer (sic). Mother: Catherine Cary. Spouse: Albert A Lair.” (WA State Death Records); Known children of Albert and Nancy Lair were: Clarence Evert Lair, born 8 April 1883; Grace Maude Lair, born 7 May 1885; Althea C Lair, b. abt 1887; Charles L, b. 10-12-1889; Edie F, b. abt 1894; and George A Lair, born about 1896.} First Baptist Church of Reardan filed Articles of Incorporation on May 11, 1893. J H Lair was one of the trustees. (Lincoln Co Auditor);
Lair, Charles Leroy; b. 10-12-1889; d. 2-17-1969; WA PFC 161 AERO SQ WWI. “Charles L Lair. Died: 17 Feb 1969, King Co, WA. Residence: Seattle, King Co, WA.” (WA State Death Index: Certificate #004073; did not view); {Edit: Charles L Lair was a son of Albert A Lair and his wife Nancy McNees Lair, and the grandson of George Hiram Lair. “Chas L Lair went to Spokane Monday morning to look for work after an eight weeks’ visit at the home of his mother, Mrs N E Lair.” (Lincoln County News: 4-01-1915);
Lair, George Hiram; {b. 1826; d. 1902; h/o Lucinda.} “G H Lair, who had been a Washington resident since 1886, died August 2, 1902 at his home north of Reardan. The funeral was held at the Baptist Church and the GAR burial in Spring Creek Cemetery. Mr Lair was born in Ohio in 1826.” (Wilbur Register: 8-15-1902) [Lincoln Co Probate: Lair, Geo H; #566 (est. 1902, did not view)] George Hiram Lair was reportedly born June 4, 1826 in Washington, Lie Co, Ohio. He married Elizabeth Debord on March 13, 1853 in Lie Co, Ohio. Elizabeth died July 16, 1864 having borne the following known children: Althea Angeline, 1854-1914; Alice Adeline, 1855; Albert Augustus, 1857-1937; Alfred Austin, 1858-1860; James Farmer, 1865; George William, 1863. On July 17, 1867 he married Lucinda Starkey in Missouri, formerly Mrs Lucinda Finlay, mother of James Finlay.
Lair, Lucinda Starkey Finley; {b. 1837; d. 1903.} Lincoln Co Probates: Lair, Lucinda; #709 est. 1904; did not view. Lucinda Starkey was born in December 1839 per the 1900 census, aged 61. She married Samuel A Finley on July 11, 1857 in Sullivan Co, Missouri. To them was born a son, James Finley, shown on the 1870 Sullivan Co, MO census as age 11. Lucinda married George H Lair on July 17, 1867 in Missouri. They came to Washington Territory in 1886.
Landreth Land Patent: “Patentee: Squire B Landreth. Issue Date: 2-03-1897, Spokane Land Office. 160 Acres, Lincoln Co, WA. NE 14-26N-39E.”
Landreth, Daughter; b. 8-07-1895; d. 9-11-1895; Infant daughter and first child of Wm Wiley & Lovia Bell (Emley) Landreth. William Landreth married Lovia Bell Emley on Nov 7, 1894 at Crescent, Lincoln Co, WA. Four surviving children were born to them: Thomas A (1896), Theckla Rose (1898); Milton Wesley (1903) and Harold D (1906).
Landreth, Harvey G; b. 1903; d. 1924; Son. “Harvey Landreth. Died: 7 March 1924, age 20, Spokane, WA. Father: Henry Landreth. Mother: Lula Golland.” (WA State Death Records);
Landreth, Henry H; {b. 1865; d. 1922; Father (shared stone w/ Lulu E).}”Henry Landreth. Died: 9 July 1922, age 57, Spokane, Spokane Co, WA. Father: Squire B Landreth. Mother: Elizabeth Martin. Spouse: Lustin Landreth.” (WA State Death Records); (Henry was one of the five surviving children of Squire B and Lizzie E Martin Landreth. “The final account of Lulu E Landreth as executrix of the estate of Henry H Landreth, deceased, has been approved by the court and the estate ordered distributed. C A Pettijohn was appointed guardian ad litem for the minor heirs.” (Citizen: 4-27-1923) “Henry Landreth Place Burned to Ground. The house on the Henry Landreth place up in the Crescent country was completely destroyed by fire last Thursday morning. The building and contents were a total loss, only a few of the household effects being saved. Only $1,000 insurance was carried. Steve Solverson, who is staying at the place built a fire in the stove.....” (excerpt: Reardan Gazette: 12-11-1930)
Landreth, Ina F Barnard; b. 1896; d. 1973; w/o Thomas); “Services will be held in Reardan today at 3 pm. for Ina F Landreth, who died Monday in Spokane. Mrs Landreth, 77, had lived in this area for 69 years. Born in South Dakota, she was a member of several Reardan groups including the First Presbyterian Church, where the Rev Forrest Travaille and the Rev Lee Knell will officiate at her funeral. Other affiliations included the West Deep Creek Grange, Starlight OES and auxiliary, as well as a Spokane chapter of Daughters of the Nile. Besides her husband Thomas, survivors include two daughters—Jean Merrill, Chewelah, and Glenna Zwainz, Reardan—and a son, Quintin, of Reardan. Six grandchildren, one great grandson and numerous nieces and nephews also survive. She will be buried at Spring Creek Cemetery.” (Davenport Times: 6-07-1973) Thomas Landreth and Ina Barnard of Reardan were married in 1920.
Landreth, Lizzie E Martin; {b. 1847; d. 1895; Mother; w/o Squire.} “Squire (Landreth) at Portland was married, July 4, 1864, to Lizzie E Martin, a native of Missouri. July 19, 1895, Mrs Landreth died. She is survived by her husband, and five grown children: Henry, married to Lulu Galland; William, married to Lovia Emily; Augusta, wife of W B Warren; Mitta, wife of Russel Shepherd, and Ella, now Mrs C B Carsten.” (excerpt History of Big Bend-1904) “Landrith, Lizzie E. Died: July 18, 1895; Crescent. Age: 48 years.” (Lincoln Co Auditor death register)
Landreth, Lulu E Golland; b. 1877; d. 1944; Mother.} “Henry Landreth, married to Lulu Galland” (History of Big Bend-1904) “Lulu E Landreth Burrows. Died: 8 Jan 1944, age 66, Spokane, Spokane Co, WA. Father: Ransom Golland. Mother: Matilda Conrad. Spouse: Gilbert Burrows.” (WA State Death Records);
Landreth, Mabel A Puls; b. 1905; d. 1984); “Mabel A Landreth, 79, of Reardan, died Tuesday, Nov 6, 1984 at a Spokane nursing home. A lifetime native of this area, she was born on Feb 3, 1905 in Waukon to James R and Mary Puls. The Puls came to the Waukon area about 1900. A Reardan High School graduate, and a former member of the Whitman College Auxiliary, Mrs Landreth attended Cheney Normal School and participated as a member of the Reardan Presbyterian Church, Spring Creek Grange and the Lady Lions Club. Funeral services took place last Friday, Nov 9 at the Reardan Presbyterian Church at 11 a.m. with burial following at the Spring Creek Cemetery. Mrs Landreth’s husband, Milton, preceded her in death, as did one of the couple’s daughters, Dolores Mahoney. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs Claude (Sally) Ross of Warden; a son, Larry Landreth of Reardan, and his wife Betty; 7 grandchildren; 12 great grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs John (Inez) Buchanan of San Marcus, CA.” (Davenport Times: 11-15-1984)
Landreth, Milton Wesley; b. 1903; d. 1983; (shared with Mabel A); “Services were held Aug 5, at Reardan Presbyterian Church for Milton Wesley Landreth who died Aug 1, 1983 at the Newport, WA hospital after suddenly becoming ill while at his summer home on Priest Lake. Dr Ray Moody conducted the services assisted by Rev John Thomas. Interment was at Spring Creek Cemetery. Landreth, 80 at the time of his death, was a retired wheat farmer and descendant of Reardan pioneers. Born April 30, 1903 at this home north of Reardan in Crescent country, he lived his life there, and was the third generation to farm the family wheat ranch. On Dec 29, 1924, he was married to Mabel Puls. He was a charter member of the Reardan Lions Club, and the Spring Creek Grange. Landreth served with the Lincoln County Fire District from 1946 to 1972, was a member of the Reardan Masonic Lodge 146, an active member of the Reardan Presbyterian Church, including helping with the construction of the present building, and had many years involvement with Community Days. He was one of many who helped in the formation of the Reardan Grain Growers. Survivors include his wife, Mabel, at their Reardan home; one daughter, Sally Ross of Warden, WA; one son, Larry Landreth of Reardan; two brothers, Harold Landreth of Priest Lake, ID; and Thomas Landreth from Spokane. Also 7 grandchildren, and 11 great grandchildren. Mr Landreth was preceded in death by one daughter, Dolores Mahoney.” (Davenport Times: 8-11-1983; photo in original)
Landreth, Squire B; {b. 1835; d. 1914; Father; (shared with Lizzie E).} “Squire B Landreth. This pioneer, plainsman, miner, prospector, Indian fighter, and lastly, farmer, was born in Ashe County, North Carolina, Nov 1, 1835. He was the son of Benjamin and Temperance (Lawrence) Landreth, both natives of North Carolina. Squire at Portland was married, July 4, 1864, to Lizzie E Martin, a native of Missouri. July 19, 1895, Mrs Landreth died. She is survived by her husband, and five grown children: Henry, married to Lulu Galland; William, married to Lovia Emily; Augusta, wife of W B Warren; Mitta, wife of Russel Shepherd, and Ella, now Mrs C B Carsten.” (excerpt History of Big Bend-1904)
Landreth, Thomas Abraham; b. 1896; d. 1984; (shared with Ina F); “Funeral services were held Saturday for Thomas A Landreth. He passed away in Spokane Jan 10, 1984. Tom was born Dec 17, 1896 to pioneers, William and Lovia Emley Landreth, north of Reardan. He graduated from Reardan High School in 1916. He and Ina Barnard of Reardan were married in 1920. They farmed in Lincoln and Spokane counties. Tom and Ina resided on their farm on the Coulee Hite Road all of their 52 years of marriage. Ina passed away in 1973. Tom remained on the farm until 1978 when he moved to Hawthorne Manor Retirement Home in Spokane. He was in the Health Care Center there the past year. Landreth was active in community life being on the Reardan School Board two terms, the first Davenport Reardan Soil Conservation District Board, Spokane County Agriculture Stabilization Conservation Service Committee for 20 years, Reardan Memorial Clinic Board, Building Committees of Reardan Presbyterian Church and West Deep Creek Grange. On July 3, 1918 he was initiated into the Reardan Masonic Lodge No. 146 F & AM. He was a 62 year Starlight Chapter OES member, El Katif Shrine, Scottish Rite, 51 year West Deep Creek, state and national grange, attended the Presbyterian Church and was a Charter member of Reardan Lions. He is survived by one son, Quintin D Landreth, Reardan, two daughters, Mrs Fred (Jean) Merrill, Chewelah, and Mrs Robert (Glenna) Zwainz, Reardan; 6 grandchildren; 4 great grandchildren; one brother, Harold Landreth, Priest Lake, Idaho; numerous nieces and nephews. A sister, Theckla Davidson and brother, Milton Landreth, preceded in death. Pallbearers included Ken Meabon, Kirk Merrill, Rick White, Tom Zwainz, Dean and Dale Landreth. Soloist was Betty Jackman and organist Ruth Lindbloom. The Rev John Thomas and Rev C C Saunders officiated. Graveside services were conducted by Reardan Lodge No 146. Burial was at Spring Creek Cemetery. Schanzenbach Funeral Home, Chewelah, was in charge.” (Davenport Times: 1-19-1984)
Lee, Walter Henry; b. 5-28-1919; d. 11-10-1920; s/o Gust & Pearl. “Walter Lee. Died: 10 Nov 1920, age one year, Spokane, Spokane Co, WA. Father: Gust Lee. Mother: Pearl Lander.” (WA State Death Records);
Lehmann, Arthur B; b. 1907; d. 1925. “Frank Lehman, 45; Gertrude, 40; Florence, 16; Peter, 14; Arthur, 12; Flosie, 10; Eugene, 8.” (1920 Mondovi, Lincoln Co, WA census details)
Lehmann, Gertrude Luntsford; b. 1879; d. 1940. “Gertrude Lahmann. Died: 18 Aug 1940, age 61, Reardan, WA. Father: Peter Luntsford. Mother: Martha Avenal. Spouse: John Frank Lehmann.” (WA State Death Records);
Lehmann, J Frank; b. 1874; d. 1955. “John Franklin Lehmann. Died: 12 March 1955, age 80, Spokane, Spokane Co, WA. Father: Ignatz Lehmann. Mother: don’t know.” (WA State Death Records); Census records show that J Frank Lehmann was born in Illinois, his father was born in Virginia and his mother in Missouri.
Lehmann, Modessia; b. 1883; d. 1977. “Modessia Lehmann. Died: April 1977, Spokane, WA. Birth: 11-23-1883.” (SS Death Index);
Lehmann, Peter F; b. 1905; d. 1984); “Peter Lehmann, 79, of Wenatchee, died last Thursday morning, Aug 2, 1984 in Central Washington Hospital following an extended illness. Rev John Underhill officiated the 2 p.m. graveside services at Reardan’s Spring Creek Cemetery. Lehmann, born April 21, 1905 in Colville, moved with his parents at an early age to Mondovi. There, he attended school. He spent most of his life in the Reardan area, where he worked on wheat ranches. He moved to Wenatchee in 1973 and had since made his home there. He was an avid hunter and fisherman. Survivors include one brother, Gene Lehmann of Spanaway; one sister, Mrs Flossie Holman of East Wenatchee; and several nieces and nephews. One brother and one sister preceded him in death. Betts Funeral Home handled arrangements for the family.” (Davenport Times: 8-16-1984)
Leslie Land Patent: “Patentee: James Leslie. Issue Date: 8-05-1889, Spokane Land Office. 160 Acres, Lincoln Co, WA. Parts of 28-26N-39E.”
Leslie surname: “Leslie,
- female. Born: July 17, 1898, female, Reardan. Father: James Leslie, 53,
Scotland, farmer. Mother: Elsie Urquhart, 40, Scotland.” (Lincoln Co Auditor:
Leslie, Elsie Urquhart; b. 5-07-1857; d. 5-13-1935; Mother.
Leslie, Infants; {Sons of James & Elsie.} “Leslie, male. Died: July 18, 1898, aged: 2 hours; near Reardan. Premature. Father: James Leslie, born Scotland; Mother: Elsie Urquhart, born Scotland.” (Lincoln Co Auditor: 7-18-1898) “Leslie, James. Born: Apr 14, 1901, male, Reardan. Father: James Leslie, 56, Scotland, farmer. Mother: Elsie Urquhart, 42, Scotland.” (Lincoln Co Auditor: 4-14-1901)
Leslie, James Sr; b. 3-11-1845; d. 12-14-1934; Father; (shared with Elsie). “James Leslie Sr. Died: 14 Dec 1934, age 89, Spokane, Spokane Co, WA. Father: not shown. Mother: Elspel McQueen. Spouse: Elsie Leslie.” (WA State Death Records);
Lewis, Margaret; b. 6-11-1830; d. 2-16-1905; Beloved wife of Morris; 74 yrs 8 mos 16 days.
Lewis, Morris D; b. 11-05-1827; d. 9-13-1914. “Morris D Lewis. Died: 13 Sept 1913, age 85, Tacoma, Pierce Co, WA. Father: not shown. Mother: not shown” (WA State Death Records);
Luntsford Land Patent: “Patentee: Peter H Luntsford. Issue Date: 3-21-1893, Spokane Land Office. 160 Acres, Lincoln Co, WA. SE 32-26N-38E.”
Luntsford surname: “P H Luntsford was born in the state of Virginia, Dec 21, 1852. He married Miss Martha Avenell, originally of Texas, but living at the time of their marriage in Lincoln County in 1877. He came to Washington in 1882 and located his home near Mondovi and resided there since until about three years ago. A wife and five children survive him, namely, Arthur, Gertrude, Charta, William and Fredrick. He moved a short time ago to Ione, Oregon, to cultivate a large track of land owned there by John Sawyer. He was taken suddenly ill and died of paralysis of the stomach.” (Davenport Tribune: 3-15-1906); “Peter Luntsford, 39, VA; Martha, 34, TX; Arthur, 13, MO; Gertrude, 11, NE; Charles, 9, MO; Wm, 7, WA; Fred, 5, WA.” (1892 Lincoln Co Census); “Peter H Luntzford, 47, VA, married 22 yrs; Martha E, 41, 6 children born/5 living; Arthur B, 21; Gertrude, 20; Charles L, 18; John W, 16; Frederick C, 13.” (1900 Mondovi, Lincoln Co, WA census details); Gertrude Luntsford, daughter of Peter and Martha, married Frank Lehmann.
Luntsford, Frederick C; b. 1886; d. 1926; Brother. “Frederic Luntsford. Died: 8 April 1926, age 39, Reardan, Lincoln Co, WA. Father: Peter Luntsford. Mother: Martha Avenell.” (WA State Death Records);
Luntsford, Infant; d/o Peter H Luntsford and Martha Avenell Luntsford. {Edit: Prior to the 1900 census, an infant had been deceased.}
Luntsford, Martha E Avenell; b. 1857; d. 1934; Mother. “Martha Ellen Luntsford. Died: 24 Oct 1934, age 76, Spokane, Spokane Co, WA. Father: William Avenell. Mother: Elizabeth Surber. Spouse: Peter Luntsford.” (WA State Death Records);
Spring Creek Cemetery Obituaries, Lincoln County
Washington, submitted May 05, 2009 by Marge Womach.
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