The Blaine Weekly Journal

Friday, February 7, 1902:

James LUND left yesterday for Westminster where he will consult with physician and either enter the hospital there or go to Harrison hot springs for medical treatment. Mr. LUND has been in poor health for some time and his many friends hope for a speedy recovery and that he will soon be able to again be seen at his place of business.

Mrs. N. W. PRATT received the painful news of her sister's death the other day. Her sister, Mrs. Maude HELNES, of York, Pennsylvania, with a lady friend went out skating when the ice broke and both were accidentally drowned. Mrs. HELNES had been married only three months where the sad accident happened.
February 3, 1902.-Blade.

Mrs. BUNBURY, wife of Thomas BUNBURY an old resident of this city, died at St. Luke's hospital in Whatcom on last Friday. She was buried in the cemetery at that place.

Friday, May 23, 1902:

DIED:--In St. Mary's Hospital, New Westminster, May 17th 1902, Thomas A. HYDE of Blaine, Wash. aged 27 years, 9 months, 3 days. He was born in Ganaoque, Leeds Co. Ont. Aug. 14th 1874, removed to Michigan with his parents in 1880 where he resided until April 1901 when he came to Washington, he went from Whatcom to Albert District Northwest Territory Canada returning to Blaine last November where he has since resided. He leaves to mourn his loss a mother and two brothers. His mother and one brother, P. B. Hyde resides in Nessen City, Michigan and his eldest brother J. P. HYDE is a resident of Blaine.
(Card of Thanks signed by John P. and Anna E. HYDE)

J. F. TARTE has been very ill the past few weeks and fears have been entertained for his recovery.

M. A. METIVIER has opened his bakery next door to DAHL's feed store and is now prepared to furnish the public with the best bread, cake, pies etc. on the market.

B. A. CHISHOLM and Capt. ALEXANDER are overhauling the hull of the old yacht Pilgrim and will rebuild the same. They will put an engine in the boat and fix it up as a tug.

J. C. GROVER returned Tuesday to his old home in Kansas. He has been troubled with rheumatism for the past year and goes there in the hope that his health will be improved.

Mrs. HITCHCOCK left Tuesday for her home at Chicago after a few weeks visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. LAMAR. Mr. LAMAR accompanied her as far as Seattle on the homeward journey.

Mrs. CURRY and family were out at Pleasant Valley on last Friday evening to attend the basket social. They expect to leave on Thursday of next week to join Mr. CURRY who is now pastor of the Congregational church at Chewelah, Wash.

Thomas GILDAY brother of Robert GILDAY of this city, left last Friday for Vancouver on his return trip home to Montreal. He spent about a week in this city visiting and looking around and when he left he said some nice things of us and the city of Blaine.

Pleasant Valley

-Mrs. ESPLIN of Edison is visiting her daughter Mrs. J. BACKSTROM.
-Albert BACKSTROM is home from a seven months visit at Edison.
-L. WALLBECK of Enterprise was visiting friends at Pleasant Valley Sunday.
-Jas. HARLOW's infant child is improving slowly.
-Parker ELLIS' new mill is being rapidly completed and soon we will hear another shingle mill whistle.
-Pleasant Valley expects to build an addition to the school house to accommodate the increased attendance.
-J. DICKINSON has a sprained leg caused by being hit by a skid while logging.
-J. Q. HAWKINS had the misfortune to have his toe nail taken off by the drag saw at BROWN's mill.
-On next Sunday Mrs. CURRY will preach her farewell sermon at this place, Rev. MORSE of Ferndale has accepted the pastorate of the church at this place.

Surrey B. C. Items.
-Frank ANNAND who broke his leg in GILLEY's camp a couple of weeks ago is reported doing as well as can be expected and will, if nothing happens, be home in a few days.
-Miss Ethel B. PARK of East Kensington has been visiting friends in Vancouver for a couple of days and returned home Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. D. W. BROWN of Halls Prairie were visiting their daughter Mrs. Alex STEWART of Glenwood on Sunday.
-Geo. M. THRIFT of Hazelmere has been appointed to represent the Direct Importing Tea and Coffee Co. of Vancouver and Victoria, he also represents the OSLER and WOOK Manufacturing Co. of Vancouver who manufactures bath cabinets.


Friday, June 13, 1902:

Edward Elmore STAGE, the nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. STAGE of this city, died on Sunday June 1st of blood poisoning. The trouble started from a decayed tooth and the dreadful disease spread to the lower jaw. He was ill but a short time. He was a bright young land and a good boy and was a favorite with all. His loss is a sad blow to the parents and the entire family and the sympathy of all is with them in this their loss. The funeral occurred on Monday from the M. E. church, Rev. McGill officiating. The remains were placed in the cemetery in the east part of the city.

M. A. MOORE was brought over from Point Roberts Wednesday and cared for by the city. He was suffering from a stroke of paralysis and was in a most pitiable condition. His right side was completely paralyzed and he had lost the power of speech. He seems to be conscious of what is going on around him but can neither move or make his wants known.

A young daughter weighing eleven and one half pounds arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. DICKERSON on last Monday.

A young son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest WALTER on Wednesday of last week and Ernest is the happiest man in the whole city.

Miss May FOSTER, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter FOSTER arrived in Blaine on Tuesday of last week from Milwaukee, Wis. and will reside here.

Miss Grace SCAMAN arrived home Monday from a week's visit with her father at North Yakima.

Mrs. RINGROSE of Hancock, Minn. arrived in Blaine the fore part of this week and is visiting at the home of her brother A. B. TAYLOR of this city.

J. W. CRAVEN of Fairhaven was in this city on Tuesday attending to some legal business. He is a partner of the well known law firm of KERR & McCORD of that city.

Alexander ANNAND of Hall's Prairie was down at Pleasant Valley looking for his horses that had gotten away from him near White Rock. He found one of them at Birch Bay and the other near Ferndale. He was three days searching for them.

Pleasant Valley
-Mrs. L. DAHL of Snohomish is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. PARR.
-Mrs. DAVIDSON of New Westminster, Mrs. TARTE of Blaine and Mrs. DAHL of Snohomish attended the Golden wedding of their parents Mr. and Mrs. PARR.
-S. S. DRAKE and wife, Mrs. DRAKE and daughters, Misses Alice, _aby and Rose and son Clarke, J. W. HAWKINS and wife all of Blaine spent Sunday with J. Q. HAWKINS and family.
-Friday evening the Pleasant Valley band, neighbors and friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Wm. PARR, the occasion being their Golden wedding. Mrs. PRATT on behalf of the neighbors and friends presented them with a gold lined creamer, spoon holder and bon-bon dish with the years 1852-1902 engraved on them. Mrs. DAHL responded in behalf of her parents. About forty guests were present. During their fifty years of married life Mr. and Mrs. PARR have never eaten their Christmas dinner apart. Rootbeer and cake were served and all went home wishing them good wishes.

Friday, June 27, 1902:

John SMITH and Miss Maude UPSON were married on Thursday June 19th at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. M H. UPSON of this city. The wedding was a very quiet one and only members of the family were present. Rev. WOOD performed the ceremony. The groom is pilot on the popular steamer Geo. E. Starr and well known to a large number of the residents of Blaine. He is one of the best pilots on the sound and has been with the company a long time thus he has become a favorite with the traveling public of this place. The bride is one of Blaine's best young ladies and has lived here since childhood. She is a favorite will all who know her. The young people have the best wishes of their large circle of friends in this city and may their wedded life be one of happiness and prosperity.

Tuesday occurred the eightieth birthday of N. [M.] ROSBROUGH of this city and the day was fittingly observed by the ladies of the G. A. R. and the members of the G. A. R. post of Blaine. All these old comrades and friends met at the G. A. R. hall and tendered this grand old patriarch a surprise. A fine supper was spread by the ladies and all enjoyed the repast. Mr. ROSBROUGH was given the seat of honor at the head of the table and was the recipient of many congratulations on this occasion. He is one of the old settlers of the place and is universally respected and honored. He received as presents a large cup for his coffee, a box of silk handkerchiefs and a fine necktie. Following the repast there were a number of short speeches and after dinner talks all of which added not a little to the entertainment of the hour.

The old Arlington hotel that has stood as an eyesore to the town since the boom days is to be rehabilitated once more and will be one of the great improvements to the city. Some few months ago P. A. WOLTEN purchased the old building and soon had a large crew of men at work upon it. A new foundation was put thereunder and the place leveled up and the floors replaced with new ones. In fact the building has been practically rebuilt and made as good as new. The rooms have been replastered and papered. All this make the house one of the best in the country. It is understood that the new hotel will be opened to the public on or about July 1st.

Geo. CAIN will open a fruit and confectionery stand in the building on the corner of E street and Washington avenue. George has been so long in business that he says he feels lost without a place that he can call headquarters.

Nicholas FABER went to Everett Tuesday to visit with his son Fred.

Mrs. Chas. SCAMAN returned Tuesday from a three weeks visit with her husband at Mission, Wash.

Mrs. Alice M. BIGGS, principal of the Whatcom school is visiting Mrs. GILLESPIE. Mrs. BIGGS was principal of the Blaine school about ten years ago.

J. B. HUGHES, wife, son and daughter have been here the past week visiting the family of S. P. HUGHES of this city. The Messrs. HUGHES are brothers and have not seen each other for a number of years. The visitors will return to their home at Sioux City, Iowa in a few days.

Miss Sarah BERTRAND had the misfortune to fall upon the sidewalk a few days ago and break one of the ribs on the left side.

Geo. W. SMITH of Welcome, Minn. is here and is visiting his father, J. W. SMITH who lives on the south side of the bay near California creek, and other relatives in this vicinity. Mr. SMITH is one of those wealthy Minnesota farmers who have grown tired of that cold country and are looking for homes in this land where blizzards are unknown.

George W. YEAGER died at his home last Sunday afternoon of dropsy. He was 58 years of age. Mr. YEAGER came to Blaine thirteen years ago from St. Louis, Mo. He moved to a ranch about six miles east of Blaine where he has resided ever since. He had been in poor health for the past two years. He leaves a wife and six children, Mrs. John BULGER of this city, Lottie, George, Addie, Francis and Willie to mourn his departure. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. GRIGGS at the home of the deceased.

The Golden Rule Market was opened to the public a few days ago under the ownership of NOLTE Bros. of Whatcom. Mr. OERTEL is again in charge as manager.

Charley LOOMIS will soon open to the public a full and complete line of groceries in the store building next to Chas. DAHL's meat market. Mr. LOOMIS is now in Seattle buying his goods.

Mrs. P. C. JAMES of Birch Bay has been very poorly of late but is slowly gaining in health. Some few weeks ago she had a cancer removed from her left breast which has caused her poor health.

Fred POWER and Miss Lilly JOHNSON were married on Wednesday at the residence of Dr. SULLIGER at Whatcom. Both the bride and groom are residents of this city and are among Blaine's most popular young people. Mr. POWER has for some years been with the Cook Canning company and Miss JOHNSON has been for the past three years a teacher in the public schools of this place. They have a host of friends all of whom will wish them happiness and prosperity as they together journey the path of life.

The school board has decided to build a new addition to the north side school building. The increase in the number of scholars the past two years has been something enormous and the added room has been imperatively demanded. The new addition will be a frame structure 25x42 feet in size.

Mrs. PARKS returned to her home at Ilwacco last Saturday after a few weeks visit here with her daughter, Mrs. Otto HALL.


Friday, July 11, 1902:

Little Mary BROOKS age two years and two months died of appendicitis on June 30, 1902. Deceased was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John BROOKS of this city. She was stricken with the dread disease Friday and before the parents fully realized that she was so sick, death had claimed their darling. Funeral services were conducted at the Congregational church by Rev. Stephen R. WOOD who made a kind and impressive talk. "Safe in the Arms of Jesus," "Little Children Who Love Their Redeemer," and "Abide With Me" were sung. The church was beautifully and appropriately draped with pink and white roses, symbolic of sweet and innocent childhood. Interment was made in the Blaine cemetery. May the Lord comfort the bereaved family in this their great sorrow and be to them a real, living Savior.

On Monday morning the residence of F. G. MARESCH in Fairhaven was totally destroyed by fire. During the night Mrs. MARESCH complained of feeling sick and her husband went down stairs to build a fire and heat some water. When he returned the lamp had been upset and the room was afire and his wife was lying on the floor. He quickly removed her to a place of safety but she was dead, having apparently died of heart failure. She was as well as usual on retiring the night previously. No fire alarm was turned in and nothing could be done to save the building although the neighbors responded at once. The residence was a two-story frame building built in 1890 at a cost of $2500 and was well furnished. The building was insured for $1200 and there was $1200 on the furniture. Mrs. MARESCH was of noble, having the title of a Prussian countess to her credit. She was a lady of high education and extreme refinement and at one time possessed a large fortune which business reverses and a series of misfortunes swept away from her. -Maple Falls Leader.

A special school election will be held tomorrow for the purpose of voting to authorize the board of directors to build an addition on the north side of the school house. This is a very much needed improvement and if favored by the voters will be a move in the right direction.

E. STRAUCH and family of Birch Bay celebrated the Fourth of July in this city and on their return to their home they found that it had been entered by some unknown party who had thoroughly overhauled the contents of the house apparently in search of money as nothing is missing except two cigars that Mr. STRAUCH was saving for his own use. Mr. STRAUCH is of the opinion that guilty parties were well acquainted with the premises from the manner in which they gained entrance to the house and merely reports the fact that others may be warned.

Sheriff BRISBIN accompanied by Fred PROUTY of the Herald staff visited this city Thursday morning in their search for the party who committed the robbery and attempted arsen (sic) at Ferndale Wednesday.

Mrs. Zaidee H. HANDY, deputy state commander of the Ladies of the Maccabees, is in town for the purpose of organizing a local hive here.

Mrs. W. H. T. BARNES and father D. BUCHANAN left on Monday for a month of sight seeing and pleasure trip up in Alaska. They will go as far north as Nome.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin VanKIRK of Grand Forks, N. d. are visiting with Mrs. VanKIRKs sister Mrs. C. C. PAUL.

Marshal KINGSLEY had the chain gang at work cleaning the streets Wednesday and Thursday.

BORN - On July 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. S. S. DRAKE a ten pound boy.

Mrs. R. R. PORTER of Malaga, Cal. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. KAYLOR this week.

Mrs. W. DOPP, Miss DOPP and Miss Lillian DOPP of Seattle are the guests of their cousins Mrs. Fred HUNTER and Mrs. J. D. STAGE of this city.

Pleasant Valley -- Lysle HICKS' many friends are congratulating him on account of the new daughter.

An unknown masked man entered the home of James GIFFORD, a shingle weaver at Ferndale, Wednesday at eleven o'clock in the forenoon and after gagging and tying Mrs. GIFFORD took her pocket book containing $245. and then sprinkled coal oil on the floor and walls of the kitchen, set fire to it, locked the doors and then made his escape leaving Mrs. GIFFORD to burn with the building and thereby cover up the crime. Mrs. GIFFORD by good chance managed to get her hands loose and remove the gag from her mouth and by her screams attracted the attention of the mill hands at the DAVIS mill only a couple of hundred feet away who came to her assistance and rescued her from the burning building which was a total loss. As soon as the alarm was given business in Ferndale was immediately suspended and a posse of one hundred men armed with rifles and shot guns took up the chase after the man and had they caught him no doubt Judge LYNCH would have made short work of him. Unfortunately just as the posse were getting started a man resembling the one described by Mrs. GIFFORD was seen to run and board the south bound Great Northern train which was just leaving for Whatcom and supposing that they had their man spotted the posse notified the officers at Whatcom to arrest the man and then rested awaiting results. The man was taken in charge by the Whatcom officers but promptly proved his innocence and was released. Sheriff BRISBIN with a band of deputies promptly left Whatcom for the scene of the fiendish crime and the chase was again taken up but so far without success.


Friday, July 25, 1902:

An accident which resulted in the death of a man who was known here by the name of J. C. DOUGLAS occurred last Friday evening about six o'clock at a point near the Erie mill where the city dock is being repaired. DOUGLAS was employed at the Monarch Lumber company's mill as a night fireman and was with others being ferried across where the wharf was torn up, and when opposite the pile driver a pile which was being hoisted up to be driven suddenly slipped from its fastenings and fell across the boat crushing it and throwing the occupants into the water from which they were immediately rescued by the men working on the pile driver. The pile struck DOUGLAS and killed him almost instantly. The coroner was immediately notified of the accident but decided that an inquest was not necessary and authorized the burial of the body here. Interment was made at the cemetery Saturday afternoon. It has since been learned that DOUGLAS' real name was SAWYER and that his home was at Yreka, Cal. But little was known of the man here. He was well spoken of by those who had worked with him since he has been here.

W. L. FOX rode to Whatcom on his wheel Sunday evening returning Monday evening on the train.

Mrs. J. S. CRILLEY is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. W. B. MAXWELL, in Seattle this week.

Mrs. J. HINCKLEY mother of George HINCKLEY died Tuesday at St. Lukes Hospital Whatcom, aged 78 years.

Geo. ADAMS of Enterprise visited with his brother E. M. ADAMS of this city Saturday and Sunday.

P. LACHAPEL had the misfortune to get a piece of steel in one of his eyes last Friday while at work at the Monarch mill.

Vernon TAYLOR came up from Eastern Oregon last Thursday for a few days visit with his brother Frank TAYLOR.

Mrs. J. B. RAMAGE of Whatcom is in town as a guest of her sister Mrs. H. S. JOHNSON.

A number of teams are engaged in hauling the material on the ground for the foundation of the Gundlach block that will be built on the corner of Washington avenue and H street.

Miss Minnie BARRIS arrived here Tuesday from Pittsburgh, Pa. and will visit her cousin Mrs. W. H. PINCKNEY for a few days.

Mrs. Thos. PAYNE of Seattle is spending the week here visiting with her father Francis POWER.

Mrs. Ed ROBERTS and Miss Lorine HINTZE returned to their homes at Monroe, Snohomish county, Saturday after a two weeks visit with Mrs. J. J. ARNOLD of this city.

Miss May FOSTER who has been visiting with her father Peter FOSTER, for the past month left Wednesday for Milwaukee, Wis. where she has a position as stenographer.

Mr. and Mrs. P. R. TAYLOR and son Romaine of Wells, Minn. are here this week visiting their son Frank. Mr. and Mrs. TAYLOR are making a tour of the Pacific coast states and will visit Oregon and California before returning to their home in Minnesota.

Dwelling houses are at a premium in Blaine today and families are crowded into all kinds of quarters hoping that they will be fortunate enough to get a house to live in soon.

PENDERGAST Bros. are getting the lumber on the ground and preparing to put up a store building on the corner below the WOLTEN house. When the building is completed they expect to open a confectionery store at that point.

Rev. W. E. DAVIES, who was coming here to take charge of the Congregational church and was on his way here, was suddenly called to his house at Scranton, Pa. The call was due to the death of his father. He will return and be in Blaine as soon as possible.

Pleasant Valley
-Charles VOGT of Birch Bay was buried at California creek cemetery Thursday.
-Jas. BROWN of Custer was circulating a petition to be appointed as post master of that place.
-Mr. DAY of Lynden is getting out telegraph poles on J. H. TUPPERS place.
P. R. PRATT brother of N. W. PRATT has just come down from the Klondike.
-Solomon GROUT of Blaine expects to move to Pleasant Valley soon.


Friday, August 22, 1902:

R. E. MEYER of Mountain View, aged 72 years, died at St. Joseph's hospital, Whatcom, at 11 p.m. Monday from injuries received by being thrown out of a wagon last Saturday. Mr. MEYER was driving on the Ferndale-Whatcom road when an automobile passed the horses frightening them, and they started to run away. Mr. MEYER was unable to retain his seat and was thrown out, falling with great force upon the road. He was taken to St. Joseph's hospital where he lingered until death relieved him. He was an old and well known resident of this county. At one time he was a superintendent of the Sehome coal mines. The first coal mines opened up on the Pacific coast. He owns considerable land at Cherry Point. He left five children to mourn his loss.

A very quiet wedding took place in Whatcom last Sunday afternoon at five o'clock. Norman MESSERLY of Whatcom and Miss Clara BERTSCH of this city were united in holy bonds of matrimony at the home of Ed DAY, Rev. COLE pronouncing the wedding ceremony. Only the immediate members of the family were present. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John BERTSCH of this city and has lived here the greater part of her life. For about two years she was employed in the Sunset Telephone office here as manager. She is a great favorite with the young people of Blaine. Mr. Messerly came to Blaine last November and was on the Journal force until a few months ago when he went to Whatcom to work in the Reveille office. They have a host of friends who wish them happiness and prosperity as they journey together through life. They will reside in Whatcom.

Mrs. C. W. STONE of Everett has been in town visiting with her mother, Mrs. E. WILDER, who has been very ill.

Miss Gertrude HALL of Whatcom is in town the guest of her aunt Mrs. J. S. CRILLY.

Miss Tena WALL returned from Whatcom last Saturday, where she had been taking the teachers' examination.

Miss Florence SMITH is in Whatcom this week as the guest of her sister Mrs. Charles LINLEY.

Miss Mae GOODMAN of Tacoma is the guest of Miss Lillian HUNTER. Two years ago Miss GOODMAN was the assistant principal in our public schools.

Walter LOWRY, son of Mrs. M. S. HILL, left Tuesday morning for Chicago. Mr. LOWRY has been taking a course in the dental college there. He will graduate this year.

Rev. and Mrs. J. W. FRESCOLN and son Virgil of Seattle spent Sunday with their daughter Mrs. O. H. NEIKIRK returning to their home on Monday.

Mrs. H. H. SNOW and Miss Emma BERTSCH were in Whatcom last Sunday to attend the wedding of their sister Miss Clara BERTSCH.

Wm. L. CHURCH of Port Angeles, a nephew of W. J. GILLESPIE, was here on a visit to his mother who is quite ill at the home of W. J. GILLESPIE on Clark street.

Mrs. Louisa J. CHURCH died at the home of her sister Mrs. W. J. GILLESPIE on Clark street last Tuesday evening of heart failure. The remains were taken to her home at Port Angeles last Wednesday morning and buried beside her husband.

E. B. CHAMBERLAIN and Miss Bertha JONES were united in marriage last Thur., Aug. 14th, at Lummi Island. Miss JONES is well known in Blaine having lived here until a few months ago. Her many friends here wish her much joy.

Mrs. Kate HAMMONS of Tacoma and daughter, Mrs. H. O. WARD of Smithville, Texas, are in the city visiting with Mrs. R. J. GLEN and other friends. At one time they were residents of Blaine.

Frank McCALL, an employee of the Northern Pacific at Sumas, was in town shaking hands with his many acquaintances. Mr. McCALL was in business here until about four years ago when he went to Sumas to accept a position there with the Northern Pacific railway company. This is his first visit to Blaine since leaving here and he was very much pleased to note the many changes and improvements in the city in that time.

The old hull of the Pilgrim has been overhauled and put in first class condition and an engine placed in it. The name has been changed to Della A. Capt. ALEXANDER returned with her last Friday from Whatcom and is now ready for service.

Friday, August 29, 1902:

DIED, at the residence of Mr. John OTLY, A. F. THOMPSON, of Bright's disease. Born July 3, 1837, in Knox Co., Tenn., died Aug. 20, 1902. He was a veteran of the civil war having served as a Union soldier for four years and six months. He has been a resident of Whatcom county for eighteen years. He leaves one son, Marion, the only near relative living. -Reveille.

Last Thursday afternoon, Miss Georgia E. McCLELLAN, of this city, and Edgar J. CRAWFORD, of Ferndale, were married at the First M. E. Church at Whatcom. Rev. S. S. SULLIGER performed the wedding ceremony. Miss McCLELLAN's many friends here wish her much joy and happiness. Mr. and Mrs. CRAWFORD will reside in their home near Mountain View.

Major C. W. SNYDER, the immigrant inspector at this place, met with a serious accident on Thursday afternoon which resulted in the breaking of his left limb below the knee. He was riding on the city dock when his wheel came in contact with some timbers and he was thrown heavily against a truck with the above result. The accident is a serious one and coming at this time it is most disappointing. Mr. SNYDER is the president of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Association of this county and they are having a reunion at this place.

H. St. JOHN, the embezzler, was sentenced last Monday, by Judge NETERER to ten years of hard labor at the penitentiary. This is the full extent of the law. His attorney served notice of an appeal. He took his sentence without the least sign of emotion.

Mrs. J. WILDER and daughter May went to Seattle yesterday. Miss May will attend the public schools in that city this year.

Mr. and Mrs. T. WEBB, of Seattle, are guests of their niece, Mrs. C. C. McDONALD.

Miss Daisy INGRAM of Canton, Kan., is here visiting with her friend, Mrs. O. H. NEIKIRK.

Frank SMITH and family left Monday morning for the Southwestern part of Missouri, where they will reside for a time.

Copied by Susan Nahas 2008


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