Cemetery & Obituaries
Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, Washington, read by Lartigues
With Additions & obituaries (+) by Marge Womach
Page Sa through SL
Sackman, baby Dotson, (no dates)
Sackman, Augusta, 1863-1914, mother
Sackman, Charles F., Sept 25, 1856-Oct 17, 1923, father
Sackman, Chas F., owner, Blk 72 (5-16-10)
Sackman, Clara, Aug 6, 1887-Nov 18, 1908, sister
Sackman, Margaret, + May 6, 1832-Nov 21, 1902, w/o Mathias
Sackman, Mathias, Apr 11, 1829-July 6, 1906
Sackman, Oscar Thomas: (added; d. 10-22-1982)
Sackmann, Freddie I., May 26, 1900-Feb 17, 1901, s/o C. F. & Augusta
Salisbury, A. W.: (added: d. Dec 1911)
Salt, Anna G., 1884-1933, mother
Salt, infant of Fred: (added: d. June 1913)
Sanborn, Flossie, (a new grave on May 6, 1973)
Sanborn, William A., May 10, 1875-Oct 4, 1965
Sandygren, Amanda, 1865-19__), (on Anderson stone)
Sarchet, Debs, June 25, 1905-Aug 29, 1958
Sarchet, Minnie E., 1874-1938, shared stone
Sarchet, Thomas U., 1864-1953, shared stone
Satterlee, infant of John: (added; d. March 1913)
Schell, May L., 1893-1925, w/o J. D.
Scheuss, Anna Margaret, Mar 19, 1856-Oct 16, 1914, mother, obit
Scheuss, Harry P., Aug 23, 1894-Nov 24, 1946, WA Pvt 44th Inf 13th Div WW I
Scheuss, William J., Jan 6, 1887-Apr 2, 1966, ID Pvt Co B 22 Mg BN WW I
Schmidt, John: (added: d. 10-06-1908)
Schmidt, Minnie, 1860-1939
Schroeder, Ernestine Marie: (added; d. March 1920)
Schroeder, George F., 1874-1954
Schroeder, Lowell G., 1902-1954, a Mason
Schuck, Marie M.: (added; d. 1998)
Winnifred, 1897-1928
Schutz, Esthe , 1906-____), shared stone
Schutz, Theodore, 1903-1971, shared stone
Schy, Cecil William, 1892-1958
Schy, Mae (Bryant), 1893-1923
Scott, E. A., owner, Blk 85 (10-21-04)
Scott, Egbert A., 1869-1949
Scott, Elizabeth, Jan 4, 1870-Sept 3, 1904, w/o E. A.
Scott, Cecil, infant of D. W. , (added; d. March 1917)
Shawhan, Grace, 1883-19__), shared stone
Shawhan, James, 1869-1946, shared stone
Shields, Alwina A., July 29, 1885-Dec 13, 1954
Shields, Edward A., May 28, 1879-Mar 3, 1952
Shields, Gwendolyn Irene, Sept 11, 1913-Sept 23, 1914, d/o E. A. & A.
Shields, Eliza, 1852-1932, shared stone
Shields, John W., 1849-1923, shared stone
Shields, William W., Mar 28, 1876-Oct 19, 1971, father
Shields, Ethel I., Apr 2, 1883-Nov 25, 1941, mother
Shreve, Geraldine Esther, added; 6-28-1988
Simington, Jessie S., 1871-1965
Sirginson, Benjamin C., 1875-1964
Sirginson, William B., Jan 2, 1870-Jan 30, 1905
Sirginson, John M., Nov 8, 1868-Dec 7, 1938
Sirginson, Jennie, 1873-1905, w/o John
Sirginson, Harry H., Nov 8, 1895-July 1936
Sirginson, Rebecca Jane: see Bayman
Slaaen, Gerald A., Mar 11, 1942-Mar 14, 1970
Slechta, Dale D., May 25, 1932-Dec 1, 1970
Sletcha, Rachel De, June 18, 1963-June 11, 1966, d/o Dale & Marie
Sackman, baby Dotson: (TS: no dates) (no information located in 2005)
Sackman, Augusta: (TS: 1863-1914; mother) “Augusta Sackman. Female, white, married, housewife. Birth: July 21, 1863, Germany. Father: Fred Korth, born Germany. Mother: don’t know, born Germany. Informant: Charles Sackman, Sprague, WA. Death: July 3, 1914, 7 p.m. Cause: second stroke of apoplexy of 12 days duration; Contributory: arteriosclerosis. D. M. Strang, MD of Sprague. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery. W. R. Lee, undertaker.” (WA State Certificate of Death) Augusta Korth came to the US in 1881 and was married in Michigan to Charles F. Sackman. Two children were both to them in Michigan prior to coming to Washington Territory prior to the 1889 census. They had at least four more children in Washington. She reported on the 1910 census that she had given birth to six children with three deceased. It is not known if “Baby Dotson Sackman” was her child, but she reported 6 children born and living in 1900. By 1910 she had at least 7 children, though in that census report she reported 6 children born with 3 children living. The family remained in Sprague until her death.
Sackman, Charles F.: (TS: Sept 25, 1856-Oct 17, 1923; father) “Record of Funeral of Chas F. Sackman. Funeral: Oct 21, 1923 at 2 p.m. at Community Church, Rev McGreger. Death: Oct 19, 1923, Spokane. Aged: 67 yrs 0 mos 24 days. Hazen & Jaeger of Spokane. Interment: Section 72.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) Charles Frederick Sackman was born in Hamburg, Germany, the son of Mathias and Margaret Sackman. He came to the America in 1865-6 to Michigan where he was naturalized in 1888. He was married to Augusta Korth about 1885. Augusta was also born in Germany and came to the US in about 1881. They were in Lincoln County prior to the taking of the 1892 census, as were his parents. Charles and Augusta had seven known children: Minnie (1887), Annie (1888), Clara (1889), Rosa (1891), Lillie (1897), Fred (1900) and Oscar (1905). (These births are taken from available census and tombstones, and not verified by documentation or family.) The 1903 Lincoln Co School District #6 for Sprague lists the children of Chas Sackman: Minnie, 17; Annie, 16, Clarry, 14; Rose, 12; Lillie, 7. Charles worked for the RR in his earlier years and while in Sprague was most often employed by City Water Works. In 1900, Charles and family were in Adams Co, in the McQueen Precinct. Following the death of his wife in 1914, Charles was next found on the census with his daughter, Rosa, who had since married James Grant. At that time Rosa had 3 children, Charles, Wilson and Lyell. They were residing at Annapolis in Kitsap County.
Sackman, Chas F.: owner, Blk 72 (on 5-16-10)
Sackman, Clara: (TS: Aug 6, 1887-Nov 18, 1908; sister) “Miss Clara Sackman died at Myrtle Hospital, Sprague, the 18th inst. of pneumonia.” (Citizen: 11-27-1908) Local census reports show that Clara was the third born child of Charles F. and Augusta Sackman, and probably in 1889 in Washington State. Her name does not appear with the family on the (April) 1889 Washington Territorial census with the family, as she was not yet born. Clara was their first child to be born in WA. The R. L. Polk Business Directory for Sprague for 1908 lists Clara M. Sackman as a dressmaker who was residing with her parents.
Sackmann, Freddie I.: (TS: May 26, 1900-Feb 17,
1901; s/o C. F. & Augusta) Little Freddie Sackman was born in May 1900 and
appeared on the 1900 census taken for June 1, 1900; he was shown with his
parents, Chas and Augusta, and his sisters: Minnie, Clara, Rosa and Lilly. At
that census marking, Augusta reported that six children were born to her and
that six were living, Annie was not shown but appeared later on the 1902 Sprague
Sackman, Margaret: (May 6, 1832-Nov 21, 1902; w/o Mathias) “Mrs. M. Sackman, aged 70 years, 6 months and 15 days, departed this life at her home in Spokane last Friday and was buried from the Congregational church in this city Monday morning. Interment in Maccabee Cemetery. Among the sorrowing relatives is C. F. Sackman of this city who is a son of the deceased lady.” (Sprague Times: 11-28-1902) SLE page 761 has excerpts from the Sprague Herald, dated Nov 28, 1902, “Mrs. Margaret Sackman died—age 70 yrs, 6 mos 15 days. Funeral Congregational Church, buried in Maccabee.” Margaret Sackman was on the 1889 WA census with her husband Mathias, both being natives of Germany. She reportedly arrived in the US in 1865. They again appear on the 1892 census. Local records do not show her maiden name.
Sackman, Mathias: (TS: Apr 11, 1829-July 6, 1906) “Obsequies of M. Sackman, who died in Spokane, Friday, July 6, were held at the Congregational church in Sprague, Saturday, July 7, at 2 o’clock p.m., Rev Jonathan Edwards officiating. The remains were borne to Maccabee Cemetery for interment. Deceased was aged 77 years, 2 months and 24 days.” (Sprague Times: 7-13-1906) Mathias and Margaret and their family emigrated from Germany to the United States in 1865, bringing with them, at least young Chas F., as a 9 year old. The family migrated to Washington in territorial days and appear on the 1889 census in the vicinity of Sassin or Edwall, judging by the surnames that were their neighbors. The census does not identify localities. They also appear on the 1892 census. They were not located on the 1900 census, however, Mathias and Margaret died locally in 1906 and 1902.
Sackman, Oscar Thomas: (added; d. 10-22-1982) “Oscar Thomas Sackman. Death: 10-22-1982, Sprague, WA. Father: Charles Frederick (Sackman); Mother: Augusta Korth. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card) See SLE photo only, page 589. Oscar appears on the 1910 Sprague census as age 5, born in Washington. His siblings on that census were Minnie and Lillie; Clara and Fred deceased, as was another, per the reporting of Augusta; Rosa was alive as she was found again in 1920.
Salisbury, A. W.: (added: d. Dec 1911) “A. W. Salisbury, lawyer and rancher, died of pneumonia at his home in the Dewey country on Tuesday, Dec 26. The funeral was held on Thursday at 11 a.m. from the Congregational church, Rev Edwards officiating and interment was made in Maccabee Cemetery. Mr. Salisbury was born in Portland, ME, May 20, 1863, being 48 years, 7 months and 6 days of age at death. He came to Sprague about 1890 and married Miss Elizabeth Trewick. He and Jno Merritt opened a law office which practice he conducted about five years when he removed to Davenport. He practiced law there several years finally purchasing the Big Bend Abstract Co form Chas Sanderson and Tom Cooper. About 1907 he sold out at Davenport and moved to Spokane where he practiced with W C Jones. In 1909 he moved to Lamont and about a year later to the ranch where he died. He leaves a wife and two children, Helen, aged 12, and Ray, aged 10, to mourn his loss.” (Sprague Advocate: 12-29-1911) SLE page 88 mentions that A. W. Salsbury was instrumental in the incorporation of the town of Lamont.
Salt, Anna G.: (TS: 1884-1933; mother) Anna Anderson Salt, wife of Fred Salt, was born in 1884 in Illinois to Olof and Mathilda Anderson, the youngest of their six children. She was raised in the Crab Creek district, neighbors to the Lavender, Kuper and Parr families. Known children of Fred and Anna Salt are: Charles A., Edna M. Evelyn A., a 3 month son that died 1913, Ray L., and Lloyd F. (details extracted from the Sandygren family files)
Salt, infant of Fred: (added: d. June 1913) “The three months old boy of Fred Salt died Sunday morning. The little one had measles and bowel trouble and was not strong enough to resist the disease. He was a particularly bright and lovable child and tho but three months of age, his loss was great one to those who loved him. Rev Edwards conducted funeral services from the home Monday and the little form was consigned to mother earth in Maccabee Cemetery. Card of Thanks. We desire to thank most heartily those good friends who rendered aid and sympathy during the recent loss of our dear baby. Fred Salt and Family.” (Sprague Advocate: 6-13-1913)
Sanborn, Flossie: (d. May 6, 1973) See SLE pages 612-3. Flossie was born in 1880 in Ft Scott, KS, a daughter of Aaron Harris and his wife. Flossie married Will Sanborn in 1899 or 1900. They had one adopted daughter, Ruth Blake, who later married Hugh Miller. Flossie died May 6, 1973, nearly 8 years after her husband.
Sanborn, William A.: (TS: May 10, 1875-Oct 4, 1965) William Sanborn married Flossie Harris about the turn of the century. He was involved in a variety of business ventures, running a dray line, a hardware store, coal dealer, ice dealer and fire chief. He preceded Flossie in death. They had adopted Ruth Blake. “Pioneer Dray Line. W. M. Sanborn, Prop. Heavy Drayage Work, Moving Pianos, Organs, and Household Furniture a Specialty. Agent for Roslyn Coal, Dealer in Wood. Cave Orders at J. H. Linder’s for Coal, Wood or Dray.” (Sprague Times: 2-20-1903)
Sandygren, Amanda: (TS only: 1865-19__)(on Anderson stone) Family files show Amanda Anderson as the first born of the children of Olaf H. Anderson and his wife Mathilda Johnson Anderson. Amanda was born Oct 14, 1865 at Monmouth, Illinois. She married Alfred Sandygren on Oct 13, 1883 in IL. Amanda primarily lived in the Zion Rocklyn area and Alfred lived at their Downs property where they homesteaded in 1884. The couple had two children, an infant that failed to thrive, and J. Albert Sandygren (1888-1964). Amanda was an esteemed land holder, and had holdings in Lincoln County as well as at Chipman, Alberta, Canada (1925). Amanda died in October 8, 1948. Her remains were buried in Harrington’s Hillcrest Cemetery, which see also.
Sarchet, Debs: (TS: June 25, 1905-Aug 29, 1958) See SLE pages 613-5: Joseph Debs Sarchet was born in Alberta, Canada, one of the sons of Minnie Newton and Thomas Sarchet. He married Elma Morton in 1928. They had three children: Gay, Jean and Paul. Debs died in 1958 and his widow died in 1972.
Sarchet, Minnie E.:(TS: 1874-1938; shared stone w/ Thomas) “Funeral of Minnie Ethel Sarchet. Residence: Lamont, WA. Birth: 2-24-1874, Clare, MI; Death: 7-03-1938, at Lamont, WA. Age: 64 yrs 4 mos 9 days. Female, white, married, housewife. Father: Henry Newton, born MI; Mother: unknown. Physician: Dr Howard, of Sprague. Cause of death: uremic poisoning. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery. Funeral at chapel at 2 p.m. with Rev F. Plankenhorn. Interment: July 7, 1938.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) See also SLE pages 613-5: Minnie E. Newton married Thomas Sarchet in 1890. They had seven children: Cecil (1892), Pearl (1894), Zella (1896), Henry Hugh (1896), Thomas Hal (1901), Fred Chas (1904), and Joseph Debs (1906). They settled in the Lamont area in 1915, some of the family remained in Canada.
Sarchet, Thomas U.: (TS: 1864-1953; shared stone w/ Minnie E.) SLE page 613-5: Thomas Sarchet was born in Des Moines, Iowa in 1864. He married Minnie E. Newton in 1890 and they had four children while living in Nebraska and three while living in Alberta, Canada. They moved to the Lamont area in 1915 where Thomas and his family ran numerous businesses and also had rental property. Minnie preceded Thomas in death on July 3, 1938. Thomas died in Spokane in 1953.
Satterlee, infant of John: (added; d. March 1913) “The baby of Mr. and Mrs. John Satterlee, 2 months and 10 days old, died Saturday last and was buried on Monday in Maccabee Cemetery. The little one contracted whooping cough early in its existence and ruptures resulted which caused its demise.” (Sprague Advocate: 2-14-1913) R. L. Polk Business Directory for Sprague in 1908 identifies John Satterlee as a photographer.
Schell, May L.: (TS: 1893-1925; w/o JD) “Record of Funeral of May Lucill Schell. White. Born: Iowa. Wife of Davie Schell. Funeral: March 23, 1925 at ME Church, Rev Knoll/Kroll, 2 p.m. Physician: Dr Howard. Death: March 21, 1925. Birth: Sept 26, 1893. Housewife, Married, Protestant. Aged: 31 yrs 5 mos 25 days. Father: Geo Countryman born IL; Mother: Emma Brightol, born IL. Interment: Maccabee Cemetery, Section 25, West 10 ft. Grave 2.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) See SLE pages 471-2: May was a daughter of Geo and Emma Countryman, who had come to the Lamont community in 1905. May married Dave Schell and they farmed near Fishtrap until her death from pneumonia.
Scheuss, Anna Margaret: (TS: Mar 19, 1856-Oct 16, 1914; mother) “Anna Margaret Scheuss, after a brief week’s illness, died at her residence in Sprague, on Oct 16. The funeral services were held on Monday afternoon, at the house, Rev Cronek of the Lutheran church officiating. The interment was made at the Maccabee Cemetery. Mrs. Scheuss, whose maiden name was Jensen, was born in Huyer, Denmark, March 19, 1856. Having lost her parents at a tender age she followed her brother to New York, when she was only 19 years old, and from there traveled across the continent to Sacramento. After living in California with a sister for several years she moved to Walla Walla and there met Mathias Scheuss, whom she married in 1880. From that time until the family moved to Sprague six years ago, Mrs. Scheuss lived on the home ranch nine miles north of Sprague. Deceased is survived by her husband and six children, three sons and three daughters, Chris and Harry of Sprague, Will of Rockland, Idaho, Mrs. Jake Hay, Mrs. Frank Jones and Miss Lillian, all of Sprague. She also leaves one brother Harry Jensen and one sister, Mrs. A. Dawell, both of Sprague; and one sister residing near Colville, WA. Mrs. Scheuss was a pioneer woman of Lincoln County and endured with patience and fortitude the severe trials and hardships of those early days. She was a kindly neighbor, a patient wife and a devoted mother, and her sweet and gentle disposition endeared her to all who learned to know her. There is a world above, Where parting is unknown; A whole eternity of love, Formed for the good alone;And faith beholds the dying here, Translated to that happier sphere." (Sprague Advocate: 10-23-1914) “Anna Margaretha (nee Jensen) Scheuss. Born in Denmark, 19 March 1856; died 16 Oct 1914, Sprague, WA; buried: 19 Oct 1914, Sprague Cemetery.” (St John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register) SLE page 627 states that Mathias (Mathew) remained in Sprague, remarried and died on Jan 9, 1929. The History of the Big Bend, 1904, lists her siblings as one brother, Harry Jensen, and two sisters, Mrs. Dawell and Mrs. Sophia Anderson.
Scheuss, Harry Peter: (TS: Aug 23, 1894-Nov 24, 1946; WA Pvt 44th Inf; 13th Div WW I) “Harry P. Scheuss. Died: 11-24-1946. Birth: 8-23-1894, WA. Single. Father: Mathew Scheuss. Mother: Margaret Jensen. Buried: Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card; edit: Mathias Scheuss, b. 1850, d. 1929, buried Catholic Cem. at Sprague) “Funeral of Harry P Scheuss. Residence: Sprague, WA. Birth: Aug 23, 1894, Sprague, WA. Death: Nov 24, 1946, at home. Aged: 52 yrs 3 mos 1 day. Male, white, laborer. Father: Mathew Scheuss, born Germany. Mother: Margaret Jensen, born Denmark. Physician: Dr Smick. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery. Funeral: Lutheran Church at 2 p.m. Interment: 11-26-46.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) See SLE page 628, Harry never married.
Scheuss, William J.: (TS: Jan 6, 1887-Apr 2, 1966; ID Pvt Co B 22 Mg; BN WW I) See SLE pages 623-628. William Joseph Scheuss was the son of Mathias and (Anna) Margaret (Jensen) Scheuss. He was born Jan 6, 1885 (per SLE) and died following a long illness on Apr 2, 1966. He never married.
Schmidt, John: (added: d. 10-06-1908) “John Schmidt, aged 58 years, died at Sprague, October 6th, after a lingering illness of two years. Deceased leaves a wife and three children who reside in Ritzville.” (Harrington Citizen: 10-16-1908; this burial did not occur in Ritzville.) “John J. Schmitt of Nebraska, a new arrival in this country, has purchased a ranch three miles northeast of town. He expects others from his locality to follow him to this neighborhood.” (Sprague Times: 3-20-1903; no means to confirm if same individual)
Schmidt, Minnie: (TS: 1860-1939) “Minnie Schmidt. Died: 10-28-1939. Birth: 11-19-1860, Germany. Spouse: John Schmidt. Father: John Lucht. Mother: Louise Gates. Buried: Sprague, WA” (Lincoln Co Health death card) “Mrs Minnie Schmidt; Born: 11-19-1860; Died: 10-28-1939; Buried: 10-31-1939.” (St John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register) “Funeral of Minnie Schmidt. Residence: Sprague, WA. Birth: 11-19-1860, West Prussia, Germany. Death: 10-28-1939, at Sprague, WA. Wife of John Schmidt. Aged: 78 yrs 11 mos 9 days. Female, white, widow, housewife. Father: John Lucht, born Germany; Mother: Louise Gates, born Germany. Physician: Drs Howard and Nelson, of Sprague & Harrington, WA. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery. Funeral: Lutheran Church, 1:30 p.m. Rev Mau/Man. Interment: Oct 31, 1939.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger)
Schroeder, Ernestine Marie: (added; d. March 1920) “Record of Funeral of Ernestine Marie Schroeder. Funeral: March 6, 1920, Sprague. Born: Sprague, WA. Daughter of Geo E. and Ruth Schroeder. Physician: Dr J. E. Bittner. Death: March 5, 1920, Sprague. Age: 4 hours. Father: George E Schroeder, born WI; Mother: Ruth Bergmann, born Miss. Interment: last row.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger; cemetery not specified; fees include purchase of lot)
Schroeder, George F.: (TS: 1874-1954) R. L. Polk Business Directory for Sprague for 1908 shows George C. Schroeder as co-owner of Schroeder & Davies, a saloon. The 1910 and 1912 directory shows George C. Schroeder as a bartender for another saloon.
Schroeder, Lowell G.: (TS: 1902-1954; a Mason)
Schuck, Marie M.: (added; d. 1998) “Marie M. Schuck. Born: 4-22-1902, Sioux Falls, SD; Died: 12-16-1998, Cheney, WA.; Burial: 12-21-1998, Sprague, WA.” (St John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register)
Schultz, Winnifred: (TS: 1897-1928) “Record of Funeral: Winifred Campbell Schultz. Born: WA. Residence: Seattle, WA. Order given by O. Logsdon. Funeral: Aug 17, 1928, at Lee’s (parlor) Sprague, Rev Randall. Physician: Seattle coroner. Cause of death: hemorrhage in to spinal cord. Death: Aug 15, 1928, Seattle. Occupation: caterer. Protestant. Age: 31 yrs. Father: Hull; Mother: Logsdon. Body to be shipped to Sprague from Seattle. Interment: Maccabee, E ½ grave 1, Hull; E ½ grave 2, Schultz.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger)
Schutz, Esther: (TS:
1906-____; shared stone) “Esther Schutz.—Her
Schutz, Theodore: (1903-1971; shared stone) “Theodore Schutz. Death: 12-12-1971. Birth: 8-11-1903, WA. Spouse: Esther Trunnels. Father: Gustav Schutz. Mother: Amelia Yeschner. Buried: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card) “Theodore Schutz.—His home, Sprague, WA. Survived by his wife, Esther Schutz at the home; one step-son, Jack Dodd, Hayden Lake, Idaho; two brothers, Alex Schutz, Grandview, WA; Ray Schutz, Kent, WA; 8 grandchildren. Member of the Sprague Chamber of Commerce, retired Fire Chief of the Sprague Fire Dept, Past President of the Sprague Gun Club, past member of the City Council, member of the Lions Club of Sprague, WA; member of the Moose Club of Spokane. Funeral services, Thursday, Dec 16, at 2 p.m. from the Lutheran Church at Sprague, WA, Pastor Gerald Dittich officiating. Interment Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA. The Danekas Funeral Home, Ritzville, WA, in charge of arrangements.” (Spokesman Review: 12-14-1971)
Schy, Cecil William: (TS: 1892-1958) See SLE page 793: Cecil Schy married Mae Bryant, the daughter of Frank and Cora Bryant. They had two children, Doris and Harold, according to this report. The Schy surname appears in the early Edwall news columns.
Schy, Mae (Bryant): (TS: 1893-1923) “Record of Funeral of Mae C. Schy. Born: WA. Wife of Cecil Schy. Funeral: March 7, 1923, Community Church, Sprague. Rev Knoll and Rev Palmer. Residence: Lamont. Physician: Dr Cunningham of Spokane. Death: March 5, 1923, at Spokane. Cause: septicemia. Housewife. Married. Protestant. Aged: (deleted); Birth: (not shown); Father: Frank Bryant. Interment: Maccabee Cemetery, Section 46, South ½.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger; fee shown for purchase of cemetery lot) See also SLE page 742 and 793: Mae Bryant, daughter of Cora Wright and Frank Bryant, was a sister to Jessie Blair, Emma Cucuzza, Eva Marion Payne, Hazel Manion, Gladys Purdy and Eugene Bryant. Mae was the wife of Cecil W Schy and they resided at Lamont.
Scott, E. A.: owner, Blk 85 (10-21-04)
Scott, Egbert A.: (TS: 1869-1949) “Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fish went to Harrington yesterday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Scott. Mrs. Scott, an aged lady living in Lord’s Valley, died Wednesday of heart failure. She was the mother of Egbert A. Scott who lives east of Sprague.” (Sprague Times: 3-20-1903)
Scott, Elizabeth: (TS: Jan 4, 1870-Sept 3, 1904; w/o EA) “Mrs. E. A. Scott, who was taken to Spokane last week for surgical treatment, failed to rally from the operation and death ensued Saturday at the hospital. Mrs. Scott was 34 years of age and besides a husband and two children she leaves two sisters and a brother to mourn her loss. The funeral services were conducted from the Congregational church at 3 p.m. Monday, Rev G H Wilbur officiating, and interment took place in Maccabee Cemetery. A large circle of friends followed the remains to their last resting place, all of whom deeply sympathize with the afflicted relatives.” (a Sprague paper: 9-09-1904)
Scott, Cecil; infant of D. W. : (added; d. March 1917) “The 6 months old child of Mrs. D. W. Scott died on Wednesday of measles and was buried on Thursday in Maccabee Cemetery. The other two children and the mother are all down with the same disease. The circumstances in the case are deplorable. The father of the family is in the penitentiary at Walla Walla and the mother has been endeavoring to keep the family going by day labor and county assistance. The sick ones were being taken care of by the neighbors until Wednesday when a nurse was sent for, who will probably have to be paid by popular subscription.” (Sprague Advocate: 3-23-1917) “Record of Funeral of Cecil Scott. Son of Lana Scott. Charge to Lincoln Co, at Davenport, WA. Order given by Atty McCullum. Funeral: March 22, 1917 at chapel by Rev Cochran at 4 p.m. Death: Sprague; Lobar pneumonia, secondary cause: measles. Death March 21. Birth: May. Aged: 10 months. Father: David Scott born Kansas. Mother: born Nebraska. Interment: Maccabee Cemetery.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger; lot not specified; fee for lot and opening of grave)
Shawhan, Grace: (TS: 1883-19__; shared stone w/ James)
Shawhan, James: (TS: 1869-1946; shared stone) “James Shawhan. Death: 6-10-1946; Birth: 11-16-1867, Iowa. Spouse: Grace P. Father: John Shawhan; Mother: Martha Andrews. Buried: Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card) “Funeral of James Shawhan. Residence: Sprague, WA. Birth: Nov 16, 1867, Prairie City, Iowa. Death: 6-10-1946, at home. Aged: 78 yrs 7 mos 24 days. Husband of Grace P.; male, white. Father: John Shawhan, born Iowa; Mother: Martha Andrews, born unknown. Physician: Dr Sweet of Ritzville, WA. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery. Funeral: chapel at 2 p.m. Interment: June 12, 1946.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger)
Shields, Alwina A.: (TS: July 29, 1885-Dec 13, 1954) See SLE pages 636-7 and 439-1: Alwina Augusta Laderer was the daughter of John Laderer (1856-1934) and Margaretha Anna Lenk (1860-1939). She married Edward A. Shields and they had four children. She endured the loss of one of her little daughters in 1914 as well as survived her husband.
Shields, Edward A.: (TS: May 28, 1879-Mar 3, 1952) See SLE pages 636-7; 638-9: Edward was one of three sons of Eliza A. Walker and John Weller Shields, born in Logan County, IL. He married Alwina Laderer. He was a farmer and a banker. He moved the family from the Lamont area to St John. They had four children: Edna L (1909), Georgie B (1911), Gwendolyn (1913-1914) and Howard S (1918).
Shields, Eliza: (TS: 1852-1932; shared stone w/ John W.) “Record of Funeral: Eliza A. Shields. Residence: Lamont, WA. Widow of J. W. Shields. Charge to her estate. Order given by sons and daughters. Funeral: Sprague Federated Church. Death: June 4, 1932, at Lamont, WA. Retired housewife, widow, Protestant. Birth: Sept 18, 1852; Age: 79 yrs 9 mos 21 days. Father: Harvey Walker, born KY; Mother: Hannah Davis, born IL. Interment: Maccabee.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) See SLE pages 638-9: Eliza A. Walker was born Sept 13, 1852 at Bethany, Moultrie County, Illinois. Per this report, her family lived in Logan County, IL. John and Eliza had six children: Wm W, Edward, Claude, Mamie, Ora and Frances.
Shields, Ethel I.: (TS: Apr 2, 1883-Nov 25, 1941; mother) See SLE pages 642-4. Ethel Irene McFadden married Wm Walker Shields in 1900. She was the mother of four children who were born in Lamont before the family moved to Spokane: John Samuel, Helen Adeline, Claude William and Alice Irene.
Shields, Gwendolyn Irene: (TS: Sept 11, 1913-Sept 23, 1914; d/o E. A. & A.) See SLE page 636-7: Gwendolyn was the third of four children born to Edward A. and Alwina (Laderer) Shields. The family was apparently living in Lamont at this time. No cause of death was given.
Shields, John Weller: (TS: 1849-1923; shared stone w/ Eliza) “Record of Funeral of J. W. Shields. Charge to his estate, Lamont, WA. Funeral: April 13, 1923, Community Church, 2:30 p.m. Death: Spokane, WA. Aged: 74 yrs 2 mos 3 days. Farmer, Married, Protestant. Interment: Section 31, E ½, grave 2.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) See also SLE pages 638-9 with photo. John W Shields was born Feb 7, 1849 at Morrow, Warren Co, OH, the son of Samuel and Rhoda Crosson Shields. John married Eliza A Walker Aug 6, 1874 at Pekin, Tazewell Co, IL. They moved considerably and came to the Sprague vicinity in Whitman County in 1886. They raised six children: Wm W, Edward, Claude, Mamie, Ora and Frances; each survived and were married. John and Eliza moved to Cheney; John died April 10, 1923 and Eliza died June 4, 1932. John’s father, Samuel, died in Walla Walla on March 13, 1880.
Shields, William W.: (TS: Mar 28, 1876-Oct 19, 1971; father) See SLE pages 642-4 with photos. Wm W. Shields was born in Lawndale, Illinois, son of John W. and Eliza A. Shields. Their family was in the Lamont area in 1885. William married Ethel Irene McFadden in 1900. They had four children: John Samuel (1901), Helen Adeline (1903), Claude William (1905) and Alice Irene (1907). Ethel died in 1941 and Wm married Anna Ritchie.
Geraldine Esther:
(added; d.
6-28-1988) “Geraldine Esther
Shreve of Milpitas, CA, died June 28, 1988, after a three year battle with
cancer. She was 54. Mrs. Shreve was
born Sept 25, 1933 in
Simington, Jessie S.: (TS: 1871-1965) Jessie Stone Simington was a daughter of John and Mary Stone of the Keystone district west of Sprague. She had two known sisters, Mrs. W. A. Harris and Mabel Lee. Her known brothers were Rolla, Hugh and J. H. (see also John Stone and Mary Stone in Maccabee Cemetery file.) See SLE pages 674-5 of her brother, the Hugh Stone family.
Sirginson, Benjamin Church: (TS: 1875-1964) Benjamin Church Sirginson was born June 9, 1875, the son of Joseph G. Sirginson and Rebecca Jane Wormell. Joseph, a veteran, was buried in Lakeview Cemetery. His mother married a second time, and was buried in Maccabee Cemetery under the Bayman surname. Rebecca married John D. Bayman in 1882, and they kept the children together. (excerpt from: Family History as Prepared by Patt Spielbusch) “Mr. Benj. Serginson and Miss Alwilda Fitzwater were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents, Rev O. S. Haines officiating.” (LCT: 2-25-1898) Benjamin Sirginson was a stock dealer in the early 1900’s. On the 1902 Sprague census, Ben and Alwida had a two year old daughter. No further information was sought.
"Sirginson, Benjamin C.; His home, W904 5th Ave. Husband of Doral Sirginson, at the home; father of Mrs. Audra O'Brien, Sacramento, Calif'; Mrs. Emaline Siminson, Bremerton, Wn; George M. Sirginson, Los Angeles,Calif; stepfather of Mrs. Marie Rogers, Clarkston, Wn; ten grandchildren. Funeral service Tues Aug 4 at 2 p.m. in the GOTHIC CHAPEL, of the Hazen and Jaeger Fuenral Home...Rev. Walter Naff. Burial Sprague, Wash., Cemetery. (Submitted by Patt Sirginson, Feb 2007)
Sirginson, Harry H.: (TS: Nov 8, 1895-July 1936) “Record of Funeral: Harry J. Sirginson. Residence: Seattle, WA. Funeral: June 12, 1936, at Sprague, at Lee Chapel, with Rev Plankenhorn of Edwall, WA. Body shipped by Home Funeral Parlor, Seattle. Interment: Maccabee, family plot.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger)
"Dr. Sirginson Wash Former Resident. Born in Harrington in 1895. Lived Here Many Years. Dr. J. Harry Sirginson, who died June 6 at Seattle was buried beside his mother Mrs. Jennie Sirginson in Maccabee cemetery. The funeral was held Thursday at the Lee Funeral Home, the Rev. Luther Plankenhorn officiating. Dr. Sirginson who was a dentist died after a short attack of a deadly form of sleeping sickness. He was 40 years of age. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mary Sirginson, a daughter, Betty, of Portland; a sister, Mrs. E. W. Barnum of Medford, Oregon, his father and stepmother, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sirginson of Dunkirk, Montana, and an aunt, Mrs. Chas Ivy of Davenport. He was a grandson of the late Hannah Dyke and early pioneer of this county and he was born at Harrington November 9, 1895. His parents were early Sprague residents. ( Birth verified in family Bible. Obit submitted by Patt Sirginson, Feb 2007)
Sirginson, Jenni: (TS: 1873-1905; w/o John) Jennie E. Dyke Sirginson was born in December 1872 in Wisconsin, the daughter of Johanna Dyke, and married John M. Sirginson. “John M. B. Sirginson and Jennie E. Dyke were married on Christmas Day in this city at the residence of Mr. McCann, Rev W. T. Koontz officiating. The Herald Congratulates.” (Sprague Herald: 12-26-1889)" Mrs. Jennie Sirginson, wife of John M. Sirginson, died at Sacred Heart hospital Wednesday evening where she had undergone a surgical operation. Few of the many friends of Mrs. Sirginson knew of the serious nature of her illness, and no one expected when she was taken to the hospital Wednesday morning that the operation might result fatally; and the community was shocked to learn of her death. Mrs. Sirginson was one of the best known women of this neighborhood. She was born in Madison, Wis.; and came with her relatives to this section when but a small child. She has grown up right here and is particularly well known in Sprague and Harrington. She was 31 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Sirgonson were married in Sprague Dec. 25, 1889. To this union two children were born--Irene aged ll and Harry aged 9--who with the father survive the deceased. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. J. Dyke and sisters Lulu Ivy, Bertha Beeler and brother Herman Dyke. " " Death of Mrs. J. M. Sirginson. Resident of Sprague Succumbs after operation in Spokane Hospital. Sprague, Wash.; June 21. Mrs. John M. Sirginson, wife of the deputy city marshal of Sprague, died at Sacred Heart hospital, Spokane at 3 p.m. today as the result of a surgical operation. Mrs. Sirginson was born in Madison, Wis., and was 32 years of age. She came to Lincoln county 20 years ago. She leaves a husband, a little girl and a boy, two sisters, Mrs. E. E. Ivy of Sprague and Mrs. William Beeler of Spokane, and her mother, Mrs. J. Dyke of Sprague. A brother, H. C. Dyke, lives in Helena, Mont. The funeral will take place here Saturday."
"Mrs. Jennie Sirgenson Dead.....Mrs. Jennie Sirgenson, wife of John M. Sirgenson of Sprague, died last evening at Sacred Heart hospital after being in the care of the physician there about 10 hours. She arrived from Sprague at 10 o'clock in the morning. An infant child, born in the afternoon died shortly before its mother. The remains will be shipped to Sprague this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The funeral will be held there Saturday. "(Several obits submitted by Patt Sirginson, relative, Feb 2007)
Sirginson, John M.: (TS: Nov 8, 1868-Dec 7, 1938) “John M. Sirginson. Residence: Dunkirk, Montana. Place of death: Dunkirk, MT. Birth: Nov 8, 1868, Covington, KY. Male, white, store keeper. Death: Dec 9, 1938, Dunkirk, MT. Age: 70 yrs 1 mo 1 day. Father: John Sirginson, birthplace unknown. Mother: unknown. Cause of death: angina pectoris. Certifying Physician: M. D. Ridle of Shelby. Burial: Sprague, WA, Maccabee Cemetery in Lot no. 84, Grave 8, Section 1. Funeral services at Shelby, MT and at grave at 2 p.m. Interment Dec 12, 1938. This body was shipped in from Shelby, MT. Paul Kramer dug the grave.” (mortuary ledger) “John M. Sirginson last week sold his ranch near Cow Creek to Eugene Goodwater. The price was $3680 or $23 per acre for 160 acres.” (Sprague Times: 5-08-1903)
Sirginson, Rebecca Jane: see Bayman
Sirginson, William B.: (TS: Jan 2, 1870-Jan 30, 1905) William B. Sirginson was married on Nov 29, 1893 at the Zion Rocklyn German Methodist Church northwest of Harrington to Ida E, Whitaker. They had four children, two infants that failed to thrive, and two that survived their mother: Floyd and Ella. Ida Whitaker Sirginson died in 1904 with burial in Harrington’s Hillcrest Cemetery.
Mr. Will B. Sirginson, who is well known in this vicinity died in Sprague last Monday Jan. 30. Deceased was born in Indianapolis Indiana Jan. 2, 1870, but came to this county when a child and has resided here ever since. In 1893 he married Miss Ida Whitaker, the daughter of one of Lincoln county's pioneers. Mr. Sirginson has been failing for about seven weeks but has suffered little bodily pain and the doctors pronounced the disease a ....months ago and he has never been able to reconcile himself to her loss. He leaves two children. Floyd aged ten and Ella aged seven who will be cared for by their grandmother and aunt Mrs. and Miss Whitaker of Bellingham. Temporary interment will take place in the Maccabee cemetery at Sprague, later the body will be moved here and laid beside those of his wife and little son. (He was never moved) Case #715 Adoption of (in Harrington, Washington) on 7 July 1904 Floyd C. W. Sirginson age 9 and Luella J. Sirginson age 6, mother died 7 March 1904. Wm B. Sirginson consents to adoption...Petition of Lucella NC Whittaker, aunt, 26 years old, single.
Slaaen, Gerald A.: (TS: Mar 11, 1942-Mar 14, 1970) "Gerald A. Slaaen. Died: 3-14-1970. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA." (Lincoln Co Health burial permit) Mar 11, 1942-Mar 14, 1970)
Slechta, Dale D.: (TS: May 25, 1932-Dec 1, 1970) See SLE page 260. Dale was married to Marla Jo Doerschlag, daughter of Ralph and Jess. Dale died from heart trouble. They had three children: Melany Lynn, Rachel Dee and Dana Lee. Marla remarried in Dec 1971 to Pastor Gerald Dittrich “Dale D Slechta.—Age 38. Home was at Sprague, WA. Survived by wife, Maria Jo Slechta, at the home; 2 daughters, Melany and Dana Slechta, at the home; his mother survives him, Mrs. Hazel Wolfe, Cashmere, WA; his father, Blaine Slechta, Sprague, WA; one sister, Mrs. George Branam, Wenatchee, WA; 3 brothers, Dean Slechta and Dovie Slechta, both Cashmere, WA; Davwin Slechta, Edmonds, WA; grandmother, Mrs. G. S. Riggleman, Cashmere, WA; grandfather, E. E. Slechta, Deloit, Iowa. Member of St John Lutheran Church, Sprague. Member of the R & AM Lodge, No. 40, Sprague. Member of the Sprague Gun Club, Sprague Lions Club. President of the Sprague Chamber of Commerce. Funeral services Thursday, Dec 3, 11 a.m. from the St John Lutheran Church, Sprague, WA, Pastor Gerald Dittrich, Sprague, WA, officiating. Interment Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA. Danekas Funeral Home, Ritzville, WA, in charge of arrangements.” (Spokesman Review: 12-03-1970: scrapbook item, potential spelling errors).
Sletcha, Rachel Dee: (TS: June 18, 1963-June 11, 1966; d/o Dale & Marie) “Rachel De Slechta. Born: 10 June 1963; Died: 11 June 1966; Buried: 13 June 1966.” (St John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register) See page 260 of SLE. She was one of three daughters born to Dale and Marla Jo (Doerschlag) Slechta. Rachel died due to a brain tumor.
Maccabee Cemetery Obits, Sprague, Lincoln County, Washington
Submitted to the Lincoln Co. WAGenWeb by Marge Womach
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