The Blaine Journal

Friday, July 7, 1893:

We neglected to chronicle the arrival of an eleven-pound item, in the person of a boy, who arrived at the home of City Clerk McCALL last week.

School Clerk WEST has just completed his census of the school children of this district, and finds that they number 246. Last year there were 250, a loss of four.

The family of James PORTER, living near town, were blessed by the addition of twins on the glorious Fourth.

SMITH & HUTCHCRAFT's shingle mill at West Ferndale has started up again.

WHITE Bros. have temporarily closed their logging camp at Birch Bay.

W. H. KING and Miss Anna DAHL of this city were married at Ferndale on Sunday last.

J. W. TANNER and Miss Dora WELLMAN have been appointed examiners of the board of county school examiners of this county for the present school year.

E. S. CARLYLE, left last week for the World's Fair.

J. V. CHOWN, returned to Blaine Wednesday, and intends engaging in the handling of shingles.

Mrs. SHANNON, mother of Mrs. (sic) T. B. SHANNON, who recently arrived from Kansas, was a south-bound passenger Monday.

Richard JONES and family, who have been residing here for the past few months, have returned to Heron Lake, Minn.

Mrs. Henry LOOMIS left on the afternoon train Wednesday for Rochester, New York, to visit relatives and friends. She was accompanied by her husband as far as Seattle.

Mrs. HOOVER, mother of Mrs. J. S. CRILLY, together with her granddaughter, Miss Gertrude HALL of Dayton, O., arrived on Tuesday. They are to spend the summer in Blaine, we are told.

Wm. SUNDERBRUCH and wife left on Thursday for Seattle, where they will in the future take up their residence. We are sorry to lose Billy from our midst, and he leaves a host of friends.

Charles PAUL and Ona COLE were united in marriage Monday in British Columbia.

Friday July 14, 1893:

HACKMAN Bros. have closed out their store at Ferndale, and will hereafter devote their combined energies to the Blaine establishment.

John R. MILLER, of the firm of MILLER & KENNEDY, liveryman, met with an accident Thursday evening. Mr. MILLER has started on horseback for Whatcom and when part way there, owing to the darkness, the horse he was riding fell and he was thrown violently to the ground, the horse topmost. He sustained a severe concussion on the bridge of the nose, and his right shoulder and side were bruised. He probably had a narrow escape.

The commissioners appointed by Gov. McGRAW to locate the Whatcom county normal school, will meet Aug. 15th, at which time the location will be decided upon.

Friday afternoon Mrs. Mary MARTIN, daughter of Mr. PRITZ, and wife of W. W. MARTIN, living near Nooksack City, left home accompanied by her two children, a boy of 7 years of age and a little girl 5 years old. Since disappearing their whereabouts are unknown. Mrs. MARTIN had been sick a long time, and her mind was slightly affected from long suffering. Her husband and friends fear that some accident has happened to them. They were last seen in the neighborhood of the Everson bridge and the children heard to scream, but no particular attention was paid to them. The river and sloughs are being dragged, as friends fear the unfortunate woman, in her delirum, has drowned herself and children. Parties are also searching the woods in hopes she may have wandered away. Mr. MARTIN was in the city this morning endeavoring to find some trace of them, but could learn nothing. She had money with her. -Bellingham Bay Express.
LATER -A Special to the Reveille Wednesday, says about 3 o'clock this afternoon E. H. HAWLEY succeeded in recovering the body of the seven year old by who disappeared with Mrs. MARTIN, Friday last. The body was found in the river (Nooksack) opposite the HARKNESS barn. The little girl's body was found by Robert THOMPSON about an hour afterwards. It is thought that Mr. MARTIN's body will be recovered this evening.

The family of Mr. and Mrs. CHRONISTER, living on Clark street, were blessed by the arrival of a little girl Monday morning.

John R. LITTLE of Semiahmoo was a south? bound passenger Wednesday.

Oscar WHITE of Whatcom was in town Wednesday on legal business.

W. QUIRT, who is at present employed at Point Roberts, was in town Wednesday.

M. T. GEE of Custer was in town Wednesday. He reports good progress in his land clearing operations.

Peter HARKNESS, who was among old friends here the latter part of last week, returned Friday to his home at Everson.

Mrs. W. S. BREWER? of Kansas, an aunt of Mrs. T. B. SHANNON, arrived from the east Friday. She comes on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. SHANNON.

E. L. PINE is erecting a cottage on Dakota creek, which will be a model of comfort and convenience.

Winnie, the youngest daughter of W. WEST, clerk of the school board, met with a painful accident Thursday, which will probably lay her up for a few weeks. It would appear that she was standing on a low scaffold with some of her playmates, when in some manner the structure gave way and she was thrown to the ground, spraining and breaking the left arm. While her injuries are painful, she is fortunate in having no bones broken.

Friday, July 21, 1893:

Miss Nell THOMPSON has removed her studio to the Clark Investment company building, corner of Washington avenue and H street.

Mr. and Mrs. George TERRY are arranging to leave sometime this week for an extended visit to the east, locating at Portsmouth, Ohio. They intend being absent something like a year. Their fine residence on Fourth street is to be taken by Mrs. Kate WALLER and family. Both Mr. and Mrs. TERRY will be much missed by their large circle of friends in Blaine.

The directors of school district No. 25 (Blaine) met July 17th and engaged the following teachers for the school year of six months: T. J. FOLEY of Point Roberts as principal, at a salary of $75 per month, and Miss BUCHNER of Whatcom and Miss Carrie TURNER of Fairhaven at salaries of $60 per months to instruct the intermediate departments. ...

BORN - Mr. and Mrs. D. R. GOTT rejoices in an addition to their family. It is a girl. Mother and daughter are both doing well.

C. E. CLINE, station agent of the Great Northern at New Westminster and brother of Walter CLINE, the Canadian Pacific agent, has gone to Seattle to accept a position in the office of the Great Northern on James street.

The examination for county teacher's certificates takes place at Whatcom August 10th, 11th and 12th. The examining board consists of Prof. HITT, of Whatcom, J. W. TANNER, of this city and Miss Dora WELLMAN of Fairhaven. ...

BORN - To Mr. and Mrs. Ed. WALL, a son on the 18th inst. Mother and child are doing well.

Mrs. Joseph TAYLOR took the train Sunday for Forest Grove, Ore. She is accompanied by Mrs. R. M. TAYLOR.

Friday, July 28, 1893:

Thomas KENNEDY, the new deputy collector at this port, is rapidly mastering the intracies (sic) of his position.

Thursday last Lester W. DAVID, the new postmaster, took possession of the office, retaining Mr. E. McQUEEN as an assistant.

Friday night last the SMITH & HUTCHCRAFT shingle mill, at Ferndale, was completely destroyed by fire. The plant was complete in every detail, with double block machines, dry kiln, etc. and the loss will be quite heavy. The value of the property was about $10,000. The exact cause of the conflagration is not known. The mill was operated under the management of Percy F. SMITH, Mr. HUTCHCRAFT being a resident of Seattle. The plant was but recently constructed and was a first class mill. The loss falls heavily as quite a number will be thrown out of employment.

Mrs. HENSPETER of Birth Bay has recently finished the building of a residence at that point which is a model of beauty, comfort and convenience. It is a two-story building, 11 rooms, 22x34, finely planned and admirably arranged. Much of the credit of its completeness is due to the architect, C. C. OSIER, of this city. It is well worth the inspection of those who contemplate building a residence of this class.

Horace BREWSTER of Point Roberts was a down sound passenger Tuesday.

C. C. OSIER and nephew W. T. OSIER, went to Whatcom Wednesday on business.

J. B. DISCUS leaves over the Canadian Pacific to-day for his home at Streater, Ill.

Miss Lily MOUNCE of Nanaimo, B. C. is in the city on a visit to her brother, J. W. MOUNCE.

J. C. WILLCOX, worthy master of the Whatcom Masonic lodge, was in the city Tuesday arranging the affairs of the deceased brother mason, Gerry CORLISS, who recently died here.

Mr. F. OSIER, of Cheboygan [Sheboygan], Mich., who with his son, has been stopping with his brother C. C. OSIER, for some weeks, has sent for his family to make a permanent residence here.

R.? L. LAMBERT of London, Engl. has just arrived via Montreal and the Canadian Pacific. His is stopping with his friend, Mr. MARCH, living near the city.

Mrs. Mary ROBB, who has been visiting the family of G. H. ABERS since last fall, returned to her home at Mankato, Minn. Tuesday.

S. F. DARWIN of Whatcom was in town Tuesday. He represents an insurance company.

C. H. BARNETT took the Great Northern Friday for a trip to Ohio, the World's Fair, etc.

Friday, August 4, 1893:

Ed RAMSDELL, employed at the Drayton mill, had the large bone in his left leg split by being caught in the carriage of the box machine last Saturday. His injury is painful, but it is hoped he may soon be about again. Dr. KING is attending him.

Three prisoners escaped from the county jail last Thursday evening. When jailer HOPKINS went to close up the institution for the night, he was seized and locked up in one of the cells, while the prisoners deliberately walked out into the moon light and freedom. Harry LYONS, Thos. LANDEN and F. I. or F. L. GARDNER were the trio who made their escape. ...

H. HOFFERCAMP exhibited clear cedar shingles at the Whatcom Champion office this week that has (sic) been in constant use on the old Fort Bellingham building since 1858. The body of the shingle was as sound as it was the day it was placed upon the building more than thirty five years ago.

We learn from M. M. CLOTHIER that the regular annual rally of the Whatcom County Association of Soldiers and Sailors will not take place this year, owing to the stringency of the times.

J. W. DORR has received instruments from the U. S. signal bureau, and will, after the first of August, keep a record of the temperature and rainfall of Blaine, which record will become part of the official report of the central office at Olympia.

The Misses Ida M. and Effie CARLSON, Miss McALLUP and Miss HAMILTON, all of Seattle, are spending a month at Mrs. M. H. UPSON's. The ladies have come prepared to have a good time. Judging from the supply of guns and fishing tackel among their baggage, the game and trout will suffer during their stay. We understand that Miss CARLSON is an expert with a Winchester, and many a noble buck has bitten the dust at the crack of her rifle.

William SMITH, in charge of the new co-operative shingle company's mill, met with a painful accident Monday, in the matter of a shingle from the blocks striking him in the right eye. He had a narrow escape from an entire loss of sight, and as it is he will probably experience some considerable suffering before the injured optic assumes its normal condition.

The family of James VARET were the recipients of a twelve-pound baby girl last Friday.

Mrs. Geo. M. SURRELL and children, who were visiting the family of Rev. Mr. LOY early in the week, escaped an accident by a hasty application of prescence of mind. They had driven to the top of the hill near Mr. STOLTENBERG's residence, and unhitched the horse for a noon day rest, leading him to the foot of the hill and leaving the children in the buggy at the summit. Through some means the vehicle took a sudden notion to reach the foot of the hill, and started down pell mell. The lady saw it coming and with forethought left the horse and ran and caught the buggy, thereby preventing an injury and perhaps something worse to the little ones.

The only sister of Miss Georgia POWELL, a former resident of Blaine, died of diphtheria in New York City on Wednesday, July 26th, 1893.

Born - Wednesday evening to the wife of Thomas A. KENNEDY, a son. Ten-pounds was the avoirdupois of the little stranger, Tom says it is a democrat, and that he will soon enter the arena as an active and loud politician.

City Clerk McCALL, William MILLOW and A. L. JOHNSON were a trio which comprised a trouting party to the Nichelmachel (sic) Wednesday. They returned with the banner catch of 156 as fine and large trout as one could wish to see.

J. H. JOHNSON has been appointed postmaster at Hollingsworth, Whatcom county, Wash.

-Senator GILBERT, of Custer, was in town Monday.
-John ELWOOD was at Point Roberts Saturday last.
-W. W. SWEENY was at Point Roberts last week.
-Deputy Sheriff CONLIN(?) is in the city on official business.
-L__sing CANTERBURY, of Sumas, was in town Tuesday.
-Prof. J. R. BRADLEY, of Whatcom, was in town Saturday.
-Dr. HERALD of Langley, B. C., was in town Thursday.
-H. W. CLUTE was a north bound passenger last Friday.
-Postmaster DAVID was a down sound passenger Monday.
-R. G. D___TES is domiciled at his ranch on Point Roberts.
-C. W. CAT__R of this city was at Bellingham Tuesday.
-Mrs. Frank WILLIAMS was a Point Roberts visitor last Friday.
-Ray PASSAGE was a passenger for Westminster Wednesday.
-M. RAE and C. S. WILSON of Fairhaven were in the city Monday.
-F. L. [or] F. I. ZIMMERMAN of Portland, Ore., is a guest at the Arlington.
-A. KARLBER of Whatcom was an Arlington guest early in the week.
-Miss Laura WADHAMS has been a visitor to the city during the week.
-Miss Annie WALLER was a north bound railway passenger Saturday.
-B. H. BRUNS, of Birch Bay, came in on the train from a trip southward.
-D. M. SHIELDS, of Mt. Vernon, was in town on Monday on school business.
-Attorney C. W. DOOR (sic) was over to the Point Roberts cannery Wednesday.
-Miss Addie FRAZER of Vancouver, B. C., was registered in the city this week.
-Y. F. SINCLAIR of Ferndale, was in town among old time friends Monday.
-Rev. Samuel GREEN of Seattle officiated at the Congregational church Sunday last.
-Mrs. George RANDALL, the milliner, returned home from a business trip to Seattle Tuesday.
-N. S. HACKMAN of the firm HACKMAN Bros., returned from a fortnights outing Wednesday.
-J. T. HARLIN has removed with his family to Westminster, where he has a lucrative position.
-E. A. ROBERTS and his mother were interested spectators at the WADHAM's cannery last week.
-E. F. McQUEEN paid a visit to Whatcom Tuesday. His trip was one of business, not pleasure.
-Miss Agnes JOHNSON, daughter of Rev. A. H. JOHNSON, was in the city on a visit early in the week.
-Mrs. M. M. HOLMES, of Seattle, department president of the W.R.C., came in on Saturday's train.
-Thomas J. McFEE, of Michigan, was in town Monday, visiting his old friend, Station Agent BROWN.
-F. J. WHEELER, the telegraph manipulator at New Westminster, B. C., was in town early in the week.
-The Misses Flora and Jessie DAVIES accompanied by their mother, were at Point Roberts Friday last.
-Geniel George F. JONES of the Portland Oregonian, called in on us Wednesday. He was on his way to Point Roberts.
-Mrs. George M. SORRELL and children, of Custer, were visitors at the Methodist parsonage a portion of the past week.
-W. J. FOOTNER, general manager of the Great Northern express company, located at Seattle was on last Friday's train.
-J. WARING, traveling auditor of the Great Northern express company, was in the city on official business Wednesday.
-Miss Lily MOUNCE, who has been a visitor at the residence of her brother for some days past, left for her home Wednesday.
-J. E. ATWATER, assistant superintendent of the Great Northern express company, passed through the city Friday morning.
-Miss PRESTON, who has been visiting in the city for a few days past, returned to her home in British Columbia Thursday morning.
-A. M. PORTER, the Whatcom county court stenographer, was in the city Sunday. He was an observer at the WADHAM's cannery Saturday.
-A. CHRISTENSON, representative of the MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER company branch, at Seattle, was a caller at the Journal office Saturday.
-Mrs. H. J. HUTCHESON O__ Miss WADHAMS of Ladners Landing, B. C., has been a guest of Mrs. WALLER, Fourth street, during the past week.
-Mr. and Mrs. JONES, of Semiahmoo, spent a day recently in this city with their old friends Mr. KINGSLEY's family, and also visited other acquaintances.
-Leslie CALLOM of Tacoma, one of the special treasury inspectors of this district was in the city Wednesday. He is taking a trip over the district in the interest of the department.
-Rev. Mr. WILLIAMS of New York came up on the train Saturday, and officiated at services in Christ's church on Sunday last. He is an eloquent divine and has many interested listeners.
-George DILLON, a former resident of Blaine, but more recently a denizen of Everett, passed through on the Great Northern Tuesday, northward bound. He says land__ is rather dull at Everett.
-William HOBBS, wife and son, of Hart, Michigan are among the recent arrivals in Blaine, whither they came in search of health and recreation. They are at present stopping with the family of C. C. SMITH.
-N. D. CHATHAM, the Whatcom freight and passenger agent of the Northern Pacific, came up Sunday and was quite an interested spectator at the WADHAM's Point Roberts cannery. He is a pleasant gentleman to meet, and well represents his road.
-General Manager P. P. SHELBY, of the Great Northern, passed through Blaine Friday on an official trip northward. The subject a change in the train schedule on this division, was breached(?) to him, and he intimated that if it be possible a change would be made, but would volunteer nothing positive on the subject.


Friday, August 18, 1893:

The directors of school district No. 25 met on the 14th inst. and decided to lay a tax of ten mills to pay interest indebtedness and incidental expenses. The school will open on the first Monday in September, with T. J. FOLEY as principal, assisted by Miss BEUCHNER of Iowa, and Miss TURNER of Fairhaven.

I will haul freight for 40 cents per ton to any part of the city, and move household goods for 50 cents per load.

Monday James VARETT, one of the block sawyers in the co-operative c name=""ompany's mill, caught the fingers of his right hand in the saws, and the ends of three of them were severed and the fourth badly lacerated. This was the first day of Mr. VARETT's service in this mill. He has the sympathy of his many friends in this mishap.

Saturday last little Bessie LOY, youngest daughter of Rev. Mr. LOY, fell from the fence in front of the parsonage and broke her left arm above the elbow. The little one exhibited a vast amount of fortitude, and will it is hoped, sustain no permanent injury.

John FOX and Miss Olive CASS of Mountain View were married on Sunday at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. SANDERS officiating.

Mrs. William SHROYOR of Hampton, Iowa, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. LINDSEY, for the past few weeks left for her home on Monday.

The following are the successful applicants for teachers' certificates named in order of their standing:
First Grade - Edgar C. CLARK, Virgil PERINGER
Second Grade - Arthur T. WILLIAMS, Thos. J. FOLEY, John M. HATCHER, W. S. BULLA, O. L. DOANE, Noble G. RICE, Harvey A. STAUFFER, Lillian SUTHERLAND, Lizzie J. BARRETT, Calhoun B. MILLYARD, Geo. E. SANDERS, Roland H. LYLE, Belle MILLER, Edmund DOAK, Arthur C. VAIL, W. W. CARTER, Mabel A. HUNTOON, Geo. L. MORGAN, Lula M. BARBO, Mattie R. CARPENTER, Will D. WALLACE, Janet STEWART, Lillia M. ODELL, Wm. O. MEABOY, Matilda O. BEUCHNER, Rose WILSON, Will D. PRATT, Mary LEES, Maggie BRISBANE, Josie E. HAWLEY
Third Grade - Flora SUTHERLAND, Annie L. MILLHOLIN, Jennie H. PHELPS, Chas. HOWARD, Everett C. LYLE, Lora BLANKENSHIP, Ray G. PACKER, Caddie E. CAMPBELL, Frank H. MABRY, Mrs. Lucrita WAIL, Myrtle G. GIGGEY, Edith A. GOODRICH.

Copied by Susan Nahas

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