Whatcom Reveille
Whatcom, Whatcom County, Washington Territory

Extractions by Merrily Lawson
November 2, 1883:

After the Battle.
It affords the Reveille much pleasure to announce the defeat in the Council last week of the bill to divide Whatcom county. The movement was in opposition to the wishes and best interests of the people, and its defeat meets with general approval. Messrs. B. B. JONES, Dr. G. V. CALHOUN, Senator CANFIELD, Judge REINHART, Captain ROEDER and others deserve credit for able work which caused its death. Councilman POWER and Representative KINCAID made a fatal mistake in using their official positions in aid of the bill, but we are charitable enough to forebear dwelling upon their faults...

Final Proof Notices.
John N. SCHRENGOHST; Pre-emption D.S. No. 5906 for the E1/2 of E1/2 of Section 11, Township 39 north, Range 2 east. Witnesses: Michael HICKEY, Joseph MOREA, Henry McCUE and Daniel W. PROSE, all of Ferndale, Whatcom county, W.T.
Rowland PENETT, Pre-emption D.S. No. 6165, for the SE1/4 of Section 32, Township 40 north, Range 2 east. Witnesses: J. B. ROBINSON, Wm. STRYKER, Harrison COWDEN, and Henry J. PYEATT, all of Ferndale, Whatcom county, W.T.
Charles H. BUCHANAN, Pre-emption D. S. No. 5944 for the SE1/4 of SE1/4 of Section 34, Township 40 north, Range 1 east. Witnesses: John J. BROWN, Lionel HICKS, A. W. CUSTER and Thomas WYNN, all of Ferndale, Whatcom county, W.T.
Daniel W. PROSE, Pre-emption D.S. No. 5865, for the S1/2 of NE1/4 and SE1/4 of NW1/4 of Section 10, Township 39 north, Range 2 east. Witnesses: Michael HICKEY, Henry McCUE and John H. SCHRENGHEST, all of Ferndale, Whatcom county, W.T.
Lionel HICKS, Homestead application No. 4554, for the S1/2 of NW1/4 and Lots 3 and 1 of Section 2, Township 39 north, Range 1 east. Witnesses: Franklin BRUNSON, Michael GEE, John J. BROWN and Charles BUCHANAN, all of Ferndale, Whatcom county, W.T.
John William WALDO, Homestead No. 3210 for the E1/2 of NW1/4 and NE1/4 of SW1/4 of Section 20, and Lot 4 of Section 17, Township 40 north, Range 1 east. Witnesses: John GISCHER, of Birch Bay, and William RAY and Louis HOLTZHEIMER, and Francis M. CAIN, of Semiahmoo, Whatcom county, W.T.
Hannah A. WHITESIDE, Pre-emption D.S. No. 6689 for the S1/2 of SE1/4 of Section 6, and N1/2 of NE1/4 of Section 7, Township 40 north, Range 4 east. Witnesses: W. D. VAN BUREN, C. TUKSIN, Albert HAGIN and Robert DUNCAN, all of Nooksack, Whatcom county, W.T.

--It was Halloween yester-night and the boys got in their work, changing signs, etc.
--Judge HEACOCK’s family will arrive from California on the next boat to remain with him at New Whatcom.
--The Ladies’ Guild of the Episcopal Church will meet at Mrs. Wm. REILLY’s on Wednesday afternoon next at 2 oclock.
--Miss BLOOMQUIST had her arm badly cut Tuesday morning by running against a glass door. Dr. MANLY dressed the wound which was quite severe.
--Mr. E. HAWLEY, of Yelkanime, was in town this week and called at Reveille headquarters. He reports business good over in that part of the Nooksack valley.
--Mr. LAWRENCE, proprietor of the handsome farm on which Mr. E. HAWLEY is now living, on the Nooksack, has returned from Oregon after an absence of eight years.
--Capt. TARTE has taken his propeller to Seattle for the Purpose of having some alterations made in her machinery. He will return to the Bay within a few days to remain permanently.
--A stage is now running regularly, twice a week between Ferndale and Semiahmoo, leaving Semiahmoo on Mondays and Fridays, and returning from Ferndale on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
--T. C. AUSTIN is now manipulating the transit in Engineer SHEETS’ party of B.B.R. & N. Co.’s surveyors. He came into town Sunday for supplies and late files of papers. The party are now in camp at the head of Whatcom lake.
--Mr. E. EVERSON, one of the leading farmers of the upper Nooksack, paid us a friendly call this week. Mr. EVERSON has one of the best stocked ranches in the county, and is surrounded with all the comforts of life, except that he has no housekeeper. Girls, here’s a chance.
--Mr. D. E. RICE and family of ten persons came in on the last steamer, and immediately proceeded to the Nooksack, where they will hereafter reside. Mr. RICE was a victim of the Fresno county, California, boom, and is indeed glad to get back to the land of plenty. He will remain this time.
--A dastardly attempt was made by unknown parties to assassinate Charley HEWITT, of Olympia, last week, while on his way home in a wagon. The villains halted him in the road at night and shot him in the back, the ball ranging upward toward the shoulder. He lies in a critical condition.
--After considerable delay Mr. E. C. PENTLAND has received a telegram from L. G. PHELPS, of the Bank of Buxton, Dak., that Cashier DICKINSON will open the Bank of Whatcom on Friday morning. This will be good news to many who have been long waiting for the advantages of such an institution.
--Frank PEABODY, the half-bread (sic), who claimed to be an heir to the Peabody homestead, which adjoins the Whatcom townsite, died at Vancouver last week. This settles a threatened contest of title. The Lord is slowly but surely removing all obstacles that seem to impede the development of the site which He intended for a great city. Let us pray that the good work may go on.
--Mr. B. H. BRUNS informs the Reveille that McPHERSON, WAUMPLER & NESSELROAD’s logging camp, at Birch Bay, are doing a very good business. Although working but a small force, they are getting out from 15,000 to 20,000 feet per day...
--The Reveille is authorized by Express Agent H. PHILIP to state that, for the convenience of Whatcom people, arrangements have been made with Geo. W. BERGER to act as sub-agent to receive orders and transact business relative to the Wells, Fargo & Co. Express office.
--Our facetious friend WALSH, of the LaConner Mail, should now give the Whatcom Lime Kiln Club credit for being the happy possessors of the long pole which knocked the Skagit county persimmon into a crocked hat. Give us another chapter, Frankie.
--His numerous friends will be gratified to learn that Jimmy VAN ZANDT is improving, and the chances bid fair for his final recovery from the long and painful siege with which he has been so sorely afflicted.
--The Northwest Enterprise says that the cougar recently killed at Ten Mile, was shot with a 36-inch caliber revolver. It occurs to us Bro. BOWMAN, that a three-foot calibre is pretty good sized for a revolver.
--Leonard STENGER, Jr., brother of John STENGER, is keeping books for the Colony. He has recently arrived here from Oregon, and will hereafter make Whatcom his headquarters.
--The high tide on Sunday did a rash act when it washed Henry WHITE’s little carpenter shop ashore from the tide flats. It has gone to meet that boat named after Tom G.
--Robert KNOX and family will remove to Fairhaven in order to be nearer their place of business. This may be traced to the "enterprise" of our townsite proprietors.
--Judge Josephus Ptolemus DeMATTOS is in Olympia. He telegraphed ahead for a reserved seat among the members of the Third House.
--Seattle, as a city, is sued for $15,000 by Walter COLLINS, who broke his shoulder by a fall from the sidewalk in that place.
--H. L. ROSS, Deputy Auditor, has yielded his office to Auditor DONOVAN, who has returned from Olympia.
--T. J. SMITH returned from a business trip up Sound, Monday.

Chinese Invaders.
Three Mongolians Take in--and Turned Loose Again.
Mr. D. E. TUCK, living five miles north of Whatcom, on the Bay, arrested three Chinamen last Tuesday morning who were stealing their way into this city from British Columbia. He brought the fugitives to town, hoping that they might be turned over to the authorities, but in this he was disappointed, as there are no provisions made in the Restriction Act permitting the civil authorities to arrest, hold or inflict punishment upon the invaders. Hence, he was compelled to turn them loose, and they are now in this city enjoying all the rights of free-born American citizens. While Mr. TUCK was enroute from his farm to this city, he was met by Wa Hing, contractor at this place, to whom was awarded by Victor ROEDER the contract of cutting 500 cords of wood...

Suicide at Steilacoom.
John H. DART, a patient in the Hospital for the Insane, committed suicide by hanging. On opening his room on the morning of the 24th he was found fastened by his neck to the iron grating of his window by his suspenders, which he had formed into a noose. He was warm, but quite dead. The act was so deliberate that in order to commit the deed he had to draw his feet up. His knees almost touched the floor. He was melancholic, but had shown no inclination to suicide before. He was a single man from Whatcom County, aged 39, with no relatives. A coroner’s inquest was held, which returned a verdict of "strangulation at his own hands."

Another Complication.
Last week the Reveille proudly announced that all differences and troubles existing in Whatcom between the townsite owners and others would be finally and amicably settled. But new heirs and strange complications appear constantly, and follow quickly upon the heels of each other. No sooner are threatened outbreaks prevented in one place than things tear loose in another direction. Another new heir to the Peabody estate has put in an appearance, who has never been heard of before. It is a bouncing girl, born to Mrs. A. W. PETTIBONE, at Ripon, Wis., Oct. 27th. The chances are that the father will rescover. (sic)

--Geo. W. BERGER offers more excellent bargains in real and personal property this week. See ad. elsewhere.
--G. W. JONES, of Centerville, Wis., and W. MURPHY of Santa Rosa, Cal., have authorized us to state that they will open out in the banking business in Whatcom within ten days.

County News.
(LaConner Mail.)
-The steamer Washington will probably be hauled off in a week or two for repairs, and her place be taken by either the City of Quincy or W. K. Merwin.
-A portion of the Dick WOOTEN farm near Anacortes, on Fidalgo Island, containing about 38 acres, was sold last week to Mrs. A. BOWMAN for $1050.
-On the 18th inst. John T. WILBUR died at Providence Hospital, Seattle, from the effects of a surgical operation. Deaceased (sic) was one of the pioneer settlers on the Skagit river and was generally known throughout the county.
-The people of Fidalgo Island had a rousing temperance rally at Judge WHITE’s place on Monday, to listen to the remarks of Dr. VERNON. The sum of $22 was subscribed in aid of the cause.
-Dr. VERNON, of LaConner, has been appointed by the Territorial Temperance Alliance as special counsel to assist in the prosecution of all persons charged with violating the license law.
-A card from Supt. HARTSON in this issue announces that the semi-annual examination of teachers of this county will commence at Whatcom on Nov. 7th. Those teaching on permits are particularly requested to attend, as all permits expire on that date.

(Northwest Enterprise.)

-Wm. ALEXANDER, of Burrows Bay, has sold several head of fine beef cattle to W. HEWITT, for the Anacortes and Whatcom markets.
-SMITH & PARSONS, of Whatcom, successors to T. J. SMITH & Co., have a large stock of stoves, tinware and hardware, which they sell at the lowest remunerative prices. Visitors to Whatcom are requested to call and examine their prices.
-Mr. C. W. BEAL has returned from the Samish fisheries. He reports millions of salmon swarming in the waters of that stream, far exceeding the capacity of barrels for storing them at their command. The fish were taken to the Semiahmoo cannery where they brought eight cents a piece. The simple process of canning changed the market value of the fish to 50 cents a piece.

Whatcom Academy.

The first term of this institution will open on the second Monday of November, 1883. No pains will be spared to make this one among the best and safest schools in Western Washington. Special attention will be given to those preferring to teach... Joseph WOLFE, Whatcom. W.T.

--Little Miss Hulda HOFERCAMP had her arm broken last Friday by falling from a window at New Whatcom. Dr. Manly reports the case doing well.

In the District Court of Washington Territory, Holding Terms at LaConner in and for Whatcom County.
John EVENS, John HOPE, John H. PLASTER, James WEBBER, Plaintiffs.
Henry WEST, Louisa WEST, Defendants.
This action is brought to obtain a decree for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage, described in said complaint, and executed by the said Henry WEST and Louisa WEST, on the 30th day of March, 1878, upon the following described property situate in the County of Whatcom... The East half of South West quarter, and the West half of South East quarter of Section 23, Township 40 north, Range 3 east...

November 9, 1883

Whatcom County Pensioners.

Following are are the names of all soldiers in Whatcom county who receive pensions:
GILKEY, Franklin E., g. s. w. 1.thigh - $.00
MATTHEW, Charles W., wd. r. hand - 5.00
FOLLET, David E., g. s. w. r. hip - 5.33
STORNS, Owen D., injured hand - 4.00
SPERRY, Chas., w. r. shoulder - 5.??
CHILBERG, Isaac, injury to abdomen - 8.00
SMITH, Henry W., injury to abdomen - 4.00
DEERE, Wm. Y., injury to abdomen - 8.00
CORIEL, Abner B., g. s. w. left arm - 4.00
COLTEBAUCH, Martin, g. s. w., left leg - 8.00
STEWART, William M., survivor 1812 - 8.00

Local Brevities.
--W. R. MOULTRAY, of Nooksack, is in town. Double the police force.
--Religious services, by Rev. WOLFE, will be held in the new Tabernacle on Sunday morning and evening next.
--Dr. DOHERTY, of the City Drug Store, has displayed rare taste in the arrangement of goods in that establishment.
--W. H. WHITTLESEY has returned from Seattle and will now attend strictly to his real estate and abstracting.
--Custom Office BLAKE has returned to Whatcom after a long absence in Port Townsend. He will put a stop to the Chinese smuggling business as far as possible.
--Geo. E. HARTSON, superintendent of public school, has been in the city for the past few days. Mr. HARTSON reports a boom down in the County of Skagit, and especially at Mt. Vernon.
--Rev. I. S. KALLOCH and two sons are now located permanently at New Whatcom. Mr. KALLOCH is here for the purpose of pushing to completion the Puget Sound & Idaho railroad. The Reveille welcomes brains and enterprise to Whatcom and Bellingham Bay.
--Judge GREENE decided that false swearing in an affidavit or in any written statement, made and verified and sworn to, is not perjury under the laws of Washington Territory, as they now exist. Prosecuting Attorney BRADSHAW has, since the decision, been to Olympia and a bill has been introduced to remedy the defect.
--Attention is called to the following new ads in to-day’s paper. E. C. PENTLAND, real estate broker and insurance agent; First Bank of Whatcom; new stock of goods at Railroad Company’s store in New Whatcom; R. L. CREED and Co., wine rooms, New Whatcom; Geo. W. BERGER, real estate; C. CELENE, billiard hall; Eugene CANFIELD’s offer of land for sale. etc.
--It is rumored that Dan HARRIS, of Fairhaven, had $500 stolen from him last week. But that would not lower Dan’s pile much. We are informed later that Mr. James WEED, of the Fairhaven Hotel, has sued Dan for $10,000 for saying that he stole the money. It is to be regretted that such troubles disturb the peace and harmony of our neighbors.
--Judge TENNANT, of Ferndale, was in town Wednesday, and informs the Reveille that during last week nine Chinamen crossed the Nooksack at that place, and up to Tuesday evening, seven more had crossed, all coming from British Columbia...
--Miss E. J. HAGADORN, of Fidalgo Island, Miss Josephine BRADLEY, of the Upper Nooksack, and Miss Maud KELLOGG, of the Skagit, all in attendance upon the Teachers’ Institute, held in this place this week, were callers at the Reveille office, Wednesday.
--Mr. H. A. MOORE, of the Saddle Rock Restaurant, has been under the weather for a week past. By the way the Saddle Rock enjoys the reputation of being a splendid place to get a good square meal.
--Messrs. A. W. PETTIBONE and Judge DeMATTOS have gone to Seattle to meet C. J. PETTIBONE, who, it has been promised, will adjust the differences existing between the PEABODY heirs and the Colony.
--Photographer C. E. FRANK is now prepared to do first class work in his line of business. Mr. FRANK is recognized as one of the best artists on the Sound, as samples of his work will amply verify.
--It is reported that Messrs. LEARY, STACY and others, of Seattle, got bitten on Northern Pacific stocks to the extent of over $100,000. Portland capitalists also dropped their little wads.
--Engineer SHEPARD has just returned from the Fraser river, where he has been with a party of CORNWALL’s surveyors. His little child had a serious sick spell during his absence.
--The ELDRIDGE and BARTLETT saw mill looms up grandly. It will be ready to begin operations in about a month. It will be one of the very best mills on the Puget Sound.
--Frank CHAMBERS, the real estate broker, in consequence of injuries received by a fall last week, has been confined to his room for several days past.
--Schooner Fanny, Capt. George L. WOODARD, carrying Messrs. LEACH & WALTERS, commission merchants, has gone cruising among the Islands.
--Water cisterns are being built about town, to be used by the fire company in case of emergency. Whatcom has a good company of fire boys.
--Mrs. E. F. HEMENOVER has been seriously ill for the past ten days with a violent attack of brain fever. She is now recovering.
--Capt. BRYANT has engaged in the mercantile business at New Whatcom, and has already on hand a full stock of groceries.
--The social dance in PRESBERGER & ROSENZWEIG’s new building on C street, last Friday evening, was a pleasant affair.
--Judge GREENE has decided that Puget Sound navigation is open sea and not inland navigation.
--P. E. DICKINSON, cashier of the First Bank of Whatcom is now behind the counter.
--Mr. T. J. ROLLINS, of LaConner, paid the Reveille a pleasant call last Monday evening.
--REYNOLDS & BROWN will soon open a restaurant on the New Whatcom wharf.
--Frank CHAMBERS has been under the weather for about a week.
--Geo. SMART’s dance Friday evening was a success.
--P. A. McMACKIN’s little child has been quite sick.
--F. H. RICHARDS has been sick during the past ten days.
--D. P. McKELLAR will go to Seattle to-day on a visit.
--Read the real estate and insurance ad. of E. C. PENTLAND in this issue.
--Mrs. MERRIAM has been quite sick this week, but is not recovering.
--Snow has fallen every day during the past week on the hills about Whatcom Lake.

For Sale.
A span of gentle horses with harness and wagon. Apply to E. ELDRIDGE at Bellingham, or at his ranch where the horses may be seen.

An Excellent Map.
J. P. WORREL is canvassing for Cam’s latest map of the United States and the World...

We learn of a sad case of drowning that occurred Saturday at Chauncy BROCKWAY’s camp at Pyscht. Joseph RIVERS, a Canadian who has been employed in the camp, was missed, and search resulted in finding his hat. This morning the body was found. It was supposed that he had been out working on the boom and had fallen in. Being unable to swim, of course the chances were against him especially in the icy cold straits. He was a very respectable gentleman and had the esteem of all who knew him. His relatives live somewhere about Walla Walla, and it is the thought his body Port Townsend Argus.

Police Court.
Wednesday morning Pardon O’BRIEN was fined $10 and costs by Justice REINEHART for an assault on Gus JULIAN. He plead guilty, as the offense was committed on an old friend while on a little toot. Attorney ROTH appeared for the plaintiff. Edward McMICKEN brought suit against Gus JULIAN Wednesday for damage to goods while delivering from steamer Idaho. Case continued thirty days on motion of ROTH, attorney for defendant.

Fern Leaves from Ferndale.
-Married Oct. 30th at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Thomas CARR to Miss Emma BIZER. Both of Ferndale.
-Mr. D. RODGERS has leased J. B. ROBINSON’s hotel. May the best of luck attend Mr. RODGERS and his estimable wife.
-E. CROOK is established in his new shop on the west side of the river.
Mr. WHEELER’s family were the victims of a surprise party last Friday evening. Those present report having had "just a splendid time."
-Mrs. Wm. GILES is entertaining her mother Mrs. MILLSAP, from Walla Walla. Mr. MILLSAP and son are coming overland with his horses. They intend to locate near here.
The building boom is progressing slowly on account of the scarcity of lumber.
STRYKER and WELCH have consolidated their buildings into one large block two stories high and fifty feet square.
Henry PYEATT, a nephew of John TENNANT, is building a house one his ranch in the new settlement, six miles north of here. Also, Wm. GILES and his half-brother Nelson COWDEN, and the McKNIGHT brothers. They have a wagon road nearly through from Ferndale to the settlement. They are gentlemen of enterprise and industry, with strong hands and willing hearts; may success crown their efforts. M.D.C.
Ferndale, Nov. 4th

Shot a Seal.
About daybreak Wednesday morning while Mr. S. T. VALENTINE was meandering along the county road in search of unsuspecting mallard, he heard a strange snorting and blowing in the slough near J. S. CONNER’s barn. With one hand engaged in keeping his hair from standing on end, and the other grasping his trusty shot gun, he cautiously approached the bank of the slough and there discovered a large seal floundering about in the water, it having become imprisoned between some drift logs. Being unable to secure the animal alive, Mr. Valentine shot it, and with much difficulty hauled the carcase (sic) up on the bank. The animal is an unusually large one of its species, and will weigh 200 pounds.

Auditor’s Office, Whatcom, W.T. November 5, 1883.
Board met with John J. EDENS in chair, and present, B. H. BRUNS and I. DUNLAP, commissioners, and C. DONOVAN, Clerk.
Ordered that all retail liquor licenses granted be at the rate of $200 per year, and that no license be granted for a longer period than six months; and that all monies received for liquor licenses be placed to the credit of the general school fund of the county. Morgan HARRIS paid the county $10 for rental of school land.
Ordered that the following bills be paid from the county fund:
JENKINS & NICKLIN, Co. printing - $39.25
William HEWITT, cost of keeping pauper Fred ZEITH - 11.00
James POWER, printing proceedings of Board - 12.00 G. E. HARTSON, school Superintendent 3rd quarter - 41.05
Sheriff O’LOUGHLIN, for care of prisoners, etc. - 85.50
George H. JUDSON, for services as county surveyor - 68.00
George SAVAGE, for service in surveying road - 28.00
L. G. SAVAGE, for services on Finney creek road - 15.00
Frank COFFIN, for services on King’s road - 4.50
Wm. STEWART, same road service - 4.50
J. F. DWELLY, burial expenses F. ZEITHER 25.00
Bill N. H. Orr, burial expenses of Dart, insane patient at asylum rejected, and referred to ____ - 100.00
C. DONOVAN, copying records, - 100.00
A. CARLISLE, books, stationery, etc. - 136.00
Sheriff of Jefferson Co., for care of Charles MITCHELL, - 120.62
D. WRIGHT, justice fees, - 3.40
M. A. KELLY, medicine S. GOWEN, prisoner, - 8.25
L. T. SEAVY, medicine C. MITCHELL, - 5.00
L. BLACKINTON, services road view. - 6.00
H. P. O’BRIANT, " " " - 6.00
Calvin SCRIMSER, road services, - 8.00
J. A. DELANDER, " " - 10.00
M. A. McPHERSON, " " - 10.00
J. H. McGRAW, sheriff King Co., caring for prisoners, - 255.50
C. KING, road services, - 6.00
Geo C. SINGLETON, road services, - 6.00

Report favorable on road petitioned for by T. J. RAWLINS, and declared public road.
County road up Finny’s Creek on Skagit, declared a public highway.
LaConner and Samish road changed around barn and dwelling of J. S. CONNER and WILKIE.
Resignation of G. H. JUDSON as county surveyor accepted.
Petition for county road from Whatcom to Samish Lake via Bellingham, Fairhaven and Padden Lake, granted, M. YONKIN and John McMICKEN appointed viewers to meet with County surveyors on Dec 7th...
...Road ordered open on Fidalgo Island, from GRIFFITH’s to BARTHOLOMEW’s place.
Liquor bonds of McMACKIN, MOHRMANN, McLEOD and HUFFMAN approved.
Road petition from YOUNG’s place to Sterling laid over.
Liquor bonds of HAMILTON, BELFORD, WILSON and McDONALD, approved.

Election in District No. 1.
The annual election of officers for school district No. 1, which comprises the towns of Whatcom, New Whatcom, Bellingham and Fairhaven, held last Saturday, was largely attended and considerable interest manifested. Members of the Board present, E. ELDRIDGE and A. C. MARSTON. J. Y. COLLINS was appointed judge of election. Polls were kept open one hour. The balloting resulted in the election of Will D. JENKINS, for Director, and C. DONOVAN, for Clerk, the former for a term of three years, and the latter for one year.

County News.
...On Tuesday there died on the Samish, a few miles from Edison, a man of diminutive stature named NUTT, said to have been the brother of the noted dwarf Commodore NUTT. Deceased had a claim near George ALLEN’s place. He leaves a wife and child. The remains were taken to Seattle for interment.
-Parties arriving from Olympia inform us that Mr. POWER has been confined to his room for over a week past, and is threatened with typhoid fever. A dispatch received on Wednesday, however, conveys the information that although Mr. POWER is still quite feeble, he is improving slowly... -Dr. MONTBORNE has leased a house at Mt. Vernon, which he intends fitting up for a hospital.
A-n Indian named Charley SHOEMAKER, his wife and little boy, were drowned at Coupeville last Friday while attempting to cross the bay in their little canoe. Their bodies were found on the beach next morning.
-McGLINN’s new hotel is one of the attractions at LaConner. It is a three-story building with hard-finished walls, new carpets and furniture throughout, and is just such a place as the traveler wants after a fatigueing (sic) journey.

In the District Court Holding Terms at LaConner In and For Whatcom County, Washington Territory
Catherine C. HUNTLY, Plaintiff
Joseph HUNTLY, Defendant
...This action is brought to obtain a decree of divorce from the bonds of matrimony entered into between you and said Plaintiff on or about the 4th day of July, A.D. 1881, and now existing, and also to obtain custody of the child, Chapman HUNTLY, issue of said marriage...
Witness Roger S. GREENE, Jude of said Court.
/s/ James A. GILLILAND, Clerk
James P. DeMATTOS Attorney for Plaintiff.

In the Probate Court of Whatcom County, Washington Territory.
In the matter of the Estate of David STERLING, deceased...
Dated Oct 6,1883
H. J. WHITE, Probate Judge of Whatcom County

Estate of C. L. FOUNTAIN, Deceased. Reuben FOUNTAIN, Administrator.

November 16, 1883

Drowned in the Skagit.
The sad news reached here on Wednesday last that George MASSEY, a young man well and favorable known in LaConner and vicinity, had met his death by drowning in the Skagit river. The unfortunate accident occurred at GAGE’s logging camp, near Mt. Vernon, where Mr. MASSY was employed as car-tender. It seems that on Tuesday morning while standing on a boom endeavoring to direct the course of a decending (sic) log, his pike-pole slipped and he fell backward into the water. In coming to the surface it is supposed the unfortunate man was struck in the head by the log and stunned, and he sank to rise no more. The only eye-witness of the affair was a kloochman, who was standing on the bank of the river at the time, but was powerless to render any assistance. Deceased was about 28 years of age. He has a mother residing in California, and a sister, Mrs. John BALL, living near town. Some friends of the deceased came in town on Wednesday to obtain giant cartridges and other appliances for raising the body; but it is thought their efforts will be unavailed, as the strong underflow in the river is believed to have carried the body down stream. There is something peculiarly sad about the death of one so young, in the prime and vigor of sturdy manhood. It was but a few days ago that we met George MASSEY at the masquerade, as gay and happy as any in that merry throng, and little thought had we at that time to be so soon called upon to chronicle his most untimely taking-off.--LaConner Mail

Commissioners Proceedings
Auditor’s Office, Whatcom,W.T.
November 3, 1883.
Board of County Commissioners met as per adjournment, all members present.
The following bills were allowed, to be paid from county fund:
W. R. MOULTRAY, lost order - $2.73
S. D. REINHART, Justice fees - 5.30
S. LECKIE, sheriff’s fees - 4.26
Sheriff O’LOUGHLIN, fees - 85.50
N. S. COUPE, service examiner - 6.00
E. J. HAGADORN, " - 9.60
H. C. BARKHOUSEN, road fees - 12.00
G. H. THOMAS " " - 2.99
Victor ROEDER, fuel county - 20.00
B. L. MARTIN, material Dist C - 10.48
H. D. WOOTEN, fees examiner - 9.00
H. HUTTON, " " - 6.00
Wm ALLARD, road fees - 9.00
F. N. WHITE, " " - 3.00
W. H. BURDON, " " - 3.00
R. H. SHARPE, " " - 6.00
Thos. SHARPE, " " - 6.00
C. C. BEST, " " - 3.00
Jas. GRAHAM, " " - 3.00
Arthur M. WHITE, surveying - 9.50
H. J. WHITE, Probate Judge fees - 10.00
Sheriff O’LOUGHLIN, fees - 9.68
W. B. EDENS, witness fees - 5.00
Wm. WHALEY, " " - 5.00
W. T. COUPE, Treasurer, fees - 14.00
C. DONOVAN, Auditor, fees - 288.15
J. J. EDENS, mileage and per diem - 19.40
I. DUNLAP, " " - 23.00
B. H. BRUNS, " " - 22.00
New order for $20 issued to W. S. JAMESON in lieu of order lost.

--On petition W. D. VAN BUREN and others rates of ferry over Nooksack ferry, kept and owned by D. HARKNESS, was reduced. Ordered that said HARKNESS shall not be allowed to charge more than 25 cents for single team and wagon, and not more than 40 cents for double team and wagon, the reduction to take effect after Nov. 12, 1883. Attorney ROTH for HARKNESS gave notice of appeal from decision.
--Legal statement shows there to be in County Treasury at date $3,199.
--Ordered that following named persons be granted retail liquor licenses for the precincts mentioned by paying into the County Treasury at the rate of $200 per year, said licenses to be for six months. Also license to keep billiard tables upon payment of $10 into County Treasury. --Thomas MONAHAN, P. A. McMACKIN, Albert MOHRMAN, HUFFMAN & McLEOD, T. F. YORK, Wm. L. GEER, TAM & KING, E. F. HEMENOVER, CREED & WILLIAMS, K. E. HUNSICKER, E. ELDRIDGE, H. B. CORWIN, HATCH, & MERRIAM, W. H. RAYNER, S. BELFORD, Whatcom; HAITES & MARTIN, STERLING; WILSON & McDONALD, BRANN & MORAN, A. C. DAVIS, BANNEN & KING, Mt. Vernon; M. COLTENBAUGH, W. HAMILTON, BROWNRIG, BRANN & MORAN, J. DEWAR, John DUFFY, M. ANDERSON, H. LEGGETT, Skagit; MATSON & MORRIS, H. BOTCHER, La Conner; Wm. P. SPAULDING, G. W. L. ALLEN, Samish.
--Ordered that J. A. GILLILAND be granted an auctioneer’s license at the rate of $10 per annum. --...Application of Mrs. Bertha BUCHHOLTZ for aid, granted in sum of $50.
--Bill of M. SULLIVAN for damages laid over till next meeting.
Ordered that Arthur M. WHITE be appointed county surveyor vice G. H. JUDSON, resigned...

In the Probate Court of Whatcom county, Territory of Washington, ss--
In the matter of the Estate of John HARRIS, deceased. Notice to Creditors...
/s/ M. H. UPSON, Administrator Semiahmoo, Nov. 2, 1883

November 7, 1883
Notice is hereby given that William S. MARIS has filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at their office in Olympia, W. T., on Wednesday, the 2d day of January, A.D. 1884, on Pre-emption D. S. No. 6324, for the S1/2 of SE1/4; SE1/4 of SW1/4 of Section 33, Township 41 north, Range 4 east, and Lot 3 of Section 4, Township 40 north, Range 4 east. Witnesses: John M. SOAR, Manly ROGERS and Charles B. WHITE, all of Nooksack, Whatcom county, W.T., and Geo. HAGNEY, of Olympia, W.T.
/s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

November 9, 1883
Notice is hereby given that Elenora KIDWELL, widow of John KIDWELL, deceased, has filed notice of intention to make final proof before C. DONOVAN, Auditor of Whatcom county, at his office in Whatcom, W. T. on Wednesday, the 9th day of January, A.D. 1884, on Pre-emption D. S. No. 6311, for the Lots 1 and 2, and S1/2 of NE1/4 of Section 2 Township 38 North, Range 3 East. Witnesses: W. L. NOONAN, B. HOIDEN, B. A. HILL and J. H. THOMAS, all of Whatcom, Whatcom county W. T.
/s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

November 6, 1883
Notice is hereby given that Edgar T. HUFF has filed notice of intention to make final proof before David HARKNESS, Notary Public, at his office in Nooksack, W.T., on Friday the 28th day of December A.D. 1882 on Pre-emption D.S. No. 7026, for the N1/2 of S1/2 of Section 12, Township 40 north, Range 4 east. Witnesses: John M. OMSTEAD, Edmund HOPKINS, James T. EAGER, and Moses EATON, all of Nooksack, Whatcom county, W. T.
/s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

--Build sidewalks (sic) in front of your property.
--Dr. WERDEN has secured an office in the Marcy block.
--STEINWEG’s team ran away last Friday and demolished the wagon. No one injured.
--Elsewhere will be seen the dental card of Dr. WERDEN, an experienced workman, late of Portland.
--HUGGMAN & McLEOD are building an addition to their building on the flats to be used as a dance house.
--Capt. BARNETT is now on his Whidby Island claim. He is probably at this moment plowing up the virgin soil of his island home.
--STETSON & POST, of Seattle, are shipping great quantities of lumber into Whatcom. If you want to buy, read their ad. in this paper.
--W. L. FOUTS has sued O. E. JONES for rent left unpaid by the Troubadours. The probabilities are that the case will have to go to the District Court.
--An unknown man drowned recently in the Puyallup valley proves to be one Frederick MONZAAS, who took a claim about eight miles out of Whatcom.
--GAZELY and ROTH have commenced suit of ejectment to oust Captain CORWIN from the premises he now occupies as a fruit stand. The original title was owned by a half breed, and the parties are contending for it now that it has become valuable. It will go to the District Court probably.
--Hon. M. ANDERSON has returned with his family and several other parties, who will in the future make the county their permanent home. Mr. ANDERSON has been spreading the good news of this newly discovered land of milk and honey among his Wisconsin friends with telling effect. He says the people back there swear by the Reveille, and wear it out handing it around.
--Semiahmoo how has two stores, both of which are doing a good business. The salmon cannery has done exceedingly well this season, and is turning out a large amount of goods. Mr. ROPER has recently opened a boarding house and hotel at Semiahmoo. Mr. BRESEE will deliver a temperance lecture at Semiahmoo next Sunday, the 18th, at 2 o’clock p.m. at the Semiahmoo school house. Admission free. Everybody invited.
--G. W. JONES, the gentleman who came to this city for the purpose of establishing a bank, has, in view of the fact that the field was already occupied, determined to engage in other business at this place. He left last Tuesday to meet his wife, now en route from San Francisco, when he will again return to Whatcom to remain permanently. He will, provided satisfactory negotiations can be had with the townsite proprietors, erect a steam sawmill at this place with a cutting capacity of 40,000 per day. He will associate with him a gentle man from Michigan, who is an experienced mill man of large means. The Reveille will heartily welcome this valuable acquisition to the commercial interests of Whatcom.
--The Teachers’ Examination held at this place last week was not very well attended. County Superintendent HARTSON, together with Miss E. J. HAGADORN and Mrs. N. S. COUPE, constituted the Board of examiners. Certificates were issued to the following applicants: Miss J. M. BRADLY, Miss Maud KELLOGG, W. MATHEWS, H. M. WELLMAN, H. M. LILLIS, I. N. BROWN and Mrs. Mary UMBARGER. In this connection it may be stated that the teachers in Whatcom County, in point of intelligence and as successful promoters of the cause of education, average fairly with the teachers of the older States.
--B. B. JONES, mining superintendent of the B. B. & B. C. R. R. company, is in the city, and has orders from the company he represents to find coal at all hazards--sparing neither time nor money in so doing...
--Maj. WASSON, special agent, is about town investigating the Chinese smuggling business...
--C. J. PETTIBONE, of Wisconsin, arrived last Friday, and instead of settling up and adjusting matters with the Colony and the railroad company, upon an equitable basis, as was represented, he has already mapped out a ling of policy...
--David LEWIS, the old foreman of the B. B. Coal Company, well known to the old settlers on the Bay, has returned and is now in the employ of the B. B. & B. C. R. R. Company, and in conjunction with B. B. JONES, the Company’s mining superintendent will assist the latter gentleman in opening up new mines at or near this city.
--As an evidence of the fertility of Whatcom County soil, Mr. Oscar FARRAR, near Lynden, sent to this office a few days ago a specimen potatoe vine that grew on land that on the first of May last was covered with a dense growth of alders...
--Spencer VANZANDT is the most successful nimrod on the Bay. Spencer can always return with a brace of pheasants or a half dozen husks where other hunters fail to find game of any kind. He is a good shot, and has the business down pat...
--Officers BLAKE and LECKIE captured three of a dozen Chinamen who stole their way into Whatcom last Thursday evening to go off on the boat...
--Jimmy VAN ZANDT is improving.
--Mr. L. D. FRANK was taken seriously sick on Monday.
--Frank MILLER and wife are expected on the boat to-day.
--Dr. DOHERTY has been confined to his bed for several days by sickness.
--Dr. TERRY has gone to San Francisco, where his wife and sister Dot are.
--Born, Nov. 4th, to the wife of C. H. STOLTENBERG, of Semiahmoo, a daughter.
--Dr. BROOKS, a gentleman of considerable means, is now in Whatcom with view to investment.
--Mr. J. B. PHINNEY’s family from Hebron, Nebraska, arrived several days ago and will reside permanently in this County.
--Dr. THORNTON, of Ferndale, was in town this week and expressed his surprise at the rapid progress Whatcom has made during the past four months.
--Mr. Harry AUSTIN has removed his family from Seattle to Whatcom. They will in due time be installed on the homestead on the classic shores of Lake Whatcom.
--W. H. RAYMER, late of Seattle, has opened out a fine saloon in Pardon O’BRIEN’s new building. Every thing is bran (sic) new and neat. He will soon put in music, and have a pleasant place of amusement.
--The B. B. B. B. have received their fine set of instruments--ten pieces. And are making good progress. Being experienced musicians, they are rapidly becoming proficient. Mr. PENTLAND deserves great credit for his successful efforts in establishing the band.
--Messrs. George MERRIAM and J. HATCH are now the proprietors of the Whatcom House saloon and billiard parlors. The rooms have been elegantly furnished and fitted up, and will be a very pleasant resort for the sporting fraternity. The proprietors are popular among the boys.
--Rev. J. WICHSER informes (sic) the Reveille that he has filed a bill with the mill company for 10,000 feet of lumber for the Baptist church soon to be erected in this city. The building will be 25x40 feet, with an entrance in front 6x8 feet. TOD and RICHARDSON will do the carpenter work.
--Senator CANFIELD received a telegram from Olympia on Tuesday stating that KINCAID had introduced a bill in the House to divide Whatcom County. We presume CLOTHIER would like to have another remonstrance to trade off for the County seat location at Mt. Vernon.
--Wm. UTTER has been notified to vacate his premises by the party claiming to have purchased the PEABODY half-breed title. The notice will probably have about the same penetrating effect that water would have on a ducks back.
--Dr. CALHOUN, of La Conner, was in the city Monday evening. The Doctor is not only one of the most eminent physicians on the coast but is also one of the leading farmers of Western Washington. As an evidence of this fact, it may be stated that he has raised and shipped this season 20,000 bushels of grain and 175 tons of hay.

Church Notices.
Rev. J. WICHSER will preach, D. V., at the New Whatcom school house next Sunday, morning and evening. Subject in this morning, "The Foundation of the Christian Fair;" and in the evening, "The Short Bed and Narrow Covering."...

Fire at Seattle.
C. M. WELLINGTON, of Whatcom Lake, has been spending a week or two in Seattle and gives us the following newsy item:
Early last Friday morning the citizens of Seattle were treated to the sight of quite an extensive conflagration. The malt-house of A. SLORAH being entirely destroyed and the building adjoining occupied by the County officers and jail burned down to the stone basement...

E. C. WHITNEY, Seattle
D. BALLARD, Seattle
H. BIGLOW, Seattle
C. T. JOHNSON, Seattle
James DeMATTOS, city
G. H. ROGERS, city
T. A. ELLIS, city
H. A. ROGERS and wife;
Dr. THORNTON, Ferndale
J. DENIS, Ferndale
John MATZ and wife, Ferndale
Thos. McDERMOTT, Ferndale
J. B. WHEELER, Ferndale
G. P. HOLMAN, Portland
Dr. CALHOUN and daughter, La Conner
W. W. W. WASSER, Washington, D.C.
Wm. S. HURD, Seattle
W. H. RAYMER, Seattle
T. J. ARMSTRONG, Seattle
Jas. BROPHY, Seattle
Wm. CARLEY, Seattle
H. C. VINING, Seattle
F. E. CURTIS, Seattle
John CONNOLLY, Seattle
A. D. McKNIGHT, Seattle
A. D. McKNIGHT, Seattle
O. G. GOODMAN, Tacoma
Wm. HARTE, Tacoma
Chas. ROONEY, Tacoma
Chas. WILSON, Tacoma
B. LANGAN, Lynden
J. P. WORREL, Kansas;
E. S. RICHARDS, Montana
Joseph FERGUSON, Skagit
Dr. J. CASTO, Oregon
R. HOWARD, Nooksack
J. S. CONNER, La Conner
J. C. COLLINS and wife, Port Townsend
Wm. BOYLE, Snohomish
J. J. EDENS, Guemes

Advertised Letters
Following is a list of letters remaining uncalled for at the Whatcom Post Office:
E. T. WORDEN (2)
Augustin RAIMAN
Adelbert E. MULER
Robert R. BROWN

Whatcom Academy.
Rev. WOLFE, principal of the Whatcom academy, is entitled to great credit for his untiring efforts to establish an academy in this city, and it is gratifying to know that his labors have been crowned with success. The opening of the first term of school, mention of which is made elsewhere, is rewarded with a liberal attendance...

For Sale.
A span of gentle horse with harness and wagon. Apply to E. ELDRIDGE at Bellingham, or at his ranch where the horses may be seen.

Final Proof Notices.
Henry H. ASHLEY has filed notice of intention to make final proof before J. J. WEISENBURGER, Notary Public, at his office, in Whatcom, W.T., on Saturday, the 29th day of December 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 6099 for SW1/4 of NE1/4 and SE1/4 of NW1/4 of Section 21, Township 29 north, Range 3 east. Witnesses: W. H. PIEPER, Jas. K. P. REED, Harry GRAHAM and W. L. GEER, all of Whatcom, Whatcom County, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register
Leonard J. POWELL has filed notice of intention to make final proof before H. A. JUDSON, Notary Public, at his office in Lynden, W. T., on Wednesday, the 26th day of December, A. D. 1883 on Pre-emption D. S. No. 6400, for SW1/4 of Section 11, Township 40 north, Range 3 east. Witnesses: H. J. SWIM, John QUIGLEY, J. R. BRADLEY and Geo. JUDSON, all of Lynden, Whatcom County, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register
Everett G. JOHNSON has filed notice of intention to make final proof before H. A. JUDSON, Notary Public, at his office in Lynden, W. T., on Friday, the 28th day of December, A. D. 1883, on Pre-emption D. S. No. 6619 for NE1/4 of Section 12, Township 49 North, Range 3 East. Witnesses: Geo. H. JUDSON, John QUIGLEY and John KELLY, of Lynden, and David KILCUP, of Nooksack, Whatcom county, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register
Henry J. SWIM has filed notice of intention to make final proof before H. A. JUDSON, Notary Public, at his office in Lynden, W.T., on Friday the 28th day of December, A.D. 1883 on Pre-emption D.S. No. 6397, for the SE1/4 of Section 10, Township 40 north, Range 3 east. Witnesses: C. L. WAYLAND, L. J. POWELL, John QUIGLEY and George JUDSON, all of Lynden, Whatcom county, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register
James FULLER has filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Register and Receiver, U.S. Land Office, at Olympia, on Thursday, the 20th day of December A.D. 1883, on Homestead application No. 4348, for the W1/2 of SW1/4 of Section 5, and E1/2 of SE1/4 of Section 6, Township 37 north, Range 3 east. Witnesses: Thomas O’NEIL, Edw. CONNELLY, R. FENTON and Chas. SMITH, all of Whatcom, Whatcom county, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register
Sanders SCHNIDER has filed notice of intention to make final proof before John A. TENNANT, a Notary Public, at his office in Ferndale, W.T., on Saturday, the 29th day of December, A.D., 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 6037, for the NW1/4 of Section 33, Township 40 north, Range 2 east. Witnesses: William ELLIS, Rowland PERRETT, Henry J. PYEATT and William H. STRYKER, all of Ferndale, Whatcom county, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register
Victor A. ROEDER has filed notice of intention to make final proof before James P. DeMATTOS, a Notary Public, at his office, in Whatcom, W.T., on Tuesday, the 27th day of November, A.D., 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 6007 for the W1/2 of SW1/4 and Lots 3 and 7 of Section 26, and NW1/4 of NW1/4 of Section 35, Township 40 North, Range 3 East. Witnesses: Charles JONES, of Whatcom, and William WALKER, John KILCUP and Jarvis M. LOCKWOOD, of Nooksack, Whatcom County, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register
John GISCHER has filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Judge, or in his absence, the Clerk of the District Court, at his office, in LaConner, W.T., on Thursday the 30th day of December, A.D., 1883, on Homestead application No. 2657 for the SW1/4 of SE1/4 and SE1/4 of SW1/4 of Section 30, and Lot 1, and NE1/4 of NW1/4 of Section 31, Township 40 North, Range 1 East. Witnesses: William RAY, John W. WALDO, Francis M. CAIN and Louis HOLTZHEIMER, all of Semiahmoo, Whatcom County, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register
Thomas J. THOMPSON has filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Judge, or in his absence, the Clerk of the District Court, at his office in LaConner, W.T. on Tuesday, the 27th day of November, A.D. 1883, on Homestead application No. 4734, for the NEW1/4 of Section 26, Township 40 north, Range 1 East. Witnesses: J. W. WALDO, W. D. BULL, P. R. PRATT and Jacob GALER, all of Semiahmoo, Whatcom County, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register
John N. SCHRENGOHST has filed notice of intention to make final proof before John A. TENNANT, a Notary Public at his office in Ferndale, W.T. on Saturday the 22d day of December, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 5906, for the E1/2 of E1/2 of Section 11, Township 39, north, Range 2 east. Witnesses: Michael HICKEY, Joseph MOREN, Henry McCLUE and Daniel W. PROSE, all of Ferndale, Whatcom county, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

In the district court holding terms at LaConner in and For Whatcom County, Washington Territory.
No. 291.--Divorce.
To Joseph HUNTLY, Defendant.
...This action is brought to obtain a decree of divorce from the bonds of matrimony entered into between you and said Plaintiff on or about the 4th day of July, A.D. 1881, and now existing, and also to obtain custody of the child, Chapman HUNTLY, issue of said marriage, and for other and further relief which will more fully appear in the complaint in this action filed...
Witness: Roger S. GREENE, Judge of said Court, and the seal of said Court, this 54th day of October, A.D. 1883
/s/ James A. GILLILAND, Clerk
James P. DeMATTOS Attorney for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication Oct. 12, 1883.

Estate of C. L. FOUNTAIN, Deceased
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned... to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased...
/s/ Reuben FOUNTAIN, Administrator
J. P. DeMATTOS, Atty.
Dated, Oct. 26, 1883.

Estate of Michael PADDEN, Deceased.

Notice is hereby given by the undersigned…to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased...
/s/ Mrs. Annie PADDEN, Administratrix
Geo. A. KELLOGG, atty.
Dated Nov. 2, 1883.

November 23, 1883:

Professional Cards.
Real Estate - H. L. ROSS Attorneys at Law - Wm. H. WHITTLESEY; J. J. WEISENBURGER; J. P. DeMATTOS, Charles I. ROTH; JACOBS & JENNER; T. J. HUMES; John A. TENNANT
Physicians and Surgeons - E. VAN ZANDT, M.D.; Sherie H. MANLY, M.D.; J. TERRY, M.D.; E. L. SPERRY, M.D.
E. SHEPARD, Civil Engineer
T. C. AUSTIN, Civil Engineer and Surveyor
Frank NORTHRUP -- Contractor and Builder
Dr. A. A. DOHERTY, Dentist
F. M. BLOMQUIST, Sign and Show Card Writer, House and Steamboat Painting
H. G. KELLEY, Civil Engineer
C. M. ANDERSON U.S. Dep. Min. Sur.

The Arlington -- Julius W. SMITH & Converse P. FARRAR, proprietors, Seattle. W.T.
Terminus Hotel, P. A. McMACKIN, proprietor, Whatcom, W.T.
Fairhaven Hotel, James WEED, Proprietor, Fairhaven, Washington Territory.
Whatcom Hotel -- Nelson KELLY, proprietor.
Washington Hotel -- LECKIE & OSIER, proprietors.
Washington Saloon and Billiard Parlors, in connection with the Washington Hotel.

(Northwest Enterprise)
--Mr. W. DOUGLASS has sold his new hotel at Friday Harbor to Martin NICHOLS of Orcas for $2,000, and has gone to Whatcom.
--Capt. JACKSON, of the steamer Washington, states that Chinamen, generally supposed to have come across the border line, can be seen going up Sound on his boar almost every trip.
--A number of mules and horses were brought to the new railway logging camp of Messrs. CLOTHIER & ENGLISH, on the Samish, last week from Mt. Vernon. When this railway commences running it will be able to run in more logs than any camp in the county.
--The sloop Leana, from Whatcom, LEACH and WALTERS owners, lay over Sunday night in our harbor. She is in the commission business and runs among the Islands for supplies. Mr. LEACH, formerly connected with the Seattle Chronicle, paid us a pleasant visit and posted us on the doings on Bellingham Bay.
--A corps of surveyors, under Civil Engineer H. T. BROWN, from the office of Snow & Munch, Seattle, are at work on the land of E. L. SHANNON, near Ship Harbor, on Fidalgo Island, laying out a portion of the land into town lots. If Ship Harbor should become one of the termini of one or more of the great overland railroads--as many believe it will, and as its geographical...

[LaConner Mail.]
    The Marietta Hotel of La Conner, for the past six months conducted by Messrs. WAYNE & MORRIS, was closed on Tuesday last.
    Hon. Orin KINCAID was in town during the week conferring with his constituents. Returning from a trip up the Skagit, he left here for Olympia on Monday’s boat.
    Harvey WALLACE, a former resident of this neighborhood, and at one time owner of the Poison place on the Skagit river, died recently of yellow fever at Guaymas, Mexico, where he was engaged in railroad work.
    At the election for Directors for School District No. 4 La Conner District) on Saturday last, the old Board was re-elected, viz: Messrs J. McGLINN, A. CARISON and J. F. DWELLEY. S. JOERGENSON was elected clerk.
    Capt. BRANNAN, of the steamer Idaho, has been confined to his residence in Seattle for the past two weeks with an attach of his old enemy, erysipelas in the fast, a complaint from which he has suffered many years. Capt. McALPINE is at present in command of the Idaho.
    A stabbing affray occurred at Mann’s Landing on Friday of last week. At one of the saloons in that place a number of parties were engaged in the fascinating game of poker, and as is frequently the case a row ensued over a division of the spoils. In the course of the melee a man named Bob HODNETT, who had been stopping at La Conner for the past few months, was knocked down and unmercifully beaten, and brutally kicked in the head, face and breast. For a time hostilities ceased, but were soon renewed, and the result was that the unfortunate Bob was stabbed in the left side, the blade entering between the fourth and fifth ribs. A man named Biggs, living on the river, is said to be the one who did the cutting. Dr. CALHOUN went up to attend the wounded man, and expresses hopes of his recovery.

Local Brevities.
--Senator CANFIELD left Monday night for Seattle.
--Mrs. L. J. POWELL, of Seattle, returned to Whatcom last Monday.
--Mr. WAYLAND and Dr. JOHNSON, of Seattle, are rusticating on their homesteads on the Nooksack.
--SMITH & MILLER have commenced the construction of a two-story building, 20x40 feet, on Division street.
--Geo. W. BERGER has an excellent collection of maps showing the location of Government land in Whatcom county.
--J. D. SMITH, one of the financially solid men of Seattle, came up on Wednesday’s boat with a view to investing.
--Mr. Amos BOWMAN and wife, of Anacortes, are now en route for Ottawa, Canada, where they will remain during the winter.
--C. H. STADLEMAN will soon be located in his new shop, built by the Colony, directly over the cascades of Whatcom creek, near the mill.
--J. C. MERRIAM is completing a two story building 22x50, opposite the Court house, that will be occupied for business purposes when completed.
--The Reveille inadvertently omitted to state last week that A. M. WHITE, of Fidalgo, had been appointed County Surveyor vice Geo. H. JUDSON, resigned.
--STERITT and POOR have formed a syndicate for the purpose of speculating in Whatcom real estate. They purchased one block from CHAMBERS, the real estate broker, Monday night.
--The body of George MASSEY, who was drowned in the Skagit week before last, had not been discovered at last accounts. He had about $300 in gold coin on his person at the time of the accident. So says the Enterprise.
--The Mail is authority for the statement that Mr. STEVENS, on the Skagit river, has on his farm a number of ripe strawberries, together with a large quantity in bloom. This is something remarkable in this vicinity in the month of November.
--Cards received at this office announce the marriage, at Seattle, Nov. 5th, by Rev. I. N. DENNISON, Mr. Edward P. JULIEN to Miss Minnie BRUNS, of Birch Bay, Whatcom County. The Reveille sends congratulations, wishing the happy pair a long life of happiness and prosperity.
--Ed COLGAN met with a severed and very painful accident Monday morning. While engaged sawing boards the hand saw "jumped," and the sharp jagged teeth were drawn suddenly across his left had, lacerating the hand badly and inflicting a painful wound that will require several week's time to heal. Dr. MANLY dressed the wound.
--Messrs. ROEDER, PETTIBONE and others have gone to Seattle. It is understood that they have gone to obtain counsel to check, if possible, the growth of Whatcom, and convert the land thereof into a huckleberry patch. For the benefit of innocent purchasers, who have invested in town lots, it is hoped their scheme will prove abortive, and the prosperity of the town continue.
--Steamer Monroe, Capt. BROWNFIELD, arrived at Whatcom on Wednesday last, and proceeded on to Ferndale. This is the first trip the Monroe has made to this place...
--Steamship Wilmington, Capt. D. O. BLACKBURN, with ten passengers and about 100 tons of freight for Whatcom and Bellingham, arrived last Friday, 4-1/2 days from San Francisco...
--Messrs. T. G. NICKLIN and W. H. WHITTLESEY left on Friday morning of last week to look after matters pertaining to the incorporation of the city, and assist Representative KINCAID in his labors at Olympia...
--SMITH & PARSONS received last Friday 50 tons of freight by the steamship Wilmington, direct from San Francisco...
--W. H. WELBON, formerly of Muskegon, Michigan, will occupy the responsible position of head sawyer in BARTLETT & ELDRIDGE’s new mill at Bellingham. Mr. WELBON comes from a section of country that turns out only good workmen, and those who thoroughly understand the milling business.
--Mr. Harvey AVERY, representing the extensive Saw Works of Branch, Crookes & Co., St. Louis, is at Bellingham putting machinery in the new mill at that place. Mr. AVERY is an old Michigan friend of Dr. MANLY, of this city, and it is not at all improbable that he will locate here and engage in the milling business.
--C. H. ROBINSON, of Nanaimoo, B.C. has been in the city this week with a view to establishing a wholesale and retail meat market. Should he locate in the business at this place, he will make arrangements to supply interior towns and the islands.
--Born, November 13, to the wife of Allen WEIR, Port Townsend, a son.

Special to the Reveille.
Olympia, W.T., Nov. 21.--KINCAID’s Division Bill, providing for the division of Whatcom and the organization of Skagit county, came up in the Assembly to-day and was promptly tabled. This kills the bill too dead--places it beyond resurrection, as it were. From the above it is evident that Messrs. NICKLIN and WHITTLESEY have accomplished the object of their mission. It will now be in order for Mr. KINCAID to “rise up” and explain that he has always been opposed to a division, and that his actions in this matter have been based solely upon the clamorous demands of his constituents. This explanation will sound well, and, of course, the people will believe it. Mr. KINCAID is such a candid man that the people will never for a moment mistrust or distrust his declarations on that score.

--J. H. STENGER is in Seattle. Will return on next boat.
--Moses KORN, of Seattle, made his semi-occasional trip to this city last Tuesday.
--Hon. Jas. POWER has entirely recovered from his recent prostration, and is at his place in the Council.
--C. M. WELLINGTON, Dr. SPERRY and W. E. MILLER are intending to seek fortunes in the Coeur d’Alene gold fields early in the spring.
--Stewart LECKIE, of the Washington Hotel in this city, received the sad intelligence last Monday of the death of his father at Sarnia, Ont., last Month.
--W. REILLY evidently intends to supply the demand for furniture at this end of the Sound. His building is now packed from basement to garret with the finest stock of furniture on the Sound.
--J. F. COCHRAN, of Seattle, who owns valuable real estate in New Whatcom, has been down this week looking after his interests. He will probably removed here in the spring to remain permanently.
--The La Conner Mail is authority for the statement that Mr. POWER will neither support nor vote for the new bill introduced by Representative KINCAID providing for the division of the county. We shall see.
--New side walks now extend the full length of Division to Fourteenth, thence out that street to the court house. H. L. ROSS, who worked up the enterprise, and the parties who so liberally contributed thereto, are entitled to much credit.
--The Enterprise says that a cougar was killed near Whistle Lake on Fidalgo Island, by Mr. BARKHOUSEN, week before last, measuring 7 feet 8 inches in length, and must have weighed between three and four hundred pounds. These formidable animals are still met with occasionally in the unfrequented jungles of the forests and mountains, in this latitude...

Come to Whatcom County.
Mr. John MORROW, writing from Davis county, Kansas, says; "I am a reader of the Reveille, and having disposed of my property here, contemplate going out to your country. I desire you to state through your columns if there is any good timber land near market, owned by the Government, and for sale. I have a large family--seven sons and one daughter--and I desire to locate in town in order that they may have the advantages of schools. I can bring with me from $5,000 to $6,000, and would infer from the Reveille that Whatcom is the proper place to locate."
In reply the Reveille would state, that Whatcom County affords the opportunities sought by Mr. MORROW. There are still in this county not less than 1000,000 acres of the finest timber, fir, spruce and cedar, that ever grew...

What Was the Verdict?
    Law business in Whatcom is on the increase, greatly to the joy of the attorneys, who had lately been having a lean time of it. Among other cases recently tried before Justice REINHART is that of GAZLEY & ROTH vs. CORWIN, for forcible detainer and rent of the lot now occupied by the defendant as a fruit stand. The first case resulted in favor of defendant. The second time the case was submitted to a jury, which is the first jury trial in Whatcom this year. The jury returned a verdict in favor of defendant for possession and costs, and plaintiffs for six dollars rent. The costs amounting to over $30, it was a substantial victory for defendant. The Court entered judgment for the plaintiffs for possession, rent and costs, from which defendant has taken an appeal to the District Court. As the verdict is a rather peculiar one we give it entire, as follows:
    Territory of Washington, County of Whatcom.     In Justice court, before S. D. REINHART, J.P. GAZLEY & ROTH, plaintiffs,
H. B. CORWIN, defendant.
    We, the jury, in the above entitled cause, find the defendant guilty of a forcible detainer, and also find him indebted to the plaintiffs in the sum of (6) dollars, and do hereby award him the possession of the premises described in the complaint in this action and entitled to his costs.
A. J. GOODNOW, Foreman
GAZLEY, ROTH, HUFFMAN and WORRELL appeared for plaintiffs, and WHITTLESEY and DeMATTOS for defendant.

Jacob FOX
J. D. SMITH & wf
R. BECKER & wf

--Messrs. WEED & BISSELL will open the Bon Ton Restaurant, at Bellingham, next week.

Fern Leaves from Ferndale.
--Charles TIMMERMAN has returned from Seattle, and will spend the winter in making improvements on his ranch two miles north of here.
--Mr. MILLSAP has joined his family here, and is much pleased with this part of the country.
--Miss Minnie FOLLITT is in the country, a guest of Miss Effie COWDEN.
--Charles TOWERS and James BAKER brought a fine deer through town to-day, a trophy of their days hunt.
--Capt. WILSON returned home last week from San Francisco to make arrangements to be gone some months he has procured a situation as chief master of the ship Grecian, now laying in Mission Bay, soon to make a voyage to China. A life on the ocean wave a home on the rolling deep, have greater charms for him than felling the giants of the forests. M.D.C. Ferndale, Nov. 18

In The District Court of Washington Territory, Holding Terms at La Conner in and for Whatcom County.
No. 296
Henry WEST, Louisa WEST, Defendants.
...This action is brought to obtain a decree for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage, described in said complaint, and executed by the said HENRY WEST and LOUISA WEST, on the 30th day of March, A.D. 1878, upon the following described property situate in the County of Whatcom, and Territory of Washington, to-wit: The East half of South West quarter, and the West half of South East quarter of Section 23, Township 40 north, Range 3 east... made by HENRY WEST for several sums, aggregating eight hundred dollars, gold coin, payable two years from date, with interest at the rate of one per cent per month until paid, interest to be paid at the end of the first year, ... to the order of said JOHN EVENS, JOHN HOPE, JAMES WEBBER and one D. ROGERS, severally, which said notes and mortgages are now owned and held by said JOHN EVENS, JOHN HOPE, JAMES WEBBER and John H. PLASTER...
Witness the Hon. Roger S. GREENE, Judge of the said Court... 19th day of October, A.D., 1883 /s/ James A. GILLILAND, Clerk
Jas P. DeMATTOS, atty for Plaintiff.

November 30, 1883

Final Proof Notices.
John T. LEWELLEN has filed notice of intention to make final proof before J. A. Lindsey, a Notary Public, at his office in Semiahmoo, W. T., on Wednesday the 23d day of January, A. D. 1884, on Pre-emption D. S. No. 6904, for the NW1/4 of Section 23, Township 40 north, Range 1 east. Witnesses: W. D. BUIL, J. H. McCAULEY, Wm. RAY and Thomas BICE, all of Semiahmoo, Whatcom county, W. T. John F. GOWEY, Register
Augustus ANNIS has filed notice of intention to make final proof before D. HARKNESS, Notary Public, at his office in Nooksack. W.T., on Monday, the 14th day of January, A.D. 1884, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 6504 for the NE1/4 of Section 14, Township 39 north, Range 3 east. Witnesses: D. LAMOUREUX, John MOORE, ? SEBERT and F. C. COLBY, all of Nooksack, Whatcom county, W.T. John F. GOWEY, Register
O. B. JOHNSON has filed notice of intention to make final proof before H. A. JUDSON, Notary Public, at his office in Lynden, W.T. on Saturday, the 29th day of December, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 6569, for the S1/2 of SW1/4 and NW1/4 of SW1/4 and SW1/4 of NE1/4 of Section 12, Township 40 north, Range 3 east. Witnesses: Daniel KILLCUP and John KELLY, of Nooksack, and L. J. POWELL and J. R. BRADLEY, of Seattle, W.T. John F. GOWEY, Register
Minerva A. WIDGER has filed notice of intention to make final proof before David HARKNESS, a Notary Public, at his office in Nooksack, W.T., on Monday the 17th day of December, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 6676, for the SE1/4 of NW1/4; S1/2 ofNE1/4 and NW1/4 of SE1/4 of Section 5, Township 40 north, Range 4 east. Witnesses: W. D. Van BUREN, C. TUKSIN, A. HAGIN and R. DUNCAN, all of Nooksack, Whatcom county, W.T. John F. GOWEY, Register

--Messrs. NICKLIN and WHITTLESEY who strayed away from the city two weeks ago, are still at large.
--Mayor KALLOCH leaves on the next steamer for San Francisco to be absent a month or six weeks.
--Sheriff O’LOUGHLIN, of Skagit County, is in town summoning jurors for the approaching term of the District Court at LaConner.
--J. H. FRAVEL, who is good authority, having been on the upper Coast since 1850, prophesies that considerable snow will fall in this part of the Territory this winter.
--Mr. F. RUNGE and family have arrived in Whatcom to reside permanently. Mr. RUNGE is a musician of rare talent, and will be a valuable acquisition to the musical fraternity of this city.
--Mrs. W. H. FOUTS has removed to and is now occupying her commodious new block on Fifteenth Street. The old stand has been leased to Albert MOHRMANN, who will soon open a saloon therein.
--Messrs. SHANK & ROBINSON and J. M. SOWDER, dealers in general merchandise at Bellingham, have been liberal patrons recently of the Reveille job rooms. This is one of the best evidences of business prosperity.
--At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Grand Lodge, I.O.G.T., it was decided to hold the next annual session at Seattle on the first Tuesday in August, 884. Hon. Levi LELAND has been appointed grand lecturer pro tem.
--Special prizes will be awarded at the Masquerade ball to-night. SMITH & PARSONS will give a prize to the most elegantly dressed lady character; W. L. STEINWEG & Co. a prize for the most ridiculous costume. The Band will also award prizes.
--A post-office has been granted at Bellingham, with A. W. ATKINS as post-master. The Reveille congratulates the fair city of Bellingham upon this valuable adjunct to her prosperity. The postoffice was an absolute necessity, and will accommodate a large number of people.
--H. E. DONN will leave this week for Ferndale, where he has contracted to move buildings for parties at that place. Mr. DONN thoroughly understands his business, and could, if it were necessary, raise the buildings and remove a whole city from one township to another without endangering the property in the least.
--The Port Townsend Argus pays a handsome tribute to the memory of Jacob W. BALCH, who died at New Westminister, No. 1st. Mr. BALCH was one of the pioneer loggers of Puget Sound, having come here in 1850. At the time of his death he was a resident of Clalam County, but was temporarily absent in British Columbia.
--Messrs. Will D. JENKINS, C. DONOVAN and Wm. POWELL comprise the committee on reception at the Masquerade ball tonight. To one or the other of these parties it will be necessary for maskers to give their name, number of ticket and character assumed or represented before admittance can be had to the hall. An adherence to this will prevent confusion.
--SEIDEL & BURFIEND, of the Chuckanut stone quarries, are actively engaged in turning out hundreds of tons of stone, notwithstanding the lateness of the season. The steamer Gypsy is plying regularly between the quarry and Seattle and Tacoma. The schooner Granger is also a regular visitor to the quarries. A large force of men will be employed in the spring, and the force increased as rapidly as circumstances may require.
--Hon. A. C. DODGE, of Burlington, Iowa, will accept the Reveille’s thanks for a copy of the "Records of the Commemoration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Settlement of Iowa, held at Burlington, June 1st, 1883." The document is replete with information relative to the early history and stirring times consequent upon the first settlement of the State...
--Steamer W. F. Monroe, BROWNFIELD master, left Seattle at 7:07 a.m. Tuesday and arrived at the New Whatcom wharf at 5:20 p.m. of same day, calling at Port George, Utsalady, LaConner, Fairhaven and Bellingham...
--Judge JACOBS, of Seattle, is authority for the statement that "cows will give milk and grass will grow in the meadows just as green as it did before the passage of the Woman Suffrage Bill."...
--The music at the Masquerade Ball to-night will be the best ever discoursed on the shores of Puget Sound. The band will comprise six instruments, manipulated by the following musicians. First violin, F. RUNGE; Second violin, H. A. WHITE; B b cornet, E. SHEPARD; piccalo, A. R. SMITH; Tuba, Ed. EDSON; organists, Mrs. E. C. PENTLAND and Miss Flora AXTON. The music alone will be a rare treat to the participants at the ball to-night.
--A gentleman recently from the coal mines on the Skagit river informs us there are now five men employed at the mine. Supt. HASWELL will be up from San Francisco in about a month and will at once put a large force to work...
--The KALLOCH's, father and son, have contracted for the building of a fine law office in New Whatcom and will open their law business immediately.
--Probate Judge WHITE has been in the city this week engaged in the hearing of an alleged insanity case. Further particulars next week.
--Mr. C. M. WELLINGTON will leave next week on a visit to Chicago. He will be absent until about March first.
--Capt. H. F. BEECHER's family have removed from Seattle to Port Townsend.

A. F. & A. M.
To the Masonic Fraternity of Whatcom County. Greeting:
You are hereby notified that on the 21st inst. a Dispensation was granted by Grand Master Levi ANKENY to Will D. JENKINS, James P. DeMATTOS, Henry A. WHITE, Harry AUSTIN, Thos. C. AUSTIN, Jonathan W. BAKER, Luther C. AXTON, Thos. J. SMITH, Sherie H. MANLY, Geo. A. KELLOGG, John H. PLASTER, Wm. J. MITCHELL, Edgar H. MARCY, W. J. HENRY, T. G. NICKLIN, David HENDERSON, Frank NORTHRUP, Thos. HARKNESS, John KIERNAN, Lamartine E. BAILEY, and Edgar LINDSAY, and empowering, authorizing and appointing Will D. JENKINS to act as W. M., James P. DeMATTOS, as S. W., and Henry A. WHITE as J. W., and that the lodge will be known as Bellingham Bay Lodge U. D. The brethren aforesaid are hereby notified that the first regular meeting of the lodge will be held at Reveille Hall on Tuesday evening, December 4th, at which time the lodge will be opened in form and business transacted. By Order of W. M.

Fern Leaves from Ferndale.
--Mrs. MALLOY is entertaining her parents, Mr. and Mrs. GRANT, from California, also a brother and sister.
--Mrs. BYS and son left on the steamer Monroe Thursday morning for Seattle.
--Alex. CHARLES is about to erect a new hotel between the St. Charles Hotel and the saloon, to be 24x50, and two stories in height.
--Mr. WHEELER has the frame of his dwelling house up.
--Harry COWDEN is building an addition to his house, consisting of a dining room and two sleeping apartments.
--There is to be another large building erected on the west side of the river as soon as lumber can be obtained.
--Wm. RAY has the lumber on the ground for building his dwelling house on his farm one mile south of here.
--It was James BAKER and Charley TAWES instead of Charley TOWERS, that brought the deer through town on the 18th inst. I wish to correct the mistake for the sake of his reputation, for Charley’s many friends know that when he starts out after "dear" he most invariably gets one. M.D.C.

W. C. T. U.
W. C. T. U. meets at half past two, next Tuesday at the residence of Mrs. WOLFE. Members are especially requested to be present. All are invited.
Mrs. Etta NESSELROAD, Secy.

[LaConner Mail.]
--Mr. J. S. CONNER left here last week for his home in Oakland, Cal.
--Edw. McTAGGART has been reappointed by Gov. NEWELL as Inspector of logs for this district.
--Last week the farm of Paul POLSON, situated across Sullivan Slough, a short distance from La Conner, was sold to Calvin ALVERSON for $12,000; this includes 160 acres of land, more or less, a threshing machine, live stock, farming implements, etc. The farm of SWAN and Oliver POLSON, also located across the Slough de la Sullivan, was sold during the week for $8000, O. C. CURRIER being the purchaser.
The following named citizens have been summoned to serve as jurors at the ensuing term of the District Court, which meets at La Conner Wednesday, Dec. 19th, at 10 a.m.:
Grand Jurors-
Petit Jurors

Semiahmoo Items.
-Extensive arrangements are being made for a Christmas tree and supper at the school house in Semiahmoo. Considerable money has already been raised, and the good work still goes on.
-The Good Templars of Semiahmoo have secured the services of the popular J. W. KAGER as lecture. The first lecture will take place at the school house Sunday, December 9th, at 2 o'clock p.m. ...

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