Cemetery & Obituaries
Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, Washington, read by Lartigues
With Additions & obituaries (+) by Marge Womach
Page Me through My
Mehrer, Florence, see Wright
Mehrer, Vern J., Aug 4, 1914-July 23, 1943
Melcher, Augustus S., Jan 6, 1853-July 5, 1906
Melcher, Carey J., 1883-1966, shared stone
Melcher, Minnie E., (Fish) + , 1885-1966, shared stone
Melcher, Mary, see Moffatt
Melville, Amy, see Kuhlman
Melville, Arne Mareen, 1891-1962, shared stone
Melville, Rena (Duthie), 1891-1964, shared stone
Melville, Cynthia, 1895-1933
Melville, John H., 1894-1950
Melville, William, 1853-1921, shared stone
Melville, Elizabeth, 1868-1953, shared stone
Merrick, Archie, (no dates)
*Merrick, one yr infant of Henry, (d. 1910):
Merrick, baby, (no dates)
*Merrick, dau/o W. F., (d. 1904):
Merrick, Hazel, (no dates)
Merrick, Fayrse, (no dates)
Merrick, Mainard H., (no dates)
Merrick, W. H. Jr., 1903-1934
Mielke, Freda, 1883-1935
Mielke, Louis, 1878-1969
Mielke, John, (added: d. 1987)
Miller, Aaron, owner, E ½ Blk 61-2; 1st Ad.
Miller, Aaron, (added; d. June 17, 1923; buried Lakeview TS & Mortuary ledger)
Miller, Albert, d. Dec 22, 1915; age 76 yrs
Miller, Anna E., 1890-1971
Miller, Albert M., 1886-1962, obit
Miller, Bertha C., (Kloster), 1892-1918, buried w/ infant
Miller, infant of Bertha, (assume 1918), buried w/Bertha
Miller, Drusilla ! , Oct 5, 1850-Apr 20, 1917, w/o Aaron, obit
Miller, George W., 1881-1936
Miller, Jacob, 1850-1926
Miller, Augusta, 1866-1948
Miller, John W., 1886-1967 father, shared stone
Miller, Mabel H.,1893-1957 mother, shared stone
Miller, Ray, 1920-1921 son, shared stone
Miller, Ronald C., 1916-1966, shared stone; married
Miller, Marjorie L., 1927-1966, “ stone; Oct 16, 1948
Miller, Merton Miles: (added: d. 1917)
Ronald A.,
new stone
Miller, Ruth: (added: d. 1-03-1981)
Miller, Julia A.; added: b. Feb 26, 1860, d. 1914, obit
Miller, Merton Miles, b. May 29, 1889, d. 1913 Feb 10, obit
Mills, T. Arthur, 1885-1967
Mills, Blanche (Cameron), 1884-1964
Mills, Daniel C., Nov 3, 1918 (only) WA Pvt 1st cl , 23 Inf 2nd Div
Mills, John B.: (added: d. 6-14-1916)
Mills, Lillie, + , June 25, 1878-Apr 26, 1904, w/o J. B.; b. Lincoln Co
Misner, C. E., + , 1824-1916 mother, (Cordelia E.)
Mitchell, Carl E., 1889-1955, shared stone
Mitchell, Teresa C., 1890-1972, shared stone
Moen, Gertrude Katherine: (added; d. 1993)
Moffatt, Mary (Melcher), 1858-1949
Montford, Frank H., 1869-1940
More, George, July 16, 1842-June 27, 1910
Morton, Eugene, 1911-1931
Morton, Mamie J., 1884-1969
Morton, Otto E., 1879-1937
Morton, James D., 1870-1959, father
Morton, Marchie A., 1881-1966, mother
Moyer, S. R., 1877-1952
Mullinex, John L., 1869-1931
Mullinex, Lydia Caroline., 1845-1915, on Stuhr stone
Murray, James L., 1883-1964
Myers, Lizzie A., 1856-1943, mother
Mehrer, Florence: see Wright
Mehrer, Vern J.: (TS: Aug 4, 1914-July 23, 1943)
Melcher, Augustus S.: (TS: Jan 6, 1853-July 5, 1906) “Funeral services over the remains of Hon. A. S. Melcher were held at the auditorium Sunday morning under the auspices of the Maccabees, of which order deceased was a member. The house was filled to overflowing. The casket was buried with floral offerings and flowers were banked around in every available space, Rev Jonathan Edwards, of the Congregational church delivered an impressive and eloquent tribute to the many personal good qualities of deceased. A quartette comprising Mrssrs L. Barton, Allen Davis, Mrs. C. L. Dutcher and Mrs. Augustus Henkel, Mrs. John Evans, pianist, rendered appropriate and affecting music. Interment was made in the Maccabee cemetery. Mr. Melcher died at his home, near Edwall, Thursday, July 5th. He was aged 43 years, 5 months and 9 days. Mr. Bert Melcher returned from Alberta Monday evening. He first learned of the death of his father, Hon. A. S. Melcher, at Nelson, BC, and immediately started on his sorrowful journey homeward.” (Sprague Times-July 13, 1906) (Edit: A. S. Melcher was survived by his wife, Mary A. Melcher, who in 1908 was renting furnished rooms in Sprague, and later married C. H. Moffatt.) History of Big Bend, 1904, with photo, states that Augustus was born in Greene County, NY, to Christopher H. and Sophia (Horning) Melcher. His father was born in Hanover, Germany. Augustus married Mary Misner, daughter of Christopher and Cordelia (Clark) Misner in Oregon in 1876. Augustus and Mary per this report in 1904 had had the following children: Carey J., Christopher H., Edna E., Myrtle, Zella S., Lloyd, Walter and Genevieve. “Twenty-five years ago yesterday Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Melcher started out on life’s journey as man and wife and in commemoration of these twenty-five years of happy wedlock they invited many of their friends to their home of Third street to give them a living example of how to be happy, though married.” (Citizen: 3-18-1904) News items reflect that in 1889 Mr. Melcher was teaching at the Rockdale School.
Melcher, Carey J.: (TS: 1883-1966; shared stone w/ Minnie E.) Carey J. Melcher was a son of Augustus and Mary Alice Misner Melcher, one of their eight children. He married Minnie Fish.
Melcher, Minnie E. (Fisk): (TS: 1885-1966; shared stone w/Carey J.) “Death has called another of Lincoln County’s pioneers—Minnie Fish Melcher. She passed away last week Wednesday, and last rites of the Christian Science faith were held Saturday afternoon from the Sprague Community Church. Mr. S. Salter of Spokane was the reader. Interment with in the Sprague Cemetery. Minnie Fish was born in 1885 to Charles and Hattie Fish, early day settlers in the Crab Creek area, west of Sprague. Charles Fish came to Sprague with the building of the Northern Pacific Railway, and like many settlers took up land that was near water, as the area with its abundant natural grasses, was considered a cattle and sheep country. When it was learned that the land was tillable, the wheat farmers then took over. Minnie was the first white girl born on Little Creek where the Fishes first settled. This was some 12 miles west of Sprague. The home was a log cabin built with lumber from the area of the once well-known Pioneer Picnic grounds. She attended her first school in Harrington. Minnie was graduated from the Sprague High school in 1902 and as a member of the Alumni Association, took great pleasure in its annual meetings. To the present time she was its oldest member. She graduated from Blair Business college in Spokane and returned to Sprague as a bookkeeper and secretary for her father who was a grain buyer at that time. The Fish warehouse was located on the spot now occupied by the Grain Growers warehouse, across from the Grange Supply at Sprague. In 1904 Minnie Fish and Carey J. Melcher were married. They boarded the train the evening of their wedding, for St Louis and the World’s Fair but not before several enterprising young businessmen had padlocked a cowbell around the bridegroom’s neck. To this union were born two children: Evelyn J. Jones, and Virgil C. Melcher. Mr. & Mrs. Carey Melcher observed their 50th anniversary in 1954. Always active and interested in community affairs, Mrs. Melcher held various offices and memberships in local organizations. Being a charter member of the Sprague Women’s Progressive club, organized in 1919, her interest and devotion to the club continued steadfast to the end of her days. She became a member of the Rebekah lodge in 1903 and kept her membership active until its closing a year ago; she was a member of Henrietta Chapter of Eastern Star. At one time she was a Campfire leader, and spent a week camping with her group of girls at Camp Sweyolakin on Coeur d’Alene Lake. As a former historian of the Lincoln-Adams county Pioneer Historical Association, she mad notable contributions to the advancement of interest in the pioneer days in the Sprague area. One item of interest she told of, was riding into Sprague on a hot day in August, 1895. Breaking over the hills to the west of town she saw billows of smoke spiraling skyward. A blaze had started in a feed mill and adjoining blacksmith shop. Fanned by a strong wind the fire soon swept to other wooden structures and was quickly out of control. Her father, also on the trip, drove the team as fast as the horses would go. He tied the team at the edge of town and hurried to assist the fire fighting crew. The disastrous fire (told about again and again as the Big Sprague Fire), burned over 300 acres and destroyed all but a few buildings, causing a loss of more than a million and a quarter dollars and changed the destiny of the prospering pioneer town of 3,000. The Northern Pacific railroad round houses were burned to the ground and 24 locomotives with them. The division point of the NP was then moved to the little city of Spokane Falls. Mrs. Melcher had many other colorful experiences as a girl reared in a pioneer country. She remembered when land sold for $10 an acre; butter sold for 25 cents (that was a good price); families drove their hacks and wagons to Walla Walla for supplies; apples were stored in barrels in a dugout cellar, for winter eating; winter travel by sled; the trip to the first Pioneer Picnic by wagon and Minnie gave a recitation. The once popular Pioneer Picnic was the child of an idea that came out of a sewing party. A group of neighbors decided to go to Crab creek and visit, and relax under the trees—and they proposed the picnic that became a county, eventually a bi-county affair for many years. Surviving Mrs. Melcher are her husband, Carry J. Melcher at Hill Crest Manor, Ritzville; three sisters, Emma Hamilton, Tacoma; Ella Delmage, Seattle; Julia Harris, Seattle; one son, Virgil, Rufus, Oregon; a daughter, Evelyn Jones, and three grandchildren, Melette (Jones) Moore, Kahlotus; Jan Jones, Moscow, Idaho; Carey T Melcher, Fort Gordon, Georgia; and one great-granddaughter, L’Rae Moore. Among relatives from out of town (Sprague) who attended the last rites for Mrs. Melcher, were Mr. & Mrs. W. S. Melcher, Spokane; Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Melcher, Spokane; Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Melcher, Rufus, Oregon; Mr .& Mrs. George Gough, Spokane; Mr. & Mrs. Richard Moore, Kahlotus; and Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Moore, Kahlotus.” (Dav. Times-April 14, 1966; almost identical item in Sprague Advocate of 4-14-1966)
Melcher, Mary: see Moffatt
Melville, Amy: see Kuhlman
Melville, Arno Mareen: (TS: 1891-1962; shared stone w/ Rena) See SLE pages 485-7. Arne Mareen Melville was born in Lamont on Jan 6, 1891 to W. W. and Elizabeth C. Melville. He married Cynthia Holloway on Oct 24, 1916 and they had three children: Martha Elizabeth, William Holloway and Arno Mareen Jr. Cynthia died in 1933 and Arno remarried, Rena Purvis Duthie in 1936.
Melville, Rena (Duthie): (TS: 1891-1964; shared stone w/Arne) See SLE page 485: Rena Purvis Duthie Melville was born July 28, 1891 in Sumner, Iowa. She married a widower, Arno M. Melville Sr. in 1936. When they retired, they were residing in Spokane.
Melville, Cynthia: (TS: 1895-1933) “Record of Funeral: Cynthia Melville. Born: TN. Residence: Lamont, WA. Charge to Arne. Funeral: Jan 14, 1933, at Sprague, Rev Randall. Death: Jan 11, 1933, at Sprague Hospital, Sprague, WA. Housewife, married. Birth: May 19, 1895. Aged: 37 yrs 8 mos 1 day. Father: Dr Holloway, birth unknown; Mother: Martha Heylar. Interment at Sprague.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger; cemetery not specified.) See SLE pages 485-7. Cynthia died from pneumonia. Three children survived her, as did her husband.
Melville, John H.: (TS: 1894-1950) See SLE pages 490-491. John Melville married Clara Heien in 1933; their children were identified as James Curtis (1834), John Henry (1938), and Marcia Elizabeth (1941).
Melville, William: (TS: 1853-1921; shared stone w/Elizabeth) “Record of Funeral of W. W. Melville. Interment: Maccabee Cemetery. E ½ of Sec 36, grave 2” (Sprague Mortuary ledger; payment shown for ½ of Block 36, showing 3 remaining graves) See SLE pages 485-491 which gives a few of the lines of descent from Wm and Elizabeth, who had at least six children.
"W. W. Melville, a pioneer of the Lamont country passed away this morning at 6:30 at St. Luke's hospital in Spokane, where he was taken about 10 days ago suffering with paralysis of the brain. Mr. Melville, who was 63 years of age came to the Lamont country from Wisconsin 25 years ago and homesteaded on the place where the family live, 1/2 mile east of Lamont. he and his family have taken prominent part and shared in all the events which go with the development of a new community. He is survived by his widow and seven children, two daughters and five sons, as follow: Mrs. O. W. Kuhlman( Amy), Miss Mary, John, Arno, Willis, Ernest and Jimmie all of Lamont. He also has a brother who is in business in China. Funeral arrangements had not been made this morning." ( Sprague Advocate, Dec 151921) submitted by Barbara Curtis
Melville, Elizabeth: (TS: 1868-1953; shared stone w/ Wm) See SLE pages 485-491. Of the at least six children of William and Elizabeth Melville, those identified were Arno Mareen Melville (1891 at Lamont), Ernest Albert (Babe) Melville (1900) and John Melville (TS, 1894). Following her death, John and his wife Clara acquired her interest in the Lamont farm which had been in the family since 1881."Funeral services for Mrs Elizabeth C V Melville of W 133 39th Ave, Spokane were held from the Community church in Sprague Saturday, September 26th, with Rev James Hanson and Rev Ransom Marvin officiating. Mrs Melville, a pioneer resident of the community is survived by two daughters, Mrs Amy N Kuhlman of Opportunity and Miss Marianne Melville, Spokane; four sons, Arno M, Willis, James, all of Spokane, and Ernest of Cheney; 17 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. Interment was in the Maccabee cemetery at Sprague.-Lamont notes, Sprague Advocate." (Citizen: 10-09-1953)
Merrick surname: See SLE page 497-8: Wm Henry Merrick, born Feb 5, 1864, married Louise May Brown in 1897 in Hopkin, Iowa. Louise was born Feb 12, 1880 in Earlville, Iowa, a daughter of John Martin Brown and Katherine Jane Ham Brown. They reportedly moved to the Fishtrap area in 1905. Louise died Nov 19, 1946 and Wm Henry Merrick died in 1945. Seven children (six listed) were born to them: Morse (1897-1951); Fayrse M. (b. 1900), Wm H. Jr. (1903-1934); Earl Raymond (1906-1910), Baby Merrick (died at birth), Tony Myers Merrick (b. 1915). The 1900 Census shows William (b. Feb 1862) with wife May, having been married 3 years, and with two children born to them, and two living: Maurice (Morse) and Feris (Fayrce). By 1910, Wm H. and May show these children: Morse, 11; Forrest, 10; Henry W, 6; Earl R, 4; with one child deceased. The 1920 census shows Wm and May with: Morris, Fayrse, Henry W., Earl and Tony. There are five tombstones for Merrick without dates. The only Merrick tombstone with dates is that of W. H. Jr., 1903-1934. All available relevant data is presented for clarification of these stones.
*Merrick, one yr infant of Henry: (d. 1910): “The one year old child of Henry Merrick of the Lake Valley district was brought here for burial Monday. Rev Robinson conducted services at the grave in Maccabee Cemetery, where the child was interred at 11 o’clock a.m. The child died the previous Saturday of scarlet fever.” (Sprague Advocate-March 4, 1910)
*Merrick, dau/o W. F.: (d. 1904): “The three year old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Merrick, who died at the family home near Tyler last Saturday, from spinal meningitis, was buried in the Maccabee Cemetery Sunday. The funeral services were held in the M E Church of this city, Rev Hoskins officiating.” (Sprague Times-Feb 5, 1904)
Merrick, Archie: (TS: no dates)
Merrick, baby: (TS: no dates) “Baby Merrick died at birth.” (infant of Wm Henry Sr. and his wife, Louise Brown Merrick; Sprague-Lamont-Edwall book, p. 498; per order one might assume the birth to be between 1906 and 1915; then with census, between mid-1910 and 1915, as only one infant was reported deceased on the 1910 census, ie, the 3 yr old daughter. )
Merrick, Hazel: (TS: no dates)
Merrick, Fayrse: (TS: no dates) “Fayrse M Merrick, born on Jan 30, 1900 in Sprague, living in Spokane 1980” (Sprague-Lamont-Edwall book page 497-8)
Merrick, Mainard H.: (TS: no dates)
Merrick, W. H. Jr.: (TS: 1903-1934) “William Henry Merrick Jr., born Sept 10, 1903 in Sprague, died on Nov 18, 1934.” (Sprague-Lamont-Edwall book, page498) “Record of Funeral: Henry Merrick Jr. Born: near Fishtrap, WA. Charge to Henry Merrick, Sr. Residence: Spokane, WA. Husband of Ella. Funeral: Nov 21, 1934 at Lee Chapel, Sprague, WA. Rev Reiss, Ritzville, WA. Death: Nov 18, 1934, at Sacred Heart Hospital, Spokane, WA. Cause: auto accident, skull fracture. Occupation: truck driver. Married. Protestant. Birth: Sept 13, 1903; Aged: 31 yrs 2 mos 5 days. Father: Henry Merrick, Sr.; Mother: Brown. Interment: Maccabee, Sprague.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger)
Mielke, Freda: (TS: 1883-1935) “Record of Funeral: Mrs. Freda Mielke, born WI. Residence: North of Sprague, WA. Wife of Louis Mielke. Order given by husband and sons. Funeral: May 31, 1935, Lee Chapel with Rev Rein of Ritzville, WA. Death: May 29, 1935, at home. Housewife, married, Lutheran. Birth: April 4, 1883. Aged: 52 yrs 1 mo 6 days. Father: Gustave Hertel, born Germany. Mother: (not shown) born Germany. Interment: Maccabee Cemetery.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger)
Mielke, John :(added: d. 1987) “John Walter Mielke. Born: 2-01-1907, Sprague, WA. Died: 2-04-1987, Spokane, WA. Buried: 2-06-1987, Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA.” (St John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register)
Mielke, Louis: (TS: 1878-1969) “Louis H. Mielke. A pioneer Inland Empire resident, Louis H. Mielke, 91, E. 203 Sharp, died today in a Spokane hospital. He was a retired Sprague wheat farmer who came here 88 years ago. Mr. Mielke came here with his late parents, the Michael Mielkes, on the first Northern Pacific train into Spokane in 1881. They went on to Edwall where his father was a wheat grower. Mr. Mielke was born May 17, 1878, in Rochester, Minn. He had farmed at Sprague from 1900 until his retirement about 1936. His wife Freda died in 1935. Surviving are two sons, Clarence H. (Gus), Spokane Valley fruit grower, and John W., Sprague; a daughter, Mr.s Clarence G. (Myrtle) Johnson, Wenatchee; four grandchildren, three great grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Carl (Anna) Jans, Spokane. The body is at Thornhill’s Valley Home.” (scrapbook item-undated). Louis Mielke was a son of Michael Mielke and his wife Karoline Hollatz. Michael Mielke was born near Sittnov, Germany on Jan 18, 1840; they emigrated from there to New York and Iowa in 1872. They arrived in Lincoln Co, WA in 1883. Karoline died Aug 19, 1904. Louis married Freda Hertel on 12 Dec 1902. Louis and Karoline had three children: Clarence, Myrtle and John. The children are shown on the 1916 Lincoln Co School District #3 census with an Edwall address. Michael died Aug 21, 1923 at the home of his sister, Mrs. Annie Jans. See also SLE page 501-2.
Miller, Aaron; owner; E ½ Blk 61-2; 1st Add; purchased 8-15-1917
Miller, Aaron: (added; d. June 17, 1923; buried Lakeview TS & Mortuary ledger)
Miller, Albert: (TS: d. Dec 22, 1915; age 76 yrs) “Record of Funeral of Albert Miller; white, born Germany. Charge to Joe Smith of Keystone. Relatives unknown. Funeral: Dec 24, 1915, 2 p.m. at parlors. Death: at Myrtle Hospital, Dr Strang, physician. Death: Dec 22, 1915, lobar pneumonia. Single, farmer, no religion, aged 76 years. Parents: unknown. Interment: Maccabee. E ½ of 32.”
Miller, Albert M.: (TS: 1886-1962) “Albert Michael Miller; Died: 10-05-1962; Born: 4-03-1886 in WA; Married; Father = Jacob Miller; Mother = Augusta Mielke; Buried: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health Death cards) “Albert Michael Miller. Born: 3 Apr 1882; Died: 5 Oct 1962; Buried: 8 Oct 1962.” (St John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register) See SLE pages 502-4. Albert Miller was a son of Jacob and Augusta Miller, he first married Bertha Kloster, daughter of Adrian Kloster of the Harrington-Zion district. Bertha died and her youngest infant while she was caring for her Harrington family. Albert was left with two children, Ronald and Dorothy. He married Anne Wagner Fleishman in 1926. He preceded her in death.
Miller, Albert M.: (TS: 1886-1962) “Albert Michael Miller; Died: 10-05-1962; Born: 4-03-1886 in WA; Married; Father = Jacob Miller; Mother = Augusta Mielke; Buried: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health Death cards)
(The Sprague Advocate, December 21,1915) Albert Miller a rancher of the Crab Creek country was brought to town Wednesday morning suffering with a bad case of pneumonia. He died the same evening about 7 o'clock. The funeral will be held today at 2 o'clock from the Lee undertaking parlors and interment will be in Maccabee cemetery. Mr. Miller was born in Germany about 1839. His parents died when he was quite young and he was raised by an aunt who is now dead leaving him without any known relatives. He was about 76 years old and has lived in the Crab Creek country many years. He was a bachelor and owned a quarter section of land and had some personal property. Joe Smith his nearest neighbor has taken charge of his affairs, made the funeral arrangements and attended to other necessary matters.* by Barbara Curtis
Miller, Anna E.: (TS: 1890-1971) Anna E. Wagner Fleishman Miller was married to Albert M. Miller (1886-1962) in 1926, many years after the loss of his first wife and son in the 1918 epidemic. Anna brought with her a daughter from her previous marriage, Leta. Albert died in 1962 and she later married George Witt, another widower. See SLE: page 503. “Anna Miller Witt. Died: 1-31-1971. Buried: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln County Health burial permit card) Apparently she died in Spokane.
Miller, Augusta: (TS: 1866-1948) “Record of Funeral: Augusta Miller. Born: Germany. Wife of Jacob. Charge to estate. Funeral: 5-27-1948 at Community Church at 2 p.m. with Rev R. Marvin of Sprague. Death: 5-24-1948, at Spokane. Physician: A. Collins of Spokane. Cause: Diabetic Coma. Retired. Widow. Protestant. Birth: 6-10-1866. Aged: 81 yrs 11 mos 14 days. Father: Michael Mielke born Germany. Mother: Caroline Hollats, born Germany. Interment: Maccabee: Lot 32 Grave 7 Section 2.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) See also SLE pages 501-2 of her father who was one of the founders of the Sassin Evangelical Church; and SLE page 504-5 with photos; pages 507-509. Augusta Mielke married Jacob Miller Aug 15, 1885 and they had five children: Albert, Clara, Theresa, Grace and Charles. Jacob preceded her in death in 1926. She endured seven years as an invalid prior to her death on May 24, 1948.
Miller, Bertha C.: (Kloster): (TS: 1892-1918; shared w/ infant) “Bertha Clemantine Miller; Died: 26 Oct 1918 at Harrington, WA; Born: 30 Jan 1892 in WA; Spouse: Albert Miller; Father: Adrian Kloster born France; Mother: Mary Magdelena Fortanier born Germany; Burial: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health Death cards; Her infant son died two days prior to her death.) “Record of Funeral. Charge to Albert Miller. Interment: (Maccabee) W ½ Section 32. Burial of infant and Mrs. Miller.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) “Mrs Albert Miller, aged 26, died at the Kloster home of influenza last Saturday. Her home was in Sprague and the body was taken there for burial. When the Kloster family contracted the disease she came over here to give aid. The result was that she and her two children, and later her husband, all four, contracted the disease. Mrs. Miller succumbed but Mr. Miller and the two children are reported improving.” (Harrington Citizen: Nov 1, 1918) Bertha Kloster Miller’s family that succumbed to the epidemic were buried in Davenport’s Mountain View Cemetery.
Miller, infant of Bertha: (TS: d. 1918; buried w/Bertha; shared stone w/Bertha) “unnamed male Miller; Died: 24 Oct 1918 at Harrington, WA; Born: 24 Oct 1918, lived three hours; Father: Albert Miller born WA; Mother: Bertha Clemantine Kloster born WA; Burial: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health Death cards)
Miller, Drusilla: (TS: Oct 5, 1850-Apr 20, 1917; w/o Aaron) “Record of Funeral of Drusilla Miller. White. Born: Missouri. Charge to Aaron Miller. Wife of Aaron Miller. Funeral: April 22, 1917 at ME Church, Rev Falkner, at 2 p.m. Death: at residence at Crab Creek. Physician: Dr Strang. Death: Apr 20, 1917. Birth: Oct 5, 1850. Housewife, married, Protestant. Aged: 67 yrs 6 mos 15 days. Father: Wm Ward born KY; Mother: Phoebe Grunstead. Interment: not shown” (Sprague Mortuary ledger; fees for outlay for cemetery lot and opening grave) “Mrs. Drucilla Miller, wife of Former county Commissioner Aaron Miller, died last Friday noon at the Miller home on Crab Creek, of an illness arising from a stroke of paralysis which she suffered about two weeks ago. She was aged 67 years, 6 months and 15 days at death. The funeral was held Sunday from the Methodist church, Rev O. E. Faulkner officiating and burial was made in Maccabee Cemetery. Miss Drucilla ward was born at Mason City, Missouri, on October 5, 1849. In 1866 she married Geo B. Thompson in Missouri and to this union eleven children were born, four of whom are living, Mrs. Jack Harding of Spokane; W. B. Thompson of Keystone; Mrs. Myrtle Miller of Sprague; and Mrs. Geo Tufts of Edwall. The Thompsons came to Washington in 1885 and Mr. Thompson departed this life in 1889. Four years later deceased was married to Aaron Miller and with the exception of a year and half spent on the present Hilgers ranch, then owned by Mr. Miller has lived on the home place ever since. She leaves to mourn her loss the husband, the four children above named, 4 step-children, twenty-two grandchildren and two great grandchildren. A peculiar fact in connection with the lives of deceased and Mr. Aaron Miller is that two of Mr. Miller’s children married two of Mrs. Miller’s children, Mrs. Myrtle Miller was a daughter of Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. W. B. Thompson was a daughter of Mr. Millers. Mrs. Miller was a worthy pioneer of Lincoln County. In the early days when neighbors depended on each other much more than they do now she was one of those who performed the self sacrificing task of visiting the sick and ministering to them. She was a member of the Methodist church having joined in 1887 and a very large concourse of friends paid their last respects to her departure on Sunday from that church. What is a home without a mother? What are all the joys we meet? When her loving smile no longer Greets the coming of our feet.” (Sprague Advocate: 4-27-1917) Of her 11 children, three are buried with their father, George B. Thompson, in Hillcrest Cemetery: David F. Thompson, died 11-02-1888, about age 4; D. Eugenia, died 10-03-1892; and Edward Earl Thompson, d. 10-23-1888. The four surviving children were Leonora Martha Thompson Harding (1868-1950), W B Thompson, Georgie Thompson Miller (1879-1919), and Mrs. George Tufts.
Miller, Drusilla: (TS: Oct 5, 1850-Apr 20, 1917; w/o Aaron) ( The Sprague Advocate, Apr 27, 1917) Death of Pioneer.
Mrs. Drucilla Miller, wife of Former County Commissioner Aaron Miller died last Friday noon at the Miller home on Crab Creek, of an illness arising from a stroke of paralysis which she suffered about two weeks ago. She was aged 67 years, 6 months and 15 days at death. The funeral was held Sunday from the Methodist church, Rev. O. E. Faulkner officiating and burial was made in Maccabee cemetery. Miss Drucilla Ward was born at Mason City, Missouri, on October 5, 1849. In 1866 she married Geo. B. Thompson in Missouri and to this union eleven children were born, four of whom are living. Mrs. Jack Harding of Spokane, W. B. Thompson of Keystone, Mrs. Myrtle Miller of Sprague and Mrs. Geo. Tufts of Edwall. The Tompsons came to Washington in 1885 and Mr. Thompson departed this life in 1889. Four years later deceased was married to Aaron Miller and with the exception of a year and a half spent on the present Hilgers ranch, then owned by Mr. Miller has lived on the home place ever since. She leaves to mourn her loss the husband, the four children above named, 4 step children, twenty two grand children and two great grand children. A peculiar fact in connection with the lives of deceased and Mr. Aaron Miller is that two of Mr. Miller's children married two of Mrs. Miller's children. Mrs. Myrtle Miller was a daughter of Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. W. B. Thompson was a daughter of Mr. Millers. Mrs. Miller was a worthy pioneer of Lincoln county. In the early days when neighbors were depended on each other much more than they do now she was one of those who performed the self sacrificing task of visiting the sick and ministering to them. She was a member of the Methodist church having joined in 1887 and a very large concourse of friends paid their last respects to her departure on Sunday from that church. What is home without a mother? What are all the joys we meet? When her loving smile no longer Greets the coming of our feet. Submitted by Barbara Curtis
Miller, George W.: (TS: 1881-1936) “George Wilson Miller; Died: 7 August 1936 in WA; Born: May 1881 in Oregon; Spouse: Eva May, nee not stated; Father = Amos Miller; Mother = Olive Story; Burial: Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health Death cards) “Record of Funeral: George W. Miller, born Roseburg, Oregon. Husband of Eva May Taylor. Charge to his estate. Residence: Sprague. Funeral: Aug 11, 1936, Masonic Hall, 2 p.m. Death: Aug 7, 1936, at Sprague. Janitor, married, Protestant. Birth: May 12, 1881; Aged: 55 yrs 2 mos 26 days. Father: Aaron Miller, deceased, born: don’t know. Mother: Olive Story. Interment: Maccabee.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) “George W Miller, 55, Sprague, died there Friday night after an illness of a week with complication following a boil on his nose. He was janitor of the Sprague public schools. He leaves his widow, four children, four brothers and two sisters. He was a Royal Arch Mason.” (Odessa Record: 8-13-1936)
Miller, Jacob: (TS: 1850-1926) “Jacob Miller, age 76, early pioneer of this region, dropped dead from heart failure at his home 10 miles north of Sprague, Tuesday, Jan 12th. He had arisen as usual and performed his tasks about the farm. Complaining of dizziness, he fell from a chair dead. Mr. Miller was born near St Joseph, MO. When 25, he went to California where he lived six years. He came to Washington in 1881, settling on a homestead near Waukon. In 1892, he moved to the ranch where he died. Mr. Miller is survived by his widow, two sons, Albert M. Miller and Charles J. Miller; three daughters, Mrs. Clara Edmonson, Mrs. Theresa Mitchell and Miss Grace Miller, Sprague; two brothers, Benedict Miller and Henry Miller, Conception, MO; and one sister, Mrs. Mary Siely, St Joseph, MO. The funeral was Thursday and burial took place in the Maccabee Cemetery at Sprague.” (Citizen-Jan 22, 1926) “Jacob Miller; Died: 12 Jan 1926 at Sprague, WA; Born: 9 Nov 1850 in Missouri; Spouse: Married, name not given; Father = Joseph Miller born Switzerland; Mother = Hattie Wiedmeyer born Germany; Buried: Sprague Cemetery-Maccabee, Sprague, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health Death cards) “Jacob Miller. Born: Missouri. Residence: North of Sprague, ranch home. Order given by sons. Funeral services at Catholic Church. Death: Jan 12, 1926, north of Sprague. Birth: Nov 9, 1850. Farmer. Married. Catholic. Aged: 75 yrs 2 mos 3 days. Father: Joseph Miller, born Switzerland. Mother: Hattie Weidmeyer, born Germany. Interment: Maccabee, N ½ 32.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger)
Miller, John W.: (TS: 1886-1967; father; 3 on 1 stone, Mabel H. & Ray)
Miller, Julia A.: (added: d. 1914) “The funeral of Mrs. Julia A. Miller was held on Sunday afternoon from the N. A. Hamley residence, Rev Randall officiating and burial was made in Maccabee Cemetery. Thursday morning when the day had begun to unfold its beauty, the soul of Julia Arnold Miller set out on its long journey and entered into that tent whose fold ne’er opens outward and crossed the indefinable boundary line of that mysterious kingdom we call ‘death.’ We realize when ‘death’ with his sickle keen reaps the bearded grain at a breath and the flowers that grow between, that ‘The mists of death hang low upon life’s sea, The unseen shore Beyond the darkness rises silently Forevermore; The golden city flashes from the strand And naked eyes see not the distant land.’ Our sister has preceded us to the realms of the blessed by only a short time. To her has been revealed all that to us is a mystery, and her frail bark has safely reached that land where storms are no more. Julia Arnold Miller was born at Washington, MO, Feb 26, 1860, moved to Iowa with her parents when quite young. Her girlhood was passed in the vicinity of Maquoketa. She was united in marriage to Henry O Miller of Eaton, Colorado, where she resided for some time but her health failing, the family moved to Los Angeles, California, in the hope that the balmy air of that sunny clime would prove beneficial, but death had already marked her for his own. In Jan of the present year she came to the home of her sister, Mrs. N. A. Hamley, who aided by her son, Dr Hamley, and her relatives here did everything that could be done to give her relief and comfort her. She leaves besides her invalid husband who still lives in Los Angeles, a daughter, Mrs. Mosconi, a granddaughter, a brother geo in Little Rock, Ark., a brother Jas C and a sister Mrs. N. A. Hamley of Sprague, to mourn her death.—Contributed. (Sprague Advocate-April 3, 1914)
Miller, Mabel H.: (TS: 1893-1957; mother; 3 on 1 stone, John W. and Ray)
Miller, Marjorie L.: (TS: 1927-1966; shared stone w/Ronald; m. Oct 16, 1948)
Miller, Merton Miles: (added: d. 1917) “Merton Miles Miller, seventh child of Mr. & Mrs. Amos Miller, died Monday, Feb 10, of heart disease from which he had suffered for some time. The funeral services were held on Wednesday at 2 o’clock from the Congregational Church, Rev Edwards officiating. The remains were interred in Maccabee Cemetery. Merton was born at Adams in Umatilla County, Oregon, on May 29, 1889 and was 23 years, 8 months and 12 days old at death. The family moved to the Sprague vicinity in 1891 and he has resided here most of the time since. He conducted a livery barn in Sprague some years ago but devoted most of his time to farming. He leaves to mourn his loss his father and mother, five brothers, Charles of Vancouver, Wash.; Leonard of Lewiston; George of Sprague; Percy of Spokane; and Burdette of Lewiston; and two sisters, Mrs. Belle Pipes of Seattle and Mrs. Pearl Hildebrand of Spokane. The Hildebrands, Burdette and Percy came about a week before his death and Charles and Leonard came in time for the funeral.” (Sprague Advocate-Feb 14, 1913)
Miller, Ray: (TS: 1920-1921; son; 3 on 1 stone, Mabel H. & John W.) “Record of Funeral of Ray Calvin Miller. Born: Lamont, WA. Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Lamont, Wa. Funeral: Dec 29, 1921 at home at 10 a.m. Physician: Dr J. E. Bittner of Sprague. Death: Dec 28, 1921 at Lamont. Cause: shock, Secondary: scalded. Birth: Sept 3, 1920. Aged: 1 yr 3 mos 25 days. Father: John Miller, born TN; Mother: Mable Spencer.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger; fee shown for purchase of cemetery lot)
Miller, Ronald A .: (TS: 1948-1999)
Miller, Ronald C.: (TS: 1916-1966; shared stone w/Marjorie L.; married Oct 16, 1948)
Miller, Ruth: (added: d. 1-03-1981) See SLE page 613. Ruth Blakely was the adopted daughter of Will and Flossie Sanborn. She was a teacher prior to working for the State Department. She was the widow of Hugh Miller. She was buried in Maccabee Cemetery on Jan 3, 1981.
Mills, T. Arthur: (TS: 1885-1967) See SLE page 515-516. T Arthur Mills was born in Bismark, Dakota Territory. The family settled in the Lamont area about 1894. Arthur married Blanche Cameron on Feb 5, 1910 in Spokane. They had no children.
Mills, Blanche: (Cameron)(TS: 1884-1964) See SLE page 515-6. She was a niece of the druggist, S. C. Kinch, who advertised extensively in 1903. She also had a sister, Bessie Cameron, who resided in Sprague and later lived with Blanche and her husband Arthur.
Mills, Daniel C.: (TS: Nov 3, 1918; WA Pvt 1st cl; 23 Inf 2nd Div) “Record of Funeral of Pvt 1st C Daniel C. Mills. Born: WA. Order by J. B. Mills. Funeral: Apr 30, 1921, Community Church, 2:30 p.m., Rev Clay Palmer. Cause of Death: Killed in Action in France. Occupation: Soldier Pvt 1/C. Aged: 20 yrs. Father: J. B. Mills. Interment: Section: 42.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger)
Mills, Lillie: (TS: June 25, 1878-Apr 26, 1904; w/o J. B.; b. Lincoln Co) “Mrs Lilly Mills, aged 26 years, wife of John Mills, died at the family home five miles northwest of Sprague Tuesday evening, April 26th. Mrs. Mills had only been ill a few days with what appeared to be only a bad cold and her death came so suddenly that it was a severe shock to her relatives and friends. The funeral services were held in the M E Church at 2 p.m. yesterday and were attended by many friends of the family. Interment was in the Maccabee Cemetery. Mrs. Mills was a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Bussey, a half sister of W. H. Vent and a relative of others of this vicinity. She was raised within a few miles of her late home and leaves many friends to mourn her untimely death.” (Sprague Times-April 29, 1904; Citizen-May 6, 1904 exact duplication)
Mills, John B.: (added: d. 6-14-1916) “John B. Mills died at his mother’s home in Sprague on Wednesday, June 14, of cancer of the lip after an illness of about 4 years duration. The funeral will be held today, Friday, at 2 p.m. from the residence on Third Street. F. W. Ridout of the Pentecostal church will conduct the services. He has suffered greatly for about three years and in his efforts to effect a cure visited numerous cancer specialists but received little benefit, the disease having progressed beyond the power of medicine to cure. He has been bedfast about three weeks. John Bales Mills was born at Jacksonville, Oregon, August 10, 1872 and was 43 years, 10 months and 4 days old at death. He lived in Oregon until 6 years old when the family moved to Goldendale, Washington. In 1892 they came here purchasing a quarter section of land 4 ½ miles northwest of town where he lived until a few weeks ago. In 1896 he was married to Miss Lilly Busey at Ritzville and two children, Wm J. aged 19 and Dan C. aged 17, were born to them. Mrs. Mills died in 1904 and in 1913 he again married, his widow surviving him. He also leaves his mother, 5 sisters and 3 brothers to mourn his loss. The sisters are: Mrs. M. F. Woody of Lentz, Oregon; Mrs. F. E. Brown of Rufus, Oregon; Mrs. R. E. Lusby of North Yakima; Mrs. Susie Bunnell of Portland; and Mrs. Julia Rhodes of Sprague. The brothers are: Dan W., James R. and Samuel L., all of Sprague.” (Sprague Advocate-16 June 1916) “Record of Funeral of John Bales Mills. White, born Oregon. Charge to his estate, Sprague. Order given by Dan Mills, brothers and sons. Funeral: June 16, 1916 at residence in Sprague at 2 p.m. Death: June 14, 1916, at Sprague; Cause: cancer; Physician: Dr Bittner of Sprague. Birth: Aug 10, 1872. Occupation: Farmer. Married. Protestant. Aged: 43 yrs 10 mos 4 days. Father: Wm R. Mills, born Arkansas; Mother: Adeline Miller. Interment: Maccabee Cemetery.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger)
Misner, Cordelia E.: (TS: 1824-1916; mother) “Mr. C. E. Misner departed this life, August 26, 1916, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. H. Moffatt, Post St, Spokane, Wash. She was confined to her bed only about four weeks and died of natural infirmities due to old age, being 92 years of age. She was born in Deleware Co, Ohio, Nov 15th, 1825. Her parents moved to Illinois where she graduated from the Mt Morris Seminary and taught school until her marriage to the Rev Christopher Misner, April 4th, 1850. With their family they crossed the plains by team in 1866, being four months on the way. They settled in Oregon where they lived until they moved to Washington in 1848 (sic) and located on the farm afterwards known as ‘Meisner Crossing’, ten miles north of Sprague. There she led a quiet but useful life, devoted to her family and friends until the death of her husband, since which time she has lived with her children. She was greatly afflicted by being deaf for over fifty years, but always showed the greatest patience and fortitude in times of trouble or danger. She was a faithful Christian and belonged to the M E Church from childhood. She spoke many times of the beautiful life beyond, where she would have no affliction and waited patiently for ‘God to call her home,’ her last words being, ‘Come Jesus.’ The funeral was conducted by the Rev Jonathan Edwards, formerly of this place, at the residence of Mrs. Moffatt, Sunday afternoon, where many friends gathered to pay their last respects to her memory and express sympathy to the family. There are left to mourn her loss: two daughters, Mrs. Moffatt of Spokane, Mrs. Bowerman of Hedley, BC, who were with her at the end, and three sons, Arthur of Melrose, Idaho and Willis and Henry of Portland, Oregon, nineteen grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. The body was brought to Sprague on Monday and interred in the family plot; Rev Cook conducting services at the grave.” (Sprague Advocate-Sept 1, 1916) “Mrs. Cordelia E. Misner died August 26th, at the home of her daughter in Spokane, Mrs. C. H. Moffatt. She was born in Deleware Co, Ohio, in 1825. With her parents she moved to Illinois in an early day, thence to Iowa, crossed the plains to Oregon in 1866, and lived in that state until 1878 when she moved to Washington, locating with her husband on a homestead ten miles north of Sprague. Rev C. Misner was a Methodist minister and in pioneer days used to preach in the Harrington country, particularly Yarwood. She leaves five children, nineteen grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. Her children are: Arthur Misner of Nez Perce, Idaho; Wells and Henry Misner of Portland, Oregon; Mrs. C. H. Moffatt of Spokane; and Mrs. G. Y. Bowerman at present of Harrington. Mrs. Misner was buried last Monday afternoon at Sprague, the funeral being held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. .C H. Moffatt at Spokane on Sunday Aug 27th. Many old time friends attended the funeral. The array of floral offerings was beautiful and abundant.””(Citizen-Sept 1, 1916) “Record of Funeral of Cordelia Eliza Mizner. white. Order given by Bert Melcher. Funeral: Aug 28, 1916. Cause of death: arteriosclerosis. Aged: 90 yrs 9 mos 11 days. Shipped from Hazen & Jaeger from Spokane.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger; edit: for details send to Hazen & Jaeger)
Mitchell, Carl E.: (TS: 1889-1955; shared stone w/Teresa)See also SLE page 504-5: Carl Edgar Mitchell was married to Teresa Miller, daughter of Jacob and Augusta Miller prior to 1915, when they returned from Farmer, WA, for a family reunion over the Christmas holiday.
Mitchell, Teresa: (TS: 1890-1972; shared stone w/Carl E.) See SLE page 504-5. Therea Miller, daughter of Jacob Miller and Augusta Mielke Miller, married Carl Edgar Mitchell. In 1915 they were residing in Farmer, WA, and returned to the farm home of her parents, ten miles north of Sprague for a family reunion over the holidays. The five children of Jacob and Augusta were present, along with four (unnamed grandchildren).
Moen, Gertrude Katherine: (added; d. 1993) “Gertrude Katherine Moen. Born: 8-12-1925, Werner, ND; Died: 8-10-1993, Spokane, WA; Buried: 8-14-1993, Maccabee Cemetery, Sprague, WA” (St John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register)
Moffatt, Mary: (TS: 1858-1949) Mary Alice Misner was the daughter of Rev Henry Misner and his wife Cordelia Clark. She was born in Illinois in 1858 and raised in Oregon for most of her growing years. She married Augustus Melcher. Their eight children were: Carey J. (b. 1883), Christopher H. (Bert), Edna E., Myrtle, Zella S., Lloyd, Walter and Genevieve. Variations of the details exist in comparing SLE pages 517-8, SLE page 812 and The History of Big Bend, item on Augustus S. Melcher. Mary was left with their eight children to support when Augustus died in 1906 which she accomplished through hard work and resourcefulness. She rented furnished rooms per R. L .Polk Sprague directories of 1908 and 1910. Since she is not listed in 1912 one might look in that time frame for the marriage record to C. H. Moffatt, as she was Mr.s C. H. Moffatt at the time of her mother’s death in 1916. C. H. Moffatt was an Edwall businessman and had been married prior to his marriage to Mary.
Montford, Frank H.: (TS: 1869-1940) “Frank H. Montfort. Born: 5-20-1869; Death: 1-10-1940; Buried: 1-13-1940.” (St John’s Lutheran Church Burial Register)
More, George: (TS: July 16, 1842-June 27, 1910)
Morey, Rex D.: (added: d. 9-03-1915; “Rex Morey/Mosey; white, born WA. Funeral: Sept 4, 1915. Residence: St John, Place of Death: St John; Funeral: St John. Cause of death: cholera infantum. Death: Sept 3, 1915. Aged: 1 yr 7 mos 18 days. Father: B C Mosey; Mother: Clark. Interment: Maccabee, Grave 1, Sec 35.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger)
Morton, Eugene: (TS: 1911-1931) “Record of Funeral: Eugene Morton, born Lamont, WA. Residence: Lamont, WA. Charge to parents. Funeral: April 11, 1931, at Gresham Church. Death: April 9, 1931, at Pullman, WA. Cause of Death: fractured skull. Student, single, Protestant. Aged: 19 yrs 7 mos 3 days. Father: Otto Morton. Interment: Maccabee, Sprague.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger; diagram shows north grave of lot, not numbered) Eugene Morton was a student at WSU and died following an accident while driving home from college.
Morton, Mamie J.: (TS:
1884-1969) Mamie J. Shields was born Nov 20, 1884 near Pomeroy, WA, the daughter
of John W. and Eliza Walker Shields. She married Otto E. Morton Oct 3, 1903. He
was one of 13 children born to Joseph and Emmeline (Borst) Morton. They farmed
in the Lamont district until the sudden death of Otto in 1937, and Mamie moved
to Sprague in 1943 and remained until 1967 when health forced her to moved to
Spokane. Mamie and Otto had five children: Gladys, Vera, Elma, Eugene and
Donald. Mamie died at the age of 84 on Nov 12, 1969.“Mamie J Morton.—Her
Morton, Otto E.: (TS: 1879-1937) “Record of Funeral: Otto E Morton. Born: WI. Residence: farm home, Lamont PO. Husband of Mamie Shields. Funeral: March 1, 1937, at Sprague Congregational Church. Death: Feb 26, 1937, at the farm home near Lamont. Farmer, married, Protestant. Birth: April 11, 1880. Aged: 56 yrs 10 mos 15 days. Father: Joseph Morton, born Maine; Mother: Emiline Borst, born NY. Interment: Maccabee Cemetery.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger) Otto’s parents lived their entire lives in Wisconsin, and had 13 children. Otto married Mamie J. Shields, daughter of John W and Eliza Walker Shields. They had five children. See SLE pages 536-8.
Morton, James D.: (TS: 1870-1959; father) Mention is made in SLE page 112-3 of J. D. Morton working on the interior of the Lamont Congregational Church in 1909.
Morton, Marchie A.: (TS: 1881-1966; mother)
Moyer, S. R.: (TS: 1877-1952)
Mullinex, John L.: (TS: 1869-1931) John L. Mullinex was an early pioneer to the Sprague country, arriving in 1883 from Missouri via California. John L. Mullinex was the son of John Wm Mullinex and his wife Lydia C Gibbons. The family migrated to California in 1872 and later came by team to Washington in 1878, and settled some miles northeast of Sprague in 1883. By 1900 the family was found in the Graves Precinct and the Rock Lake areas of Spokane County. John and Ann were married about 1898 and had five children born by 1910 and endured the loss of one; those on that census were: Leonard C., Earl, Robert Louis and Almeda J.
Mullinex, Lydia C.: (TS: 1845-1915; on Stuhr stone) "Record of Funeral of Lydia Caroline Mullinix; white, born SC; wife of John Mullinix. Funeral: May 2, 1915 at residence, 14 miles E of Sprague. Place of death: residence; Clergyman: Rev Randall. Physician: Dr D. M. Strang of Sprague. Death: May 1, 1915. Birth: Feb 29, 1844; housewife, married, protestant. Aged: 71 yrs 2 mos 2 days. Father: Louis Gibbons; Mother: Agnes Wammack. Burial: Maccabee Cemetery: Sec #59, E ½." (Sprague Mortuary ledger) Lydia Caroline Gibbons was born in TN in 1845, moved to Marshfield, Missouri, was married to John Wm Mullinex, and had at least four children, John L. Mullinex and Mary Ann Mullinex Stuhr, both born in Missouri, and George and Pearl both born in California. The family left Missouri in 1872 and resided in California about five years before coming to Washington by team, and finally settling in the Rock Lake district of Spokane County.
"Lydia Caroline Mullenix was born in middle Tennessee, February 29, 1843 and moved to Missouri while a young child. She was married in Marshville, Mo., March 3, 1866 to John W. Mullenix. After residing at the place of her marriage until 1872 the family removed to Oregon by team; later removing to Dayton, Wash., where a son was born and died. She came to Spokane county and located in the vicinity of Cheney in 1881, where she had since resided. Mrs. Mullenix contracted a severe cold while visiting at the home of a son, George Mullenix, at Deer Park. The illness not yielding to treatment, she returned to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Barnhart, near Sprague, where she died on May 1. Seven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Mullenix, five of whom survive her death. The living children are: John L. Mullenix of Sprague, Mrs. H. S. Mead of Cheney, George Mullenix of Dee Park, Pearl Beckly of Spokane and Della Barnhart of Rodna. Funeral services were held at the home of Mrs. Barnhart, attended by a large number of friends. The Rev. H. S. Randall of Sprague preached the funeral sermon and the body was laid to rest in the Maccabee cemetery in Sprague. Mrs. Mullenix was reconciled to her death and a short time before the end came said to her children "Try not, dear ones, to keep me here, for I want to be laid by Mary dear. This world is so dreary and full of care. Don't worry, God will make the way clear". Many beautiful floral tributes were sent in token of the love of friends...."(Cheney Free Press, May 07, 1915) Submitted by Barbara Curtis
Murray, James L.: (TS:
1883-1964) “James L Murray.—His home,
Myers, Lizzie A.: (TS: 1856-1943; mother)
** Additions by Barbara Curtis in Italics
Maccabee Cemetery Obits, Sprague, Lincoln County, Washington
Submitted to the Lincoln Co. WAGenWeb by Marge Womach
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