The first term of school was held in the dwelling of H. A. JUDSON, the old log house among the maples, and was taught by Mrs. James O'NEIL. A term of three months was taught each year in private houses until 1883, when the settlers determined to build some kind of structure for school purposes. As there was not sawed sawed lumber to be had, it was constructed, in a most primitive manner from round logs afterward hewed, the cracks between the logs chinked with sticks and moss daubed over with clay. It was completed by a roof of split shakes and a rough floor. This building, rude and primitive as it may seem at the present day, was the pride of the community, having been constructed entirely by work donated by the settlers. It served as a place for all public meetings, elections, revivals, spelling schools and last, but not least, the event of the week, the Saturday evening meeting of the Lynden Literary Society. The sight of the old school house awakens recollections in the memory of the old timers, particularly those who were young then and to whom the various meetings held within its log walls were the only events that varied the monotony of our then isolated community. The great increase of population that commenced in 1888 and continued for several years so changed the conditions of the school district that it was found necessary to provide much larger accommodations. In 1889 the upright of the present building was erected containing four rooms and four teachers were employed. Since that time a graded school has been maintained. Last year an addition of two rooms was erected. Our school at present has 260 enrolled pupils, employs five teachers and does work up to the ninth grade. The scholars maintain a very creditable library organization having in its possession a well selected library of 300 volumes. The outlook for the present school year appears very promising. The school board, Messrs. HAWLEY, ZYLSTRA and O'NEIL, recognizing that a great deal depended on the efficiency of the teachers, have taken much pains in selecting a corps of teachers who had experience in their work and who could give ample assurance that their previous efforts had been successful. The principal, Prof. S. A. BAXTER, came from Port Wing, Wis., where he has for the past four years, been employed as principal in the school at that place. His education began in the public schools of Hammond, Wis. After graduating from the High school at that place he attended the State Normal school at Superior, Wis., graduating in 1900, since which time he has been engaged as before stated. Miss Tryphena WARREN, who will have charge of the 6th grade, was educated in the public school and State Normal school at Bad Axe, Mich. After graduating she taught several terms in the public schools of that city. In 1901 she came to this county, where she has been engaged in teaching ever since. County Supt. SCHUSMAN has expresses himself highly pleased with Miss WARREN's work in the schools of this county. Miss Minnie HOLBROOK, who will teach in the next lower room, is recently here from Minnesota, where she graduated from the State Normal at St. Cloud. After teaching two years in the public schools of that state she came to this county. She has been employed the past year in a school near Sumas. Misses Sarah JONES and Grace GOODELL, are the two remaining teachers, are both well known in our community, Miss JONES having taught in our school the past year and Miss GOODELL for the past two years. Miss JONES came to this place from Onarga, Ill., where she received her education. She has proved a careful and painstaking teacher, and her work in our school reflects much credit upon herself and the school. Miss GOODELL has been educated entirely in Whatcom County, having graduated from the High school of Whatcom and afterward attended the state Normal at the same place. She has been very successful in her work as a primary teacher, and her services in our school during the past two years have been entirely satisfactory. The people of Lynden have always taken a lively interest in school matters and anything that tended to contribute to the welfare of our schools has always met with their hearty support. |
From The Pacific Pilot, August 24, 1904; copied by
Susan Nahas