The Everson Valley Home

December, 1907:      Vol. II, No. 6

J. R. SIMONSON - Editor and Manager.
Ella SIMONSON - Assistant Editor.

The Everson Eagle, press and out-fit has been sold and moved to British Columbia. The Eagle was founded in 1905 by Major A. M. DAWSON and has been a great factor in the advancement of Everson. The ill health of the editor is given as the cause of discontinuance.

At his home near Licking at about 5:00 A. M. Nov. 14th. Leonard MAHLEIN, aged 27 years. Funeral services held at the house this afternoon at 2:30. Interment in the Hopewell Cemetery. Mr. MAHLEIN has been sick for some time. He was an honored member of Everson Lodge No. 200 I. O. O. F. also of the Majestic Rebekah Lodge No. 155 of this place.

Miss Fern JONES taught in the primary department, while Miss Helene EMMETT had charge of our High School, a few days this week, during the absence of Prof. Guy E. DUNNING.

Mrs. DUBOIS, of Oklahoma, arrived in Everson the first of the week and is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. P. EVANS, of near Getchell's mill.

The skating rink, under the management of the owner, Chas. GRELL, is open on Tuesday and Saturday evenings. Admission free. Skates 25 cents. Everybody cordially invited.

Dr. S. W. RICHARDS visited at the home of Wm. HUNT, near Nooksack, the first of the week.

Louis A. REEVES has greatly improved the interior appearance of his barber shop.

Chas. GRELL is engaged as salesman for the Granite and Marble Works of CAMPBELL & HOOKER, Bellingham.

Miss Emma DOUAJKOUSKI of Bellingham was the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry THOMPSON Saturday and Sunday.

Geo. FECHER and family did the unusual last Saturday by driving to Bellingham, in their carriage, a distance of about 16 miles.

J. A. WALKER, since his return from Alaska, has been utilizing some of his time in improving his Washington Avenue property.

W. H. KIRKMAN of Van Buren dropped in the other day and left the price of a year's subscription. Mr. KIRKMAN has about recovered from a very severe spell of sickness, though he is not yet strong.

The following officers were elected in the Dawn of Hope Lodge No. 187 I. O. G. T. at their regular meeting on Thursday night Nov. 7: Effie KALE, C. T., Effie HERRICK, V. T, Hattie WARRINER, Sec'y., Bertha KALE, Ass't. Sec'y. Clara ADKINSON, Fin. Sec'y., Earl EGGERT, Treas., Jason ADKINSON, Marshall, Nellie WARRINER, Deputy Marshall, Mrs. LOCHHEAD, Chaplain, Lou WHITEMARSH, Guard, John WARRINER, Sentinel, Harrison EGGERT, P. C. T.

Wood WARNER is hauling lumber this week, with which to finish his house.

Mrs. Henry P. JOHNSON and mother Mrs. J. L. LaPLANT were Bellingham visitors Tuesday.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. JONES Nov. 12th a 12 pound baby girl.

A number of Indians are at work this week improving the condition of their grave yard at Goshen.

James MacARTHUR is enhancing the appearance of his house on Lincoln Street by the application of paint.


Friday, April 30, 1909:            Vol. II, No. 22.

          The sudden and unexpected death of J. R. SIMONSON, editor and founder of this paper, early Monday morning, came as a shock to his relatives and many friends in Everson and vicinity. Although Mr. SIMONSON had been ill for some time; his condition was not considered critical until late Sunday afternoon when a sudden change for the worse occurred and he passed peacefully away at 2:50 Monday morning, surrounded by the family and a few friends, of tuberculosis. For months the deceased had battled valiantly against the encroachment of the dread disease, and up to the very last was hopeful and sanguine of ultimate recovery; he made an heroic fight but the odds were greatly against him.
          Jesse Russell SIMONSON was born in Winona, Marshall county, Illinois, Sept. 6th, 1874, and came to Everson, with his family in 1901. He was principal of the Everson public schools for five years; established a monthly magazine, in July 1906, devoted to the agricultural interests of the Nooksack Valley, which publication he later merged into The Everson Valley Home, which paper he successfully managed and edited up to the time of his death. During his residence in Everson he has been a vigorous factor in the upbuilding of the commonwealth; his ready pen has always been used in setting forth the advantages of his home town. Of an energetic, nervous temperament, he was a leader in any effort for the public good and his editorial influence was recognized throughout the county.
          Besides his family, consisting of a wife and three sons - Francis, Talbot and William, he leaves a mother, Mrs. Mary B. SIMONSON, of Everson, two brothers, W. C. SIMONSON, of Nevada, Mo., D. M. SIMONSON, of Wahl, this county, and a sister, Mrs. L. P. EVANS, of Nevada, Missouri.
          J. R. SIMONSON was a consistent Christian, having been converted in the Methodist church at the age of 16, but on coming to Everson, united with the Presbyterian church, by letter, six years ago. In church affairs he was a willing and enthusiastic worker, being superintendent of the Presbyterian Sunday school for some time.
          He was prominent in fraternal organizations, being an active member of Everson Lodge, I. O. O. F., No. 200; Lynden Encampment of the Odd Fellows; Majestic Rebeka Lodge, No. 155; W. O. W. Lodge, No. 435; Alder Grove Circle, W. of W., and the Grange.
          An ideal husband and father, Mr. J. R. SIMONSON was a "prince among men" in the everyday walks of life; he was always considerate of the rights and opinions of others, and all who enjoyed his acquaintance respected him for his strength of character and the honesty and integrity that characterized his business life.

MARZ & ZWASCHKA are enlarging the capacity of their Meat market by extending their salesroom.

Every one who has not given their yard and premises a general cleaning up should do so at once.

Mrs. H. PIERCE, of West Van Buren, was an Everson visitor on Wednesday.

Thos. TYLER, R.F.D. No. 3, returned Wednesday afternoon from a visit to Seattle.

Miss Lottie M. MOULTRAY, of Bellingham, was visiting with her aunt, Mrs. HOYT, in Everson, this week.

Miss Edna BAILEY, of Nooksack, has accepted a position with the Everson Mercantile Co., and is now weighing out ribbons and smiles to pleased and satisfied customers.

Mrs. Dr. BEEBE gave a party in honor of Major REED, of Bellingham, Monday evening, who was a visitor to Everson the first of the week. Among those present, besides the hostess and guest of the evening, were Mr. and Mrs. TANNER and Mrs. SHIRTLIFF.

Frank YOUNT, whose ranch is on R.F.D. No. 3, met with a serious accident last week. While rolling logs, his leg was caught, breaking the smaller bones on either side of the limb, near the ankle, and causing what is known as a pot fracture. Dr. MEREDITH attended the injured man.

Miss Anna KNITTLE and the Misses Ada and Nettie HOOVER, of Lynden, were visitors in Everson Sunday afternoon. Miss KNITTLE, who was for a time with the Valley Home, is now employed on the Lynden Tribune, learning to operate the Linotype.

Mrs. R. I. TANNER entertained a number of her lady friends at a Five Hundred party, Friday afternoon. Among those present were Mesdames ADLAM, JAMIESON, FRYE, BEEBE, SHIRTLIFF, MARZ, Mrs. SHIBE, of Bellingham, and Miss PRIEST, of Everson.

We understand that Roy SURBER has the contract for the construction of a new residence for Mr. and Mrs. Elder BUNKER.

John MOULTRAY and family returned from Bellingham, Wednesday morning, where they had been on an extended visit to Mr. MOULTRAY's mother.

Mrs. C. L. DEAN and children are visiting Mrs. DEAN's sister Mrs. MYERS, in Maple Falls, the last week. She will return Saturday.

Miss Essie HERRICK, accompanied by her friend, Miss Regena OLESON, came up from Bellingham this week and were the guests of Mrs. LOCKHEAD.

Geo. ROLAND and family moved to Larson, this county, yesterday where he has secured employment with the LARSON company.

S. W. STURGEON, last Friday, took Major DAWSON out for a little exercise, as he has been confined to his house for some months.

J. C. F. COLLINS, of LUDWIG & COLLINS, Bellingham, the well known Jeweler, will be at EGGERT's store in Everson, on Wednesdays and Thursdays of each week. He will have with him a good line of watches and jewelry.

Kulshan Car at Everson
        The ordinary routine of business in Everson was slightly disturbed Wednesday afternoon, about five o'clock, by the arrival of the big 250 horse-power gasoline motor coach soon to be operated regularly over this line.
        The Kulshan is a gasoline railway motor car and resembles a submarine boat on wheels, and is apparently a cross between a flying machine and a torpedo boat. It is seventy-two feet in length, weighs 68,000 pounds, and was built expressly for the Bellingham Bay & British Columbia Railroad, and it is said to be the finest car of the kind ever put out by the McKean Motor Car Company, of Omaha, Nebraska.
        The car was in charge of conductor Joe KIBBLE, and besides officials of the road had a party of prominent citizens from Bellingham on board. Dr. O. E. BEEBE accompanied the party from here to Sumas and return.

Copied by Susan Nahas 2004, 2006

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