Whatcom High School Yearbook, 1933

The Whatcom High School Yearbook for 1933 has been scanned and appears on another website. Below are links to some of the individual pages and the names that appear thereon.

Yearbook Index

Mid Year Graduates

Names on pages 22 and 23:

George Albee, Kenneth Altose, Helda Anderson, Ethel Bayes, Dorothy Block, Gwynavere Burley, Myron Cavenaugh, Rita Chartier, Marion Coleman, Paul Dalman, Joseph Edmundson, Donald Eggleston, Wallis Enderlin, Walton Enderlin, Albert Field, Margaret Fitzgerald, Delores Frank, Stuart Gould, Ralph Graham, Esther Hansen, George Hansen, Athalie Harris, Jack Haskins, Jeane Houghton, Lyle Howe, Orville Hubbard, Kenneth Hulford, Evelyn Hurlbert, Alfred Inama, Lloyd Jackson, Raymond Johnson, Jack Jones, Alice Kenoyer, Addison Kinzer, Eugene Knautz, Sabro Kunimatsui, Esther Larson, James Malone, Harry Marcus, Juanita McClimans, Gristy Mehl, Irving Miller, Maxine Miller, Blanche Missiaten, Carol Moore, Max Morgan Eva Muhlern, Lyle Murphy

Names on pages 24 and 25:

Clifford Needham, John Odell, Verne Olson, Evelyn Pike, Walter Riggs, Caroline Sageng, J. B. Shelley, Lena Simon, Arnold Stenger, James Stinnett, Marie Sunel, Boyd Swanson, Florence Tincker, Orris Vannerstrom, Ruthmary Weiderman, Frances Westman, George Wheeler, Francis Wifler, Anita Kjaargard, Jeanette Tisdal, Elvira Westin, Lois Wilson
CUM LAUDE: Delores Frank, Marie Sunel, Sabro Kunimatsu, Alice Kenoyer

Commencement program on page 25

June Graduates

Names on pages 36 and 37:

Juanita Ackerman, Vivienne Adkinson, James Ahern, Arthur Anderson, Minnie Anderson, Rodney Andrus, Lloyd Austin, Jack Backstrom, Lorene Bailey, Billy Barnes, Claire Barron, Alfred Baunach, Norma Baxter, Lester Benedict, Wendell Benedict, Dean Bergman, Garnet Birdsell, Nellie Blick, Beatrice Borchardt, Oleda Borgstrom, Betty Boynton, Beth Bowman, Dana Brock, Dorothy Brown, Duard Brown, Joseph Brown, James Burgess, Ruth Byrnes, Alice Cade, Billie Carr, Neno Cavalli, Stanton Chase, Margaret Chester, John Christensen, Beverly Clark, Jack Clark, Marjorie Compton, roy Connell, Clyde Dahlen, Marjorie Darbyshire, Phyllis Day, Don Denton, Eugene Derby, Hartley DeVore, Dorothy Diehl, Irene Doyle, Maurice Doyle, Luella Dunham

Names on pages 38 and 39:

George Deupenthaler, Earl DuVall, Clarice Ecker, Richard Eggleston, Mundi Einarson, Bessalee Emley, Elnora Enloe, Edna Erickson, Beulah Farmer, Ivan Featherkile, Earl Fife, Dorothy Fisher, Grace Fisher, Irene Ford, Kirk Fox, Margaret Geraghty, Neil Gilfilen, robert Graham, Josephine Grassmeyer, Alex Grieff, Foster Haines, Jack Hall, Helen Halley, Edythe Hankins, Herloff Hansen, John Harrington, Thomas Hart, Denton Hatfield, Theresa Hawkins, Wallace Hawkins, Robert Hemphill, Zale Hickock, Margaret Hindsley, Frank Horn, Miriam Howie, Gerald Hubbard, Albert Hughes, Harold James, Winifred James, Gordon Jensen, Helen Jensen, Arthur Johnson, Elvera Johnson, George Johnson, Maynard Johnson, Otto Johnson, Ted Johnson, Frederick Johnston

Names on pages 40 and 41:

Mary Elaine Johnston, Lillian Jones, Phyllis Kalberg, Rudy Kappel, Frank Kearney, Sylvia Kirkendale, Leland Klein, Peter Kling, Arla Kluge, Harry Kluge, Bill Kotsogean, Andrew Kruiswyk, Gilbert Kvam, Lillian Larson, Frank Laux, Leslie Leal, Louise, Lindenthal, Herbert Lockert, Elmer Lindquist, May Lonseth, Millard Lord, Milton Luke, Mable Mahan, Ruth Mallory, Agnes Martin, Don Martin, William Martin, Charlyn Mautz, Frances Mayhew, James McCain, Helen McDonald Irene McDonnell, Caroline McKinstry, Loma McLaughlin, Clifton Monroe, Chester Moore, Viola Moore, Marvin Morgan, Ethel Mulholland, Ed. Mudge, Ralph Multon, Virginia Munger, Imogene Munn, Arnold Myers, Richard Newlean, Vivian Newport, Betty Noble, Kenneth Noble

Names on pages 42 and 43:

Valborg Norby, Irene Nordquist, Donald Norris, Mary O'Brien, Beverly Odin, Francis Ohse, Marian Oiness, Tomi Okubo, Joseph Olson, Florence Ott, Chester Padgett, marion Page, George Paige Donald Park, Cora Parodis, Dorothy Parrish Nellie Patten Violet Peters, Vernon Pressentin, Warren Pressentin, Bernita Quimby, James Reeder, Egan Repose, Kathryn Rickerson, Edward Roberts, Inez Roberts, Russell Roberts, Leonard Rogers, Ruth Rogers, Muriel Roper, Donald ross, Harriet Rowlands, Joe Salisbury, Robert Sand, Cordelia Sanders, Paul Saxauer, Mildred Schwarze, Walter Scott, Edna Setzer, Bert Seversen, Ethel Smart, REginald Smart, Srlyle Smith, Virginia Solley, Ruby Sorenson, Lloyd Stanley, Donald Suetterlein, Elenore Syre

Names on pages 44 and 45:

LeHenry Teller, Lester Thistle, Madeline Thompson, Bernard Thumme, Jean Tiley, Earl Titus, Hjalmar Todahl, Stanley Totten, Bill Uppinghouse, Margaret Vail, Bill Vanderboom, Melvin Vanderhoef, Louise Vistaunet, Bill Wahlenmair, Ruth Wallace, Bill Walters, La Vella Washburn, Arthur Watts, Wilma Weddell, Dorothy West, Donald Wheller, David Whitaker, Marget Wilkinson, Robert Williams, Marcella Wolaver, Frank Wood, William Johnson, Verlina Campbell, Billy Carlson, Loren Durkin, Charles Hall, Louis Marshall, Herman Toms, Roy Wolfe
CUM LAUDE: George Johnson, Mary Elaine Johnston, Arla Kluge, Millard Lord, Ruth Rogers, Cordella Sanders, Reginald Smart, Margaret Vail, Margaret Wilkinson
HIGH MERIT SENIORS: Marcella Wolaver, May Longseth, Marion Page, Clarice Ecker, Dorothy Diehl, Bill Vanderboom, Eugene Derby, Wendell Benedict, Arthur Watts, Earl Fife

June Commencement Program

Basketball Team

Names on pages 26 and 27:

George Johnson, Lloyd Craine, Bill Walters, Rudy Kappel, Ralph Ohse, Bill Brisbie, Otto Johnson, Gilbert Kvam, Maurice Bailey, Bill Vanderboom, Howard Jones, Kirk Fox, Frank Horn, Stanton Chase, Earl Fife, Addison Kinzer

Football Team

Names on pages 10 and 11:

Bill Vanderboom, Otto Johnson, Kenneth Tisdel, Carl Forsen, Kirk Fox, James Malone, Max Morgan, Neno Cavalli, Cameron Gwinn, Leslie Jones, John Seter, Jack Gardiner, John Odell, Lloyd Crane, Milton Luke, Wendell Benedict, Howard Jones, Cecil Clifton, Walton Enderlin, Clifton Monroe, Sabro Kunimatsu, Victor Todd, Leonard Rogers, Foster Haines

Some Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen

Names on pages 28 and 29:

Gardner, D. Shea, Frisbie, B. Shea, Jones, Edson, Gravem, Cox, Altose, Cozier, Critclow, Tisdal, Langdon, Hostetter, Morse, Holiday, Wilcox, Van Etten, Hart, Hauge, Pressentin, Wellman, Pinckney, Smith Collins, Altose, Thon, Bozanich, A. Goheen, R. Goheen, Nygreen, Abrahamson, V. Johnson, Larin, Lingbloom, A. McDonald, Mehus, Paxton, Moen, Howe, Jones, Shirman, Brown, Ness, Orloff, Grenier, Jansen, Ward, Robinson, Okubo, Johnson, Hewitt, Jurgenson, McGuire, Sargent, Bundy, Ridley, Hofferber, Jensen, JOnes, Fackler, Cramer, Holiday, Richards, Cox, Raymond, Lindell, Keene, Smith Mallory, Bradburn, Christy, Nordstrom, Hatfield, H. McMaster, Sand, MacDonald, Penney, Kruzer, Winters, Anderson, Seelye, Wise, R. McMaster, Place, Hagedorn, Goodman, Mahan, Okermen, Coburn, Eckrem, Cassidy, Conner, White, Stevens, Miller, Notar, Bell, Greenwalt, Boynton, Mac Doanld, Wise, Winters, Twitchell, Dickinson, Bouska, Bruff, McDonald, Hutchings, Boyd, Clarke, Wellington, Barbeau, Page, Berntsen, Hansen, Oltman, Dickinson, Magnusson, Bruff, Wellington, Bennett, Lucille Flokenhagen, Cleo Gutenberg, Mildred Harris, Mable Gehrke

Administration and Faculty

Names on pages 4 and 5:

Wells, Emery, Snow, Iddins, Pratt, Wiedman, Cozier, McGlinn, Roberts, Van Buskirk, Schumacher

Names on pages 6 and 7:

Alvin Anderson, Grace Armstrong, E. J. Bjorkquist, H. A. Buroker, Glen Campbell, Alan Carroll, Cora Cauby, G. B. Chichester, William Cochran, Mabel Coffman, Norma Martin, E. L. McCullough, A. Miller, Neva Millspaugh, Grace Miner, Mildred Mize, John Montgomery, Mary Muir, Mae Olson, Jessie Pope, Carolyn Conlee, Archie M. Connell, R. L. Davidson, Mae Dennis, Sara Roberts, Arthur Sanden, Harriette Savage, Gertrude Scott, Olive Reeves Foster, Harry Garret, Pearl Hallett, Genevieve Harter, Zech Johnes, M. Schumacher, W. M. Shepherd, Herlin Slocomb, Florence Smith Betsy Stenberg, John Roy William, Tryphena Warren, Howard Wallace, Walter Vanderford, Irma Tarkoff, Ray Lindberg, Bryan Lewis, Oliver Leiser, L. M. Laughlin, Helen Kelly

Class Officers

Names on pages 8 and 9:

Albert Hughes, Dorothy West, Delores Frank, May Lonseth, Arnolad Beaver, Howard Jones, Elizabeth Cozier, Marvin Greenwalt, Betty Flynn, Dolly Forsen, Jean Thompsen, Vern Fitzgerald, Gerald Childs, Bill Vanderboom, Sabro Kunimatsu, Alvin Anderson, Ted Clark


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