Whatcom - New Whatcom, WA

Extractions by Sally Smith
Friday, January 1, 1892

North Fork -- Charley CARLSON was presented with an 11 pound boy as a Christmas gift by his better half.

Mr. Harry A. GETES and Miss Callie C. RIDDLE were married December 22 at the home of the bride's parents by Rev. Father BOULETT, of New Whatcom. The bride is the daughter of J. W. RIDDLE. Attendants were M. J. GATES and Miss Mary BARTLETT, Squire S. REED and Miss Ada HARDIMAN.

Sunday, January 3, 1892

Charles BROYLES, aged about 60 years, who resided with his family on Victor street, between Washington and Monroe, was stricken down about two weeks ago with typhoid fever. Death claimed Mr. BROYLES on the night of the 31st of December. His funeral took place yesterday under the auspices of Steadman Post G.A.R. No. 24.

Lynden -- L. B. KOEHING and Miss Clara BELBERGER were married December 29, 1891, at the home of the bride's parents. They will make their home on Mr. KOEHING's farm near Everson.

Will R. PETTIBONE and Miss Gertrude E. MASON were married at 6 o'clock New Year's morning at the home of the bride's father, Mr. J. R. MASON, on K Street. On their return from their wedding tour to Southern California, they will locate in Everett.

Tuesday, January 5, 1892

A marriage license was granted yesterday to William DAVIS and Miss Mary LANGTREE and in the evening they were married by Judge WILLIAMS.

Mary WILLIS and McKinley WILLIS were granted a decree of divorce yesterday morning.

Wednesday, January 6, 1892

A marriage license was issued by the auditor yesterday to R. C. STEPHENS and Miss Hattie B. SMITH, all of New Whatcom.

Thursday, January 7, 1892

A marriage license was issued yesterday to Gustave ARLITT and Miss Helena KNUEHMANN, both of New Whatcom.

Friday, January 8, 1892

J. Milton LOWE, fireman of Whatcom No. 2, was married last evening, at 7:30 o'clock to Miss Gertie SWERENGER. The ceremony took place on Garden street, near Holly, and was performed by Rev. Anselm B. BROWN, of the Presbyterian church. The firemen were present in uniform, including the chief, assistant chief and foremen of the different companies.

Superior Court - New Cases - filed yesterday: James M. PAINE vs. Jirlean M. PAINE in an action for divorce on the grounds of desertion. Custody of their one year old child is asked for by the plaintiff.

Saturday, January 9, 1892

Born, December 27, 1891, to the wife of L. QUACKENBUSH, a son.

Sunday, January 10, 1892

Superior Court - yesterday: Edward CORTNEY v. Cora E. CORTNEY. Default entered.

New Cases - filed with the clerk of the superior court yesterday:

Mollie E. SCOTT vs. William SCOTT. Action for divorce, plaintiff alleging ill treatment,
drunkenness and failure to provide as the grounds for setting aside the marriage contract.

Esther E. HOPKINS vs. O. P. HOPKINS. Action for divorce. Plaintiff alleges desertion and failure to provide and asks the custody of their minor child, aged 2 years. The couple were married 9 October 1886 in Wilson county, Kansas.

An infant child of J. W. SHAW died last Wednesday of acute dropsy and malnutrition. Mr. SHAW lives about six miles out near the plank road.

Tuesday, January 12, 1892

The auditor issued marriage licenses, yesterday to:
- Julius A. SHIELDS and Miss Susan RAMSEY;
- Fred W. HANDY and Miss Emma M. BULMER;
- Bill SOCI and Mary STICKALI;
- Peter NEHAN and Olive LARSEN;
- Indian ANTONE and Mary SOCI;
- Indian SABAGE and Ellen SEALTOLE.

Wednesday, January 13, 1892

Mrs. R. BATTERSBY presented her husband with a daughter on Monday.

----Custer Notes----
- Born, to wife of C. W. SMITH, in Woodland, January 2, a son.
- A birthday party was held at the residence of Edward BROWN on the eve of the 9th to celebrate his 34th birthday.

Thursday, January 14, 1892

Marriage licenses were issued yesterday by the auditor to:
- Martin H. RUDE and Miss May B. HOWE, all of Anacortes;
- Henry STUTTLER and Miss Wendla V. JOHNSON;
- John E. PEARSON and Miss Annie E. HERSHE.

Friday, January 15, 1892

A marriage license was issued yesterday by the auditor to Samuel W. ANDREWS, Jr., of New York City, and Miss Harriet R. P. HAMMOND, of Blaine.

Saturday, January 16, 1892

A marriage license was issued yesterday by the auditor to John THYGESEN, of Germany, and Miss Mary SORENSEN of Denmark.

----Nooksack Notes----
Married on Wednesday, January 13, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. F. HANDY to Miss Emma BULMER.

Tuesday, January 19, 1892

A marriage license was issued yesterday by the auditor to James WATERBURRY and Miss Mary McINTYRE.

Superior Court -- Filed yesterday with the clerk of the superior court: O. E. FULLER vs. Susan M. FULLER. Action for divorce. Plaintiff alleges they were married at Tecumseh, Nebraska, and often since that time he has been treated with extreme cruelty by his spouse and that on the 15th of April, 1891, she left his bed and board and returned to Nebraska, leaving him with the care of four minor children, the fruits of their union, wherefore he asks for a divorce and to be awarded the custody of said minor children.

Wednesday, January 20, 1892

The wife of Wm. McKINNON presented him, on Monday, with a seven-pound daughter.

A license to marry was issued yesterday to John G. SHUMWAY of Anacortes, and Miss Nettie PETERSON, of Skagit county, by the auditor.

Thursday, January 21, 1892

Moses YOUNKINS Killed -- The body of well known citizen Moses YOUNKINS was discovered about a hundred feet from the little bridge north of Little Squalicum. The man was lying near the [Great Northern rail] road and about 10 feet below it, with his head in a pool of water. . . . He was conscious, but could not speak. When asked who had hurt him, he incoherently indicated he could not tell yet . . . A Grand Army man went to the scene of the tragedy and there was nothing in the lay of the land whereby YOUNKINS might have fallen and injured himself. The McALPINE boys claim to have seen YOUNKINS in company with two other men near the place where he was found, shortly before Samuel W. BUNT found him. He drew some pension money yesterday, and it is supposed that his assailant walked up to the [Great Northern] track with him and assailed him in the most convenient locality. No trains ran on the road after he left New Whatcom which was about 3:30 p.m. and had he been thrown from the track by an engine he would have been seen and picked up. . . . No money was found on YOUNKINS' person although he received about $75 as pension money during the afternoon.

. . . The life of YOUNKINS, if written, would be as interesting as that of any man in the state. He was closely connected with the early history of Kansas, having for many years prior to and during the war, acted as a government scout on the plains of Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado and the Indian territory. During the early fifties he settled at Clay Center, Kansas, when its only inhabitants were the wild Indians, and his only amusement was found in the chase of the buffalo. He was present during almost all of the Indian uprisings. . . . For a number of years he was a companion scout of BUFFALO BILL and WILD BILL, both of whom be knew intimately. He came to Whatcom in 1882 with the Kansas colony and has resided here ever since. He has an aged mother in Clay Center, Kansas and a sister and son at the same place. His wife and brother are here, he has sons in Seattle, one son in Los Angeles, California, and a son in the Similkameen mines in British Columbia.

Superior Court -- filed with clerk of court yesterday: A petition for letters of administration was filed with the clerk's office, on the estate of Edith CUNNINGHAM, by Joseph CUNNINGHAM.

Henry SHETTLER and Miss Mary JOHNSON were united in marriage yesterday evening, Rev. J. V. DIMON performing the ceremony.

Blaine, Jan. 20 -- The most elegant wedding ever celebrated in Blaine occurred today in the marriage of Miss Harriet R. P. HAMMOND of this city to Samuel W. ANDREWS of New York city. The couple left by noon train for their home in that city via the California & Southern Pacific railroad.

Lynden -- Simon KILLDALL boasts of a son and heir. The young embryo councilman of the future Gem City arrived on January 10.

Laurel -- Married -- January 15th at the bride's parents, Julius SHIELDS to Miss Susan RAMSEY.

Friday, January 22, 1892

. . . Moses YOUNKIN . . . most foully and brutally murdered . . . after being conveyed to the residence of Mr. John BENNETT, at 2 o'clock yesterday morning breathed his last.
...The scene of the tragedy is located about two and one-half miles west of the city, midway between the [John] BENNETT residence and the FOUTS farm on the line of the Great Northern railroad . . .
After- the news reached town, Wednesday evening, a message was at once sent to Mr. YOUNKIN's sons in Seattle, and only Moses arrived on the Premier, yesterday morning. . . . His brother, John, at once came to Mr. BENNETT's where he heard the details of his brother's death. A. conveyance was sent out and Mrs. YOUNKIN brought to this city to await the funeral of her husband.
. . . The body was brought in . . . in charge of Undertaker BRACKETT . . .
The murdered man was a member of Steadman Post, G.A.R. Whatcom Lodge, I.O.O.F., and the A.O.U.W. The funeral services will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the first M. E. Church on I Street and will be participated in by all the orders of which the deceased was a member.

C. S. KALE, the postmaster at Roeder, sent the following note to the New Whatcom office yesterday: "I sent you no pouch yesterday for the reason that I had to close the office in order to preside at a checkered apron party given in honor of the arrival of a postmistress. Weight 10 pounds.

Van Wyck -- The funeral of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Martin ANDERSON, of Squallicum Lake, was largely attended by the neighbors yesterday.

Sunday, January 24, 1892

The auditor issued a marriage license yesterday to Coffee JOHNSON and Maggie WHAHSHICK, both Indians.

Superior Court -- New Cases Filed Yesterday: J. H. FOSS vs. Sarah E. FOSS. This is an action for divorce. The plaintiff alleges that they were married at Salem, Oregon, in September, 1884, and that more than a year ago the defendant deserted the plaintiff, whereupon he asks to be relieved from the matrimonial yoke.

Tuesday, January 26, 1892

Superior Court -- New cases filed yesterday with the clerk of the Superior Court: Mary M. BOYER vs. Reuben BOYER. Suit for divorce. The complaint alleges that they were married on the 13th day of July 1890, and that they had resided together but a short time until the defendant treated the complaintant cruelly and finally deserted her. Wherefore she asks to have the matrimonial bonds severed.

Wednesday, January 27, 1892

Blaine, Wash., Jan. 23 -- Wednesday morning witnessed the . . . wedding . . . when were united Harriett R. P. HAMMOND, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. HAMMOND, of this city, and Samuel W. ANDREWS, Jr., of New York City. The marriage was performed by Rev. P. E. HYLAND, of the Episcopal Church . . . [The) bride (was) preceded by her sister as maid-of-honor, Miss Carrie HAMMOND, and leaning on the arm of the Hon. George TERRY, who gave her away in the absence of her father, who was ill. . . . The newly married couple . . . expect to be at home at West Forty-second Street, New York, in about a month.

Thursday, January 28, 1892

Conductor Will CARPENTER has been presented by his wife with a fine baby girl.

R. SMITH, formerly of this city, returned to Dakota the first of the year and was married on the tenth of January. He will make his future home there.

Saturday, January 30, 1892

A son was born yesterday to the wife of Harry ABBOTT, locomotive engineer of the B.B. & B.C. railroad.

Nellie GOSSARD, aged 11 years, a sister-in-law of W. A. UTTER, died on Wednesday of la grippe. The funeral will take place from the Free Methodist church at 11 a.m. today.

Nooksack notes, January 29, 1891 [sic] -- Mr. HANDY and bride returned from their wedding trip and are housekeeping at Nooksack.

Wickersham, January 28, 1892 -- Born, January 23, 1892, to the wife of Mr. W. WICKERSHAM, a daughter; weight 9 1/2 pounds. Mother and child are doing well. The father has been low with la grippe, but is slowly recovering.

Sunday, January 31, 1892

Nellie GOSSARD, aged 11 years, was buried from the Free Methodist Church yesterday. She was the sister-in-law of W. A. Utter.

Mrs. Lucinda TEN EYCK, mother of Mrs. H. H. PEIRCE, died at 8 o'clock last night at the residence of her daughter on High Street between Oak and Ivy after three months of terrible suffering with cancer of the stomach. The deceased was 78 years of age and was a native of England. The funeral will take place from the family residence at 2 p.m. Monday.

Wednesday, February 3, 1892

Jackson CRITES, father of Judge CRITES of this city, died suddenly at the home of his son, Wm. E. CRITES, of Las Vegas, New Mexico, on the 6th of this month at 4 o'clock p.m., in the eighty-fifth year of his age. He leaves a wife and nine children . . . He was born in the state of Pennsylvania, and from there moved to Ohio. From Ohio he moved to northern Michigan and thence to Rolla, Missouri.

A marriage license was issued yesterday by the county auditor to Andrew ANDERSON and Miss Beata OLSON.

Thursday, February 4, 1892

Miss Mayme EVERSOLE left, on Tuesday, for Bloomington, Illinois, via the Northern Pacific, in response to a telegram announcing the death of her father.

Friday, February 5, 1892

A fatal accident occurred yesterday near Lynden, in which George ROABACHER (ROHRBACHER) lost his life. He was felling a tree from a spring board and as it began to fall the unfortunate man was in some manner caught under it. His back was broken and life instantly crushed out of him.

Born to the wife of M. M. PICKEN, a daughter. Weight eight pounds.

Filed with the clerk of superior court, yesterday. Susan SCHAAR brings suit against her husband, Francis SCHAAR, for divorce. She alleges that they were married in September, 1887, at Saginaw, Mich., and that a short time afterward, her said husband neglected and deserted her, and she therefore desires to be legally separated and to resume her maiden name of Susan DAVIS.

Tuesday, February 9, 1892

A marriage license was issued late Saturday evening, by the auditor to Ashley C. BURWELL and Miss Mary UNDERWOOD, both of Ferndale.

Mrs. William LEMM, wife of Grocer LEMM, of Front street, died Sunday, at 5 p.m. from inflammation of the stomach. Funeral will take place a 1 p.m. today, from the residence.

Wednesday, February 10, 1892

Moses YOUNKIN (murdered Jan. 21, 1892) was one of the first settlers of Clay county, Kansas. He came to Clay county in April 1856 and settled on Timber creek in Grant township. His brothers, William and Jeremiah, accompanied him . . . . He left Clay county about ten years ago to make a home in the far west . . . . He has three children residing in Grant township: Mrs. Henry ELIAS, John M., and Robert.

Friday, February 12, 1892

Ferndale -- Married - At the residence of the bride's father, February 8, Mr. A. C. BARSWELL, to Miss Mary UNDERWOOD, both of Ferndale.

Lynden -- The funeral of Geo. RHOBECKER (ROHRBACHER) took place from the church at 2 o'clock Friday, Rev. C. F. TEETOR conducting the services.

Saturday, February 13, 1892

Catherine GOSSMAN, wife of John GOSSMAN, died February 6, at the age of 60 years. She lived a peaceful life with her husband for twenty years. . . . She leaves a husband and four step-children and an adopted daughter . . . The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. H. HANSON, of Fairhaven, an old soldier of Company H, Seventh Minnesota Volunteer Infantry.

Only one new case was filed with the clerk of the superior court yesterday. J. H. MASON brings an action for divorce against his wife, Jennie L. MASON, alleging they were married on the 3rd of October 1876, and the defendant deserted him in September 1887, wherefore he desires to be released from the marriage bond.

Sunday, February 14, 1892

A birthday party in honor of little Edith AUSTIN's (youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. AUSTIN) seventh birthday was given her yesterday afternoon . . . . Among those present were: Ethel SHALER, Bessie SODERS, Nellie PRATT, Ella SHRADER, Laura SHRADER, Nellie APPLEBY, Lottie BUTLER, Geneva BUTLER, Genevieve WATSON, Mamie McANDREWS, Renie MENDENHALL, Gail AUSTIN, Ethel AUSTIN and Edith AUSTIN.

The auditor issued a marriage license yesterday to Henry L. DUNGAY and Miss Cornelia A. ROBINSON.

Wednesday, February 17, 1892

A little child of J. RICHENDORFER, who lives on North Park street, died on Monday.

Wickersham -- Born February 9 to F. D. HONRATH, a girl.

Thursday, February 18, 1892

Custer -- Born to the wife of B. W. EVERETT, February 16, a son.

Sunday, February 21, 1892

Born to the wife of B. W. CADE, February 20, 1892, a son.

A marriage license was issued yesterday by the county auditor to William A. FRANK and Miss Julia A. HARRIS.

Thursday, February 25, 1892

William Henry LESTER, of Delta, and Mrs. Emma RUSSELL, of Bismarck, N.D., were granted a marriage license by County Auditor COLLIER yesterday.

Friday, February 26, 1892

Dryas WYLDER and Almeda BACHUS have joined the matrimonial ranks. They will go to Michigan to be happy.

Ed TRIMBLE who for the past two years has been in the employ of BUTLER & McCARTY, left for Seattle on Monday wearing his Sunday clothes and sunniest smile and without saying anything as to his "intentions." Everything was explained yesterday when he returned in company with a young lady whom he introduced to his friends as "Mrs. TRIMBLE." The bride was Miss Lottie ATKINSON, of Galion, Ohio, and she journeyed out to Seattle to meet Mr. TRIMBLE where the happy couple were married on Tuesday last.

Saturday, February 27, 1892

J. W. AYERS and Miss Emma DECKERSON were married in Blaine, Monday last. The newly formed family will grow with the city of Everett.

Tuesday, March 1, 1892

The auditor issued a marriage license yesterday to Edward H. L. GREGORY of New Westminster, and Miss Grace TYNER of New Whatcom.

Wednesday, March 2, 1892

----Our Picture Gallery----
Frank AFFLECK the genial manager of New Whatcom water mill was born in Buckinghamshire, 26 years ago. He is of Scotch descent. Educated at Clewer House, Reading, Berks. Articled to the tea tasting company of J. W. HIGGINS, Mincing Lane. Then learned the building trade and went through an architect's office. Accepted a position on a government newspaper in Petermarityburg, Port Natal, Africa. Came to New York and worked for a New York Coal Tar Chemical company. Since then has been agent at New Whatcom for the Fairhaven Land Company.

A marriage license was granted to John A. STEDD and Miss Emelia M. WEIMMERS by the county auditor yesterday.

Saturday, March 5, 1892

Lynden -- Mr. and Mrs. COBERLY have a son and heir, which arrived February 26th.

Sunday, March 6, 1892

A marriage license was issued yesterday by the auditor to Oscar W. MORINE and Miss Minnie E. FERGUSON.

Tuesday, March 8, 1892

Mr. Thomas A. RAMSEY was buried from his residence on Prospect street yesterday. He died on Saturday last of la grippe.

Major Wm. DOWNIE, of this city, has a son in Oakland, California, who is quite a marksman, Sergeant W. J. DOWNIE, of company A, Fifth infantry regiment. A few days ago he was presented with the champion first class gold medal for the best shot in the county. The Sergeant has won this medal three times, and it now becomes his personal property.

Wednesday, March 9, 1892

Superior court -- Filed with clerk of superior court yesterday. Isaac JOHNSON vs. Sophia JOHNSON. Plaintiff .... is a citizen of Fairhaven and .... intermarried to the defendant in the Grand Duchy of Finland in May 1873 and that they have four children, all of whom are now with her. That in September 1889 .... defendant left him .... and has remained separate and apart from him ever since and that she is at the present time living in Aberdeen, Washington .... They have about $5,000 worth of community property which the plaintiff desires that the defendant should have for the support of herself and children. Two lots in Fairhaven he desires to retain, and also to receive a release from the matrimonial vows.

A marriage license was issued by the auditor yesterday to Nathan BRADLEY and Miss Minnie BISHOP, all of New Whatcom.

Thomas A. RAMSEY, who died on Sunday night at 10 o'clock, was buried yesterday at 3 o'clock, and not on Monday as before published. The deceased came to this city from Brantford, Ontario, about two years ago, and was 60 years of age.

Tuesday, March 15, 1892

Mr. John B. STIDL, and Miss Emily M. WIMMER, of Blue Canyon, were married by Judge GALLAHER, yesterday.

Wednesday, March 16, 1892

James ROONEY died at his residence on Meikle street in York addition, of typhoid fever, yesterday morning. The funeral takes place today.

Sunday, March 20, 1892

W. W. JENKINS, who died of consumption last Friday, was buried yesterday. He was 44 years of age and leaves a wife and two children.

Wednesday, March 23, 1892

Custer -- Harvey, youngest son of John and Mary PEEL, died Sunday morning, March 13, at 5 o'clock, of inflamation of the brain; aged I year, 10 months and 8 days, and was buried at Enterprise cemetery at 1 p. m. on Monday.

Thursday, March 24, 1892

Mrs. E. McKNIGHT has presented her husband with a fine, fat son and heir.

A marriage license was issued by the auditor, yesterday, to Thomas A. MARSH and Miss Lucretia CAMPBELL, both of Boston, Mass.

Saturday, March 26, 1892

The whooping cough has carried off a bright little child of Mr. and Mrs. REED.

An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. GIESE died, last Wednesday, of brain fever, and was buried Thursday.

Sunday, March 27, 1892

A marriage license was issued by the auditor, yesterday, to Howard J. LEE, of New Whatcom, and Miss May KILDALL, of Lynden.

Wednesday, March 30, 1892

J. W. KRIDEL and Miss Cora RAMSEY were married at the residence of Rev. J. W. DIMON on Walnut street, on Saturday evening last.

Thursday, March 31, 1892

Ferndale and Mountain View -- The funeral of George CANTRELL, who died Sunday night, took place at the East Ferndale cemetery, yesterday.

Friday, April 1, 1892

Deming -- Emigrants keep pouring in one at a time and sometimes more. Some are are well clothed, some without any clothes, of which one of the latest arrived at James MITCHELL's on the 28th. Father and daughter are doing well, and mother as well as could be expected.

A ... wedding took place last evening at 445 Gladstone street, the contracting parties being Mr. Charles W. STODDARD of the firm of STODDARD & HENN, plumbers, and Miss Anna SCHAPER, both being well known in Fairhaven .... [The marriage ceremony .... was performed by Rev. Anselm B. BROWN of the Presbyterian church.]

Saturday, April 2, 1892

The Stockholm hotel was the scene of much joy on Thursday evening, when S. J. JOHNSON and Miss Caroline JOHNSON were joined together for better or worse. The happy couple will go to housekeeping on their ranch a couple of miles from the city.

Mrs. John HOPE , aged 38, died at noon Thursday, at the residence of her father in Ferndale. The funeral will take place at 1 o'clock today. Lung trouble was the cause of her demise.

Sunday, April 3, 1892

Levin CARLSON and Ingra SVINDLAND are about to, or have, committed matrimony. The county auditor gave them the privilege.

Thursday, April 5, 1892

The matrimonial market has somewhat improved, and licenses were issued, yesterday, to Levine CARLSON and Miss Ingar SWINDLAND, both of New Whatcom, and Frank E. WOMER and Miss Emma M. McMURRY, all of Fairhaven.

Ferndale -- Died, March 31, at her parent's residence, of consumption, Mrs. Margaret HOPE, wife of John HOPE, aged 38 years. Mrs. HOPE leaves a husband, four daughters, one about fourteen ... a father, mother, one sister, Mrs. Capt. JONES, of Marietta; also four brothers, who reside near Ferndale ... Fifteen months ago Mrs. HOPE'S youngest sister, Miss Lizzie SLATER, died, and a few months later she lost her only son, George, a young man; shortly after that a pair of twins was born to them, a boy and a girl, and the boy sickened and died in a few weeks. The little girl went too.

Died -- At her father's home, near Keese, on Friday, March 25th, of consumption, Miss Lillie BIRDWELL, daughter of Mr. Mat. BIRDWELL. Lillie had been ailing for a long time ....

Thursday, April 7, 1892

Senator CANFIELD died at 6:40 a.m. yesterday, of epilepsy. He died at his new home, corner of F and Twenty-fifth streets .... The funeral will be held at the house, Friday, at 2 o'clock p.m., Rev. APPLEGATE of the Episcopal church, officiating. The interment will take place under the auspices of the Ancient Order of Free and Accepted Masons, represented by the Bellingham Bay lodges. The deceased was in the 55th year of his age, and leaves a widow and two children.

Lummi -- Albert MOHRMANN is the father of a handsome boy, who made his appearance in the MOHRMANN domicile last Saturday night.

Lynden -- Born, to the wife of P. C. WILLIAMS, a son.

Ferndale -- As large a gathering as we have seen for years congregated last Saturday at 1 o'clock p.m. at the residence of Mr. George SLATER to pay their last tribute of respect to Mrs. Margaret HOPE, interred in the Enterprise cemetery.

Saturday, April 9, 1892

Eugene CANFIELD was, yesterday, laid to rest in the New Whatcom Cemetery, pallbearers [were] M. C. LATTA, Alonzo MAYHEW, George M. CHARLOTT, John STENGER, Hon. Edward ELDRIDGE, T. J. SMITH, Zeno DOTY, W. L. MILLER, Will D. JENKINS, Captain MARMONT, C. M. ATKINS, and Hon. T. M. REED.

Tuesday, April 12, 1892

Mrs. BACON presented her husband with a fine young lady, yesterday.

Wednesday, April 13, 1892

A marriage license was issued by the auditor, yesterday, to John BULLOCK, and Miss Isabella WARSING, all of Fairhaven.

Thursday, April 14, 1892

Mrs. Amelia FISH, wife of Richard FISH, bookkeeper at the water mill, died last Monday evening, and will be buried at 2 o'clock today. She was aged 31 years, 7 months and 21 days, and leaves her husband and two small children to mourn her loss.

Friday, April 15, 1892

The wife of Engineer MILLER, yesterday, presented her husband with an eight-pound son. Mother and child doing well.

Marriages licenses were issued by the auditor, yesterday, to Julian M. VAN ZANDT and Miss Edith E. JOHNSON, of Van Zandt, and to Clinton WOLF and Miss Emma HOUCK, of New Whatcom.

Saturday, April 16, 1892

Mrs. Andrew WILSON of Blue Canyon, has presented her husband with a 9 lb. girl.

A little girl of John MARKHART's died last Thursday at Goshen and was buried Friday.

The auditor issued a marriage license, yesterday, to Nels ANDERSON and Miss Emma BURKE, both of Fairhaven.

Wednesday, April 20, 1892

Captain LANE, of the Germania, will be married today, at the parsonage, by Rev. APPLEGATE, to Miss HALL, of Seattle.

Lummi -- Mr. Samuel BUNT's infant child that died on Saturday morning, was buried on Sunday morning.

Thursday, April 21, 1892

Capt. LANE, of the barque Germania and Miss HALL, of Seattle, were married yesterday, by Rev. APPLEGATE. The captain and bride will sail with the barque on her trip to South America.

The body of Eugene BLOWER, a young man about 21 years of age, who was in company with two others, lost by being capsized from a small boat off Lopez Island, about four weeks ago, was found in a pile of driftwood by some children who were playing on the beach last Tuesday.

Friday, April 22, 1892

Mrs. John GRANT died yesterday morning at her residence on Elk street of consumption. The funeral will take place tomorrow. Mr. GRANT is one of the foremen on the sewer work.

Saturday, April 23, 1892

A marriage license was issued by the auditor, yesterday, to John R. COURTNEY and Miss Cora Belle DEANE, both of Yager.

Mrs. John J. GRANT, who died last Thursday of consumption, at her residence in York addition, will be buried at 9 o'clock from the Catholic church.

Sunday, April 24, 1892

----Our Picture Gallery----
J. MARCUSE was born in Konigberg, Germany, in 1858. He came to America with his parents in 1861. The family settled at Orinoco, Indiana. When old enough he was sent back to his grandparents in Germany to be educated. He remained with the old people ten years attending school and college. He then returned to America . . . He was clerk in a great New York dry goods house for years, traveled for the San Francisco Board of Trade, kept store in El Paso, Texas . . . came to New Whatcom . . . He was married a few weeks ago to Miss Ada ALTSHULER, of San Francisco.

Wednesday, April 27, 1892

Two marriage licenses were issued by the auditor's office yesterday. They were Julian M. SCARSETH and Miss Louisa C. JACOBSIN; and D. H. B. EVANS, of Lummi, and Miss Francis V. UNDERWOOD of London, England.

Friday, April 29, 1892

Lummi -- Yesterday forenoon . . . Mr. D. H. B. EVANS wed Miss Francis UNDERWOOD . . . The . . . ceremony of the church was performed by Rev. Father BOULET. . . . The Indian school and a portion of the pupils of the public school were present. . . . The bridegroom, Mr. EVANS, is a teacher of the Indian school on the reservation . . . The bride is a young lady from London.

Sunday, May 1, 1892

Superior court - Yesterday . . . John ADAMS vs. Jennie ADAMS. Decree of divorce granted plaintiff on the grounds of desertion.

A marriage license was issued yesterday by the auditor to Elmer C. WILSON and Miss Mary J. JOHNSTON, all of Blaine. Mr. WILSON is publisher of the Blaine Tribune.

Ferndale -- H. COWDEN and wife prepared a surprise party for their son, Willie, the night of the 26th, that being the sixteenth anniversary of his birthday. . . .

Thursday, May 5, 1892

The auditor issued a marriage license yesterday to Harry GOULD and Miss Louisa HENSON, both of New Whatcom.

Blaine May 4 -- E. C. WILSON, publisher of the Tribune, and Mary JOHNSTON, of this city, were married today . . .

Friday, May 6, 1892

Mr. Harry GOULD, of Seattle, and Miss Louisa HANSEN, of New Whatcom, were married yesterday morning at half past 6 o'clock, in the First Presbyterian church, Rev. Anselm BROWN, the pastor, officiating. The newly married couple took the Premier at 7 o'clock for Seattle, where they will reside.

John B. RODGERS of New Whatcom and Miss Eva SPEESE of Dayton were granted a license to wed by the auditor, yesterday.

Saturday, May 7, 1892

An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John J. COWLEY died yesterday evening, and will be buried from the house on High between Maple and Chestnut at 2 p.m. today.

Tuesday, May 10, 1892

Lummi -- David DEALY, an old pioneer and a veteran of the Mexican war, died on Sunday morning the 8th, at 3 o'clock. Mr. DEALY was born in Missouri in 1824. He served the country during the Mexican war as a member of Col. DONIPHAN's regiment. In 1852, he crossed the plains with an ox team and settled in Oregon. He came to this county a number of years ago, and by his thrift and industry was the owner of a well improved place. He leaves a large family who have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement.

Wednesday, May 11, 1892

Chileon RILEY was married April 20 to Miss Maud RUSSELL, of Socorro, New Mexico, and arrived in New Whatcom with his bride, last Monday.

David DEALY, who died at his home near Marietta last Sunday morning, settled on his farm in 1883, having come to Bellingham Bay in that year from Pendleton, Oregon.

Thursday, May 12, 1892

Matt MALLOY . . . aged about 35, commenced work [at JAMESON's logging camp] at noon and while felling a tree, a large limb broke and fell on him striking across the face and left breast, crushing him badly, and knocking him senseless. . . . He is an Irishman by birth and has been living in this city during the past two years, and was an employee of the MUNDY shingle mill for some time. . . . It is not thought he can recover.

The infant daughter of Frank KENOYER, of Yager, died a few days ago. Mrs. KENOYER is quite low with consumption.

Nooksack - Mr. and Mrs. McGRATH have a fine new girl, born two weeks ago.

Nooksack - Even the cemetery is not doing much business at present. There has been no funeral here for more than a year. Whatever else we lack, we have an abundance of health.

Friday, May 13, 1892

Matt MALLOY . . . who was injured . . . by a falling limb at JAMIESON's logging camp, Wednesday afternoon, died yesterday morning at 4 o'clock, at St. Luke's hospital . . . It is not known whether he has any friends or relatives in this country.

Saturday, May 14, 1892

The first fatal accident occurred at the DeCAN shingle mill at the foot of F Street, yesterday afternoon, at about 4 o'clock and Joseph REGGEL was the unfortunate victim. . . . The deceased was comparatively a new arrival on the Bay, having come here during the month of December, from Pennsylvania, accompanied by his wife and one son. His wife is living on Meridian street and his son is working in LOVEALL's shingle mill at Goshen. Besides this son he has several children still living in Pennsylvania. . . . He was 41 years of age. . . . He was an old neighbor in Pennsylvania, of City Treasurer ISENSEE and other Pennsylvanians. . . . In appearance he was of medium height, spare and prepossessing. He was slightly bald and wore a brown mustache.

Sunday, May 15, 1892

At Undertaker BRACKETT's parlors are lying the bodies of Matt MALLOY, the man who was killed on Wednesday last at JAMIESON's logging camp, and Joseph REGGEL, who was [killed] . . . at DeCAN's shingle mill on Friday. Mr. BRACKETT is preparing the bodies for shipment to their former homes in Pennsylvania, and both will be shipped on Tuesday to Pittsburg. Poor MALLOY was found to have a brother in that city . . . At the request of Mrs. REGGEL and other friends the body of her unfortunate husband is also destined for interment near the home of his youth. . . .

The auditor issued a marriage license, yesterday, to S. E. LEITH and Miss Lizzie POWER, all of Sumas.

Wednesday, May 18, 1892

Yesterday morning Miss Christine Forbes McLEOD, daughter of Archibald and Catherine McLEOD of Fairhaven, died at the residence of her parents on the corner of Twenty-first and Douglas streets. Miss McLEOD was a teacher in the Central school in this city until about two months ago when she was compelled to resign on account of ill health. She kept failing until yesterday, when she was relieved from her suffering by death. The funeral will leave the Presbyterian church, tomorrow, May 19, at 3 p.m.

Thursday, May 19, 1892

The wife of Judge WINN, yesterday, presented the judge with a twelve pound son. Court will now be resumed with renewed vigor.

The flags on all the school buildings in the city were at half mast out of respect to Miss McLEOD, whose funeral takes place today.

Wedding Bells. At noon yesterday a most happy event occurred in the Oakland block, being the marriage of Mr. W. S. KNIGHT and Miss L. Wilhelmine BUSSEY, at the residence of the bride's parents. The happy couple were attended by Misses Minnie and Lou CAMEHL, bridesmaids, and Rufus HAYES and Thomas PEPPER, groomsmen. The ceremony was performed by Rev. COOK. . . .

Custer Notes -- A surprise party will be given Mrs. WHEELER, the mother of M. T. GEE's first wife, at M. T. GEE's house this evening. It is her 71st birthday.

Friday, May 20, 1892

The auditor issued a marriage license, yesterday, to Geo. A. ELLSPERMAN and Miss Eva V. CARY, all of Friday Harbor.

The Twain Made One. -- The marriage of George A. ELLSPERMAN and Miss Eva V. CARY, of Friday Harbor, took place at the Bellingham hotel, in this city yesterday afternoon. Judge WINN, of the superior court, performed the ceremony. Mr. ELLSPERMAN is the editor of the Islander at Friday Harbor. The happy couple will make a tour of the Sound and return to Friday Harbor.

Sunday, May 22, 1892

The auditor issued a marriage license, yesterday, to John McDONALD and Miss Mary CALL, all of Clearbrook.

Tuesday, May 24, 1892

Andrew MARCUSEN was made an American citizen by Judge WINN, yesterday.

Frank WALSH and Miss COSGROVE, sister of Edmund COSGROVE, were married yesterday morning.

The auditor issued a marriage license yesterday to James C. MIMELLY and Miss Ada B. HALEY, both of Fairhaven.

Katrina M. RAND, formerly Katrina M. OLSEN, was yesterday admitted to full citizenship by Judge WINN. She was the first lady who had ever taken out final papers in the superior court in this county.

Wednesday, May 25, 1892

Last Sunday morning Mrs. A. E. DICKEY, wife of A. E. DICKEY, died at her residence on the corner of Twenty-second and G streets of pneumonia, from which she had been suffering for nearly two weeks. Mrs. DICKEY was a native of Massachusetts. She was 34 years of age at the time of her death.

Friday, May 27, 1892

Superior Court. [Yesterday] . . . the following cases were disposed of:

Mary M. BOYER vs. R. BOYER; a decree of divorce was granted.

Margaret KESTNER vs. F. KESTNER; a decree of divorce was granted in this case on the ground of cruelty and the custody of the minor child of the couple was given to the mother. The defendant was ordered to contribute $100 per year to the support of his wife and child, in quarterly payments of $25 each, until further orders of the court.

----Our Picture Gallery----
M. J. MALONEY . . . a native of Missouri, his parents having emigrated there in the early fifties from North Carolina. Shortly after the war his father died and the young lad, together with five brothers and sisters, was taken in charge by the sisters of charity and shortly afterwards was bound out by a Catholic priest to a farmer. He ran away from this position and began to work on his own hook. In 1874 he purchased a ticket to San Francisco, and in 1878 he came to Walla Walla in this state, then a territory. He was married on the 7th of June, 1882 to Miss R. E. DAVIS He has been a resident of New Whatcom about two years . . .

Mrs. J. H. BARGER, wife of John H. BARGER, formerly a resident of this city, died at her home in Salem, Oregon, on the 19th of this month.

Saturday, May 28, 1892

Superior Court. Judge WINN disposed of the following business in the superior court yesterday: . . . Anna KEISTNER vs. Henry KEISTNER. [A] decree of divorce granted the plaintiff...

The auditor issued a license to marry, yesterday, to F. B. ANDERSON and Miss Emma HAERBERG.

Thursday, June 2, 1892

Wedding Bells -- A very pleasant wedding ceremony was performed at the residence of W. M. BROWN, on the corner of Fifteenth and I streets, at 8:45 yesterday evening. Mr. George W. SMITH, of Seattle, and Miss Cora ANDERSON, of this city, were the happy couple, and Rev. J. V. DIMON was the officiating clergyman in the presence of a few friends. The happy couple will remain in this city until Sunday, when they will go to Seattle where they will make their future home.

A marriage license was issued yesterday, by the county auditor to George W. SMITH, of Seattle, and Miss Cora ANDERSON, of this city.

Friday, June 3, 1892

Gilbert MORRISON, an old gentleman aged 71, who lived with his brotherin-law, Dugal McINTYRE about three miles north of this city on the Guide Meridian road, was taken suddenly ill with neuralgia of the heart on Wednesday night and died before his physician, Dr. MARKLEY, could be summoned. The funeral will take place today.

Saturday, June 4, 1892

Mrs. W. C. AUSTIN, yesterday morning, presented her husband with a son. Mother and child doing well.

The funeral of Gilbert MORRISON, the old gentleman who died suddenly last Thursday morning of neuralgia of the heart, took place yesterday afternoon.

Sunday, June 5, 1892

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. L. H. HADLEY, yesterday.

Mrs. C. T. C. KEITH received a letter yesterday, from her home in West Bromwich, England, telling of the death of her father, Mr. Thomas LANE, May 19, 1892. Mr. LANE was the owner of the great iron works in Midland county. He was sixty-two years of age.

Tuesday, June 7, 1892

A marriage license was issued yesterday by the auditor to John W. MANUEL of Tacoma, and Miss Flo V. PRITCHARD of Ontario.

Anders BENSON, a native of Sweden, and Lars J. LEIMES, a native of Norway, were admitted to full citizenship by Judge WINN yesterday.

Ferndale Items -- Born, June 1st, to the wife of Mr. LONG, a daughter.

Ferndale Items -- Mrs. J. D. WHEELER is in British Columbia, having been called there by telegram to attend her father's funeral. He died on the first day of June. . . This is the first death that has occurred in Mrs. HICKS' family. She has five daughters and four sons, and grand and great-grandchildren.

Wednesday, June 8, 1892

Nooksack Notes -- Larry FLANNAGAN of the Nooksack House is the happy father of a bouncing boy born on the 23d ult.

Oscar HAHN, of Fairhaven, was granted permission to wed Miss Minnie RETHELSON, of Friday Harbor, by the auditor, yesterday.

Friday, June 10, 1892

Superior Court. Only one suit filed with the clerk of the superior court yesterday. Narcissa BISHOP vs. Charles BISHOP. She states in her complaint as follows: Is now and has been a resident of the State of Washington for more than one year last past. Was married to the defendant May 17, 1891, in Whatcom County; . . . She also states she is without means of support and as the defendant is possessed of real and personal property amounting to $10,000, located in Lewis county, she asks that $5,000 be set aside for her support, also $200 attorney's fees and cost of action. She also asks that her maiden name be restored.

Ferndale Items -- Dr. J. W. McKEE left here last month for his old home at Hoosick Falls, N.Y., in response to a dispatch stating that his father was very low.

Uncle Tom WYNN, last week, received by telegram the sad news of the death of his brother, who was killed by a colt.

Carl Uno ERHOLM having become matrimonially inclined, the auditor yesterday issued a permit to him to wed Miss Elixa Sofira SWIBERG.

Sunday, June 12, 1892

A son was born last Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. O. SMITH. Weight ten pounds.

A marriage license was issued by the county auditor, yesterday, to Lewis JONES, of Blue Canyon, and Miss Annie WILSON, of Seattle.

Twain Made One. Last evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. RUSSELL, corner of Maple and Forest streets, by Rev. Anselm BROWN, Mr. Lewis JONES, of Blue Canyon City, and Miss Annie WILSON of Seattle.

Tuesday, June 14, 1892

Superior Court, New Cases. Lydia E. WOODS vs. Wilford O. WOODS, suit for divorce. The complaint states that the parties were married in North Dakota in 1885, and that the plaintiff has been a resident of Whatcom county for more than a year; . . . That he deserted her during the year 1891, and his whereabouts is now unknown, wherefore she asks to be relieved from the wedded bonds.

Wednesday, June 15, 1892

Mrs. M. GALBRAITH presented her husband with a son, Sunday. They are stopping on Elk street.

Thursday, June 16, 1892

Mrs. M. L. JAMESON presented the doctor, yesterday, with twins -- a boy and a girl.

Herman BALKE, a native of Germany, was admitted to final citizenship by the superior court.

Three licenses to marry were issued by the auditor, yesterday, as follows: James M. BUTTERS, jr. and Miss Fredia ROLLINS; Tade C. COURTNEY and Miss Mary J. SMITH; Alexander GILLIS and Katie SHAW.

Van Wyck Jottings -- Mrs. Harriet BRANHAM, of New Whatcom, is visiting her daughter Mrs. D. E. FELMLEY, this week.

Friday, June 17, 1892

Lummi -- Born to the wife of Charles OSBORN, a twelve pound boy.

Saturday, June 18, 1892

Lena HASKET commences an action for a divorce against James HASKET, which was filed yesterday. The complaint alleges that the parties were married on October 1884 at Oswego, Kansas, and until something over a year ago they lived as man and wife, at which time they mutually agreed that she should go to Blaine and he would shortly follow. The plaintiff claims to have performed her part of the agreement but the defendant has not only failed to put in an appearance but neglected to provide the necessaries of life. For the above reasons the court is asked to dissolve the bonds of matrimony, award the custody of their two children, Annie and Laura, aged 6 years and 2 years, respectively, to the plaintiff and grant such other relief as may seem just and equitable.

Sunday, June 19, 1892

Mr. John L. COSGROVE will be married Tuesday week to Miss Rosana J. CAREW. The ceremony will be performed at the Catholic church.

Tuesday, June 21, 1892

Died -- In East Ferndale, June 17th, Mrs. Vileria B. THOMPSON, beloved wife of F. M. THOMPSON, aged 30 years. She was taken to the Mountain View cemetery for interment.

Wednesday, June 22, 1892

I. M. GALBRAITH received a telegram yesterday, announcing the death of his father at Knoxville, Tennessee, on Saturday. The deceased was 80 years of age and was born on the farm near Knoxville on which is located the celebrated marble quarry, which was owned by his father. Some of the marble was used in the construction of the Bellingham Bay National bank of this city.

Friday, June 24, 1892

The county auditor issued a marriage license, yesterday, to Dennis P. GREELY, of Blaine, and Mrs. E. G. WHITE, of Semiahmoo.

Sarah E. RYAN was granted a decree of divorce from John RYAN, on the ground of desertion.

Sunday, June 26, 1892

Prescott UNDERWOOD and Mrs. Anna L. FRY, both of Ferndale, were married by Judge WILLIAMS, yesterday.

Licenses to wed were issued, yesterday, by the county auditor for George BATES, of New Whatcom and Cynthia A. BEALL, of Grants Pass, Oregon; and E. E. JOHNS, of Groton, South Dakota, and Carrie WILLSON, of New Whatcom.

Tuesday, June 28, 1892

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. WATROUS, who died Sunday, will be buried today.

Mr. John L. COSGROVE will be married to Miss Rosana J. CAREW, at the Catholic church at 9 a.m.

Wickersham -- Died, June 20th, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. LIVERMORE; age 5 days. The services were conducted by Rev. DIMON, of New Whatcom.

Mr. TIFFANY received a letter from Goodwin's Mills, Maine, last week telling of the death of one of Ferndale's former citizens, Mr. Ben F. SMITH.

Wednesday, June 29, 1892

The Catholic church was a bower of roses, yesterday morning, in honor of the wedding of Mr. John COSGROVE to Miss CAREW. . . . The bride . . .leaned on the arm of Mr. T. J. PARR. . . . [The groom's] best man was Hugh ELDRIDGE. The bridesmaid was Miss Frankie CAREW, sister to the bride . . . and the maids of honor were Miss TOMLINSON and Miss SMITH . . . The impressive ceremony of the Catholic church was . . .performed by Rev. Father BOULET. Mr. and Mrs. COSGROVE will be at home in New Whatcom October 1st.

Thursday, June 30, 1892

The only new case filed, yesterday, was a suit for divorce, brought by Mrs. Susan B. SMITH against Thomas J. SMITH. The complaint alleges that on the 6th day of November, 1862, the plaintiff and defendant intermarried in the state of Nevada and have since been man and wife. That there are born and living four children of which Jerome is the minor, and of the age of sixteen years. . . . The complaint . . . alleges that the parties thereto have acquired property to the value of $4,100 after deducting all encumbrances. Wherefore, a decree is asked dissolving the bonds of matrimony, awarding the care and custody of Jerome SMITH, the minor child, and such property as to the court may seem just and equitable, together with $25 per month by way of alimony and attorney's fee for the prosecution of this action.

Earl P. SMITH and Miss Josie A. KENOYER were married by Judge WINN at the court house yesterday evening. The lady is about sixteen years of age, and the gentleman not over twenty. This is the first wedding Ever solemnized in the court house.

There was a party last Friday night at Wm. PARR's in honor of his daughter Clara's sixteenth birthday. . . All tripped the light fantastic until it was light enough to see to go home.


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