The Blaine Journal

Friday, July 5, 1895:

Seated upon a dia (sic) at the back of the speaker were 44 beautiful young ladies and children representing the state which precede their name on the following list:
Goddess of Liberty - Frankie TOLFORD
New Hampshire - Lottie THOMAS
Massachusetts - Maud UPSON
Rhode Island - Dora WEST
Connecticut - Nellie CRILLY
New York - Kate DORR
New Jersey - Iola LOOMIS
Pennsylvania - Grace BARBER
Delaware - Anna WEBSTER
Maryland - Della BARRET
Virginia - Gertie HALL
North Carolina - Janie SMITH
South Carolina - Vina HUFF
Georgia - Bernice BURLEY
Vermont - Grace SCAMAN
Kentucky - Roxie WILSON
Tennessee - Gertie MILLOW
Ohio - Anna NASH
Louisiana - Blanche RAMAGE
Indiana - Minnie STONE
Mississippi - Mamie MILLER
Illinois - Lessie BLACK
Alabama - Annie HOMOYER
Maine - Millie POLAND
Missouri - Emma SCOTT
Arkansas - Dee STANLEY
Michigan - Maude WEST
Florida - Mary HAZELTINE
Texas - Gertie CAUFFMAN
Iowa - Frieda HOMOYER
Wisconsin - Merle TANNER
California - Ida CRONNISTER
Minnesota - Maude MARTIN
Oregon - Winnie WEST
Kansas - Grace TAYLOR
West Virginia - Mabel THOMPSON
Nevada - Gracie HOYT
Nebraska - Mae MEAD
Colorado - Stella KENNEDY
Montana - Joy McDONALD
North Dakota - Elna SMITH
South Dakota - Gertie QUIRT
Wyoming - Pearl RANDAL
Idaho - Clara SMITH
Washington - Erma DAVID

Mrs. Frank OSIER, Mrs. G. M. ROBERTS and the Misses Maude and Maggie OSIER leave on the Utopia to-day to join their husbands and father at Northport, Wash.

The many friends of George PERLEY were more than pleased to see him out on Thursday, after being confined to his house for nearly two years. It is to be hoped he will continue to mend and in time gain the use of his limbs.

Friday, July 12, 1895:

The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church gave a surprise party to Mrs. D. STAGE on last Friday afternoon in token of the high esteem in which she was held as a member of that organization as well as to say good by before her departure for Walla Walla, where she goes to join her husband. The following members and friends were present:
The Mesdames D. STAGE, TOLFORD, D. R. GOTT, Anna WILLIAMS, J. A. MARTIN, S. WADE, J. W. WHITE, Sarah A. JOSEPH and mother, C. KINGSLEY, J. B. RAMAGE, Sidney SMITH, Melissa MILHOLLIN. Visitors:
Rev. J. W. WHITE, Miss Frankie TOLDORD, Mrs. E. ROBERTS and Mrs. Frank OSIER.

A look through the D. S. MILLER shingle mill shows that for convenience and ease of operation it is one of the best mills on Puget sound. Mr. MILLER has just completed an enlargement of his drying capacity, and his kilns will now hold two million shingles with ease. He makes a most excellent shingle and finds it difficult to keep pace with orders.

Capt. Ashton W. THOMAS of Waldron Island sailed over early in the week in his trim little craft, the Katie Thomas. The boat captured the third prize at the Victoria races last year.

Burning of the Residence of L. E. LAMAR Last Monday Morning.
Last Monday at about 10 o'clock the residence of L. E. LAMAR on F street caught fire from a defective chimney and was almost wholly consumed. The house was a two story frame, with stoop and porches and was erected in 1890 by the present owner and H. B. POTTER. A portion of the furniture upon the first floor was saved, but nearly everything upstairs fell prey to the flames. There was no insurance upon the contents, but the building was insured for $600 in the Western Assurance company of Toronto, Can. In her efforts to rescue her belongings Mrs. LAMAR either fell or was pushed down the stairway and sustained a sprained ankle, which is quite painful and will probably keep her from walking for some weeks. The family are at present temporarily residing in the GEE building on H street. The residence of Mrs. Kate WALLER immediately adjoining was in imminent danger, but was saved by the prompt efforts of the hose department. Every thing was removed from Mrs. WALLER's house including a fine upright piano. It was fortunate for the lady there happened to be no wind at the time, or the result might have been different. This is the third fire Mr. LAMAR has suffered from in a very short time. At the present time extra precaution should be exercised to prevent conflagration, and persons knowing of defective flues on their premises should at once have them remedied.

Inspector GOURLEY and a company of assistants are about to erect a new opera house at Whatcom on the corner of Bay and Champion streets. The building is to be 60 by 125 feet.

Last evening the local lodge of Odd Fellows installed officers for the ensuing term as follows: W. J. GILLESPIE, N. G.; R. A. WILSON, V. G.; J. H. HITCHCOCK, Rec. Secy.; O. S. HAZELTINE, Financial Secy.; and O. P. CARVER, Treas.

Miss Abbie NICHOLS of Friday Harbor left for home on the Utopia Wednesday.

Lee WHEELER, who has been absent in Seattle for a few days, returned Wednesday.

Miss Alice SAVINGS returned Saturday on the Island Belle from a six weeks' sojourn at Whatcom and Seattle.

Mrs. J. C. NICHOLS, wife of the postmaster and publisher of Farm, Field and Home at Friday Harbor was a passenger of Wednesday's steamer for her home. She was a visitor to the family of Deputy Collector ELLSPERMAN.

G. W. WEBBER has been stationed at Point Roberts as customs inspector.

Station Agent BROWN is the possessor of a new wheel of the Sylph pattern. Mr. BROWN is becoming quite an expert on the bicycle.

Friday, July 19, 1895:

There are riders and riders of bicycles, but Deputy Collector ELLSPERMAN is a rider of riders. Saturday evening as he was coming down a hill, in his graceful and speedy style, his bicycle concluded it had gone far enough, and swerved to one side. Mr. ELLSPERMAN, not being cognizant of the fact that the animal had decided to stop, kept on going, and the boys say if it had not been for the earth flying up and striking him he would have been going yet. After the gentleman had examined himself thoroughly, and found no bones broken, he looked at his wheel, and found the poor thing terribly mangled. The deputy collector walks now.

Marshal BARRICLOW spied a man going from store to store, Monday morning, asking for money to pay his way to New Whatcom. He claimed to have erysipelas and wanted to go to the hospital. The officer took him to Mayor JOHNSTON, where he was instructed to leave town, as the road were good. His story of erysipelas did not fool our officers. Marshal BARRICLOW is doing good work in keeping the city rid of the class of men who will not work when opportunity affords.

At the Point Roberts cannery, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the packing record was broken 2,500 cases being packed. The largest number of cases ever packed in any one day before was 700. The run of salmon is commencing, 20,000 being caught in a few traps on Tuesday. This is a big catch for this early in the season.

Rev. Dr. NEVIUS, Mrs. MILLER and Miss WADHAMS left Sunday to spend a few weeks at Point Roberts. Dr. NEVIUS and Mrs. MILLER will be the guests of Mr. E. A. WADHAMS, and will spend several days in camping out and riding over the country.

Wm. HALL, who is working at the cannery, on the spit, met with a painful though not serious accident, Wednesday. He was carrying a sack of salt across a board that was slimy, when he fell, the board flying up and striking him above the eye, cutting a deep gash.

Samuel BARRET, resident agent for Whatcom, Skagit and Snohomish counties of the State Insurance company of Salem, Oregon, was in town Wednesday. Mr. BARRET has bicycle that he uses in his travels, and he has been over nearly the whole of the three counties.

The K. of P. lodge installed the following officers, Tuesday evening:
Thomas QUIRT, C. C.; Geo. A. ELLSPERMAN, P.; John KALLSEN, M. at W.; F. SMITH, M. of A.

Deputy Collector ELLSPERMAN make a trip twice a week to Point Roberts to collect duty on all goods dutiable that come in from British Columbia for the cannery and fishing grounds.

A merry party of picnicers gathered on Semiahmoo spit, Wednesday. The outing was given in honor of Mrs. CHANDLER, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. JOSEPH.

Mrs. T. A. KENNEDY and son went to Vancouver, Tuesday, on a visit to Mr. KENNEDY's sister. They will return Sunday.

Dr. SUTHERLAND, of Westminster, was in the city Monday, attending "Boston Tom," the Indian who was chopped with an ax.

The cannery at Semiahmoo spit started up Wednesday. About 30,000 fish were transported from Point Roberts.

W. B. MEAD, father of Hon. A. E. MEAD, has returned from a visit to California.

Inspector R. K. BROWN has been stationed at Point Roberts to assist Mr. WEBBER.

Miss Addie ROPER returned from Seattle, Wednesday. She has been absent a year.

Miss WHEELER is visiting her brother, Lee WHEELER.

Over half a million feet of cottonwood lumber has been put in the Nooksack the past month for the Drayton mill, to be made up into broom handles and salmon cases.

J. H. ELDER, of Seattle, owner of the International mill, came to the city yesterday. Mr. ELDER hopes to be able to start the mill shortly.

Mrs. JARVIS and son who have been visiting Mailcarrier SIMONS for a week, have returned to their home in Fairhaven.

Cecil BACON and M. C. DICKINSON were in town, Wednesday having come from Whatcom on their bikes.

Hon. R. G. GLEN, now residing at Leavenworth, looking over mining interests, is in the city.

Mrs. HOOVER, mother of Mrs. CRILLEY, is visiting her daughter.

Friday, July 26, 1895:

A. B. TAYLOR, proprietor of the Elma hotel and Lewis SHAFFNER have gone to Point Roberts to work on the cookhouse. Mr. SHAFFNER turned over the implements of war to Marshal BARRICLOW, who succeeds him as marshal, Mr. BARRICLOW having acted as marshal for several months.

Mr. McKINNEY, the brakeman on the Great Northern who was so badly injured by being caught between two cars, several months ago, is again at his post, and looks as well as ever.

P. A. HENEY left, Tuesday, for a trip to the sound cities and Vancouver and Victoria. He will be gone about two weeks.

Mrs. Judge KELLOGG, of Fairhaven, and daughter, Mrs. WELBON, were visiting Mrs. C. KINGSLEY, last week.

Lester W. DAVID has sold a Sylph bicycle to Mrs. A. L. BLACK, wife of the mayor of Whatcom.

Mrs. MARSH and daughter of Seattle, are visiting Mrs. MARSH's father, Mr. James BARNES.

Miss Cora DOPP, of Everett, is visiting her cousin, Miss Frankie TOLFORD.

Mr. John WHIPPLE, of Haynie, was in the city the first part of the week.

Harry ALLISON, a young man working on the Fairhaven and Lake Samish road, had a miraculous escape from death, Friday morning last. He had seated himself on the railroad track of the Great Northern road, about a mile below Lake Samish, to eat his lunch, and had evidently fallen asleep, for when the north bound train from Seattle came along he did not hear it, and before the engine stopped he was struck by the pilot and thrown twenty feet into the brush along side the road. The train was running slowly at the time. The train men picked ALLISON up, but aside from a terrible shock and considerable bruising, he appeared to have received no serious injury, and walked to his home.

Chinese Inspector SCHUYLER and wife arrived in the city, Friday, on the Utopia, and visited Point Roberts with Deputy Collector ELLSPERMAN to investigate the Chinamen who are employed at the cannery. They found 72 entitled to remain. This was Mr. SCHUYLER's yearly inspection tour. Instead of exporting Chinamen when found with fraudulent certificates, they are now fined $500, and imprisoned.

Jim McCULLUM was arrested at BROWN's place, just across the line, Tuesday, on the charge of stealing Walter WEBSTER's cow on the night of July 2. McCULLUM claims that he bought the cow of an Indian and paid him $10 and a watch for the animal, and that he can bring witnesses to prove it.

Fred B. JEFFERY, W. L. COLLINS, B. B. DRAPER and Geo. M. WINTERMUTE of Westminster stopped over night on their return trip from Whatcom on their bicycling trip. The boys report the roads good, but awful dusty.

N. D. CHETHAM, and E. W. MORGAN and wife, rode to Blaine from Whatcom on their bicycles, Saturday, returning Sunday. Mrs. MORGAN is a new rider, and it was a Herculean task for her to attempt so long a ride. She confessed to being very tired, but the next morning she was ready to return.

Special Deputy Collector Walter BOWEN was in the city, Tuesday and Wednesday. He ministered the oath of office to Deputy Collector ELLSPERMAN as a deputy collector and clerk. Mr. ELLSPERMAN's title has been deputy collector and inspector. A new regulation makes the change.

Harry CHANTRELL, son of Customs Inspector CHANTRELL, sustained a painful injury, Saturday, while riding his bicycle from Point Roberts. He was thrown from his bicycle and dislocated his knee cap. He is all right again and riding his bicycle as usual.

Mrs. Lee WHEELER returned, Tuesday, from Port Angeles, where she has been to attend the funeral of her sister. She stopped in Seattle on her way home to visit with her mother.

Col. YARBURY, internal revenue agent for Washington, Oregon and Idaho, and Special Stamp Agent J. P. GLEASON, came to Blaine on the Bay City, Wednesday.

Messrs. J. H. CHILBERG and Ed WELLS, of Laconner, and W. R. WELL (sic), of Mt. Vernon, passed through Blaine for Westminster, on their bicycles, Wednesday.

Philip WATERS purchased lots 6, 7 and 8, block 3, McELMON's addition to Blaine, from Mayor JOHNSTON, Wednesday.

Mrs. DRYSDALE and son left for Seattle, Wednesday, to join Mr. DRYSDALE. Mr. DRYSDALE is reported confined to his bed in Seattle.

Friday, August 2, 1895:

This morning at his residence, 2708 First avenue south, occurred the death of Rev. Allen A. WATSON, of the Chicago Avenue Baptist church. Rev. WATSON has been ill for two weeks with a slow fever, and last night the fever broke. After this the doctor sank slowly away until he breathed his last. --Minneapolis Times.
Mr. WATSON will be remembered as a pastor of the Baptist church in this city, about four years ago. He was well thought of by all who knew him.

Ruth WILLIAMS, the three-year old daughter of Frank WILLIAMS, received a painful injury, Monday, by falling down the steps of her mother's house at the corner of Harrison avenue and Boblett street. A gash was cut above the child's eye about an inch long, who was stunned so that she was unconscious for several hours. She is getting along all right now.

Lizzie BURNS, a 10-year old girl living in Vancouver, B. C., fell from the wharf at Plumper's pass to the rocks twenty feet below, and sustained injuries that caused her death. A Sunday school picnic was being held, and the little girl was having a merry time when the accident occurred.

John BARBER has returned from the mountains where he has been prospecting. Mr. BARBER has been over the Baker and Slate creek regions and through British Columbia, and has some specimens of ore which look remarkably rich. Jim HANNEGAN was with him.

W. S. KEAY and R. P. PEALE, customs officers of Westminster, were in the city, Sunday.

Miss Myra SLOGGET, of Ladner's Landing, B. C., is visiting Mrs. Geo. ELLSPERMAN.

Miss Allie SLOAN, of Seattle, is visiting Miss Della BARRETT.

Miss Alice SCAMON, of Seattle, is visiting her mother.

At a special meeting of the Daughters of Rebekah, last Friday night, the following officers were installed:
N. G., Mrs. Persis HAZELTINE
V. G., Mrs. Caroline B. ADAMS
Secy., Mrs. O. P. CARVER
Treas., Mrs. Drucilla GILLESPIE
F. Secy., Mrs. Fannie I. ELLIS
The following officers were appointed:
C., Geo. ELLSPERMAN; W., Miss Dora TYSON; Con., Miss Lottie THOMAS; I. G., E. ADAMS; O. G., W. SYVIER, R. & L. S. to N. G., R. A WILSON and W. J. GILLESPIE; R. & L. S. TO V. G., Mrs. Laura B. WILSON and John PETEY.

Locksley Hall LUCAS has been arraigned and remanded for seducing his sister-in-law, at New Westminster. She is but sixteen years of age, and her relatives are said to be residents of Blaine.

The Blaine Hotel is run in first-class shape, and the traveling public enjoys stopping there. Mrs. HORTON is a splendid cook, and makes one feel as if he were eating at home.

England had its Cromwell, France its Napoleon, but Blaine has its new YORK, and Fred hold his head high, and treads as lightly as a fairy. It is a ten-pound boy.

Andrew BUCHAN, of Custer, accompanied by H. W. WRIGHT, a lumberman of Merrill, Wisconsin, were in Blaine Monday, on their way up-sound.

Miss Ethel McELMON returned from Vancouver, B. C., Saturday, where she has been attending the teacher's examination.

Mesdames SEELY and MILLER, Misses WADHAMS and Mida WALLER, and Messrs. Ed and Art SEELY, WADHAMS and CHANTRELL have a tennis court at the corner of Fourth and D streets, at which they play every evening. They are becoming expert players.

While gumming a saw, Monday Mr. H. W. WHEELER was unfortunate to have a piece of emery locate in his eye, making a very painful and red optic. The particle could not be found until Wednesday, when it was removed.

The run of salmon the past week has been very light, there being scarcely enough to keep the cannery at Point Roberts busy. The run in the Fraser has been light all season.

Last Friday afternoon as the Utopia was landing at the MILLER wharf she slightly touched the KINGSLEY wharf and broke the piles, landing the warehouse on the flats.

Mr. NOFFSINGER has rented two of his boats to Deputy Collector ELLSPERMAN, who has sent them to Point Roberts to be used by Inspectors BROWN and WEBBER.

"Boston Tom" will be removed to the New Westminster jail, next week, to await the action of the court for a crime committed twelve years ago.

The residences of W. L. FOX and S. WADE are nearing completing, and when finished will make handsome and substantial dwellings.

Mrs. Lee WHEELER's mother and daughter arrived in the city from Seattle Tuesday.

Mr. E. F. McQUEEN has accepted a position in the postoffice. His genial manner makes him a very popular clerk.

Mr. SEVIER has 400 cocks of hay, half of which he cut and packed himself. He has twenty acres of land cleared.

Marshal BARRICLOW is collecting dog licenses, and any stray dogs without a tag will be impounded.

The eight-year-old son of O. H. LEE, of Birch Bay, deid Wednesday of diphtheria.

Mrs. NELSON, of Vancouver, B. C. is visiting her brother, Inspector KENNEDY.

Messrs. David LONG and LEWIS are building residences at Custer.

R. C. VANDERFORD, plaintiff, vs. Cora L. VANDERFORD, defendant. The object and purpose of said action is to obtain a decree of divorce upon the ground of willful desertion of the plaintiff by the defendant on or about the 12th day of December A. D. 1892, and continued since that date.

Eliza J. HENSPETER, plaintiff, vs. Henry C. HENSPETER. The object of said action is to obtain a decree of this court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the said plaintiff and decreeing her an absolute divorce from you, upon the following grounds, towit: 1st For your failure to make suitable provision, or any provision at all, for the support of the plaintiff you having the means and ability so to do and being able to support plaintiff by work and labor. 2d For treating plaintiff with personal indignities without the fault or provocation of plaintiff, thereby rendering plaintiff's life burdensome.

Friday, August 9, 1895 is missing

Friday, August 16, 1895:

Mrs. Judge WIESTLING, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. CRILLY, returned to Seattle Wednesday.

G. D. C. PRUNER took an involuntary bath, last week, from the deck of the Bay City, at Seattle. Mr. PRUNER was standing on the deck leaning against the railing, when the schooner St. Lawrence came in collision with the Bay City, carrying away the railing and landing him in the water. No damage was done to Mr. PRUNER except to injure his feelings and two of his fingers.

Miss Cordie EVANS was given a birthday party Saturday afternoon, by her mother, Mrs. L. E. LAMAR. An enjoyable time was had. Those present were: Eleanor CRILLY, Allie SLOAN, Gertrude HALL, Della BARRETT, Frankie TOLFORD, Cora DOPP, Libby BRADSHAW, Miss SLOGGETT, Nellie McELMON, Grace BARBER and Mesdames TOLFORD, OSIER, WESTCOTT and ELLSPERMAN.

P. W. BROWN, Geo. ELLSPERMAN, Lester W. DAVID, Samuel ANDERSON, Prof. TANNER and Frank McCALL rode to Ladner's Landing, Sunday, on their bicycles. They report a pleasant trip and the road good, except in a few places.

Henry HENSPETER, arrived Blaine, last Friday, from the Carriboo country. He reports considerable snow, and the country overrun with Chinamen.

A. MANSFIELD was in Blaine, Tuesday, looking after his property interests.

Robert SHIELDS' creamery at Enterprise, was burned, Saturday evening. The loss was $1,200; no insurance. The fire started in the smokestack, and before it was noticed it had gained such headway that it was impossible to extinguish it.

Mrs. HOOVER and Gertrude HALL, leave to-day, on the Utopia for Vancouver, where they will take the Canadian Pacific for Dayton, Ohio, Miss HALL's home. Miss HALL has been in Blaine for two years and is loathe to leave.

Wm. SMITH, son of J. B. SMITH, had the misfortune to run the little finger of his right hand against a saw at the Drayton mill, Monday, with the result of loosing it. Dr. REEVES, assisted by Mr. McQUEEN, attended to the injury.

Vaughn TANNER, Bert COLE and Fred SCAMAN, while enjoying a row in a skiff off the spit, capsized. There is no casualty to chronicle, but the boys were wet to the skin, and dried themselves by a campfire.

Mrs. Geo. SMITH will leave next week to visit her brother in Oregon City, Oregon. Her mother and father will be there from the east. Mrs. SMITH will be absent several months.

Miss DOPP, of Everett, who has been visiting at Mrs. TOLFORD's, left on the Great Northern for Everett, yesterday. She will return in two weeks and open a private school.

E. W. McGINNIS and Cecil BACON of Whatcom, and Mr. WESTWOOD, agent for the Cudehy Packing Co., were in town, Tuesday.

Mrs. ROGERS and her sister, of Westminster, are stopping at the St. Leonard Hotel, the gues of their brother, John ATKINSON.

Chas. HOFERCAMP is visiting his sister, Mrs. Medill CONNELL.

The ladies relief corps of the G. A. R. and their friends picniced on the spit, Wednesday. There were about seventy-five present, and a pleasant time was had, and judging from the baskets taken there was no dearth of eatables. The little gatherings are a great pleasure and en gender good feeling and fellowship.
Those who composed the party were:
G. H. ABERS wife and son Charley, Geo. BECKWITH, L. D. STONE and wife and daughters Belle and Minnie, O. D. McDONALD, wife and son Walter, J. B. PINKNEY (PINCKNEY), Mrs. William PINKNEY (PINCKNEY), Mrs. C. C. SMITH, Mrs. J. B. RAMAAGE, Mrs. William RAMAGE, John MARTIN, wife and daughter, S. COLE and wife, S. P. HUGHES, wife and son, Mrs. Rufus WILSON and daughter, Mrs. John MILLHOLLIN (MILHOLLIN), Mrs. James MILLHOLLIN (MILHOLLIN), E. A. BOBLETT, John BOBLETT and wife, I. M. SCOTT and wife, Mrs. INGLES, son and daughter, Mrs. C. C. OSIER, Jessie and Ora DEMENT, Ora WYRICK, Byron KINGSLEY and wife, Mrs. CRABB and son, Mrs. R. GILDAY, Mrs. D. R. GOTT and son, Mrs. RUNGE, Howard and Eddie OSIER, Don and Bud WILSON, Mrs. J. W. GILLESPIE, Mrs. J. RADCLIFFE and son, Mrs. Rebecca MILHOLLIN, Clayton MILHOLLIN, Ernie JOSEPH, George DICKERSON, Mrs. Dick RICHARDS, Blanche RAMAGE, Mrs. FELISIANO, Frank GREENWOOD, Hattie WYRICK, Sam ANDERSON, Dr. KING and Tony RUNGE.

George O'DELL was drowned in Weiser lake, Wednesday, at 2 p. m. He went to the lake with a party of Lynden friends, mostly young people, and the group went in bathing. He was swimming near the others, one of his friends being close to him, and was talking and laughing with those near, when he suddenly sank. It was a long time before the friends recovered his body, too long, for he was dead, and no efforts could restore him. The young man was 25 years old, with a promising manhood before him. His mother resides in the county and his sister is a teacher in the Whatcom schools.

Ellery ROGERS and J. J. MONKMAN were in Blaine, Thursday. They walked from Marietta.

Mr. and Mrs. LEE, of Birch Bay, are deserving sympathy. Thursday they lost another child, from diphtheria, Allie, age 10 years and 3 months.

Friday, August 23, 1895:

At the home of the bride's parents, Seattle, Mr. W. L. CHILDS and Miss Geneferet E. OSTROM were united in marriage, Wednesday morning, August 21, 1895. They left at 11:15 on their wedding tour, and on their return they will be at home at 1118 Seventh street. The many friends of Miss OSTROM here send congratulations. Mr. CHILDS is a prominent business man of Seattle. Mr. OSTROM was a merchant of Blaine at one time, having left here with his family in 1893.

Lucy R., wife of W. L. ROGERS, died Thursday, August 22, 1895, aged 52 years. Mrs. ROGERS had an attack of la grippe about a year ago, and has never recovered, her death being caused by consumption. The family lives on California creek, seven miles from Blaine. The funeral services will be held in the Free Methodist church, P. H. GRIGGS officiating, Saturday, at 2 o'clock.

Duncan McGILVARY, one of the men arrested for disorderly conduct, last week, was released, Saturday, on the promise to leave town, but as he proceeded to bowl up, he was reincarcerated in the city bastile, and is now engaged in putting the streets in good condition.

Chauncey JOHNSTON, son of Mayor J. S. JOHNSTON, returned to Blaine, Tuesday, after an absence of two years. He has been station agent and operator on the line of the Canadian Pacific in the Kootenai country.

Miss ANDERSON, who has been teaching a music school in Blaine for several months, left, Tuesday, for Whatcom, where she will spend two months of a vacation.

Mrs. JOHNSTON and son, of Humboldt, California, sister of Mrs. Thos. KENNEDY, arrived, Sunday, on a visit.

Mrs. Herman HOFERCAMP, of Whatcom, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Medill CONNELL.

John CONNELLY, a pioneer of Ferndale, died last week , at Ferndale, of asthma.

The $20,000 residence of P. J. HENNELLY, of Fairhaven, was burned, last week. The building and furniture cost $32,000. It was one of the handsomests residences on Bellingham Bay.

Mr. Joe SHEPPARD, sawyer for the Lawrence ENGLE shingle mill, had the misfortune to cut the second and third finger of his left hand, Tuesday. He was removing the debris from around the saw, and his hand came in contact with the teeth of the saw. His injury, while painful, will not cause him to lose any of his fingers.

Friday, August 30, 1895:

The funeral services of Mrs. Lucy ROGERS were held at the Free Methodist church, last Saturday at 2 o'clock, p.m., Rev. P. H. GRIGGS, of Lynden, officiating. A number of friends attended the services from town and county. Mrs. Rogers was born in Steuben county, Indiana, fifty-two years ago. She leaves a husband, son and daughter in Whatcom county and a father and mother in King county. She came to Puget sound about twenty years ago, and has lived near Blaine for fourteen or fifteen years.

Mr. D. S. MILLER's mill started up, Monday, after having been closed for several weeks. Since the new pipe has been put in, the force of water is about one-third greater. The pipe in embedded in the flats, instead of running along the wharf, as stated last week.

Prof. J. W. TANNER will open a select school Monday, September 9, at the south school house; tuition 25 cents a week. The professor wishes the scholars of all classes in the different grades, so that they can continue the public school course the same as if that school were in session.

Mr. BREWSTER has sold a portion of his land on the west side of Point Roberts to COSTELLO & Co. This land has been purchased for the purpose of erecting a cannery, which will be ready for operation next season. The price paid was $3,000.

Mrs. Mike GANNON and daughter, of Whatcom, are visiting Mrs. GANNON's mother, at Point Roberts.

J. Y. MILLER, of Tacoma, husband of Mrs. MILLER of the Episcopal school, arrived in Blaine, Saturday.

Mrs. BRUNS and daughter, Mrs. JULIAN, of Birch Bay, were in town, Saturday.

Rev. NEVIUS left Monday for Juno, Alaska, to establish an Episcopal church. Mr. NEVIUS has gained the ripe old age of 67 years, and a major portion of his years has been spent on Puget sound. The doctor is a thorough scholar, and at one time was the most prominent clergyman of his denomination on Puget sound, having been dean of this diocese, and in a fair way to become bishop. He has been in charge of the Blaine Episcopal church for several years, and has many warm friends.

The Daughters of Rebekah gave Mr. GILLESPIE a surprise party, Saturday evening. It was the occasion of Mr. GILLESPIE's fiftieth birth day. The genial city clerk was very much surprised, but succeeded in making it pleasant for the ladies.

Ed THOMAS, J. THOMAS, Paul WALTON (WOLTON) and Jasper RUCKER left Monday morning on a prospecting tour in the Baker range. The expect to be gone about two weeks.

Miss FRASER, of Vancouver, is visiting Miss McELMON. Miss FRASER will teach Hall's Prairie school the coming term.

The case of CLARK vs. CLARK for divorce was decided, Wednesday, in the superior court in favor of the plaintiff, Mr. CLARK being granted a divorce and custody of the children. Oval PIRKEY was attorney for plaintiff and A. E. MEAD for defendant.

A cruising party, composed of F. F. HANDSCHY, J. H. LONG, W. F. CALVERT, V. JULIAN, Burnham FREEMAN and Captain SMITH, of Whatcom, arrived in the bay, Thursday morning, in the Hornet on their way to Jarvis Inlet and Powell Lake.

Mrs. G. B. DRIGGS, of Friday Harbor, and Miss Carrie LAKE, of Seattle, arrived on the Island Belle, Saturday, as guests of Mrs. Geo. ELLSPERMAN, and left for a visit to Ladner's Landing, Sunday.

Mr. J. E. RYUS has written to Judge McDONALD that he will return to Puget sound shortly and establish his stove works.

C. C. PAUL is in Blaine for a short visit from California. His son Charley will go with him when he returns home.

A birthday party was given to Mrs. WHITCOMB, mother of Mrs. BOBLETT, Tuesday, It was her 95th birthday.

Summons in the superior court of the state of Washington, for the county of Whatcom - Eliza J. HENSPETER, Plaintiff vs. Henry C. HENSPETER, defendant. (case of divorce)

The Buckeye arrived, Sunday, from Orcas Island, with the family of W. T. GUY and his household effects.

Mr. E. TUPPER and family of Fairhaven, who have been camping at the spit, left for home, Wednesday.

Joe SCHLUMPP, representing SNELL HEITSU & WOODWARD, was in Blaine Tuesday.

Harry THOMAS, who has been fishing on the Fraser, returned home, Tuesday.

Mrs. M. MANEVAL and daughter, of Excelsior, were in the city, Monday.

Mr. FOSS, of Delta, was in the town, Monday, on business.

Barney ESTABROOK left for Whatcom on the Wednesday train.

Mr. John KALLSEN visited up-sound points, Monday.

Mrs. Marion CAIN has gone to California.

Secretary REILLY has received the first application for marriage on the Ferris wheel during the fair, from Whatcom county. Applications received up to Sept. 3d.

Friday, September 6, 1895:

A disturbance occurred at the MILLER mill last Saturday evening between Night Watchman BECKWITH and a man by the name of JONES, who works at the cannery. Mr. BECKWITH states that he found the man in the mill and ordered him out, but that he did not seem inclined to go, and that in putting him out, the man fell on some lumber, striking his head, and cutting it; that he did not strike him with a club or stick of any kind, and that the only bruise he received was by the fall. Mr. JONES is said to be a hard working young man, and not inclined to be noisy or quarrelsome, but that he was under the influence of liquor at the time.

The home of Mrs. JOSEPH was entered during the absence of the family, Monday, and the lunch that had been prepared partaken of. Nothing else was missing, but the party placed Mr. JOSEPH's rifle on the floor and stuck his hunting knife in the floor. If this was done for a joke, it was certainly a dangerous one, for Mrs. JOSEPH's young son may have come in at any time and injured himself with the knife or shot himself with the gun. People who play practical jokes should be careful what they play them with.

Mr. G. M. KEILER returned from Sumas, Sunday, and brought with him some plums from Barney HUGHES of the Bradshaw variety, some of which the Journal returns thanks. They are handsome. The representatives of the fruit the Journal has had only emphasize the importance of a fruit cannery being established at Blaine.

The Journal is in receipt of a pear from Lawrence SAVINGS, who lives three miles east of Blaine, that is as handsome as any we have seen. It is one of the Clapp's Favorite variety, and was grown on a tree that was planted by the young man and cared for by him. He feels justly proud of the tree.

Capt. FORD, of the tug Caledonian, of the Fraser river, was married in Westminster, Friday evening, and came through Blaine, Saturday, on the Great Northern train, on his wedding trip. The captain and his bride seemed as happy as two turtle doves.

The following Blaine citizens were in attendance at the M. E. conference as delegates and camp meeting at Seattle, this week: Rev. J. W. WHITE and wife, Mrs. GEERY, Mrs. GOTT, Mrs. J. A. MARTIN, Mrs. P. FOSTER and Mrs. WARREN.

Mrs. HOFERCAMP, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Medill CONNELL, for several weeks, returned to Whatcom, Sunday.

Mr. T. G. WILSON, representing the Commercial Cigar factory of Seattle, was in the city, Wednesday and Thursday.

W. E. MILLER representing the N. W. Richmond Co., of Seattle, was in the city, Saturday.

Miss Kate DORR was baptized in Dakota creek, Sunday, by Rev. WHITTLESEY.

Mr. E. W. DICKERSON will hold an open air meeting at the corner of Washington avenue and Martin streets, Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m.

Miss Eleanor CRILLY leaves to-morrow for Tacoma, where she goes to attend the Anna Wright seminary.

Miss Nellie McELMON is visiting her aunt, Mrs. B. K. McELMON, at Cloverdale, B. C.

CHANDLER's Buring Ride
Wednesday (yesterday) evening about five o'clock, as B. F. CHANDLER was driving from Whatcom over the Guide Meridian road to Lynden, accompanied by Mrs. M. L. JACKMAN, he was considerably bruised and Mrs. JACKMAN had an arm broken and was otherwise bruised by a burning tree which fell across their laps. They had been driving along until they were about one mile from Laural (sic) where the forests were on fire on both sides of the road. The smoke was so dense they could see nothing but as the track of the fire was less than half a mile wide Mr. CHANDLER concluded to whip up his horse and drive through it, and while doing so a slender but burning tree fell across the front wheel of the buggy and broke, dropping across the laps of the occupants and breaking Mrs. JACKMAN's arm and bruising Mr. CHANDLER. The occupants succeeded in releasing themselves from the buggy but the horse ran away with the buggy on fire. The horse was stopped about a mile up the road from the scene of the accident of Joseph NICHOLSON, and Mr. CHANDLER, who had started to overtake the horse, was picked up in a fainting condition by the roadside not far from his starting point. The cushion was burned up and a hole burned through the bottom of the buggy by the fire. The occupants were driven back to Whatcom where their injuries were cared for and they are expected home to-day. It was a narrow escape for had the buggy been two feet further along, certain death would have been unavoidable to one or perhaps both of the occupants.
-Lynden Pioneer Press.

Friday, September 13, 1895:

C. W. HOMOYER has sold out his stock and business location to Paul WOLTEN. Mr WOLTEN is well-known to the citizens of Blaine and vicinity, having been a reliable and trustworthy employee of Mr. John ELWOOD for a number of years, and later in the employ of Messrs. SEELY Bros. His many friends hope and believe that he will be successful in his new venture.

Mrs. Z. KIRBY of Bellvedere, Ill., mother of Bob and H. B. KIRBY, stopped over on Monday en route to California. Mrs. KIRBY was in Blaine some nine years ago. She is over eighty years of age and spends a great deal of her time traveling.

D. S. MILLER's double block mill made a cut of one hundred and fifty-five thousand shingles on Tuesday. This same mill last week on a six days' cut made over seven hundred thousand shingles.

Dr. G. G. GRIFFIN of Seattle will be in Blaine about September 25th and remain a few days. All wishing dental work done will do well to wait for him.

Chas. PAUL, Jr., accompanied by his father, and family have departed for Gilroy, Santa Clara county, Cal., where they expect to reside in the future.

Deputy Sheriff W. I. BRISBIN was in town, Tuesday, and levied on the stock of BARNES & Co., pending a suit brought by the Blaine National bank.

Emery McGINNIS, deputy United States marshal, came up from Whatcom, Tuesday afternoon, to take charge of the Jap opium smuggler.

Rev. and Mrs. J. W. WHITE, Mrs. GEARY, A. WARREN and Mrs. GOTT have returned from the M. E. Conference just ended at Seattle.

Miss Estelle BARNES left on Thursday's train for Seattle, where she goes to resume her duties in the city schools.

Conductor R. O. REED of the Great Northern is spending a well earned vacation this week at Point Roberts.

Geo. SNELL and Ed. WALL are among the successful fishermen who have lately returned from the Point.

Thos. QUIRT and family drove home from Vancouver, Sunday, where they had been for the past week.

F. A. CLEVELAND of New Whatcom was in town Tuesday on legal business.

Hon. L. H. WHEELER was in town Monday the guest of his brother.

Miss Cassie FRAZIER of Vancouver is visiting her sister, Miss Mabel.

Wm. STUART has returned from the Point Roberts fisheries.

John H. ELDER of Seattle, proprietor of the International mill, was in town Saturday and rented his plant to Messrs. ARNOLD and SMITH who intend to repair it and put it into active operation at once. This is a ten block and hand machine mill with a capacity of 200,000 daily and will materially increase the working force of Blaine.

A letter from Fred POWER states that there is a great deal of sickness in the Rossland mines, owing to the presence of arsenic and copper in the water.

Chas. DAHL went to Whatcom and return on his wheel Monday. This makes a run of 52 miles, which is very good for a beginner.

J. J. BURNS is here relieving Customs Collector ELLSPERMAN. This is Mr. BURNS' first visit to the International city.

Mrs. Jas. PORTER, wife of the Postmaster at Haynie, presented her husband with an assistant on September 6th.

Miss Belle ROGERS left, Tuesday, for Ellensburg to begin her third year in the State Normal school at that place.

Mrs. C. JOHNSTON, sister of Mrs. T. A. KENNEDY, went to Whatcom Monday to visit friends.

Mr. and Mrs. BREWER expect to leave on Monday for their home in Toronto, Kansas.

Mrs. CRABB left on Thursday's train for a visit to her brother in Snohomish.

Frank BOWMAN of Delta was in town Monday with a load of produce.

Commissioners Proceedings -
Soldiers' relief fund - A. J. TAYLOR $8; R. BIRDSELL $7.

Twenty-one chickens were stolen from the yard of Mr. SPOHN the other day, but the thief didn't secure them very well and before night all had returned. Judging from the way they had been fed during their absence, the light fingered party must have been getting them ready for market.

Friday, September 20, 1895:

On Tuesday last Collector of Customs Hy D. CHANTRELL, of H.M.S., seized a horse of James VARETT for violation of custom laws. The horse was an American horse, and as Mr. VARETT lives on the other side he knew that duty had to be paid or the horse liable to seizure. Mr. CHANTRELL regrets very much to take people's property but his duty is to enforce the law and people living on either side should not lay themselves liable. The horse will be sold to the highest bidder.

The steamer Seattle returned Saturday, leaving her party composed of the Misses Frankie TOLFORD, Mary and Mida WALLER, Mrs. Geo. TERRY, Dr. KING and family, at the favorite camping ground near Doe Bay, Orcas Island, on Peter MORRIS's ranch. The Doctor has a large party to provide for, but as he is an adapt hunter and a willing worker they will be well taken care of. He killed three deer while camped at the same place last season. The Seattle will return for them to-day.

Parties still owing for lots in the Blaine cemetery are requested to pay for them. Many have cleared up their lots and worked on the grounds, others often repeatedly promising have failed to do anything, and those will be expected to pay for their lots and clear them up, or they will be cleared up and the expense charged to them.

C. E. JOHNSTON, son of Mayor JOHNSTON, returned from Seattle, Tuesday afternoon. His sister, Mrs. E. C. WILSON, accompanied him. He will leave next week for Lardean, B. C., on a tributary of the Columbia river, south of Revelstroke where he has charge of a station and telegraph line for the Canadian Pacific railroad.

Attorney J. A. KERR, of Fairhaven, came up Tuesday and chartered the steamer Seattle to take him to Point Roberts and return Wednesday. He has charge of the Indian case against the A.P.A. and was on business in connection with the same. E. A. ROBERTS and John ELWOOD made the trip with him.

Lee RANDALL, who has been laid up from the effects of taking cold where a fir splinter entered the fleshy part of his leg above the knee, is able to be around on crutches. He had a serious time of it, having been confined to house nearly four months.

Mrs. C. E. COLE, Mrs. G. M. KEELER, Misses Edith COLE and Grace SCAMON, Bert COLE, Leo KEELER, A. VARETT and W. VANLUVEN, comprise a party who are enjoying an outing and picking hops near Cloverdale, B. C.

A brother-in-law of Mrs. J. Y. MILLER, from Eastern Canada, surprised her Monday. He was on a business trip to Seattle, and Mrs. MILLER and Clare accompanied him.

On Saturday last the population was increased by the arrival of a daughter at Frank Allen's. Dr. REEVES reports mother and daughter doing well.

Fred BROWN and family moved from Point Roberts, last Tuesday, having finished his work for the A.P.A. for this season.

Jas. MOORE, a wealthy grain dealer from Brimfield, Ill., who has been visiting J. T. RADCLIFFE, left Tuesday, for Oregon to visit relatives there. When Mr. RADCLIFFE came here from Illinois, several years ago, Mr. MOORE's son accompanied him. He is located near LaConner, where he has a hop field. He left on a hunting expedition, intending to go four hundred miles north, just before his father came. Mr. MOORE was very much disappointed as he has not seen his son since he left home. He was very well impressed with Blaine and said he never saw as much fruit and produce raised in the same space as on Mr. RADCLIFFE's lots.

The many acquaintances of C. G. COLE, ex-postmaster of New Whatcom, were shocked to hear of his sudden demise on Friday last. He was stricken with apoplexy about 3 o'clock while sitting in his office and was immediately removed in a carriage to his residence, where he expired at 5:15 p. m. He was about 50 years old, of large and heavy physique, and in apparent good health, Mr. COLE was one of Whatcom's most respected citizens, a member of the city council and board of trade. Since his retirement from the postoffice he has been associated with Mr. SCOUTIN in the floor and feed business.

The Japanese arrested with fifteen cans of opium, by Customs Inspector T. A. KENNEDY, last week, was taken before United States Commissioner Frank McCALL and bound over. He will be tried in October. The opium was of the best quality and the duty alone would have been $90. It is worth on this side about $200.

The lot and building occupied by J. F. KEAN, the tonsorial artist, has been purchased by S. H. HORTON, who is having it lowered to a level with the street. He is going to put in a new glass front and otherwise improve it. A. B. BARRETT has leased the building and will occupy it with a complete line of boots, shoes, etc.

The steamer Utopia brought a new smoke stack for D. S. MILLER's shingle mill. The old one had rusted until it was unsafe. It will require considerable work to get it in place. The old one was pulled down Saturday night. The rust eats through a light gauge stack, over the salt water, in about four years.

Conductor REED of the Great Northern is making an extensive investigation of the fishing grounds in this vicinity. Mr. REED is an old fisherman, having fished traps on the Great Lakes several years ago. He considers the fishing industry of vast importance to Blaine.

City Treasurer J. A. MARTIN is having a fine root house built at his residence on H street. It will be built of brick and have a cement floor.

Frank WILLIAMS, who has been the tonsorial artist at Roslyn, B. C., for the past six months is expected home in about three months.

J. F. KEAN is clearing up a place on the foot of Martin street to put up a small building to move his barber shop into.

The steamer Kildonon, Capt. L. H. FORD, came over from the Fraser river in search of fish but returned without them.

Mrs. TILTON, of Portland, Ore., sister of Mrs. E. B. WHEELER, is sick with typhoid fever.

Councilman MORGAN made a trip to New Whatcom and returned with Wm. DICKENSON in his new schooner last week. The boat is 33 feet 6 inches over all and 9 feet, 6 inches beam, center board and very light draft. It is well adapted for cruising along the coast, as you can go ashore in very shallow water. She proved to be a fast model. They made the run from Point White Horn to Hale's Pass in two hours. The cabin extends from the fore to the main mast and is fitted for comfort.

C. W. HOMOYER gave Paul WALTON possession of his bakery Monday and left for Seattle. He will be back to-day. He has been teaching Billy WALTON the art of baking palatable pastry and bread. A trial will convince you Billy is an apt apprentice.

Customs Collector L. U. STENGER of New Whatcom, relieved Collector J. J. BURNS, Saturday, and will remain in charge of the office here until Collector ELLSPERMAN returns.

The Island Belle brought up her usual consignment of freight, Saturday, and had the household goods of C. W. HOMOYER and Medill CONNELL to take out.

The many friends of Dr. G. D. DEMENT will be sorry to learn he is dangerously ill. He has been confined to his bed for about two weeks.

P. W. BROWN, our genial Great Northern agent, has been licensed to transact business as a Custom House broker at this port.

Deputy Sheriff BRISBIN started with Phil ISENSEE for Walla Walla Tuesday afternoon. His sentence was four years.

Frank McCALL has accepted a position in the Consolidated Mill & Merchandise company's store.

This has been a busy week in the customs office. Twelve vessels having entered and cleared.

Mr. I. LIVINGSTONE has a notice in this issue that should be given consideration. Everybody should be interested in the improvement of our cemetery, and especially those who own lots. Mr. LIVINGSTONE is the sexton and the improvements that have been made by him are worthy of commodation. His work has been without remuneration and if others would lend a helping hand our cemetery would soon be a credit to our city. He will go out and work with any one who will assist. Public spirit should take interest in this work.

Jas. W. MORGAN, president and manager of the Bellingham Bay National Bank of New Whatcom, came up on the Island Belle, Saturday. He has not been well for the past few weeks and was seeking a little recreation.

The genial agent of the Northern Pacific railroad at New Whatcom, N. D. CHETHAM, made Blaine a call while the Island Belle was in port Saturday.

Mrs. Z. KIRBY, who is here visiting her sons, has been quite sick ever since her arrival. She is at the Hotel Blaine.

Theo. G. STEAUBLI has been confined to the house for the past week, threatened with a spell of fever.

The HUNTER family were united by the arrival of Mrs. HUNTER and daughter Inez from their old home, Union City, Pa., last Wednesday. They were expected but not quite so soon. Mr. HUNTER came about a year ago but Alton and Fred have been here over five years. They will occupy the HAMLEY property near Boblett street and Garfield avenue.

H. B. KIRBY who has charge of the A.P.A. fisheries will accompany his mother to Pomona, California, soon as his seasons' work is completed sometime next week.

Friday, September 27, 1895:

DIED - In this city on Sunday, September 22nd, Ellen Jane BARRICLAW aged 62 years 6 months and 29 days.
Mrs. BARRICLAW was born in Indiana in 1833 and came to Blaine from Pendleton, Oregon in 1886 where she resided until her death. Mrs. BARRICLAW has been an invalid for a number of years, and although separated, in a measure from her friends, she was held in high esteem by all who knew her. The funeral was held in the Congregational Church, and was attended by a large concourse of friends. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the entire community.

Frank WILLIAMS and Sydney SMITH have returned from the Trail Creek mines, bringing with them some very fine samples of ore from the mines in that vicinity. They report a large amount of development work being done around Rossland.

Inspector Geo. H. WEBBER relieves Inspector KENNEDY, who takes a two weeks' vacation. Mr. KENNEDY left Tuesday for New Whatcom where he intends to visit friends and take in the fair.

Dr. M. V. B. SMITH met with a painful accident a few days ago. He had the misfortune to drop a large board on his foot, which resulted in breaking the bone in one of his toes.

Mrs. Annie KINGSLEY and her sister, Miss Carrie HENSPETER, left, Saturday on the steamer Island Belle for a weeks' visit at the fair in New Whatcom.

Captains STRUVE and MATHEWS of the Gertie Story and Chinook have gone to Seattle for the winter.

Mrs. KERR of Fairhaven and her father Mr. ZINN are visiting friends in the city.

Arthur BARRICLAW and wife and Chas. BARRICLAW of Seattle are in the city.

Wm. EVANS Jr. of Excelsior killed a large black bear lately.

W. J. GILLESPIE, the city clerk, has moved his office from the building formerly occupied by him to the city hall, where he will be found in the future.

Mrs. WHITE and her son Joe and daughter, Mrs. Fred WYMAN, leave Saturday for Seattle, where they go to reside the coming winter.

On Wednesday at 7 p. m. at the residence of the bride's mother, Miss Etta ROBERTS was married to Mr. Joseph ARNOLD. Both the contracting parties are well known in the city, Mr. ARNOLD being a well known mill man, and Miss ROBERTS one of our most popular young ladies. At 7 o'clock the two were made one, by the Rev. J. W. WHITE, in the presence of about twenty-five relations and intimate friends, after which the party sat down to an elegant supper. Mr. Ed. ROBERTS officiated as best man and Miss Jessie DICKERSON was bridesmaid. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. ARNOLD untie in wishing them a happy future.

J. P. HUGHES and Miss Florence CLARK, of this city, were united in marriage on Wednesday night at the residence of Mr. Wm. PINCKNEY, justice of the peace for Semiahmoo. Both parties are well known. Mr. HUGHES being one of the pioneer boys of Blaine, and Miss CLARK the eldest daughter of Mr. Geo. CLARK.

We wish to thank the many friends who have so kindly assisted and sympathized with us in our bereavement.

G. M. KEELER has rented the photographic gallery on Harrison avenue and is prepared to do all kinds of work in that line. I have purchased new scenery and guarantee good work. Come and try me. G. M. KEELER.

Mr. BEATTY, R. M. ROGERS, Mrs. SCOTT, Geo. ELLIOTT and W. W. CARTER represent Excelsior at the fair.

Geo. DICKERSON took his departure for Seattle, Wednesday, where he goes to remain for the winter.

Steamer Angeles, with Dr. H. C. SLOGGETT, of Ladner's Landing, enroute for the Nooksack fisheries, was in port Saturday.

S. H. HORTON, H. LOOMIS, P. NEILSON and Henry HORTON visited the fair on Monday.

Mr. William ARTHUR of Ladner's Landing was in town several days this week.

The people of Blaine will be glad to hear that it is the intention of the Church Charity Association to at last finish the long delayed school house. Mr. Wm. DEXTER and his son Arthur are here to do the plastering and kalsomining. It is the intention of the association to put Mr. J. S. CRILLEY in charge of the carpenter work. The association has received many backsets in one way and another, which has kept them thus far from completing the work contemplated, but it now looks as if they were at last in a fair way to success. If finished they intend to open the school in February.

J. F. KEAN has a large force of men at work on the new building he is erecting on the corner of Martin street and Washington avenue.

A. B. TAYLOR and family are attending the fair at Whatcom, this week.

-There was quite a house warming at J. W. WHIFLER's, last Monday night, in his house. At 7 o'clock about fourteen couples had gathered and commenced dancing, keeping it up until day light. There was good music in attendance, and refreshments were served at midnight. Everybody enjoyed themselves hugely. You may always expect such a time at WHIFLER's, as they spare no effort to make their guests comfortable.

Friday, October 4, 1895:

Blaine State Bank Closed by order of the Court - the WHEELERs Strictly in It.
    Considerable excitement and no little consternation was produced on Monday afternoon by the closing of The Blaine State Bank. At five minutes before closing time J. J. BELL, the sheriff, closed the bank and placed Lester W. DAVID in charge as receiver. The action has been brought by C. P. STONE for the stockholders and creditors, alleging insolvency, mismanagement, and wilful extravagant waste of funds and assets; alleging that the bank, knowing H. W. WHEELER, the president, to be notoriously insolvent, have with the funds of the bank bought the promissory notes of Mr. H. W. WHEELER to the amount of $3,000. The institution has, for a long time, done little of no legitimate banking business, nor has it ever since its organization paid a solitary cent in dividends to its stockholders. They have kept on the pay roll, since their organization, H. W. WHEELER as president and E. R. WHEELER as cashier at an aggregate salary of $225 per month, and in other ways used the funds for the benefit of themselves, instead of making the institution a paying one for the stockholders. The bank was formerly a national bank known as the Blaine National bank and was organized in 1890 with the same people in control, but a year or two since it went into liquidation and a State bank was organized in its place. The trustees have been held in almost entire ignorance of the transactions of the WHEELERs, and being dissatisfied with their actions tried to compel them to resign, but without avail. The WHEELERs have held control in spite of the fact that the sworn statement filed with the state auditor May 31st H. W. WHEELER, the president, to own one share of stock at a par value of $100. and E. R. WHEELER, the cashier, to be owner of fifteen shares. There have been affidavits filed showing that H. W. WHEELER looted and defrauded the Commercial National Bank of Seattle, of which he was president, by loaning large sums of money to insolvent corporations of which he was chief stockholder. WHEELER practically wrecked the Seattle bank before removing here. A great deal of feeling prevails at this time; people all over the community being very indignant. A great many people lose money in small sums and although they are small, depositors generally in this institution are among poor people who can ill afford to lose what they have saved. The assets will barely pay ten per cent of the liabilities.
    The WHEELER's trouble does not seem to end with the bank muddle as the next man on the scene is one John DOSER, who by his attorneys, PAYNE & PIRKEY, brings action against H. W. WHEELER and Lee WHEELER, who are doing business under the corporation name of the Consolidated Mill & Merchandise Co. The plaintiff alleges that H. W. WHEELER and Lee WHEELER represented to him that they were each worth the sum of $5,000 above all their debts and liabilities, and under this representation did trade with him for a stock of general merchandise worth $2,800 giving for it ten shares of the capital stock of the Blaine State bank. That they represented to him that this stock was worth one dollar and ten cents for every dollar of stock issued, when it was really worth nothing, owing to the bank being insolvent, also that they gave their notes for $1,500 and $300 when they well knew themselves to be insolvent, and that after they had induced him to give up his goods they with some unknown persons organized the corporation under whose name they have conducted their business. The prayer of the plaintiff is for a temporary receiver to prevent the WHEELERs from selling out his goods and leaving him without recourse, and for the possession of the goods or $2,800. The sheriff took possession Tuesday afternoon and placed the receiver, Mr. J. A. MARTIN, in charge. It was found upon examination that the WHEELERs had given a bill of sale dated back to July to their sister. H. W. and E. R. WHEELER are at present out of town.

Another turn of the wheel in the bank muddle resulted in the arrest of Cashier E. R. WHEELER. WHEELER in company with Deputy United States Marshal McGINNIS drove up to the bank corner at 12 o'clock to take possession of the Blaine National bank by an order of Judge HANFORD of the United States circuit court, but unfortunately for the schemer found Deputy Sheriff BRISBIN waiting to receive him. He is charged with receiving money when insolvent. The wily president did not, as expected, appear on the scene so is still at large; he probably feared the trap was set, and preferred to let another in. The institution seems to be completely looted of all its available assets so that unless some one disgorges depositors will have to wait some time for their money. Feeling is running high, no one seeming to sympathize with either president or cashier as they, and they only, are responsible for the condition in which the bank now is. When men have so little soul that they will deliberately misappropriate the savings of hard working farmers and laborers, it is time to call them to account for their actions. The hearing is for Saturday at 1 o'clock. p. m.

The Mitchell Lewis Co. served an attachment Thursday on property of the Consolidated Mill and Merchandise Co., consisting chiefly of shingles in and about the dry kiln of the Streator manufacturing company's mill.

Mrs. Will SMITH and her three children left on Wednesday for a visit to Mrs. SMITH's old home at Del Rapids, South Dakota.

Cecil BACON, of New Whatcom, stopped in town Thursday, while on one of his famous bicycle trips.

Mr. and Mrs. James M. HOLLAND of Vancouver have gone for a visit to New York City.

M. M. [T.] TAWES, an old resident of Ferndale, is in town attending the fish case.

Roland M. PORTER taking evidence - Many Witnesses Examined.
Rolland (sic) M. PORTER is in town, accompanied by attorney KERR for plaintiff and C. W. DORR attorney for defendant, taking evidence in the fish case. Monday and Tuesday forenoon were occupied in examination of witnesses for plaintiff. The most important witnesses examined in that time were Jim PLASTER, chief of the Sannich tribe, Sannich Harry, Paul K. HUBBS, Wm. JARMON and Jno. ELWOOD all of whom testified as to the friendly relations existing from an early period among the Lummi, Sannich, Cowichan and Semiahmoo tribes, that all of these tribes intermarry and speak practically the same language, and all have fished, and wish to continue to fish on the grounds about Point Roberts. The defense opened on Tuesday afternoon with the examination of Mrs. Kate WALLER, one of the defendants, E. A. WADHAMS of the Alaska Packers association, Gus BRUNS, M. M. [T.] TAWES and other old residents, who all testified that in early days, reports common among the Indians themselves and the whites then is this country, was that hostilities did exist among these tribes; that the Lummi Indians did not occupy the Point Roberts reef in common with other Indians, but that lately, and particularly since this action was begun, Lummi nets have become more numerous. The defense have many witnesses to examine, and the taking of evidence will probably occupy all of this week.

Miss Ida BERTSCH leaves Sunday for Seattle, where she goes to attend the Acme Business college.

The wife of Geo. EGGLESTON of Drayton presented her husband with a son Monday night.

Mr. CRONISTER had the misfortune to have a finger badly crushed by a sledge on Tuesday.

Mr. STONE and family have moved into their new residence on Boundary Ridge.

The following are advertised letters which remain uncalled for in the Semiahmoo postoffice:

Friday, October 11, 1895:

Died, in this city on Monday, the 7th day of October, Theodore G. STEAUBLI [STAEUBLI], of pneumonia. The funeral was held from the family residence on Washington avenue, on Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. Mr. STEAUBLI was born in Horgan, Canton Jurick, Switzerland, on Feb. 29th, 1840, at the time of his death being 55 years, 7 months and 8 days old. He was married to Fredericka LIEBENOW on the 6th day of June, 1867, and was the father of four children, two of whom preceded him to the grave. Mr. STEAUBLI was for years a minister in the German Methodist church, serving in that capacity at Beaver Dam, Manitowae and Green Bay, Wisconsin and San Louis Obispo, Cal. After two years at the latter place, he resigned from the ministry and came to this state, coming to Blaine in the early eighties. Mr. STEAUBLI built the building now occupied by his family in 1889 and had been for years a prominent citizen of this place, connected with a number of enterprises for the promotion of the business interests of the city. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his departure.

E. R. WHEELER has his hearing before Judge McDONALD on Saturday night at 7 o'clock, with the result that the prisoner was bound over to appear at the superior court in the sum of $7,000. In default of bail, Mr. WHEELER was obliged to accompany Sheriff BELL to Whatcom. The court room was crowded to suffocation so great was the interest in the outcome of this hearing, but no more orderly crowd could be found anywhere, only once attempting applaud and was promptly set down on by the court. The people of Blaine showed by their presence that they wanted justice done in the matter, and by their very orderly conduct that they had a high respect for law and order. The defense stubbornly fought every particle of evidence offered by the prosecution, and especially that testified to by book expert J. W. BLACK. Mr. BLACK's evidence served to expose the utter rottenness of the WHEELER management. The charge preferred was that of receiving money for deposit when insolvent, and was made by Geo. D. C. PRUNER, who testified that on the 19th day of September he deposited in a regular way with the Blaine State bank $15 and the testimony of Mr. BLACK showed the bank to be in the following condition on the closing of business on the 18th, or the morning of the 19th day of September. Liabilities, $10,866.15; assets, providing all notes were good, $7,715.35. Now that the public may judge as to the value of these assets, $6,950 of them consisted of one promisory note made by Mrs. F. E. NICKELLS and endorsed without recourse by L. H. WHEELER, which had been sent to Seattle for collection, and returned uncollected. This is undoubtedly that promisory "of great value" referred to by the WHEELERs in their article in Saturday's P. I. and claimed by them to have been taken possession "at the point of a pistol" by Mr. DAVID. If this note is not good, and it certainly would not have been returned uncollected if it was, then the actual assets would be, if all others were good, $765.35 against $10.866.15. Mr. BLACK further testified that the actual cash assets of that day, including amount due from other banks and bankers, to be $161.75 while the cash on hand was $128.10. The matured liabilities on the 19th day of September were $3,732.93. The evidence seems to prove that the Blaine State bank, on the 19th day of September, was more than insolvent. Mr. KERR for the defense tried to show that a bank could have matured obligations, or in other word due the creditors or subject to call on demand, a sum equal to nearly $4,000 and have in its till only $128.10 to pay those demands, and yet be a solvent institution. Moreover Mr. BLACK testifies that the bank books did not show any record of a special deposit on the date in question, as claimed by the defense. The state rested and the defense offering no evidence Mr. ALEXANDER made the argument very briefly for the prosecution. The defense offering no argument the prisoner was bound over as stated above.

E. R. WHEELER obtained bail in Whatcom on Sunday with the following sureties: W. E. DUNN, R. G. GAMWELL, J. C. BRECKENRIDGE, T. E. MONIHAM and Mrs. H. W. WHEELER; Mrs. WHEELER qualifying for $3,000. After the bond was approved WHEELER and Mr. ARTHUR left for Seattle. A sample of their cinch style of doing business is shown in the suits they filed with the court last Saturday. WHEELER was tendered the money on one mortgage, interest and principal, but because he can make it more costly and probably get a security of more value than the note, prefers to enter a foreclosure suit against the parties. The real reason is undoubtedly pure meanness. Had this not been the motive that actuated him in nearly all other transaction since coming to Blaine he would have been able to obtain bail in his own town instead of going to Whatcom and buying it, as in all likelihood he was compelled to do.

A new and novel entertainment will be given at the Cain building, Wednesday evening, October 16th, 1895 by the Ladies Aid Society of the Union Church, assisted by their friends. An interesting program has been arranged following which a husking bee lunch will be served.
Following is the cast of characters:

Uncle Reuben -- M. A. UPSON
Benjamine -- Geo. ELLSPERMAN
Jonah -- J. P. STUART
Josiah -- Gordon WALLER
Jacob -- George DICKERSON
Jedediah -- Harry POWERS
Steve -- John KING
Hezekiah -- Harry THOMAS
Moses -- Henry HORTON
Aunt Deriah -- Mrs. M. A. UPSON
Mary Ann -- Frankie TALFORD [TOLFORD]
Esther -- Della BARRETT
Nancy -- Kate DORR
Ruth -- Janie SMITH
Betsy -- Maud UPSON
Polly -- Alice SAVINGS
Rachel -- Nellie McELMON
Sue -- Miss HUNTER
Johnny -- Roy McELMON
Admission to entertainment, including lunch, 25 cts.

J. W. BARBER has just returned from Ruth Creek in the Nooksack mining district, where he has been prospecting and doing a development work for the past year. Mr. BARBER intends spending the winter in Blaine.

The new residences of Messrs. S. WADE and W. L. FOX are rapidly nearing completion, the contractors being busied at the finishing work. These residences will be a credit to the town.

Geo. W. ELLSPERMAN, Art. SEELY, Hy CHANTRELL, Mrs. E. C. SEELY, Miss Fannie SEELY and Miss Mona SEELY left on Wednesday's north bound train to attend the New Westminster fair.

D. DRYSDALE, Mrs. DRYSDALE and son Arthur departed Saturday, after the taking of Mr. DRYSDALE's testimony, for California, where they expect to spend the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. WADHAMS left on Wednesday's afternoon train for the New Westminster fair. Charlie has entered in the gun tournament.

J. C. KEITH, of Vancouver, and recent manager of the Bank of British Columbia, was in town on business last Monday.

E. A. BOBLETT, John BOBLETT and Albert PINCKNEY have gone to Terril creek on a hunting trip.

Fred BILES, who went to work in a mill on Lake Whatcom a short time ago, met with quite a painful accident while attempting to get a splinter out of the double block machine, his arm came in contact with the edge of the saw which inflicted a gash some seven or eight inches in length along the fleshy part of the forearm. The saw cut through all the muscle to the bone also severing some of the cords and one vein.

Rev. J. W. WHITE received a letter from Joseph R. SIMPSON, father of William SIMPSON, the young man who was killed in the PERLEY mill some time ago. The letter states that the young man was twenty-five years old at the time of his death; that he had been a seafaring man for ten years and that at the time of the accident he had been absent from England for over a year.

Miss M. BEATON, sister of Alex BEATON, better known as Alex B. EGAN, arrived in this city by Monday morning's train from Brockville, Ontario, and will probably make her home here. She reports a very pleasant time on her journey.

Mr. STUART, a layreader in the Episcopal church, accompanied by his family, has come to Blaine to take charge of the church charity association's affairs. He will make his residence in the new school building.

Councilman L. B. JOSEPH and S. COLE returned from Ladner's Landing, B. C., where they have been for some weeks in the employ of Harry BURR.

Joseph GOODFELLOW sent 10,000 cohoes to Fraser river canneries from his Point Roberts traps late last week.

Friday, October 18, 1895:

The Drayton mill and box factory was burned last Saturday night. The fire was discovered about 10:30, there being no one about the mill at the time. There had been a heavy fog all day and night and the first warning that anything was wrong was given by the explosion of a keg of powder. The occupants of the Drayton House rushed out to find the mill a mass of flames, and so far gone that nothing could save it. The mill was the property of E. L. COWGILL, of Fairhaven, and was being operated as a broom handle and box factory, by MOORE & BENNETT, making broom handles for the general trade, and boxes for the Blaine, Point Roberts and Friday Harbor salmon canneries. MOORE & BENNETT lost 2,000 boxes complete, ready for delivery and the material for 6,000 more. This is a bad stroke of luck for the operators, as it caught them without insurance, so that the material burned is a total loss. The box factory has been operated for several years very successfully, and has been a good industry for the community. The loss is about $9,000. The mill will be rebuilt at once.

Miss Gertrude OSIER, who has been visiting relations and friends in Tacoma and Puyallup for several months, is now in Whatcom among friends and expects to arrive home on Saturday.

Geo. D. COLE of St. Louis registered Wednesday at the Hotel Blaine.

M. T. GEE and Lysle HICKS of Custer were in town Wednesday.

J. OTLEY of Haynie and E. H. BRUNS of Birch Bay were in town Thursday.

H. W. WHEELER came up Thursday with Deputy Sheriff ESTERBROOK. He was accompanied by his attorneys Will H. THOMPSON of Seattle and R. S. McCORD of Fairhaven. They at once went to Judge McDONALD's office, where, after the reading of the complaint, the prisoner pleaded not guilty and waived examination, giving bond for $5,000 to appear in the superior, with Paul SINGERMAN, Byron PHILPS and other Seattle parties as sureties. The people can now feel assured that the prosecution intend to see this matter through and give justice where it is due.

Last Sunday afternoon Henry HORTON started out in the family carriage for a drive, having with him his mother, Mrs. ZIZER and Miss Lottie THOMAS, but unfortunately some one had put a nut on one of the wheels in a very loose manner, which resulted in the wheel coming off at the corner of Cherry street and Harrison avenue. As the wheel rolled off Mrs. HORTON thinking there would be runaway attempted to jump out and was thrown into the street, badly bruising and spraining her arm. The accident was quite a painful one [and] will keep the patient confined to her room for some little time.

D. R. GOTT moved the large safe of J. S. JOHNSTON on Tuesday from the building formerly occupied by Peter FOSTER to the Blaine Mercantile Co's store on Washington avenue. While making the Washington avenue and Martin street crossing the planking gave away allowing the safe to tip over into the street, but fortunately without damaging it.

Charlie LINDSTROM, who left here last spring, has been working for the Golden Rule Mining company, about 100 miles from Spokane in Okanogan county, where they put in a 40 stamp mill. He left last week on a prospecting trip up Ruby creek for a party of capitalists.

Allen BOGARD has removed his stock from the place formerly occupied by him in the Lindsey block, to the Loomis building, one door east.

The many friends of Miss Jessie DAVIES will be interested and pleased to learn that she is attending the state University.

Howard HOYT met with a very painful accident last Monday, which resulted in the breaking of his forearm. He was at school playing the favorite small boy's game of horse. Howard was the horse, and a runaway horse at that, when he fell striking his arm on a small stump, dislocating the arm at the elbow joint and fracturing both bones about one inch below the elbow, making one of the most painful fractures that can be sustained. The arm was set by Dr.'s REEVES and KING, and the little patient is now doing very nicely.

Mayor J. S. JOHNSTON and family departed Tuesday for Seattle, where they expect to reside in the future in the beautiful residence which Mr. JOHNSTON has lately bought. Mr. JOHNSTON leaves many friends in Blaine, having served the public in various capacities since coming here. He was on the city council two terms, and is our present mayor which office he has efficiently filled since January last.

Skookum Tom, the Indian who was so severely cut by an axe in the hands of Cowichan Jim some time ago was spirited out of limbo Sunday by Indians to prevent his giving testimony against his would-be murderers. He was recaptured Monday by the British Columbia authorities and taken back to New Westminster.

Louis NEILSON returned on Sunday from a visit to Copenhagen, Denmark. He says the trip across the Atlantic was a very stormy one requiring nineteen days between Copenhagen and New York.

E. L. COWLITZ, the owner of the Drayton mill, which was burned last Friday night, came up from Fairhaven on Wednesday to look after his interests in the concern.

Mr. Bert RICH is over from Sumas this week visiting his Blaine friends.

Miss Annie NASH, who has been visiting friends in and about Sumas for the past six weeks returned to her home on Tuesday last.

Willie HOYT left on Wednesday's boat for Seattle, where he goes to take a course in short hand at the Acme Business college.

Mrs. E. R. WHEELER left with her household goods on Saturday via steamer Utopia for Seattle.

M. ROSBROUGH returned on Sunday from and extended visit in Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, where he has been for the past year with relatives and old friends.

Mrs. D. S. MILLER and Mr. HUNTER were visiting with their sister Mrs. GRIFFIN, at the GRIFFIN ranch on Boundary Ridge, Monday and Tuesday.

Mr. Thomas NODDIN, who for some time has been in the employ of S. H. HORTON, left on Saturday's train to visit his old home in Maine.

C. A. LOOMIS, while trimming shingles last Saturday forenoon, had the misfortune to amputate the thumb of his left hand.

Charles CUNNINGHAM, a night fireman in the CORNWALL mill of New Whatcom, was accidently shot Monday in the muscular part of his right leg, while in a stooping position, the ball going in through and entering his face under the chin. The gun was in the hands of a Swede named SAHLBOOM.

R. W. EMMONS, the temporary receiver of the Blaine National bank came up in Thursday's train.

Friday, October 25, 1895:

C. C. OSIER returned to Blaine with his teams on Monday night after a three months absence in Sprague, Ellensburg and other Eastern Washington towns. Mr. OSIER returns with the firm idea that Puget Sound is the place after all. He was accompanied by his daughter Gertrude who has been visiting friends in the up sound cities for some weeks.

Fred BILES was arraigned before Judge HARDIN of Whatcom on Thursday on a charge of forgery. BILES waived examination and was bound over to the superior court in a bond of $1,000.

A. B BARRETT has moved his stock of goods into the new building just erected by S. H. HORTON. He has a very neat store and well arranged, clean stock.

W. R. PARKINS, the Haynie pedagogue, was in town Saturday.

Miss Maud UPSON entertained a party of her Blaine friends at her home on California creek last evening. It is needless to say the party was a decided success, and of a nature not to be soon forgotten by those in attendance. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. KINGSLEY, Mrs. KING, Mrs. PAYNE, Misses STEINWAY, FRAZIER Alice LIVINGSTON, Gertie OSIER, Ethel McELMON, Ida ROGERS, Cordia EVANS, Ella LOGAN, Kate DORR, Iola LOOMIS, Della BARRETT, Nellie McELMON, Mamie MILLER, Grace BARBER, Winnie McELMON, Janie SMITH, Messrs. J. P. STUART, Lester LIVINGSTON, Willie SMITH, Roy McELMON, Henry HORTON, Harry POWERS, Chas. MERRITT, Paul WALTON and E. H. THOMAS.

F. H. ADAMS, editor of the Reveille, in a fit of mania, coused by ill health and over work, shot himself in the head on the streets of St. Paul last Monday. Mr. ADAMS came to Whatcom in 1889 and with Mr. J. C. EVANS bought the Reveille, which has been built up greatly through his efforts, until it has become the leading paper of the lower sound. Mr. ADAMS was a staunch republican, a prolific and forcible writer and an upright, public spirited citizen, and we may truly say that his loss will be felt both in private and public life.

Dr. WILBUR of Lynden was taken to the insane asylum on Monday, having become mentally unbalanced some little time ago. It certainly seems sad that a man of Dr. WILBUR's character and mental abilities should be afflicted with so terrible a malady. The writer was personally acquainted with him for some years and knew him to be a gentleman of exceptional character and of high scholastic abilities. As a man he certainly was deserving of the highest respect.

On Thursday last parts of two Indian skeletons were unearthed from a bed of old clam shells near the Cain wharf at the foot of E street, by men doing street work. They were much decayed and evidently been buried a long time. Some bone wedges, used for splitting wood by using a maul, and bones of other animals were also unearthed from the same locality.

Mrs. S. F. SMITH returned yesterday from Oregon City, where she has been visiting for the past two months.

Mrs. Jane SMITH, of Enterprise, has been visiting her son, Sidney SMITH, for the past week.

Miss Clara PARR of Custer is visiting her sister, Mrs. TARTE, the past few days.

Friday, November 1, 1895:

Mr. C. C. OSIER and family left on Wednesday for New Whatcom, where they go to reside. Mr. OSIER came to Blaine during the boom of 1890 and has lived here continuously till the present time. While their departure was regretted both by themselves and their friends, yet is in Mr. OSIER's opinion one for the better. Miss Gertrude remains a few days as the guest of Mrs. G. H. WESTCOTT before joining her parents in their new home.

Mr. R. P. THOMPSON, a native of Nova Scotia, died at his rooms over Geo. TERRY's store on Saturday, a few minutes after noon. Mr. THOMPSON had only been ill a few weeks, but the disease developed into typhoid pneumonia from which he was unable in spite of the efforts of his physicians, to rally. Mr. THOMPSON came to Blaine in Oct., 1893, and has lived a quiet life much to himself, consequently but little was known of him.

On Saturday morning Ernest PECK of New Whatcom, aged 17 years, was accidently drowned. He was out in company with two others duck shooting, and while standing to reload his gun capsized the canoe. The other two boys managed to cling to the boat and were saved.

Mr. William DEXTER and his son Arthur, who have been working here for the past few weeks, departed for their home in Skagit county on Wednesday's train.

A farewell party was given Miss Lillian TARTE on her departure for Seattle, last Monday evening at the residence of her brother Capt. W. R. TARTE. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. TARTE senior, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. TARTE, Mr. and Mrs. HAZEN, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. QUIRT, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. BLACK, Mr. and Mrs. NASH, Mr. and Mrs. VERETT, Mr. and Mrs. RANDALL, Mrs. HENSPETER, the Misses Lillian TARTE, Emma DAHL, Clara PARR, Anna NASH, Lillie HESS, Allie WYRICK, Hettie WYRICK, Gracie SCAMAN, Emma SCOTT, and Messrs. John TARTE, L. F. DAHL, John KALLSEN, Chas. MERRITT, Lee RANDALL, J. SHEPHERD, Ira GOODELL, Chester CORHELL, John DICKERSON, James SCOT and Paul WALTON.
Music and dancing were indulged in until twelve o'clock when refreshments were served after which dancing continued until two when all departed very much pleased with their evenings entertainment. Miss TARTE is a highly esteemed young lady and will be greatly missed by her many friends. Success and best wishes be with her.

Mr. DEXTER kalsomined the office, parlor and halls of the Hotel Blaine, which account for the beautiful appearance it now presents.

The Mrs. E. W. and Miss Jessie DICKERSON have opened dressmaking parlors and will be pleased to have the ladies call at the rooms over the Y. M. C. A.

Sidney GEE, of Custer, was thrown from a bucking horse last Saturday and was badly cut about the face.

Chas. WADHAMS and wife left on Thursday's train on a visit to Portland and San Francisco.

Mr. Geo. YEAGER one of Whatcom county's thrifty farmers was in town Thursday preparing to make final proof on his homestead. Mr. YEAGER has been here but five years, yet as a result of his industry is in possession of fifteen acres of cleared land, on which this year he raised twenty tons of hay, 200 bushels of peas, 110 sacks of potatoes, and has forty four bearing fruit trees. The land was covered with a heavy growth of fir, but is very productive.

Friday, November 8, 1895:

On last Monday morning between the hours of midnight and morning there was enacted near Lynden one of the most horrible crimes ever perpetrated in the state of Washington. Sometime between the house mentioned, Fred SPIESMAN killed his wife, Ida by cutting her head open with an ax or some other sharp, heavy instrument, and then to escape detection of the crime set fire to his dwelling, hoping the burn up the body. The fire was discovered by neighbors and the body recovered after it had been horribly burned; burned till nothing but the head and large bones of the trunk left. SPIESMAN could not be found, although he was there the night before. SPIESMAN came to the country six years ago and passed as a single man, his wife having obliged to leave him in Dakota because of his cruel treatment. Some four months ago mutual friends persuaded her to came to him, and ever since, according to the evidence, they have lived a cat and dog life. Jealousy is the supposed cause. The coroner's jury verdict shows that SPIESMAN committed the murder and then set fire to the building to cover up his awful crime. SPIESMAN is described as about 35 years of age, weight 135 pounds, full reddish beard, thin features and dressed in a dark suit of clothes. ...

It is with deep regret that we record the death of Mrs. Arthur SWIMM [SWIM] of Lynden. Mrs. SWIMM was only 18 years old at the time of her death and been married but a short time. She died on last Monday night after quite a long illness; the immediate cause being nervous prostration. Her early demise will be sincerely mourned by her many friends.

F. H. BILES came up before the court on Monday and pled guilty to a charge of forgery. Judge WINN immediately sentenced him to four years at hard labor in the penitentiary. He was taken to Walla Walla Wednesday.

D. R. GOTT, the street commissioner, desires all who are willing to donate a day or a half days work on the road to the cemetery to turn out on Saturday.

Will H. JACKMAN and Miss Mary SHOEMAKER of Lynden were married last Wednesday evening.

Ellis LADNER, a son of Thomas LADNER of Ladners Landing, B. C., was in town a few hours on Tuesday.

Frank C. TECK of the Blade, was married informally to Miss Lydia Daisy BELL, daughter of Sheriff J. J. BELL, on last Saturday night at the home of the bride. This was quite a surprise to everyone and was carried out in quite a novel manner. Mr. TECK, called presumably to escort Miss BELL to the theatre but in a few minutes after Judge HARDIN came and before anyone was aware of what was actually going on, a wedding had taken place, after which Mr. and Mrs. TECK actually did go to the theatre as nothing had taken place out of the usual order.

Rev. R. J. ROBERTS and his wife of Cooper Island came into port Wednesday on a visit to their friends E. A. and Miss WADHAMS. Mr. ROBERTS is a superanuated minister who came here for his health some fourteen years ago and has remained in the country ever since. The yacht is the Dawendeena, a Mohawk Indian name signifying early dawn, and is owned by Rev. ROBERTS' son, Capt. Percy ROBERTS who is a member of the Victoria yacht club. John CLARK, Mostyn WYNN-WILLIAMS and Mr. TROUTMAN all of Cooper Island came over with the party.

Wm. B. ENGLES of Coupeville, one of the oldest residents of the state, passed through Blaine on his way north, this week.

Mrs. Jane SMITH, mother of Sydney SMITH, returned to her home at Enterprise after an extended visit to her son.

Dr. FOWLER, at present located at Sedro, Skagit county, is in town visiting his many friends.

Mrs. Henry LOOMIS and Mrs. PERRY left on Monday's train for a visit to friends in San Francisco.

Friday, November 15, 1895:

Elmer SMITH, a knee-bolter at COOK's shingle mill on Lake Whatcom, was fatally cut by flying saw on Tuesday. The accident occurred shortly after the mill started in the morning, SMITH was the knee bolter and at the time was in a stooping position, when the saw broke from its fastenings and while on its career through the air struck him a slanting blow on the side of the head, cutting through the socket of the eye and on into the head as far as the parietal bone. The saw after striking SMITH passed on to the side of the building and cut into a beam some three or four inches. Dr. BIRNEY sewed fifty-two stitches in the unfortunate man's head after which he was moved to his home. There is no hope for his recovery.

Married - On Sunday, Nov. 10th, 1895, at the residence of Mr. M. KEMP by the Rev. C. T. WHITTLESEY, Mr. Charles R. PRESTON and Miss Annie HICKEY both of Blaine.

William HAMLEY and his bride returned from Seattle last Saturday. They have begun housekeeping in the STEEN residence.

Robert ECKFORD and Miss Addie CRAWFORD of Good Hope were married by Rev. N. E. HOUGH at the residence of the bride's parents, Nov. 6th, 1895.

Geo. W. NEWKIRK, one of the men injured by the boiler explosion, died three days ago at St. Joseph hospital and was buried the following day. So far as is known he was a single man.

M. McCLAIN, recently located at Ferndale, has leased the premises just vacated by Geo. A. CORNISH and expects to cater to the palates of Blaine's boys, girls, men and women, as a candy manufacturer. Mr. McCLAIN understands the art of making sweet things, and will no doubt, please his customers in Blaine, as he formerly did in Ferndale.

Friday, November 22, 1895:

James MARTIN is the latest victim of the terrible shingle saw. Mr. MARTIN went to work in the International shingle mill on Thursday morning as a bolter, at which occupation he has worked for a long time. Shortly before noon a block split on him and drew his right hand into the teeth severing the thumb and all the fingers not a joint of which could be saved. The sufferer was taken at once to Dr. KING's office where the wounded member was dressed. ... A half day's work at small wages was all Mr. MARTIN received for his good right hand. ...

Elmer SMITH died at 2 a.m. Sunday morning. He had been seemingly improving all day Saturday, and went into a sound sleep Saturday night from which he never awoke. He was buried yesterday. Rev. C. C. COOK conducted the funeral exercises at the M. E. church and at Bay View cemetery. -Reveille.

Mr. PARR's team ran away shortly before noon yesterday, throwing Mrs. PARR to the ground and scattering the contents of the wagon along the street. Mr. PARR left the team in Mrs. PARR's charge while he went into a house nearby. The team became frightened and broke away soon becoming unmanageable, throwing Mrs. PARR heavily to the ground fracturing several ribs and otherwise injuring her. The injured lady was taken to the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. R. TARTE, and Doctor REEVES called in to attend her.

Mr. Wm. FIGG of Cloverdale was a Blaine visitor last Wednesday.

Geo. W. TRUEMAN was arraigned in Judge PRUNER's court last Saturday morning and given a hearing on the charge of forgery ...

Ex-Mayor J. S. JOHNSTON came up on Tuesday from Seattle, where he now resides, to look after his business interests in Blaine.

Roy ROBINSON, a pressman in the Reveille office, was held up Monday night while on his way home and robbed of ten dollars.

W. H. DOBBS, who has in times past and since the death of Geo. O'DELL ably edited the Lynden Pioneer Press, retired from the editorial chair with the last issue of the paper. His place will be filled by Mr. Ozro H. WOODY. The Press will continue to be published by the Pioneer Press company, and will remain independent in politics.

The sad news reached here on Wednesday of the death of Mrs. N. H. CORNISH at her home in Spokane on last Sunday. She had been ailing for some time, but rapidly grew worse and died at 7:30 Sunday evening. The friends and relatives here have heard no further particulars up to this date. Her demise is sincerely mourned by many friends in this vicinity.

Friday, November 29, 1895:

C. A. LOOMIS is getting materials on the ground for a residence on his lots near the KINGSLEY wharf.

James HUNT has returned from the Lilliwooet gold fields and says there are lots of prospectors in that section, with some good leads.

Married - At the residence of Mr. L. E. LAMAR, of H street, Thursday, Nov. 28th, 1895, by Rev. C. T. WHITTLESEY, Mr. John Howard HITCHCOCK and Miss Cordelia May TRIMBLE, both of Blaine.
Mr. J. H. HITCHCOCK and Miss Cordelia EVANS (sic) were quietly married last night at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. L. E. LAMAR. ... Miss EVANS (sic) has resided here for the past seven years and is one of the most popular young ladies of the town. The groom, Mr. J. H. HITCHCOCK is a young engineer and well known to our citizens through his connection with the proposed railroad.

J. W. TANNER, opens school at Excelsior precinct on Monday, December 1st.

Miss Gertrude OSIER, of New Whatcom, is spending a few days with Mrs. Geo. H. WESTCOTT.

Mrs. Jennie KLINE and son, and Mr. CAMPBELL, a nephew of Mrs. W. L. FOX, arrived Sunday from Panora, Iowa. Mrs. KLINE will spend the winter here for the benefit of her health. Mr. KLINE has a large dry goods house in Panora and contemplates moving here if the climate proves beneficial to his wife. They are old friends of the ROBERTS family and are stopping with them.

Maj. HORTON, of the Blaine Hotel, was taken with a spell of rheumatism Saturday night last, which confined him to his room for about forty-eight hours. He is now as well as ever.

Born - To Mr. and Mrs. H. B. POTTER, at 11 a.m. Saturday last, a boy. The youngster tipped the scales at 10 3/4 pounds. H. B. is doing as well as could be expected.

On Sunday last Mrs. H. J. HUTCHERSON and Mrs. E. HUTCHERSON of Ladner, B. C., came over to visit a few days at Mr. E. A. WADHAMS.

R. J. GLEN has opened up a meat market on Martin street between the stores of DAHL Bros. and C. A. LOOMIS.

H. MAHON is plastering his house on Harrison avenue.

Mrs. Geo. A. ELLSPERMAN and son left on the steamer Utopia last Friday for a weeks' visit to Friday Harbor.

Friday, December 6, 1895:

W. L. FOX has removed to his new dwelling on Harrison avenue.

John RADCLIFFE has the materials on the ground and commenced the construction of an addition to his dwelling on Harrison avenue, in the shape of an L in the rear.

Miss Estelle POWERS, daughter of Councilman POWERS, returned Saturday from a visit of two years and two months in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Dakota. She went to Chicago during the World's fair and remained over a year. She is glad to get home where cyclones, thunder storms and blizzards are unknown. ...

Messrs. MOORE and JOHNSON started their logging camp on Birch Bay head on Wednesday morning with two teams and a large crew of men. They will continue operations through the winter at the camp and also intend to open another camp in a short time on the Royal City and FIGG claims in B. C.

Last Thursday evening quite a number of the young people called in unexpectedly on Miss M. BEATON who is stopping with the family of J. A. MARTIN.

John KALLSEN won the bicycle at the raffle Wednesday evening and immediately put it up again, the proceeds to be donated to J. H. MARTIN, who met with the accident to his hand in the mill.

Capt. D. B. JACKSON, a pioneer steamboat man of Seattle, is dead at that place, aged 62 years. The captain was well and favorably known to many in Blaine, who will grieve to learn of his demise.

Dougall McKENZIE and Alex MURPHY of Clover Valley were in town the first of the week.

J. M. GORE and family have become residents of Vancourver, B. C.

Friday, December 13, 1895:

E. M. CAMCROSS, of Elgin, B. C. was a visitor to our city early this week.

Mr. ORNISON, of Surrey Municipality was in the city Tuesday.

Born - To the wife of E. GOODWIN, a son. Mother and child doing well.

B. E. MARS of Haynie was in the city on Thursday.

Amos DEXTER one of our leading farmers was in on Thursday with a load of apples.

Mr. John WATSON, a former resident of Blaine, returned to the International city last Tuesday.

Lyle HICKS, one of Custer's prosperous farmers was in town, Saturday, with a load of produce.

H. C. HENSPETER and family of Birch Bay were in town, Saturday, exchanging produce for merchandise.

S. C. PIER, of Duluth, was doing business with our hardware merchants last Saturday.

Julius CHARLES, an Indian of Blaine, B. C. and Miss Nellie ELDRIDGE of Lummi, were marreid the first of the week and have gone to Lummi to reside.

The United States cruiser Philadelphia, will be in Bellingham bay in a few days, and will stay only a short time as Admiral BEARDSLY wishes to reach San Francisco before Christmas.

Last Saturday afternoon and evening a number of citizens of Blaine met in the OLSEN building on Martin street and formed a branch of the Labor exchange.

-Ordered that the sum of $15 in county warrants be drawn monthly for the care of the invalid child of Mrs. Peter RISCHARD.
-The following fees were ordered to be paid on account of the coroner's inquest in the case of Ida SPIESMAN, to wit:
Frank COLLEY - $2.95, Riley HELMES - $2.60, Geo. STERNER - $2.60, L. S. WRIGHT - $3, J. M. LOCKHEAD - $2.20, Arthur DRAKE - $2.60, Jessie STARK - $2.60, Dr. H. THOMPSON - $3, Laura PLUMMER - $2.20, Corty DEAN - $2.20, Elizabeth TRUE - $2.20, Geo. TRUE - $2.20, Chas. BELCOE - $2.20, Albert NORDRON - $2.20, D. S. BRUCE - $2.20, Sarah BRUCE - $2.20, C. E. CLINE - $10.20. The claim of W. H. BRACKETT of $25 for the burial of Ida S. SPIESMAN was allowed in the sum of $14.

Friday, December 20, 1895:

James CAIN went to Whatcom to be examined for an increase of his pension, last week, but owing to the lateness of the train he arrived there after the board had adjourned. He went again Wednesday of this week. This is a case where the pensioner is well-deserving of an increase; his infirmities, partial loss of sight and hearing, being of such a nature as to prevent him procuring a livelihood by manual or other labor. Everybody would be pleased to see him get his increase.

Last Friday Miss Mary WALLER was seized with a violent hemorrhage, caused by the bursting of a blood vessel. For sometime so violent was it as to alarm her family and Dr. KING, the attending physician. Her previous good health, however, coupled with her youth and vitality, enabled her to withstand the great drain and we are pleased to say that she has so far recovered as to be up and around. If no relapse occurs in a few days she will be as well as ever.

On Tuesday, December 17th, before United States Commissioner Frank McCALL, Wm. YEARGER and Wm. CRAWFORD made final proof in their homestead entries and are now entitled to their patents. ... Five years ago they went out literally into the woods and have carved from the virgin forest homes for themselves and families of which any person might well be proud. They each have about twelve acres under cultivation, with good substantial buildings, fine young orchards ... They are both in comfortable circumstances, free of encumbrances ...

On Sunday evening, last, while Ed. KOCH was returning from British Columbia, where he had been visiting with friends, he was held up on D street, near the depot, and but for his determined stand and (after he decided to run) his fleetness of foot he would doubtless now be numbered among the slain. ...

E. C. JOHNSON and wife of Hall's Prairie, were in the city, Wednesday.

LINDSEY Bros. of Hillsdale are talking of opening up a logging camp on Lake Whatcom.

S. H. HORTON has built a porch over the rear door of the Hotel Blaine, thereby adding to the comfort of his employees.

W. B. MEAD, left for Stellacom last Saturday, where he has secured a position in the asylum. Mr. MEAD has had experience in caring for that class of unfortunates, having held similar positions in Illinois and California.

James CAIN, jr., was over from Point Roberts on Wednesday, laying in a supply of provisions, etc. He took back with him James ELWOOD's fine black driving horse.

Councilman L. B. JOSEPH has been confined to his home for a few days by rheumatism, but is much better and able to be out at council meeting on Tuesday evening.

R. W. LISTER of the British Columbia Provincial police, was in the city a couple of days this week in connection with the TRUEMAN case. TRUMAN, who is now in durance vile in Whatcom, is wanted on the Canadian side for drivers tricks.

The fire department had a short run Wednesday forenoon to the residence of Mrs. WALLER on F street. Happily it was a false alarm, caused by the chimney burning out. ...

The Blaine Labor exchange held a meeting on Tuesday and elected the following officers:
President, Thos. I. QUIRT; secretary, J. D. NASH; directors - Emil BARRON, W. E. SMITH, Geo. YEARGER, J. W. WIFLER, J. L. DICKERS. They expect their charter in about ten days, when they will elect a manager, accountant and statistician.

In the Superior court ... Amanda SMITH, Plaintiff, vs. George H. SMITH, Defendant [divorce action]

Friday, December 27, 1895:

On Saturday last Alex VARETT, and A. J. ANAND (sic) of British Columbia had a falling out in the post office over the loss of a bear trap, AMAND (sic) having accused VARETT of stealing the trap. ... They were making things lively when E. F. McQUEEN stepped out and forcibly parted them... Mac was compelled again to interfere, this time to prevent a stabbing, as ANAND had drawn a wicked looking sheath knife and was lunging viciously at VARETT... City Marshal BERTRAND being but a short distance away, promptly rounded up the combatants and hustled them before Judge PRUNER, who... fined the belligerents $5 each and costs.

Nearly all Whatcom county shingle men met at the Bellingham hotel at 2 p.m. Saturday last, the 21st inst. to discuss the situation, W. R. MOULTRAY was elected president and Henry ABBOTT secretary. Those present were:
W. R. MOULTRAY, representing Nooksack Shingle & Lumber Co., J. M. CHANDLER, representing Badger Shingle Co.; J. A. COOK, J. R. YOUNG; W. E. REAGAN, representing KENOYER Bros. Shingle Co.; Henry & Sons, S. H. SIEMONS & Sons, G. M. JOHNSON, J. A. PARKER, D. H. DeCAN, F. MERRILL, representing Mt. Baker Shingle Co.; J. L. DICKENSON, representing CLARK Shingle Mill Co.; A. W. PETERSON, representing Cedarville Shingle Co.; PHELPS Bros., M. J. BROWN, HODGSON & JERNS, C. E. OWENS, SIMMONS & Son, and others the reporter did not get the names of.
On motion it was decided to organize under the name of the Whatcom County Shingle Association, as a permanent organization. ... "Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that the shingle mills of the county should close down until the state of the market will justify resuming operation." The resolution was carried unanimously. -Reveille.

M. G. SCOUTEN, of Whatcom, receiver of the B. M. & H. Co. store, was in the city Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Eleanor CRILLY returned home from school at Tacoma on the Utopia, Friday for the holidays.

Miss Estelle BARNES, of Seattle, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James BARNES, for the holidays.

P. BELLEW, of Whatcom, for a long time superintendent of the Whatcom Falls saw mill for the F. L. Co., is in the city on business.

Mr. George RICE the popular civil engineer, won a couple of geese at the turkey shoot, just over the line, last Tuesday.

Miss Ida BERTSCH, who has been in Seattle at school came home on Saturday's train to spend the holidays with her parents.

H. P. WHITEHOUSE, representing a seine, net and fisherman's supply firm of Boston, Mass., was in town for several days this week.

William HOYT, who is attending school at Seattle, came up on the Utopia last Friday, and will spend ten days or two weeks with his parents.

Chas. NELSON, who has been at Union, B. C. for several months has returned to Blaine for the holidays. ...

The people of Blaine will be pleased to learn that the MOUNCE Bros., who lived here a long time, are doing well in the saw mill business, at Union, B. C.

Married, at the parsonage, December 25th (Wednesday), by Rev. J. W. WHITE, Wm. H. JOCELYN to Miss Nannie ROPER, both of Blaine. The wedding dinner was given by Mrs. E. A. BOBBLETT. The happy couple have commenced housekeeping in the BUCHANAN house on G street.

On Tuesday Victor PAUL had a narrow escape from drowning. He was out duck hunting in his canoe when a heavy squall came up and he was unable to make headway against it. His boat filled with water, and had it not been for the blocks of wood which he had in the bow and stern for ballast, he would have been compelled to abandon his craft. As it was, the blocks being jammed in the boat, acted as buoys and floated him up. The wind was so strong he could do nothing but drift with it, he finally brought up in California Creek and walked home.

Extracted by Susan Nahas


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