A Short History of Mountain View, WA

In June, 1873, C. M. McCOMB, of Quincy, Illinois, took up the first claim in what is known as the Mountain View settlement, built a shanty and prepared to make a home several miles from any white settler. But it was not many weeks before Victor CHARROIN, of Wisconsin, looking for land upon which to make a home, heard of this new settlement, came and secured claims for himself and relatives, built a log house and sent for his family, who were in Seattle, including Thomas HOSKINS, his son-in-law, and C. C. HOSKINS, but after a few months time Mrs. CHARROIN decided to return to her former home with her children on account of the lack of educational advantages, leaving her daughter, Mrs. T. HOSKINS and Miss Ida CHARROIN with their father. McDONGAL Brothers also came about this time.

In the fall B. T. HAYWARD and family settled on a homestead, and in January H. A. SMITH took a claim, but did not move his family, who were in Whatcom, till April of '74.

In a short time the families of H. B. STEWART and D. FOLLET settled in the neighborhood, after which there were no additions till the spring of '76, when B. F. SMITH and family, of Colorado, settled upon a claim. Then in the spring of '78 E. LOPAS and N. KELLY bought land near Lake Terrell. These comprised the neighborhood till '83, when land began to change hands, and at this writing we have a population of about one hundred and fifty.

The first religious services were held in the log house of C. M. McCOMB, in the spring of '76. Rev. HARRISON, the Congregational minister of Sehome, and Rev. T. MAGILL of the M. E. Circuit on the Skagit river, came from Whatcom together. Rev. HARRISON organized a Sunday school, with H. A. SMITH as superintendent, (which position Mr. S. still holds) after which he preached a sermon. The next day being the Sabbath, Rev. MAGILL conducted services and formed a class at the home of B. T. HAYWARD, with Thomas HOSKINS leader, which he held until the time of his death, July, 1880, and for the next two years meetings were held at the different houses, when a log school house was built on a piece of land donated by J. S. NORTON, clear of debt.

In the fall of '76 Rev. MACNAME, who was stationed at Semiahmoo conducted services once a month, from which time the M. E. conference furnished monthly services, until 1884, when Rev. George BAKER, Congregational minister, also located at Semiahmoo came once a month, and at this time we have preaching and Sunday school each Lord's day.

The first few years, as in all new counties, was one of trials and privations, but the neighborhood now is supplied with good roads, and is in a flourishing condition, and steps are now being taken to open a road across the reservation to intersect the mail road at Marietta.

Source: The Blaine Journal, December 5, 1889; copied by Susan Nahas.

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