North Baptist Cemetery Obituaries
Also called Schiewe Cemetery or Mayer Cemetery
Odessa North Baptist Cemetery is located on Highway 21, nine miles north of Odessa
Located in the extreme NE corner of S35 T23N R32E.
The cemetery is about 100 feet off of the roadway, and is located at mile post 65.7 of Hwy 21.
The cemetery sits at 1898 ft above sea level at N 47 degrees 27.020’ & W 118 degrees 44.523’.”
provided by a Goetz relative,
Submitted by Marge Womach
ALLMER, Michael: “Michael Allmer, male, white, widower, b. 1-13-1840; age 76 yr 6 mos 4 days; farmer; b. Russia; parents: unknown; informant: Jacob Kallenberger of Krupp, WA; d. 7-17-1916; old age, general debility; H. Mitchell, MD, Odessa, WA” Burial and undertaker were not given. (WA State Register of Death) Odessa Record of July 21, 1916 “Michael Allmer, who has been making his home with Jacob Kallenberger, 8 miles northeast of Krupp, died there Monday after a short illness of general debility. Funeral services were held Tuesday and the remains were interred in the Schiewe Cemetery.” (Family records show that Michael Allmer’s daughter, Eva, was the spouse of Jacob Kallenberger. Jacob & Eva Kallenberger were buried in Odessa City Cemetery. See also “Goetz;” Matilda Allmer married Emanuel Goetz on July 15, 1917.)
ALLMER, Anna: “Anna Allmer, female, white, single; b. Nov 16, 1919; school pupil; b. Libby, MT; Father = C. H. Allmer b. So Russia; Mother = Anna Gredt b. South Russia. Informant: mother, Marlin, WA; d. Sept 8, 1920; cause: inflammatory rheumatism with secondary cause as septic tonsils; Lee Ganson, MD, Odessa, WA” The burial location and undertaker were not shown. (WA State Register of Death.) Alvin Goetz reported on Nov 6, 1999 that he knows that Anna Allmer was indeed buried in the N Baptist Cemetery, that her parents did not have much money and that he had not seen a tombstone at her grave which is near Michael Allmer’s grave.
EMERSON, infant: Odessa Record of Oct 20, 1911, “A child born last Saturday to Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Emerson, living north of Krupp, died Tuesday from infantile convulsions. The mother is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Wagner of this city (Odessa). The funeral was held Thursday from the home, and interment took place at the Schiewe cemetery.” (Alvin Goetz reported on Nov 6, 1999 that the Emerson infant was buried in the wire fenced area next to the infant Gordon Goetz. Each grave is marked with an iron stake. Clarence and Mathilda were the parents, and they were later buried in Yakima.)
GOETZ, John: “John Goetz (Sr.), male, white, widowed; b. Oct 24, 1849 in Russia; age 76 yr 10 mos 8 days; farmer (retired); Informant: J. R. Goetz, Marlin, WA; d. Aug 31, 1926; cardio renal disease, epypertension of 3 yrs duration; Glenn Wespont, MD, Wilbur, WA; Burial: Cemetery 18 mi north of Odessa, Sept 2, 1926.” Parents: not known to informant, born Russia. (WA State Register of Death)
GOETZ, Justine: “Gustina Goetz, female, white, married, b. Dec 19, 1853; 70 yrs 5 mos 5 days; housewife; b. Russia; Father = John Miller b. Russia; Mother = Minnie Hasse b. Russia; Informant = Mrs. Weber, Odessa, WA; d. June 24, 1924; embolus of brain; contributory: chronic endocarditis, intestinal nephritis; L M Thompson, MD, Odessa. Burial: Odessa on June 28, 1924.” (WA State Register of Death)
GOETZ, Gordon: (Alvin Goetz reported on Nov 6, 1999 that he had an infant baby brother die prior to his birth in 1909. This infant was buried in the wire fenced area and later (1911) the infant of Clarence and Mathilda Emerson was buried next to Gordon Goetz. Each grave is marked with an iron post.)
GOETZ, two infants: “Mr. & Mrs. Fred Goetz, living northwest of this place, have been called upon to mourn the death of two of their children during the past week, owing to an epidemic of scarlet fever in the Goetz home. Their little four year old daughter died Sunday, and returning to their home Monday evening after the funeral, they found their little 7 months’ old boy had also died during their absence. Another child is also down with the fever, but is thought to have a good chance for recovery.” (Odessa Record of 11-29-1912)
MAYER, Louisa Schiewe: “Mrs. Louise Mayer, wife of Otto Mayer, died yesterday morning of consumption at the home of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Schiewe, nine miles north of town (Odessa). Deceased was 19 years of age. She was married to Mr. Mayer about a year ago. He was absent in Idaho, where he recently took up a homestead, his wife remaining with her parents on account of her ill health. A message has been dispatched Mr. Mayer apprising him of his great loss, and the funeral arrangements will not be completed until he arrives. Later—The funeral will be held from the Schiewe home tomorrow.” (Odessa Record-Dec 10, 1909)
SCHIEWE, Jacob: “The Odessa country lost another of its early settlers when Jacob Schiewe, one of the most substantial farmers of the entire district passed to his reward Saturday morning, the cause of his death being cancer of the stomach. Mr. Schiewe was born in Russia in 1846. He married young and in 1872 emigrated to the United States with his family settling at Scotland, South Dakota. In 1882 he again wended his way westward and settled in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, and after six more years came to Washington and settled north of Odessa where he built from a sage brush tract, one of the finest country homes in this section, and lived there until his death. He had been ill only three months. Until that time he scarcely knew what it meant to be sick a day. His strength kept him up until a little over a month ago he underwent an operation and then the cause of his trouble was discovered. He was a man of generous impulses, and never forgot the hospitable ways of the pioneer. The stranger never failed to find either food or shelter at his hands and he was a man that took pride in all kinds of neighborly offices. He enjoyed his prosperity quietly and in the time of adversity bore it bravely. The profuse floral offerings sent in loving remembrances were mute testimonials of the esteem in which he was held in the community. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife and ten children, Mrs. Jacob Weisser of Krupp; Mrs. C. B. Weisser of Camrose, BC; Mrs. B. B. Cotant of Rockland, ID; Mrs. R. H. Rhodus, Neeley, ID; Mrs. David Haag, Miss Edith Schiewe, Henry, Christ, George and William Schiewe, all of whom reside at home or in the vicinity of Odessa. Funeral services were held from the home Tuesday at 1 PM, Rev Emil Huber officiating, after which interment was made at the public cemetery near his home place.” (Odessa Record of Dec 14, 1916) “Jacob Schieve. male, white, married; b. May 21, 1856; 70 yrs 6 mos 18 days; farmer; b. Russia; Father = John Schieve, b. Russia; Mother: don’t know; Informant: Henry Schieve. d. Dec 9, 1916; cancer of stomach; symptoms duration 3 mos; Lee Ganson, MD, Odessa; Burial: Schieve Cemetery” (Death Certificate of Lincoln Co Health)
SCHORTZMAN, Carl: “Carl Schortzman, the 14 year old son of P. Schortzman, died at his home about 15 miles northwest of town last Saturday of heart disease. The funeral services were held at the home Monday, Rev Lucas officiating, after which the remains were interred in the Meyers Cemetery.” (Odessa Record of 2-12-1904)
WAHL, Earnest:“Earnest Wahl, male, white, b. 12-18-1915; 21 days; single; b. 13 miles north Odessa; Father = Wm Wahl, b. NE; Mother = Katie Adolf, b. Russia; Informant: Mrs. Nettie Burbach. d. 1-08-1916; Cause: "inanition and convulsions"; H. Mitchell, MD; Burial: 1-10-1916” Burial location not shown. (WA State Register of Death)
Submitted March 26, 2004 by Marge Womach
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