The Daily Reveille
New Whatcom, WA

Extractions by Susan Nahas
May 28, 1901:

A Well Known Resident of Whatcom County Dies of Nervous Prostration.
Mrs. W. R. EATON died at 1 o'clock yesterday morning at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. G. W. DOUGLASS, of Eureka addition. Mrs. EATON was well and favorably known by all old time settlers of Bellingham Bay, having resided in this county for seventeen years. She was a devoted wife and loving mother. Her husband and four children (three daughters and one son) survive her. The son is now in Arizona and has failed to write home for some time. Mrs. EATON's age was 69 years, 7 months and 14 days. The funeral will be held at 2 p. m. today from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. DOUGLASS.

-Mrs. WILLIAMS of Edison is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. STARK.
-Mr. L. H. SMITH has lately moved to Whatcom where he will conduct a grocery store.

May 29, 1901:

To Whom It May Concern
Whatcom, Wn., May 29, 1901.
My wife, Martha H. M. HILDEBRAND having left my bed and board without any just reason I will not be responsible for any bills or contracts made by her from the above date.

Saturday, August 24, 1901:

A Terrible Death.
News of the killing of one of the one-legged men who were grafting in this city last week was brought to the town last night by Victor COLE of Sumas. The pair left here last Monday, stopping off at Sumas Monday night. On Tuesday they mounted the brake-beams of the Canadian Pacific train for Vancouver and while the train was switching one of the men was knocked off and run over by the cars. He lived about forty-five minutes and passed into eternity cursing the railroad company.

Sunday, August 25, 1901:

The funeral of little Howard BENNETT, the three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank BENNETT, occurred Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family residence on Flora street. The services were conducted by Rev. Gilman PARKER of the First Baptist church, and they were attended by the friends of the family and by members of the Woodmen of the World and Women of Woodcraft. The floral offerings were profuse and beautiful. Among them were several pieces from relatives in Seattle and Victoria. The remains were laid away to rest in Bay View cemetery.

September 13, 1901:

Died, yesterday at 5:40 p. m., Martin HANSON, aged sixty-five years, at the residence of John N. NYGREN at the corner of Gladstone and King streets, of heart disease.

Mr. F. E. BOOKER and family have moved into their new residence on Sylvan street.

December 25, 1901:

Death of Sidney POTTER.
Sidney POTTER a veteran, a member of Co. B, 69th Indiana Volunteers, died yesterday morning, Dec. 24, from a paralytic shock. His funeral will take place from WARRINER's undertaking parlors this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Old soldiers are requested to attend.

Isaac DILLON of Nooksack was trading in town yesterday.

C. W. LAMSON and son were in the city yesterday from Sumas.

Alex BEVERLEY of Maple Falls was in town yesterday.

William LIGHTHEART of Roche Harbor was a city visitor yesterday.

F. M. GIBSON and wife of Belfast were city visitors yesterday.

Mrs. K. A. THYBERG of Lynden was shopping in the city yesterday.

P. J. McDONALD of Goshen was in the city yesterday on business.

Barney ALLFREE who is attending the University is home for the holidays.

Will T. LAUBE is at home for the holidays. He is a student at the University.

Fred McELMON, the crack University football player, is at home for the holidays.

T. M. ALLEN of Enterprise was buying Christmas presents in the city yesterday.

Dick GLOSTER who has been attending the state University is home for the holidays.

Mr. Chas. ROHRBACKER is spending a holiday vacation with relatives at Blaine and Lynden.

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