The Lynden Pioneer Press, Lynden, Washington Territory,

Tuesday, October 16, 1888
Vol. 1, No. 1.

Published Every Tuesday at Lynden, Washington Territory, BY L. D. PANGBORN
One copy one year ............$1.50
One copy six months ............ .75
One copy three months ........ .40

With this issue appears the initial number of the Lynden Pioneer Press, a pioneer in fact as well as in name in this part of Whatcom County. There has for some time been a growing demand and a felt want for a journal to represent this part of the county, and it is to meet this want that the Pioneer Press has been established. The management hope by the aid of all legitimate means and methods to secure a fair share of the patronage and support of the people. It will seek in all proper ways to promote the best interests of Lynden, and the entire county, and to develop its magnificent material resources. The Pioneer Press will be a partisan sheet in no sense of the word, justly considering that the three distinctively political papers of the county are amply able to champion the interests of their respective parties. While it will not engage in heated partisan discussions it will reserve the right to criticise or command whatever it may see of good or bad in the men or measures of either of the political parties of the country. It desires to maintain the most cordial and courteous relations with the established press of the county, and to heartily co-operate with them in the good work of fostering and developing our social, educational, and material resources. Trusting that the Pioneer Press may become a powerful factor for good in the community and county, we hopefully launch it out on its journalistic career.

The type and material for the Pioneer Press was purchased of Messrs. PALMER & REY, type founders of Portland, Oregon. Its excellence is a sufficient guarantee for the typographical department of the Pioneer Press.

Austin CHAMBERS, of Lynden, came home on Saturday, from the county fair at Whatcom, with the horns of every one of his herd of thoroughbred short-horn Durham cattle decorated with red and blue ribbons, significant of premiums won in competition at the fair. Thus are the farmers encouraged, and their ambition stimulated in the direction of improving the quality of their stock. We are informed that all but one of the decorations meant first premium. Hurrah for Lynden!

Mrs. BREMNER, the widow of a gallant soldier of the late war, living at Delta, has a crop of potatoes and other vegetables, that need harvesting. Archie, her only son and support, has been sick for some time and unable to do any work. The comrades of Lynch Post, No. 8, G. A. R., propose on Thursday next, Oct. 18, to go in a body, gather her crops and prepare fuel. All old soldiers are invited to participate in this labor of love, and thus emphasize the spirit of fraternity, which is the fundamental principles of the G. A. R. Comrades respond promptly and heartily to this worthy appeal to your soldierly sympathy and generosity.

The Northwest Normal can truly be said to be in a most flourishing condition, as there is at present over one hundred per cent more students in attendance than there was at the same time last year, and new students constantly arriving.

The beautiful new chandeliers, seven in number, purchased for the First M. E. church, were hung on Saturday, and guarantee a brilliantly lighted church in the future. Light and warmth have an attractive and drawing influence in a church as well as in a private dwelling. Houses of worship should be made beautiful, bright, and cheerful, instead of austere, gloomy and uncomfortable.

The Northwest Normal School.
    A recent visit of your correspondent to the Northwest Normal School revealed to him the gratifying fact that the discipline of the school, and the morale as a consequence, is of a highly superior character, while the methods of instruction in vogue are such as are adopted and commended by the most advanced educators of the present time. The teachers are each trained specialists in their several departments. Prof. J. R. BRADLEY, the popular and efficient principal, is an educator of long experience and approved and established reputation. Prof. J. F. GRIFFIN, as teacher of some special branches and director of the Musical Department, has no superior on the coast. Miss BOWERS, recently from Pennsylvania, discovers exceptional ability in the art of instruction in her special department, that of drawing and languages. The students are a bright and intelligent body of young ladies and gentlemen, and exhibit a degree of earnestness and application to the work before them that augurs finely for success.
    The influences pervading and surrounding the Northwest Normal School are of a vastly superior character. The presence of good society composed of citizens that are intelligent, enterprising and law-abiding, and the notable absence of the saloon, that bane of modern society, make conditions of the most desirable character, while the existence of a fine library composed of the choicest selections of history, biography, poetry, fiction, enables the students to employ any leisure time they may have in gleaning information from general readings.
    Parents who wish to send their children to an institution where the discipline and methods of teaching are superior; thoroughness in the text books insisted upon, and the social, moral, and religious conditions first-class, should patronize the Northwest Normal School. The thorough training of teachers for the work of teaching is made a specialty, and thus appeals to those who have that vocation in view as a life work.

The new hotel being erected by Mr. BARTLET, is nearing completion.

Mr. and Mrs. Jno. SHOWERS started for Seattle on the steamer Edith Saturday last.

The Lynden Cornet band is making rapid strides towards perfection in the "art musical."

Mr. ASHLEY, the Lynden jeweler, is clearing and otherwise preparing to build a residence on Grover street.

Work on the new public school building is progressing nicely under the able supervision of Mr. NELSON.

Messrs. SHANK & ROBINSON wish to inform M. R. STAIGHT that they will probably steam up to-morrow.

There was a social dance given in the new hotel on Saturday evening last, which was greatly enjoyed by those present.

A Mr. LYONS from Ind., is in the city visiting our fellow townsman, W. I. BAKER, and seeking a location. He seems to be well pleased with our town and country.

Miss Anna WRIGHT, daughter of J. S. WRIGHT of this place, has been quite sick for the last week or so, but we are pleased to note that she is improving.

H. A. JUDSON has added much to the appearance of the interior portion of his store, by having had it painted in a very artistic and attractive manner.

Mr. Thos. FORBES, an old resident of Lynden but now living at Skagit City, called at the Pioneer Press office, left a dollar and a half, and ordered the Press mailed to his address.

Mr. CADE, one of the proprietors of the justly famous Tuxedo Mills, was in town Tuesday on business. He expressed himself as much surprised and pleased with the growth of the town since his last visit.

The "old reliable" Lynden mills started up on Tuesday of this week. With their fine new machinery we may expect the company to turn out more, and a better quality of lumber than ever before.

We are glad to announce the fact that the little girl living at H. A. JUDSON's, who was so badly burned a short time ago, is improving, and if nothing happens we may expect to see her around in a short time.

The steamer Nooksack is expected to make her first trip up the Nooksack river to this place in a day or two, when we will have three steamboats running between Lynden and different points on the Sound.

Mr. SCHROEDER, the young man who had his leg broken a couple of weeks since, was presented a purse of $40 by the people of Lynden. A friend in need is a friend indeed, and thus our generous people proved themselves in the present case.

P. H. GRIGGS raised from the same piece of ground two crops; one of early potatoes, and over fifteen hundred pounds of cabbage. He also measured one of his mangel wurtzels the other day which measured twenty-six inches in circumference.

Mr. CROWLEY, recently from Texas, has purchased two lots on the corner of Grover and Liberty streets, and is erecting thereon a large dwelling into which he expects to move as soon as finished. Thus the building and improvement goes on.

The steamer Gleaner made a trip up the river to this place the first of the week. This demonstrates the fact that the Nooksack river can be navigated at any stage of water, as the river was as low as it ever gets when she made the trip.

G. G. HARDY, recently of Fresno, Cal., an old friend of Wm. TROTT, has just been visiting that gentleman. He expressed himself as being highly pleased with this section of Washington Territory, and prophesied for it a brilliant and prosperous future.

We are pleased to add another business hours to the constantly increasing list; that of J. B. ROBINSON, who having fitted up a business room adjoining his residence, will shortly open up a fine stock of confectionery, notions, etc. We heartily will Mr. ROBINSON success.

The family of J. R. PILGRIM, who recently purchased four acres of land of Wm. TROTT, a mile before Lynden, arrived from Bruce county, Ontario, Canada, Sunday. His family consists of a wife and six children. A substantial addition to the population of our community.

Mrs. H. A. JUDSON wishes through the columns of the Pioneer Press to express her sincere thanks for the kind solicitude manifested by her friends and neighbors in the affliction, by a painful accident of her little niece Edith HOLBROOK, and to say her condition is much improved with bright prospects for her early recovery.

Prof. H. J. SWIM of this place has just finished digging his crop of potatoes, raised on his fine farm just across the river from town. The patch contained about one acre, and produced 39,000 pounds of potatoes. At forty cents per bushel, the price Prof. SWIM is selling them for, they would bring him in market $260.00. Not very bad for an acre of ground for one year.

Dr. WRIGHT has in one of his drug store windows, constantly tempting the passers by, two apples, one of which measures at the equator fourteen and three-fourths inches, and weighs twenty-one and one-half ounces. The other apple is of the same measurement, but weighs one-half ounce less. These apples were raised by Mr. Wilson PLUMMER of this place.

B. J. NIMERICK started for Eastern W. T., on Friday last, to make arrangements for the rest of the family to winter over there. The people of Lynden are sorry to see the NIMERICK family taking their leave, as we shall miss them in many ways, especially will this be the case with The Lynden Cornet Band, which loses two of its most valued members, but as they have decided to leave us, we all join in wishing them success.

The steamer Edith arrived on Thursday last, bringing a full cargo of freight for this place, among which was a fine and very large stock of furniture for the Lynden Furniture Co. This is without doubt the largest stock of furniture ever brought to Whatcom County. Tally one for the inland metropolis. The Edith returned down the river on Saturday, taking fifty bales of hops for JUDSON & Son, the Nooksack hop kings.

Democratic Mass Meeting.
On Friday evening, Oct. 12, at Lynden, Messrs. J. T. RONALD and E. K. HANNA, the former prosecuting attorney of King county, and the latter a practicing attorney of Seattle, accompanied by Chas. DONOVAN and Phil. ISENSEE, of Whatcom, candidates for joint councilmen and auditor, respectively, discussed the distinctive issues of the Democratic party with force and considerable logic, before a good audience, composed mainly of democrats with a liberal sprinkling of republicans. The Hon. J. T. RONALD is a speaker of exceptional force, keen and incisive, and finely equipped with facts and figures for the intelligent discussion of the tariff question, which forms the chief dividing issue between the two great political parties. The meeting was a pronounced success in point of attendance and interest.

The first Quarterly Meeting of this conference year was held in the First M. E. Church, Presiding Elder W. H. DRAKE, officiating. He preached two excellent sermons, one Saturday evening, and the other at 11:30 A.M., Sunday. The pastor in charge, Jno. A. TENNANT, occupied the pulpit on Sabbath evening. The church, a beautiful and commodious structure, has just been completed, i. e. with the exception of the permanent seats, and when brilliantly lighted with a full set of chandeliers, is decidedly pleasant and cheerful. The outlook for the congregation is specially hopeful and encouraging.

LYNCH POST G. A. R. - Regular meeting every alternate Saturday evening in JUDSON's hall. Visiting Comrades invited to attend.
W. I. BAKER, Com.; Chas. RUNYON, Sec.

FIRST M. E. CHURCH - Services at 11:30 a. m., and 7:30 p.m., every Sunday.
SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:30 a. m. - Y. M. C. A. at 3 p. m.
Prayer Meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:30. All are cordially invited.
John A. TENNANT, Pastor

BAPTISTS - Services every Sabbath at the old school house at 3 o'clock p.m.

ADVENTIST - Hold services Each Saturday at 2 o'clock p.m., at the old school house.

Progress in Lynden
The progress made by Lynden during the last two years, in the work of clearing and building, and the establishment and endowment of worthy public institutions and enterprises in our midst, has been exceedingly encouraging and gratifying. Many substantial, and in some cases elegant private dwellings have been erected with two large and well-arranged hotels. A large and conveniently constructed livery stable, a neat and tasty library and free reading room, with a public school building which would be a credit to the towns of much larger size and greater pretensions. A beautiful and commodious M. E. Church was dedicated on Sunday, Oct. 7th. Rumors of a large and architecturally constructed hall are rife, and doubtless will materialize in the near future. Altogether the growth of the past year and outlook for the coming year is hopeful and brilliant. The work of development has not been confined to us alone. The country has kept pace in the work and development with the town. Clearing, ditching, and building, has been the order of the day throughout the county.

Brick! Brick!!
For Sale, 2 1/2 miles East of Lynden, Building
Fire Places and Grates, a specialty
ornamental Grave Yard and Tomb Work.

Mrs. E. A. GILLETT, M. D.

HOMEOPATHIST GRADUATE OF CINCINNATI ECLETIC MEDICAL COLLEGE. Special attention give to obstetrics and chronic diseases. A full assortment of Homeopathic Medicines on hand. Also Humphrey's and Barnes' Specifics. Office and resident opposite Lynden House, Lynden, Wash. Ter.

Lynden, W. T.
Practical Painter and Paper Hanger. All work guaranteed first-class.
Piano, Organ and Voice Training. $10.00 for Twenty lessons. Office on Grover street opposite Norman School building.

Physician, Surgeon and Dentist.
Lynden, W. T.

I will be in my shop at Lynden, near the Lynden hotel on Mondays and Thursdays of each week, where all my customers will find me ready to do all work pertaining to Blacksmithing in a first class manner.

Tuesday, October 23, 1888  Vol. 1, No. 2

  There is probably no more fertile section in Whatcom county than that immediately surrounding the beautiful little village of Nooksack Crossing. It was been settled for a number of years, and many good sized clearing with comfortable farm houses and large bearing orchards are to be seen in that vicinity - Indeed, in the heart of the village itself large and thrifty orchards and luxuriant hop fields afford variety to the scene and furnish a sure index to the marvelous fertility of the soil. Wm. MOULTRAY has a large orchard of splendid fruit and a fine hop yard that is a source of large profit to him.
  Indications of thrift and abundant prosperity are to be seen on every side as the substantial fruits of a well directed enterprise and energy. In the village are several well conducted business houses, among which may be mentioned that of OSTERMAN & ELDER who carry a large stock of general merchandise, and also keeps the post-office. Mrs. SIMPSON, nee HARKNESS, carried a full line of dry goods, groceries, and crockery ware, and conducts her business with thrift, enterprise, and energy, and by this means has built up a large lucrative trade in the surrounding country.
  The Crossing also boasts a hotel where hospitality is dispenses with an unstinted hand, and where the weary, hungry traveler can obtain a square meal and a comfortable bed. V. A. ROEDER, on the east side of the river, opposite the crossing, keeps the post office for "Uncle Sam," attending to the duties of the same in an efficient manner, and also does a thriving business in Agricultural Implements, wagons, and general merchandise.
  The people of the Crossing are proverbial for their hospitality, while her merchants and business men taken as a class, are enterprising, liberal and square dealing.

Normal Column
  The Northwest Normal begins the year with an attendance much larger than that of the corresponding term of last year. The rooms have recently been reseated, and new and improved apparatus added, making it one of the most pleasant and best appointed schools on the Sound.
  The school has been fortunate in retaining the services of Prof. GRIFFIN, and in securing those of Miss D. J. BOWERS of Titusville, Penn.
  The Normal department of the school is for the purpose of training teachers for the work. A teacher who has had the advantages of a thorough normal drill will do much more efficient in the school room than the one who enters the work without this preparation. The teacher will get ideas that have been tried and proven applicable to a certain extent. If one were compelled to rely upon actual experience to get information, it would occupy much valuable time, and at the same time the injurious effects which would be stamped upon the pupils would be lasting, and the utmost skill of an efficient teacher be tried in removing those effects.
  A great exertion is being made by Prof. BRADLEY to train teachers to work in a right manner, and to guard against any intruding error. He is a teacher of wide experience, and a successful educator. It is the intention to have a model school in connection with the Normal, to give actual experience in the primary work, (the most important of all, as it is the foundation upon which all the future work must be based) before sending teachers out into the field.
  To organize and manage a school requires a great amount of skill and executive ability. Every school needs for its teacher a person of great ability and experience. The literary qualifications should not only include a knowledge of text books, but he should be able to present the subject in the manner that would secure the best results.
  The moral qualities of a teacher should be such as to make him a person of stainless character, and good noble impulses. One who does not possess these qualities should not enter this work. A teacher is a character builder, a moulder of child nature. A moral culture is the true aim of all children.

Miss PANGBORN is visiting her ranch on Lake Winipi.

Capt. MATHEWS is having lumber hauled for a new house on Main St.

Mr. ASHLEY, late of Alaska, is just laying the foundation for a house in the east part of town.

Mrs. C. H. SCHOFF went to Whatcom yesterday to meet the new boat, Nooksack, which left Seattle last Saturday for Lynden.

Owing to the fact that the new stove purchased for the M. E. Church had not arrived, there was no service on Sunday evening.

Geo. TAYLOR moved into his new house on Main street last week. The band boys welcomed him with of few strains of music Saturday evening.

M. R. STAIGHT is the authorized agent of the Pioneer Press to receive subscriptions and advertisements, collect moneys and receipt for the same.

The new saw mill of SHANK & ROBINSON is now running on full time, and turning out several thousand feet of lumber, a superior quality, everyday.

Mr. J. R. PILGRIM accompanied by his wife and sister-in-law, paid their respects to the Press office last Wednesday and purchased a whole armload of papers to send to their friends in Canada.

The cable on the Lynden ferry broke and let the boat go adrift with a man, team and wagon on board, and would likely have gone to Ferndale if Mr. GUIBERSON had not been present to aid in the rescue of the boat.

The steamer Edith returned to Whatcom Thursday loaded with hops - the product of our enterprising farmer Alexander GILLIS, of Hog Prairie. She arrived the day before bringing, as usual, a full load of freight for our merchants.

Hon. J. M. NIMERICK left this place on Thursday last, on his way to Colorado. He will stop a few days in Seattle. The people of Lynden are sorry to see the Judge take his leave and hope that sometime in the near future he may decide to return and make this is permanent home.

Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah SWIGER, on the 16th inst., a daughter, per Mrs. E. A. GILLETT.

Mr. LYONS, an old friend and fellow townsmen of W. I. BAKER, arrived on the stage Saturday evening, and is stopping at the Lynden House. He expects to remain in Lynden during the winter, and in all probability make Lynden his future home.

The Pioneer Press 5c. per copy.

Leo HAWLEY's new building will soon be completed and ready for occupancy. The ground floor will be occupied as a store room and the upper story as office rooms.

Miss LANNING came home from White river Thursday, and has since been confined to her room with the mumps.

Mr. LYONS, late of Bloomfield, Ind., has purchased lot 2, in block 2, and is now clearing the same and preparing to build immediately.

Mrs. J. S. WRIGHT who has been seriously ill for several days from a severe cold on her lungs is reported not so well today.

Marion WATSON moved up to his ranch yesterday. He had previously been up, cut a road in and built a house into which to move his family.

Messrs. SHAEFER and RICKERS will purchase the material for buildings this fall, rick it up under shelter to season, and build early in the spring.

And now we are definitely informed that Mr. H. A. JUDSON has positively decided to build a Town Hall as soon as he can possibly obtain material for the same.

Lynden village has at present a population of 65; Lynden and Wesley together contain 13 dwellings, four stores, two blacksmith shops, a shoe shop, ware house, and two churches in contemplation. -Revielle, May 9, 1887.

One of the first and most attractive features about a prosperous little village is good roads and beautiful streets. The rainy season is now approaching and the single wagon trail from the printing office east to HAWLEY's store will soon be almost if not quite impassable, but with a small outlay in the way of clearing off old logs and a little smoothing, this street, which is the main thoroughfare of the village, could be put in first class condition. The property owners on this street should agitate this matter until they have a good and credible road.

The faculty and students of the Normal school propose to give an entertainment on Friday evening, Nov. 2d. for the purpose of raising money to purchase an organ. The programme will consist of music, readings, recitations, etc.

Robbie O'NEIL's fine and large yoke of oxen tipped the beam at 3912 lbs. That certainly speaks well for the size of our Puget Sound cattle.

Tuesday's mail failed to reach Lynden on account of the freshet and consequent impossibility of getting across the river at the Crossing.

Being full occupied with the interests of the PRESS I have concluded to withdraw from the Real Estate business for the present - M. R. STAIGHT succeeding to the control of the same. Those wishing to invest in town or country property, or who have legal papers to draw, will do well to call on Mr. STAIGHT. A social and business acquaintance of nearly two years justifies me in saying that you will find him courteous, accurate, and reliable.

In response to the call for the members of the G. A. R., or any old soldiers that were so disposed, to meet at Mrs. BREMNER's, gather her crops and prepare fuel, twelve or fifteen responded to the call, and either in person, or by proxy, spent a day in digging potatoes and getting wood. They dug about seventy-five bushels of potatoes, housed them safely in the cellar, and also cut, and hauled to the house, about six cords of wood. This is a practical and substantial illustration of the spirit of fraternity, which is one of the cardinal principles of the G. A. R. Mr. BUSSARD, who is not connected with the G. A. R., kindly volunteered a day's work.

KILDALL Brothers would call your special attention to their business motto, i. e., "Small Profits and quick cash sales." On this motto the boys have already built up a good and substantial trade which is constantly increasing. Their line of clothing and gents furnishing goods is the most complete in Lynden, and is fresh from the East. They have a line of beautiful fall dress goods which they guarantee, quality considered, to be 25 per cent cheaper than at any other place in Whatcom county. Call at their store and examine their stock for yourselves. Opposite the new hotel.

Call at the Lynden furniture store for your furniture. Prices as low as the lowest.


Tuesday, October 30, 1888   Vol. 1, No. 3

The high water has carried away several rods of Mr. MITCH'L's ranch.

Another brother of Charlie WORTHEN arrived last Friday from Vermont.

Mr. HALL brought from Tacoma a two horse power engine and will build a new steamboat.

Mr. SCHOFF will build a large warehouse at the upper landing as soon as he can obtain the material to do so.

D. L. GERMAIN, a brother of Fred GERMAIN, normal student, arrived in Lynden from British Columbia Friday evening.

SMITH & ABBOTT, the mail carriers on the Ten-Mile, Nooksack and Lynden route, are deserving of much credit for the pluck, persistence and energy with which they traverse the route and delivered passengers and mail in spite of the danger and inconvenience from mud and high water.

Mr. R. HELMS with his family came up on the Nooksack Wednesday and has moved into the WORTHEN house. They are from Norwood, Carver county, Minnesota. He has moved to Lynden with the intention of sending his two daughters to the Normal school and will probably locate permanently in this vicinity.

Dr. RATCLIFF, of Cimarron, Kansas came up to Lynden Sunday evening in company with Messrs. STAIGHT and SPAWN. He is prospecting for a location in which to engage in the practice of his profession.

Marion WATSON who started with his family for North Fork a few days ago met with a rather unpleasant if not serious adventure on his way up the valley. Owing to the heavy rains in the mountains as well as in the valley the river rose very rapidly overflowing its banks and compelling Mr. Watson to build a raft on which he was compelled to put his wagon, team and family with his household good until the waters subsided - A kind of modern Noah's Ark, as it were.

Mrs. C. H. SHOFF is improving her store in the way of building porches and painting.

---Ten Mile Scratch Book---
-School is in progress with an attendance of 41.
-Mr. MYERS is building a nice frame dwelling that will when completed add materially to the looks of this thriving place.
-Johnny MICHELS is attending the Normal School at Lynden, a school that has the reputation of being one of the best in the territory; and you may "notch it on the palins" that Johnny will make good progress in his studies.

-The North Prairie School has been in session two weeks with thirteen scholars in attendance.
-Mr. A. H. WAMPLER has just returned from Whatcom with his new thrashing machine. He has thrashed part of his own grain and is now thrashing for Mr. SCHLOTTER. He is using oxen instead of horses for tread power.
-Mr. McPHERSON has just completed Mr. DERMODY's house. Now his cage is finished he is ready for the bird. Fly in sweet bird.
-Mr. A. BENSON's new house is rapidly approaching completion.
-Mr. WEIBERG has just completed his new residence which presents a very attractive appearance. All he needs is an "old fashioned sewing machine" to make the home cheerful.
-It takes five men to run Mr. WAMPLER's thrashing machine. WAMPLER raised oats on his ranch about seven feet in height which yielded eighty to ninety bushels per acre.
-Mr. MUNDELL is digging a ditch through his place that will greatly improve it.
-Mr. SCHLOTTER has sold forty acres of his ranch for one thousand dollars. He has bought a fine horse. He has built a new wood shed and is now building a picket fence around his house.
-Mr. CUDWORTH is building a root house. He has burned about eight acres of his ranch; he will have next year nearly twelve acres of new meadow.


Tuesday, November 27, 1888:

A marriage license was issued Monday to David GERMAIN and Ellen PRITTER, both of Nooksack.

While stopping at the Chicago hotel for supper on Monday last, Miss Mary HARKNESS, of Nooksack, was the victim of a petty thief who stole the sum of $40 from her hand satchel into which she had put the money just before leaving the steamer. Miss HARKNESS feels quite certain that she knows the distinguished individual who took the money, and has no hesitancy is saying so. It is feared that her chances for recovering the money are very poor.

The surveyors of the Canfield R. R., and encamped on Squalicum creek, a mile or so this side of Whatcom.

We are pleased to learn of the pronounced success of Geo. M. BROWN as teacher of the school at Ten Mile; also of Clemens PUARIEA at Mountain View. They are both bright, energetic, and capable, with commendable ambition to excel in their profession. And you may depend upon it they will do it.

People from within two or three miles of the brick yard on California Creek, come to M. A. FILLMORE's brick yard at Lynden for brick; also from Mountain View. That is an emphatic guarantee of the quality of the brick. He has nearly sold out, only retaining a few for parties in Lynden who contemplate building in the spring.

Mr. H. E. WAITY of Sehome, is in communication with SHANK & ROBINSON, proprietors of the new Lynden Saw Mill, the object being to purchase heavy plank to plank Elk street in the thriving little town of Sehome. It certainly is a much needed and will be a highly appreciated improvement, as owing to the recent heavy rains the street is in an almost impassable condition.

-Mr. CARFEE and family consisting of wife and four children, arrived at this place a few days ago direct from Otter Tail Co., Minn. They seem to be well pleased with the county, and have come to stay.
-Charles MARCHISON has sold his right to his ranch to Carl CARLMAN, who seems to be a man full of energy and enterprise.
-J. VOSE is building a barn and root house; George RAINFORD, of Ten Mile, is builder, which insures a good job.
-J. FULLER has just finished building a root house.
-The ESTERGREEN Brothers and Malcom LOREEN are preparing to build their saw mill in the spring, by clearing off the site, and getting out timber, etc.
-Prof. J. F. GRIFFIN of Lynden, is conducting a flourishing singing school at this place, and young and old seem to take great interest in the same.
-Mr. ECKARDT has gone to Tacoma to meet his wife whom he expects from Chicago.
-J. S. CUMMINS and Wm. BOYD came in from Seattle last Wednesday and will stop on their ranches this winter and trap for beaver which they think will be very profitable as they say there is plenty of beaver in this vicinity.
-BULMER made a flying trip to his ranch Monday and returned Wednesday to Sehome where he has been employed for some time.
-J. H. HALL is building an addition to his barn.
-Duck hunting on Sumas lake is the order of the day here now; Sherd NOBLE came in with fifteen. Messrs. ROGERS & VANVALKENBURG have been out three days the last heard from them they had not got a feather but were holding the fort with hopes of getting at least one fowl before returning.

    We are called upon this week to perform the sad duty of chronicling the death; from lingering consumpting, of our esteemed neighbor, friend, and fellow-townsman, J. B. ROBINSON.
    He was born in Elkhart county, Indiana, August 13, 1845, consequently being at the time of his death 43 years of age. When the war of the Rebellion broke out he gallantly responded to his country's call for aid in the hour of peril, and enlisted in the 2d Regt. of Indiana Cavalry early in 1863. In 1864 he was promoted to corporal, and served gallantly throughout the war, being discharged on the 22d day of July, 1865, at Edgefield, Tennessee.
    During the time of his service he performed courageously and faithfully all the duties that devolved (sic) upon him. In civil life, and in his relations with his family and neighbors, he was generous, honest to a fault; frequently denying himself that he might do them a kindness. His old neighbors at Ferndale and Lynden showed their appreciation of him, and sympathy with his bereaved widow and orphans by doing all in their power to assist in the hour of sickness and bereavement. He was buried from the First M. E. Church; the funeral services consisting of appropriate singing and the reading of the simple, beautiful, and appropriate burial service from the ritual - with the concluding services at the grave.
    His family is commended to the care and sympathy of the members of the Grand Army, of which he was formerly a member, as well as to the sympathies of a generous public, and of all Christian people everywhere.

Miss Ella WRIGHT has been seriously ill since Monday of last week.

O. H. OSBORN of Seattle formerly of Calais, Maine has purchased lots and will leave at once for his family and build in Lynden on his return.

A. D. ROGERS of Ferndale has been stopping in Lynden the past week assisting in the care of Mr. ROBINSON who died last Wednesday.

We are pained to chronicle, the severe illness of the Rev. Jno. A. TENNANT, who has been quite ill for some days with symptoms of the recurrence of his paralytic stroke. His many friends who sympathise with him in his sickness will hail his recovery with gladness.

The Edith and the Nooksack at this date are both below probably lying at the wharves at Whatcom and Sehome. They made excellent time up and down the river and carry freight's at reasonable rates $5.50 per ton.

F. G. MARESCH of Whatcom has the Largest Furniture stock on Puget Sound, and is fast commanding the trade of the entire country by his energy and vigilance in business. Besides Furniture and Undertaking goods he handles the celebrated New Home, and Light Running Domestic Sewing Machines. See his "ad" on first page.

We are credibly informed that Mr. Brooks RANDOLPH, of the steamer Edith, has bought lots on the south side of Front street, opposite the Post Office, purchased building material, and will immediately erect a building in which to carry on the grocery and hardware business.

The management of the Lynden Library Association contemplates giving an oyster supper in aid of the library in the new public school building on Thanksgiving eve i e if the plastering shall have been completed and become dry; if not the public will be advised of further arrangements. This is a noble and worthy enterprise which ought and doubtless will receive the sincere sympathy and hearty, liberal support of the public; come one come all and have a royal good time and help to place on a solid and enduring financial basis a grand and worthy institution.

W. J. MITCHELL, who is doing the plastering in the new public school building, informs us that the work in progressing finely and will soon be completed. The district will hail with gladness the hour of the building's completion. It will mark a new era in the affairs of the district. It has passed through the embryo and chrysalis period, and the change from the rude log cabin of the Pioneer days, is significant of an advance all along the line; of an increase in wealth and enhancement of interest in educational means and methods, and a spirit of intelligence, enterprise and progressiveness that augurs will for the future of the community.

-L. S. MILLER who has been laid up in Whatcom with typhoid fever for several weeks, has come home to hold down the ranch a while.
-Peter SAAR is thrashing in the neighborhood doing first class work. Mr. SAAR has the best machine in the county. Crops are very fine in this vicinity this season especially the root crop.
-Messrs. HARPER & ECKART are rustlers, they have done considerable work on their claims considering the short time they have been here. Mr. ECKART expectation of the speedy arrival of his wife from the east stimulates him to do his utmost to get his domicile ready to receive her.
-Our school closed last Friday for two weeks vacation. Our worthy teacher Mrs. BEAVER has gone home to spend the vacation with her family.

The ferry on the river opposite Lynden, rising from the bed of the river, where it was sunk by the steamer Nooksack in passing, floated down the river past Wilson PLUMMER's place. He followed it down the river opposite Wm. TROTT's place, where assisted by Harry ALEXANDER they caught and snubbed it to a tree where it remains anchored, thus preventing it from floating down into the Bay.

B. H. SPAWN who made a flying trip to Seattle last week returned Saturday night, also Mr. HILL of Pennsylvania who was here for some days, a week or so ago. It seems to be natural for those who have once been to Lynden to gravitate back again better satisfied that ever to remain.

A team of horses belonging to Mr. Mahlon BARTLETT died quite mysteriously and suddenly one day last week; the cause is not definitely known, although it is thought they the symptoms indicate poisoning in someway unknown. The theory of malicious poisoning is however hardly probable, as in the first place Mr. BARTLETT is not known to have had enemies who would have been prompted to commit the deed from vindictive or revengeful motives and secondly we cannot believe that there is anyone in Lynden or vicinity so lost to honor or humanity as to vent a spite against an individual upon a poor helpless dumb brute. We prefer in such cases as this to give the community the benefit of the doubt, and assign the cause to something outside the range of human action.

Last Tuesday forenoon at half-past eleven, a fire broke out in the house of Dr. F. S. WRIGHT on West Front Street. The fire originated in a quantity of land which Mrs. W--- was trying out in the oven in a dripping pan, catching fire from the intense heat of the oven, flaming out of the side of the oven and setting fire to the paper on the side and ceiling of the room up which the streaming flames reached. Mrs. J. S. WRIGHT and Miss Ella WRIGHT who was sick in bed heard the screaming of the Drs. little girl Eliza, who was alone at the time, ran to the scene of the fire and by vigorous effort succeeded in getting the fire under control, not however until it had done considerable damage scorching the wallpaper badly burning the Dr.'s banjo, and five little canaries, the occupants of two cages; cracking all the window panes in the room; it also burned the window curtains in the room besides a number of articles of clothing, the damage altogether amounting to about $10. Two tubs of rain water setting convenient just outside the door was the only thing that made it possible to save the house as the fire would have gained such headway before water could have been brought from the well that it would have been impossible to save it. Let us have a hook and ladder company by all means.

Notice is hereby given that the firm heretofore doing business under the partnership and firm name of SMITH & ABBOTT is dissolved from the date. Eben SMITH, the remaining partner, will continue the business, make all collections, and pay all debts of said firm.
Lynden, W. T.
Oct. 12th, 1888.

Tuesday, December 4, 1888

The following are the arrivals at the Yreeka Hotel, Lynden, on Friday last: - W. C. TEMPLEMAN and G. R. ROGERS, of Whatcom; Wallace WALTON, Slaughter, W. T. [now Auburn]; Rev. J. C. McKENDREE, San Francisco; J. M. GARRITT, of Seattle; C. T. HANSARD and E. HAMEYER of Texas; Park CUTLER of Dakota.

J. W. DORR, of the Blaine Journal, was in Lynden Saturday, having come over to spend the Sabbath with his family on their claim on Weiser Lake, about two miles south of Lynden.

-Miss McLEOD, from Ellensburg, is visiting her sister Mrs. WHITTIER.
-Arthur CLOTHIER met with a distressing accident a few days ago, that will confine him to his bed for several weeks. He was riding on horseback at a swift pace, when turning a sharp corner his pony slipped and fell, breaking his ankle.
-The literary society is in every way a decided success; debates, essays, recitations, etc., constitute the programme, which has been found to be unusually interesting.
-Ten Mile is not to be outdone by any other locality in the county; she has a debating club, a glee club; and a string band, and not one of the three can be excelled anywhere.
G. M. B.

J. O. BUSSARD is building a neat and good sized barn on the rear of his premises.

Chris ANDERSON has nearly completed clearing a lot on which he will erect a large dwelling as soon as he can obtain the material.

Mr. EATON, formerly of Maine, has rented Mrs. Ida M. ROBINSON's house and bought the stock of confectionery and will continue the business at the old stand.

Mr. TREMAIN's house on State St. is rapidly nearing completion and will soon be occupied by the owner and his family. It is a neat and tasty building.

Mrs. Ida M. ROBINSON will accompany her parents, Mr. and Mrs. WHEELER, home to Ferndale on the Nooksack Tuesday. She will reside with them in the future.

Brooks RANDOLPH has most of the material on the ground and the frame erected for his hardware and grocery store. He has a large force of workmen at work on the building.

Monday a large force of men gathered together on Front street and put in the day in leveling down the street, clearing off logs and stumps and otherwise improving the same.

Mrs. L. A. COTCHET with her two children, Walter and Foosie, will leave Tuesday for Seattle to join her husband, who is working for an abstract firm in the city. There is strong probability of their returning in the spring.

We observe that Dr. F. S. WRIGHT is building a woodshed a few feet in the rear of his dwelling. The Dr. has a very good idea of the comforts to be derived from having plenty of dry wood under a good roof and good bright fires as a consequence.

There have been more strangers in town during the last few days looking for land and business locations of various kinds than at any previous time during the summer or fall. They seem universally pleased with the outlook for the town and country, and the majority of the will locate permanently. Let them come. There is room enough for all.

The oyster supper given on last Thursday evening in the new public school for the benefit of the Public Library was quite well attended; the amount realized over and above expenses being about thirteen dollars. The night was very dark and the roads quite muddy or the attendance and correspondent receipts would have been much larger.

Prof. J. R. BRADLEY, with a genuine love for old time comforts which is coming to many of us, has had a double chimney built in his residence - the two chimneys facing and warming two rooms. Surely in this country where there is such an abundance of good fuel, and where we have a good deal of cloudy weather with long winter evenings; every householder should indulge in this luxury, if it may be so called, of an open wood fire.

The Nooksack had trials and tribulations on her last trip up the river, smashing her wheel and sustaining additional injuries. The low stage of the water and snags and bars which still to some extent obstruct the river, are largely accountable for the damage and delay. She brought the the express for the Northwestern express company on this trip.

-Michael HICKLEY is among us again.
-Myron Young passed here a few days ago with a new wagon he purchased from FAWCETT Bros. of Tacoma. Myron says he is going to ride a while now, as he has walked long enough.
-One FENTON, a solicitor for the P. I. of Seattle, took the liberty of taking his valise and other articles belonging to him, out of the Ferndale hotel, and walked off without paying charges against them. We understand he is wanted by J. C. BERTRAND, of Blaine, for about the value of a horse he borrowed and failed to return some days previous to his attack on the Ferndale Hotel. We would advise the P. I. to send out men of another stamp if they wish the support of the citizens of the Northwest.
-The B. B. & B. C. railroad men are in town stopping at the Ferndale Hotel. They are locating the road and will be here for two weeks. The road will cross the river, and pass through the orchard of Mrs. ROGERS, between the hotel and WILSON's store, then north to connect with the party from B. C., at the boundary line.
-It was with regret that we received the news of the death of our esteemed and honored friend J. B. ROBINSON, on Nov. 21. The many friends of the deceased extends their sympathy to the bereaved family. He will be remembered by his friends for many a day in this community.
-Mr. MONROE, father of our enterprising mill boys, is laying at the point of death. Dr. VANZANDT is in attendance.
-The East Ferndale school began on Monday, with Ed. THOMAS, of Blaine, as teacher, and an attendance of nine pupils. Success to you Ed.
-Don't forget the social given by the Literary Association Friday evening, Dec. 7, at the K. of P. Hall in Ferndale. Boys come and bring your best girl; if she will not come then bring yourself.

-Thanksgiving came and went .... Then came presents to the new comer, Mrs. GERMAIN:
Silver Castor, by J. S. SCOTT --$11.00
Silver Castor, by Amy ELDER -- 10.00
Silver table spoons, Mrs. Js. HARKNESS -- 5.00
Silver butter knife, Barba HARKNESS -- 1.50
Full bed room set, Fred and Susie OSTERMAN -- 4.50
Most beautiful lot of towels by Mrs. SIMPSON.
3 silk kerchiefs by Mrs. KROHN.
2 silk kerchiefs by Mr. MORRISON.
1 silk kerchief by Mr. McKASKILL.
1 beautiful Photo Album, by Mr. Eb. SMITH.
1 broom and high chair by Mr. ELDER.
1 large pile linen table cloths by Peter HARKNESS.
$5 greenback by Allen HARKNESS.
The writer saw a gold $20 somewhere. ... Long and happy Mr. and Mrs. GERMAIN.

The three steamers, Skagit, Nooksack and Edith rested at the wharf in Lynden Monday night.

A. M. ROBEY informs us that the North Prairie people have nearly completed their thrashing for this year. It has been a very difficult matter to move the machine from place to place, owing to the heavy rains and boggy character of some of the roads through the marsh. However this state of things is being rapidly remedied, and where to-day are fine farms and during a large portion of the year at least, good roads, two or three years ago was an almost impassable quagmire. The accomplishment of so much during the last two years affords great encouragement for the future.

The W. C. T. U. will meet at the residence of Mrs. WILLMORE, on next Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. All interested in the cause are cordially invited. - F. A. JUDSON, Sec.

Tuesday, December 11, 1888:

Normal News.
There are now 56 students in attendance at the Northwest Normal School. It is quite evident that at the present rate of growth an addition to the building will soon be needed; when this addition is made it should be done on a scale commensurate with the probable growth and prosperity of Lynden and Whatcom Co. In other words we should build not only to meet present demands but for what will doubtless be demanded in the very near future. The North-west Normal School should be made as we firmly believe that it will be the leading school of North-west W. T. and the lower sound. There is bound to be one of this character in W. T. and there is no valid reason why Whatcom Co. should not have it.

The Northwest Normal School is in a more prosperous and flourishing condition than ever before in its history. The attendance is gradually increasing and its finances constantly improving. There is already a demand for more room, which the Board of Regents propose to supply by additions to the main building in due course of time. These additions will be made under the supervision of the Board, who jointly with Prof. J. R. BRADLEY, share the control of the property and the government of the school.
It is proposed as soon as the Territory is admitted as a State to tender the property to it for adoption as a State Normal School. The following is the Board of Regents of the Northwest Normal School:

-Railroad avenue is to be widened to 130 feet, which will make it a boulevard.
-The old coal bunkers are being dismantled to furnish material for planking Elk street and get it out of the way for the big saw mill that is to be erected there.
-The B. B. & B. C. R. R. Co. have a gravel train and large force of men at work taking earth from Railroad Avenue and filling in the big holes in Holly street.
-The gamblers, faro dealers, prostitutes and sluggers are invading Whatcom, having been driven out of all the other towns and cities, and the question now is to our authorities "What are you going to do about it?" "Do you intend to let them get a foothold here, that will give us in the future a hard tussle to shake off?" Better nip the business in the bud. Our streets are sill in darkness as becometh some little X road village. Hurry up with the lights.
-Mrs. Eva B. MORROW, who did an extensive and successful dressmaking business in this city removed to Seattle last week. Her assistant Miss Caddie NELSON, left on the steamer Idaho, Monday to join her in that city. May success crown their efforts.

Mr. Jas. STRANG and Richard PERDON old acquaintances of C. M. MALTBY's of Wade, Minn. are in town looking over this portion of the country.

Mr. Isaac LANNING informs us that he has purchased a lot of H. A. JUDSON on Front St., east of the printing office and expects shortly to build upon the same.

Little Lettie RITENBERG [RITTENBERG] had what seems like an almost miraculous escape from death by falling down a well last week. She fell thirty feet the well having from 2 to 3 feet of water in it without so much as receiving a bruise or scratch. She came up serenely clinging to the well rope and riding on the bucket.

P. B. RANDOLPH has just opened up a new business on the South side of Front street, opposite the Post Office. He carries grain, flour, feed and staple groceries, and proposes to sell at bottom prices. He is a rustler and bound to succeed. Give him a call.

The KILLDALL boys are now running their city express wagon daily delivering goods to their customers in the suburbs and country adjoining Lynden. Should you desire anything in their line, stop the express and give your order, which will be punctually filled.

-M. W. ROGERS has gone to White River on business.
-Albert HOPKINS of British Columbia has come to make his residence among us Americans. We wish him success.
-J. R. SMITH who has been employed at the Tuxedo mill is home on a few days furlough.
-School commenced last Monday with a good attendance. By the way we think we have a No. 1 teacher as the scholars are progressing finely.
-Mrs. ECKARDT has arrived from Chicago, she does not find this country quite as fascinating as she expected although we are going to try and entice her to make this her future home.
-Peter SAAR has built an addition to his barn to give room for his new machinery which consists of a feed mill and hay cutter and I suppose they are up in good running order as I can hear the hum and clatter of the machinery in passing there.
-Moses EATON now wears a nine inch smile. It is a boy. The next catastrophe that occurs, when and by whom will be duly chronicled by your correspondent.
--DE SOTO The Lynden Cornet Band will give its Christmas Ball the 25th of December at the Hall in Lynden. Supper and dance $2.00. The public are cordially invited to be present.

-Mr. GILLIS is an up-and-down prohibitionist, and thinks that prohibition will be the main issue in politics in the near future.
-Mr. CARFEE has been very fortunate in securing a homestead of eighty acres of good land within one mile and a half of the school house.
-Mr. HAGIN will shortly commence the erection of a large addition to his house.

Mr. ADAMS late of Chickasaw nation Indian Territory has purchased several lots on the south side of Front street in the vicinity of the Post Office; upon on of these he will erect immediately a large finely arranged Town Hall with the lower part arranged for hotel storeroom and lodgings. Mr. ADAMS has gone to Seattle for lime, hair and other material, and has the bill for the lumber already put in at one of our mills. He proposes to have it completed within thirty days; Lynden gives hearty welcome to men of this kind, who having to financial ability do not hesitate to invest their money in real estate and in substantial improvements which, while they promote the comport and conveniences of the community, are the source of personal profit. There is plenty of room for more of the same kind.

Tuesday, December 18, 1888:

Wreck of the Nooksack.
On last Tuesday the steamer Nooksack of Lynden started down the river heavily loaded with freight and lumber, and about a quarter of a mile below Lynden struck a concealed snag which stove a small hole in her hull, and caused her to sink in about seven feet of water. Her decks were both above water, and she would have been raised with but little expense and difficulty had it not been for high water in the river. The recent rains caused the river to rise between six and seven feet, and all the logs snags, and other driftwood loosened by the snag boat on her recent trip up the river, came floating down and formed a jam on the upper side of the boat that turned it over when loosened on Thursday, thus causing her total wreck. The owner, C. H. SCHOFF, is a very quiet, but nervy and determined man, not easily discomfitted or turned from his purpose, and although the loss is a heavy one he has not given up his idea of navigating the Nooksack river. He left Friday for Tacoma, but just what his future course will be is not yet definitely known, but it is generally believed that he will immediately procure another boat and place it upon the river.

The old style of road building i e of laying corduroy on puncheons, on the surface of the ground and in some instances covering them with dirt, bids fair to soon be discarded for one which appears to us to be much more in accord with good judgment and common sense, viz building the road of good solid sawed plank, fir being probably the best material for the purpose all things considered. This would make a road solid, smooth and durable, while the old fashioned corduroy excellent in its day and generation when nothing better could be had, is amazingly rough, in wet places is liable to float loosely about leving open spaces betwixt the logs endangering life and limb of beast, and being altogether unsafe and unsatisfactory. It would seem to us that a portable mill might be moved from point to point along the route of the plank road to be built, the plank sawed out put into place with a minimum of labor and cost, and we are satisfied that it will be done ere long.

Whatcom is to have a brick yard conducted by A. P. BOOK from Dakota.

Sehome requires all new buildings to be built of brick, that is a wise commendable precaution against fire.

SHANK & ROBINSON are putting in timbers preparatory to putting a top saw in their new mill, necessitated by the large orders they are constantly receiving.

The WORTHEN Bros. have just erected a neat substantial barn on their premises on Grover St. Silas BRADLEY has also erected a good barn just south of his meat market.

Mr. M. BARTLETT returned Friday from his visit in Illinois, where he had gone to look after his farms and general business and to procure furniture for the hotel in this place.

W. F. RHOBACHER is now in his blacksmith shop ready for business.

The family of J. W. DORR, of the Blaine Journal, will move from their ranch to Blaine this week.

The KILDALL boys have placed a new and handsome street lamp in front of their store. This speaks for the enterprise and industry of the boys, and is an example that should be followed by the entire village, in placing lights along the main streets to illuminate the darkness these long evenings.

The Lynden Cornet Band made a tour of all the proprietors of the new business and new business houses. Their graceful courtesy was rewarded by refreshments at the Hotel Lynden, the new Hostess Mrs. DEMING profering the same, with cigars at Mr. EATON's, and Brooks RANDLOPH's. The band richly deserves all such social courtesies and generous financial support on the part of the citizens. They relieve the tedious monotony and minister to the enjoyment of the town Folk of Lynden.

-Farewell party given at J. M. OLMSTED's last night for the benefit of Albert HOPKINS and wife; they contemplate moving to Anacortes the first of next week and go into the hotel business.
-Peter SAAR has taken two loads of onions to Whatcom this week, price $30.00 per ton; onions ought to be a paying crop at that price, if it was not for such horrible roads we have to travel over going to market, either give us better roads, or a leave of absence till the dry season.
-J. R. HALL is building a commodious poultry house in order to secure what fowls he has left from the ravages of the wild-cat and skunk etc., which have been gratifying their carnivorous appetites on his poultry for some months past.

Normal Entertainment.
There will be a musical and literary entertainment at the Normal School Thursday night Dec. 20th. The former entertainments given by the Normal School have proven a pronounced success, and teacher and student are making a special effort to make this exceptionally good. The object, to raise funds for the purchase of an organ for the use of the Normal, is a worthy one and merits success.

Mr. TREMAIN has moved into his new house on State street.

Fay McCLINTOCK will go to Whidbey Island to spend the Holidays with his parents.

Fred GERMAIN will spend Christmas with his brothers on the upper Nooksack.

Liebman MOUNCE will go to New Westminster to enjoy the Christmas festivities with his friends there.

Mr. PARKER of Dakota arrived Saturday and is looking for land in our vicinity. His family are at Whatcom.

Mr. T. A. GREEN of Simeron of Kansas, a friend of Dr. E. M. RATCLIFF is visiting our little city with a view of locating.

Prof. SWIM has purchased three lots on West State street, and will immediately proceed to erect a neat, tasty and commodious office.

Mr. CAVE is rusticing over his house, which adds greatly to the looks as well as to the comfort of his dwelling.

Chas. RUNYON is putting in new windows in the front part of his house, and otherwise improving it.

Will and Tom FORBES have taken one raft of lumber to the mouth of the river, and are now preparing to raft down the lumber that was on the ill-fated Nooksack.

H. S. SLADE and Mr. O'CONNOR have formed a co-partnership for the purpose of conducting a butchering and meat market business. They will immediately erect a building on Grover street in which to carry on their business.

Wm. and Charles BERTRAND killed six large deer last week in the open field just over the British line from Delta. They report the hunting very good in that locality and quite a number of bears have lately been killed.

Mr. R. O. WELTS of Lyman was in town Friday looking after his printing press and types for that place, which was on board the unfortunate steamer Nooksack when she was buried in her namesake.

Hurrah for the shooting-match!! we are going to have a good display, such as turkeys, chicken, and pigs, to be held in JUDSON's grove Friday Dec. 21. Come every body and bring shot-guns and rifles, will meet at the gove 10 o'clock A. M. --J. S. WATTS

P. B. RANDOLPH has just opened up a new business on the South side of Front street, opposite the Post Office. He carries grain, flour, feed and staple groceries, and proposes to sell at bottom prices. He is a rustler and bound to succeed. Give him a call.

The Lynden Cornet Band will give its Christmas Ball the 25th of December at the Hall in Lynden. Supper and dance $2.00. The public are cordially invited to be present.

Tuesday, December 25, 1888:

Christmas Tree.
The Christmas Tree with the few accompanying exercises, in the M. E. church, was a grand success, especially the tree which was a fine symmetrical young fir, heavily laden and finely decorated with the large variety of fruit peculiar to christmas times. The children for whose special benefit the tree was arranged enjoyed it immensely, albeit their patron saint, old Santa Claus; owing probably to unavoidable detention in the Polar regions, arrived somewhat late. True however to the traditional idea which innocent, credulous childhood has inherited, he came laden with gifts which he showered lavishly and impartially on the expectant children, some of them children of larger growth. Altogether the occasion passed off very pleasantly and was highly enjoyed by old and young alike.

Bellingham Bay Cities.
The recent and more tangible evidences of railroads has caused the Bellingham Bay cities (Whatcom, Sehome, Bellingham and Fairhaven, these cities are virtually one), to spring forward as by magic. Real estate has doubled in value in the last six months with a fair probability of doubling its value again in the next year. This growth is seconded and greatly assisted by the rapid development of the rich agricultural lands of Whatcom county back of these towns. The tide is in and the rich lands of the whole North-West are being rapidly filled up by a class of thrifty, enterprising and energetic people who are clearing up home for themselves in this mild and equable climate. These, seeking the Bay as their distributing point, would, of itself, build a good city on the bay. But this is not all; with the rich and fertile valleys; the beautiful lakes which are fast becoming popular pleasure resorts; the wealth of time; with mountains full of Coal and Iron; all seeking the bay with its unsurpassed harbor for distribution, is sure to make one of the finest cities on the Sound on Bellingham Bay.

Real Estate Transfers in Lynden.
The following lots and tracts of land have been sold in Lynden the past week:
In HAWLEY's new addition, across the Fish Trap and north of the Normal school building --
Isaac FERRIS, 1 lot -$100
W. D. WEBBER, 3 lots - 150
Riley HELMS, 2 lots - 150
Mr. FOSTER, 2 lots - 90
L. L. INGLES, 5 acres - 400
Mr. SUMNER, 1 lot - 50
Mr. DRAKE, 2 lots - 125
J. L. BEZZO, 2 lots - 100
Mr. BIRDSELL, 12 lots - 400
Dr. WILBUR, 4 lots - 125
In JUDSON's original townsite --
A. H. BAKER, lot 4, block 2 - $100
Geo. PARKER, lot 3, block 2 - 100
Geo. W. TURNER, lot 1, block 3 - 100
Thos. GREEN, lot 6, block 2 - 100
W. H. TEMPLE, lot 5, block 35 - 50
Wallace WALEN, lot 6, block 24 - 50
P. J. LAIR, lot 5, block 30 - 50
P. J. LAIR, Front st. - $100
L. W. WELLER, Front st. - 100
George ABBOTT, lot 9, block 20 - 100
W. H. DOBBS, lots 6 and 7, block 2, MALTBY's addition - 95
H. J. SWIM, lots 3, 4 and 5, block 3, MALTBY's addition

The following are building or have the lumber ordered for building on their newly acquired lots:
Geo. W. TURNER, bakery, Thomas GREEN, store room, and carpenter shop on back of lot.
Geo. PARKER, bakery and confectionery.
A. H. BAKER, millinery and jewelry.
H. J. SWIM, Co. Supt. office.
Mr. SUMNER, residence.
Mr. BIRDSELL, residence.
Mr. FOSTER, residence.
Isaac FERRIS, residence.

-The party at Henry KENOYERs last Monday night was pronounced by all present, the best of the season.
-The residents of Silver-lake vicinity are engaged in cutting a diagonal road to connect with the telegraph road.
-There is to be a party at PROUTY's hall on Christmas eve.
-Mr. THEALL and Mr. MOON, both of Lynden, were in this vicinity yesterday soliciting subscriptions for the "Beautiful Story" a very interesting work. They did very well.
-Mr. PANGBORN editor of the Lynden Press, spent a couple of days here in the interest of his paper; all like it who have seen it; he has no difficulty in procuring subscribers and left with a large list.
-Arthur CLOTHIER has so far recovered as to be able to hobble around on crutches.
-47 is the number enrolled at the ten mile school.
-Mr. KAOHN, a relative of the KENOYERs is visiting them at present.
-Mr. HOUSE is stopping at Mr. WHITTIERs. He is going to trap beaver in the adjacent lake.
-Quite a number of improvements are going on in this neighborhood. The people exhibit an enterprise that is especially commendable in the residents of our undeveloped country. They are as energetic and go-aheaditive class of settlers as any in the country.
-The literary society still continues to be an attraction. The debate on last Saturday night was the best of all. The question - Resolved: That corporal punishment in schools should be abolished - was debated with considerable warmth and spirit. BROWN and REINHART being the chief wranglers; decision in favor of the affirmative.

-Mr. and Mrs. H. COWDEN will hold their silver wedding at the Glenbrook Farm on the afternoon and evening of Dec. 24th.
-Mr. J. S. NORTON and C. C. HOSKINS have a fine span of horses which were presented to them by their cousin, Mr. LARABUSA we understand.
-Mr. HICKLEY a photographer of the firm of URIN & HICKLEY in New Westminster B. C. left here for Custer on Dec. 1st. where he intends to remain a few days, then return home. He reports business in this place fair to average, and says that he will visit us next summer.
-B. E. MUSSER and family have moved to Bellingham where they intend to make their home in the future having rented their farm in Mountain View.
-The social given by the Ferndale Union Literary association on the evening of Dec. 7 was a grand success; the net receipts will be donated to the cemetery funds to help defray expenses of clearing and improving the same.
-The next social given by the association will be in connection with the Christmas tree on Monday evening Dec. 24th. The following are the committees appointed for that purpose.
The object of this committee is to obtain the eatables for the social such as pies, cakes, and many other good things.
A. M. BOLLINS, C. T. TOWES (sic) [TAWES], Mrs. COLLINS, Miss Mary UNDERWOOD, and Miss Edith THORNTON.
Mr. J. B. HATCH will act as Santa.
Miss Nettie and Nellie SISSON, Mrs. ROBERTS, Mr. Quincy TOWES (sic) [TAWES], Thos. SLATER, W. J. REID, Maggie RESSEL, Ros BALSTONE, H. SISSON, J. COWDEN, Miss Edith and Maud WHEELER, C. T. TOWES [TAWES], A. BOLLINS, C. COWDEN, J. B. HATCH, Frank DAVIS, Henry Carl, and H. ROESSEL, Esq.
-Mr. J. S. NORTON is in Whatcom on business.
-Mr. GARRETT will give a magic-lantern performance here on Thursday Dec. 13th at the K of P Hall in this place; consisting of the "Pilgrims Progress," scenes in all parts of Europe; scenes in the civil war, both land and sea.
-The choir meets every Wednesday and Friday evening for practice at Dr. J. J. WELCH's.
-There will be a ball on New Years eve at the K. of P. Hall in this place for the benefit of the brass band. Tickets will be .75cts; supper at the Ferndale Hotel, good music will be furnished.
-Our friend Cap. HATCH has been singing papa's baby boy since the 12th of December.
-Dr. J. WELCH is home again.
-Look out for nonsense and general gas works, now boys.

-The first of the week while out hunting, Oscar McCOMBS shot a Cougar measuring seven feet two inches. He has taken it to the taxidermist at Whatcom to have it mounted. It is the first animal of his species that has been killed, I believe. The track of another larger one has been seen by Mr. CUMMINGS and others.
-Mr. ECKHARDT has had some men employed for the past week swamping a road from the main thoroughfare into his ranche, he will soon have a good passable road.
-Mr. and Mrs. CLARK and family, of Spokane Falls are visiting at Peter SAAR's, Mrs. CLARK's father.
-Miss Eliza SMITH has been visiting at Tuxedo this week.
-Mr. and Mrs. SARWATER of Tuxedo have been the guests of Mr. J. R. SMITH.
-Miss Ellen POOT is sojourning in British Columbia for an indefinite period.
-A singing school was organized at our schoolhouse, with Prof. R. F. NOBLE as teacher.
-There is to be an entertainment and Christmas tree given by our British Cousins on Christmas eve, all the Geraites cordially invited. We will be there.

Will STEVENS came home Saturday to spend Christmas with his mother.

Mr. LINDLEY of Iowa has purchased lots and will immediately commence the erection of a residence and removed his family to Lynden. The are stopping at Bellingham until the house shall be inclosed (sic).

I. N. FERRIS has purchased one of those large lots from HAWLEY, just across Fish Trap creek, and will commence the erection of a residence at once. Thus it is with Lynden; steadily and continually advancing. No boom nor rumors of a boom have yet touched her border, but over one hundred buildings have been erected in the last year with fair prospects to double or triple that number in the coming year.

P. H. GRIGGS has been coloring the Press building with paint this week.

Mr. C. H. SCHOFF returned from Tacoma Friday evening where he has been to negotiate for a boat to use on the river till he can rebuild. He will doubtless be on the river again soon.

Why is Lynden like an electric street car? - It makes little noise but gets there just the same.

Nine new buildings have been commenced in Lynden within the past ten days.

Abel FORBES, who left Lynden and went to Oregon about a year ago, returned Thursday, and will now make Lynden his permanent home.

A quiet anniversary social was given at the home of Mrs. C. H. SHANK on Friday evening. Those present; Mr. and Mrs. SHANK, Mr. and Mrs. SCHOFF; Mr. and Mrs. WRIGHT, Prof. GRIFFIN, Frank GANNON, S. KILDALL and Miss BOWERS, Miss Pauline ROBINSON and Miss Stephens. The evening program consisted of music, pleasant converse and supper. Mr. SHANK is reported as behaving like a little man considering his jocular proclivities. At about one o'clock the merry guests bid each other good night and went to their homes feeling much better for their evening's entertainment.

For Sale.
Eighty acres of land adjoining the townsite of Lynden, known as the Mrs. SLADE homestead. Will be sold cheap if sold soon. For particulars inquire of H. A. JUDSON.

Mr. C. H. SHOFF wishes to express his thanks to all those who kindly rendered their assistance at the time of the accident to the steamer.

The rush of people at KILDALL Bros. store the past two weeks has been so great that the boys have had to add more working force, in order to wait upon their customers. This shows plainly who does the business, and where bargains are to be had.

Presiding Elder DRAKE, of the M. E. Church, Seattle District, was in Lynden Thursday. He was on his way to visit the people of Ferndale.

Mr. PARKER of Dakota, has his family present and in the future will be counted among the permanent and substantial citizens of our beautiful and growing village.

Mr. O. TILTON of Barnes Prairie, was in town Thursday on business. He reports the prospects good for a speedy development of the portion of the country.

The W. C. T. U. will meet at the residence of Mrs. E. J. ROBINSON on next Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. All interested in the cause are cordially invited. F. A. JUDSON, Sec.

Prof. J. F. GRIFFIN has gone to his ranche near Blaine to remain till the Normal reopens after the holidays.

Mr. Geo. PARKER is at work on his new bakery and confectionery store building on Front street.

Mr. Geo. TURNER is also building a bakery on Front street, between the City Drug Store and the Press building. This will give Lynden two bakeries within the next two or three weeks.

P. B. RANDOLPH has just opened up a new business on the South side of Front street, opposite the Post Office. He carries grain, flour, feed and staple groceries, and proposes to sell at bottom prices. He is a rustler and bound to succeed. Give him a call.

The Lynden Cornet Band will give its Christmas Ball the 25th of December at the Hall in Lynden. Supper and dance $2.00. The public are cordially invited to be present.

Notice is hereby given that no debts contracted on my credit will be paid by me.

The Normal Entertainment.
Notice was published in last week's Press that the Normal School would give an exhibition in the school house, and charge an admission fee for the purpose of buying an organ. But through the liberality of the students and citizens fifty-six dollars were raised for the purpose by sub-scription, and it was decided therefore to give the exhibition free in the church, which was kindly tendered for the purpose. Thither we wended our way to find the fine church room brilliantly lighted, and already nearly filled to overflowing with the elite of Lynden, for we are all elite here.
The exercises opened by instrumental music by the Lynden orchestra. Then followed the literary exercises, interspersed with music by the band and choir. Reading was presented by the following:
"Christmas," - Miss Hattie SHAW.
"Gone before," - Miss Eva MONROE.
"Love and Latin" - Miss Anna HELMS.
"The Whistle," - Miss Jessie RICE.
"The Best Sewing Machine" - Mr. Glen HYATT.
"To-day and To-morrow," - Mr. Fred GERMAIN.
Recitations by the following:
"The New Church Organ," - Miss Clara VINUP.
"Parody on Smoking," - Miss Daisy BOYLES.
"Miss Edith Fixes Things Up," - Miss Carrie WILMORE.
Essays; - Miss Jennie HELMS "Washington"; Robert O'NEIL, "A Day at Trout Fishing;" Miss Dora WELLMAN, "Lynden" The Elocution Class gave a reading of the pieces entitled, "Spring," "On the Shore of Tennessee," "The Bells." The latter, by E. A. POE, is a difficult piece to read, at best, but still more difficult for a class of thirty or forty to read in concert. But the very creditable performance of that as well as the others, shows the thorough training they have received. Very few people can read well in public, and it is surprising, as well as gratifying, to see so large a class read so well. There was also exhibited some very neat pencil drawings by the art class, taught by Miss BOWERS. The music was excellent, especially that on the organ by Prof. GRIFFIN, which was heartily encored. Altogether it was an entertainment of which not only the teachers and pupils, but the citizens of Lynden, may well be proud. Long may the N. W. Normal wave.
C. M. M.

Dealer in
Groceries and Provisions
Also Proprietor of the
Yager, W. T.

A full line of Prescription Goods, Cutlery, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Soaps, etc.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
Rooms for private counsel.



Corner 6th and Front streets. Hair cutting, Shaving and Shampooing done in first-class style and at bottom prices. Fine bath room with every convenience attached. Cigars and a choice variety of Perfumeries kept on sale. Call and see me.




The Natural Sciences
The Higher Mathematics
The Mental and Moral Sciences
Four Years in Latin
Vocal Music
Free hand and Mechanical Drawing

The Instructors are specialists in their departments.

Tuition, $8 per Term of Ten Weeks
Instrumental Music on Organ, Piano or Violin, $10 per Term

Good Board including:
Furnished rooms, Lights and Fuel, can be had in private families at $3.50 to $4.00 per week.

The Prospectus and Course of study will be mailed to anyone on application to the Principal.

Tuesday, January 1, 1889:

A road has been granted which was petitioned for by BARGEWELL and others, and which Mr. KIRKMAN and Mr. GILIS had $600.00. damage assessed against. The road will start from the N. E. 1/4 of Sec. 10 running westerly along to the North-west corner of section 7 intersecting the Lynden road. This road will be of much benefit to Lynden giving it the trade of a large settlement and rich section of country. Lynden should manifestly use well its influence and give what financial aid it may to secure the completion of this road.

Austin CHAMBERS died peacefully and painlessly at 8 o'clock P. M.

The funeral of Austin CHAMBERS will be held in the M. E. Church on Thursday Jan. 3d at 1 o'clock P. M.

Isaac LANNING, landlord of the Yreka hotel has purchased a lot just east of the printing office, and informs us that he will shortly erect thereon a dwelling to be occupied by himself. We shall be glad to have him for a neighbor.

Thomas GREEN late of Cimarron, Kansas, has purchased property and will proceed at once to erect a large business house on the same; his lots are on Front street almost opposite to the Post-office.

The Rev. John A. TENNANT who has been unable, on account of sickness, to fill his appointments for some time will be able to preach on next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The evening services will be conducted by the pastor of the M. E. Church and Rev. KANE from South Fork. It is quite probable that services will be held regularly from this time, as Rev. TENNANT is steadily improving in health and strength.

J. H. PARKER and A. PARKER his brother, have purchased three lots of C. H. SHANK comprising a portion of the old mill site, with the boiler and smoke stack. Consideration $500. If circumstances warrant they will probably put in a shingle mill and turning lathe. We hope and believe they will be justified in doing so.

Mrs. Robert ELLIS, living four miles south of Lynden, has made and sold from one cow, one hundred and forty pounds of butter since the first of May. She also supplied a family of six persons with butter and milk in addition to which she sold some milk during the summer to a neighbor. Mr. Robt. ELLIS is our informant. If any one can beat the record let him come forward.

The holidays will soon be over and the students will be gathering in from their homes where they have no doubt spent the holidays very pleasantly. The attendance of 56 last term will be much increased next term, a number of new students having already signified their intention of attending. Thus it continues to grow from year to year, and will continue until it becomes the institution of Northwest Washington.

Christmas was celebrated for the first time at Mr. E. L. BENTON's, on Hard Scrabble Ranche, Dec. 25th, 1888. About noon the guests arrived. They were GANNON Brothers and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. HORAN, Fred COON, G. G. BENTON and Miss BOWERS, of Lynden.

The W. C. T. U. will meet at the residence of Mrs. Geo. JUDSON on next Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. All interested in the cause are cordially invited.

The entertainment and dance given by the Lynden Cornet Band at Nooksack on New Year's eve was a success in more points than one. The entertainment was well attended and enjoyed by all. The dance which followed was conducted in the same dignified manner that has always characterized their entertainments. Supper was served at the HARKNESS Hotel and was of that wholesome and palatable character that is proverbial of Mrs. HARKNESS' table.

-Most of our farmers are busy burning logs, splitting rails, and getting ready to enlarge their fields the coming season.
-J. C. KING of Wyoming Ter., brother of Mrs. FULLER, spent several days visiting with the family last week, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. KING of Yager spent Christmas with them.
-Miss Anna JACOBS is home from Normal during the holidays.
-Lyman BABCOCK is happy, he received a son for a Christmas present.
-In passing the ranch of John OWENS the other day we noticed that he was having quite a job of slashing done. Johnny is getting quite a place cleared up and we miss our guess if he does not bring home a house keeper in the near future.
-W. D. VANBUREN has just finished setting out an orchard of about 300 trees.
-Mr. BUTTON has sold his right to his place to Miss Lucretia ROBB. She has not made her appearance among us yet but we presume that she will do so soon.
-Rob DUNCAN is doing a considerable ditching on his farm this winter.
-Henry EHLERS shot a swan on his meadow a few days ago that measured six feet and seven inches across the wings from tip to tip.
-M. J. MORRIS was awarded the contract of carrying the mail from Clearbrook to Nooksack until the 30th of June.

R. A. BROWN, the veteran trapper started yesterday on a six month's trip east of the mountains to buy and collect furs from the whites and Indians. He will take in while on his trip most of Eastern W. T., and go as far east as Montana and as far north as the Cariboo country in B. C. and return to Lynden late in the spring of 1889.

Prof. Sydney FOSTER, principal of the Whatcom public schools has been spending a portion of his holidays in Lynden, stopping in the mean time at the Lynden Hotel. He expresses himself as surprised and pleased at Lynden's growth since he was last here and says that both Sehome and Whatcom are booming.

Mr. SCHOFF, owner of the Nooksack, informs us that he is repairing the hull of the Nooksack and that he proposes to run it as a freight boat. He says that the hull has not sustained much injury. In regard to building another boat, nothing definite can be learned just yet.

Everybody knowing themselves indebted to KILLDALL Bros. will please call and settle the same, as you all know we sell our goods at low figures and can not afford to wait for our pay.

Tuesday, January 8, 1889:

    Austin CHAMBERS died on the first day of January, 1889 at his late residence in Lynden, and was buried from the Methodist Episcopal church the Rev. John A. TENNANT, pastor of the church officiating. The Masonic order of Lynden, of which the deceased was a member, took charge of the remains, carried them from the house to the church and from the church to the cemetery, consigning the remains of the deceased to the tomb with the impressive rites peculiar to that organization. The church was crowded to its utmost capacity and a large concourse of sorrowing and sympathizing friends followed the casket to the tomb.
    The deceased was born at Johnstown, Pennsylvania, March 29, 1841, and was consequently at the time of his death 48 years of age. He enlisted in Co. H, 5th Kansas Cav., at the outbreak of the civil war, fought gallantly through to its close, and with thousands of others of its brave defenders, who survived the conflict was honorably discharged at the expiration of his term of service.
    Upon the organization of the G. A. R. Post in Lynden some time ago, he joined it and remained an esteemed and honored member of that fraternity up to the hour of his death. Austin Chambers was a man of a singularly gentle, genial, and winning spirit making and attaching friends to him with hooks of steel. Fidelity to friends and faithfulness to trusts, either public or private, was a distinguishing and pronounced trait of his character. As a businessman and financier he was exceptionally cautious, clear-headed and successful; by a few years industry, enterprise and goal management, principally in the stock business in Colorado, having amassed a generous competence of this world's goods. He was in hearty sympathy with all worthy public enterprises and institutions, and willing to aid by his good judgment and wise counsel, in placing them on a firm and enduring foundation.
    He was in an official capacity intimately associated with, and exhibited a deep interest in the prosperity and welfare of the Northwest Normal school, had contributed to quite an extent in its aid and we have reason to believe had he lived would have made a generous donation to help create a permanent endowment fund for the institution.
    The genial, winning presence, wise counsel, and helpful hand will be missed, in the family circle, and in the wider circle of friends, neighbors, acquaintances and the community at large. The half-executed plans which he was so ambitious to carry out, and which would have added so materially to the prosperity of the community will doubtless remain unexecuted. But still "when the dread summons came he went, not like the quarry slave scourged to his dungeon, but soothed and sustained by an unfaltering trust, he wrapped the drapery of his couch about him and laid him down to pleasant slumbers."

Mrs. FOSS who purchased and is living on the NIMERICK place is quite seriously ill.

The Normal Students are beginning to arrive from different directions. Mr. MICHAELS, Miss CHARROIN, Miss HOSKINS, and the Misses SMITH having already arrived.

C. H. SCHOFF has a large force at work on the hulk of the steamer Nooksack turning it over and getting ready for the needed repairs.

The young folks had a social dance in Bartletts Hall last evening followed by supper at the Lynden House: Mrs. DEMMING proprietor.

W. I. BAKER has made his appearance in society. We had the pleasure of seeing his portly figure at the ball Friday evening smiling at all the pretty girls; beware!

An examination of the population of Lynden elicits the fact that it is increased by the addition of two; an infant daughter to Mr. and Mrs. H. M. GOODELL, and to Mr. and Mrs. D. G. LYON a daughter.

Mr. Geo. CRAIG while working in the woods getting out logs for the Hawley mill, cut his foot quite seriously. By careful nursing he will doubtless soon be able to be around again.

SHANK & ROBINSON have the contract to furnish to the Sehome lumber Co. fifty thousand feet of lumber per week, and one hundred thousand lath. This with their home trade will keep the boys pretty busy.

J. H. WILLMOR has been placed at least temporarily in charge of the affairs of Mr. CHAMBERS, and will doubtless be empowered by the courts to manage the property interest for the heirs to the estate of the deceased.

Mrs. Alexander ROSS who has been seriously ill for some time, we are glad to learn is recovering.

SHANK & ROBINSON cut eighteen hundred and twenty feet of one by six boards from one log twenty feet long in fifty nine minutes Saturday.

We have in our office a needle which, for six months circulated around in the leg of little Willie RITENBERG sometimes coming to the surface and then disappearing; Mr. RITENBERG [RITTENBERG] finally managed to cut through the flesh, seize the needle with a pair of pincers and draw it out. The needle is corroded by contact with flesh and blood until it is perfectly black. The needle being extracted has made a material difference in the disposition of the child.

Miss Ida ALEXANDER, daughter of D. D. ALEXANDER, who lives about a mile south of Lynden on the river met with a painful and serious accident on last Sunday morning. She was making toast, and in the act of pouring boiling water over the toast she spilt the water over herself, the water striking her about the waist and running downward, and scalding her so severely that she is at present unable to walk. It is to be hoped that the prompt use of effective remedies will prevent any serious results.

Mr. FILLMORE, proprietor of the brick yard about 3 1/2 miles northeast of Lynden, informs us that there are in that vicinity immense quantities of the finest clay for making tile or pottery ware of any kind. Here is a good opportunity for someone with a moderate amount of capital, to establish a business that will be lucrative source of profit to himself and a genuine benefit to the people of the surrounding country. Mr. FILLMORE is a connoisseur in the matter of tile and pottery clays, and knows what he is talking about. Who will be the first to take advantage of this opportunity.

-Mr. OLESON and Mr. SPAKE have done themselves credit by building an excellent road running from Mr. W. H. LISTER's place, a mile west along the boundary line.
-Mr. FAUTH has got his fruit trees whitewashed and his lot plowed which makes his grounds around the house look very neat and nice.
-The Lutherans had their meeting at Mr. WILSON's across the boundary on last Thursday Jan. 3d at which the officiating minister baptised a number of children, among the number, in infant of Mrs. OLESON. The others were the children of Lars and John BROE.
-John THOMAS has sold 80 acres of his farm to Mr. WILLMORE of Lynden at $12.00 per acre.

The Normal school opened after the holidays with an attendance of 60. A considerable increase over the first half of the term. Others are expected during the next week or so. The Normal is sharing generously in the tide of prosperity that is coming in on the Sound country.

Tuesday, January 15, 1889:

Mountain View.
-Mr. J. S. NORTON, Mr. HOSKINS and Mr. DHROMNE each received a new set of harnesses last week for the team sent them as Christmas present some time ago.
-Mr. O. D. NORTON who is teaching at Delta came home to spend Christmas bringing with him his two largest pupils, Miss Winnie and Mr. Archie BREMNER. Misses Nellie and Alice SMITH, Emma HOSKINS and Oliver CHRIME, who are attending school at the Normal are home for the holiday.
-Two men with families, Mr. WILLSON and HALIN bought and moved on to ranches in this vicinity. It is gradually becoming known that Mt. View possesses some of the best farming land in Whatcom Co. and with good school facilities and easy communication with Bellingham Bay it is not excelled by any portion of the Territory as a place for a man with a family to settle and build up a home.
-Master George DEEDS while carrying a cross-cut-saw, fell and cut his right wrist so badly as to be unable to use his hand for nearly a fortnight.
-Messrs NORTON, HOSKINS & CHARROIN lately received from Cal. seven heifers and a bull of the short horn breed, twelve blooded hogs and some blooded fowls and Mr. NORTON another span of mares. These gentlemen now possess some of the finest stock in Whatcom County.

-Watch meeting at Mr. SAAR's on New Years eve large turnout the exercises were preaching by Elder KETCHEM; after this the time was occupied in song and prayer etc till the dawning of the new year, then congratulations and pledges, the latter to be broken we suppose the first opportunity as has been the custom for a good many centuries past.
-There has been a protracted meeting this week at our school house Elder KETCHEM and CARMAN officiating ministers in whom we think we have very able speakers. This will probably hold over another week we hope ere it closes some will heed the warning and be brought into the fold before it is ever too late.
-A large black bear killed by F. P. HOAG this week. And Dame Rumor says it weighed 400 pounds; we think the old lady exaggerated as we have killed some and seen a great many but we never saw one that would weigh as much by 100 pounds. It seems a little fishy to a Puget Sounder. DESOTO

North Prairie Gleanings.
-School is again in session after a vacation of three weeks, with twenty scholars in attendance. It is worthy of note that the public school was supplemented by a subscription school of two months, thus giving five months of school during the year.
-Through the generosity of the Carpenter Organ Co., the district has been enabled to purchase an organ.
-Mr. MACY has moved into his new house.

Mrs. SCHOFF returned from a short visit to Seattle Thursday, accompanied by her mother.

Geo. JUDSON has purchased 40 acres of the COUPE place south of town. Consideration $1500.

General M. A. McPHERSON brought in two hogs and sold to Mr. BARTLETT on Saturday, which netted him the sum of $39.50.

J. L. BEZZO came into the Press office today and invested $1.50 in the Pioneer. Also Mr. TEMPLEMAN and Mr. T. .A. GREEN.

Miss Etta STEVENS called at the Press office today (Thursday) and subscribed for the Press for her friend and former schoolmate, Miss Eunice McPHEE.

Wallace WALTON recently arrived from Seattle, came into the office and subscribed for the Press. He has purchased property and will build near the Public School house.

B. H. SPAWN, practical house and Sign painter, is ready to do all kinds of work in his line for the citizens of Lynden. H also does paper hanging. He guarantees first-class work at reasonable prices.

There is such a demand for houses for increasing families that the old log school house beyond the river is occupied temporarily by a family of newly arrived people.

The Edith brought two families up the river to-day; W. H. TEMPLEMAN, from Litchfield, Nebraska and Mr. LINDLEY from Minnesota. Mr. TEMPLEMAN is building a house in block 34, just west of the public school building. Mr. LINDSEY is also building in the same vicinity, he is from Dakota, if we are correctly informed. And still they come by twos and threes and in crowds of a dozen or more.

Mr. A. N. CAVE who came here early last spring and located, has embarked in the Real Estate business and proposes to buy and sell the same and to invest money for non-residents. Since his arrival and location among us he has proven himself to be industrious, capable and trustworthy. Whatever interests are entrusted to his hand will be attended to with the utmost diligence and carefulness. The public will find him, in their business intercourse, to be courteous, painstaking and perfectly reliable. Success to him in his new business enterprise.

Mrs. Alex. BOWEN of Clear Brook is placing upon the market a very fine article in the way of a polishing starch for linen and all starched goods. This is a very fine article and no housekeeper after having used it once will be without it. The receipts (recipe?) can be had at the City Drug Store. Mr. BOWEN has employed the Press office to do a large amount of Job work which fact insures him success in this enterprise.

Ed. THOMAS who is teaching the East Ferndale school, came up to Lynden on last Friday evening on a flying visit. He reports his school as flourishing - with 26 scholars in attendance.

Nathan K. JEFFRYS from Roslyn, in the Yakima country, has purchased 40 acres of Mrs. TALMAGE, commonly known as the "Hole in the Woods." Consideration $1000.

Tuesday, January 22, 1889:

   We are called upon to chronicle a particularly sad occurrence which took place in Lynden last Sunday at 4 o'clock A. M.
   W. J. MITCHELL, a well known and highly esteemed citizen of Lynden, who had been suffering with inflammatory rheumatism for the past week, escaped from his nurse and two other watchers; Dr. VANZANDT and Leo HAWLEY, and ran from the house of Enoch HAWLEY, where he was being cared for, to the river, a few rods below the house, into which he either fell or plunged, expiring either before he touched the water of immediately after. Of course all theories as to the impelling cause are merely speculative. However the most reasonable and plausible appears to be, that being feverish and flighty, and perhaps in the death struggle at the time, he was seized with an irresistible impulse to fly to the river where he might obtain relief from the scorching fever. However terrible and reasonable this theory may be, the sad fact remains that W. J. MITCHELL is dead, and will no more be seen on our streets and in the various public gatherings, in which he took such as active interest and gave such wise council.
   W. J. MITCHELL was a man highly and universally esteemed. A good square, honest man, with positive convictions is regard to most, if not all public questions, and the courage to express them uncompromisingly. He was in hearty sympathy with schools, churches, libraries, temperance, and in fact, all institutions and organizations that are calculated to enlighten and ennoble the race. He was an honored member of the Masonic Lodge of Lynden, which organization will take charge of the remains.

Chas. PALMER, one of the HAWLEY camp loggers is quite ill.

SMITH, SMITH & McKEE's shingle mill will now soon be ready for operation.

David WILBER, one of the normal students who is boarding at Mr. PRICE's, is reported ill with measles.

Miss PANGBORN is quite sick and worn out over the constant watching and caring for Mr. MITCHELL while sick.

M. C. HAWLEY has the lumber on the ground from two new buildings; a residence on Front St., and a business building 44x65 on Main St.

Leo R. HAWLEY has 80 acres of First class peat land near the North Prairie school house, which he is offering for sale very cheap.

Frank WINKLER has gone to Tacoma on business, to be gone a couple of weeks. He expects to remain in Lynden permanently on his return.

Prof. GRIFFIN's class in vocal music was invited out to Uncle Watson and Aunt Rachel SMITH's, as they are familiarly called, last week to spend the evening, which they did very pleasantly, with music nd conversation. Refreshments were served later and the company parted at a late hour feeling that the evening had been very profitably spent.

CANFIELD's latest railroad plan is to cross the river about two miles above Ferndale and build a town of his own, and call it Kingsboro. A Reveille reporter gleaned from Capt. COLE, Attorney General for the Canfield road that "Messrs. COWDEN, A. W. TIFFANNY, Wm. J. MALLOY, D. R. HENDERSON and James LYNCH have practically donated 160 acres of land to induce the railroad to cross the river two miles above Ferndale. The [type set error] and is one the west bank of the river, high and dry, and a town will be built there to be called Kingsboro, in honor of Mr. KING of the Northern Pacific railroad. In consideration of these donations the company binds itself to have the railroad constructed through the town, a bridge built across the river and a depot located within the limits of the city by Jan. 10. 1890."

Lester HUBBARD, of Sehome, suicided last night in Sehome by taking opium. This is the same HUBBARD that run (sic) for the office of Probate Judge on the democratic ticket last fall. No cause is given for the act.

-Only for the prompt movements of Mrs. KELLEY and two or three neighbors, Jack KELLEY would have had a disastrous blaze on Sunday afternoon, the 13th, as it was he lost the roof off his kitchen.
-Jerry VOSE has sold off his cattle and will devote the rest of his time to raising chickens. He intends to start in with some of the best breeds that can be procured, both for eggs and market. So those in want of eggs for hatching can procure them without such a great outlay of money. This is a move in the right direction.
-A. GILLIS arrived home a few days ago and brought some fine stock with him.
-J. G. BENNETT, another one of our worthy young bachelors, arrived home from Oregon, where he had been visiting relatives. He brought home a fine span of mules to be used on his ranche (sic). The people in this vicinity are making great improvements in their stock. There is more work being done here on the ranches than usual in the winter months.
-Arthur KIRKMAN will start on a visit to his old home in Ill., in a few days.
-John J. FULLER was elected Road Supervisor in this road district at the road meeting held on the 7th.
-Robt. TILTON is having about 120 ditches made on his place this winter.
-Leo HAWLEY has completed the upper story of his building on Maine (sic) St., and rented it to Mr. PHELPS.
-The HAWLEY mill will hereafter run night and day in an endeavor to supply the demand for lumper (sic) and to fill the heavy orders constantly received. Mr. PHELPS will have charge of the night run.

Mr. Carr BAILEY took an involuntary bath in the HAWLEY mill pond last week. He says that he came out greatly refreshed.

Dr. F. S. WRIGHT sold his house and lot through the real estate agency of M. R. STAIGHT. Consideration $450.00. The Dr. has the foundation already laid for a new house on one of the corner lots which he reserved. The house will be a neat and tasty structure and will be ready for occupancy in a short time as quite a force of men are at work on it.

Mrs. John SLADE of Lynden has money to loan on approved Real Estate security.


Tuesday, February 26, 1889:

The following items are taken from a copy of the Pioneer Press, brought into the office by John BUSSARD. No files were preserved of the early Lynden newspapers.

We have advices from a former townsman but now residing in Seattle and in the capacity of a surveyor intimately associated with the management of the Lake Shore and Eastern and West Coast and Seattle roads, that the prospects for Lynden getting a railroad this summer are more promising than at any time heretofore. We attach the more importance to this information from the fact that the gentleman is of a cautious and conservative rather than a visionary turn of mind. Let it come.

The old hotel in the east end of town formerly occupied by Isaac LANNING blew over Thursday night.

The wedding of Simon KILDALL and Miss Etta STEVENS is announced to take place Wednesday evening.

Mr. CRABTREE of Minnesota, whose brother has been here for some time, arrived in Lynden a few days ago, and intends to locate here.

C. M. MALTBY has returned from Seattle with his plans fully matured to build a steamer to navigate the Nooksack river.

J. H. WILMORE, B. PACKARD and W. H. BURDETTE compose a committee of Masons laying out the Lynden Cemetery.

I have two of the best lots in town to be given away, one for a good hotel and the other for a town hall. -Leo. R. HAWLEY.

W. I. BAKER, dealer in groceries and hardware "The Poor Man's Friend;"
Harvey S. SLADE, Meat Market;
J. O. BUSSARD, plastering;
Lynden Meat Market, S. H. BRADLEY;
Pioneer Store, M. C. HAWLEY;
Dr. Walter WILBUR, physician, surgeon and dentist;
Lynden Cooperage, M. E. RITTENBERG.

(From The Lynden Tribune, March 25, 1915)

Thursday, March 6, 1889:

The people of Washington Territory hail with rejoicing the long hoped for passage of the bill admitting the Territory into the Union, and making it one among the sisterhood of states. Another star is thus added to the bright galaxy which adorns the Flag of the Republic. Washington will begin or rather continue a career of progress and prosperity unparalled in the history of any other state in the Union. We hail with gladness unmingled with any regrets the fact of its admission.

Marriage Bells.
    The nuptial ceremonies of Mr. Simon KILDALL and Miss Etta STEVENS were solemnized in the M. E. Church last Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Long before the appointed hour the house was filled with expectant friends and relatives. Promptly, and to the strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding March, the bridal party moved up the aisle led by the bride's younger brother, Mr. Wm. STEVENS, as groomsman with the groom's sister, Miss May KILDALL, as bridesmaid. Next the groom with the bride's mother on his arm. Then followed Mr. Sidney STEVENS with the bride whom he gave away at the alter. The groom and groomsmen wore the conventional black suit with white gloves. The bridesmaid was dressed in a becoming suit of white, trimmed with ribbons, with white gloves and slippers. The bride's dress was made of white cashmere, lace and ribbons; basque, and skirt en train. A lace overdress looped with ribbon covered the front of the skirt, while the train was attached with fife pleating. Basque, close-fitting, with lace-covered front and ribbon epaulets. A beautiful embroidered tulle veil covered the whole and was fastened to the head with a wreath of orange blossoms. Long white kid gloves and kid slippers completed the suit. Rev. J. A. TENNANT performed the ceremony. The groom placed the ring on the had of his bride, and, presenting his arm led her from the church, followed by the rest of the bridal party. Re-entering their carriage they returned to the residence of the bride's mother where a reception was tendered to their immediate friends and relatives. A pleasant evening and delicious supper were enjoyed by the present.
    The bride received a number of beautiful and valuable presents, among which were a silver and crystal fruit dish with spoon, a finely carved silver cake basket; silver knives, forks, etc. etc.
    We return thanks for the tasteful assortment of cake received, and metaphorically throw after the happy couple the old shoe of good luck, and wish them long days of peace and prosperity.

Mr. KEESLING, one of the county commissioners is authority for the statement to the effect that Judge HARRIS, who bought the Alex McLEOD place at Ten Mile, states that he will donate five hundred dollars to put the road as far as his place in prime condition, if the citizens of Lynden will make a thoroughly good road from the McLEOD place to the river. This is a matter of special importance as it would give us a good road direct to the Bay. Mr. KEESLING also says that if the citizens of Lynden exhibit the proper degree of energy and enterprise, that he will use his influence on the board to obtain another appropriation for the road.

We clip the following notice of the marriage of Wm. PRATT and Miss May LIVINGSTON, from the York (Pa.) Daily of Feb 20th 1889:
    A pretty but quiet wedding took place at 7:30 last evening at the residence of Mrs. Leah TAYLOR, No. 18 North Beaver street. The high contracting parties were Miss Nettie May LIVINGSTON, a granddaughter of Mrs. TAYLOR, and Mr. Norman William PRATT, of Lynden, Washington Territory. The marriage nuptials took place in the presence of the parents of the bride, close relatives and a couple of intimate friends of the family. Rev. B. C. CONNER, pastor of the First M. E. Church was the officiating clergyman.
    The bride, who is an intelligent and highly educated lady, has a large circle of friends who wish her much joy in her new sphere. The bride was the recipient of a very large number of useful, valuable and handsome presents, among which was an heirloom, a beautiful white linen table cloth, which was spun and woven eighty years ago by her great-great aunt, and which had never been used up to this time.
    Mr. and Mrs. PRATT left on the 11:30 train last night for their home on Puget Sound, Washington Territory, about 3000 miles distant.

Ten Mile.
-Mr. SCRIMPSHER has commenced the erection of a new barn. When completed, it will be the largest in the neighborhood.
-Mrs. NESSELROAD left home today to be gone a week.
-Miss Maud HORN is visiting with Miss Christy McLEOD and other friends at Ten Mile this week.
-Mr. FULLER, a former resident at Ten Mile, is paying his friends and relatives here a visit.
-School closed yesterday with an entertainment in the evening. The largest crowd that ever gathered in the school house was present. The program was unusually interesting May PROUTY in "Don't say that he died through drink," Jenny McLEOD in "John Maynard," Christy McLEOD in "Drafted." Arthur CLOTHIER in "Rock me to sleep mother," and Maud COLLINS in "Guilty or not Guilty," did exceptionally well.

Gera. March 2. -
-F. P. HOAG is sick with pneumonia. He is under the treatment of Dr. WILBUR, of Lynden.
-W. DILLON who has been absent for more than three years returned last Tuesday, accompanied by his cousin, Mr. HAYWORTH. We think without a doubt that W. D. will take a partner of the tenderer sex, move on his ranche (sic), and proceed to business in earnest.
-Mrs. EATON is visiting relatives at Lynden.
-The bridges on the telegraph road have been nearly covered with plank and they put on a live business appearance. Improvements still go on.
-O. E. NOBLE, our worthy p. m., will build a fine house soon. We have been informed that Mr. RICH has purchased 40 acres of O. E. and will build also.
-L. G. THALLHEIMER, of Kent, was visiting his parents here this week.
-Byron GUIBERSON, an enterprising merchant of Kent, is here for the purpose of locating a ranche.
-P. SAAR is having his mangols, carrots, etc. dug, which have stood out all winter and are in prime condition. Who says this is not a mild climate?

Farm For Sale or Rent.
23 acres under cultivation; 54 acres altogether, fenced in. Good house, barn and outbuildings. 75 bearing fruit trees. Can be rented or purchased of John THOMAS, Delta.

We wish to inform the public that we have formed a co-partnership to do all kinds of plastering and brick laying. Lime always is stock.

Land For Sale.
My home farm of 160 acres 2 miles west of Lynden, situated on the Guide Meridian and Birch Bay roads. Have occupied the same for 13 years. Plenty of fruit of different kinds. So 80 acres of bottom land. Also 280 acres of unimproved land on which is some of the best timber on the lower Nooksack. Would sell in 40 acre tracts or less if desired. Enquire of Watson SMITH.

Administrators Sale.
The herd of short horne durhams belonging to the late Austin CHAMBERS and consisting of three bulls and two heifers is now on the market for private sale. All who contemplate purchasing such stock will do well to call at once as it will be disposed of at the earliest opportunity. The stock is first class and should be kept within the county for the improvement of our stock. Terms of sale cash, or nine months time with interest and approved security. The property will be found in the town of Lynden.
J. H. WILMORE, Administrator.

It is rumored that Geo. ABBOTT will build a livery stable on Front street in a short time.

Mr. MUNDELL, who purchased the old WALKER place of J. C. NESTE about a year ago has sold the same to Mr. PAINTER, newly arrived from California.

Mr. and Mrs. DALE, son-in-law and daughter of Mrs. STEVENS, who came up to attend the nuptials of Mr. and Mrs. Simon KILDALL, returned hom Monday morning.

Dr. WILBER reports Mr. HOAG of Gera, who has been seriously ill for some days with broncho-pneumonia as being much improved, with the chances in favor of his recovery.

Mr. HAINLINE, late of California, has rented the Lynden House of Mrs. DEMING, who had it rented of J. S. WRIGHT. He will take possession and assume the duties of "mine host" at once.

There is a forward movement all along the line this morning; operation having been resumed on the various buildings under way throughout the town, as well as the sidewalks on Front street.

There will be a basket social at the M. E. church on next Thursday evening; the proceeds from which will be used to purchase furniture for the church; the nights will be moonlight. Come out and enjoy a good time.

The walk will soon be continuous from the HAWLEY mill on the east, to SHANK & ROBINSON's on the west with connections with most if not all of the side streets; these will be a great convenience for pedestrians especially when they have to traverse our streets after nightfall.

Mr. S. H. BAKER has sold his house and lot on the South side of Front street to Mrs. PYATT, a sister of Rev. John A. TENNANT. Consideration, $300.00. The building will not be occupied by Mrs. PYATT, but will be rented and will answer both the purpose of a private dwelling and a business house.

Mr. Alexander HARPER one of the settlers who located last fall in the fertile little valley on the eastern edge of the Sumas country, called at the Press office on Monday. Messrs HARPER and ECKHART were very fortunate in securing first-class claims in that section, and have the foundations laid for fine ranches.

The public school will begin next Monday with Prof. H. J. SWIM at the helm, and Miss ODELL, late of Dakota, in charge of the primary department. The people of Lynden can congratulate themselves on having one of the finest school buildings on the coast north of Seattle in which to hold their sessions of school.

Mr. NELSON, the contractor and builder of the LANNING Hotel, is pushing the work on the building with energy, having had a force of twenty men at work on the structure during the last few days. At the present rate of progress the house will be completed and ready for occupancy by the first of April, the time specified in the contract.

Messrs. WATSON and LANDO, the former from California and the latter from Oregon, spent a day or so in town the fore part of the week. They are looking for a business location, and there is a strong probability of their locating in Lynden as they express themselves as highly pleased with the appearance of things present and prospective.

The Masonic organization of Lynden began on Monday to clear the tract of land which they purchased of DELANDER, preparatory to laying it out into cemetery lots and placing it on the market for purchasers. The location is a good one and with the proper expenditure of labor and money upon it, can and doubtless will be made one of the many beautiful, silent cities of the dead.

We hear with pleasure that C. M. MALTBY is having the street running north and south past his residence ploughed and graded. This will not only improve the appearance of the street, but will enhance the value of property largely in that vicinity. This furnishes an index of what should be and what is being done all over the town. i.e; the improvement of the streets, the building of neat fences around dwellings etc. etc.

Mrs. Robert ELLIS, living about five miles south of Lynden has a cow from which she has made and sold during the last year 156 rolls or 312 pounds of butter besides raising the calf and supplying milk and butter for the family of six members, which took on an average two rolls a week. This brings the amount of butter in ten months to 472 pounds. In a former mention of this the writer in the Press made the mistake of putting the number of rolls as pounds which would make quite a material difference.

Paul A. SMITH, who was here a few months ago, visited Lynden again on last Thursday, accompanied by two mind readers or sensitives, as they are technically termed, who did some rather remarkable feats in the way of mind reading; finding hidden objects and telling what a person was thinking of by placing the back of the person's hand on their forehead.

The publication day of the Pioneer Press is changed for the present from Tuesday to Thursday.

Mrs. DEMING, who has left the Lynden House, contemplates returning to her friends in the east in about a month.

Mr. WILLIAMS who is painting the public school building is having a house built just east of Mr. BARTLETT's on Front street.

We were shown a beautiful specimen of feathers and hair work the other day by a lady of Lynden. The hair was from the head of the late W. J. MITCHELL and was a beautiful and fragile bit of workmanship.

Alex BOWEN has had $150. worth of experience with his veil and second vision man, besides losing a valuable claim on which he was about to file. The conniving REYNOLDS is considered about $2,000. better off for his little confidence game with Alex.

Mr. JONES, a young man boarding at Mrs. BLOOM's Normal boarding house, was thrown violently to the ground by a bucking horse and received a broken collar-bone. Dr. WILBER attended to the injured man, reducing the fracture and he will doubtless be able to us his arm again in a few weeks.

C. E. SHEA, J. W. MURPHY and J. M. KILCUP, three of Nooksack's promising young ranchers were in Lynden Thursday. The boys all have well improved ranches, and the prospects for a railroad to their immediate neighborhood and to the Crossing make their lands doubly valuable. The Press trusts that their brightest expectations may be realized.

We were pained to chronicle the death. from inflammation of the stomach and bowels at 5:30 this morning of Roy TEMPLEMAN the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. TEMPLEMAN. This the second child they have lost since coming to Whatcom county. They have the warmest sympathy of the entire community in their sore bereavement that their poignant grief may be somewhat softened and assuaged.

The W. C. T. U. Social.
The social given by the W. C. T. U. in BARTLETT's Hall last Saturday evening was a success in every way. The evening was pleasant and many were out. The refreshments were bountiful and palatable. Supper, games and conversation were interspersed with choice selections of music. All enjoyed themselves and hope to meet ere long in the same manner.

Land For Sale.
I have decided to sell any of my land adjoining Lynden on the northwest in 1-5 or 10 acre tracts, or the entire tract at $50.00 per acre; those wanting tracts of this size lying near town should apply immediately as this property will be offered on those terms for only a short time.
Mrs. Elizabeth THOMAS.

Notice To Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of William J. MITCHELL, deceased, are hereby required to present them with the necessary vouchers to me at my residence in Lynden, Whatcom county, W. T., within one year from the date of this notice of be forever barred.
Dated February 26, 1889.
Jerome S. AUSTIN, Administrator of said Estate.
J. P. DEMATTOS, Att'y.

Thursday, March 14, 1889:

Washington Territory is undoubtedly at the the present time, attracting more attention and receiving a larger stream of immigration than any other section. It's vast superiority in point of soil, climate, healthfulness, entitle it to the prescedency of immigration and a consequent permanent population. It's admission into the union will inure to is advantage in many ways notably the determination of capitol and of an increased immigration to the territory as well as the increased appropriations for the improvement of waterways and internal improvements of a general character.

Railroad officials assert that during the next few months five hundred people daily will come into Washington territory to find homes, and before the end of the year the number will reach one thousand daily. Whatcom county will get its share of the newcomers.

We are in receipt of a letter from Mr. DUFFY of Marinette, Wisconsin who was here and purchased property some weeks ago, in which he says, "I was through the most of W. T. and part of California this winter, and to tell you the truth I did not find any place that I thought I would like to make a home in any better than Lynden, and you can number me as a citizen of Lynden before long."

Eb SMITH, the mail carrier proposes, just as soon as the roads will justify it in the spring, to put on a stage from Lynden to Whatcom making the round trip in a day. This will certainly be a great accommodation to the traveling public, securing at least in a measure, that rapid transit which is considered quite essential in these days of steam, lightning, telegraphic and telephonic communication; it will undoubtedly be the means of bringing to Lynden a much larger number of people than would come otherwise.

A Fine Steamer Being Built to navigate the Nooksack.
    Since Capt. C. H. SCHOFF lost the steamer Nooksack, Capt. RANDOLPH, with the big Edith, has had a monopoly of the Nooksack river trade. The result is that the people living along the river not only complain of the lack of competition, but also of the fact that the Edith is not near a large enough craft to supply their commercial needs. Their stocks have run down, there produce is accumulating, and their is a great need of a suitable steamer to meet the transportation needs of the situation.
    Capt. SCHOFF has, therefore associated himself with Joseph WELLS, late of San Francisco, and the two have let a contract to F. W. LAKE to build them a steamer to be run on the Nooksack river. Work on this steamer has already begun. The vessel is to be of the stern-wheel pattern, 90 feet in length, 20 feet in beam, 4 feet 8 inches in depth of hold. The carrying capacity is to be about 90 tons. To provide against the danger of being sunk by snags, the hold will be provided with water tight compartments. In short, everything about the boat will be first-class. It is the intention to have the new steamer ready for work by the 1st of May.
    The boat will ply between Whatcom and Lynden on the Nooksack river; also on the lower sound. Messrs. SCHOFF and WELLS promise to give the people along the Nooksack river the best service possible.
    It is their intention to accommodate the public in all possible ways so that there will in future be no need of complaint so far as transportation facilities and regularity in making trips in concerned.
    All the machinery and everything appertaining to the tackle apparel and machinery of the new steamer will be either built or bought in Seattle. --- P. I.

-The Ten Mile house fed 20 travelers at dinner, last Saturday.
-E. S. WHITTIER sold his oxen for $300.00 and bought a fine team of horses.
-M. M. CLOTHIER met with a very serious accident a few days since, by a mis-step, while at work in the field.
-W. M. MYERS has the finest farm cottage in Ten Mile. He is a rustler and we need more of his quality.

It is the special and peculiar province of the North-west Normal school to prepare those who intend to teach, to perform satisfactorily the responsible and arduous duties of that honorable profession. Through the medium of those who received a thorough careful and conscientious training within its walls, and gone out to teach in the public schools of the county; it has furnished ample guarantee and recommendation of the superiority of its methods and of its ability to accomplish the work which it proposes to do.

Mahlon BARTLETT contemplates a business trip to Wichita Falls, Texas near which place he owns two sections of land.

Another brother-in-law of W. J. MITCHELL, deceased arrived in Lynden Saturday evening, presumably on business connected with the estate of the deceased.

Mr. C. A. BEAVERS, a friend of Mr. MAHAFFEY, of Wakeeney, Kansas, came in on the stage Saturday night. If he is pleased with the location, as he seems to be, he may locate here permanently.

Mr. ROSCOE, a friend of Dr. WILBER's from Wisconsin, came to Lynden for a visit and is so much taken up with the appearance of the place that he will send for his family and occupy the doctor's new house and bay windows.

Eb SMITH lost quite a valuable horse last Sunday, by a peculiar accident. The horse was running and playing in the street, and fell with such force, and in such a position, on the smooth ground, that it produced a compound fracture of one of its fore legs, the bone protruding from the wound. Its recovery was considered so hopeless that they shot it to put it out of its misery.

April 10th, 1889 - Abraham TOBIASSEN. Witnesses: Wm. LAUKHARDT, M. W. STONE, E. L. SHELLY, Frank O'NEIL, all of Lynden, W. T.
April 9th, 1889 - Christian M. TOBIASSEN. Witnesses: R. A. HALL, George WOOD, M. W. STONE, E. L. SHELLY, all of Lynden, W. T.
April 8th, 1889 - Robert A. HALL. Witnesses: Henry PYATT, Wm. GILES, Nelson COWDEN, of Ferndale, and C. M. TOBIASSEN of Lynden, W. T.

Mr. HOWE of Pleasant Ridge was in town Tuesday.

The resident population of Lynden numbers about five hundred at the present time.

The public school opened last Monday morning with eighty scholars in attendance; the two lower rooms are occupied.

L. T. WATSON, proprietor of the Whatcom Employment Agency, was in town Thursday on business connected with his agency.

R. A. BROWN, the famous trapper and the staunch temperance man, was greeted on the streets again last Friday morning; he came from eastern W. T. to attend to some business connected with the LEITCH claim, which he contested some time ago.

T. M. ANDERSON and Miss Ida PUARIEA, took the stage for Whatcom Monday morning with the intention, it is understood of obtaining a license from the proper authorities they they may be united in the bonds of wedlock.

Mr. EATON who has purchased the furniture store and stock of J. N. RICKER, has fitted up some quite comfortable living rooms in the rear, above and below. He will be quite convenient to his business.

The Normal school is moving along very prosperously with an attendance at the present time of about 47. The discipline of the school is superior, the work thorough and conscientious, and the morals of the school excellent.

The delay of the shingle mill of SMITH, McKEE and SMITH to start up is owning, so we are informed, to the failure to get up some of the necessary machinery from Whatcom. It is expected however to arrive within a day or so.

The Rev. Mr. MAHAFFEY, the third member of the firm of McCULLOCK, WRIGHT & MAHAFFEY, arrived in Lynden with his wife and family on last Wednesday. Mr.MAHAFFEY will become a permanent resident and occupy Mrs. Ida ROBINSON's house into which he has already moved.

Emmit HAWLEY informs us that he is cutting from 15,000 to 18,000 feet of lumber per day, most of it to supply the home demand. SHANK & ROBINSON also cut from 12,000 to 15,000 per day, all of which is sold at Lynden or stacked up to meet the demand which is sure to come in the summer of 1889.

Mrs. C. H. SCHOFF expects a large invoice of millinery goods and all who wish can have a choice from a large and very superior assortment of goods. They should call and make selections immediately as the goods will be returned to San Francisco about the 24th of the month.

SHANK & ROBINSON's mill shut down temporarily on account of the breaking of a shaft; which will be repaired in a few days. The damage will amount to about $150. It was fortunate that on one was injured by the accident, as a number were standing in the immediate vicinity when the accident occurred.

Card of Thanks.
We wish to extend our heart felt thanks to our neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us in the trying hours of our baby's illness and death. We feel that we shall always owe them a debt of gratitude. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. TEMPLEMAN.

We chronicle the return to Lynden of Mr. John BOTTA who went to Italy, the land of his nativity, last fall. He says he came back to Puget Sound to get another taste of Italian climate, averring emphatically that even sunny Italy cannot compare with Puget Sound in the matter of genial healthful, equable climate. They always come back again.

The whole of the HAWLEY addition to Lynden has been listed with me and is now for sale very cheap and on reasonable terms. I have also some fine farming lands for sale. Any one desirous of purchasing town, or acre property should improve this golden opportunity by buying at once. First come first served. For particulars call on or address A. N. CAVE, Lynden W. T.

A visit to the Northwest part of the town revealed to us the gratifying fact that some of the property owners in that section have made rapid and commendable progress in the work of clearing their lots. Mr. W. H. TEMPLEMAN having cleared two or three in fine shape, while the same is true of Prof. GRIFFIN and Mr. Walton WALLACE. It is this kind of work that secures rapid progress in the town and enhances the value of property.

KILDALL Bros. freighted $1,100.00 worth of goods from Whatcom to Lynden last Monday. They inform us that they propose to carry their own freight after this.

Harry WELLMAN with a force of men is engaged surveying out and platting Mr. HAWLEY's land which lies north of the Fish-trap in the vicinity of the cemetery.

Miss Hattie McCLENNAN, a niece of Mr.FOLLIS, arrived from Ireland Thursday, coming over the Canadian Pacific. She came in the same party with Mr. John BOTTA and wife, the party coming over from New Westminster by private conveyance.

We are pleased to chronicle that Jno. BOTTA has brought back with him from Italy, a good looking bride. Example is contagious, and nothing succeeds like success. Now that the ice is broken we may expect to see multitudes of our bachelors who have fine ranches and cages for the bird sharing the ranch and the cage with a bonny bride.

13 lbs of Golden C sugar at RANDOLPH's for $1.00.

Barrel of New Orleans molasses on tap at RANDOLPH's 75 cts. per gallon.

For the Lynden Literary Society of March 15, 1889. Literary exercises by Allen EBEY, Fanny ALEXANDER, Archie BAILEY & Co., Ira ROBINSON, Miss Nellie PACKARD, Frank NORTON, Harold MALTBY, and A. R. SMITH. Subject of debate:
Resolved that a comparative form of government is preferable to a competitive system of government.
Affirmative: J. A. DELANDER, D. C. SHAW, Isaac LANNING, Chas. PACKARD
Negative: E. SHELLY, D. C. McKEE, Frank THEALL, Sherman HOOVER
Plain dealer, Frank THEALL. The Society is called to order at 7:30 P. M., D. C. McKEE, Pres., A. R. SMITH, Sec.

Thursday, March 21, 1889:

The feeling in favor of the plank road is quite strong in Lynden and vicinity at the present time; all recognize the immense advantage that a good solid plank road from Lynden to the Bay would give to this section. It is the candid opinion of many that such a highway direct to the Bay would confer more real substantial benefit on this section than a railroad, or a steamboat on the river. The round trip could be easily made in a day with a large load of freight; the trip would not be interfered with by a high or low stage of water, and could be made in winter equally as well as in the summer. By all means let us have the plank road.

The Grand Army Post of Lynden is making an elegant growth in numbers at the present time. Receiving accessions to its numbers at almost every session, which are held on Saturday night every two weeks. A large number of the recruits are by transfer cards from post in the States. They come bringing cards with them and immediately make application to be received into the post. This is the proper thing to do, not only for those who come with transfers in their pockets, but for the numbers of old soldiers who live in Lynden and vicinity, and should avail themselves of the benefits; social and financial which a membership in the Grand Army confers. A spirit of true comradeship, cemented by the experiences of the war, is an inseparable tie that binds the old soldiers together.

Supiority in Methods of Teaching
Discipline and Deportment --
Moral and Sanitary Con-
ditions of the Town
The Northwest Normal School was founded about two years ago for a special purpose; that of affording a thorough and practical training to those who contemplate engaging in the responsible and arduous task of teaching in out public schools. Keeping that object steadily in view the management have been eminently successful in the accomplishment of the task which they proposed to themselves in the outset. The work done in the school room has been marked by a breadth, thoroughness, and practical knowledge of technique in the different departments that is exceptional and eminently satisfactory to the patrons of the school. The teachers in the different departments are trained specialists in their special sphere, and intelligent enthusiasts in the branches which it is their special province to teach, whether it be music, painting or mathematics. A spirit of earnestness and in many cases of intense application to work before them characterizes the students in the schoolroom or at their homes. The discipline, morale and consequent deportment of the school is superior as we have learned by frequent visits and careful personal observation, while the methods of teaching in vogue are those of the most advanced educators of the age. The conditions and influences surrounding the students are of an exceptionally superior character owing to the absence of saloons, that bane of modern society, and the presence in Lynden of an intelligent, progressive, and law abiding class of people.

V. A. ROEDER received a telegram from the West Coast R. R. Co. to the effect that the road would come through the Nooksack Crossing, and instructing him to buy some land, which he did to the extent of $10,500 purchasing the three claims of Reuben FOUNTAIN. The road will be continued via Lynden to Blaine.

Land For Sale.
My home farm of 160 acres 2 miles west of Lynden, situated on the Guide Meridian and Birch Bay roads. Have occupied the same for 13 years. Plenty of fruit of different kinds. So 80 acres of bottom land. Also 280 acres of unimproved land on which is some of the best timber on the lower Nooksack. Would sell in 40 acre tracts or less if desired.
Enquire of
Watson SMITH

For Sale.
Burbanks Seedling potatoes for sale; warranted true to kind. Apply to James WEBBER, on the road between Lynden and Nooksack Crossing.

My Blooded Holstein Frisian bull Herrick No. 3,361, will hereafter be found at the barn of P. H. GRIGGS on the north side of the river.
Lynden, W. T. , March 11th 1889.

KILDALL Bros are building an addition to their store 16x40.

G. A. BREMNER of Delta called at the Press office today and subscribed for the Press.

Mr. PHELPS is also clearing his lots on east Front street, and will build on the same immediately.

Mr. J. PYM, a relative of Wm. HAWKE, arrived in Lynden with his family and household goods last week. He comes prepared to stay.

C. A. BEAVERS, who came to Lynden a few days ago has since made a flying trip to Seattle for his household goods, and will located permanently in Lynden.

J. E. NESTE has sold his Bertrand Prairie farm to a Mr. EXLINE from southern Dakota for the sum of $3,600.00. Mr. EXLINE with his family have already moved to the ranch.

P. B. RANDOLPH has begun the construction of a dwelling in the rear of his store on Front street. It will be a six room cottage neat and tasty. Thus the building boom goes on.

Gen. M. A. McPHERSON is enthusiastic in favor of the new plank road from Whatcom, and proposes to aid in bringing about its construction. He reports great unanimity in its favor at Whatcom.

D. G. LYONS, who has been clearing for W. I. BAKER the past winter, has gone into the country on a prospecting tour, and will take a claim or buy a piece of land if he finds something to suit him.

H. A. JUDSON is having the lumber and other material hauled preparatory to building the new post office; the building will be 18x46 and just east of the post office building, as now located.

The number of children in attendance at the public school has already reached one hundred; illustrating the wisdom of the people in erecting a substantial roomy building that will not only meet the present demands but as well, those of the near future.

Mr. SMITH, a nephew of Henry SMITH living a mile north of town arrived in Lynden a few days ago. He hails from Kansas and expresses himself as well pleased with the country and will in all probability locate permanently.

The frame of the sash and door factory looms up in the west end of town, a tangible evidence of what we may expect in the near future, a finely equipped manufactory for the manufacture of sash and doors, and other merchantable articles of wooden ware.

The second, in a series of popular church socials, will be held in the M. E. Church, on the evening of April 12th, just four weeks from the date of the first, which was held on the evening of March 14th, and was highly successful - the gross receipts being $40.65, Net, $36.25. The laudable object in view in raising this fund, is to furnish and beautify the church, and make it as attractive and pleasant as possible; a place where people will delight to congregate and worship.

The services at the M. E. church on last Sabbath were specially interesting. The Rev. Mr. MAHAFFEY, just arrived from Kansas, preached an excellent sermon. The Y. M. C. A. service led by Fred GERMAIN at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, was unusually interesting, and the Rev. John A. TENNANT pastor of the church preached a very logical, practical and convincing sermon on temperance in the evening.

-The Delta neighborhood is fast settling up. During the last two weeks three large families have moved onto the places formerly occupied by Messrs. NESTE, OSSER and WINTER, respectively. One forlorn bachelor sits no more in his lonely corner scratching his head for want of a thought. Mr. NESTE has vaulted out into the wide world; gone to blizzards.
-This week the viewers are completing the survey of the road petitioned for by Mr. Frank O'NEAL and others, which runs on the east line of sections 3, 10, 15, etc.
-Messrs. HOFFMAN, HAGGELSTEIN and JOHNS are now on their ranches for the purpose putting in spring crops.
-Rev. Alex LEWIS is reported, with some degree of certainly, to have gone east for his bride. Appearances would certainly indicate the propriety of the position taken by the Press in declaring example to be contagious.
-O. L. FOSS and his brother lately returned from Maine, are now at work in the vicinity of Blaine. They expect another brother to arrive in April.
G. A. B.

Ten Mile News.
-Frank KENOYER has the frame up for his new house.
-Mr. SCRIMSHER has his barn nearly completed. It is a good one.
-The Ten Mile Sunday School is a success, average attendance about forty, with increasing interest.
-C. A. FAZON is again at work in the Chuckanut stone quarry his third season. He commands the best wages.
-There is a rage for heavy draft horses here, the last to get a good team is Wm. PIEPER, they are fine horses.
-A wild ranch of 160 acres sold for $35.00 per acre or $5,600. The same ranch changed hands little more than a year ago for $1,200.
-John and Silas KENOYER of this place, are now putting in a 30-horse power mill on the Guide Meridian road five and one-half miles from Whatcom. It will be in operation some time in April.
-John M. GRIFFITH and family will this week, remove to Whatcom. Their removal is a loss to our community, and our people regret their going. Few indeed can fill their place in Ten Mile.
A. W. C.


Tuesday, August 29, 1889:

Archie BAILEY went to Whatcom Sunday on a pleasure trip.

C. C. HIXON of Whatcom, Clerk of the Probate Court, was in Lynden this week.

Mrs. Brooks RANDLOPH has been on a visit to friends and relatives at Seattle the past week.

Alex. ANDERSON of SPIERS & ANDERSON, job printers at Whatcom, was a caller last week on his way to the Crossing.

Miss Nora McLANAHAN, who has been on an extended visit during the summer on the Gulf of Georgia returned home last week.

Eb. SMITH is building a very substantial residence on Grover street and will soon have it completed.

Mrs. C. A. BEAVERS and daughter arrived last Tuesday and will as soon as Mr. BEAVERS gets his house completed occupy the same. We welcome Mrs. BEAVERS as a citizen of Lynden.

Last Tuesday evening as JUDSON's stage came in town, it came near running over and severely injuring Mr. SCOFIELD. As near as we can learn it was only an accident, but such accidents will happen unless more care is taken in driving. Fast driving and riding is becoming too common of late on the streets of Lynden by quite a number and it surely must be stopped or some person will be killed.

We are informed that James O'NEIL, Robert O'NEIL and others are soon to erect a sawmill of considerable capacity about three miles west of Lynden on Bertrand Creek. Much valuable timber is in that immediate locality yet untouched and they are going to reap the benefits of being first. The demand for lumber is very great at present and our mills are doing their best to supply the same. Yet people will build you know.

--Arthur CLOTHIER shot a bear last Monday.
--John KENOYER makes a trip to Portland this week to purchase a planer for his mill.

Henry GOODE left last Tuesday morning with a complete outfit for living alone on his ranch in British Columbia.

Alfred CARTER and Geo. D. SMITH of Clearbrook were in Lynden Thursday and will prove up on their land in a few days.

Mr. KING has bought a lot just across the creek and let the contract for a nice residence to C. W. WORTHEN, to be built immediately.

See the change in the ad of A. N. CAVE, formerly CAVE & MOUNCE, Mr. MOUNCE retires and A. N. CAVE continues business at the old office.

If there is any possible way to get a direct six day mail from Whatcom to Lynden we hope Postmaster AUSTIN will take charge of the matter.

L. BJORKMAN of Portland, Ore., father of Mrs. CEDARBERG of this place was in town this and last week. Mr. BJORKMAN has purchased property in Lynden and expects to remove here in a few weeks and go into business.

At the teacher's examination held in Whatcom August 14 and 15, certificates were granted to the following:
First grade -- Miss Lizzie AMENT, Miss Dillie J. BOWERS and Mr. G. P. JOHNSTON.
Second grade -- Mr. J. H. KIRKPATRICK.
Third grade -- Hattie BENTON, Midgie SCOTT, Maude HORN, Olive E. CHARROINE, Winnie GRIMETT and Mr. Geo. M. BROWN.
Mr. E. H. THOMAS of Blaine passed a first grade, but lacking five days of having taught the required nine months certificate was withheld by the superintendent. ... Six failed to pass.

C. A. PUARIEA and Miss Alice ROGERS have resigned their positions on the County Board of Examination.

--George WINTER at Seattle on August 19, 1889. He had been at work in Seattle and was a resident of Delta. His father and mother were dependent upon him and mourn his death.
--On August 21, 1889, in the East at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. D. C. SHAW. It may be recollected by Lynden people that Mrs. D. C. SHAW started East with her daughter (who had been here on a visit) on the 29th of July in hopes of getting medical aid in her serious sickness. She accomplished the journey successfully and has since suffered less than before starting; quietly passing away (telegram says) the 21st of August. She has seen two pioneer lives; was 59 years old the 27th of last June, was married when 24 and was the mother of four children, three surviving her; two now being here with their father. She experienced relition when 23 years old and joined the Baptist Church, but after marriage joined the Congregational Church. ...

        This week we present our readers the ad of a new business firm who solicit a share of the patronage of the people of Lynden. These gentlemen both of whom are well known in Lynden and throughout the county have embarked in the real estate and conveyancing business and are worthy of the support of the people.
        Mr. AUSTIN was a dealer in real estate for seven years in Minnesota, and besides his large experience has a name for practical work. Mr. CLINE has been a resident of Lynden for nearly six years, and a notary public for five years. He has always worked for the interests of the place and county and we have never heard any fault found with his qualification. ... Their new and nicely furnished office is in the postoffice in the Opera Building.

Mr. Watson SMITH moved into his new house in the HAWLEY addition Wednesday.

Mr. CEDARBERG is building a neat residence and boot and shoe shop on the lot west of the LANNING House.

Thursday, September 5, 1889:

        Persons familiar with the looks of the normal school building will be somewhat surprised to see it now, being all painted in a drab color. Yes, and they would hardly recognize the entire block which is now free from every stump, plowed and in the proper condition for fencing, which will probably be done in a short time. The next term begins on the 10th of this month, next Tuesday.
        A model school department under the charge of Miss LYNCH of Oakland, Cal., will be organized, which will add much to the already numerous advantages gained by attending the normal. Miss LYNCH will also teach classes in French and German.
        The faculty will be composed of experienced and successful teachers and every student may rest assured that by dint of hard study and a strict application to business, he or she will be satisfied with their term in the Northwest Normal.
        Prof. BRADLEY, seconded by the people of Lynden, is making every effort possible to make this the leading school in the new state. The Press can only predict for Prof. BRADLEY and his co-workers a most successful year.

--On August __ 1889, to the wife of Col. GUIBERSON of Gera, a boy. The Colonel rejoices in gladness and the balance of the family are delighted.
--On August 29, 1889, to the wife of Manning CUDWORTH, a boy and girl. The lucky parents are both joyful and father's smiling face can be heard a long distance.
--On September 2, 1889, to the wife of George W. MORGAN, Editor of the Pioneer Press, a ten and one-quarter pound boy. Probably he will accompany the father to the printing office next week. (We doubt it.)

Mrs. Ida GUIBERSON visited the family of Col. GUIBERSON at Gera last week - and has departed for her home on White river.

Alex GILLIS from Clearbrook, was a pleasant caller yesterday. He is getting ready for hop picking.

Mr. WRIGHT, one of the proprietors of the sash and door factory, returned this week from his visit to Illinois.

Victor ROEDER and wife were visiting in town this week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. EBEY, father and mother of Mrs. ROEDER.

James MUNDELL returned last Saturday from Ennis, Tex., where he formerly lived. Mr. MUNDELL says he has come to Washington Territory to stay, and will make a good citizen.

Gen. M. A. McPHERSON from north of Lynden was in town Monday morning. He reports that soon he will have a very nice house erected on his ranch. This will be a credit to the enterprise of the General.

Mr. BEAVERS has his house almost completed and will soon move into same.

Mrs. Charles SCHRIMSCHER has been for the past few days visiting her parents, Gen. and Mrs. M. A. McPHERSON.

Dr. W. A. MacPHERSON has removed to his elegant rooms in the KILDALL building. His office will hereafter be on the second floor of said building.

Wesley LAWRENCE, on of Lynden's enterprising merchants is in the city today, watching the proceedings of the democratic convention. -Bulletin.

Are the people of Lynden making any suitable preparations for comfortable homes for the students who may attend the normal during the next year? Is is not time something was done?

Has been formed in Whatcom County and is located in section 10, on the land owned by Prof. SWIM. At an election for directors last Saturday, J. W. CROWLEY, Silas BRADLEY and Henry THOMAS were elected and F. M. BLOOM was appointed clerk. The work of putting up a school house will be begun immediately and will be volunteer work. The people of the new district are muchly elated at their success and will endeavor to have at least three months school this winter.

--Mrs. Joseph LOPAS is very ill.
--Mrs. ROBINS has been unwell for some time.
--Joseph MORSEMAN has gone to Lynden to work during the fall months. It is said that wages are better there than at Whatcom.
--Some of our ranchers have taken a new departure -- that of marketing their apples and plums in Lynden instead of Whatcom.
--School is progressing nicely with an enrollment of twenty-six. The number will be increased as soon as the fall work is done when the larger boys will attend.

--Robert HALL has bought a good span of horses, consideration 250.
--Mr. THOMPSON is very sick under the care of Dr. McPHERSON of Lynden.
--Mr. GILES and family went to Berts [Birch] Bay on a pleasure trip and to dig clams, last week.
--Mr. YOUNG and family were visiting some of their State of Maine friends at Mountain View last Saturday.
--Mr. BEATON has proved up and left for the East, so here is another 160, without any family on it. There is too many of this kind of places now.
--Robert HALL is building a new house of several rooms in Sehome and has made some additions to his house, on his ranch. Rumor says he is going to get a housekeeper.
--Mrs. GRANT and children had a hard time fighting fire in Mr. GRANT's absence sit (sic) up nearly all night two or three nights. They have a nice place for the short time they have been on it.
--Mrs. MILLSAP and PYEATT attended the funeral of Mrs. Christeen JOHNSON on the 21st. They said there was fifty or sixty persons present. Rev. J. A. TENNANT conducted the services, at the grave and preached a short pointed sermon. Mrs. JOHNSON left a babe seven months old and many loved ones and friends to mourn her loss.

Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Aug. 28, 1889.
...on Saturday, October 26, 1889, viz: Hugh McDOUGALL
...witnesses ... viz: J. W. HARKNESS, Calvin BISHOP, John PETERSON, Morris FITE, all of Nooksack, W. T. ...

Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Aug. 28, 1889.
...on Friday, October 25, 1889, viz: James B. PERRY
...witnesses ... viz: Moses EATON, A. R. JOHNSON, Harvey JOHNSON, J. M. OLMSTED, all of Gera, W. T. ...

Land Office at Seattle, Wash., August 1, 1889.
...on Friday, September 27, 1889, viz: Silas E. BRADLEY
...witnesses ... viz: M. HANSEN, Henry BARDENHAGEN, John QUIGLEY, John KIRKPATRICK, all of Lynden, W. T. ...

Land Office at Seattle, Wash., July 20, 1889.
...on Saturday, September 28, 1889, viz: Frank C. COLLEY
...witnesses ... viz: Joseph GRAYSON, of Yager, Wm. PHILLIPS and Robt. BURNS of Nooksack, Samuel FORCE of Roeder. ...

Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Aug. 28, 1889.
...on Monday, September 30, 1889, viz: George MAHLER
...witnesses ... viz: D. C. McKEE and Charles E. CLINE of Lynden, Henry C. EHLERS and Major MORRIS, of Clearbrook. ...

Land Office at Seattle, Wash., July 24, 1889.
...on Friday, September 27, 1889, viz: James L. SCOTT
...witnesses ... viz: James SIMPSON, Calvin BISHOP, John PETERSON, Hugh McDOUGALL, all of Nooksack, W. T. ...

Land Office at Seattle, Wash., July 24, 1889.
...on Tuesday, September 24, 1889, viz: B. F. NOBLE
...witnesses ... viz: F. P. HOAG, O. F. McCOMBS, C. H. GUIBERSON, Moses EATON, all of Gera, Whatcom county, W. T. ...

Land Office at Seattle, Wash., July 11, 1889.
...on Tuesday, September 24, 1889, viz: James M. MITCHELL
...witnesses ... viz: Charles WORTHEN, Will FORBES, David D. ALEXANDER, L. W. WELLMAN, all of Lynden, W. T. ...

Land Office at Seattle, Wash., July 6, 1889.
...on Monday, September 16, 1889, viz: John McLEOD
...witnesses ... viz: Edward B. COLLINS, James K. REED of Yager, W. T., Fred HOUSER, Whatcom, W. T. and Joseph GRASON of Yager, W. T. ...

Land Office at Seattle, Wash., July 9, 1889.
...on Wednesday, September 4, 1889, viz: Edward McGRATH
...witnesses ... viz: John PRITTS, A. F. WALCH, R. BRECKENRIDGE, D. WRIGHT, all of Nooksack, W. T. ...


Thursday, December 26, 1889:

Beef has taken a tumble, and is being retailed at from five to ten cents a pound.

J. C. HENRY has erected a neat building beside the real estate office of BEAVERS & LORING. It is now occupied as a confectionery store.

J. S. CEDERBERG is now happy over the arrival of his father and brother who came direct from Sweden. Their journey occupied about four weeks.

The Dickens Club gave a birthday party last Friday evening in honor of the birthdays of Mrs. C. H. SHANK and Miss BOWERS. They razed th' Dickens.

Henry SCHROEDER came down from Tuxedo to spend Christmas.

Hon. Geo. A. JUDSON came up from the Capital Saturday to spend the holidays with his family.

H. A. STEVENS made a flying visit to Lynden last Saturday. He will move here with his family.

James BECRAFT, of Edison, came to spend Christmas with his sister, Miss Mary BECRAFT, who is attending the Normal here.

Master Frank WRIGHT entered the business world last Friday in the capacity of newsboy. He did a thriving business from the start.

At the M. E. church Christmas Day, Miss Lida HAWLEY to Hanson BERTHUSEN, both of Lynden. ... ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev. TENNANT. ... Miss Brownie SWIM acted as bridesmaid and Arthur SWIM as groomsman ... Miss CLEVELAND played the wedding march ... After receiving the congratulations of their many friends, they repaired to the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. M. C. HAWLEY, where a sumptuous wedding dinner was served. ...

Copied by Susan Nahas


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