Information given is the document number , name of the child when known, date of birth, place of birth, sex, race and legitimacy or stillborn. The next line gives the mother's maiden name, age race, order number of child, place of birth. The following line gives father's name, age, race, occupation and place of birth. Abbreviations used include: M = male, F = female, W = white, B = black, L = legitimate, I = illegitimate, S = stillborn. Places of birth within the United States are abbreviated in the manner used by the postal zip codes. Places of birth outside the United States are abbreviated as follows: - AUS = Austria
- BLG = Belgium
- CND = Canada
- DNK = Denmark
- ENG = England
- FIN = Finland
- FRN = France
- GER = Germany
- HLD = Holland
- HUN = Hungary
- IRL = Ireland
- ITL = Italy
- NRY = Norway
- NS = Nova Scotia
- NZD = New Zealand
- PLD = Poland
- RUS = Russia
- SCT = Scotland
- SWD = Sweden
- SWT = Switzerland
- WLS = Wales
It is thought that the following cities are in the part of Yugoslavia that is once again Croatia: Fuzine, Lika, and Mrkpals

© Kittitas County Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 1342, Ellensburg, WA 98926. Email geneal@televar.comNewsletter Subscription (Quarterly) $3.50 per year or free with membership. Membership $10.00 per year per person or $15.00 per year per couple. Esther Hinthorne is the Society's President. If you have found this information to be helpful, show your thanks by making a small donation to the society. Be sure to let them know you saw their database at this website to encourage them to contribute more information.

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