Whatcom Reveille
Whatcom, Whatcom County, Washington Territory

Extractions by Merrily Lawson
October 5, 1883:

Local Brevities.

--Victor ROEDER returned from his Portland visit by last steamer.
--O. C. SHOREY, of Seattle, made a hurried call at this office last Monday evening.
--Senator CANFIELD is in the Third House at Olympia. He would add dignity to the higher body.
--W. H. WHITTLESEY, the rushing real estate agent and abstractor, returned from Seattle and Tacoma last Monday.
--W. L. FOUTS' new business block at the corner of Fifteenth and Central streets, when completed, will be one of the finest in the city.
--The Reveille is authorized to announce that there will be a grand masquerade ball on Thanksgiving, given by a new social club just organized.
--Samuel HANCOCK, one of the earliest pioneers, who came to the Sound over thirty years ago, died at his home on Whidby Island recently, aged 65 years.
--Wm. POWELL has just returned from a tour of exploration through the Port Angelos (sic) country on the straits. He has a few specimens of gold and other minerals, but found no fortune.
--H. A. JUDSON of Lynden sold three cabbages to the Washington Hotel last week, one of which weighed when dressed thirty-eight pounds, and measured fifty-six inches around the equator. Garden truck thrives on Puget Sound.
--If it were not for fear of causing the summary discharge of F. W. WALSH, the Reveille would venture to remark that the La Conner Mail has improved wonderfully since James POWER absented himself to attend the Legislature at Olympia.
--The building of the Tabernacle Church in this city has so far progressed that Rev. WOLFE announces services at the building on Sunday morning next at 11 o'clock. This building, when completed will have a seating capacity for 300 persons.
--Mr. Wm. MUNKS, of Fidalgo, wants choppers to cut 1,000 cords of wood in the timber. Here is an excellent opportunity for some enterprising young men to make a stake...
--Schooner L. J. Perry, BOWDEN master, with 140 bales of hay on board for MOULTRAY & LOCKWOOD, arrived last Saturday. In addition to this amount Messrs. LOCKWOOD & MOULTRAY have contracted for 30 tons of oats, and 130 tons of hay...
--The people of Bellingham Bay and Nooksack Valley have just cause for indignation against the steamer Gazelle and her owners. On Saturday evening and Sunday morning last this steamer was lying at the Whatcom wharf. Several persons at New Whatcom desired to secure passage to Lummi and Ferndale. There were two families, comprising several persons, and six tons of freight, on the New Whatcom wharf, and a messenger was sent to the steamer several hours in advance of her sailing to notify the Captain of their intentions, and to ask that the steamer call at this new wharf, a distance of less than 100 rods across the Bay from where the Gazelle was lying. The Captain refused to comply with the request, and a few hours later pulled out for Nooksack, thus greatly discommoding the families who had "struck tents" in the morning...
--The charter committee met at Judge HEACOCK's office on Wednesday morning as per call of the President. Present, Judge HEACOCK, Hon. E. ELDRIDGE, Judge KELLOGG and T. G. NICKLIN. Matters relative to incorporation were freely discussed, and Judge HEACOCK and T. G. NICKLIN elected to draft charter for ratification of the committee at a meeting to be called by the President, T. G. NICKLIN.
--Mr. J. N. BROBANT, P. M. at San Juan, called on the Reveille Wednesday. Mr. BROBANT has recently returned from San Francisco, bringing with him his family, household goods, farming implements, graded stock, cattle, horses, etc. Mr. BROBANT will be a valuable acquisition to the farming and commercial interests of the Islands.
--Dr. J. S. CHURCH, of La Conner, came up last Thursday on business connected with the organization of a Masonic Lodge in this city. That a lodge will soon here be organized is now an absolute certainty...
--The ladies of the Episcopal church have formed a social known as the Guild, with Mrs. GARDNER President and Mrs. WEISENBURGER Secretary. The objects of the organization are to make clothing for the heathen and discuss their neighbors.
--A. M. GILMAN, M. J. VANZANDT and Ed. KING returned last week from a prospecting tour in that unexplored country east of Lake Whatcom. Further information regarding that section will be given next week.
--P. McMACKIN brought down from F. F. LANE's orchard, near Lummi, last week, apples measuring twelve inches in circumference. Whatcom County against the world for apples, pears, plums and fruit of all kinds.
--Mr. James WEED, of the Fairhaven hotel, called at Reveille headquarters last Wednesday. He reports the building boom progressing at that end of the Bay.
--REILLY has removed his stock of furniture from the commercial Block to the KNOX building on Division street. REILLY proposes to keep up with the boom.
--Mrs. T. J. SMITH returned home Monday last from a protracted visit to friend and relatives in Sacramento, Cal.
--Capt. W. R. MOULTRAY, of the Nooksack, was in the city last week.

The Colony.

On Friday last, Mr. C. W. McDONALD, of Concordia, Kansas, purchased a half interest in the Washington Colony stock, securing a large share of Mr. STENGER's stock, together with the interests held by the retiring board of directors, and many of the shares held by outside individuals, paying therefore at the rate of $1.17 per share...
Immediately after the negotiations were closed, a majority of the old board tendered their resignation, and a new board was immediately elected and sworn in...
Officers and Directors
J. H. STENGER - President, Will D. JENKINS - Vice President, C. W. McDONALD - Secretary and Treasurer, Thos. G. NICKLIN, D. W. RANSOM, W. H. PENFIELD, E. M. CUDWORTH

Against County Division.

Meeting called to order by Mr. S. D. REINHARDT.
J. P. DeMATTOS was chosen President and J. J. WEISENBURGER Secretary.
-Mr. H. B. WILLIAMS briefly stated the object of the meeting and expressed it as his opinion that on general principles the county should not be divided.
-Hon. E. ELDRIDGE, being called upon, gave the early history of the question of the division of the county, showing how the people regarded the question in the past...
-S. D. REINHARDT offered the following: "Resolved, that this meeting is opposed to the division of the county first, last and all the time." Unanimously carried.
-Capt. ROEDER said that division was only the work of about three men in the southern part of the county. He endorsed Mr. ELDRIGE's (sic) sentiments, to allow things to remain as they are until we become a state. The Captain presented a letter from Mr. MUNKS, showing that the sentiment to divide was far from unanimous in the southern part of the county.
The following committee was appointed to draft remonstrance, and given power to circulate the same, and thoroughly canvass the county with the same: Capt. ROEDER, H. B. WILLIAMS and S. D. REINHARDT...
Meeting adjourned to meet at call of the President.

--Capt. BAKER's little tug Saranac will soon be on duty in Bellingham Bay.
--Col. HEMENOVER, of the Washington saloon, has gone to Seattle on business.
--Mrs. PENTLAND's mother and sister, of Tacoma, are visiting the former in this city.
--W. C. T. U. meets at half past two o'clock next Tuesday at the residence of Mr. HADLEY, at New Whatcom.

Coming to Whatcom.

Isaac M. KALLOCH has gone to San Francisco to make preparatory arrangements for future residence in Washington Territory. Two years past he resided with his family at Sonora, the larger portion of his time being devoted to the practice of law, having entered the profession here. He was successful in building up a practice that promised well for the future. Being young, and full of enterprise, the worn paths in this county do not present inducements sufficient to keep him from casting his lot in a new, young, vigorous territory, that gives forth bright anticipations. Mr. KALLOCH is a good citizen with fine abilities, and we believe will rise... His intentions are to settle at Whatcom, which is situated in the midst of a country destined to become of great importance in the near future. -- Sonora (Cal.) Union Democrat

320 Acre Farm For Sale.
Half section of land, 12 miles from Whatcom; 180 acres of rich bottom land; 80 acres fenced; 50 acres in grass and can be mowed; 100 fruit trees, mostly bearing. Two houses and one barn 50 feet square. Creek runs through the place. Good well of water. County road runs through the farm between the two quarter sections. For price and terms apply to C. F. KEESLING, Whatcom, W.T.

Dissolution of Copartnership.
The firm of BECKER, HATCH & Co., consisting of Robert BECKER, John B. HATCH and Nelson KELLEY, is dissolved by mutual consent. Nelson KELLEY succeeds to the business of the late firm and assumes all indebtedness, and to him all bills due the late firm must be paid.


-Attorney BANKS and wife will start for California on Monday next.
-Judge KELLOGG has built a fine new residence at Bellingham.
The new ELDRIDGE & BARTLETT mill is being constructed rapidly. It will be a fine structure when completed.
The KNOX mill is about ready to run full time at Fairhaven.

Final Proof Notices.

Charles M. WELLINGTON; Pre-emption D.S. No. 6?0, for Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Section 35, Township 38 north, Range 3 east. Witnesses: Valentine V. LOWE, Charles I. ROTH and Wm. REILLY, of Whatcom, and John A. SWERDFIGER of East Sound, Whatcom County, W.T.
John CONNOLLY; Pre-emption D.S. No. 5274 for N1/2 of SW1/4 and S1/4 of NW1/4 of Section 13, Township 39 North, Range 2 East. Witnesses: John PLASTER, Thomas E. BARRETT, John MATZ and Henry McCLUE, all of Ferndale, Whatcom County, W.T.
William H. BARKER; Homestead application No. 4664 for Lots 1, 2, 3 and NE1/4 of SW1/4 of Section 34, and lot 4 of Section 35, Township 41 North, Range 4 East. Witnesses: James PERRY, L. G. VANVALKENBURG, S. LINDSAY and W. H. OSTERMAN, all of Nooksack, W.T.
Putnam R. PRATT; Pre-emption D.S. No. 5911, for the W1/2 of SW1/4; NE1/4 of SW1/4 and NW1/4 of SE1/4 of Section 2?, Township 40 North, Range 1 East. Witnesses: J. W. WALDO and F. M. CAIN, of Semiahmoo and Michael GEE and Franklin BRUNSON, of Ferndale, Whatcom County, W.T.
Peter L. BENNETT; Homestead application No. 3705, for the E1/2 of NE1/4 of section 8, and W1/2 of NW1/4 of Section 9, Township 40 north, Range 4 east. Witnesses: Arthur KIRKMAN, John KELLY, Henry ELLIS, and William PERRY, all of Nooksack, Whatcom County, W.T.
John KILCUP; Pre-emption D.S. No. 5421 for SE1/4 of NE1/4 of Section 22, and S1/2 of NW1/4 and NE1/4 of Section 23, Township 40 north, Rang 3 east. Witnesses: William R. WALKER, W. R. MOULTRAY, W. H. OSTERMAN, of Nooksack, and Victor ROEDER, of Whatcom, Whatcom County, W.T.
Frederick F. LANE; Pre-emption D.S. No. 5239, for the Lots 1, 2, 4 and SE1/4 of NW1/4 of Section 4, Township 37 north, Range 1 east. Witnesses: W. H. BEACH, Christian TUTTLE, Johnathan HARPER, of Beach, and John J. GUNN, of Lummi, Whatcom County. W.T.
Robert L. CREED; Pre-emption D.S. No. 6578, for the Lots 1, 2, and E1/2 of NW1/4 of Section 30, Township 39 north, Range 3 east. Witnesses: Henry RICHARDSON, Wm. TODD, F. ? JUDD, of Whatcom, and John R. PHINNEY, Bellingham, Whatcom County, W.T.
Arthur KIRKMAN; Homestead application No. 4052 for the SE1/4 of Section 17 Township 40 North, Range 4 East. Witnesses: John KELLY, Peter L. BENNETT, Henry ELLIS and Oliver TILTON, all of Nooksack, Whatcom County, W.T.
____- Calvin BISHOP; Homestead application No. 2607, for the E1/2 of NW1/4; NE1/4 of SW1/4 and Lot 3 of Section 19, Township 40 north, Range 4 east. Witnesses: Peter L. BENNET, John KELLY, John HARKNESS and John PETERSON, all of Nooksack, Whatcom County, W.T.
John KELLY; Homestead application no. 2791, for the W1/2 of NW1/4; SE1/4 of NW1/4 and SW1/4 of NE1/4 of Section 8, Township 40 north, Range 4 east. Witnesses: _____ ELLIS, Arthur KIRKMAN, Peter L. BENNETT and Wm. PERRY, all of Nooksack, Whatcom County, W.T.
William PERRY; Homestead application No. ?59 for the SE1/4 of SE1/4 of Section 7, and S1/2 of SW1/4 and SW1/4 of SE1/4 of Section 8, Township 40 north, Range 4 east. Witnesses: John KELLY, Peter L. BENNETT, Oliver TILTON and Lyman BABCOCK, all of Nooksack, Whatcom County, W.T.
George T. FONDA; Homestead application No. 3672, for the E1/2 of SE1/4 of Section 4, and Lot 2 of Section 9, Township 37 north, Range 1 east. Witnesses: Fred LONG, Fred ALLEN and W. H. BEACH, of Beach, and W. W. WARDELL, of Seattle, W. T.

October 12, 1883:


Catherine C. HUNTLY, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph HUNTLY, Defendant -- to obtain a decree of divorce.

Local Brevities.

--Mrs. A. E. JONES has been quite sick for the past few days.
--Mr. and Mrs. BANKS have gone to San Francisco for the winter.
--The Colony are planking the outer end of the wharf. It will soon be completed.
--Read the new real estate advertisement of Geo. W. BERGER, elsewhere in the Reveille.
--The Colony mill has been running to full extent of water, and will soon be able to run full time.
--A. W. PETTIBONE went to Seattle on Monday to see how that little town is coping with the world.
--The Whatcom Academy, in charge of Prof. WOLF, will be opened on the second Monday in November.
--HARRIS, of the City Bakery, is having a 20x40 two-story building erected on Division street, adjoining the Terminus Hotel.
--Surveyor IVERSON started on Tuesday morning with a party to explore the new pass from Whatcom Lake to the Samish.
--Mr. PENTLAND has received word that the petition for daily mail service between Seattle and Whatcom has been recommended.
--A. D. GILKESON arrived in the city from Seattle on Monday, He will remain here a few days on business for the absent McDONALD.
--Capt. BAKER's genial face is once more to be seen in Whatcom. He has arrived from Tacoma with his little tug fitted up ready for business.
--Dr. Wm. A. WERDEN, dentist, from Portland, has returned to Whatcom to remain permanently. Mrs. WERDEN came up on the last steamer, and will engage in the millinery business in this city.
--L. C. and M. C. AXTON, while en route from this city to the latter's ranch, last week, on rouding a sharp bend in the trail, came suddenly upon five full grown black bear. As the parties had not lost any bear recently, they allowed the surly bruins to depart in peace. There may have been several more in the flock, but five at one sight are enough to satisfy the curiosity of most any Jayhawker.
--Mrs. J. S. VERNON and daughter, Miss Ann INKS, paid the Reveille a pleasant call last Wednesday. Miss Anna has recently returned from a summer's visit to San Francisco, and in consequence of the rapid changes that have taken place in Whatcom since her departure, was scarcely able on her arrival here to recognize the city.
--Mrs. Anna BOWMAN, from Anacortes, was a caller at the Reveille office last Thursday. Her husband, Mr. Amos BOWMAN, is now far away in the mountain wilds of British Columbia, but will rendevouz (sic) at Ottawa, this winter, to complete his reports upon the geological surveys made by him in the Canadian possessions north of this Territory.
--Stewart LECKIE, Jim MATSON, Geo. DOUGLASS and John MOFFAT left on Monday's steamer for the Samish Flats, where ducks and geese do most abound. The scarcity of game in that section of the country will be most painfully conspicuous during the balance of the hunting season.
--Mr. P. B. CORNWALL is expected here on or about the 20th inst. It is pretty generally believed that at that time definite arrangements will be made to open some one of the many valuable coal mines owned by the Bellingham Bay & British Columbia railroad company near this city.
--The ball at the Washington Hotel last Friday evening, was a pleasant affair. About fifty couples were present. The supper, gotten up by Mrs. Stewart LECKIE, was excellent. Messrs. WHITE and MIILLER (sic) furnished the music.
--The Whatcom Academy, in charge of Rev. WOLFE, will be opened on the second Monday in November. The Reveille prophesies that this will be an institution of which the city of Whatcom, and especially the builders and founders, may well feel proud.
--It is reported that McDONALD has broken his contract recently made with the Colony. Full particulars will be given next week. Parties implicated will be handled without gloves.
--J. H. STENGER, Judge GAZELY, Capt. ROEDER, A. W. PETTIBONE, Frank NORTHUP, C. E. STOCKTON, John W. FORST and Chas. VERNON left on Tuesday's steamer for Seattle, Olympia and other points down the Sound.
--Isaac M. KALLOCH has arrived in Whatcom, and will make the Bay his future home. His father will arrive here about November 1st, to give his railroad business personal supervision.
--Edward McALPINE is building a fine new residence on the John BENNETT place. The view is one of the finest on the coast. From that point one can see a wilderness of beauties.
--H. A. WHITE's new residence, on "C" street, is nearing completion. Mrs. WHITE and mother, from Smith county, Kansas, are expected to arrive next week.
--Lieut. LEES, of the royal steamship Swim???, was fatally injured, Sept. 28, by being thrown from his horse in the suburbs of Victoria.
--Another band of Chinamen came into Whatcom Wednesday night from across the boundary line. Where is Mr. EVANS, of California?
--Miss Maggie CONNOLLY will accept thanks for some handsome specimens of apples, raised in her father's orchard, out near Padden Lake.
--Judge James A. STIDGER, of California, is in the city with a view to locating and engaging in the practice of law.
--Isaac M. KALLOCH and brother, Randolph, and wife have come to reside on Bellingham Bay.
--Mrs. Dr. TERRY and her sister, Miss Dot MILLER, departed suddenly for the East last week.
--Messrs. WILLIAMS, ROEDER and PETTIBONE have been in Seattle during the past week.
--Mr. D. W. RANSOM is now Superintendent of the Colony mill.
--Mr. D. W. RANSOM's family from Oregon, are expected to arrive this evening.


-The building boom at Bellingham continues.
-SHANK & ROBINSON report business good in their line.
-Capt. ELDRIDGE is busy selling lots, making deeds, etc.
-The hardware business is represented by Capt. STANFIELD.
-Thos. MONAHAN has recently opened up a neat bar on Front street.
-Mr. BAILEY, now in charge of the hotel, will return to Nevada next January.
-Mr. BANKS and lady have returned to California to remain during the winter.
-Geo. W. BERGER is doing the real estate business at that end of the Bay, and is kept busy making locations for purchasers.
-Mr. McKECHNIE is completing a two story building 24x42 with an addition 24x20. This building will be used as a restaurant.

Fairhaven Items.

-Mr. CROWDER, a builder and contractor from Seattle, has removed his family to this place.
-Mr. Robert KNOX is contemplating expensive improvements on his property along the water from.
-The Fairhaven hotel, under the management of Mr. James WEED, is one of the best on the Sound.
-Mr. CAREY, who has traveled extensively throughout the Puget Sound country, has determined to locate in this place.
-L. H. WOODIN, a prominent capitalist from Wisconsin, is expected here early this fall, and will probably invest liberally in Fairhaven real estate.
-Mr. BISSELL, a gentleman of considerable wealth, has been making liberal investments in Fairhaven real estate during the past few days.
-Several new buildings are going up. Judge GAZLEY is putting up a two-story building, 16x20; D. J. HARRIS is building a two-story 16x30. Chas. SCHERING has his two-story restaurant nearly completed. It is one of the best buildings on the town site.
-Messrs. KNOX & MUSSER’s portable sawmill is now running, and active operations will be commenced on the large saw-mill as soon as material can be got out. This latter enterprise will be one of the largest and best equipped mills on the Sound.

Married. ELWELL-ROSEL--At the Terminus Hotel, Whatcom, by Rev. E. O. Tade, October 4, 1883, Mr. Edwin H. ELWELL, of Snohomish, W. T., and Miss Emma ROSEL [ROESSEL], of Ferndale, W. T.

Shot In The Leg.

While out hunting with some companions Thursday afternoon, Guy O’LOUGHLIN, son of Sheriff O’LOUGHLIN, was accidently shot in the right leg by the premature discharge of a gun carried by a companion named BRADLEY, who was walking immediately behind the wounded lad. Dr. CALHOUN was called to attend the case, and pronounces the boy’s injuries to be of a trifling character.

Whatcom County News.
[LaConner Mail.]

--James TARTE, of Semiahmoo, has recently purchased the little steamer Brick.
--Mr. Edwin EELLS was last week reappointed to the charge of certain Indian agency work on the Sound.
--Robt. BECKER took up to Whatcom this week a large band of horses for a new livery stable about to be opened at that place.
--One day last week the little daughter of Fred GAGE, living on the Skagit, slipped and fell, breaking her right arm below the elbow. She was brought to La Conner and the injured limb set by Dr. CALHOUN.
--Mrs. P. S.WALDRON, of Guemes Island, had an examination on a charge of insanity before Probate Judge WHITE on Monday, and was taken to the Insane Asylum at Steilacoom by Sheriff O’LOUGHLIN.

Social Party.

Editors Reveille:
--Please insert the following in your social column and greatly oblige many:
A pleasant evening was spent on Saturday last at Lynden, in honor of Miss Josie BRADLEY, the guest of Miss Lida HAWLEY. It consisted of dancing, vocal and instrumental music, and songs by Mrs. R. E. HAWLEY, Miss Josie BRADLEY, Miss Lida HAWLEY and others. Dancing was kept up till a late hour, after which refreshments were served, when all repaired to their respective homes.

Advertised Letters.

Following is a list of letters remaining uncalled from at the Whatcom Post Office:

Charlotte VOICE
Henry J. SWIM
James CAIN
Michael DEARY
Napoleon BRUNET
Henry J. SWIM-2
Robert BURNS

Notice to Contractors.

Estimates will be received until Oct, 15th at the Washington Hotel, for the construction of three (3) cisterns, to be built in the town of Whatcom, for the use of the Whatcom fire department. Said cisterns to be built in full and strict compliance with the specifications and sketch for same, which may be seen at the office of Washington Hotel. The fire department reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

Temperance Organization.

A meeting of the Friends of Temperance was held in Tacoma Hall Wednesday evening, under call of Rev. Mr. PIERCE and others, to consider means necessary for restricting the sale and use of intoxicating liquors. An exceedingly eloquent address was made by Rev. Mr. VERNON, of Whatcom, who was followed by others. Resolutions were adopted providing for a fund by the membership of the organization to pay a salary for an attorney to prosecute all violations of temperance _____. -Olympia Standard

Fern Leaves From Ferndale.

Sept. 30, 1883
T. McCOLOUGH moved into his new store last Friday...
The steamer Gazelle arrived at Ferndale this evening...
C. E. FRANK took a photographic view of J. B. ROBINSON’s hotel this afternoon...
D. ROGERS and son arrived on the steamer yesterday...
Mrs. Harry COWDEN was the guest of Mrs. D. ROGERS during the absence of Mr. R. in Seattle...
E. LOPEZ is running his thrashing machine; he thrashed at Mr. WYNN’s and Mr. TENNANT’s last week; peas and oats turned out very good...
The harness and shoe shop on the east side of the river is completed, and three other buildings will be commenced as soon as lumber can be procured...
John EVANS is platting off lots adjoining Ferndale and has disposed of several already...
C. T. COWDEN has been very sick at his home in Seattle. If Seattle does not agree with you, Charlie, come back to Ferndale; this is the best place after all, not excepting Whatcom...
Wm. STRYER is building himself a new house to replace the one destroyed by forest fires some three months ago...
The BAKER Brothers are erecting anew dwelling house on their beautifully situated farm near Ferndale, on the bank of the Nooksack...
Mr. KRIETER is also building a residence on his ranch just a little east of the town...
Mr. Terrence GROGEN is talking of laying out some of his farm adjoining Ferndale into village lots...
I nearly forgot to tell you that the peoples old favorite, Capt. BROWNFIELD, came up on the Gazelle as Master. Welcome, thrice welcome, Capt. BROWNFIELD, we trust this will not be your last call.

Probate Notice.

In the matter of the Estate of David STERLING, deceased... show cause why an order of sale should not be granted to the said Administrator to sell the real estate of said deceased.
Dated Oct 6, 1883.

Final Proof Notices.

William H. DORR; Pre-emption D.S. No. 5793, for the W1/2 of NE1/4 and W1/2 of NW1/4 of Section 1, Township 39 north, Range 2 east. Witnesses: John LUND, Fred LUND, Charles LUND, and William LUND, all of Lynden, Whatcom County. W.T.
John M. SAAR; Pre-emption D.S. No. 5901, for the NE1/4 of Section 12, Township 40 north, Range 4 east. Witnesses: William H. BARKER, John OLMSTEAD, Moses EATON and Socrates THALHEIMER, all of Nooksack, Whatcom County, W.T.
Elijah Chitton MUDD; Pre-emption D.S. No. 6579 for the NE1/4 of Section 30, Township 39 north, Range 3 east. Witnesses: Henry RICHARDSON, Wm. TODD and Robert L. CREED, of Whatcom, and John B. PHINNEY, of Bellingham, Whatcom County. W.T.
Priscilla CHRISTOPHER; Pre-emption D.S. No. 6124, for the S1/2 of NW1/4; NE/4 of NW1/4 and NE1/4 of SW1/4 of Section 13, Township 39 north, Range 3 east. Witnesses: W. J. BLOWERS, G. ANNIS, H. SEBERT, of Nooksack, and Samuel HARKNESS of Whatcom, Whatcom County, W.T.
Charles M. WELLINGTON; Pre-emption D.S. No. 6310, for the lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Section 35, Township 38 north, Range 3 east. Witnesses: Valentine V. LOWE, Charles I. ROTH and Wm. REILLY, of Whatcom, Whatcom County, and John A. SWERDFIGER of East Sound, San Juan County, W.T.
George T. FONDA; Homestead application No. 3672, for the E1/2 of SW1/4 of Section 4, and Lot 2 of Section 9, Township 37 north, Range 1 east. Witnesses: Fred LONG, Fred ALLEN and W. H. BEACH of Beach, and W. W. WARDELL, of Seattle, W.T.
Putnam R. PRATT; Pre-emption D.S. No. 5914, for the W1/2 of SW1/4; NE1/4 of SW1/4 and NW1/4 of SE1/4 of Section 26, Township 40 North, Range 1 East. Witnesses: J. W. WALDO and F. M. CAIN, of Semiahmoo, and Michael GEE and Franklin BRUNSON, of Ferndale, Whatcom County, W.T.
Peter L. BENNETT; Homestead application No. 3795, for the E1/2 of NE1/4 of section 8, and W1/2 of NW1/4 of Section 9, Township 40 north, Range 4 east. Witnesses: Arthur KIRKMAN, John KELLY, Henry ELLIS, and William PERRY, all of Nooksack, Whatcom County, W.T.
John KILCUP; Pre-emption D.S. No. 5421 for the SE1/4 of NE1/4 of Section 22, and S1/2 of NW1/4 and SW1/4 of NE1/4 of Section 23, Township 40 north, Range 3 east. Witnesses: William R. WALKER, W. R. MOULTRAY, W. H. OSTERMAN, of Nooksack, and Victor ROEDER, of Whatcom, Whatcom County, W.T.

October 19, 1883:

An Act to Create and Organize the County of Skagit.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Washington: That all that portion of the County of Whatcom, in the Territory of Washington, lying and situate south of the diving line between townships 36 and 37, commencing at mid-channel of the Rosaria (sic) Straits and running eastward to the summit of the Cassade (sic) Range of mountains, to the diving line between said County of Whatcom and the Counties of Island and Snohomish, be and the same is hereby organized into a separate county to be known and designated as the County of Skagit.
Section. 2. That H. P. DOWNS, F. E. GILKEY and H. A. MARCH are hereby appointed a Board of Commissioners to call a special election of county officers of said Skagit County, and to appoint the necessary judges and inspectors thereof. Said election shall be held on the second Tuesday in January, A.D. 1884, and notice thereof shall be published in one or more newspapers within the present limits of Whatcom County for at least four consecutive weeks….

Final Proof Notices.

Victor A. ROEDER, Pre-emption D.S. No. 6007, for the W1/2 of SW1/4 and Lots 3 and 7 of Section 26, and NW1/4 of NW1/4 of Section 35, Township 40 North, Range 3 East. Witnesses: Charles JONES, of Whacom (sic), and William WALKER, John KILCUP and James LOCKWOOD, of Nooksack.
John GISCHER, Homestead application No. 2657 for the SW1/4 of SE1/4 and SE1/4 of SW1/4 of Section 30, and Lot `1, and NE1/4 of NW1/4, of Section 31, Township 30 North, Range 1 East. Witnesses: William RAY, John W. WALDO, Francis M. CAIN and Louis HOLTZHEIMER, all of Semiahmoo.
Thomas J. THOMPSON, Homestead application No. 4734, for the NW1/4 of Section 26, Township 40 north, Range 1 East. Witnesses: J. W. WALDO, W. D. BULL, P. R. PRATT and Jacob GALER, all of Semiahmoo.
Frederick F. LANE; Pre-emption D.S. No. 5239, for the Lots 1, 2, 4 and SE1/4 of NW1/4 of Section 4, Township 37 north, Range 1 east. Witnesses: W. H. BEACH, Christian TUTTLE, Johnathan HARPER, of Beach, and John J. GUNN, of Lummi, Whatcom County.
Robert L. CREED; Pre-emption D.S. No. 6578, for the Lots 1, 2, and E1/2 of NW1/4 of Section 30, Township3 9 north, Range 3 east. Witnesses: Henry RICHARDSON, Wm. TODD, E. C. MUDD, of Whatcom, and John B. PHINNEY, of Bellingham, Whatcom County.
Arthur KIRKMAN; Homestead application No. 4052, for the SE1/4 of Section 17 Township 40 North, Range 4 East. Witnesses: John KELLY, Peter L. BENNETT, Henry ELLIS and Oliver TILTON, all of Nooksack.
Calvin BISHOP; homestead application No. 2007, for the E1/2 of NW1/4; NE1/4 of SW1/4 and Lot 3 of Section 19, Township 40 north, Range 4 east. Witnesses: Peter L. BENNETT, John KELLY, John HARKNESS and John PETERSON, all of Nooksack.
John KELLY; Homestead application No. 2791, for the W1/2 of NW1/4, SE1/4 of NW1/4 and SW1/4 of NE1/4 of Section 8, Township 40 north, Range 4 east. Witnesses: Henry ELLIS, Arthur KIRKMAN, Peter L. BENNETT and Wm. PERRY, all of Nooksack.
William PERRY; Homestead application No. 3059 for the SE1/4 of SE1/4 of Section 7 and S1/2 of SW1/4 and SW1/4 of SE1/4 of Section 8, Township 40 north, Range 4 east. Witnesses: John KELLY, Peter L. BENNETT, Oliver TILTON and Lyman BABCOK, all of Nooksack.

Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Land.

Isadore A. LEFEVRE, filed application to purchase the NE1/4 of Section No. 19, Township No. 39 north, Range No. 3 east.
John E. PALMER, of King County, filed application to purchase the S1/2 of NW1/4 and S1/2 of NE1/4 of Section No. 32, in Township No. 37 North, Range No. 3 East.
Peter J. LAIR of Whatcom County filed application to purchase the S1/2 of NW1/4 and N1/2 of SW1/4 of Section No. 15 in Township No. 37 North, Range 3 East.

Catherine C. HUNTLY, Plaintiff. vs. Joseph HUNTLY, Defendant.
Action filed to obtain a decree of divorce entered between you on or about the 4th day of July 1881, and also to obtain custody of the child, Chapman HUNTLY, issue of said marriage… Witness Roger S. GREENE, Judge of said Court. 5 Oct 1883

--Mr. RICHARDS, from Butte City, Montana, is in the city and expresses an intention of locating on the Bay.
--The road from Whatcom to the Samish Lake and river, via Padden Lake, should be opened at an early day.
--P. B. CORNWALL will arrive from San Francisco about the 20th on a special steamer with passengers and material for New Whatcom.
--S. W. HARDAN has been appointed postmaster at Ferndale, and the post-office will now be removed to the south side of the river.
--Preliminary arrangements are being made for the organization of a Lodge of Knights Pythias in thisvcity. John W. FORST has the matter in hand.
--Nelson KELLY has just returned from a trip into British Columbia. He reports New Westminister a staid and quiet town. They held their fair there last week.
--S. D. REINHART, Esq. left on Tuesday’s boat for Olympia, carrying with him remonstrances against the County division fraud, signed by nearly 900 qualified voters and tax-payers.
--Mr. W. A. PERRY, of Seattle, passed through this place last Tuesday on his way to his old home on the Nooksack river, where he will visit his mother and sister for a few weeks.
--Buildings on the Flats are going up as if by magic. Five buildings are now nearing completion, and the foundations for a dozen more are laid and the framing timbers are being place in position.
--Dr. BOWMAN, of the Northwest Enterprise, paid the Reveille a pleasant call last Monday. Dr. BOWMAN’s confidence in the future of Whatcom County in general and Anacortes in particular is unbounded.
--The advertisement of the St. Charles Hotel, Alex CHARLES, proprieter (sic), Ferndale, will be found elsewhere. Mr. CHARLES has recently taken charge of this hotel, and will make it a favorite resort with the traveling public.
--Quite a number of Whatcom sporting men took in the foot-race at Ferndale on Monday, between Lee PLASTER and Billy CAIN, for $100 a side. After a little jockeying the start was made. CAIN took the lead from the first and reached the goal about two yards ahead. The distance was seventy-five yards. Other races for smaller stakes were also made.
--Mr. C. F. KEESLING left at the Reveille office last Monday an apple, of the Glori Mundi variety, raised in his orchard in this city, that measured 14 inches in circumference. Mr. CALDWELL of the Nooksack, also brought in an apple of the same variety, from his orchard, that was equally as large. For fruits of all kinds Whatcom County challenges the world.
--JACKLIN, second engineer on the steamer Idaho, came ashore Monday night and attempted to render a free exhibition of his pugilistic abilities, but from the appearance of his physiognomy after the performance, he evidently ran against an obstacle. When JACKLIN has any settlement to make with the boys of Whatcom hereafter, he will do it by telegraph.
--Work on the Diagonal Road, from Ferndale to Whatcom, was commenced last week. Mr. CHARLES informs the Reveille that it is the intention to push the work as rapidly as possible. Those interested at this end of the line should see to it that work is commenced immediately from this end. The opening of this road will afford an outlet for at least two hundred farmers, who will be thus enabled to market the produce that is now valueless owing to the isolated condition of that portion of the Nooksack valley.
--H. A. SMITH, one of the enterprising farmers of the lower Nooksack, has contributed to the Reveille’s collection of the mammoth productions of Whatcom county. On Wednesday last Mr. SMITH brought to this office three potatoes of the Mammoth Pearl variety, the aggregate weight of which was 8 pounds and 11 ounces. Also three of the Early Rose variety weighing 7 pounds. Mr. SMITH weighed several hills, separately, and found that they turned out from 5 to 8 pounds to the hill. Taking seven pounds as an average, this would, according to the New York Rural’s method of estimating, i.e., 14,520 hills to the acre, would turn out 101,640 pounds, or 1694 bushels. These potatoes were raised on land that a few years ago was covered with a dense growth of fir and cedar, but which was, according to Mr. SMITH’s statement, cleared for $50 per acre, and the produce from the same paid for the clearing the first season. This is stated simply to show what can be done on Whatcom County soil.
--Dr. W. CUMMINGS, formerly of West Virginia, has arrived at Whatcom with his family and will locate here permanently. The Doctor has traveled extensively during the past two or three years, and is now of the opinion that Whatcom is the point he has been looking for during that period--not that it presents an inviting field for the practice of medicine, for that is not the case, but simply because all the elements conductive to a life of comfort are found here. No cyclones, as in Kansas, no dry hot winds as in New Mexico, no freezing blasts from the Frigid Zone, as in Minnesota, no extremes of any kind but sunshine, peace and happiness prevailing.
--Mr.W. H. BURDEN, of Fidalgo Bay, brought to the Reveille office last Monday sample productions of the soil in that portion of Whatcom County, in the shape of four late rose potatoes, the aggregate weight of which was twelve pounds. The same soil on which these potatoes were raised was, five years ago, non-productive, but after having been seeded with clover two years, the same land produced 400 bushels of potatoes per acre. Owing to the severe drouth this year, the land will not yield more than half a crop, or less than 300 bushels per acre.
--The Troubadours gave entertainments Saturday and Monday evenings in the Fouts building to very respectable audiences. Mr. MOORE is an artist in his way, witty and humorous. As a facial artist he is unexcelled. His representation of Napoleon was true to life. Mrs. MOORE (a sister of Mrs. JONES of this city) performed her parts in a charming manner. For a small show, it was very good. Mr. MOORE will return here in the spring and locate permanently. He is a star in his profession, and during his twenty year’s work has accumulated a sufficient amount of wealth to justify him in settling down in the future metropolis of the Northwest.
--W. L. STEINWEG & Co. contemplate a removal to New Whatcom. The change of location, though only a few blocks in distance, is seemingly contemplated by many others, and unless the present proprietors of the old town manifest more enterprise than they have thus far done others will also move a few blocks south to a town where the proprietors do not want to cinch every man that comes among them.
--L. L. BALES brought in about 100 brace of teal and mallard duck, together with a dozen or more wild geese, last Monday. While shooting ducks last week his canoe swamped, and BALES was compelled to swim ashore. Several dozen ducks, the accumulation of a day’s shooting, drifted with the tide and went to sea before they could be recovered.
--Wells, Fargo & Co. have established an express office at New Whatcom under the management of Mr. Henry PHILIP, a gentleman who has had valuable experience in that branch of business. At one time Mr. PHILIP operated a branch line of his own in California. Each day brings some new institution of material worth to Bellingham Bay.
--Fred OESER is building two business houses on C street, west of Fourteenth.
--H. A. WHITE’s family, from Smith County, Kansas, will arrive on the steamer this evening.
--DONN & STEARNS are busily engaged moving buildings in New Whatcom to conform to the streets and blocks as established in the new survey.
--Pardon O’BRIEN’s new saloon building on Division street is receiving the finishing touches. When completed it will be one of the finest buildings in the city.
--Attorney WEISENBURGER now has splendid office quarters over the city drugstore. The elegant lot of stationery just ordered at the Reveille office denotes that he is doing a prosperous and lively business.
--The Guild, composed of members of the Episcopal Church of Whatcom, met at the residence of Mrs. PENTLAND on Wednesday. They propose to hold a grand church fair about Christmas time.
--Samuel CALDWELL, who resides near Nooksack Crossing, brought to this office on Monday two specimen apples measuring thirteen inches around. They are Glori Mundi variety, grown on trees only three years old. Puget Sound fruit beats the world.
--Whatcom townsite owners are now grading Broadway. For the past month it has been almost impossible to pass along the street with a wagon. Roads have been sold off in town lots and closed up by the owners. It is to be hoped the streets will be made passible as soon as possible.
--Elsewhere will be seen the card of Chas. I. ROTH, attorney at law and proctor in admiralty. He has recently purchased a splendid library and has comfortable quarters in Marcy’s block. Mr. Roth is a young man of excellent qualities, and will make his mark in the legal profession.
--All members of the committee appointed to draft city charter are expected to be present at a meeting to be held at Judge HEACOCK’s office on Tuesday afternoon, at the hour of two o’clock, for the purpose of revising the report of the sub-committee appointed by them to draft articles of incorporation for the City of Whatcom.

Aleutian Islands.
Mr. M. C. POWER, having just returned from the Aleutian Island, is now in the city. He gave a report to the Reveille of the following facts concerning this distant land…

McDONALD Plays Traitor for a Few Pieces of Silver.
Pigmies of Mankind and Their Work of Villainy.

  Charles W. McDONALD, President of the State Bank of Concordia, Kansas, is either a knave or a fool, or both combined. He came to Whatcom about three weeks ago, with a flourish of trumpets, clothed in egotism, and heralding his wealth to the confiding and honest people of Bellingham Bay. Today he is a fugitive from justice in Kansas, and should bear the brand worn upon the brazen forehead of his eminent predecessor, Mr. CAIN. He struck up confidential relations with the editors of this paper upon the grounds that he “came from Kansas.” We were strangers and he “took us in.” He said he wanted to buy out the Washington Colony here and start a National Bank in Whatcom. In our simplicity we believed him and proferred advice. He intimated in a tender but impressive tone that what he did not know what the status of the Colony was not worth finding out. At his urgent request we recommended him as a man of honor and integrity, pure as the virgin snow and wealthy as VANDERBILT. He made a written contract with Mr. J. H. STENGER whereby they were to buy up all outside stock and own the same equally. McDONALD took up the scattering stock, paying for the same with drafts payable at the First National Bank of Seattle. He then caused nearly all of the old Board of Directors to resign and reorganized the Board anew, generously accepting two of the positions himself, and taking the oaths of office. Wishing to confer some enduring kindness upon the Reveille editors for favors shown him, he confidentially installed us as directors, in order that we might live near his black heart and reap eternal honors and emoluments. Today we are the happy possessors of both.
  A few days after the sale of stock to McDONALD he went to Seattle, taking with him the private papers of the Colony as well as the stock purchased jointly by he and Mr. STENGER. McDONALD has not been seen since by his Whatcom friends, but his drafts upon Seattle banks have been dishonored. Whether his departure was due to the efforts of Mr. WILLIAMS -- who has done everything within his power to cause the Colony property to revert back into the hands of the PEABODY heirs, by throwing stumbling blocks in their path--can only be conjectured. That McDONALD played the baby act is certain, and that Williams endeavored to prevent McDONALD from putting any money into the Colony stock is a well authenticated fact. The public must draw their own conclusions in the matter.
  But the truth of the old quotation will be verified as gospel. All does not seem to be harmony held byMr.Williams, and will in the future act for himself. It has been rumored for a long time that a lowering storm cloud would sometime break, and of several various crooked transactions, on the part of the agent of the PEABODY heirs. Records have been mutilated and changed and other things done not in accordance with law and justice. Should the “dog in the manger” policy of the above individuals continue against the Colony and the best interests of Whatcom, the Reveille will make a few revelations of crookedness that will make it very warm for someday.

Which means Bellingham Bay Brass Band.
A brass band has been organized in this city, composed of the following well known musicians: Wm. REILLEY, E b cornet; E. SHEPARD, B b and leader; E. C. PENTLAND, 1st alto; E. C. KING, 2d alto; W. L. ASHER, tenor; Jas. H. HILL, baratone (sic); Ed. EDSON, tuba; L. LUDWIG, bass drum; J. P. FERRY, snare drum. This band is composed entirely of experienced musicians, and will be ready to render first class music immediately on the arrival of the instruments from Chicago. The boys will call upon our citizens for financial assistance in procuring the instruments, and the Reveille predicts that the call will be most liberally responded to. The amount paid the New Westminster band for services last 4th of July would be sufficient to procure a full set of instruments for the boys here at home. Let’s have the band, and let’s help the boys to pay for the instruments.

Church Organization at Nooksack.
The First Presbyterian Church was duly organized at the Nooksack Wednesday, October 3, 1883. The Rev. B. K. McELMON, from Whatcom, preached an appropriate sermon at 2 p.m., when a goodly number was present...
Peter GILLIES, Sec. pro tem; Nooksack, Oct. 3.

Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of David STERLING…

Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership existing between H. A. MOORE and J. H. TAM is this day dissolved.

October 26, 1883:

Whatcom County Officers. Justices of the Peace.
Auditor C. DONOVAN Whatcom Precinct S. D. REINHART
Treasurer W. T. COUPE Ferndale Reuben BIZER
Sheriff and Assessor James O’LOUGHLIN Lynden E. HAWLEY
Probate Judge H. J. WHITE Nooksack D. WIGHT
Surveyor George H. JUDSON Semiahmoo J. E. FREESE
Coroner and Wreckmaster G. H. CRANDALL Samish D. P. THOMAS
School Superintendent Geo. E. HARTSON Guemes T. B. MANGAN
County Commissioners Jno. J. EDENS Ship Harbor Chas. BEAL
Isaac DUNLAP La Conner J. F. DWELLEY
Clerk District Court Jas. A. GILLILAND Skagit Olaf SANDSTROM
Legislative. Mt. Vernon Thos S. NEWLAND
Joint Councilman James POWER Upper Skagit R. E. COCKREHAN
Joint Representative Orrin KINCAID Baker C. J. O. Von PRESSENTIN

Attorneys at Law

Charles I. ROTH
Jacobs & JENNER

Physicians & Surgeons

Sherie H. MANLY


E. SHEPARD. Civil Engineer, Surveyor, and Draughtsman
T. C. AUSTIN, Civil Engineer and Surveyor.
Frank NORTHRUP. Contractor and Builder
Dr. A. A. DOHERTY, Dentist
F. M. BLOMQUIST, Sign and Show Card Writer
C. H. STADELMAN, Steamboat repairing, iron working and general blacksmithing.
G. JENNIG, Tailor
H. G. KELLEY, Civil Engineer
C. M. ANDERSON, U. S. Dep. Min. Sur



The Arlington. Julius W. SMITH & Converse P. FARRAR, proprietors, Seattle
Fairhaven Hotel. James WEED, Proprietor, Fairhaven, Washington Territory.
Whatcom Hotel. Nelson KELLY, proprietor. This house is pleasantly situated on corner of 14th and E Sts.
Washington Hotel. LECKIE & OSIER, proprietors. This large and elegant hotel has been fitted up in firstclass style.
Washington Saloon and Billiard Parlors, in connection with the Washington Hotel.

Whatcom County.

A Minnesotian Gives His Impression of Bellingham Bay,
Whatcom County and Lake.

Alex A. ANDERSON, now of the Reveille force, furnished the following interesting letter to the Fergus Falls, (Minn.) Telegram:

          Whatcom, W.T., Sept. 17.--When I left Fergus Falls for the Puget Sound country I promised I would write to you at some future period and describe Washington territory to the best of my knowledge. I think I can give you a more trustworthy and careful account of its climate, resources and general appearance than those who have remained here but a few days and returned to Fergus dissatisfied with it; first impressions are apt to be incorrect and misleading…

--Miss STEINWEG is on a visit to friends in Seattle.
--Capt. BARNETT and John STENGER are on business in Seattle.
--The Colony mill has been running the shingle mill extra time during the past week.
--Robert BECKER and wife are in the city on a visit to the town they will finally reside in.
--Capt. STANFIELD, of Bellingham, paid the Reveille a call last Tuesday and reports business good at his end of the Bay.
--Auditor DONOVAN has gone to Olympia as a visiting statesman, and L. E. BAILEY presides over the electric keys during his absence.
--Capt. HIGBY, of California, is the guest of Capt. BRYANT, New Whatcom. He is pleased with the country and will probably remain.
--One hundred and four passengers arrived for Whatcom on the last steamers. Such an influx twice a week will soon make a large city.
--By glancing over the Reveille you will find that Judge DeMATTOS has about a dozen legal publications in progress. This fact speaks volumes for the young Leadville attorney.
--The slashing that has been done so far on the Old Whatcom townsite improves the appearance of things wonderfully. Now let us have a little more of this good work done.
--Mr. POWER, of Whatcom County, has introduced in the Council a memorial to Congress praying for an appropriation for maintainance (sic) of a snag boat for clearing the rivers on Puget Sound. Adopted.
--They say Senator CANFIELD is doing good work in Olympia in preventing our two Misrepresentatives from dividing Whatcom County against the will of the people. Capt. ROEDER and Judge REINHART also deserve credit for similar services.
--Dr. MANLY was called to the Nooksack last Friday to attend a severe case supposed to be apoplexy. On the Doctor’s arrival, he found an old gentleman named PERRY very low, ailing with a complicated trouble, not apoplexy, but soon relieved him. By the way there is not much sickness on the bay.
--A. E. FLETCHER, banker, from Indianapolis, Ind., accompanied by Mr. Frank H. WINSLOW,
Inspector of Customs at Port Townsend, were in the city last Thursday. Mr. FLETCHER is most favorably impressed with the Puget Sound country and reports that a large immigration of Hoosiers will come Puget Soundward in the spring.
--Will M. LEACH and J. H. WALTER have purchased from M. A. LARSEN, the sloop Fanny, a substantial, trim, five-ton vessel. The Fanny will be put in the trading business on the Bay, among the Islands and along the route between Whatcom and Seattle. She will be in command of that eminent sea-faring master, Capt. Geo. L. WOODARD. Success to the Fanny.
--J. H. WALTER, a gentleman of considerable wealth, has invested liberally in Whatcom real estate. His new building, now being completed on C street, west of Thirteenth, will be ready for occupancy within a few days. Mr. WALTER, in connection with Will M. LEACH, will engage in the commission business in this city, and the Reveille predicts that the firm will soon figure  prominently in the commercial transactions of the lower Sound.
--E. L. SHANNON, of Ship Harbor, was in town this week. Mr. SHANNON is proprietor of the new townsite recently surveyed and located on Fidalgo Island, and while he deprecates a boom, yet he is confident that within due season a city of great commercial importance will be built on the present site of Ship Harbor. The Reveille hopes that his most sanguine expectations may be realized.
--Nothing of additional importance has developed in the case that can be properly termed the PEABODY heirs vs. the Colony. But there is a little tempest ahead that will break into fury whenever the PEABODY heirs make the first encroachment upon the rights of the Colony. The Reveille will then give all the facts in the case, and tear away the mask that conceals the wolf. There has been a great deal of scheming and plotting to oust the Colony, the publication of which in detail will not shower much credit upon the parties concerned. If Whatcom is to be retarded in growth simply by the greed of a few men, the Reveille will play a lively hand in the game.
--John MATZ, near Ferndale, in this county, last week thrashed 50 bushels of wheat from one-half acre of land. Such is the quality of Whatcom county soil. Even at 100 bushels to the acres, it does not pay to raise wheat in this country, for the reason that other products yield so much more abundantly…
--D. H. GILMAN, brother of A. M. GILMAN, of this city, arrived from New York last Monday on a few weeks’ vacation or recreation from business. Mr. GILMAN is a prominent attorney and stock broker, with offices at No. 2 Wall street, and is delegated by capitalists in New York to make investments on Puget Sound. He is favorably impressed with the outlook in this part of the Great Northwest.
--Mrs. Clara FOLKMAN of the Staats Zeitung, the leading German paper of Oregon, is visiting the Puget Sound country and paid the reveille a fraternal call last Monday. Mrs. FOLKMAN will render a good report of the Bellingham Bay county, and her letter will have the effect of drawing the attention of worthy German farmers to the advantages and resources of Whatcom County.
--C. J. PETTIBONE, former trustee of the Peabody estate, telegraphed yesterday from Fon du Lac, Wis., that he will leave that city on Monday next for Whatcom. His arrival here is expected to put an end to the complicated state of affairs existing here in reference to real estate transfers, Colony matters, etc.
--Geo. W. BERGER is doing a rushing business in real estate transactions. He believes in hanging his banner on the outer walls, that people in search of bargains may know where to obtain the same. Excellent bargains in both real estate and personal property are offered this week. See his ad. elsewhere.
--Ex-Mayor KALLOCH, who has been in New York for the past few weeks negotiating for funds with which to build the Puget Sound and Idaho railroad, from Bellingham Bay to Idaho territory, returned to San Francisco last Thursday evening, and will start from that city within a few days for Whatcom.
--Pilot WILLOUGHBY brought in the steamship Wilmington Wednesday. He is an old timer on Puget Sound waters, and says that his experience Wednesday reminded him of old times--away back in ’58.
--Purser C. A. O’CONNER, of the steamship Wilmington, has the Reveille thanks for late files of San Francisco papers and such other favors as he usually bestows upon the craft.
--W. A. WOODIN, proprietor of the Fairhaven grocery store, advertises in this week’s Reveille. Mr. WOODIN will endeavor to supply the people of the lower end of the Bay with anything in the line of family groceries, drugs, crockery, etc. Give him your patronage.
--Mrs. H. A. WHITE, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. EDSON, from Smith County, Kansas, and her brother, Ed. EDSON, from Montana, arrived last Thursday, and are delighted with the Bellingham Bay county. They will make Whatcom their permanent abiding place.
--Dr. SPERRY was called Wednesday to attend Alfred CLAPP, suffering from strangulated hernia. The wound was reduced and he is now doing very well.
--Mr. SINGLETON, of Ten Mile, has raised fifty bushels of wheat to the acre during the past season, for which he received $1.50 per bushel at his door.
--There will be Presbyterian service in the New Whatcom school house by the Rev. B. K. McELMON next Sabbath, Oct 28th, at 11 o’clock a.m., and 7 p.m.
--J. C. GARLAND, the gentleman who has leased the Bellingham mill, came up from San Francisco on the steamship Wilmington Wednesday.
--Ship Blue Jacket, PERCIVAL, Master, consigned to P. B. CORNWALL, sailed from San Francisco on the 19th inst.
--Elsewhere will be seen the card of Dr. SPERRY, who has the reputation of being an excellent physician.
--H. L. ROSS is now authorized to perform the duties pertaining to the office of Notary Public.
--Mr. Robert KNOX of this place is in Seattle on business.

Cougar Killed.

James K. REED, near Ten Mile, killed an immense cougar last week with a 38-calibre revolver. The animal was in a tree, and Mr. REED managed to keep it in that position until he had sent for a revolver. Three shots were fired, the third taking effect in the lower jaw, ranging upward through the brain, inflicting a mortal wound from which the animal died after a few moments’ struggle. In view of the well-known ferociousness of the cougar, Mr. REED’S position was indeed a perilous one. Had a slight wound been inflicted he would have been literally torn to pieces within a few moments. The cougar measured nearly nine feet from tip to tip, and weighed over 200 pounds. The skin of this monster was purchased by Dr. DOHERTY, who is a taxidermist of no mean pretentions. The Doctor has stuffed the same--and it may here be added that it required 90 pounds of bran to fill the skin--and has the same now on exhibition in the bay windows of the City Drug Store, where it can be seen by those who desire to make a safe examination of a fine specimen of the king and terror of the forests of Puget Sound. How the Dairy Business Pays in Whatcom County. As an evidence of the superiority of this country for dairying purposes, the Reveille cites the experience of Mr. H. A. SMITH, a prominent farmer of the lower Nooksack. Mr. SMITH has marketed this season, from January 1st to October 1st, 500 pounds of butter, the product of five cows...

The Masquerade.

We are pleased to know that the brass band recently organized here intend going right ahead and purchase instruments. The style of horns selected are called the Jaubert horn, and the price list for eight horns and two drums will be $434. The money for these instruments the boys will pay each one an equal share, and efforts will be made to earn money enough to repay the members the money advanced. The masquerade ball, to be given on Thanksgiving night, will be for the purpose of raising funds. Tickets for the ball are for sale at W. L. STEINWEG & Co.’s, BLOOMQUIST’S news stand and MILLER & Smith’s in Whatcom...


Dr. DOHERTY, the dentist, has an elegant office in the drug store of Ross & Co., Whatcom. He has a fine set of instruments and is prepared to do all kinds of dental work in a satisfactory manner and at reasonable prices.

LaConner Mail.
--We are pained to announce the death on Tuesday last, after a lingering illness, of Miss Rosa McELROY, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McELROY, of the Samish.
--During the past week Mr. W. F. CROSBY has purchased 9000 sacks of oates (sic) on the flat, paying therefore at the rate of $22 per ton, which is considerably below last year’s prices.
--Mrs. M. E. POTTER'S private school for girls and young boys will open at LaConner on Monday, Oct. 22, 1888. No boy over seven years of age will be admitted. Terms for tuition--$1 and $1.50 per month, strictly in advance.
--They talk of erecting a saw-mill on Fidalgo Island near Shannon’s Cove. And it is also affirmed that a force of men will soon commence grading and laying out streets on the new townsite of Collins, Stacy, McNaught, et al., at Graham’s Landing.
--The steamer Idaho boasts of a modest hero in the person of Mr. John GORDISON, present mate of that steamer, who is said to have rescued sixteen persons from drowning while acting as night watchman on the Idaho. Wherefore John is entitled to great credit.
--One day last week the little daughter of James GRAHAM, while playing on the wharf near her father’s residence on Fidalgo Island, fell overboard and would certainly have drowned had not Mr. C. C. BEST observed the accident and sprang to the rescue of the little one.
--Arrival of the Steamer Wilmington. Steamship Wilmington, BLACKBURN, Master, 4-1/2 days from San Francisco, arrived at Whatcom at 1 p.m. Wednesday. The Wilmington brings 350 tons of freight for this place, fifty tons of which are consigned to the B. B. & B. C. R. R. Company, and 300 tons for Messrs. ELDRIDGE & BARTLETT of the Bellingham mill company. Following is her passenger list for this place: J. C. GARLAND, T. LEWIS, H. WELBON, J. CORRIGAN, Miss L. NEWFELDER and Mrs. S. WATERMAN...

Card of Thanks.

Editors Reveille: Please allow me through the columns of your paper to express my gratitude to the citizens of Whatcom and vicinity for their very generous contribution of about $83, which amount will enable me to pay for my pre-emption. This expression of kindly feeling thouches (sic) my heart more deeply because it comes at a time of sore affliction and also unexpected. Mrs. Ella KIDWELL.

Final Proof Notices.

-Minerva A. WIDGER, before David HARKNESS; Pre-emption D.S. No. 6876 for the SE1/4 of NW1/4 S1/2 of NE1/4 and NW1/4 of SE1/4 of Section 5, Township 40 north, Range 4 east. Witnesses: W. D. VAN B??er, C. TUKEIN, A. HAGIN and R. DUNCAN, all of Nooksack, Whatcom County, W.T.
-William H. DORR, before H. A. JUDSON; Pre-emption D.S. No. 579?, for the W1/4 of NE1/4 and E1/2 of NW1/4 of Section 1, Township 39 north, Range 2 east. Witnesses: John LUND, Fred LUND, Charles LUND, and William LUND, all of Lynden, Whatcom County, W.T.
-John M. SAAR, Pre-emption D.S. 5301 for the NE1/4 of Section 12, Township 40 north, Range 4 east. Witnesses: William H. BARKER, John OLMSTEAD, Moses EATON and Socrates THALHEIMER, all of Nooksack, Whatcom County. W.T.
Elijah Chilton MUDD, Pre-emption D.S. No. 6579 for the NE1/4 of Section 30, Township 39 north, Range 3 east. Witnesses: Henry RICHARDSON, Wm. TODD and Robert L. CREED of Whatcom, and John B. PHINNEY, of Bellingham, Whatcom County. W.T.
-Priscilla CHRISTOPHER, Pre-emption D..S. No. 6124, for the S1/2 of NW1/4; NE1/4 of NW1/4 and NE1/4 of SW1/4 of Section ?3, Township 39 north, Range 3 east. Witnesses: W. J. BLOWERS, G. ANNIS, H. SEBERT, of Nooksack, and Samuel HARKNESS, of Whatcom, Whatcom County, W.T.
-George T. FONDA, Homestead No. 3672, for the E1/2 of SW1/4 of Section 4, and Lot 2 of Section 9, Township 37 north, Range 1 east. Witnesses: Fred LONG, Fred ALLEN and W. H. BEACH, of Beach, and W. W. WARDELL, of Seattle, W.T.

Fern Leaves from Ferndale.

Since last writing C. T. COWDEN has so far recovered as to be able to make us a short visit; he disposed of his lots in Ferndale while here to Mr. BRUNSON, who is soon to build a block.
-CHAMBERLAIN, who resides one mile west of town is putting an addition to his house and otherwise improving the appearance of his home, and Mr. MALLOY is clearing a building spot on his farm, adjoining, preparatory to building a house….
-T. McCULOUGH has sold out his new store and stock of goods to Mr. WHEELER, lately from the East; he is soon to build a dwelling house adjoining his store; he brought his family with him and has come to stay; such a valuable addition to our town is ever welcome….
-Mr. E. CROKE, the “village blacksmith,” is building himself a new shop in Ferndale….
-J. B. ROBINSON went to Seattle last week and purchased a choice lot of wines and liquors, having put a bar in his hotel….
-Dr. WALSH is building a dwelling house on the east side….
-We had a social gathering at Alex CHARLES’ hall on the 4th inst., which was heartily enjoyed by all present. Great praise is due Mrs. CHARLES for the bountiful supply of viands set for us at midnight, which we were not slow in showing our appreciation of. Mrs. CHARLES only had one day’s notice to prepare in--Oct. 12th….
-The friends of J. B. ROBINSON tendered him a surprise party on this return from Seattle; dancing was kept up till twelve o’clock, when refreshments were handed around; then we adjourned till Monday night, when there will be a grand dance at the school house, supper at the Robinson Hotel and music by Joe GOODWIN, Harry COWDEN and John MUNROE; all receipts over expenses will go towards building new desks and seats in the school house, which were much needed….
-Wm. CAIN in the foot race last Monday, beat Lee PLASTER about three feet….Mr. John TENNANT is down with the mumps…. Many thanks for the Editors’ kind request for “Fern Leaves from Ferndale.” You shall have them as fast as they fall-- those that will be of any interest to the readers of your ever welcome journal. M.D.C. Ferndale, Oct. 13th.

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