Fifteen miles east of Blaine, at the head of navigation on the Nooksack river, is located the best known and best advertised town in Whatcom county.

When we first saw the place where Lynden now stands, in 1883, there were only three or four farm houses in sight,in one of which lived Mr. H. A. JUDSON, then post-master, in another Mr. GOODELL and in a third the HAWLEY family, who kept the pioneer store, and just down the river was CUDWORTH and DELANDER's logging camp. Now there are in town at least two hundred buildings, among which may be seen two sawmills, one shingle mill, one sash door and blind factory, one flour feed mill, one newspaper, the Pioneer Press, published by DOBBS and MORGAN, three large hotels, churches, school houses, etc.

Mr. H. A. JUDSON came to Lynden, and, in fact, started Lynden, by locating there with his family in 1870. When he came up the river he found only two white men located there, both married to Indian women of the Nooksack tribe. Jas. MCCLANAHAN and Joseph EMERLING were the men, and they have both since died. Mrs. JUDSON for some time was the only white woman on the upper Nooksack, but about two or three years after their arrival, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. COUPE came and settled there.

In 1875 E. HAWLEY and family came to Lynden and in '75 started the first general store there. Now a younger son, Leo HAWLEY, is conducting a hardware store and doing a real estate business. All the goods were brought up the river in their large shovel-nose canoes and were got in at considerable risk of loss, and were sold quite reasonably considering the hardship of getting them. Mr. HAWLEY died quite suddenly a few weeks ago.

We think it was in '84 that Mr. H. A. JUDSON started his store which was run in a small log building which was first constructed for a cooper shop. The postoffice was also in the same building. He soon found, however that his quarters were not the thing, and so built him a nice large store building and hall, as well as the fine residence in which he now resides.

Mr. JUDSON has just completed at a cost of $8,000 one of the finest public halls in Washington, the auditorium of which, with the gallery, will seat 800 people, and having a fine large stage, fitted up with all necessary ante-rooms, scenery, etc. The whole building is an imposing structure, and has two of the best store rooms, in the lower story, to be found anywhere. The hall occupies the upper floor and is 40x80 feet in size. Mr. JUDSON's store occupies the largest room below, which is 25x80 in size, with beautiful fixtures, telephone room etc. The postoffice occupies the other room, which affords it comfortable quarters.

Just about a block further up street the KILDALL Brothers have just finished a grand block 50x70 in size, three stories high. The first floor contains three store rooms, the second, twelve offices, and the third, sleeping rooms and the Odd Fellows hall. The building cost about $6,000. Two of the store rooms will be occupied by KILDALL Bros. with dry goods, clothing boots and shoes, and P. C. WILLIAMSON with groceries.

Lynden has not less than half a dozen stores now, besides shoe shops and others, representing almost every line of business.

She has the finest public school building in Whatcom County, which contains rooms for four departments, and last but not least, the famous Northwest Normal School is located there, which offers a thorough college course of study to those who desire to attend such an institution. The surroundings of this school are the most refined and safe to be found anywhere. The town has the interest of the school at heart, and Prof. J. R. BRADLEY, the president of the institution, is an educational enthusiast under whose care young people are the safest possible, both as to advantages offered and moral protection and guidance furnished.

Lynden is growing fast, putting up fine buildings and laying the foundation for a thriving town without the aid of outside booming influences, and whether outside railroad corporations choose to build lines in there or not Lynden will keep right on growing and thriving by the natural push and enterprise of its citizens.

Source: The Blaine Journal, October 31, 1889. Copied by Susan Nahas

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