The Daily Reveille
New Whatcom, WA

Extractions by Susan Nahas
Tuesday, September 2, 1890 Vol. 1 No. 1

A New Hospital
The Roman Catholic sisters are about to establish a hospital at New Whatcom, near the Catholic church. New Whatcom has subscribed $2,100 to the venture, Fairhaven $2,500, while Whatcom will doubtless contribute an equal amount. The nuns will interview the citizens of Whatcom today, and already have the promise of substantial aid.

Death of an Old Settler
John D. ROGERS died at his residence near Ferndale August 28, 1890, aged 65 years. Mr. ROGERS came here from Colorado Springs nine years ago, and has been engaged in farming near Ferndale ever since. He was well known and highly respected. He leaves a widow and four grown sons and daughters. His demise will be regretted by a large circle of friends.

W. H. STOCK, of Townsend, is in town looking after his building interests on the Bay, viz., the Lighthouse and Cornwall buildings.

Mr. STEVENS, of Lynden, was married to a lady at Edison, Thursday night. A host of friends congratulate him upon the happy event.

Miss Sadie SEVIER was summoned home on Saturday by telegraph from Seattle on account of the illness of her mother, who is dangerously sick.

Mr. WELLS, who has had charge of the grading of the school grounds, presented the New Whatcom school on opening with a fine flag 8 x 18.

A. V. S. SAUNDERS and James BUCHANAN, of Beatrice, Nebraska, have purchased the REYNOLDS property on C street and some I street property.

The wharf for the CORNWALL mill is nearly completed. There will be enough water for the largest ocean craft. The mill was steamed up on Friday for the first time.

The New Whatcom school opened Sept. 1st with 182 scholars at roll call. Principal, Prof. J. M. HIATT; First Assistant E. M. LIVERMORE; Second Assistant C. H. BROWN. First grade Miss Lizzie BARTLETT; Second grade Elsie MORGAN; third grade Annie O'DELL.

Two laborers on street improvements had a combat on Saturday last with clubs, and W. B. MEYER made a deadly assault on Charles OHDE, the result of some old quarrel. They were before his honor Judge GALLIGHER in the evening when he gave the assaulting party a double eagle and costs, amounting to $34.

W. COX, the architect is building a dwelling for Mr. COOPER on the hill.

The steamer Edith is to be rechristened and will hereafter be known as the Inger.

EDWARDS & KING have fitted up a fine residence opposite the Holly block, on Holly street.

G. W. WISWELL and Judge SCOTT are erecting handsome residences near that of Prof. COLLINS.

Mr. David HIXON has gone to Pasadena, Cal., for the winter. He has been in ill health for a long time, and his friends hope to see him benefitted by the California climate.

Mrs. H. B. STRAND, of New Whatcom, has gone on a visit to Dakota.

-Shipbuilder ROSELLE is now constructing the largest steamer ever built on Bellingham Bay. It will be similar to the Washington; length of keel 90 feet, beam 20 feet.
-The Skookum, sidewheel tug, built at Lummi by Mr. PENCE, is a failure -- her machinery is entirely too heavy and sinks her guards into the water. The boiler will be transferred to the new steamer.
-Gus JULIAN says the salmon are running; he is catching them with a gill net. The average haul is about twenty.

Lynden Notes
Matthew P. WATSON and Margaret L. SWIM were married at the M. E. church last Sunday, Rev. S. HILTON officiating. Mr. WATSON is a member of the firm of JUDSON & Co., while the bride is one of Lynden's most charming daughters. The bride received a number of elegant and costly presents. They left Monday morning for a trip through Washington and Oregon. We join with the rest in hoping that their troubles are little ones.

Wednesday, September 3, 1890:

Mr. SUTHERLAND of the East Sound hotel, sold ten acres of his ranch at the head of the bay to Mr. Samuel ANDERSON a gentleman from Sweden.

Captain Samuel BASS is getting lumber on the ground for a 40 x 70 addition to his Holly block.

George PAYNE and George W. WHYTE both subjects of Great Britain declared their intention before County Clerk HIXSON yesterday to become American citizens.

Mrs. Charles RAYMOND, of Seattle, is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. SEVIER, who has been very sick, but is now convalescent.

T. W. GRAHAM and bride were among the passengers on the Premier yesterday, who have been on a visit to Michigan. On August 21 he was married to Miss Maud ELLIS, one of the society belles of the capital city of that state. Mr. GRAHAM is preparing to go into the commission business in his new building on Dock and Chestnut streets. He is an old newspaper man, being at one time business manager of the Saginaw, Mich., Evening Journal.

Accident Near Ferndale
C. C. HOSKINS, of Ferndale, was in the city yesterday, and to a Reveille reporter gave the full particulars of the recent accident which befell Mr. John METZ and family near that town. The accident occurred at the second bridge this side of Ferndale, which spans a deep ravine, and the place on the bridge where the accident occurred is about sixteen feet above the bottom of the ravine. The facts of the matter, as related by Mr. HOSKINS, is substantially as follows:
      Mr. METZ, wife and daughter and Mr. Tom WYNN were returning home from Whatcom in a wagon and had started to cross the bridge above mentioned. Shortly after a buggy containing two young men, whose names we are unable to learn, dashed on to the bridge. The teams collided, and both teams and occupants, except Mr. WYNN, were thrown to the bottom of the ravine, sixteen feet below. Mr. WYNN jumped from the wagon just as it went over the bridge and escaped injury, as did the other men. The ladies, however, were less fortunate. Mrs. METZ, it was feared, had received serious internal injuries, but under skillful medical treatment is rapidly recovering. Miss METZ received a slight cut on the knee and also one over the eye, in addition to painful bruises. The two horses belonging to Mr. METZ were killed instantly.

Thursday, September 4, 1890:

At Rest
The remains of the late Alexander McCOSH, which were recovered in Lake Whatcom Tuesday afternoon, were laid in their final resting place at 2 o'clock p.m. yesterday. Cosgrove hose company No. 2 was in charge of the ceremonies. The remains were at the BRACKETT undertaking parlors, and at 1:30 p. m. the Whatcom fire companies repaired hither to pay their last tribute to a departed brother. In a short time they were joined by the Sehome fire companies with heavily draped hose cart, arranged by Mrs. R. K. GILSON, on which the casket containing the remains were laid, and the procession of firemen started up Thirteenth street headed by the hearse, followed by fife and drum. At the intersection of Holly and Forest streets the remains were transferred to the hearse, and moved to the Bay View cemetery, where the funeral services of the Presbyterian church were conducted by Rev. McELMON. The grave was beautifully decorated with flowers, a floral cross and floral hose cart, from Mrs. Judge WILLIAMS. The cart on which the body was carried along Thirteenth street was also beautifully decorated by ladies at the parlors.

J. HEINRICH, of Seattle, treasurer of the Bay View Brewing company, is in the city to establish bottling works for his celebrated beer.

The baby of Mr. and Mrs. GILES is very sick.

Died, at Nooksack, September 1st, a child of Mr. and Mrs. Walter GERMAINE.

The little son of Mr. and Mrs. MUNDENHECUKE [MENDENHENKE], aged eight months, was buried yesterday.

The eight months old child of Mr. and Mrs. H. BLANDEL [BLONDELL], of Squalicum creek, was buried yesterday.

Edwin RIBB and Wm. HOLGATE, natives of Great Britain, declared their intention to become American citizens with the county clerk yesterday.

The court house walls are nearly up. The soft gray sandstone has a pleasing appearance, and the building architecturally will compare with any public building on the Sound.

The little son of Mr. BOOPER, living on the hill in New Whatcom, while running around Tuesday evening, stepped in a small hole and fell to the ground. In some way his arm was broken in the fall. A physician was summoned and reduced the fracture.

The resignation of S. D. HUMPHRIES, supervisor of road district No. 33, was accepted, and John McHUGH appointed to fill the vacancy.

Friday, September 5, 1890:

Dock street between Holly and Chestnut, is soon to be planked.

John A. JONAK made a homestead filing in the clerks office yesterday.

Rev. John LINHART and wife are back in Lynden, after a visit to Eastern Oregon.

License to wed were issued to Andrew R. SMITH and Miss Ida Grace JACKMAN yesterday.

Fred J. HOPE declared his intention to become an American citizen with Clerk HIXON yesterday.

R. J. BRYANT has opened up a branch office of BROWNING, KING & Co., merchant tailors, New York city, in the Union block.

September 2, 1890: Michael GARVIN vs. William M. HART
.... Michael GARVIN alleges that you the said William M. HART, entered the land under an assumed name, your real name being Michael W. LANE; that you were a farmer and resided on a farm for a long time prior to the year 1883, about 10 miles from the city of Crawfordsville, Mongomery county, Indiana; that in 1882 you absconded from said county and state, abandoning wife, family and home, eloping with a certain woman whose name was Annie WOODS, who was the wife at that time of a man by the name of WOODS; that you lived with the said Annie WOODS as your wife on said claim, that is you pretended to so reside, but in fact, the greater, and almost the whole time you alleged to have resided on said tract, you were residing in the town of Whatcom, Whatcom county, Washington, where you kept a saloon; and that said entry was fraudulently made for the benefit of one Chas. SCHERING, Bellingham, Wash. ...

Final Proof
Aug. 26, 1890 - Edward MANEY; witnesses: James NELSON, John W. RIDDLE, Robert KLEIN and James M. McCLELLAN, all of Welcome, Wash.
Aug. 26, 1890 - Arthur F. HATT; witnesses: Pat LYNCH, George CAIN, Thos. LANE and Henry LANE of Park, Wash.
Aug. 26, 1890 - Per Gustav PERSON; witnesses: Jacob THOMPSON, Andes ANDERSON, C. O. MANSON and Andrew JORGORRSON, all of Whatcom, Wash.
Aug. 26, 1890 - Sarah ALLISON; witnesses: Robert T RUMAN, Samuel FOSTER, Jasper NESSELROOD and David C. SHERTZER, all of Park, Wash.
Sept. 3, 1890 - Thomas CARDER; witnesses: E. D. REYNOLDS, I. M. GAILBRAITH, Henry M. LANE, J. D. SLUDER, all of Park, Wash.

Saturday, September 6, 1890:

The Late Daniel HARRIS
Lummi, Sept. 4, 1890
Editor Reveille - Daniel J. HARRIS was born near or in Bridgehampton, Suffolk county, Long Island. When a youth he shipped on board a whaler, about 1851, at Sagg Harbor. Deceased did have at the time President CLEVELAND was inaugurated two brothers living, with families, and one sister, also a deceased brother leaving a widow and one son. His name is Benjamin Harris - a blacksmith by trade. Dan, when here the last time, in April 1888, mentioned about his brothers and nephew, and his sister is in the insane asylum. He said she went crazy on religion. Dan had made a will in 1871, and said he left it in the probate office in this county. He may have revoked the will, or it many have been lost.
Yours, James H. TAYLOR

Charles ERICKSON, a subject of the czar of Russia, made his declaration to become Americanized yesterday.

Suit Filed
Henry ROEDER vs. Silas COLLINGSWORTH and Wm. MILLER and wife; foreclosure of a mortagage.

Mrs. William McCLOUD presented her husband with a fine son yesterday.

Columbia Valley News
-Mr. KEEN has moved his family from Seattle to his ranch.
-The settlers of Columbia valley held a meeting Saturday last, the 30th, to elect trustees. A. E. ROBINSON was elected Treasurer; Mr. COLEMAN is one of the trustees.
-C. L. HAMILTON, of Lynden, will start a bee ranch in Columbia View Park. The location is found and the clearing commenced for his house.
-Mr. ROBINSON, our storekeeper, has his store full blast, and he is now ready to supply the settlers with all kinds of groceries, and his prices are equal to Sumas City or the Crossing. Mr. CARRY has taken the contract to haul his goods for one year.

Sunday, September 7, 1890:

Judge DE MATTOS has rented his fine corner to the Columbia National Bank.

The Whatcom County bank has been franchised. The bank will do business in its own neat Holly edifice.

J. J. MENY is to build the iron bridge of the Great Northern at Ferndale. The bridge will have a suspension draw.

Gust WESTERGRIN [WESTERGREEN], a native of Sweden, went to Clerk HIXSON yesterday to take the initiatory steps to be come a subject of Uncle Sam.

J. W. ROSCOE has retired from the Fairhaven Casino as well as that at New Whatcom. Mr. Charles MONTALDO is conducting the former as concert garden, with a hop every Thursday night.

Frank RICE and Billy POATES met with an accident in Fairhaven yesterday. Driving down the hill on Fourteenth street, the breaching of the harness broke and the horses started to run away. When near the bottom he was brought back on his haunches, overturning the buggy. Mr. RICE received a cut on the head, a sprained back and several bruises, while Mr. POATES was considerably bruised.

Tuesday, September 9, 1890:

R. B. HERON, president of the Y. M. C. A., is quite sick with the fever.

The SAPP saloon has again changed hand. William WEIER is the last purchaser.

Berths and tickets on the Eastern Oregon can now be bought of D. P. MASON.

The Scandinavian Real Estate Exchange will move into their new building on Elk street next week.

The plasters' union gives notice in this issue that after October 1 eight hours will constitute a day's work.

O. P. JACKSON, late proprietor of the Horton house at Ellensburg, is in the city looking for a location. His goods are en route, and he has come to stay.

C. O. RAPELJE, recently of the Pacific Clothing company, has bought out the oil, paper and paint department connected with WHITE's drug store on Fourteenth street.

Whatcom physicians have nothing to do despite its tide flats. Fairhaven has one physician with fifty patients who have the fever, so the reporter was informed by one of Fairhaven's business men.

Lynden Notes
-The Northwest normal is running full swing now. Mrs. Staats KELLOGG arrived Saturday to take charge.
-Orange HOPKINS and a few others leave next week for the Okanogan country. They will return in about two months.

Coroner's Inquest -- Gerrit MOORE
-Robert L. McKINLEY -- I am 24 years old; am a bridge builder ...
-Frank EECRSKEY -- Age going on 61; carpenter; native of Poland ...
-R. C. COMPTON -- Age 30 years; carpenter; born in Ireland ...
-John HIRSCHI -- Native of Switzerland ....
Verdict of Coroner's Jury
G. W. MOORE came to his death on 6th day of September, 1890, by reason of a knife wound inflicted on August 24, 1890 in the city of Whatcom, Washington, either by Jack FALVY or R. C. COMPTON ...
Signed: Robert KNOX, Foreman, Frank H. RICHARDS, S. W. BAKER, A. B. EASTERBROOK, William POWELL, T. G. NICKLIN.

P. NUGENT, who runs a ferry on the Nooksack twelve miles from Whatcom, while crossing the river last evening had his boat struck by a log, and his fingers, becoming entangled in a rope, cut the flesh from three of them. No serious result is expected.

The Whatcom County bank opened for business yesterday in their new building on Holly street, and have a finely arranged business office. The officers of the new institution are: Frank HEUSE, president; Charles ERICKSON, vice-president; R. G. DEATHE, cashier; E. L. BICKFORD, assistant cashier.

Wednesday, September 10, 1890:

Captain BASS is rushing his building on Holly street.

The Orcas Island Creamery Association has been incorporated.

The Electric Railway company is having their poles set on Elk street.

Typhoid fever is prevalent in Fairhaven owing, it is said to the condition of Lake Padden, the water supply. It is now proposed to tap Lake Samish.

Victor A. ROEDER is on the sick list. Dr. VanZandt was called to attend him at his residence on the Nooksack, Monday afternoon. On his return Tuesday he reported an improved condition.

The first issue of the Whatcom - New Whatcom Daily Reveille was placed before the public last Tuesday. It has been long expected, and the fact of its advent was no surprise, though its neatness and complete budget of news cannot but be pleasing to its readers. -Blaine Journal.

W. L. PARKER is now with BRONSON Bros. He is an experienced druggist.

C. H. STOCKS leaves tonight for Minneapolis, Minn., to purchase the hardwood for finishing the Lighthouse block.

Mr. LEUDLOW, of New York, who has been visiting his brother-in-law, Captain TARTE, leaves this morning on the Premier for home.

D. C. JACOBS, of the Bellingham Bay liquor store, leaves tonight over the Northern Pacific for New York, St. Louis, Chicago and Pittsburgh, for a new stock of liquors and glassware.

Lynden Notes
-Billy BARTLETT is now clerking for KILDALL Bros.
-Mr. P. C. WILLIAMS is remodeling his store, adding another new counter and show cases.
-Charley STARK intends to prove up on his ranch shortly. Mr. STARK has one of the best ranches on the diagonal road.
-The stages running between the end of the track are doing a good business at present. George HOPKINS has sold his to George ABBOTT, and is doing fairly well, but Jack McCLANAHAN manages to pull his share pretty well. Handsome Harry SCOTT, of the mail stage, always comes up loaded. He draws all the ladies.
-Mr. O. P. STEVENS and bride returned from the wedding tour through Oregon and Washington last night. Mr. and Mrs. STEVENS, on the arrival of the evening stage, were welcomed by their host of friends, all wishing them a long life and a happy one. The bride is the daughter of a highly influential farmer on the Nooksack, and was for a time chief clerk in KILDALL Bros.' store. The groom is one of Lynden's most progressive merchants.

Thursday, September 11, 1890:

Final Settlements
Returns have been made to the clerk of the superior court of licenses to which were issued to the following parties:
Thomas C. HANDY and Elizabeth C. CROWEL, Stephen HILTON officiating; E. B. SMITH and Emma GILBERT, L. JOHNSON officiating; M. P. WATSON and Margaret L. SWIM, Stephen HILTON officiating.

Henry IVORY, wife and child, of Wilmington, Del., relatives of the reliable COURSEY, are in Whatcom to settle.

Judge Elmore SCOTT is building an elegant residence on the bluff near Squalicum.

The Reveille office and many other Whatcom buildings will be lighted by gas after November 1.

Members of the G. A. R. and their wives have formed a Woman's Relief Corps. Meeting this evening at G. A. R. hall.

The walls of the court house have been completed to the top of the second story. It is a massive looking pile, and a credit to the county which it adorns.

The plank road on the Guide meridian will be the longest piece of straight plank road in the state, being five miles in length. About three miles of grading is done and one mile of plank down. The road will be ready for travel about December 1.

Ferndale Notes
-The river at this point is so low as to render ferrying very difficult.
-D. MUNROE came near having a serious accident last Monday night. We are told that while driving off the ferry boat on the west side of the river that the rope holding the scow to the bank parted, driving the scow from shore and letting the team and wagon which contained Mr. MUNROE's aged mother, his sister-in-law and child, and Mrs. CRAWFORD, in the river, at a point where the hind wheels sunk so deep that the team was unable to pull it out. Prompt action on the part of the ferryman, Charles TAYLOR, in returning the scow to the back of the wagon and getting the occupants out (except Mr. MUNROE, who staid with the team) and also on the part of the citizens in procuring a rope, making fast to the wagon and pulling it out, prevented further accident.
-H. RASELL, Sr. [ROESSEL], has quite a narrow escape last Sunday. It seems that there was some brush in the road where he was driving and one of the horses stepped on one, which threw it up into the animal's breeching, where it caught. The horse them commenced kicking. The tongue was first broken. The whiffletrees then broke, shearing the wagon and throwing Mr. RASELL [ROESSEL] out, striking heavily on his side. He was considerably bruised but not seriously hurt.
-Mr. GRIFFIN we hear, has abandoned the idea of building a log house, and is getting the lumber on the ground for a frame residence, just west of Ferndale, on the ranch which he purchased here of Mr. A. McDUGAL recently.
-We understand that George M. BROWN has been engaged to teach the winter term of school in Ferndale. We congratulate the Ferndaleites on having secured so good a teacher.
-Ira ROBINSON, A. D. and E. ROGERS, of Ferndale, and Miss Ida FOX, and many others of Enterprise, have hied themselves away to the hop fields. They will be missed for a short time only, then welcomed home.
-William HATCH, of Michigan, a nephew of J. B. HATCH of Ferndale, is a late arrival, and it is rumored will become a partner with J. B. in general merchandise and shipping.

Friday, September 12, 1890:

Police Notes
-Wm MILLER was drunk, very drunk. Judge BROYLES assessed him $17.95 all told, in default of which he went to jail.
-G. W. L. ALLEN answered to a charge of selling liquor without a license to Judge WILLIAMS yesterday and was bound over to await the action of the grand jury in the sum of $500.
-Ed BALDWIN was brought up standing for selling liquor at wholesale without the necessary license.
-F. C. ECKENBERG was charged by the United States with abandoning the mails.
- Charles LAFFERTY, a witness in the case before Judge WILLIAMS of the United States vs. G. W. L. ALLEN, refused to answer questions propounded by the court, and will languish in jail until such time as he can prevail upon his conscience to give evidence against his friend, if such be his evidence, and answer.

The work of laying the gas pipe down Holly street is being carried on very rapidly.

Capt. Geo. A. JENKINS, who has been visiting the eastern states for some time past, has returned.

Will D. JENKINS' new triple house is a credit to New Whatcom. It is nearly ready for occupancy.

Mrs. L. N. GRANGER, wife of M. GRANGER, residing on Lummi island, died Tuesday, aged 44 years.

A declaration of intention to become Americanized was declared yesterday by Frank SCHEULZ, a native of Germany.

It is learned that Willie, son of J. L. SCOTT and wife, of Nooksack, aged 9 months, died Wednesday, and was buried at that place.

It is learned that Capt. ROEDER has offered the county a site on Whatcom creek on which to build the county hospital. Capt. ELDRIDGE has also made an offer of a location on Squalicum for the same purpose. As both locations are very good the committee will probably accept one of them.

At the residence of the groom, in New Whatcom, September 11, 1890 H. E. WAITY, J. P., officiating, Mr. W. E. MULLER and Miss Clara CLEVELAND. The couple left on the steamer Sehome for Blaine and other down Sound ports, where they will spend the remainder of the week. The groom is a member of the real estate firm of THOMPSON & MULLER, on Holly street.

J. F. ANDREAS will commence at once the erection of a saw mill on the planked road leading to the Fairhaven Land Co.'s wharf, just below the planing mill. The machinery is now at the New Whatcom dock, and work on the erection of the buildings will commence at once. The mill will have a capacity of 35,000 feet daily.

The following marriage licenses have been issued:
W. E. MULLER and Cora B. CLEVELAND; Lewis PHILO and Miss M. B. WAMPLER; Melvin FADDEN and Irene BOWMAN.

Lynden Notes
-Will McFARLARE, an old-time Cariboo miner is in town.
-A. E. ESTERBROOK of Chicago, was a visitor to Lynden yesterday.
-Mr. CUDWORTH of North Prairie, has put the carpenters to work on his new house. It will be two stories high and will be a beauty.
-Among the hop pickers from the reservation between Copaticki river and Cutters lake in British Columbia we notice Madam Get-Up-In-The-Morning and her beautiful brunette daughter, Buffalo Cow.
-Wednesday last PHELPS the shingle man, while slashing on his ranch, met with a serious accident, the ax glancing and hitting him on the foot. He stitched up himself and now walks around with a crutch.
-Today at 11 o'clock, fire ___ Hog Prairie about four miles north of Lynden, while the high winds were blowing. The winds drove the fire into Mr. CRIMMIN's house and barn, destroying everything he had. The house and barn belonging to John OWENS were also burned. The buildings of Carr BAILEY and Mr. ANDERSON are also on the route of the fire. No lives were lost.

Saturday, September 13, 1890:

The returns from the following marriage licenses have been made to Clerk HIXSON for final record:
Henry MILLS and Elizabeth B. CLAYTON; John A. MUNRO and Agnes CRAWFORD; Charles W. SMITH and Bertha H. SHELL.

J. M. MAGGART, of Port Townsend, has opened an installment store in the building on Elk street formerly occupied by the Globe Clothing company. Goods sold cheap and on easy terms.

Charley MITCHELL has opened a fish market near the Bridge saloon.

The Whatcom County bank has been incorporated with a capital of $30,000.

License to wed was issued yesterday to Mr. Martin FIELD and Miss Mary DYBING.

Charles COOPER, a special police, was on his way home last night, and when near his house a mule grazing on the street kicked him and broke his right arm.

Mr. A. M. LOUX, of Tacoma, is in the city, intending to locate.

          Thursday evening, September 10, there was organized a Woman's Relief Corps in the Canfield hall, Whatcom, with thirty enthusiastic good-looking ladies as charter members - wives, daughters and sisters of veterans of the rebellion. Eloquent addresses were made by the fair comrades, and every one manifested deep interest in the cause.
          ... The following efficient corps of officers were elected by acclamation, with hearty and earnest voices:
President, Mrs. Emma MILLS; senior vice, Mrs. L. G. BROYLES; junior vice, Mrs. May E. GUPTIE; conductress, Mrs. Edna WEST; treasurer Mrs. Hattie HUSTON; chaplain, Mrs. E. H FARNHAM; secretary, Mrs. Dema McLAIN.
This worthy organization is composed of members from Sehome and Whatcom.

Captain George JENKINS, as stated yesterday, has not returned, but is sick at Nashville, Tenn. He will return, however, about October 1, health permitting.

Zeno DOTY returned yesterday from an extended tour through the East. He reports having attended several shooting tournaments during his absence with good success.

Police Notes
-C. E. LARSON was fined $5 and costs for obstructing the sidewalk. He was on horseback, and stayed on the sidewalk while the saloon-keeper brought him his beer.
-Thomas CURNEY had the misfortune to run up against the New Whatcom magistrate while he was in a state of intoxication, and has been allowed eight days to get sober.
-C. E. LARSON desires the reporter to explain the circumstances of his arrest. He complains of having been arrested by a policeman yesterday for riding through the city and over the sidewalks too rapidly. He claims to be a square man; that he was not drunk, and when arrested was sitting on his horse outside of the Swede saloon. He paid his fine of $16.85, but is not satisfied. The policeman made him follow him, and in going up stairs he fell down some way or other and sprained his wrist and split his lip; does not know how it occurred. Thinks the policeman had no right to make him follow him, but if he had a right to arrest him should have put him in jail. Policeman called him bad names - was going to kick the stuffing out of him and lick him in court. He was frightened - thought he might get killed, the judge, the policeman and another fellow all being "agin" him.

Lynden Notes
-Lew PHILO and Miss WAMPLER will be married here next Sunday.
-J. A. DELANDER, of North Prairie, is slashing and burning about fifty acres. Mr. DELANDER has as good a quarter as any in that section.
-N. LEWIS, the general foreman of CROFT's livery paid Lynden a visit yesterday. He engaged himself very much talking to the pretty girls in the hop fields. He is quite and expert at Chinook.

Sunday, September 14, 1890:

The walls of the first story of the Lighthouse block are nearly completed.

Joseph BERRE [BEERE], aged thirty years, died September 11th, at Fairhaven, of typhoid fever.

Work on the G street wharf has been commenced and will be pushed ahead vigorously.

Rosa SEKMIDLI [SCHMIDLI], a little girl 1 year old, who died in Fairhaven Thursday, was buried Friday.

The firm of BINSWANGER & KERN have dissolved partnership. Mr. BINSWANGER continues the business.

H. B. HANSEN died at Fairhaven September 11th of heart disease. He was aged 31 years and 6 months.

Mrs. M. ATHERTON, who died in Fairhaven Thursday of consumption, was buried in the Bay View cemetery Friday.

The following persons declared their intention to become American citizens with Clerk HIXON yesterday. Theodore MELZER and August MELZER, natives of Russia, and Charles G. PETERSON, a native of Sweden.

Lynden Notes
-Mrs. O. P. STEVENS is visiting her parents on the Upper Nooksack.
-W. H. ROTHER, of Duluth, is looking over the country, and is stopping at the Lanning House.
-George ABBOTT has added to his livery stable a double action force pump. This will come in handy in case of fire.
-D. E. RICE, of Roeder, will start picking hops Monday. Mr. RICE has three acres which will yield about a ton and a half to the acre.
-Madam Hole-in-the-Sun, one of Nooksack city's progressive society women, arrived in town and is stopping in one of Stikeen Peter's tents. She intends to pick hops while down here. The Indians from the other side killed their fattest cat and salmon in honor of this distinguished guest.
-Lynden's highest social circles this week received with open arms Mr. and Mrs. Fleas-on-Toast, the wealthy and highly cultured Siwashes from Cultus Lake, B. C. They have taken up their residence on the flats below the hop yards. A surprise party was given to them last night in the shape of setting fire to their tent.

Surprise Party
Lena LEACH was given a birthday surprise party last evening by her schoolmates. The following attended: Misses Hattie SHAW, Mamie CORDWAY, Gertie BELFORD, Maggie SMITH, Grace WILSON, Bertha PENFIELD, Daisy BELL, Jessie PETTIBONE, Vera CANFIELD, Jennie BENSON, Willidie BLOOMQUIST, Masters Owen WOODARD, Harry WOODARD, Tom HUSTON, John BELFORD, Fred SHAW, Tom JENKINS, Orlando PENCE, Richard BURROWS, Fred BENSON, Hugo KRICK, Roy MAREY, Milton SMITH, and Mr. and Mrs. P. R. WOODARD and Mrs. JOHNSON.

Annie M. MURPHY vs. Chas. L. MURPHY, suit for divorce.

J. A. BARGER has gone to Silverton, Oregon.

Frank COLE, who is engaged on the Port Townsend & Southern survey, is spending Sunday with his parents.

Marsena JOHNSON, formerly with J. M. ARTHUR & Co., of Portland, will locate at New Whatcom and open a machinery depot under the firm name of M. JOHNSON & Co.

Misses Georgia and Clara ZANE are now prepared to give lessons in music, drawing and painting. Residence on Utter street, Whatcom.

Police Notes
It looks very much as though Sadie McCORMICK, alias TIMBERLINE, was running an institution for the benefit of her outfit as a place for stolen goods. She bought the $140 worth of dry goods stolen from FULLER at 2 o'clock Saturday, the 6th, for the sum of $10. When Chief SEVIER went to the dive on the flats on Tuesday and told her he was after the goods stolen from FULLER's she denied everything. At last she brought out one piece of goods, claiming that was all. The chief made a search and found over $100 worth of uncut material, and on Thursday found $70 worth of dress goods and plushes cut up, and the fair but frail Sadie was wearing some of the finery when the house was searched. Yesterday she paid Mr. FULLER in full for the stolen goods, and as there were four or five individuals that would swear to most anything, the matter was dropped for the want of evidence to prosecute. Timberline dive is one of the worst in the city. She has had her boy of 10 and little girl of 12 there till they were ordered to be placed in some institution of learning. They are now at Lynden. Only last week she was pulled for whipping her Mac.

School Election
The school election in district No. 1 yesterday was a very quiet affair. The polls opened at the public school building at 1 p.m. A tax of 10 mills was voted for current expenses for the coming year. There was only one vote against it. Prof. JOHNSON has been authorized to lease the basement of the M. E. Church for school purposes. The school houses are crowded beyond their capacity.

Tuesday, September 16, 1890:

R. F. STROTHERS, Whatcom; G. W. EATON, Lynden; J. J. EDEN, Guemes; T. J. SMITH, Whatcom and Charles Lee, of Sehome, have been summoned as United States petit jurors.

Petit Jurors for the October term of the superior court of Whatcom county, Washington:

Lynden Notes
-The HAWLEY mill at the east end of town, started up Monday. It employs about fifteen men.
-E. A. TURNER, L. H. TURNER and L. S. GATES, of Fairhaven, are spending a few days around town hunting.
-Lewis PHILO and Beatrice WAMPLER were married at the residence of the bride's parents, Delta, Sunday, September 14th.
-Rev. Mr. TEETER, the new pastor of the M. E. church here, preached his introductory sermon yesterday. He is a No. 1 talker.
-Business was rushing here Saturday - past the town. G. W. MARTIN moved camp from the Bennett road between Ferndale and Blaine and placed his men on the B. B. & B. C. road near Clearbrook. Eight teams heavily loaded and about twenty-five horses and mules passed through here. Business men generally felt the influence of this influx as one man bought a plug of chewing tobacco.
-At the LANNING house: S. S. COLE, Blaine; J. E. MEYERS, Mt. Vernon; J. E. PHELPS, Lummi; E. A. TURNER, L. S. GATES, Fairhaven; L. H. TURNER, Boston; W. Y. MYLLARD, Victoria; J. ALEXANDER, Blaine; R. U. LEITCH, Sumas.

The chiefs of the fire departments should establish a system of fire alarms that citizens may not go to Sehome in their shirt tails when the fire is on Broadway, and may be informed when the fire is extinguished. Two taps on the bell is the usual signal that the fire is out.

LOST - Light colored spring overcoat, containing revolver and papers in pockets. The finder will be liberally rewarded by returning to Wm. A. UTTER, Whatcom.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. LOCKE, Sept. 11th, a girl.

A license to wed was issued yesterday to Mr. Lyman E. WHIPPLE and Miss Leresa SCHO.

The Baptist people are meeting with some difficulty in disposing of their lot on which the church stands. It appears that the deed given permits them to use it for church purposes only.

R. A. CONNER, of Chattanooga, Tenn., brother of our genial townsman S. P., and an experienced newspaper man, is expected here next week, and it is rumored that he and S. P. will put in a newspaper plant. -Sumas News.

Mrs. Julia A. ADAMS, who has been visiting her son, F. H. ADAMS, returns ears today, and will stop a day at Oakville, Washington, where she has a brother whom she has not seen for many years.

E. B. LEAMING, of Camden, N. J., former partner of A. L. BLACK of the firm of HARRIS & BLACK, has located in the city and will be hereafter connected with the firm. The name of the new firm will be HARRIS, BLACK & LEAMING.

J. A. RYAN, Jr., leaves tonight for Kansas City. He will be gone about a month.

The schooner Challenge has been purchased by the following gentlemen:
Messrs. DAHLQUIST, REQUA, HOLM, GUNDERSON, MORTIMER and BARNES. A stock company has been formed with the following officers:
President, A. BARNES; secretary, Charles REQUA; treasurer, DAHLQUIST. The object of the company is to do a trading business among the islands. The Challenge will be made into a propeller and the best machinery obtainable will be placed in her. This is a worthy enterprise, and all citizens should patronize this home enterprise. -Gazette.

Wednesday, September 17, 1890:

The Plymouth Hotel on Elk street has been re-opened by Mr. McKNIGHT, of the Byron.

Calvin F. KEESLING, who was recently taken to Steilacoom for treatment, died at 2:30 o'clock yesterday morning.

The Fairhaven Plaindealer has been purchased, it is represented, by Messrs. BROWN and CULVER, who will make it an evening daily.

John L. LUSTER, of Seattle, has opened a fine suit of offices in the Lawrence building on the viaduct, and will make farm loans a specialty for several monied corporations of the east.

Bulah (sic) M. LEWIS, of Fairhaven, aged three years and four months, was buried Monday. It is learned that of eleven persons in a lodging house at that place nine of them are afflicted. The situation seems to be rather alarming.

Fred B. STURGES, nephew of Mrs. Elizabeth A. ROEDER, who has been stopping at the bay for four months, left Monday on the State of Washington, via Northern Pacific railway, for his home in Port Huron, Mich. He is well pleased with the Sound country and may be heard from again.

Thursday, September 18, 1890:

Martha CURTIS files her complaint for a divorce against O. P. CURTIS, upon the ground of failure to provide.

The militia company met last evening at Reveille hall for the purpose of organization. The following persons were mustered and sworn in by Paul d'HEIRRY, mustering officer:
Will D. JENKINS, J. J. WEISENBURGER, Lee W. MARCY, H. J. McGREGOR, E. D. BEATTIE, Gilbert S. MILLER, Charles E. HART, John H. OSBORN, W. M. LEACH, Samuel ALTSHULER, G. W. FELKER, Thos. G. EARLY, John L. LIKENS, Andrew J. LAWRENCE, Matthew BRIDGE, William M. AIKEN, DeWitt C. BRUNER, W. C. GREGORY, Eugene I. WILE, George A. MORRIS, T. D. ROWLAND, William E. LIKENS, Moses YOUNKIN, Jr., C. O. BEARD.
The following commissioned officers were elected:
Captain J. J. WEISENBURGER; first lieutenant, W. C. GREGORY; second lieutenant, W. M. LEACH.
J. J. WEISENBURGER, George A. MORRIS and Eugene J. WILE were appointed a committee to draft constitution and by-laws. Non-commissioned officers are not yet appointed. A meeting will soon be held to secure an armory or permanent headquarters, and also to procure uniforms and arms. The company is composed of good material, and will undoubtedly make their mark among the state militia. The name of the company has not yet been selected.

The contract for fencing the city cemetery was awarded to N. N. NEAL for the sum of $268.50. Fence to be 4 1/2 feet high and contain five boards with posts eight feet apart.

William J. REID, aged 45, fell from a door in the second story of a building, at Ferndale, yesterday morning and was killed. Mr. REID had been, for a long time, the Ferndale correspondent of The Reveille. He had resided at Ferndale about 3 years.

J. R. TAIT has again opened up the Cold Tea saloon.

A marriage license was issued yesterday to Mr. George W. SEARCYAGE and Miss Isabel A. FALLOWFIELD, both of Blaine.

D. L. HARRINGTON was up before Judge WILLIAMS yesterday on a charge of selling whisky to Indians. He pleaded guilty and was bound over in the sum of $500.

Alfred HAVIG accidentally stepped on a broken bottle yesterday and had a deep gash cut in his foot. He was assisted to the office of Dr. BIGGS, where the wound was dressed.

Ferndale Items
-Charles TIMERMAN has a brother visiting him from California, who he has not seen for seven years. Mr. TIMERMAN will locate in Seattle.
-Mr. LEWIS of Woodland had the misfortune to lose his house and all in it last Friday by fire.
-The MONROE Brothers' sawmill burned to the ground last Thursday night at midnight. Their loss will be felt by the whole community. They intend to rebuild immediately and get to work as soon as possible.
-Mrs. Albert MORHMANN (sic) [MOHRMAN or MOHRMANN] of Marietta is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. TAWES of this place.
-Harry COWDEN has purchased all the timber on Mr. BOSTON's farm, consideration $500.

Custer Items
-James SMITH is driving stage between Whatcom and Blaine for the new contractor.
-Mr. LEWIS of Woodland precinct, on Upper Dakota creek, lost his house and contents by fire last week while he was burning his slashing.

North Fork Notes
-George, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. SPEESE, died September 11, aged 1 year.
-Ed. E. MARSHALL has erected a new barn and invested in some blooded cattle.

Friday, September 19, 1890:

A. T. HARRIS, a writing-master of long experience, will organize a class in writing in a short time.

Mrs. Rebecca CROWELL, a native of Canada, but a resident of this country since a child, finds it necessary to declare her intention to become a citizen before she can file a pre-emption claim on lands in the United States.

Franz YOSEPH, of Medford, Oregon, is making arrangements to start a wholesale fruit and produce market on C street. He will keep all kinds of fruit, flour, feed, produce and grain of all kinds and will sell no other way than at wholesale.

William HEMRICH has started an extensive bottling establishment on Laurel street for the Bay View Brewing company, of Seattle. He is now bottling goods for the Bay Cities and the surrounding country.

Police Notes
-Ole HESMESON was accused of using foul and obscene language on the street, and conduct tending to a breach of the peace before Judge WILLIAMS yesterday; and fined $5 and costs.
-Mathew CANOLLSIN was drunk when the officer arrested him. He had been drunk for two weeks. He pleaded guilty and was committed by Judge WILLIAMS in default of $17.35 all told.
-George HIGGINS was roaring drunk and very disorderly. Judge GALLAHER made it cost him $7.65.

Arthur GRIGSBY, of Calistoga, California, an old friend and schoolmate of Mr. BEATTE, of the Express, is visiting in the city.

Mr. ALLEN, one of the proprietors of the New Whatcom foundry, met with a serious accident yesterday. While handling a smelting furnace, one of the pulleys gave way and struck Mr. ALLEN on the head, inflicting three serious scalp wounds. Dr. McPHERSON dressed the wounds, and at last accounts the patient was resting easily.

Saturday, September 20, 1890:

CARTER & McKELLAR are excavating for a brick building on the corner of Railroad avenue and Holly street.

Work will commence next week on the two-story brick building of B. B. JONES, corner of Elk and Myrtle streets.

Robert J. LINES, a resident of Fairhaven, died yesterday, aged 42 years and six months. Cause of death, typhoid fever.

John NYQUIST or NIQUIST, a young man 24 years of age, and a resident of Whatcom, was buried yesterday. The cause of death was fever.

Mr. LIVERMORE'S pupils were taken to Lummi last Saturday on the steamer Brick by Captain TARTE, and the captain was surprised this week by receiving a fine set of silver spoons and a silver moustache cup from the appreciative pupils.

At about 9 o'clock yesterday morning John McLEAN, a man about 40 years of age, in the employment of RAY & McDONALD, street contractors, prematurely exploded a blast and was fatally injured. The blast contained four sticks of giant powder. The man was using a stick, about an inch in diameter, as a tamping stick, and settling the earth with it by the use of a hammer. The jar caused the blast to explode, and the stick was driven into his head, entering at the corner of the left eye, mashing the nasal bone and carrying away a portion of the frontal bone, penetrating the brain to a depth of nearly three inches. It required the strength of two men to extract the stick. About a teaspoonful of the brain matter was taken out in the process of dressing the wound. The man is at the Eureka house, and at last accounts last evening was still alive, though no hopes of his recovery are entertained. After the wound was dressed, one of the attending physicians asked him if he died where he would like to be buried, and he replied "here." He was also asked to give the address of his brother, and replied that letters in his coat pocket would give the desired information. In many other ways the man gave evidence of being conscious at times. He is a native of Cape Brittain, county Inverness, Nova Scotia, and has been here about a year. He is at the Eureka house, attended by Drs. McPHERSON and LAWRENCE.

Mr. F. M. BLOMQUEST, who has been in the city for the past two weeks visiting his parents and relatives, returned to his home in Vancouver, B. C., this morning.

A Skeleton Found on the Shores of Lake Whatcom
Aaron F. RICE brought the news yesterday that he had found the skeleton of a man lying a short distance from the shore of Lake Whatcom, near the ranch of Mr. ZOBRIST. The coroner was notified, but whether he visited the spot or not last evening has not been learned. A quantity of clothing and some brass buttons were near the skeleton, but the informant had evidently not examined the clothing, and could not tell what kind they were or what design the buttons bore. The skeleton had evidently been there many years. No one seems to know of any disappearance in recent years, and it is quite possible that it is the remains of some unfortunate soldier who fell a victim in the early days to the wiley red men.

Sunday, September 21, 1890:

The following parties assert that they have quit shooting craps and taken out a marriage license: Mr. Cicero HUNTER and Mrs. Anna THOMPSON, both colored.

The interments which occurred Friday from Fairhaven were as follows: Willie K. PECK, child, cause of death, dysentery; J. M. WATSON, child, cause of death, typhoid fever.

Reginald JONES and others, who have been in the mountains for some time past, have returned.

Lean (sic) [Lew] SAVAGE, employed on the ranch of F. M. SEVIER, had the misfortune to shoot his heel off while out hunting Thursday. In going through the brush the hammer of the gun was caught on an overhanging limb, tipping the muzzle down as he was going to make a step, with the above result.

Tuesday, September 23, 1890:

S. J. HOLLAND & Co. have rented the Grud block on Eleventh street for wholesale liquors. E. M. LOUX will be in charge.

Julius ABRAHAMS, a Fairhavenite, went to Providence hospital at Seattle for treatment for typhoid fever last week and died Sunday.

D. [John] S. NORTON, of Ferndale, is dead of typhoid fever. Mr. NORTON had he been well would have been a prominent candidate for the treasurership.

Lew SAVAGE, the farm hand who was shot at SEVIER's Custer ranch, is liable to lose his leg. The charge tore his ankle and foot in a terrible manner.

John McLEAN, who was injured Friday while blasting rock, was comfortable yesterday, and there seems to be some chance for his recovery. Unless inflammation of the brain sets in he will recover.

Mrs. HUMEL has purchased the well known LANKTREE ranch, on Lake Whatcom, for $20,000. This is by all odds the finest place on the lake, and Mrs. HUMEL knows it.

J. C. McFADDEN, ex-prosecuting attorney for Thurston county, has located in the city.

The following marriage licenses were granted yesterday:
Albert N. MILLER and Miss Clara J. LARDER, both of Custer.
Andrew OLSON and Miss Clara OLSON, both of New Whatcom.

RICHARDS, once the owner of Bellingham, is the man who built the brick building used as a court house. It seems he went east, married, came back alone, transacted business as a single man, and finally pulled out for good. Last year he died, and his wife finding deeds to Whatcom property among his effects, wrote to HARRIS & BLACK about them. This called to mind the fact that he once owned the MORRISON donation claim, which he sold while "nest hiding," as it were. The result is legal complication.

That Law Suit
It is said that Mrs. Henrietta C. RICHARDS claims a dower right in MORRISON donation claim, which includes the townsite of Bellingham (which is now part of Fairhaven) Bellingham Bay Land Company's first addition to Fairhaven, Bellingham mill tract and railroad reserve. It covers about 1,200 lots. RICHARDS purchased the tract while here about 1860. At the time he was a member of the firm of RICHARDS & HYATT. He afterwards went east and was married to a young wife by the Rev. Dr. NEWELL, of New York City. Mr. RICHARDS died in May, 1889. Mrs. RICHARDS is now 47 years of age. Mrs. RICHARDS did not join her husband in the deed when the property was sold, and has never disposed of her interest. HARRIS, BLACK & LEAMING, her attorneys, are now serving notices on the different parties in possession, and will shortly commence proceedings in the United States court for Washington to have Mrs. RICHARDS' interest set off to her, filing a lis _ pendens to protect her rights.

Ferndale Items
-Born, to the wife of Thomas OXFORD, son.
-Mr. Joseph ZIMERMAN, who has been visiting his brother here, left for Seattle last Friday.
-Clarence COWDEN is very sick with symptoms of typhoid fever. Dr. HENDERSON, of Whatcom, and Dr. WELCH, of Ferndale, are attending him.
-On Thursday the remains of Mr. Wm. REID were interred in the Enterprise burying ground, after a brief and touching address by Elder WELLS at the hall.
-Charles ROBINSON, who has been visiting relatives and friends in Ferndale and vicinity for the past two weeks, has returned to his home in British Columbia.
-Mr. Wm. RAY, Sr., has put rustic on his house and a double window in the sitting room. He will pull down the kitchen and rebuild a better one this week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles ELWELL and Mrs. Emma ELWELL and visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry ROESSELLE [ROESSEL]. This is Mr. ELWELL's first visit to this valley. He is well pleased with it. They return to their home this week at Snohomish City.
-Mr. [John] NORTON, of Mountain View, died last Saturday. He was buried from the church last Sunday. There was a large attendance; about 70 teams were out. He leaves a wife and four sons to mourn his loss, also an aged father. They have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.

Thursday, September 25, 1890:

Charles SHEA, Fred McKINLEY and George L. HARVEY made final proof on their claims yesterday.

The wife and children of Colonel Fred LEE have arrived from Idaho. They took Fred by surprise, as he expected to meet them at Tacoma.

W. H. BRACKETT, the undertaker, has moved his residence from the Byron house to the NICKLIN residence, corner of Eighteenth and C streets.

The funeral which occurred from Fairhaven, Thursday, was that of Mary E. BARR, aged twenty-five years. The cause of death, typhoid fever.

Dick KING, working for HALLER & McGREGOR on the Taylor bridge, had the middle finger of his left hand smashed yesterday, and taken off at the second joint.

G. W. LUTES was in Lummi yesterday, and reports the new steamer as rapidly nearing completion. The boat will be a stern-wheeler about the size of the Fairhaven.

The little girl of Mr. and Mrs. SCHUMAKER, aged about 10 months, died yesterday. The body has been embalmed and will be sent to Kansas for interment. Cause of death, cholera infantum.

The funeral of the little daughter of W. A. WOODIN, of Fairhaven, occurred yesterday at the Bay View cemetery. The little girl was about eight years old, and was buried by the side of her mother. The cause of death has not been learned.

Henry WOOD, having filed his bond and paid $500 into the county treasury as required by law, was granted a license to sell liquors at Sumas City.

C. F. MACK, foreman for C. H. STOCKS & Co., has formed a partnership with R. T. ELVIAGE, with office at Grand View hotel. These gentlemen are builders of large and extended experience, and have already started out on a building for CARTER & McKELLER, also a two-story brick on Elk for B. B. JONES. They will erect a building for themselves on Dock street, as soon as the grade is made.

Suite Filed
Walter A. CHATTERTON vs. Eva L CHATTERTON; suit for divorce and custody of a minor child.

Friday, September 26, 1890:

Barney EASTERBROOKE is Whatcom manager of the Bellingham Brick and Pottery company.

Mrs. WILSON, who lives in the Marcy block, is very ill of peritonitis.

Dr. THOMAS, of Fairhaven, is ill with typhoid fever.

R. PIERCE, aged 29 years, was buried from Fairhaven yesterday. Is it not about time the board of health examined into the cause of this fever? Boom or no boom, common humanity demands that if it be the water, as alleged, the supply should be shut of. ...

Kendall Precinct -- The claim of Aleck HAMILLTON and wife was jumped on the 8th by a young lady, weighing 8 1/2 pounds. Of course she will hold the claim.

The Bellingham brick-yard furnishes the brick and the Chuckanut quarry the rock for the Lighthouse block. It will be built like a fortress.

William CROOKS, the Elk street furniture dealer is now in his new store, opposite R. I. MORSE, with a large and elegant stock of new goods; consisting of everything in furniture and bedding line.

A. W. NIMS was appointed inspector of the next general election in Sumas precinct in place of Joseph SWINEHART.

A meeting will be held at the New Whatcom city hall tomorrow night for the purpose of organizing a lodge of the Junior Order United American Mechanics.

Jesse KALLMAN, formerly a clerk with BAUM, the grocer, and well known in the bay cities, was accidentally killed on the Illinois Central railroad at Chicago on the 18th inst. Mr. KALLMAN went east in July. The particulars have not yet reached Mr. BAUM.

Saturday, September 27, 1890:

George H. MOSS, who recently purchased lot 11, block 310, on Henry street of Captain ROEDER, is erecting a small residence thereon. William SHELL will also build on the opposite side of the same street and move his family in from Lake Washington [Whatcom], thus getting the advantages of the Whatcom schools during the winter.

Mrs. W. A. STEWART leaves this morning on the Premier; thence over the C. P. R. R. for Chicago, for a three months' visit.

W. W. ESTABROOK, formerly of Seattle, has located in Whatcom, and opened a shop on Fourteenth street, between G and H, which will be devoted exclusively to plain and fancy horseshoeing. Particular attention will be given to horses which are cripples in the feet.

Sunday, September 28, 1890:

An order was issued from the war department for the abandonment of the military post at Point Roberts, the reservation will be turned over to the interior department.

The Gracie sailboat, from which young STAFFORD was drowned, is now owned by Col. John ELWOOD. A center board will render her safer.

A saloon has been built in the rear of the Paris hotel, and will doubtless, as soon as the Canadian Pacific and Great Northern trains are rolling here, be a sailors' resort. In a few months we may expect to see the water front alive with sailors, and hear the Greek, Italian and Norwegian languages on all corners.

The Largest Steamer on Lake Whatcom Burned to the Water's Edge
The steamer Inger, owned by John KILCUP and P. M. ISENSEE, burned to the water's edge at Park, on Lake Whatcom, at 12 p. m. Friday. There were on board at that time John KILCUP, master, and John WYATT and a man named JOHNSON. They were awakened by the smoke and found the vessel ablaze and rushed for shore in a nearly nude condition -- not saving any of their outer apparel. The wharf was also ablaze. PRIESTON was the regular engineer; but KILCUP had been acting as such during the day during his absence. The fire evidently started in the engine room, and the most plausible theory is that, rags used in wiping the machinery ignited spontaneous combustion. Even the hull of the boat is ruined, the fire having eaten to the water line. The boat was built at Sehome about seven years ago, and cost $3,000. Under the name of "The Edith" she plied between the bay cities and Lynden until wrecked on the mud flats near Lummi. She was then taken over the plank road to Lake Whatcom, at an expense of $600 and repaired. The loss is $2000 and no insurance. The wharf or platform at Park, owned by M. ANDERSON, was also destroyed. Mr. ANDERSON's house was saved by strenuous exertions. This leaves the lake with one steamer, the Geneva, to which the reporter is indebted to a visit to the wreck.

R. BURFIEND has gone to Minnesota for the winter.

Joe MATHEWS, of Silver Beach, is back from Harrison hot springs, improved in health.

M. B. BLYDONBURG leaves tonight for his home in New York. He will return after the holidays.

Miss Lucy SLADE leaves tonight for Chicago, where she will spent the winter.

Miss Ida HOFFMAN has just arrived from Chicago and has opened dressmaking parlors third door from Holly on Railroad avenue.

Mr. Jeff OWNBEY, who has been at different times during the past six months compositor, foreman and reporter on the Reveille, departs today for Southern Oregon and California. He will go into business for himself in Oregon.

North Fork -- Arthur BALLARD had the misfortune to cut his hand so severely with an ax that he was compelled to go to Whatcom to have it dressed by a surgeon.

The Fire Hall
The upper portion of the building of the Whatcom fire department is a surprise to visitors. The front room is a commodious parlor, handsomely carpeted and furnished, where business meetings can be held or the members gather for social amusement. A large dormitory and dressing rooms occupy the rest of the second story. A trap in the center, with sliding pole, enables the boys to reach their carts in the twinkling of an eye.

Angus LaPOINTE made final proof on his claim yesterday.

D. TARWATER has opened a new hotel at Sumas.

The roof is on the courthouse, and the structure is showing what it looks like.

A license to wed was issued yesterday to Mr. M. J. BERRY, of Portland, and Miss Rena REECE, of Fairhaven.

George L. HARVEY, a native of Ontario, Canada, declared his intention to become an American citizen yesterday.

S. S. HOWEM, of Licking, is father to a fine pair of twins - boy and girl. They arrived from the land of nowhere the 25th.

The junction of D and Fifteenth street is being graded down and will soon be passable for teams. The cut necessary is about twelve feet deep.

J. W. ROSCOE has left San Francisco and is expected to arrive on Monday. The furniture and fixtures for the saloon which he intends to open on the corner of Bay and Holly streets have arrived, and it will be opened on his return.

Wedding Bells
Quite a pleasant event took place in this neighborhood on Thursday morning, September 18. The occasion was the marriage of one of our well known young men, Mr. Melvin FADDEN, to one of our charming young ladies, Miss Irene BOWMAN, daughter of Dr. A. C. BOWMAN. A large number of the relatives of the contracting parties were present to take part in the festivities. -Sumas News.

Peter COLEMAN was held up by thugs near the court house last Saturday night and robbed of $45. He was badly injured and has been confined to the house ever since. The highwaymen were two in number. They knocked him down with a stuffed club.

Teachers' Association
The teachers of the bay cities met and organized an association yesterday. The following officers were elected:
President, J. M. HITT; vice-president, C. W. ALBRIGHT; secretary, Miss Dora WELLMAN; executive committee, G. B. JOHNSTONE, J. W. LIVERMORE and Miss WOODIN.
The next meeting of the association will be held at Fairhaven, on October 18.

School Board Meeting

The school board met yesterday and in addition to routine business, the following was transacted:
-A tax levy of 10 mills for the current expenses of the schools was levied.
-Miss Clara SMITH and Miss FARR were employed as additional teachers.
-Clerk was instructed to advertise for 100 cords of wood for use in the schools.
-The salary of the janitor for the present buildings was fixed at $30 per month.
-A new anatomical chart was purchased for the use of the school at a cost of $32.
-It was ascertained that the combined salary of the teachers for the past month amounted to $527.50.

Tuesday, September 30, 1890:

D. J. HALSTEAD is erecting a handsome residence on Broadway.

The first business house opened on Broadway if L. STIMSON's meat market.

SLADE's Broadway block is to be occupied by a branch store of REYNOLDS & BATTERSBY.

Judge WEISENBURGER's fine building at the corner of Fourteenth and I streets is nearly completed.

The interment of the late J. J. PACKER took place yesterday at 2 p.m. The only services wee by Rev. DIMON at the grave. He was buried at Bay View.

Dr. John A. TENNANT, of Lynden, has been on the Sound for thirty years. He has one of the finest ranches in Whatcom county. In 1870 he was a civil engineer on the Northern Pacific railroad, and ran lines through seven different passes in the Cascade mountains. He discovered the route over which the Northern Pacific now crosses the Cascades. -Washington Farmer.

A STENGER wagonette, carrying Morris McCARTY and two of his children, in going to Fairhaven yesterday, tipped over on the improved road. Nobody was injured, though the wagonette had its hat smashed over its eye, and the upset horses had to be cut loose.

A marriage license was issued to Mattie LARSON and Michael MUNSON, both of Fairhaven.

Wednesday, October 1, 1890:

A new plat of Barkerville, near Sumas City, has been filed.

Mrs. E. WILSON, who has been dangerously ill, is improving under the care of Dr. BIGGS.

J. D. HANNEGAN will fit up his lower floor for an armory. Until then Captain WEISENBURGER will have to live in other quarters.

Ferndale is now connected with the rest of the world by rail. The first train arrived yesterday.

Johnny CAYOU brought a sloop load of sheep and dressed beef from Orcas for Frank CURTISS, yesterday.

Jacob MATZ reports the school-house in district No. 39 nearly completed. The school will be opened about November 1.

Harry BUCHANAN, a young man of 23, who resides with his parents near Woodlawn on Lake Whatcom, returned from Colorado, where he had been for his health, yesterday, and was immediately taken out to the lake. He has the consumption, and is in a very feeble condition. His friends will regret to hear that his trip has not proven beneficial.

Clarence E. COWDEN died last Tuesday evening, September 23, 1890, at the residence of his parents, at Glenbrook farm, one and a half miles north of Ferndale. His attending physicians pronounced his illness symptoms of typhoid fever. Clarence was born in Maple Valley township, Montcalm county, Michigan, October 21, 1871; therefore, he would have been 19 years old on the 21st of October. He was just budding into manhood, and gave promise of all that makes a noble life; never was sick a day since he was two years old. Our noble and beloved son and brother has left an aching void that nothing can fill. He was highly respected and loved by all who knew him. He was a member of the I. O. G. T. lodge of Ferndale.

Wedding Bells
Friends to the number of fifty gathered at the beautiful new residence of Mr. and Mrs. Henry CREASEY, on Wednesday, September 24th, 1890, to celebrate the marriage of their niece, Clara J. LARDER, to Albert N. MILLER, all of Custer, Wash. At 11:30 the bridal party entered the room, where they were met by Rev. BAKER, who pronounced the words that made them one. At 12 the way was led to the dinner table, which was groaning under its weight of good things. Many beautiful presents were given, the following being a part: Dinner horn, Arthur CREASEY; table cloth, Mrs. MILLER; plush photograph album, Fred CREASEY; butter bowl, Mr. MILLER; silver spoons, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. LOOMIS; cup and saucer, Mrs. ROSENBAUM; fruit dish and cake stand, Millie MARTINSON; tidy, Winnie GRIMMETT; table cloth, Mr. and Mrs. STOLTENBERG; pair of pillow cases, Mrs. Emma DUKES; lamp, Mr. and Mrs. BRUNSON; pair of towels, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. SMITH; glass pitcher, Clara PARR; stand cover, Mrs. George CREASEY; pair of towels, Mr. and Mrs. George BROWN; dish and cream pitcher, Florence LONG; dozen napkins, James SMITH; pickle dish, Hartley MILLER; fruit dish, Charlie MILLER. All friends join in wishing them joy and a long life.

Wm. SARGENT declared his intention to become a citizen before Clerk HIXSON today.

Mary J. KELLOGG petitioned for letters of administration on the estate of the late Charles M. KELLOGG, deceased.

F. E. ROGERS, Frank SCHNORBUSS and E. M. SMITH made final proofs before Clerk HIXSON, yesterday.

A marriage license was issued to Samuel A. HOTCHKISS and Miss Anna Stella MORE [MOORE], both of Blaine.

The school board of district No. 2 met at Dr. JAMISON's office Monday night -- present, Directors JAMISON, WAITY and ROGERS, and Clerk W. P. JOHNSON. Miss Rosie MORGAN was hired as a teacher. It was determined to fix up an additional room in the basement. School desks and furniture were ordered of J. K. GILL & Co., of Portland.

Good Templar's Convention
        Jonas BUSHELT, grand chief templar of the I. O. G. T., has been here this week lecturing, etc. The main object of his visit, however, was to organize a district lodge of that order.
        The various lodges throughout the county were represented by delegates yesterday morning when the meeting was called to order at Reveille hall. The committee on credentials reported thirty-eight delegates present.
        The matter of organizing the lodge and electing officers was next in order. The lodge was installed with thirty-four members. These are the officers for the ensuing year:
District Chief Templar, C. E. CLINE of Lynden lodge; district counselor, J. S. MONROE, of Sehome lodge; district vice-templar, Lilly CURRY, of Unity Lodge, Fairhaven; district superintendent of Juvenile Templars, Edith WELLS, of Ferndale lodge; district secretary, A. R. DORR, of Unity Lodge, Fairhaven; district assistant secretary, Flora DAVIES, of Blaine lodge; district treasurer, E. D. BEATTIE, of Friendship Lodge, Whatcom; district chaplain, Albert WARNER, of Blaine lodge; district marshal, Bro. SAIR, of Lynden lodge; district deputy marshal, June GREERY, of Blaine lodge; district sentinel, Thomas PHELPS, of Lynden lodge; district superintendent of education, C. E. KAGAY, of Sehome lodge.
        The officers were installed and entered upon their new duties immediately. ...

Thursday, October 2, 1890:

A little child of Herman CONNER [CONOVER] was buried yesterday in Bay View cemetery. The cause of death was malarial fever.

Robert KNOX, Esq. will erect a fine brick block adjoining the stone block of C. I. ROTH in the early spring.

Died, little Georgie SPEES, infant son of E. A. and J. M. SPEES, departed this life September 11, 1890.

Declaration of intention, John LUBCKE, Germany.

Yesterday morning, at 10:30, a fall of rocks occurred at Chuckanut quarry which will probably result in the loss of two lives. All the men working at the foot of the quarry ran when the grinding sound which precedes a slide was first heard. Ed. BRESSLER fell, and a rock struck him in the side, injuring him internally. Another man was hit in the head by a small rock and knocked insensible. While lying insensible a 200 pound block struck one of his feet and tore it nearly off at the ankle. It was a horrible sight, and upon the recovery of his senses the man's sufferings were terrible to witness. Superintendent ROTH immediately telephoned to Fairhaven for a boat. The tug Quickstep responded, and immediately took the wounded man to Fairhaven. Ed. BRESSLER's internal injuries are liable to prove fatal. The other man's leg has been amputated and if he survives the shock there is no reason he will not ultimately recover.

Friday, October 3, 1890:

James TOLAND, proprietor of the Bijou saloon, died at Fairhaven, yesterday, of inflammation of the bowels.

Mr. Fred FORELL has moved his real estate office to the Scandinavian real estate business.

Mrs. Maggie H. SCOTT, widow of M. W. SCOTT, deceased, was appointed guardian of the children yesterday.

Colonel James BOWMAN saw the bear on the lake road again, yesterday. He crosses the road in the afternoon at the foot of the long hill, going north.

The D street cottages of Will D. JENKINS have been removed from the Coupe lot, one to the corner of Nineteenth and C streets, the other to Seventeenth street, near court house.

The Nooksack and Lummi hop-pickers are returning to their homes. The Skagit Chief was swarming with them yesterday. The Lummis went home by canoe; the Nooksacks by the B. B. & B. C., all rich and happy.

B. B. JONES' brick block on Elk street is approaching completion. Mr. JONES owns five acres on Whatcom creek, which he intends to improve.

An old smooth-bore breech-loading rifle, manufactured at Middleton, Conn., in the year 1837, has been unearthed at Nooksack Forks, from the ruins of the cabin of old Klaum Klamaraus, chief of the Nooksacks. An old rusty broken dirk, a bear's tusk and a horn spoon were also found in the same place. These curios are now in the possession of Mr. M. J. HENEY.

NORTH FORK, Oct. 1 - The democrats of Harrison precinct have elected Charles HATTEN and J. W. RIDDLE to represent them at the county convention on October 4.

Superior Court
--Louisa HUTTER vs. August HUTTER. This is a suit for divorce. The parties were married on the 5th day of October, 1887, in Pennsylvania, but for more than one year have been residents of this state. The climate of the west had a rather demoralizing effect on the defendant, and, judging from the plaintiff's complaint, he has identified himself with the wild and wooly element here, and has made the plaintiff's life one of great anguish, by reason of his drunkenness, abuse and neglect; wherefore the plaintiff asks for a decree of divorce and the care of the two-year old child Edna, and for expenses of suit.
--Jennie BOWLES vs. Lewis BOWLES ... a decree of divorce is granted, and the plaintiff is allowed the care of the minor daughter, and the costs of the proceedings are taxed to the defendant.

Robert CANFIELD returned from Yakima yesterday. He is glad to get back, as he cannot stand the Yakima climate.

Mr. Hugh A. SAXON, a prominent real estate speculator and mining operator of Baton Rouge, La., is visiting his mother, Mrs. E. L. SAXON, of this city.

-- At Fairhaven, October 1st, John Gideon PITTS, aged 4 years; typhoid fever.
--At Fairhaven, October 1st, Mildor K. MOA, [Hildock MOA] aged 2 years and 26 days; dysentery.

Death at Woodlawn
Henry BUCHANAN died at his father's residence at Woodlawn, yesterday, of consumption. His funeral will take place today at 4 p. m., and he will be buried on his own farm, forty acres of which his father intends to dedicate to cemetery purposes in memory of his son. The young man was 23 years of age, and had only just returned from Colorado, where he had been for his health. Realizing that his case was hopeless, he came home to die.

Accident at Sumas
Manley ROGERS, of Sumas, while working on a threshing machine at TILTON's ranch had his right arm caught between the cog wheels and crushed in a terrible manner. A Lynden physician was summoned, and the arm was amputated between the wrist and the elbow. Mr. ROGERS is an old settler, and his many friends will regret to learn of his misfortune.

At the residence of Mr. Charles NELSON, Acme, Wash., Sept. 27, by Rev. C. C. McCARTY, Mr. William TURKINGTON to Miss Augusta CARLSON, both of Acme.

Saturday, October 4, 1890:

Alonzo GREENWOOD, of Lynden, was lately married to Miss Alice RACHER [ARCHER], of Lincoln county.

Mrs. HILLYER, of Fairhaven who has been ill for some time, died last night. Her body will be taken to Toronto, Canada, for interment.

John HARPER lost a finger, yesterday, by the wheel of his wagon coming in contact with a stone pile as he was trying to catch his lines to prevent a runaway.

There is a great rush for Sumas City, and a large gang of carpenters are putting up buildings there as fast as possible. The boarding facilities are taxed to the utmost, and it is a hard matter to get a bed "above the ground floor."

Sunday, October 5, 1890:

Near Yager, in Whatcom county, on the 14th of September, the infant daughter of Rasette [Rosette] and Parker BENTON, aged 3 years, 1 month and 16 days.

M. ANDERSON, of Park, has purchased the wreck of the Inger and has sent for new machinery.

Spero SMOTO's new fish market and oyster house, opposite the Bellingham, is nearly completed.

A laborer named Peter HARVEY dropped dead while chopping wood at Fairhaven, Friday. The cause of death was apoplexy.

C. H. STOCKS has returned from Minneapolis, where he has been to buy material for the Lighthouse building. The iron is all in place and the building is going skyward at a rapid rate. Mr. STOCKS says the building will be completed by December 1.

Tuesday, October 7, 1890:

A Pioneer
Among the members in attendance upon the democratic convention held on Saturday was Mr. Samuel CALDWELL, who has been a resident of this coast for nearly thirty years and a resident of Whatcom county twenty years. Mr. CALDWELL was born in New Hampshire in 1806; and and subsequently eighty-four years of age. He is in prime health and walked nearly two miles to take the early train from his home on the Nooksack to attend the convention. His first effort in politics was to cast his vote for Andrew Jackson in 1828, and he has a vivid recollection of the stirring scenes which occurred at the election of "Old Hickory." Mr. CALDWELL made a visit to his old home three years ago, and had the satisfaction of participating in a number of "cotillion dances," having for his partners ladies that he had led through the fascinating steps of the "monie musk" when they were pretty girls more than three score years ago. Mr. CALDWELL is now a contented farmer of this county, and while he has traveled a great deal, thinks there is no place like his present home. He drove the first team that ever went over the route from the Nooksack river to Whatcom, about fifteen years ago, and at that time owned the only team in the county. He fully appreciates the improvements that the county has undergone, but the changes in the bay cities occur so rapidly that he can hardly realize them. ....

A. KARHMOEL and William T. MORRISON made their final proofs yesterday.

Joe JENSEN has received a six-horse power engine for his Holly street bath rooms.

John SHAW and Henry OGDEN took up government land under the pre-emption laws, Monday.

L. S. MEYERS has taken out letters of administration on the estate of James TOLAND, deceased.

A. GREENBURG gave a champagne supper to his friends at the store, last night. The occasion was his 25th birthday.

L. G. BAGLEY has superseded A. VAN WYCK, resigned, as assistant superintendent, of the B. B. & B. C. road. Mr. VAN WYCK will go into business for himself.

E. E. KAY, Jr., and Anna STUBBS have returned their marriage license. They were married by Rev. B. K. McELMORE [McELMON].

A. G. WICKMAN, the tailor, returned from Tacoma, Sunday. He has disposed of his property there, and is going to invest on the bay.

Jessie ROGERS, a little girl 10 years old, while running up an outside stairway on first street, slipped and fell some distance, but fortunately escaped with only a few bruises.

Mr. DORR, the republican nominee for the commissionership in district No. 2, is a brother to Editor DORR, of the Journal, but is not a brother, but a distant relative, of Hon. C. W. DORR.

John DeFRIES is very ill at the Fairhaven hospital with the fever. It is only a few days ago that he was in Whatcom, and said that he expected to be laid up.

Ferndale Items
-Ira ROBINSON, with others here, have returned from the hop fields.
-School commenced in West Ferndale this morning; George BROWN, teacher.
-School commenced in East Ferndale a week ago this morning; Mr. SINCLAIR, teacher.
-Ferndale is to have a blacksmith shop. J. B. HATCH is to build one for a man from Port Townsend.
-Mr. N. S. BARR, of Whatcom, and Mr. George PRATT, of Sedro, a brother and cousin of the writer, were guests at the Glenbrook farm last Saturday.
-Mr. SCHNEIDER, of Woodland, received a telegram announcing the illness of his daughter, Mrs. WINSCOTT, who resides in Kent.

A Bad Accident
The father of W. L. MILLER, who has just arrived in Whatcom and is located on Walnut street, in going to bed Saturday night opened the cellar door instead of the door which leads upstairs, and fell about twelve feet. His scalp was badly torn, and it was feared that his injuries were fatal, as he is 80 years of age. He is, however, recovering. The doors were side by side and exactly alike.

Wednesday, October 8, 1890:

Marshal SEVIER is reading the riot act to the sporting layout in New Whatcom. Yesterday P. N. GLASSON and H. R. NUGENT each paid $31.65 for running gambling games.

The Fever
There have been six funerals from Fairhaven since Saturday. A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. HOSTETTER, of Fairhaven, and F. J. WOOD, a young man, aged 27 years, died yesterday of the fever.

Frank McGUIRE, a telegraph lineman, while fixing the wires between New Whatcom and Fairhaven last night, fell off a pole and injured a leg, and it is feared smashed some ribs.

At the residence of Morris McCARTY, October 7, Mr. William E. McDANIEL to Miss Alice WALKER, both of Whatcom.

Miss Beatrice R. ABRAHAMS, a young lady of musical talent, of Syracuse, N. Y., is visiting her uncle, D. C. JACOBS, and will remain until after the holidays.

Mr. J. N. WILMOT, of England declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States.

Custer -- School opened in Enterprise district last week, with Mr. KIRKPATRICK as teacher.

Thursday, October 9, 1890:

John H. STODDARD, the drawbridge tender on the water front, claims that he has been at his post from 6 a. m. to 9 p. m. since April 18.

Andrew LIND, a Scandinavian, died at Fairhaven yesterday, of the fever. His age was 30 years and he was a single man. Just why the victims will persist in using the Padden Lake water surpasses ordinary comprehension. The health officers should examine into the matter. If the fault is not the water of Lake Padden, the water company is being injuriously censured.

Sudden Death
Last evening it was reported at The Reveille office that a man had suddenly fallen dead on Holly street. Upon investigation it was discovered that a laborer named Thomas SLATTERY had been taken with hemorrhage of the lungs and died in front of L. M. HAGUE's drug store. The corpse was seen at the room of the deceased, and the following facts gleaned by the reporter: The dead man was a day laborer, an Irishman, about 50 years of age, who worked for Contractor LEE in the excavation at the corner of Elk and Holly streets. He roomed with Terry FORAN, a young man who worked at the same place. After quitting work, SLATTERY told FORAN that he had a bad cold and felt sick. They got supper at the Palace restaurant, which is conducted by William EAGLE. After supper FORAN invited SLATTERY to have a glass of beer. They had a glass of beer at "Frank and Charley's" saloon. SLATTERY said, as they walked out, "Come with me to the drug store; I am sick." He commenced to bleed at the mouth. The drug man gave him what he said was salt. SLATTERY swallowed the salt, sat down in a chair and in a few minutes bled to death. His body was taken to his room and the coroner summoned. No inquest, however, will be held, as death was undoubtedly due to natural causes. The deceased was a single man, who has a ranch in Clalllam county. He had coming to him enough money to bury him.

New Whatcom Council
-J. W. ROSCOE filed an application for a liquor license. The license was issued.
-The mayor appointed Councilmen WOOLARD and JAMESON a committee to see what arrangements could be made in reference to leasing and purchasing suitable grounds for city hall.

Rooms to Rent
Gentlemen can secure nicely furnished rooms by applying to Mrs. Lois JOHNSON, E St., bet. 15th and 16th Sts.

Friday, October 10, 1890:

North Fork
-Jack HOPKINS came up from the Bay City last Sunday to see his wife and baby.
-Manuel JOHNSON has moved his family from the Bay City to his ranch on the middle fork.
-Application has been made to the county school superintendent for a new school district, to be organized from parts of districts No. 8 and 41.
-Services on the Whatcom, Deming and Welcome mail route will be increased from two to three times per week after the 16th of this month, thanks to John L. WILSON, our live representative at Washington.
-The first professional visit of an M. D. into our valley was made by Dr. THOMPSON, of Nooksack City, who was called up yesterday to attend Mrs. Charles HATTER, who has been dangerously ill for some time.

Bicycle Accident
Vivian STRANGE, the young engineer, received the worst bicycle accident of the season, yesterday. He is not an experienced bicyclist, but preferred the large wheel. While in front of the Glass block a lath or splinter from a plank flew up and caught the wheel, giving him a spill. He landed on his head, cutting his cheek and chin, bruised his left knee and broke his right arm at the wrist. Dr. BIGGS is attending him.

The Hannegan building, opposite the Knox block, is being rushed by Contractor BARTRUFF.

Mr. Frederick G. HEAD, who native land is England, declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States.

Ferndale, Oct. 9 -- The first train that ever crossed the Nooksack river was the Fairhaven & Southern construction train that crossed today at 3:30 p.m.

Thomas SLATTERY, who died suddenly on Holly street, Wednesday, will be buried from BRACKETT's undertaking parlors today, at 1 p.m.

Marriage License
Yesterday Wm. H. CARPENTER obtained a license to wed Miss Amanda Z. ORCHARD. Mr. CARPENTER is from New Whatcom, Miss ORCHARD from Whatcom.

Kendall Precinct -- Harvey McREA is home and is in quite poor health, but our pure mountain air and water will cure him.

Saturday, October 11, 1890 issue is missing.

Sunday, October 12, 1890:

Mr. J. B. GREGG, of Red Oak, Ia., an old friend of Judge WILLIAMS, is in the city and may open a law office.

Samuel FORTIETH and Peter RALLSTON, of Silver Beach, were in yesterday taking up a collection to build a schoolhouse at that point.

Mr. J. J. BOYD, brother to Mrs. VAN ZANDT, is in the city. He is a New York manufacturer of clothing, and may come to Whatcom to reside.

Upon the motion of Judge DeMATTOS, Edward John HILL, an attorney of the state of North Carolina, was admitted to practice law in the courts of this state.

Case Filed
Mary TESHERA vs. Joseph TESHERA; the plaintiff in the complaint asks for a divorce. The parties were married in Vancouver, territory of Washington, in June 1865. That the defendant has such personal iniquities as renders plaintiff's life a burden; that he has been often away from home consorting with other women, and that he has wasted the earnings and property of the family and for ten years failed to make suitable provision for his family; that there are nine children, and the plaintiff asks the custody of them and the pre-emption land claim of the parties.

Tuesday, October 14, 1890:

Charles FORD, of Fairhaven and a Whatcom child 2 years old were buried at Bay View yesterday.

Mr. Peter S. BATTERSBY was married to Miss Ella MAYHEW Saturday evening. The ceremony was performed by Rev. DIMON, at the residence of the bride's parents.

Ferndale Item -- Mr. S. BEEBE, of New Whatcom, formerly of Michigan, has been a guest at the Glenbrook farm for the past three days.

Wednesday, October 15, 1890:

Mr. James M. PARISH and Mrs. Mary HINDMAN took out a marriage license yesterday.

A marriage license was issued yesterday to Mr. G. B. MORGAN and Miss Emma A. BRUNS.

W. Findlay HALL is having a fine six foot stone wall built around his residence. James ROONEY, the stone contractor, is doing the work.

The B. B. & B. C. R. R. company have put on the market for the first time some very desirable lots on Elk street (north extension), which have a frontage on that street of fifty feet each. This portion of Elk street has just been graded, planked and sidewalked.

Mr. Michael ANDERSON has let the contract to John JOHNSON to repair the hull of the steamer Inger, that was burned on Lake Whatcom about three weeks ago. New machinery has been ordered, and the boat will be in better shape when repaired than before.

M. M. McLAIN, the Holly-street fruit dealer, is ill. His son, while working on the roof of the court-house yesterday, cut his hand so badly as to disable him.

Superior Court Proceedings
-The district attorney filed information against three persons, and they were arraigned in open court. Two were against Frank HEATHERS for assault and battery, one against Louis BAKER for an attempt to rob, committed on the 31st of last July, when an assault was made on Hon. Eugene CANFIELD. The other information is against Charles WALQUIST, a mere boy, charged with grand larceny. The crime alleged is for taking of a buggy valued at $80, the property of Elsie BURGER.
-Zachariah J. KING vs Emma D. KING. This is a suit for a divorce, and calls up the old story of woman's infidelity.

Police Notes.
Eli GUAVIN, a Frenchman living in a temporary house on the tide flats near the city hall, was arrested last night for running a house of ill-fame. His wife and daughter are said to be the inmates. Alfred BUSCHE, it is claimed, will today testify to the character of the place, and that this man received the wages of the prostitution of his family. If the charge be substantiated the penalty is too light.

Sumas City
-The stages are coming in every day loaded with strangers.
-A. F. MIMS sold eighty acres of land a few days ago; consideration, $2,700.
-A new wagon road will be opened up running from Sumas City to the boundary line via the Sumas mountains.
-Mr. IRELY sold his ranch last week. Mr. IRELY will move to Sumas City and engage in the hotel business.
-Mr. T. C. NONLIN says that he is making some of the finest butter that ever was made in Whatcom county. We credit Mr. NONLIN's statement, for the gentleman is an old California butter maker.

Thursday, October 16, 1890:

James K. RIVE and wife of Yager, were in town yesterday.

M. M. PICKEN is doing the engineering work for the street railway company.

Mr. M. J. HENEY, of Nooksack, was in the city yesterday.

Mrs. E. W. DOAK is here. She is trying to save her furniture, which has been attached. She claims not to know the whereabouts of Mr. DOAK.

J. J. REED, of Yager, is back from Chicago, where he has been for a visit.

The purchasers of the Gazette are M. V. HARPER and his son Winfield HARPER, who will be the editor. The paper hereafter will be called the Exponent.

Friday, October 17, 1890:

Sudden Death
G. S. FRITZ, father of J. G. FRITZ of Fairhaven, and step-father of W. L. MILLER of Whatcom, died at the residence of W. L. MILLER at 10 o'clock a. m. yesterday. He was born near Steten, Germany, on the 14th day of January, 1810; came to the United States in 1854; came here from Madison, Nebraska, in 1888. His wife survives him. The funeral will take place today. Services at the grave. Carriages will leave the residence of W. H. (sic) MILLER at 1:30 p. m. The cause of death was doubtless the shock the aged gentleman recently received in a fall chronicled in these columns.

L. N. ECKLUND, formerly of Whatcom, now a prominent capitalist of South Bend, is in Whatcom, and is amazed at the strides taken by this city within a year.

Henry MILLS died at Fairhaven yesterday of malarial fever. Mr. MILLS was married just three months ago yesterday, the day he died. He leaves a second wife and two children by his first wife. Mrs. MILLS is also dangerously sick with the fever. He will be buried today at 1 o'clock. Mr. MILLS was 35 years of age, and came here from England about four months ago.

NORTH FORK - Mr. George GIBSON, of Sehome, has purchased the William DOZIER claim, John DOZIER has also sold to Mr. I. T. KRAMER , of Seattle.

To Whom It May Concern
Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between Andrew J. PENCE and James M. KERR, under the firm name of PENCE & KERR, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to said firm are payable to Andrew J. PENCE, and all accounts and notes owed by said firm are payable by said Andrew J. PENCE, who will continue the business of said firm.
Dated this 23d day of September A. D. 1890.
James M. KERR        A. J. PENCE

Police Notes: In the case of Budel ALLEN for peddling meat without a license, he was fined $12.25.

H. FAULKNER of Sehome, while in an intoxicated condition, attempted to board an outgoing freight train about 6:30 near the Seattle Transfer company's barn. He grabbed the iron rods but lost his hold and fell under the car. The car wheel ran over his right ankle, grinding it to pieces. He was taken immediately to Providence hospital, and it was found that the foot and ankle were too badly injured to be saved. Dr. GRANT therefore amputated the leg about half way to the knee. At a late hour last evening FAULKNER was resting easy, and considers himself lucky to have escaped even with the loss of his leg. -Press.

Saturday, October 18, 1890:

          George W. HARRIS, brother to the late Dan HARRIS, is in the city. Mr. HARRIS is one of the five heirs of the late Fairhaven pioneer. There are two brothers, a sister, a nephew and a niece. He leaves about $100,000. Dan HARRIS was born in Southampton on Long Island. His father was a farmer. Dan left home when about 15 years old. He shipped with his uncle at that age on a whaling voyage to the arctic seas and on his return home staid a month and reshipped with a skipper named McKator COOPER, a Yankee skipper; went to Japanese seas whaling; found a Japanese junk with fourteen Jap sailors. This was the first European vessel that was permitted to land at Japan. Then they went to China after a load of Chinese coolies. This was in 1850. At Hong Kong, Dan, with a companion, deserted the ship, and reshipped to the Sandwich islands, thence Dan came to Bellingham Bay. Dan's companion, a man named Ira BRIGGS, returned to Southhamption town. Dan was born in 1831. He occasionally wrote to the old folks, used to draw the long bow on them some times,said he had bought 160 of land from the government on which was coal which he shipped around the Sound on his vessel, the Bounding Ball; vessel got wrecked, etc. George W. HARRIS is a downeaster 49 years of age and a carriage maker by trade. He lives at Norwich, Conn.
          The brother and relatives of the late Dan HARRIS expect to exhume the body and hold an autopsy, as there is suspicion of foul play. It seems that HARRIS was under the care of a physician who, upon his death, took possession of his effects and secured all his ready money in bank -- some $25,000. Criminal proceedings have already been commenced against the doctor. He claims that HARRIS gave this money to his wife for her kindness to him. It is alleged that during his last illness the deceased was braced up on champagne, and danced and played on the piano, and said to a visitor that his attendants were killing him. Whether this alluded to high living or otherwise has not transpired. The relatives secured from the physician the watch and other personal effects of Mr. HARRIS, after considerable trouble, and succeeded in stopping payment on a check for $6,000. Action will be taken against the bank that turned over the $25,000 to the physician. Mr. HARRIS had property worth $53,000 in Los Angeles and about $45,000 worth of real estate here.

Attempt at Suicide
W. D. CANNON, a young man 24 years of age, arrived at a Sehome hotel Thursday from Fairhaven, and was assigned Room 1. About 10 a.m. yesterday one of the boarders smelled chloroform, and forced open the door of Room 1, and found CANNON lying in the bed unconscious, with a saturated handkerchief over his face. When aroused he leaped from the bed and rushed for his revolver, and drove the landlord, doctor and others from the room. Later he paid his bill and started for Whatcom, and at various drug stores tried to purchase more chloroform. The last place he visited was BRONSON's where he took a carriage for Fairhaven. He has been an employe of the Fairhaven Land company till discharged as an opium fiend.
Another Account
W. D. CANNON, Jr., who attempted suicide at the Sehome yesterday, is from Iowa. He registered at the hotel at about 8 o'clock in the morning, and was assigned to room number one. He stated at the time of registering that he had a sore on his chin, and would like a cloth about the size of a handkerchief for the purpose of applying some salve. He secured the cloth and proceeded to his room. About 10 o'clock Mrs. DRAKE, the landlord's wife, discovered a strong chloroformic odor in the hall, which seemed to come from room number one, and notified Mr. DRAKE of the facts. Mr. DRAKE knocked repeatedly upon the door, and failed to obtain an entrance. A box was secured, and a view over the transom disclosed the fact that CANNON was sleeping with a saturated rag covering his face. The door was locked from the inside, and considerable trouble was experienced in ejecting the key. An entrance was finally obtained by the aid of a pass key. On the stand was found an empty bottle labeled "chloroform." It was impossible to arouse the man, and the chloroform was so nauseating that the parties entering found it impossible to remain in the room but a short time. Dr. LOWERY was at once summoned and administered emetics and antidotes, which finally had the desired effect. Upon recovery the victim made a rush for his clothes and secured a revolver, and the audience decided that it was not best to interfere, and began to scatter. CANNON then dressed himself and walked out. He was followed to different drug stores and finally found taking a carriage to Fairhaven. Whether he will pursue his suicidal intentions remains to be seen. If he will have patience, Time will mow him down.

The Lighthouse building is nearly ready for the roof.

The Oakland and the DeMATTOS blocks are ready for tenants.

The CARTER & McKELLAR block and the B. B. JONES building are rented before completion.

Superior Court
-Zachariah J. KING secured a divorce from Emma D. KING on the ground of adultery.
-The case of the state of Washington vs. J. Milton HALEY, for obtaining money under false pretences was set for Monday next.

Sunday, October 19, 1890:

Thomas LYNCH, aged 27, was buried at Fairhaven today. He died of typhoid fever.

The Junior order of United American mechanics was organized at Sehome hall Friday night with twenty members.

Captain J. J. WEISENBURGER has been commissioned and will organize his company at the armory in the Hannagan building as soon as it is completed.

Miss Jessie BASS, daughter of Capt. BASS, and Mrs. D. LOGAN her aunt, are visiting the genial captain. They have been traveling in California.

We Hi PRICE, who has been lurking about Whatcom from some time, started to enter G. A. FULLER's dry goods store and dropped dead, stricken with paralysis. As he has no friends in this place Mr. FULLER has kindly consented to leave the remains in the window for a few days so his friends, if he has any, can take a last look at the departed.

Tuesday, October 21, 1890:

Silver Beach, Oct. 20, 1890: School opened here this morning with twelve pupils - Miss CAMPBELL teacher. A large vein of coal has been discovered here in front of the pavilion. It is of good quality and a large vein. It is on the property of JONES & CARLYON.

Mr. H. W. HORNE is building a frame building 25x60 at Blaine.

Judge GALLAHER fined John BURNS $8.15 yesterday, for being drunk and disorderly. Not having the money, BURNS was committed to jail.

C. I. ROTH and wife have gone east. They had a narrow escape near The Dalles. The engine, tender and mail cars were thrown from the track by a broken rail.

At a raffle at A. H. MILLER's cigar store last night, Harry HELLER won the first prize, John LICKENS the second prize and George A. JENKINS the third prize. The prizes were valued at $40.

There are 7,000,000 feet of logs in the Nooksack boom, and the water is bringing down more. The boom company gets 75 cents per thousand for booming the logs. It will take thirty days and employ ten men.

Alonzo RAWSON, jr., of Whatcom, was yesterday appointed a notary public.

As we are aware that the large majority of our best citizens are not in favor of attending public dances, owing to the disreputable characters that are liable to attend if great precaution is not used to keep such out, we, the committee of the firemen's ball, assure the public that nothing but respectable persons, either women or men, will be admitted. Anyone wishing to attend can rest assured that this will be strictly enforced. By order of the committee.
J. H. RONALD, Foreman,     D. M. BEARD, Foreman.

Superior Court
The WARBASS case is of peculiar interest. Judge WARBASS bought a lot on the beach, of Capt. ROEDER in 1858, which plat had no base line, but must be determined by other land marks. Another plat wiping out his lot was afterward filed and the lot resold. Hence this suit. The brick court house will probably play an important part in this action.

Mountain View
-Mr. Abe MORTON and wife are spending a few days in Lynden.
-A brother of Mr. FULGHAM, from Arkansas, has moved here. He expresses himself as being well pleased with the country.
-Mr. SINCLAIR, principal of the East Ferndale school, seconded by the efforts of the good people of his district, and those of West Ferndale, gave a supper and entertainment last Tuesday evening for the purpose of raising funds to purchase apparatus for his school. The affair was eminently successful, the proceeds amounting to $40.
-The teachers of Ferndale and vicinity organized a local teachers' association Saturday, October 18. Mr. SINCLAIR was unanimously elected president, with Mr. BROWN as vice president and Mr. HAWKINS as secretary. Their meetings will be held every alternate Saturday at the West Ferndale school house. All teachers cordially invited.

Wednesday, October 22, 1890:

Ferndale, Wash., Oct. 21. - Word was received here this morning that J. L. HAWKSWORTH, a rancher and shoemaker at Birch Bay, had suicided some time Sunday night. No cause was known. As far as known he was a single man, 40 years of age. The coroner was notified this morning.

Passengers on the Haytian Republic
San Francisco, Oct. 21. - The steamer Haytian Republic sailed for Puget Sound ports today with the following passengers:
Fairhaven -- Edgar LINDSAY, Miss M. E. LINDSAY
Sehome -- W. P. FOWLER and family, E. L. LEIGHTON.

Thursday, October 23, 1890:

          Tuesday, Charley FORBES and Pat LYNCH, who had been cruising for timber, attempted to cross the Nooksack in a canoe. The river was full of driftwood and a floating log careened the canoe, nearly swamping it. Both parties were thrown out. LYNCH seized a floating tree and was carried to shore a few rods below. The boat was swept down the stream, and FORBES was seen no more. He may have been clinging to it, as LYNCH was in no condition to observe his misfortunes. It is thought, as FORBES is a good swimmer, he many have been saved, and may be now working his way home. Up to 10 p. m. last night no information had been received concerning him. His a native of Jamestown, N. Y., and is 25 years old.
          H. G. VAN REYPEN says that the FORBES accident on the South Fork was at the mouth of Skookum creek. The boys had a boat a mile below this place, but somebody had taken it, so they borrowed a canim. They tried to land at McGEE's cabin. They were getting away from two big logs which came down with the flood, when, catching at the limb of a standing tree, the boat slipped out from under them. FORBES did not wish to loose the canoe, and went after it. He climbed into it and had a paddle when last seen by his companion. He was then in the middle of the stream. There is a boom of logs some two miles below, and it is feared Crosby (sic) was dashed against the boom by the rushing current with disastrous effects.

P. MARTIN is erecting a dwelling on D, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets.

B. HOLDEN is constructing a residence at the corner of Twenty-first and E streets.

A. ROBINSON is building on his D street corner lot, recently purchased of Frank JACKSON.

GALLUP & WEBBER, the plumbers, have moved into their new store on Dock street, opposite the Grand View.

Peter FREDERSOHN, of Missouri, and Miss Laura E. LONGSTAFF, of Fairhaven, have taken out a marriage license.

J. W. HOLLINSHEAD, of Blaine, was in the city yesterday. He is building a hotel in Blaine to cost $15,000.

Friday, October 24, 1890:

H. G. VAN REYPEN, a friend of Charley FORBES, says that the missing man was well acquainted with all trials, and not having shown up must be drowned.

It is reported that a brother of Harry MOORE was drowned in the Nooksack, Wednesday evening. The Reveille has been unable to verify the report.

For two days the Indians have had a monopoly of the ferry business at Roeder, crossing passengers for Nooksack City, the water being too high for McKASKILL's crew to operate.

A workman named RYAN, with a bloody head, was taken through Elk street to his home yesterday morning. He was engaged on the Lighthouse block and had fallen from the "hoist" and been badly bruised.

Saturday, October 25, 1890:

Samuel PORTEATH, postmaster at Silver Beach, informs the Reveille that the postoffice opens to the public today.

Mr. E. W. PURDY is confined to his room, threatened with the fever. He has not been able to attend to business for a week past.

Peter SAAR has sold his mill at Sumas to John FERGUSON, who will increase the capacity and run it with two crews, night and day.

A. W. PETTIBONE is building some fine cottages on Walnut street. This street is rapidly becoming one of the finest residence localities on the bay.

Business property on Holly street is in great demand and is hard to get. Last week one lot sold there for $175 per front foot. It is considered the most desirable property on the bay.

Last evening Robert CANFIELD, who is very ill with typhoid fever, was much worse, and a physician was telegraphed for to Seattle. His friends are very much worried over his illness.

Having completed his business block on the corner of Holly and Elk street, New Whatcom, Judge DEMATTOS moved into the new quarters yesterday. The building is handsomely finished inside and out and presents a neat appearance.

John McLEAN, who was so badly injured by a blast some time ago, was able to be up and take dinner with his physician Dr. MACPHERSON, yesterday. His recovery is one of the most remarkable ever known or recorded in medical journals.

It was reported yesterday that a party of five men living on San Juan island had been drowned. They were Charles E. STURGESS, Charles COUSIN, Michael DEREGAN, a Mr. COVINGTON and son. They had not been seen for ten days and the boat, cars and other things belonging to them have been picked up. Searching parties are looking for the bodies.

To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between C. T. REDFIELD and W. M. CARNAHAN, under the firm name and style of The Bellingham Bay Fuel Company, is this day dissolved. The business of said company will be continued by said C. T. REDFIELD, and all debts owing by the same are payable by C. T. REDFIELD. Dated the 23d day of October, A. D. 1890.      C. T. REDFIELD

Sunday, October 26, 1890:

Mr. H. N. BARNHART is threatened with an attack of the fever.

Miss Mary CONOVER, of New Whatcom, who died of malarial fever, was buried yesterday at 2 p.m. She was 30 years of age.

J. L. OLSON, of New Whatcom, who died yesterday of liver complaint, will be buried at 2 p.m. to-day. He was 60 years of age.

C. H. STOCKS & Co. are building an addition to Mason & Co.'s store on Holly street. It will contain a stone cellar, 25x35 feet.

Drs. BRENGLE and BRENNERMAN successfully removed a large tumor from the spine of Morris JOHNSON at the Bellingham hotel yesterday. The patient is doing well.

Mr. HENRY, of Lummi, now has the machinery in place in his mill and expects to start to sawing lumber next week. The mill will be running at full capacity.

The school at Marietta is reported in a flourishing condition. There are thirty pupils enrolled on the school register, and the attendance is always full, which speaks well for the teacher.

The new steamer of A. J. PENCE, which is on the ways at Marietta, is now ready for launching. She will be a stern-wheeler, 88 feet over all and 17 feet beam. She is a beautiful model and will be a credit to the owners.

Police Notes
-Nels JACOBSON was found guilty yesterday by Judge BROYLES of imbibing too much snake medicine, and was assessed $5 and costs, amounting to $16.85.
-Peter BIGLOW was hauled up before his honor, Judge BROYLES yesterday for being too hilarious under the influence of liquid lightning, and was assessed $5 and costs, which he paid and thought the fun was cheap.
-Ole BUCKNER was arrested yesterday for stealing a silver watch and chain and $10 in money from Henry SCOTT, and was placed in the steel cage. His examination will take place tomorrow.

Mrs. GOULD, of Michigan City, Ind., mother of Mrs. B. W. BENSON, of this city, arrived here yesterday for a few months' visit with her daughter. She made a very quick trip, having been on the road but five days.

Sumas City.
--Mrs. Wm. BOYD is quite sick, but health generally is good in this vicinity.
--Mr. LEADER, who has been engaged in the real estate business in Nooksack City for eight months past, has located in Sumas City. Mr. LEADER is a fine young man, and is wide-awake, energetic and full of business. Mr. LEADER, we wish you success in Sumas City.
--A Good Templars Lodge was organized at Sumas City last week. Twenty-eight persons joined the society. A good move in the right direction.
--J. K. SMITH has leased the Grand Central hotel for the term of six months. Mr. SMITH is a good man for the business and will succeed in his undertaking.
--Several land sales have been made here in the last week. Moses EATON sold ten acres at $100 per acre, Del LENARD sold fifteen acres for $100 per acre, and S. P. CONNOR disposed of ten acres at $75 per acre. People are beginning to realize the value of property in and around Sumas City, the embryo city of Nooksack.
--Mr. HICKS will soon have his new residence completed. The building is large and commodious, and will be, when finished, the finest country residence in this section.
-- James A. WHITE paid Sumas City a visit last week. The gentleman speaks well of Sumas, in fact he thought so well of it that he purchased three lots.

Tuesday, October 28, 1890:

Wild cats are numerous in the Birch bay country.

The lathers are work on the new school edifice on Twenty-fifth street.

The plasterers are at work on the new court house. The work is progressing as rapidly as possible.

Lew DEHAVEN is erecting a handsome cottage on his property on the corner of Williams and Front streets.

Robert CANFIELD is now considered as having passed the crisis of his sickness, and with careful nursing will rapidly recover.

The Hannegan block, on the corner of Thirteenth and E streets, is rapidly nearing completion. It will be an imposing structure.

A new dairy is being established at Custer by Messrs. PRATT, of Seattle, and GALER, of Custer. They will ship milk over the Great Northern.

N. V. HENDRICKS, who has been in the employ of J. W. ALTON, with headquarters at Fairhaven, has been appointed agent of the Union Pacific at that point.

JENKINS & ALTON will commence running a wagonette from the corner of Elk and Holly streets, New Whatcom, today to connect with the Fairhaven ferry every trip.

Mrs. Jennie S. HOLMES and Mrs. RIEDELL, of Seattle, came to this city yesterday, and last night installed the officers of the Woman's Relief Corps at Reveille hall. They were the guests of Mrs. John BROYLES.

Mary Judith, alias Belle CLOVER, was arrested Saturday for conducting a house of ill-fame, and deposited $25 for her appearance before his honor, Judge WILLIAMS, yesterday.

A marriage license was issued to Alvis PFISTER and Miss Louise BREITNSTEIN yesterday.

Ferndale Items.
--Mr. MEED raised the frame for his new barn last Saturday.
--Charles ROBINSON of British Columbia, is in town for a few days.
--Charles TAWS' residence is rapidly nearing completion.
--There was a social dance in the new school house Saturday night in Evergreen district. Eighty-six persons partook of a basket supper at the residence of Mr. Joseph BRYES. Their school term begins Monday, the 27th. Teacher, Miss Laura PENFIELD, of Whatcom.
--Mr. and Mrs. Henry ROSALLE (sic) [ROESSEL], are entertaining their eldest daughter, Miss Louisa ROSALLE, recently from Michigan, she has just returned from Snohomish, where she has been visiting her sisters.
--Mr. TIFFANY's daughter and her husband have just arrived from Dakota, he said when they left Dakota it was cold and the water was frozen so in the road that it would bear up a wagon. There is plenty of water here in the roads but no ice. The railroad bed is being fixed up splendidly on the west side of the river.

Silver Beach Notes.
--We have a new school house with about 16 pupils in attendance and a nice young lady for teacher.
--Next comes the postoffice, which was formally opened today by Mr. Samuel LOVETETH as postmaster, and his good wife as deputy.
--Mrs. BOULANGER gave birth to a nice girl Thursday evening. Mother and baby doing well.

Mountain View.
--Miss Nellie SMITH, a teacher in the Lynden schools, is home for an indefinite vacation, the school being closed on account of scarlet fever being in the city.

Wednesday, October 29, 1890:

RATHBURN, the brick maker, has sold out to MILLER, the brick maker.

A hair store is being opened in the Holly Block by Miss Elsie BAKER, formerly of Seattle.

The abestos (sic) mine at Lake Samish is turning out asbestos to be used in mineral paint at Tacoma.

Street Commissioner McTAGGERT is making some needed repairs to the street at the corner of Holly and Railroad avenue, which has been settling considerably. This is where the large cave was before the street was filled in.

The Custer Suicide.
I. L.HAWKSWORTH suicided by shooting at his home near Custer last Monday evening. The act seems to have been committed under temporary insanity, as the evidence shows it could not have been long premeditated. Mr. HAWKSWORTH was a man about 39 years of age, industrious and well thought of in the community, worked on his farm in fair weather and at shoemaking in stormy. On Monday he wrote to Mr. A. W. TIFFANY stating that he wished to sell his place, giving the reason that he had been sick and did not expect to recover, and on Monday night he dressed himself in his best clothes, placed $100 in money on a shelf under his hat, probably to cover funeral expenses, lay on the bed and placed the muzzle of a revolver to his temple, fired, and died with scarcely a movement. He had money in the bank and financially was comfortably fixed. No cause can be given for the rash act, except that he was a bachelor and his lonely life, especially during illness, caused him to feel that life was not worth the living. -Pioneer Press.

Miss Ella AIKEN, living at Bagley station, is visiting friends in the city.

A. F. BURLEIGH, who addressed the people of Whatcom, Monday night, is an old Dakotian and a son of Delegate BURLEIGH, who represented Dakota in congress from 1865 to 1869.

The Women's Relief Corps has been organized with the following officers:
President, Mrs. MILLER; vice-presidents, Mrs. BROYLES and Mrs. GUPTIL; treasurer, Mrs. HUSTON; chaplain, Mrs. FARNHAM; secretary, Mrs. McCLAIN. Misses WEST, Mrs. VAN HORN and Miss HARRIS are respectively conductor, assistant conductor and guard.

The following marriage licenses were granted yesterday:

  John C. ALLEN and Miss Nancy GARRETT
Delbert DUNCAN and Miss Rosella PLITINAN
Frederick JOHNSON and Miss Thelda HENDERSON

Teresa FLEIGENBAUM vs. Michael FLEIGENBAUM; divorce.

Licking Notes.
--We are pleased to note the arrival of Mr. DAHLING's family, and hope they will like it well enough to remain here permanently.
--Mr. KORTRIGHT will remove into his nice new house this week, and our postoffice, with its increasing mails, will be in more commodious quarters.
--Mr. GASTNER, our townsite man, built him a fine new barn the past summer, and we hear is intending to put up a large new house in the near future. He has also bought him two cows and a fine span of horses. What does it all mean, Harry?
--Mr. HELGERSON has also built an addition to his house.
--We understand Mr. WHIPPLE is about to commence his new house.
--Our school is progressing finely. We have a good teacher in Miss PENFIELD, from Whatcom. There are teachers and teachers, but Miss PENFIELD is a teacher who realizes the children's need. She is interested in her school, and is a worker there. The consequence is the children are learning rapidly and thoroughly. We need more such teachers.
--September was a pretty good month for Licking. A young lady of diminutive form came to sojourn at John S. JOHNSON's; a baby boy and girl causes Mr. HOWEM to smile. Mr. and Mrs. MAIER have double reason to be joyful also. Beside their baby boy, a daughter has just arrived from far away Austria, and is their only daughter. They had not seen her since she was a mere baby until her arrival here.

Thursday, October 30, 1890:

A juvenile temple of the I. O. G. T., has been formed at New Whatcom.

J. B. NOLL has bought out the firm of BRIDGE, NOLL & Co., and will continue the business at rooms 7 & 8, Winchester block.

Rube BROWN's mother, three sisters and two brothers arrived yesterday from East Jordan to remain on the bay. They have a house at the corner of G and Twenty-fourth streets.

F. N. BARNEY is reported to have sold his Chuckanut ranch for $16,000. The discovery of coal in the immediate vicinity, by VAUTIER and others, is bringing Chuckanut to the front.

Marriage license was granted yesterday to Miss Amelia HOPPE, of Bancoff, Ohio, and Henry CLARK, of Cleveland, Ohio.

An infant daughter of W. V. HOLDEN died Tuesday, and was interred at 3 p.m. yesterday.

Rube BROWN's mother, three sisters and two brothers arrived yesterday from East Jordan to remain on the bay. They have a house at the corner of G and Twenty-fourth streets.

F. N. BARNEY is reported to have sold his Chuckanut ranch for $16,000. The discovery of coal in the immediate vicinity, by VAUTIER and others, is bringing Chuckanut to the front.

A meeting will be held in the Baptist church on Thursday evening, October 30th, at 7:30 p.m., for the purpose of organizing a Presbyterian church.

Mrs. Ella HIGGINSON is in Portland visiting her sister, Carrie Blake MORGAN.

Marriage Bells.
A pleasant little event occurred at the Sehome hotel Tuesday afternoon. It was the marriage of J. C. ALLEN, a popular young man of Whatcom, and Miss Nancy GARRETT, daughter of Hon. Samuel GARRETT, of Grandin, N. D. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Le SOURD, in the presence of a few guests. They will be "at home," corner of F and Fourteenth streets next week. Mr. ALLEN is the manager of the Whatcom Transfer company.

Sumas -- SAAR Bros. have sold their saw mill.

Friday, October 31, 1890:

Mr. G. Grant FERRY, of Whatcom, and Miss Florence L. STOREY were married by Judge BROYLES today. Miss STOREY is the pianist who has been playing an engagement at the Bridge saloon.

The Sumas Water company has been organized, with Henry JOHNSON, president; A. R. JOHNSON, secretary-treasurer.

J. J. TOOLEY and Robert McMAHON, two bright Seattle attorneys, have concluded to become citizens of the City of the Sound, and will office in the Cornwall block, corner Champion & Holly streets. The firm will be TOOLEY & McMAHON, and they will devote themselves exclusively to the practice of law.

Wednesday, November 5, 1890:

The body of Mrs. Sarah J. HILLYER, of Fairhaven, was shipped to her old home near Totonto, Canada, yesterday. Mrs. HILLYER was 39 years of age, and died of typhoid fever.

Friday, November 21, 1890:

The gambling has been stopped in Fairhaven, prior to election.

A little child of Mr. ALEXANDER, of Happy Valley, aged 5 months, died yesterday and will be buried today.

Two very sad deaths occurred in one family in Happy Hollow, Wednesday evening and yesterday morning. Two young, strong men pass the river Styx, most lamentably. Carl DIRR was taken to his bed about ten days ago, and his brother Henry followed him last Monday night. Carl died Wednesday evening at about 4 o'clock. Blood gushed from their ears and noses just before life became extinct. Henry and Carl DIRR have lived in Fairhaven about eight years, and were 24 and 16 years of age respectively. Many friends remain to mourn their sad and untimely death.

Two sons of John DURR, of Happy Valley, aged 16 and 20 years, died yesterday and will be buried today. A daughter of Mr. DURR, who died about two years ago, will be taken up from the temporary grave in which she was placed, and will be buried with her brothers.

Thursday, November 27, 1890:

Howard D. STETSON, of Fairhaven, died on the 25th of typhoid fever. He was a young man about 25 years of age, and was an attache of the Fairhaven Land Company. Mr. BRACKETT, the undertaker, was sent for yesterday and embalmed the body, and Miss STETSON, a sister of the deceased, left yesterday with the body for their former home in Philadelphia, Pa.

Yesterday at Fairhaven another lamentable accident occurred by which one man lost his life. He was an employe of the Bellingham Bay gas works and was engaged in digging out the foundation for the building, when the earth caved in, pinning him to the ground, and he was suffocated before he could be released. When he was taken out he was found to be quite dead. Dr. BRAGG, the coroner, was immediately summoned from this city and repaired to the scene of the accident, but upon his learning the particulars decided that no inquest was necessary. Mr. MARTINEAN was an unmarried man, about 32 years of age, a Canadian by birth and had been on the Bay only about two or three weeks. He was employed by the gas company only yesterday. The company lose by the accident to their foundation about $1,000.

Mrs. C. K. BARNES, of Fairhaven, died Tuesday of cancer. Her age was 53 years. She leaves a husband and family.

Friday, November 28, 1890:

S. M. PRICE, the young man who died last Tuesday, was sent back to his relatives in Boston last evening. The funeral was very impressive and a large number of the young man's friends were present.

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