Cemetery & Obituaries
Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, Washington, read by Lartigues
With Additions & obituaries (+) by Marge Womach
Page Sm through Sw
Smith, Charles W., Apr 21, 1867-Dec 2, 1918, a Mason, obit
Smith, Elmer W., Mar 19, 1882-Feb 13, 1920, b. Rockford, WA
Smith, Esther Elizabeth, (added: d. 1-25-1998)
Smith, Forrest Elbur, May 11, 1905-Aug 15, 1906
Smith, Joe, 1888-1953, father; shared stone
Smith, Opal, 1890-1952, mother; shared stone
Smith, J. Ben, (added; d. 8-28-1906)
Smith, John Allen, 1931-1958, Daddy
Smith, Jeri Lee, June 16, 1952; baby girl
Smith, Mrs. John S., owner, Section 22
Smith, John S., 1866-1919
Smith, Catherine T., 1874-1939
Snider, Charlotte, 1883-1944, mother; shared stone
Snider, John M., 1873-1945, father; shared stone
Smith, Joseph T., (added; d. 1989)
Smith, Virgil William, (added: d. 4-25-1981)
Smith, Wesley Sebert, (added: d. 4-04-1916)
Snider, infant s/o Roy & H., Oct 19; 1942 (only), s/o Roy & Helen
Snider, Roy L., 1904-1959, father
Stairs, Daniel M., (added; d. Nov 13, 1934)
Stairs, Martha J., Jan 13, 1865-June 7, 1915
Stark, Herman E., 1885-1967
Stark, Hildegard Pauline, 1913-1925
Stark, mother (not named), 1845-1903
Starling, Jacob E., (?added; d. 7-03-1912)
Stauffer, Hiram, 1841-1903
Steiner, George, (added; d. 1995)
Stenberg, Carl Antone, Nov 30, 1858-Jan 10, 1911
Stephens, Alexander Chandler (added: d. 8-19-1979)
Stockdale, Elizabeth A., 1871-1957, shared stone
Stockdale, Ziba C., 1867-1952, shared stone
Stockman, Louise M., May 25, 1866-July 23, 1941
Stockman, Julius A., July 22, 1861-Sept 26, 1923
Stockman, Caroline, 1833-1927
Stolp, Annie Lyle, (added: d. 1-01-1978)
Stolp, Ernest F., 1894-1947
Stolp, August C., 1861-1938, shared stone
Stolp, Augusta W., 1862-1940, shared stone
Stolp, Paul A., 1902-____), shared stone
Stolp, Hazel C., 1904-1953, shared stone
Stolp, Caroline, 1862-1911, w/o M. A.
Stolp, Charles L., (added: b. Jan 29, 1892, d. 1916 Jan 07 )
Stolp, Claudie Irene, (added: d. March 1916)
Stolp, Edward H., 1883-1945
Stolp, Henry G., 1897-1959
Stolp, Friedrich A., Jan 3, 1848-Feb 22, 1927
Stolp, Sophia C., Feb 1, 1857-June 8, 1929
Stolp, Hulda Bertha, 1896-1904, d/o Aug & Augusta
Stolp, Michael, 1857-19__), shared stone
Stolp, Emma, 1868-1938, shared stone
Stone, John T., 1843-1918, shared stone
Stone, Mary L.,+ 1848-1941, shared stone
Stone, Rolla T., 1875-1951
Stocke, Ada J., Apr 27, 1869-Feb 14, 1901, w/o Geo F.
Straughan, Charles V., 1874-1919
Stuhr, Grace D., 1902-1909, shared stone-3
Stuhr, Henry W., 1890-1918, shared stone-3, Obit
Stuhr, Mary A., 1867-1914, shared stone-3
Sullivan, Susan Mary, (added; d. 1915)
Swenson, Mary E., May 18, 1882-May 7, 1913
Swift, Baby Roy J., Mar 7-12, 1922, s/o Harley & Agnes
Swift, Agnes, 1898-____), shared stone
Swift, Harley J., 1896-1961, shared stone
Swift, Benjamin H., 1877-1955
Swift, Nellie, 1880-1950
Smith, Catherine T.: (TS: 1874-1939 shared w/ John S.) “Funeral of Catherine T. Smith. Residence: Sprague, WA. Birth: Nov 30, 1874, St Louis, MO; Death: 5-28-1939, at Sacred Heart Hospital, (Spokane, WA). Aged: 64 yrs 5 mos 28 days. Widow of John S. Smith. Female, married, white, housewife. Father: John Kurtz, born Germany; Mother: Catherine Knell/Nell, born Germany. Physician: Dr Mathews of Spokane. Cause of death: cancer. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery, Lot 22, grave 7, Section 1. Funeral: Catholic Church at 10 a.m., Rev Father Loffler. Interment: May 31, 1939.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) See SLE pages 656-9 with photos. She married John S. Smith on Jan 12, 1897.
Smith, Charles W.: (TS: Apr 21, 1867-Dec 2, 1918; a Mason) “Record of Funeral of Chas W. Smith. White. Born: IN. Charge to Mrs. C. W. Smith. Funeral: Dec 8, 1918 at Maccabee Cemetery at 1 p.m., Masonic. Residence: Chico, CA. Death: Dec 2, 1918, Tekeo, WA. Cause of Death: Pneumonia; Secondary: Influenza. Married. Protestant. Aged: 51 yrs 7 mos 11 days.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger; fee for opening grave, no fee for purchase of lot; no family details) ( The Sprague Advocate, December 13, 1918) Charles W. Smith who died of pneumonia in Tekoa, Wash. Dec. 5, 1918 and was brot to Sprague for burial, was born in Indiana in 1867 and when 2 years old moved to Lafayette county, Mo. with his parents. He spent 22 years of his life there and in 1891 he came west locating at Walla Walla, Wash. where he was foreman on H. H. Hungate's ranch. On Nov. 2, 1891 he married Miss Emma A. Biernaback of Odess, Lafayette Co., Mo. He spent 3 years there and then he returned to Odessa. Two years were spent there. In 1896 he moved with his parents to Red Bluff, Cal. He spent 17 years there, then 14 years he worked with the Southern Pacific. Two years he worked for the Sira Lumber Co. of Red Bluff. In 1912 he moved to Chico, Cal. Where he went into business for himself in a furniture store. The last two years he worked for the Diamond Match Co. Last March he came to Sprague and he and his wife worked for John Biernback, Mrs. Smith's brother, all summer. Mr. Smith leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, one brother, J. R. Smith of Port Angeles, Wash., and four sisters, one of Reno, Nevada, one of Los Angeles, Cal. and two of San Francisco. He was a member of Masonic Lodge No 84 of Red Bluff for 28 years, a member of the Modern Woodman No 7322 of Red Bluff for 16 years, and of the Yeoman Lodge No. 3858 of Chico, Cal. He was an upright and a most respected citizen and was honored and esteemed by all who knew him. The masonic lodge of Sprague, Wash. had charge of the body and conducted the funeral service at the Maccabee cemetery. Submitted by Barbara Curtis.
Smith, Elmer W.: (TS: Mar 19, 1882-Feb 13, 1920; b. Rockford, WA) “Record of Funeral of Elmer W. Smith. Born: WA. Charge to Mrs. Smith, Sprague, WA. Funeral: Feb 16, 1920, Community Church, 2 p.m. Rev Leonard Gown. Death: Feb 13, 1920, 7 miles east of Sprague. Birth: March 19, 1882. Farmer, Married, Protestant. Aged: 37 yrs 11 mos 6 days. Physician: Dr D. M. Strang. Father: John M. Smith, born PA; Mother: Ellen Akin, born Ohio. Interment: Maccabee Cemetery, Section 52.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) “Elmer Smith has purchased the old Mort Smith ranch from R. Greene for $2000. Possession will not be given until fall.” (LCT, Sprague Column: 5-18-1906)
Smith, Esther Elizabeth: (added: d. 1-25-1998) “Esther
Elizabeth Smith. Death: Jan 25, 1998. Birth: Feb 9, 1918, Ritzville, WA. Spouse:
widowed, N. A.; Father: August Wellsandt; Mother: Elisa Marie Seegar. Burial:
Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card) “Esther
Smith. Born: 2-09-1918; Died: 1-25-1998; Buried: 1-28-1998, Sprague, WA.” (St
John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register) See SLE page 653-4: Esther Wellsandt
married Joseph T Smith on Nov 14, 1937. They had three daughters. “Funeral
service for area native Esther E Smith, who died Jan 25, 1998 in Davenport, was
scheduled for Wednesday this week, Jan 28, at 11 a.m. at St John’s Lutheran
Church in Sprague, with Pastor Steve Gutzman officiating. Concluding service and
vault interment followed at
Smith, Forrest Elbur: (TS: May 11, 1905-Aug 15, 1906)
Smith, George E. (added: d. July 1973) “George E. Smith.—His home Sprague, WA. Survived by his wife, Ruby Smith at the home; 3 daughters, Mrs. Jackie Pelley, Sprague, Mrs. Judy Sauer, Sprague; Mrs. Janette Ames, Okanogan, WA; 4 sisters, Mrs. Fred Becker, Sprague; Mrs. James L. Smith, Yakima; Mrs. Ralph Doerschlag, Sprague; Mrs. Joe Bewick, Sprague; 2 brothers, J. William Smith, Spokane; Joe T. Smith, Sprague; 10 grandchildren; one great grandchildren. He was a member of the Community Church, Sprague, WA, the Crab Creek Grange, Sprague; a member of the Moose Lodge and the Foresters, both of Spokane. Funeral services Saturday, July 21, at 10 a.m. from the Community Church, Sprague, WA. The Rev Eldon Clark and Rev Gerald Dittrich officiating. Interment Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA. The Danekas Funeral Home, Ritzville, WA, in charge.” (Spokesman Review: 7-20-1973).
Smith, J. Ben: (added; d. 8-28-1906) “Services over the remains of J. Ben Smith who died suddenly Tuesday morning, Aug 28, were held Saturday afternoon at the Congregational church, Rev Jonathan Edwards officiating. There was a large attendance and the address of Rev Edwards was impressive. The pall bearers were Henry C. Smith, A. L. Smalley, C. B. Fry, J. D. Bayman, George Maguire and Benjamin Buckley. Interment was in Maccabee Cemetery. J. Ben Smith was born in Reynolds County, MO, July 5, 1844. At the early age of 10 years he removed with his parents to Colusa County, CA, and for thirty years continued to make the Golden State his home. There are people in this vicinity who knew him in California, and all speak in high terms of his genial sunny disposition and generous character. It was in 1884 that J. Ben Smith came to the Territory of Washington, which he witnessed admitted into the Union, and in which state he resided until his death.” (Sprague Times: 9-07-1906) “The sudden and unexpected demise of J. Ben Smith occurred Tuesday morning at the Vinyard livery and feed stable north of the railway tracks. At an early hour that morning he was, evidently, alive as he was heard to mutter something unintelligible. Later one of the men employed in the stable on starting to go up stairs observed Smith’s face. It did not appear natural. An examination revealed that he was cold in death. Smith had been around the city nearly all day the previous Monday, and at 9 o’clock that evening seemed in his usual health. Coroner Kaulbach at Edwall was notified at once. He communicated with Dr J. E. Bittner and the case was turned over to him. The disease from which he died was pronounced paralysis of the heart. No inquest was deemed necessary. The body was taken to the undertaking rooms of Fisher & Buchanan. Efforts were made to get in communication with friends of the deceased. Wednesday night a telegram was received from Frank McKinney, a son-in-law in Olympia, reading, ‘No instructions; cannot bury him.’ The interment takes place today. J. Ben Smith was an old-time resident of Sprague and for many years rode the range and followed the vocation of a cowboy. He was more at home in a saddle than on foot, and was invariably genial and good-natured with all persons with whom he was thrown in contact.” (Sprague Times: 8-31-1906) “Card of Thanks. To the kind friends who assisted with money, deeds and sympathy in the preparations for the interment of the late J. B. Smith, we desire to extend thanks. J. D. Bayman, Ben Sirginson.” (Sprague Times: 9-07-1906)
Smith, Jeri Lee: (TS: June 16, 1952; baby girl) John Allen Smith married Jeanne Dyer and five children were born to them: Janelle, John Allen Jr., Jeri Lee, Jeffery and Jhan Richard. Jeri Lee died at birth. (See SLE pages 654-6.)
Smith, Joe: (TS:
1888-1953; father; shared stone with Opal) “Joseph Smith. Death: 12-20-1953.
Birth: 8-25-1888, WA. widowed.
Father: Jacob Smith. Mother: Lucy McCann. Buried: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague,
WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card) See SLE pages 652-3:
Joe Smith was born Aug 25, 1888, the son of Jacob and Louisa Smith. He
married Opal Kennington on April 19, 1903. They had four sons: Chester, Ron,
Glen and Bernie. Joe died Dec 20, 1953, having survived his wife nearly 18
months. “Ronald Smith’s
Smith, John Allen: (TS: 1931-1958; Daddy) “John Allen Smith. Death: 6-23-1958. Birth: 6-26-1931, Sprague. Married. Father: George Smith. Mother: Ruby Becker. Buried: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card) See SLE pages 654-6. John Allen Smith was the oldest of four children born to Geo E. Smith and his wife Irene Ruby Becker. John Allen Smith married Jeanne Dyer on Nov 14, 1948. Five children were born to them, one failing to thrive, Jeri Lee. The surviving children were: Janelle Rae, John Allen Jr., Jeffery Lee and Jhan Richard.
Smith, John S.: (TS: 1866-1919; shared w/Catherine) “Record of Funeral of John S/ Smith. White. Born: Missouri. Funeral: Oct 7, 1919 at Congregational Church at 2:30 p.m. . Death: Myrtle Hospital on Oct 4, 1919. Birth: Jan 24, 1866. Cause of death: cirrhosis of liver. Farmer. Married. Protestant. Aged: 53 yrs 8 mos 10 days. Interment: Maccabee Cemetery: Section 72, Lot 1, grave 1.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger; fee charge for cemetery lot) See SLE page 653 which shows his birthplace as St Louis, MO, and his wife as Katherine Kurtz also born St Louis, MO. They came by train to Sprague in 1902. This identifies one of his brother’s as Jacob Smith, for whom John S Smith worked initially. John and Catherine’s children were: Katie, Elizabeth, Bill, George, Joe T/, Bessie Bell and Alice.
Smith, Joseph T.: (added; d. 1989) “Joseph T. Smith.
Born: 11-07-1912; Died: 4-17-1989, Sprague, WA. Funeral:
4-21-1989, buried Maccabee.” (St John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register) See
variation in date in SLE page 653, Joe T. Smith, son of John Smith and Catherine
Kurtz, was born Nov 7, 1910. He married Esther Wellsandt on Nov 14, 1937.
Their children were identified as Maureen Rae (1938), Kathryn Louise (1942) and
Elizabeth Ellen (1946).
Smith, Opal: (TS:
1890-1952; mother; shared stone with Joe: 1888-1953)
See SLE page 652-3: Opal Kennington was born in 1890 in Illinois to Maude
Kennington and her husband. Opal married Joe Smith (1888-1953) in 1903 and they
had four sons. Opal Smith died June 26, 1952.
Smith, Virgil William: (added: d. 4-25-1981) “Virgil William Smith. Death: 4-25-1981, Odessa, WA. Cause: Natural causes. Father: Charles Simian Smith. Mother; Lydia Comer. Spouse: Elsie West. Buried: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card)
Smith, Wesley Sebert: (added: d. 4-04-1916) “Record of Funeral of Wesley Sebert Smith. Born: Sprague, WA. Son of John Smith; Charge to John Smith. Funeral: July 6, 1916 at grave with Rev Cook. Physician: Dr Strang of Sprague. Birth: July 2, 1916. Death: July 4, 1916 at Sprague Hospital, Cause: inanition, premature birth. Age: 2 days. Father: John Smith. Mother: Charlotte Barrett. Interment: Maccabee: Lot 6, Section 114.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger)
Snider, Charlotte: (TS: 1883-1944; mother; shared stone w/ John M. Snider) “Funeral of Charlotte Alma Smith. Residence: Oakland, CA. Wife of John M. Snider. Birth: Aug 12, 1882, Missouri; Death: 4-24-1944, at Oakland, CA. Aged: 61 yrs 8 mos 12 days. Female, white, married, housewife. Father: Rufus Mapes, born Illinois; Mother: Samantha Jurdin, birth unknown. Physician: A. H. Meyer, Highland Hospital at Oakland. Cause of death: Lymphosarcoma. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery; Funeral: Community Church at 2 p.m.; Interment: 4-30-1944.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) See SLE page 258: her identified children were Roy, Earl, Oscar and Jim.
Snider, John M.: (TS: 1873-1945; father; shared stone w/ Charlotte) “Funeral of John Milton Snider. Residence: Oakland, CA. Aged: 72 years, male, white. Interment: 8-19-1945.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger; no data, minimal fees for cemetery) John M. Snider married Charlotte Mapes and they had four sons: Roy, Earl, Oscar and Jim, as identified in SLE page 258.
Snider, infant: (TS: Oct 19; 1942; s/o Roy & Helen) “Funeral of Baby Boy Snider. Stillborn. Birth & Death: 10-19-1942, Sacred Heart Hospital (Spokane, WA); Male, white. Father: Roy Snider, born Odessa, Missouri; Mother: Helen Doerschlag, born Sprague, WA. Physician: Dr J. D. Kintschi, of Spokane, WA. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery; Funeral: Chapel at 10:30 a.m. Interment: 10-20-1942.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger)
Snider, Roy L.: (TS: 1904-1959; father) “Roy Lee Snider. Death: 8-28-1959. Birth: 9-11-1904, Missouri. Married. Father: John Snider. Mother; Charlotte Mapes. Buried: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card) See SLE page 258: Roy L. Snider married Helen Doerschlag in 1925.
Stairs, Daniel M.: (added; d. Nov 13, 1934) “Record of Funeral: Daniel M. Stairs, born New Brunswick, Canada. Husband of Martha Walker. Charge to son. Order given by son. Residence: Eagle, Idaho. Funeral: Nov 16, 1934, Congregational Church in Sprague. Rev Reiss of Ritzville. Physician: H. C. Mosbery, coroner, Wallace, Idaho. Death: Nov 13, 1934 at Eagle, Idaho. Cause: gunshot; Secondary: despondency. Miner, widower, Protestant. Birth: Feb 22, 1865. Age: 69 yrs 8 mos 21 days. Father: Stairs, born Canada. Mother: don’t know. Body to be shipped to Sprague. Interment: (not shown). (Sprague Mortuary ledger; fees include opening and closing of the grave)
Stairs, Martha J.: (TS: Jan 13, 1865-June 7, 1915) “Mrs. Dan Stairs passed away Monday morning at five o’clock. She has been in poor health with dropsy of the heart for the past three years and has been bedfast for about 7 weeks. The funeral was held from the country home near Lamont on Tuesday morning at 11:30 o’clock, Rev J. Edwards of Spokane officiating and interment was made in Maccabee Cemetery. Her age at death was 50 years, 4 months and 19 days. Martha J. Walker was born at Lawndale, Logan County, IL on Jan 19, 1865. About 35 years ago she came with her parents to Salem, Oregon, where the family lived for a number of years. In 1893 she came to the Sprague country to visit her sisters and while here met Dan Stairs. Their regard for each other grew into an affection which found a happy climax in their wedding six years later. They were married in the ME parsonage in this city on Oct 9, 1899, and have lived here ever since with the exception of three years spent at McCoy, Oregon, from 1910 to 1913. Two boys, Harry, 14 years of age, and Arthur, 10, are the offspring of the union. She also leaves to mourn her loss five sisters and a brother, Mrs. J. W. Shields of Cheney, Mrs. G. A. Shields and Miss Fannie Walker of Amity, Oregon, Mrs. Alvin Walker of McMinnville, Oregon, Mrs. J. A. Bewley of Independence, Oregon and W. L. Walker of Joseph, Oregon. She was a member of the Congregational church and of the Rebekah Lodge of McCoy, Oregon. The local Rebekah lodge assisted in the funeral arrangements. Mrs. Stairs was a woman of quiet gentle nature, loving her family and home and finding in them her life’s greatest happiness. Her loss is a terrible blow to the loving husband and the boys of tender years. The entire community sorrows with them at the great loss which has come upon them.” (Sprague Advocate: 6-11-1915) “Record of Funeral of Martha J Stairs, white, born IL, wife of Dan Stairs. Funeral: June 8, 1915 at home, 4 miles south of Lamont at 11:30 a.m. by Rev Jonathan Edwards. Physician: Dr Strang of Sprague. Death: June 7, 1915; Birth: Jan 19, 1865. Housewife; married; Presbyterian; Aged: 50 yrs 4 mos 19 days. Father: Harvey Walker; Mother: Hannah J. Davis. Interment: Maccabee Cemetery, grave 1, sec 55 W ½.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger)
Stark surname: Lincoln County probate file #335, the estate of John
Stark, was filed on March 8, 1898. The file shows that John Stark died Feb 25,
1898 in Lincoln County. He held property in NE ¼ of Sec 27 T 24 R 39 and other
properties. His heirs were shown as: Jim Stark (of England, now deceased);
Mathew Stark, 48, of England; John Stark, 34, of England; Maggie, 50, of Medical
Lake; and the petitioner, Andrew Stark, 36. The History of Big Bend, page 395:
Andrew Stark, son of John and Margaret (Adamson) Stark, was born Jan 11, 1862 in
Edinburgh, Scotland. John and Margaret migrated to England for seven years prior
to residences in Calgary, Alberta. From there the family came to Spokane County
locating in the Tyler vicinity. This article states that John Stark settled in
Lincoln County in 1871 where he died; no date of death is given for John.
Margaret had died en route to Lincoln County, no location was given. Andrew
Stark married Mrs. Nettie S. Dial, a native of Kansas, on July 3, 1900 in Spokane.
Nettie came to WA with her former husband in 1890 and had three children by him:
Cecil R., Elmer R. and Earl L. Two children were born to Andrew and Nettie, John F.
and Alma D. In 1904, Nettie’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tutcher were residing in
Kansas. Nettie brought into this marriage her property, 160 acres of land.
Lincoln Co Probate #557, the estate of Wallace Wisley Dial was filed in 1902.
This is assumed to be Nettie’s former husband as the file was not viewed. This
file was followed by a guardianship file #663 of Earl Dial, et al, filed in
1903. The Andrew Stark property and the Dial property were north of Waukon. The
1910 census for the Andrew Stark household confirm his marriage of ten years to
Nettie and the presence of the three step-sons with Alma and John. In 1920 Cecil
R Dial is 22 and residing in the Waukon precinct with his wife; his neighbor,
Andrew Stark is widowed and his son John is residing with him. This Mrs. Stark
died after the 1910 census and before the 1920 census. (No connection was
established to these tombstones.)
Stark, Herman E.: (TS: 1885-1967) "Herman E. Stark (age 82). His home, Rt. 1, Spokane. Survived by one brother, John Stark, Rt. 1, Spokane, WA.; one sister, Ella Stark, Watertown, WI; two nieces, Mrs. Stanley Larsen and Mrs. Trudy Hansen, both of Spokane. He was a member of the Medical Lake (WA) Lutheran Church. Funeral services Wednesday, August 23, at 10:30 a.m. from the Memorial Chapel of the Jerue Funeral Home, Cheney, WA. Pastor Wayne Olsen officiating. Interment Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA." (Spokesman Review: Aug 22, 1967) "Herman E Stark. Died: 8-20-1967. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA." (Lincoln Co Health burial permit) "Herman Edward Stark. Birth: Jan 16, 1885. Permanent Address: Mansfield, Douglas County, WA. Farm Laborer. Employed by J. D. Stark at Mansfield." (Draft Card data)
Stark, Hildegard Pauline: (TS: 1913-1925)
Stark, mother: (not named): (TS: 1845-1903)
Stark Surname: The Tombstone Inscriptions of Lincoln Co data collection by Lartigues, shows on page 181, a listing of "a single, unmarked grave in S 1/2 of Sec 22 Twp 24N R 39 in a wheat field on land owned by John Stark. Go to the farm buildings, then west 3/4 mile, then north 1/4 mile and it is roughly 100 feet east of the hill top. Jack Stark of Spokane believes this was an older person and that the grave was there in 1905 when his grandfather homesteaded."
Starling, Jacob E.: (?added; d. 7-03-1912) “Jacob E. Starling. Male, white, married, blacksmith. Birth: Feb 2, 1858, Ohio. Father: Robert Starling, born Ohio; Mother: Mary Smith, born Ohio. Informant: Frank Starling, Edwall, WA. Death: July 3, 1912 at 4 a.m. Cause: Dysentery of 4 days duration; Secondary: Diabetes. J. E. Reitner, MD, Sprague, WA. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery on July 4, 1912. W R Lee, undertaker, of Sprague.” (WA State death certificate) “J. E. Starling died Wednesday morning of dysentery. His son Claud of Spirit Lake, Idaho, and his daughter, Mrs. Wm Judd arrived Tuesday evening. The funeral will be held Thursday. Deceased was 54 years old and had been ailing for some time.” (Sprague Advocate: 7-05-1912) Note: Lakeview Cemetery shows one tombstone for R. R. Starlin, who died 3-13-1901, and other family burials. Several obits for J. E. Starlin show different burials, same person. It is assumed that the burial occurred in the Lakeview Cemetery family plot of Starling.
Stauffer, Hiram: (TS: 1841-1903) “Hiram Stauffer, aged 62 years, died Saturday after a lingering illness. His remains were buried in the Maccabee Cemetery Sunday afternoon from the Congregational Church. The members of Phoenix Lodge, No 165, IOOF acted as pall bearers and guard of honor and read their burial service at the grave. Mr. Stauffer had been a member of the order for many years but never affiliated with this lodge, preferring to retain his membership in his eastern home. He was also a member of the KOTM. Mr. Stauffer came to Sprague about 1890 and entered the employ of the NP Ry. For many years he was the pump engineer and since the shops were moved to Spokane he has filled various positions for the company in this city. He had been in poor health for several years and has been able to work but little in the past twelve months. Mr. Stauffer was a man of sterling worth. His honesty and integrity were never questioned and he was valued as a neighbor and a citizen. He leaves a wife and two children in this city and some grown sons in the east to mourn the loss of a kind and manly husband and father.” (Sprague Times: 7-24-1903) H Stauffer, born in Canada, with wife, Minnie, are shown on the 1892 census. The Sprague 1902 census shows Hiram Stauffer, 61, wife, Minnie, 41, daughter Elva, 15, and son Arthur, 9. Hiram missed the wedding of his daughter; Elva Stauffer married Mr. Charles C. Smith of Spokane, who worked for the NP railway. (refer 9-09-1904 of Harrington Citizen)
Steiner, George: (added; d. 1995) “George Steiner. Born: 4-03-1916, Payette, Idaho; Died: 3-14-1995, Spokane, WA; Buried: 3-19-1995, Sprague, WA.” (St John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register) See SLE pages 667-668. George Wm Steiner married Tessie May Thompson on Aug 11, 1940 at Winchester, Idaho. They had three sons: Frank Lee, John George and Danny Gary.
Stenberg, Carl Antone: (TS: Nov 30, 1858-Jan 10, 1911)
Stephens, Alexander Chandler: (added: d. 8-19-1979) “Alexander Chandler Stephens. Died: 8-19-1979. Birth: 5-29-1917, Alabama. Spouse: Marvel Osborn. Father: unknown. Mother: unknown. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA.”
Stips, see Lakeview Cemetery in Sprague.
Stockdale, Elizabeth A.: (TS: 1871-1957; shared stone w/ Ziba C.) “Mrs. C. Stockdale and son Haldeane left Saturday for Davenport to make their home.” (Citizen, Edwall column: 3-03-1922)
Stockdale, Ziba C.: (TS: 1867-1952; shared stone w/ Elizabeth A.) The family of Ziva C. and Elizabeth with five children appeared on the 1920 Waverly, Spokane Co census. Ziba was born in MN and his wife, Elizabeth, was born in Indiana. The five children were: Isaac (21), Albert T. (15), Lena M. (14), Lester Z. (11), and Richard J. (3 10/12). “Mrs. C. Stockdale received word Tuesday that Mr. Stockdale’s sister in Kansas died Sunday. As soon as Mr. Stockdale returns the family will move to Davenport where he has been transferred by the Standard Oil company.” (Citizen, Edwall Column: 2-17-1922)
Stockman, Caroline E.: (TS: 1833-1927) “Record of Funeral: Caroline Stockman. Order: May 3, 1927. Born: Germany. Interment: Section 38.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger; minimal charge, no details; SLE: page 669 and 325, makes brief mention of Caroline Stockman, mother of Julius Stockman. Caroline’s husband, August, died in Oregon in 1897. Her only mentioned children were Julius and Otto.) The Lincoln Co 1892 census shows only one John Stockman, born about 1858. Caroline is seen in some records as Carrie, widow of August. Her maiden name is Schlock or some variation of that.
Stockman, Julius A.: (TS: July 22, 1861-Sept 26, 1923) “Julius Stockman, born 22 July 1861, Wiesenthal, Germany, came to Canada when a boy, lived there for 11 years, and came to Elmore, MN, where he married Louise Ludtke on 12 Nov 1886. Moved to Oregon, then to Sprague, WA. Died of apoplexy.” (St John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register; no death or burial date given) “Record of Funeral of Julius Stockman. Order by wife. Funeral: Sept 29, 1923 at Community Church, 2 p.m. Death: Sept 26, 1923 at Sprague. Cause: apoplexy. Physician: Dr J E Bittner. Birth: July 24, 1861. Occupation: lodging house. Married. Lutheran. Aged: 62 yrs 2 mos 4 days. Father: August Stockman, born Germany. Mother: Caroline Schlock, born Germany. Interment: Maccabee Cemetery, Section 38, West 1½ grave 2.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) SLE page 669:Julius Stockman married Louise Martha Ludtke and they had no children.
Stockman, Louise M.: May 25, 1866-July 23, 1941 “Louise Martha Stockman. Death: 7-23-1941; Birth: 5-25-1866, Germany; Spouse: Julius Stockman. Father: Karl Lutke; Mother: Albertine Barto. Buried: Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card) “Funeral of Louise Martha Stockman. Residence: Sprague, WA. Birth: 5-25-1866, Schiefelbein, Germany; Death: July 23, 1941, at Sprague, WA. Aged: 75 yrs 1 mo 28 days. Wife of Julius Stockman. Female, widow, white, housekeeper. Father: Karl Ludtke, born Germany; Mother: Albertina Barto, born Germany. Physician: Dr Howard of Sprague, WA. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery. Funeral: Lutheran Church at 2:30 p.m. Interment: 7-25-1941.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) SLE page 669: Louise Ludtke was a daughter of Karl Ludtke and Albertina Bartz, and she was a sister to Henry Karl Ludtke. In 1920 Louise was running a lodging house and had three boarders at the time of the census.
Stolp, Annie Lyle: (added: d. 1-01-1978) “Annie Lyle Stolp. Death: ?1-01-1978 or 1-21-1978; Birth: 8-28-1893, Canada. Widowed. Father: James Campbell. Mother: Margaret Percy. Buried: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card) Annie was the wife of Edward Herman Stolp, son of Friedrich. Edward died in 1945. See SLE pages 210-211. Annie’s mother was identified as Margaret Ann Perney Campbell, her parents were natives of Canada. Annie’s father is buried in Maccabee, see also. "Herman Stolp’s condition at 2 p.m. Thursday was reported as good as can be expected... That is the word from his mother, Mrs. Annie Stolp, in a telephone conversation from Deaconess Hospital. Herman Stolp was shot in the stomach about 9 a.m. Monday morning by 15-year old Richard Bartlett, a high school youth... Bartlett is the son of Mrs. Gust Larson. Mrs. Stolp was still at home and was summoned immediately... She is remaining with Herman, whose condition is still grave. She is staying with her sister, Miss Jean Campbell. Mrs. Stolp and her son Herman came here from Sprague in the summer of 1959... Jack Williams assisted by Mrs. Orville Swartz and Mrs. E. L. Heinemeyer opened the Harrington Food Market and are operating it while Mrs. Stolp is in Spokane." (Harrington Citizen: 4-17-1953)
Stolp, August C.: (TS: 1861-1938; shared stone w/ Augusta) “August Christian Stolp. Death: 11-21-1938. Birth: 8-11-1861, Germany. Spouse: Mrs. August; Father: Christian Stolp; Mother: Eva Rosena Bloom. Burial: Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card) “August Christian Stolp. Born: 8-11-1861; Died: 11-21-1938; Buried: 11-25-1938” (St John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register) “Funeral of August Christian Stolp. Residence: Sprague, WA. Birth: 8-11-1867, Germany; Death: Nov 21, 1938, at home in woodshed. Aged: 77 yrs 3 mos 10 days. Husband of Augusta Stolp. Male, white, married, plumber. Father: Christian Stolp, born Germany; Mother: Eva Rosena Bloom, born Germany. Physician: Dr Howard of Sprague, WA. Cause: coronary thrombosis. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery. Funeral: Lutheran Church, 2 p.m. Rev John Groschupf. Interment: Nov 25, 1938.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) BLM records show a homestead application by August Stolp in 2-21-37 on June 5, 1891, cancelled. See also SLE 671-673. Though the item shows August Stolp, the youngest of 3 brothers (Friedrich, Michael and August), it shows different names for his parents. Friedrich and Michael show their parents’ names as Christolph and Eva Rosena (Blum) Stolp, whereas the item on August shows his parents’ names as John and Rosend Stolp. The mortuary report clearly shows his parents to be the same.
Stolp, Augusta W.: (TS: 1862-1940; shared stone w/ August C.) “Funeral of Mrs. Augusta W. Stolp. Residence: E 1027 Carlisle, Spokane, WA. Wife of August Stolp. Birth: 11-18-1862, Germany; Death: 12-13-1940, Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane. Aged: 78 yrs 25 days. Female, widow, white, housewife, non-retired. Father: John Radtke, born Germany; Mother: Henrietta. born Germany. Physician: Dr R. L. Rotchford, Spokane, WA. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery. Funeral Service at St Johns Lutheran Church at 2 p.m. Interment: 12-15-1940.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) See SLE 671-2: August and Augusta reportedly had eight children: Orma, Martha, Ernest, Hulda, Clara, and Paul, and the two that died at birth. Orma, the oldest daughter of August, was married March 31, 1913 to Luis Wm Wolfskill of Los Angeles, CA. (Sprague Advocate: 4-25-1913) Martha married Fred Hertel (Sprague Advocate: 1-14-1910). Ernest married Mae Radke in 1921. Clara married Chris Scheuss in 1920, and later married George Kloster. Paul married Hazel Leigh on Oct 31, 1923.
Stolp, Caroline: (TS: 1862-1911; w/o M. A.) “Mrs. Caroline Stolp. Born: 25 Feb 1852, West Prussia; Died: 15 June 1911, Sprague, WA. Buried: 19 June 1911, Sprague Cemetery.” (St John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register) Caroline Lucht Stolp was the first wife of Michael Stolp and the mother of his five children: Emma (1884), Elvena (1890), Charles L. (1892-1916), Adolph Walther (1895), and Viola Pauline (1905).
Stolp, Charles L.: (added: d. 1916) “Charles L. Stolp, son of Mike Stolp, died Jan 7, of tuberculosis at the parental home in Sprague. Funeral services were held Sunday from the German Lutheran Church at 2 p.m. and burial was made in Maccabee Cemetery. Charlie was born in Sprague, Jan 29, 1892, being 23 years, 11 months and 9 days old at death. He caught a very severe cold in Sprague about 5 years ago from which the disease which caused his death had its beginning. He spent some time in Portland and about four years in California in search of health. Finding himself unable to remedy his trouble, he came home last April and has been declining steadily ever since. He was an exemplary young man being thrifty, energetic and wholly trustworthy. He was employed by John Garvey and John Kleba, both of whom speak highly of his good qualities. He was employed on the C M & St. P construction work and on....” (Sprague Advocate: 1-14-1916) “Charles L. Stolp, son of Michael Stolp and his wife, Caroline (nee Lucht), was born on the 29th day of January, 1892, Sprague, WA; Died 7th of Jan 1916 at the place of his birth. Funeral services at the church in English and German. Buried 9 Jan 1916, Sprague Cemetery.” (St John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register) “Record of Funeral of Charles L. Stolp. White, born Sprague, WA. Son of Mike Stolp of Sprague. Funeral: Jan 9, 1916 at Lutheran Church at 2 p.m. Residence: Sprague. Death: Jan 7, 1916 at Sprague, WA. Cause: Tuberculosis of Lungs. Birth: Jan 29, 1892. Occupation: Laborer and Clerk. Age: 23 yr 11 mos 7 days. Father: Mike Stolp born Germany; Mother: Caroline Luefke Stolp born Germany. Burial: Maccabee.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger)
Stolp, Claudia Irene: (added: d. March 1916) “The little child of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stolp of Weston, Oregon, was buried Wednesday morning. The funeral was held from the Methodist Church, Rev J. F. Cook officiating. Claudie Irene Stolp was born at Athena, Oregon, and was 1 year, 3 months and 20 days old.” (Sprague Advocate: 3-10-1916) “Record of Funeral of Claudie Irene Stolp. White, born Oregon. Funeral: March 8, 1916, at ME Church in Sprague, 10:30 a.m. with Rev Cook. Physician: C. Smith at Weston, OR. Death: March 5, 1916 at Weston, Oregon. Single. Aged: 1 yr 3 mos 20 days. Father: J. A. Stolp; Mother: Dora May Stolp. Pallbearers: Valmore Lee, Sam Kinch, Fred Clasey, Henry Luew.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger; burial not specified, however, the billing includes a fee for the cemetery lot and the opening of the grave. Original is difficult to read)
Stolp, Edward H.: (TS: 1883-1945) “Edward Herman Stolp. Death: 9-10-1945; Birth: 11-04-1883, Canada. Spouse: Annie Stolp. Father: Fredrick Stolp. Mother: Sophia ___; Burial: Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card) “Funeral of Edward Herman Stolp. Residence: Sprague, WA. Birth: 11-04-1883, Ontario, Canada; Death: 9-10-1945, Ritzville, (WA), one mile east on Highway in car. Aged: 61 yrs 10 mos 6 days. Male, white, married, retired farmer. Father: Frederick Stolp, born Germany; Mother: Sophia Siedling, born Ontario, Canada. Physician: Dr Lindsay, of Ritzville, WA. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery. (purchase of two lots); Funeral: Community Church at 2 p.m. Interment: 9-13-1945.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) “On Nov 1, a deal was completed between Geo E. Smith and Edward H. Stolp whereby Stolp becomes the owner of 480 acres of Smith’s land lying 4 miles north of Keystone in Sec 22-21-37/ The price paid was $21,600 or $45 per acre. Mr. Smith still owns 440 acres of land adjoining this piece which Mr. Stolp has rented and with this he farms 160 acres of his father’s making him in all 1080 acres. Indicative of the rise in the price of farm land, Mr. Smith informs us that he offered this land at $30 per acre 3 years ago and was unable to find a buyer.” (Sprague Advocate: 11-05-1915)
Stolp, Emma: (TS: 1868-1938; shared stone w/ Michael) “Emma Stolp. Death: 2-17-1938. Birth: 4-08-1868, Germany. Spouse: Michael Stolp. Father: Christoph; Mother: ?; Buried: Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card) “Mrs. Mike Stolp, age 60 years, a pioneer of Sprague, died there Thursday of last week from burns and shock received in a fire which nearly destroyed her home Wednesday of last week. She had been ill and was alone in her house when she smelled smoke coming from the back room. She crawled to the door and opened it, and a burst of flames met her. She then crawled to the front door but could not open it before her strength gave out. Washington Water Power company linemen, working nearby, heard her cries, saw the smoke, and carried her from the building. The fire department was called and D. B. Sage and Joe Culligan, first-aid workers, took her to the hospital. She failed to rally and passed away about 2 a.m. Thursday. Firemen laid 800 feet of hose to reach the scene of the blaze, as the house was east of the city limits of Sprague. They controlled the fire soon after their arrival, but the flames had damaged the place badly before the alarm was turned in. A defective flu is said to have caused the fire. The department’s inhalator was brought into use on Henry Ludtke and B. C. Harwood, who were overcome by gas while fighting the fire. Funeral services for Mrs. Stolp were held Sunday at the Lutheran church in Sprague, and interment was in the Sprague Cemetery. She is survived by her husband, Mike Stolp, a step-daughter and brothers and sisters. A native of Germany, she came to America in 1905 and had lived at Sprague for 26 years.” (Davenport Times-Tribune: 2-24-1938) “Emma (nee Christoph) Stolp; born 4-08-1868; died: 2-17-1938; buried: 2-20-1938.” (St John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register) “Funeral of Emma Stolp. Residence: Sprague, WA. Birth: 4-08-1868, Trepto, Germany; Death: 2-17-1938, Sprague Hospital. Wife of Michael Stolp. Aged: 69 yrs 8 mos 9 days. Female, white, married, housewife. Father: Christoph Goslink, born Trepto, Germany. Mother: unknown, born Germany. Physician: Dr Howard, Sprague, WA. Burial: Maccabee, Lot-Div. 57, Grave 7, Section 1. Funeral: Lutheran Church at 2 p.m., Rev Mau. Interment: 2-20-1938.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger)
pages 673-4 shows yet another variation on Emma’s name. “In 1912 Mike Stolp
married Emma Christolph Patzke (or Potzke) in Ritzville.”
Stolp, Ernest F.: (TS: 1894-1947) “Ernest Stolp. born: 9-17-1894; died: 12-11-1947; buried: 12-15-1947.” (St John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register) “Record of Funeral: Ernest F. Stolp. Born: Sprague. Residence: Spokane. Charge to Paul Stolp of Sprague. Funeral: 12-15-1947, Lutheran Church at 2 p.m. with Rev Arthur Matske of Spokane. Physician: C J Abrams of Spokane. Death: 12-11-1947 at Spokane. Laborer. Lutheran. Birth: Sept 17, 1894. Father: August Stolp, born Germany. Mother: Augusta Radtke, born Germany. Interment: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger; fee for lot purchase) Ernest Stolp was married to Mae Radtke on June 10, 1921 at Sprague and they had three children: Darlene, Elsie and Ernest Jr. See SLE page 672.
Stolp, Friedrich A.: (TS:
Jan 3, 1848-Feb 22, 1927) “Record of Funeral: Frederick Wilhelm Stolp. Born:
Germany. Charge to Fred, Frank and Henry Stolp. Interment: Section 21.”
(Sprague Mortuary ledger; edit: a large bill, no details of expenses or of
funeral or family) SLE: pages 669-671, shows the Frederick and Sophia Siedling
Stolp history. The History of Big Bend, 1904, states that Friedrich Stolp was
born Jan 3, 1848 in Prussia to Christian and Eva (Bloom) Stolp. With his
mother’s death in 1871, he then sailed from Bremen to NY, followed with
residing in Canada, Minnesota and California before arriving in Washington in
1893. He had married in 1876 to Miss Sophia Siedling, a native of Canada. Three
children born to them died in a diphtheria epidemic: Anna, Emma and William.
Their surviving children were: John, Edward, Frederick Jr., Chas, Edwin, Henry,
Frank, Ida and Rosie. When they settled here it was reportedly nine miles west
of Sprague. The Bureau of Land Management shows in the vicinity of Sprague the
following Stolp applications for homesteads: Friedrich Stolp in 2-21-37 on March
24, 1891 with patent in 1898; John A. Stolp in 2-21-37 on Apr 17, 1902 with
patent in 1909; By 1911 Friedrich personally had amassed considerable land.
Their nine remaining children survived to the 1900 census.
Stolp, Hazel Cecilia Leigh: (TS: 1904-1953; shared stone w/ Paul A.) See SLE page 672 and the Leigh history on page 459: Hazel C. Leigh was a daughter of George Wm and Agnes J. (McCaffery) Leigh. She married Paul August Stolp, son of August and Augusta, on Oct 31, 1923. They had three children: Beverly, Deanna and Dean.
Stolp, Henry G.: (TS: 1897-1959) “Henry Gustav Stolp. Death: 9-06-1959. Birth: 1-09-1897, WA. Married. Father: Fred Stolp. Mother: Sophia Seedling. Buried: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card) “Henry Gustav Stolp. Born: 1-03-1899; Died: ____; Buried: Sept 15, 1959.” (St John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register) Henry G. Stolp, son of Friedrich, married Hazel Elliott, see SLE pages 699-671. They had children.
Stolp, Hulda Bertha: (TS: 1896-1904; d/o Aug & Augusta) “Hulda Stolp, the seven year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Stolp, died Wednesday of pneumonia. The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon in the Congregational church and the remains were laid to rest in the Maccabee Cemetery. The parents and other members of the family have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement.” (Sprague Times: 3-11-1904) See SLE pages 671-3: Eight children were born to August and Augusta, two dying at birth, and Hulda’s death left the parents and 5 siblings to mourn her death. They were: Orma, Martha, Ernest, Clara and Paul A.
Stolp, Michael: (TS: 1857-19__; shared stone w/ Emma) d. 1942. “Michael Adolph Stolp. Died: 11-05-1942. Birth: Germany. Spouse: Emma. Father: Christian Stolp. Mother: Eva Bloom. Buried: Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card) “Michael Adolph Stolp. Born: 10-21-1857; Died: 11-08-1942; Buried: 11-10-42.” (St John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register) “Funeral of Michael Adolph Stolp. Residence: Sprague, WA. Birth: Oct 21, 1857, Germany; Death: 11-08-1942, at home. Aged: 85 yrs 0 mos 17 days. Male, white, widowed, retired farmer. Father: Christian Stolp, born Germany; Mother: Eva Bloom, born Germany. Physician: Dr Howard of Sprague. Cause of death: heart attack; secondary: age. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery. Funeral: Lutheran Church at 2 p.m.; Interment: 11-10-1942.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) Bureau of Land Management records of application show: Michael Stolp in 2-21-37 on July 30, 1894. The Michael Stolp family is in SLE on pages 673-4. Michael Stolp and two brothers, Frederick and August were all in the Sprague country. Michael was married twice, the mother of his children was Caroline Lucht. She was born in Germany in 1862 and died in 1911. Michael and Caroline had five children. Emma married Herman Rajewsky. Elvena married Louis Edward Folsum. Two sons were born, Charles L .and Adolph Walther. Viola married Carl Nicholai. Michael’s second married was with Emma Christolph Patzke (or Potzke) in 1912 at Ritzville. (Variations occur with her name.)
Stolp, Paul: (TS:
1902-____; shared stone w/ Hazel C.) “Paul August Stolp. Born: ____; died:
7-10-1989, Spokane, WA.; Buried: 7-14-1989, Maccabee Cemetery. Rev Robert
Lesser, Ritzville, presiding.” (St John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register)
See SLE pages 671-3: Paul A Stolp was the youngest of the children of August and
Augusta Stolp. He was born March 18, 1902 at Sprague. He married Hazel Leigh in
1923 and they had three children: Beverly, Deanna and Dean.“Paul August Stolp
of Sprague died July 10, 1989 at the
Stolp, Sophia .: (TS: Feb 1, 1857-June 8, 1929) “Sophia C. Stolp. Death: 8 June 1929, Sprague, WA. Birth: 1 Feb 1857, Ontario, Canada. Spouse: widowed. Father: __ Sidling, born Germany; Mother: unknown born Germany. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card) “Record of Funeral: Sophia Stolp. Residence: Sprague. Born Canada. Widow of Frederick Stolp. Charge to her estate. Funeral: June 11, 1929 at Community Church. Death: June 8, 1929 at Sprague Hospital. Retired Housewife, widow, Lutheran. Birth: Feb 1, 1857. Parents: don’t know. Interment: not shown). See SLE pages 669-671: Sophia Siedling Stolp was a daughter of Lewey Siedling and his wife Sophia Weslo(?), natives of Germany, who left Hanover for life in Canada. Sophia married Friedrich Stolp on Feb 11, 1876 in Ontario, Canada. She was the mother of 12 children. Anna, Emma and William died in Canada due to a diphtheria epidemic. Sophia and Friedrich left Canada with their two sons, John and Edward Herman, and moved about the United States until the spring of 1893 (sic) when they arrived in the Sprague vicinity, per the History of Big Bend; however, Friedrich filed an application for his homestead March 24, 1891 in Sec 2 Twp 21 Range 37. He received patent on this in 1898. Edwin Amos, their son, was reportedly (SLE) born in Oregon in 1892. The Lincoln County Census of 1892 shows the family residing here as: Frederic, 44, Germany, farmer; Sophia, 35, Germany; John, 10, Canada; Edward, 7, Canada; Fred; Male, 6, MN; Chas, 4, MN; Edwin, 2, OR; and Ida, 6 months, WA. This 1892 listing is consistent with the 1900 census report of ages.
Stone, John T.: (TS: 1843-1918; shared stone w/ Mary L.) “John L. Stone. Male, white, married, farmer. Birth: Oct 14, 1843, Indiana. Father: Lewis Stone born VA; Mother: Katherine Seymons, born NY; Informant: Rolla Stone, Keystone, WA. Death: Jan 9, 1918, 10:20 a.m. Cause: abscess of Pancreas of 8 days duration. J E Bittner, MD, Sprague, WA. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery. W. R. Lee, undertaker, Sprague, WA.” (WA State Certificate of Death) “Record of Funeral of John L. Stone. White. Born: IN; Order by Rolla Stone. Funeral: Jan 11, 1918, ME Church, Sprague, 2 p.m. with Rev Faulkner. Physician: Dr J. E. Bittner, Sprague. Death: Abscess of Pancreas. Death: Jan 9, 1918. Birth: Oct 14, 1843. Farmer, married, Protestant. Aged: 75 yrs 2 mos 25 days. Father: Lewis Stone born VA; Mother: Catharine Seymour, born NY. Interment: Maccabee Cemetery, Section 64.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) SLE pages 674-5 shows that John and Mary homesteaded in the Keystone area of Adams County, which is west of the southwest end of Sprague Lake, at that time called Lake Colville. That documentation was not found, however, his son Hugh Stone’s application was in Sec 14 T 20 R 37. Another application in the H Stone name was filed in Sec 8 Twp 20 R 37. John’s son Rolla was prominent in Keystone also. He was postmaster as well as proprietor of Keystone Lumber Co. John’s third son, J. H. Stone resided in the Tyler district. John and Mary also had three daughters: Mabel Lee, Ms. W. A. Harris and Jessie Simington.
Stone, Mary L.: (TS: 1848-1941; shared stone w/ John T.) “Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Baker, Mrs. Leo Birge and Mr. and Mrs. Dana Baker attended the funeral services at Sprague last Friday for Mrs. J. T. Stone, mother of H. P. Stone of Lamont. Mrs. Stone would have celebrated her 93rd birthday in two weeks. Her home was at Portland, Oregon, since leaving Sprague in 1923. Surviving her besides Hugh Stone, are two other sons, J. H. Stone, Tyler, and R. B. Stone, Lamont; three daughters, Mrs. Mabel Lee, Detroit; Mrs. W. A. Harris, Rice; and Mrs. Jessie Simington, Portland. Rev Luther Plankenhorn was clergyman in charge, and interment was in the Maccabee Cemetery.” (Citizen: 25 April 1941) “Funeral of Mary Louise Stone. Residence: Portland, OR. Death: 4-15-1941, at Portland, OR. Aged: 92 yrs. Female, white. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague. Funeral services at chapel at 1:30 p.m. Interment: 4-18-1941.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger; fees included hearse to Lamont and Cemetery)
Stone, Rolla T.: (TS: 1875-1951) “Raela Tyler Stone. Death: 8-26-1951. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card) See SLE: 127-129 on Keystone vicinity where Rollie Stone was said to have lived. “He was an active, public-spirited man, an early postmaster and owner of the lumber yard. He was also one of the trustees of the Keystone Water Users Association.”
Stooke, Ada J.: (TS: Apr 27, 1869-Feb 14, 1901; w/o Geo F.) See probate file #631 in Lincoln Co Superior Court. George Stooke and Ada were found on the 1900 Graves Precinct, Spokane Co census, at which time they reported being married 8 years, and that they had three children born to them and living. George and Ada were both born in England. Their children at the time of this census were: Winifred, age 7; Wilmot A, 4; and Myrtle, 2.
Straughan, Charles V.: (TS: 1874-1919) “Record of Funeral of Charles V. Straughan. White. Born: IN. Son of Joseph Straughan. Funeral: Jan 8, 1919 at Lee Parlors, 2 p.m. with Rev Faulkner. Death: Sprague, Jan 7, 1919. Cause: Pneumonia and influenza. Physician: Dr D. Strang. Birth: Oct 8, 1874. Mechanic. Married. Protestant. Aged: 44 yrs 3 mos. Father: Joseph L/T Straughan born NC; Mother: Katherine Thomas.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger; fee for cemetery lot, but no identification of Cemetery.) “Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas Straughan on Wednesday, a girl.” (Sprague Advocate: 10-01-1915)
Stuhr, Grace D.: (TS: 1902-1909; shared stone-3, Henry & Mary A.) “Grace Dorris Stuhr, the 6 year old daughter of Mrs. Mary A. Stuhr residing 12 miles east of Sprague, died last Friday of some stomach difficulty. The funeral was held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Congregational Church. Rev Edwards preached the sermon and the little one was laid to rest in the Maccabee Cemetery.” (Sprague Advocate: 7-23-1909)
Stuhr, Henry W.: (TS: 1890-1918; shared stone-3, Grace D. and Mary A.) “Record of Funeral of Henry Stuhr. White. Born: WA. Charge to Robt Barnhart & John Millhouse, of Rodna. Funeral: Nov 2, 1918, 1 p.m., Sprague, Rev Faulkner. Death: Oct 31, 1918 at Spokane. Aged: 29 yrs 7 mos 16 days. Interment: Maccabee” (Sprague Mortuary ledger; fees included RR fare)
(The Sprague Advocate, Nov 8, 1918) Henry W. Stuhr was born near Sprague, Wash., March 14, 1890; departed this life in Spokane, Wash., Oct 30, 1918 aged 28 years, 7 months and 10 days. He lived in the Sprague country practically all his life, working mostly on the farm. Oct. 20, 1912 he was married to Miss Mary Warren. To this union was born one child, a girl. To mourn his early departure he leaves a wife, a daughter 4 years of age, a father, four sisters, three brothers who are in the war service of the United States and many friends. He will be missed most of all in his own family circle. Funeral services were held Nov. 2, at the Maccabee cemetery near Sprague. Because of the quarantine it was in large measure a private service, close relatives only being present. A short discourse was delivered by Rev O. E. Faulkner, pastor of the local Methodist church.
"Leaves have their time to fall, And flowers to wither at the North wind's breath, And start to set-- but all, Thou hast all seasons for thine own, O Death!" * submitted by Barbara Curtis
Stuhr, Mary A.: (TS: 1867-1914; shared stone-3, Grace D. & Henry W.) “Mrs. Mary A. Stuhr, a former resident of Sprague, died at Sacred Heart hospital, Spokane, Saturday last, as the result of an abdominal operation performed at that institution for the relief of an ailment of long standing. The remains were brought to Sprague for interment, the funeral being held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the Congregational church, the sermon being preached by the Rev Jonathan Edwards of the Union Park Congregational church, Spokane, formerly in charge of the local church of that denomination, and a former pastor and friend of the deceased. Mrs. Stuhr was born in Missouri Jan 16, 1867. When 5 years of age she accompanied her parents to California, where she resided for a few years. She came by team to Washington in 1878, and settled some miles north of Sprague in 1883, where she grew to womanhood and married. She continued to reside in this vicinity until some three years ago, when she removed to Deer Park, WA. The deceased is survived by eight children—Mrs. Rosa Holm, Mrs. Lillian Ridout, Henry, Lionel, Pearl, Roy, Lewis and Mabel Stuhr, all of Deer Park. A ninth child, Grace Stuhr, died at an early age, some five years ago, in Myrtle hospital, this city, also as the result of an operation. Deceased was a member of the Congregational church for a number of years, and led an active and useful life, full of devotion and service to friends and kindred.” (Sprague Advocate: 6-19-1914; note: Mrs. Lillian Ridout was the wife of Webster Raymond Ridout and had three known children, Lucille, Clarence and Aloha, per family source) Mary Agnes Mullinex Stuhr, divorced, is found on the Rock Lake Twp census of 1910, in Spokane County. Children residing with her at that time were: Henry W, 20; Lionel J, 18; Pearl J, 16; Roy M, 14; Louis D, 12; and Mabel, 10. Mary Mullinex married Henry Stuhr on Dec 7, 1883 at Spokane, WA. Henry Stuhr was born in Germany in 1854 and died in Cheney, WA on Oct 29, 1938. Mary Agnes Mullinex was a daughter of the pioneer family of John Wm Mullinex and his wife, Lydia Caroline Gibbons. Mary was reportedly born Jan 16, 1867 in Marshfield, Missouri.
Sullivan, Michael: (d. Aug 1914) “Information was received in the city Saturday of the death of Michael Sullivan, who while in a state of mental unbalance, committed suicide during the hours of darkness the previous night by jumping in a deep well located on the Renaud ranch west of town. The spot where Mr. Sullivan died, is little frequented, the well being chiefly used as a watering place for stock. Mr. Sullivan with others comprised a crew of ranch hands working on the Peter Fahey place which adjoins that of Mr. Renaud. Usually of a genial disposition, he appeared morose and uncommunicative Friday and his disappearance, which was note Saturday morning, caused much anxiety on the part of his companions. A searching party was organized and Mr. Sullivan’s tracks were soon found leading away from the ranch towards the east. Closely following the trail, the party came to a spot where indications in the dust showed that the man had removed his footwear, afterwards walking barefooted for several rods, then, replacing his shoes, cut across the fields to the well whose location he was familiar with. At the well the dead man’s coat and vest were found and investigation revealed the body in a standing position at the bottom in approximately eleven feet of water. Authorities were notified and the body brought to town. No inquest was considered necessary and the remains were taken to the Lee undertaking parlor, from which funeral service was held Sunday afternoon. Interment was made in the Maccabee Cemetery. Mr. Sullivan was born near LaCrosse, WI and was about 39 years of age. He had made Sprague his home for about seven years and five years ago was united in marriage to Miss Grace Rippetoe of this city. Two daughters were born to the family, whose ages are one and four at the present time.” Sprague Advocate: 8-21-1914)
Sullivan, Susan Mary: (added; d. 1915) “Susan Mary Sullivan. Female, white, single. Birth: June 4, 1911, Spokane, WA. Father: Michael Sullivan, born WI; Mother; Grace Ripatan, born Iowa. Informant: Mrs. Grace Sullivan, Sprague, WA. Death: Jan 27, 1915, 3 p.m. Cause: lobar pneumonia of 15 days duration. Contributory: Influenza of one month duration. J E Bittner, MD, Sprague. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery. W R Lee, undertaker, Sprague.” (WA State Certificate of Death) “Record of Funeral of Susan Mary Sullivan. Daughter of Mrs. Grace Sullivan. Funeral: June 29, 1915 at Lee Undertaking Parlor at 2 p.m.; Place of death: Residence near Sprague. Clergyman: Rev Wilbur. Physician: Dr Bittner. Cause of death: pneumonia; Death: June 28, 1915. Age: 5 yrs 7 mos 24 days. Father: Mike Sullivan. Mother: Grace Ripatan Sullivan. Interment: Maccabee.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger)
Swenson, Mary E.: (TS: May 18, 1882-May 7, 1913) “Mrs. Swanson, a niece of Isaac Doggett’s, died in Spokane Wednesday. The body was brought to Sprague yesterday and interred in Maccabee Cemetery.” (Citizen: 5-09-1913) “Notice of Sale of Personal Property. In the Superior Court of the St. of WA in and for the County of Lincoln. In the Matter of the Estate of Mary Ellen Swenson, Deceased. Notice is hereby given... on the 7th day of August AD 1913, in the matter of the estate of Mary Ellen Swenson, Deceased, the undersigned Isaac H. Doggett, Administrator of said estate, will sell at public auction, for cash, at not less than the appraised value on Saturday, the 13th day of September, 1913, at 1:30 p.m. in front of Sanborn’s warehouse in the City of Sprague... so much of the following described personal property as shall be necessary to pay the costs of administration and the claims filed against the above entitled estate, to wit: one piano, one dresser, one sewing machine, one small cook stove and pipe and heating stove, one promissory note, dated Oct 15, 1912 due Nov 1, 1913, signed by Swen Swenson for the sum of $350.....” (Sprague Advocate: 9-05-1913)
Swift, Baby Roy J.: (TS: Mar 7-12, 1922; s/o Harley & Agnes) Baby Roy Swift was the first born child of Harley and Agnes (McCormack) Swift.
Swift, Agnee: (TS: 1898-____; shared stone w/ Harley J.) See SLE pages 693-6: Agnes McCormack was born May 22, 1898, the daughter of Arden and Winfred (Winston) McCormack. She was a school teacher in Oregon when she met and married Harley Swift on June 16, 1920. They immediately left Oregon for the Lamont, WA property to farm. They had four children. Agnes died Oct 26, 1979 following a long illness. "Agnes Maud Swift. Died: 10-26-1979. Birth: 5-22-1898, Michigan. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA." (Lincoln Co Health Burial Permit) See SLE.....
Swift, Harley J.: (TS: 1896-1961; shared stone w/ Agnes) See SLE pages 693-6 with photos: Harley Jackson Swift was born Oct 8, 1896 in Lincoln, NE, a son of Charles Jackson Swift and his wife, Elizabeth Grace Erisman. After his birth they moved to Elberton, WA where three children were born: Leonard (1900), Leona (1902) and Lela (1904). The family moved to the Sprague vicinity in 1907 but moved again in 1912 to the Lamont area. Harley married Agnes McCormack on June 16, 1920, at which time his father was living in Oregon. Harley’s parents are buried in the Hood River Cemetery in Oregon. Harley and Agnes had four children: Baby Roy, Earl Arden, Irma Louise and Donna Mae. Harley died May 21, 1961.
Swift, Benjamin H.: (TS: 1877-1955) "Benjamin Hampton Swift. Death: 1-02-1955. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery." (Lincoln Co Health burial permit)
Swift, Nellie: (TS: 1880-1950) "Nellie Jane Swift. Died: 9-01-1950, Sprague, WA. Buried: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA." (Lincoln Co Health burial permit)
Maccabee Cemetery Obits, Sprague, Lincoln County, Washington
Submitted to the Lincoln Co. WAGenWeb by Marge Womach
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