The Blaine Journal

Friday, January 29, 1909:

Noah BAKER and Son Arthur Lose Lives Before Eyes of Neighbors
Launch Swamped by Waves and Men were Unable to Hold on Long
        Noah BAKER and his 17-year-old son, Arthur, were drowned in Birch Bay about 9 o'clock Wednesday morning after a hard struggle to save themselves, and in plain view of a number of neighbors who had collected on the beach and endeavored to save them. The body of the elder BAKER was recovered a short time after it disappeared, having drifted into shore, but the body of the younger man was not recovered until about 2 o'clock in the afternoon after the tide had gone out somewhat. The younger man's body had apparently sunk to the bottom and remained there. The men were out in a small gasoline launch in the height of the big wind storm that morning and getting into the trough of the waves their little craft was swamped. Both succeeded in getting hold of some of the wreckage and with each huge wave breaking entirely over them, slowly drifted toward shore and safety. When within a short distance of shore they seemed to be no longer able to hold on and sank from view.
        Otto VOGT was the first person to notice their predicament, having watched them from the time they started out for home from White Horn, about 8 o'clock. They had gone over the evening before to be on hand for the early morning halibut fishing, and the wind coming up in the night, they started for home. Had they continued and beached their boat there is no doubt but that they would have reached shore safely, but they appeared to be anxious about the boat being beached and turned toward the wind, running for some time in that direction. Seeing that such a course was useless they again turned only to be swamped almost immediately by a big wave. As before stated both succeeded in getting hold of part of the wrecked cabin and rapidly drifted toward shore. Mr. VOGT and a number of others at once went to the beach and when the men were within a few hundred feet of safety repeatedly braved the waves in an effort to get a line to them, only to be thrown back [by] each big comber. About this time both the father and son disappeared, having become so chilled that they could no longer cling to the wreckage.
        The water was even rougher at the bay than on Christmas day, the spray being thrown clear over the county road and the fence beyond, and much damage was done to the county road. The efforts of the rescuers were something to be especially commended, these men with ropes repeatedly braving the heavy combers only to be thrown back bodily.
        The bodies of the father and son were brought to the undertaking parlors here in the afternoon and Coroner WEAR called from Bellingham, who arrived on the afternoon train. The funeral arrangements have not been made at this writing. Mr. BAKER leaves a wife living at Birch Bay and also a son living in this city, but we were unable to learn whether there were any other children or not.


Friday, February 5, 1909:

Buried At Burlington
The funeral of Noah Baker and son, Arthur, who were drowned in Birch Bay, was held in the Methodist church last Friday afternoon, and on Saturday the bodies were shipped to Burlington, where the interment was made. The widow and two daughters accompanied the remains.


Friday, February 26, 1909: 

Tom RUDD is Blown Fifty Feet by Dynamite Blast and Instantly Killed
Brother Will Lose Sight of One Eye and Otherwise Injured by Blast
    Thomas RUDD, a rancher living about a quarter of a mile from the Blaine Mill & Lunber Company's mill, at Pleasant Valley, was instantly killed last Saturday afternoon about 5 o'clock by the explosion of a charge of dynamite which had been placed under a stump. His younger brother, Gunther, who stood not far away, was frightfully injured, but will probably recover although he will lose the sight of one eye. The explosion threw the elder RUDD's body about fifty feet in the air, breaking nearly every bone in the body. Gunther RUDD's injuries are confined mostly to his head, sand being blown into his eyes and face so that he was completely blinded.
    Both RUDDs are batchelors (sic) and were engaged in blowing stumps with dynamite. A charge had been placed under a stump and the fuse lighted, and after waiting some minutes for the discharge they concluded that it had failed. The elder RUDD approached the stump followed closely by his brother and just as he reached the stump and started to pull out the smoking fuse the charge exploded. The cries of the younger brother attracted the attention of John SHOEMAKER at the mill not far away, who immediately went over to learn what was the matter. Mr. SHOEMAKER was engaged in doing some repair work on some machinery out there, being in the employ of the Blaine Foundry & Machine Company of this city.
    The funeral of the unfortunate man was held Monday afternoon. So far as known there were no relatives in this country.

Killed by Flying Cable
Peter GAVIN, who is well known here, being a cousin of Mrs. Gilbert PRENDERGAST, was killed in a logging camp on the Nicomekel river, in British Columbia, Monday of this week. He was struck in the stomach by a cable but did not succumb until after he had been removed to a hospital in Vancouver. The deceased was 24 years of age, and is survived by a father living at Ludington, Mich., who has been communicated with by telegram. At this writing it is not known when the funeral will be held, but it will be held under the auspices of the Eagles lodge here, of which the deceased was a member.

More About Hospital
    Mrs. MATHIESON, of Duluth, Minn., as announced in last week's Journal, has rented the TAYLOR residence on North Washington avenue, now owned by P. A. WOLTEN, and is having the interior refitted for a hospital. She will have it ready for patients by the first of March.
    For the present accommodations will be provided for eight patients and, when necessary, additional room will be provided. A complete operating room will be equipped by the local physicians so that such cases can be attended to with just as much dispatch as in the larger cities. All of the instruments necessary will be provided for.
    Mrs. MATHIESON is a trained nurse with the best of recommendations, having graduated from the Dublin General Hospital of Dublin, Ireland, and the Londonderry hospital. The location of the hospital is such as to afford one of the best views of Semiahmoo bay and the Gulf of Georgia to be had in the city and a better site could scarcely have been selected. Heretofore it has been necessary to go to Bellingham and Seattle for good hospital accommodations and if this new institution receives the support it should from the public it should prove a success. An effort will be made to get a portion of the county patronage as well as that of the Great Northern railroad.

Baby boys arrived at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Asa BAKER, on Fourth street, on the 14th, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry CHAPMAN, on Boblett street on the 16th.

-Mrs. Jesse POPEJOY drove into Blaine Sunday to see her husband, who was staying there under Dr. REEDY's care. Mr. POPEJOY left for Seattle Sunday evening to consult a lung specialist.
-Mrs. Geo. KENNY of Birch View, Skagit county, visited a few days last week at the home of her brother, John JERRETT.

Mina, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert EASTMAN, died at the home of O. L. BARNHEART, one and one-half miles east of Blaine, last Wednesday, at the age of 10 years, 9 months and 32 (sic) days. The deceased was born in Park Rapids, Hubbard county, Minnesota, and was a member of the Baptist Sunday School there. She came to Blaine with her parents last April. For several months she has been ailing with catarrah of the stomach, which caused her death. The funeral was held at the BARNHEART home Friday last, many friends and relatives attending. The schoolmates of the deceased attended in a body. Mina was a child of sweet disposition and was loved by all who knew her. She leaves to mourn her departure a father and mother, two brothers and two sisters, who have the sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement.

    Mrs. W. R. PARKINS, wife of the rural carrier on Route No. 2, died Friday last at the state hospital for the insane at Steilacoom, the third day after her committal. Mrs. PARKINS was committed last week and when taken away her conditions was (sic) anything but encouraging. She leaves a husband and three children here, the youngest 18 months of age, and a father, C. SIEGEL, living at 1810 I street, Bellingham, and several brothers in that city. The funeral was held at Bellingham Sunday and the remains interred in the cemetery there.     Mrs. PARKINS' mental condition was said to have been caused from worry over religious matters and the case was one of the saddest ever recorded.

Charles, the 11-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. JOHNSON, died at St. Luke's hospital in Bellingham Tuesday morning at 1 o'clock after an illness extending over several weeks with typhoid fever. He was taken from his home here last Tuesday and placed in the hospital, but the disease had gained such a hold that it could not be overpowered. The funeral services were held from the I. O. F. hall here Wednesday afternoon, Rev. C. B. SEELY officiating, and the remains laid to rest in the Blaine cemetery.

-The Frances WILLARD memorial services held at the Baptist Church last evening was a grand success, over three hundred people being in attendance and many were turned away for want of room.
-Mrs. R. W. RIDINGS and baby Elizabeth went to Bellingham Monday evening to spend the seek with Mrs. RIDINGS' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. THOMSON.
-Luke NORTON has purchased the lot on Washington avenue across the street from Harry ODELL's from O. P. CARVER, the transfer having been made Tuesday of this week.
-Geo. BRACKETT left Tuesday evening for Newport, Ore., where he expected to remain for about six months.

E. J. OUELETTE is building a residence on his lots east of the Great Northern railway of E street and Jack HOLZER has about decided to commence the erection of a residence in the same locality. We are informed also that John PENNO is contemplating building a residence on that street.

Geo. S. SHAW reports the following real estate sales:
The L. B. JOSEPH house on Garfield avenue to Alexander EGAN for $525 cash.
Lots 3 and 4, block 2, Miller's Park Ad. for Mrs. Fredericks STEUBLI to Mrs. Willetta LINDSEY for $225.

Copied by Susan Nahas 20016

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