The Blaine Journal

Thursday, July 4, 1889: 

Arrangements have been made to hold the county teachers' institute at Lynden, August 12, 13 and 14. Prof. FOLLANSBEE, one of the ablest institute conductors in the Territory, has been engaged for the occasion. It is hoped that every teach in the county will attend. All others interested in education are cordially invited. We extend a special invitation to school directors and district clerks.

Mrs. M. GRISWOLD is visiting with her sister Mrs. S. P. Hughes.

Mr. T. SELIN, of Hillsdale, has been hauling lumber out to his place this week prepatory to building him a new residence this fall.

M. T. GEE is building a new house on his H street lots east of Fourth.

SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT -- Mahala EVANS, Plaintiff vs John M. EVANS, Defendant, action of divorce.

-Born to the wife of P. HOPPINS, a son.
-Mr. DEED is building a new barn.
-Miss Carrie WILLMORE, of Lynden, is visiting the Misses Smith.
-Miss BOWERS, one of the Normal teachers is expected to spend the 4th with Mountain View friends.

Thursday, July 11, 1889: 

The family of Mr. Marion BARRACKLAW arrived from Idaho Sunday, and will hereafter make Blaine their home.

Messrs. KINGSLEY, COWARD, HAZELTON and SCOTT are all preparing this week to put up residences in the south addition to Blaine.

Ladies of the Blaine M. E. church met with Mrs. ABERS Monday afternoon, July 8th, and organized an Aid Society, the society to meet once in two weeks on Friday afternoons. The first regular meeting will be held at the church to-morrow (July 12th) at 2 p. m. The following officers were elected: President - Mrs. Geo. DAVIES, Vice President - Mrs. Jas. BARNES, Secretary - Mrs. M. A. REEVES, Treasurer - Mrs. G. H. ABERS.

Thursday, July 18, 1889:

Born, to the wife of James KEMP on Sunday, July 14, at Blaine a son.

Mr. D. ROSS has put up a good sized business building during the past week on the Blaine wharf. Mr. GILFILFILLAN (sic) has done the work, and it has gone up very quickly.

The Blaine Hotel under its new management publishes its card in to-day's Journal. QUIRT Bros., recently from Tacoma, now have charge of it, and as they have experience necessary to run a good house, the Blaine hotel patrons may look for good treatment.

Mr. William RILEY, of Whatcom, has been appointed customs inspector at that point in place of Mr. BASS, resigned. He promises to pay Blaine a visit in a few days.

A number of Blaine ladies met at the residence of James MILHOLLIN and organized a Bathing and Swimming Club, to meet whenever the weather and tide are favorable. Mrs. Mary MILHOLLIN was chosen as president, Minnie MILHOLLIN as secretary and treasurer. The other members are Mesdames L. J. KING, M. A. SCOTT, L. A. LIVINGSTONE, Laura WILSON, J. N. KING, M. L. DORR, Kate DEMENT, A. L. SMITH, and Misses Ethel McELMON, Emma SMITH, Carrie BOND.    ~~Mrs. Minnie MILHOLLIN, Secretary

Thursday, August 1, 1889:

-Mrs. DAILY and Mrs. BYERS, of Missouri, sisters of Mr. CLAYTON and Mrs. ANDERSON, are delighted with our climate and fruit, but think we have more than our share of mosquitoes.
-Mr. George M. BROWN has been hired for a six months' term of school.
-Miss Emma HOSKINS is visiting the family of Professor GRIFFIN in Blaine for a few days.
-Mr. ROESSELLE is building a large barn on the McCOMB place, which he has rented.

Mr. Clem PUERIEA and O. NORTON, of Lynden, gave the Journal a pleasant call during the past week. These young men are among the leading educators of Whatcom county, the latter teaching a department in the Lynden school and the former conducting the school at Nooksack.

John BARBER has purchased HART's building and lot next to the Blaine hotel on Washington avenue, where he has opened a meat shop, and keeps on hand a good supply of fresh meats of all kinds. Call on him if you want anything in his line.

After living a long term of years on the land on which East Lynden now stands, Mr. E. HAWLEY has received notice to vacate from certain VAN WORMER heirs, who claim that the parties from whom Mr. HAWLEY purchased the land had no legal title to same. Mr. HAWLEY refused to vacate, and there is likely to be an expensive law suit unless some sort of settlement is arranged.

Henry FANCHER, who is well known is Whatcom county, was married in Seattle a few days ago to Ida M. VROOMAN.

Theodore KILDALL, of Lynden, has purchased the farm of Wm. DALY at Bertrand Prairie, and the latter will remove to Oil City, Pa.

Superintendent SWIM tells the Lynden Press that the Whatcom county teachers' institute will be held at Whatcom on the 12th, 13th and 14th of this month, with Prof. FOLLANSBEE as conductor.

For a long time the Blaine school has been so crowded that there was neither comfort for teacher or pupils. Miss AMENT tried the plan of letting the small children out in the middle of the day, and still the room was too crowded and the teacher had more than she could attend to with 65 pupils, little and big, in attendance, so it was determined (we learn from the pupils) to divide the school, placing the smaller ones under the care of Miss Anna JACOBS, who will open her department in MARTIN's hall next Monday.

By an oversight we neglected last week to mention the visit of Mrs. M. T. COUPE to Blaine. The lady had not been here for five years and found some difficulty in finding her way about among the new structures which have appeared in that length of time. Five years ago there was no Blaine, and only two or three buildings inside of what afterwards became the original town plat. Mrs. COUPE used to be the superintendent of our county schools, and as such has visited every portion of the county, and seen every improvement which has been made in it for the past twenty years.

Thursday, August 8, 1889:

Mrs. C. C. KINGSLEY was thoroughly surprised last Thursday evening, her fifty-fourth birthday anniversary, by a large number of her friends walking into her residence and making themselves at home. A pleasant social evening was spent there and the visitors spread a neat lunch, which they had brought. When they went away they left a cosy wicker rocking chair behind them as a reminder of their visit.

This week Mr. Levin JOHNSON, lately of the Seattle Leader office, takes the foremanship of the Blaine Journal. This is really a coming home for him, and we hope he will find the change a pleasant one.

Mr. P. NEILSON is building a new wood shed for CAIN Brothers. They will also have a barn constructed.

Last week Thursday Clarence HILTON was walking along in by the side of a log which was being hauled down to the water in LINDSEY's camp, when the log rolled up a skid just behind him, which ran upon his heel and threw him and broke his leg in two places. He is under the care of Dr. REEVES and is doing well, but will probably be confined to his bed several months, which is a sad affliction to a poor man who depends upon his labor for support of himself and family.

Fred FABER has been painting his father's house on C street.

Twenty men are at work clearing off the site of the new town Nooksack Junction.

Mr. and Mrs. BEAM welcomed a ten-and-a-half-pound boy into their family last Saturday.

Mr. A. GILFILLAN has commenced the construction of a residence on E street for Mr. Geo. PERLEY.

We learn this morning that Father ROPER died at his home on Campbell last evening. The funeral will occur to-morrow at 2 p. m.

Messrs. John R. MILLER and R. WILSON went over to Fraser river this week where they will run a threshing machine during the season.

Wallace DEMENT is making regular trips to Point Roberts every other day, as near as the wind and tide will permit. He has secured a new sloop, decked over, and will take passengers for two dollars for the round trip, and will also carry freight at reasonable rates.

Thursday, August 15, 1889:

Mr. D. ROSS has fitted up his building on the wharf for a lodging house. He has nine cosy sleeping rooms on the second floor, and a store room and three other rooms on the first floor. Saturday night some of the dancers went there and warmed the new building with a dance which was enjoyed by all who participated.

Among the new corporations we notice the name of the Nooksack Land and Improvement Company, Whatcom; capital stock, $180,000; trustees, David FERGUSON, M. J. HENEY, J. S. YATES, Morris McCARTY and William R. MOULTRAY. Object, to purchase, own, hold, contract for, sell and dispose of lands and town lots in the territory of Washington.

Mr. ROPER, who died last Wednesday, was a native of Kentucky and was about 61 years of age. He had lived here six years, and for the last three years has been blind. About three months after he was stricken with blindness he claimed to have received the blessings of religion anew in his heart, and seemed to enjoy them from that on to his death. He left a widow and twelve children behind him. Rev. A WARREN preached the sermon.

W. H. T. BARNES and wife from Seattle came to Blaine yesterday on a visit to his father's family.

P. NEILSON is building a cottage on his F street lots.

Mr. HAMLEY's daughters Hattie and Lucy are at home visiting their parents.

Mr. Wm. PICKNEY and family have been camping on his Drayton property for some days. They expect to spend considerable time about here yet this season for health and recreation.

Thursday, August 22, 1889:

Mr. SALINE's little girl died at Birch Bay this week, aged 4 years.

Mr. HALLEY, a merchant of Lynden, died lately at that place.

Albert MORMON, of Lummi, has an addition to his family. It's a boy.

Mr. J. M. KING intends building a nice residence soon.

QUIRT Bros.' building is under construction.

Christiana OLSON, who lived near Haynie, died this week with the consumption.

John BARBER has sold his lot and business house, which formerly belonged to A. A. HART, to Jno. M. MERRETT.

The family of Mr. Jno. M. MERRETT arrived in Blaine Saturday via Vancouver, B. C., from Minnesota. Also Mr. Jacob JONES and family came with them from the same place.

A. W. STEEN and family arrived from the Lynden Free Methodist campmeeting last Monday. The campmeeting resulted in a goodly number of converts.

J. T. KIRBY, the successful fisherman at Point Roberts, sent a salmon this week to the Journal office, which weighed about 40 pounds for which thanks are extended.

Chas. R. MOULTON has secured the agency for unlimited eastern capital which he will loan on reasonable terms on improved farm security. Apply at his office in Blaine.

Wm. CRYDER, while working in the logging camp on Dakota creek, accidentally got his knee jammed quite severely between two logs.

Sehome had a narrow escape from destruction Wednesday. A gale from the east carried the bush fires unpleasantly close to the city, and the inhabitants all turned out to fight fire. The awning of the Golden Rule Bazaar was a blaze several times. The wind finally shifted and the danger was over. While the attention of the population was attracted to Elk street, some miscreant started a fire in the bush in the rear of Holly street. As the party would have been lynched had he been caught, his experiment was a little risky.

Blaine, W. T., Aug. 15, 1889
Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between Jasper N. LINDSEY and Peter FOSTER and Harry H. RUE, doing business under the firm name of Blaine Mill Company, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Peter FOSTER and Harry H. RUE retiring, Jasper N. LINDSEY assuming control of the business and all property belonging to said Blaine Mill Company, and assuming all company debts.
             Jasper N. LINDSEY             Peter FOSTER            Harry H. RUE

-Miss Nellie SMITH's school in Ferndale closed last week.
-Mr. LOMBARD has sold his place on the gulf to Mr. HERNDON of Sehome, who moved his family up by the steamer Brick on Saturday.
-As soon as the busy season is over Mr. CHARROIN will call a meeting for the purpose of making arrangements to build a plank road across the marsh to connect with the Lummi road a distance of half a mile, so that Mountain View people will then have only nine miles to reach Whatcom, instead of fifteen, as now, to go by Ferndale.
-As the public school has closed at Lynden, Orsy NORTON is home for a time.
-As soon as the busy season is over Mr. CHARROIN will call a meeting for the purpose of making arrangements to build a plank road across the marsh to connect with the Lummi road, a distance of half a mile, so that Mountain View people will then have only nine miles to reach Whatcom, instead of fifteen, as now, to go by Ferndale.

Thursday, August 29, 1889:

E. E. MISSIMER has bought A. A. HART's furniture stock.

Mr. GILFILLAN has just completed the dwelling of Geo. SMITH.

Mr. N. P. NIELSON, who lives east of Blaine, arrived on the Eliza Anderson with a better half.

Mrs. RUNGE has concluded to build a a fine house on her place. John OTLY has taken the contract to build it.

Rev. J. A. STAYT will preach at the M. E. church next Sunday at 11 a. m., and Levin JOHNSON in the evening, at 7:30 o'clock.

James H. MARTIN, wife and little daughter, returned to Blaine this week, and expects to build soon and make their future home here.

Miss MORGAN, from Canada, is visiting at Semiahmoo. She is a niece of Mrs. EGAN, and daughter of Mr. J. MORGAN, known by many, as he was out visiting friends in Semiahmoo three years ago.

M. BARRACKLAW was badly hurt Monday. He was about to jump off a heavy load of lumber while in motion and caught in a rope some way and fell under the wagon and the hind wheel ran over his legs.

Everybody in Blaine will be pleased at the manner in which Miss Lizzie AMENT passed the examinations. We were informed while in Whatcom last week that the lady's papers were almost perfect in every respect, and she received a first grade certificate, something which does not often happen to a new applicant in Whatcom county. Washington teachers have occupied a high position in the educational world, and Miss AMENT will no doubt assume in the future a high standing among them.

Wm. UTTER, the Whatcom machinist, has lately moved into his new factory on the water front. The building is 30x70 in size, and affords him ample room in which to conduct his growing business. He does all kinds of mill and machine work.

Mr. ERICSON's little girl is sick, and not expected to live. Mr. ERICSON lives on WARREN's place. The child died yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, aged 6 months.

  We are glad to learn that this fine institution of learning has been re-organized and re-established in the confidence of the people within the past few days. Prof. R. J. BRADLEY occupies the executive chair of the institution with an able corps of assistants. The course of study is more full and complete than any other educational institution in the northwest, comprising five departments, the prepatory, first year, second year, third year and fourth year. Diplomas will be granted to pupils who complete the second and fourth years and certificates to those who complete the prepatory. The next term begins on September 5.
  The object of this institution is to thoroughly educate and train teachers for their profession, and to give a thorough practical education to such as may not desire to teach, and it should be the pride, not only of Whatcom county, but of the whole northwest coast.

Thursday, September 5, 1889:

Mr. KIMBALL, a stranger, has bought part of Chas. BLACK's ranch.

Born, to B. H. BROOKS and wife, Saturday, Aug. 28, 1889, a son, weight 9 pounds.

W. A. LANGLY, wife and two children, arrived in Blaine from the East on the Eliza Anderson Tuesday. He is a son-in-law of A. SMITH of this place.

Rev. McELMON and little daughter from Sehome, have been visiting in Blaine this week. The reverend gentleman is a brother to Mr. McELMON the jewler of this place.

It was affirmed a few days ago that Surveyor WHITNEY of Ferndale, with a force of helpers, were surveying a preliminary line from Ferndale to Blaine, and being the employees of Nelson BENNETT.

Mrs. R. M. CRAWFORD returned yesterday from a months visit among friends at Blaine. She was accompanied on her return by Mrs. Dr. W. A. KING, a sister of Mr. J. M. THOMPSON. Mrs. KING will spend several days with Mrs. CRAWFORD and other friends in this city. -P.I.

Every one is invited to a Peanut Grab and Donkey Party to be given by the Episcopal ladies in STEAUBLI's hall, Tuesday evening, Sept. 10th. The greatest fun of the season, and an equal chance of obtaining two nice prizes. A small admission of 25 cents will cover all expenses.

-Mrs. Joseph LOPAS is very ill.
-Mrs. ROBINS has been unwell for some time.
-Joseph MORSEMAN has gone to Lynden to work during the fall months. It is said that wages are better there that at Whatcom.
-Some of our rancher have taken a new departure -- that of marketing their apples and plums in Lynden instead of Whatcom.
-School is progressing nicely with an enrollment of twenty-six. The number will be increased as soon as the fall work is done when the larger boys will attend.

-Robert HALL has bought a good span of horses, consideration 250.
-Mr. THOMPSON is very sick under the care of Dr. McPHERSON of Lynden.
-Mr. GILES and family went to Berts [Birch] Bay on a pleasure trip and to dig clams last week.
-Mr. YOUNG and family were visiting some of their State of Maine friends at Mountain View last Saturday.
-Mr. BEATON has proved up and left for the East, so here is another 160, without any family on it. There is too many of this kind of places now.
-Robert HALL is building a new house of several rooms in Sehome and has made some additions to his house, on his ranch. Rumor says he is going to get a housekeeper.
-Mrs. GRANT and children had a hard time fighting fire in Mr. GRANT's absence sit (sic) up nearly all night two or three nights. They have a nice place for the short time they have been on it.
-Mrs. MILLSAP and PYEATT attended the funeral of Mrs. Christien JOHNSON on the 21st. They said there was fifty or sixty persons present. Rev. J. A. TENNANT conducted the services, at the grave and preached a short pointed sermon. Mrs. JOHNSON left a babe seven months old and many loved one and friends to mourn her loss.

Thursday, September 12, 1889:

Mr. P. FOSTER is finishing up a new cottage on F street above Fourth.

G. H. WESTCOTT has been commissioned a notary public.

Curt MARR is working on LULL's pile driver in Seattle.

Mr. Ed. THOMAS opened school at Excelsior Monday.

A. B. TAYLOR is putting up a new building on the wharf.

P. C. McPHERSON is attending the Washington University at Seattle this term.

The family of Marion BARRACKLAW has moved into the house of Curtis MARR on B street.

Mr. C. W. PATTEN, lately of Semiahmoo, has gone upon his claim on the Nooksack. Mrs. PATTEN will open a restaurant in Sehome.

Miss Fannie CONWAY, who has been visiting for some time at Auntie ELWOOD's left last week for her home in Michigan.

The BARRACLAW boys are still employed on EGAN's pile driver in Seattle. Charlie had a bad fall a short time ago, but is now recovered from the hard knocks he got.

Messrs. James ELWOOD and Wallace DEMENT are fitting up ELWOOD's shingle mill, and as soon as a supply of bolts can be got on the ground will start it running again.

R. O. STURGEON, dentist, graduate of the University of Michigan, will be at Lynden from Sept. 10th to the 15th; Blaine, from the 15th to the 20th of Sept. He will do nothing but first-class work.

Thursday, September 19, 1889:

Marion CAIN is putting up a new house on his lots near the corner of E and Fourth streets.

Professor GRIFFIN is now running a music store in Whatcom.

Rev. John TENANT has been re-appointed to fill the M. E. pastorate at Lynden.

R. S. JACKSON is putting up a building on his Harrison avenue lots in South Blaine.

A little child of Mr. and Mrs. LANGLEY has been very sick for the past few weeks, but is now improving.

Mrs. Carrie ADAMS has received a letter from her mother who was safely and pleasantly as far as Montana, on her way back to her old Minnesota home for a visit.

Miss Lizzie AMENT was taken sick the first of the week, and was obliged to adjourn school for a week. We understand she is now improving in health.

Mr. Geo. PERLEY has purchased 120 acres of land of A. A. HART one mile east of Blaine on the British side, paying therefore $5,000. Mr. HART will go to California for his health and probably settle in Redlands. Mr. PERLEY has secured a good bargain.

C. E. STOOPS has opened a lumber yard at E. A. BOBLETTE's place, where is kept on hand a good supply of finishing lumber and mouldings, which will be sold at most reasonable prices. Orders promptly filled.

Rev. MOORE from east of the Cascades has been appointed to the Blaine Free Methodist pastorate and arrived here Saturday to take charge of the work, bringing his family with him through the mountains in a wagon.

Mr. LANGLEY has built him a residence on B street, near Third.

Geo. BROWN is building him a large new residence on his California creek farm.

The Blaine school will commence its winter term about November 3d with Miss Lizzie AMENT as teacher.

Mr. E. B. EBEY, of Lynden, democratic candidate for county clerk was a caller at the Journal office yesterday.

It will be seen by the list of M. E. pastoral appointments that Rev. W. R. WARREN goes to Edison, Skagit county, while W. M. LUDWICK supplies the Blaine charge. He will probably arrive here Saturday night by the steamer.

Last Saturday George COOPER was leading a bull into the stable on the old STEWART place when the animal charged on him and lacerated him shockingly with its horns. He now lies in a precarious condition, his wounds proving very dangerous.

Mr. J. C. BERTRAND has taken charge of the Blaine Hotel, and is prepared to make guests at that establishment comfortable. He proposes to run it on a home-like comfortable plan, and put it in shape to accommodate all patrons. The prices will remain as in the past.

A number of men went over to Birch Bay from Blaine Saturday evening, and between then and Sunday evening tore down Mr. TRACY's store building and removed it to his own land near by. That day was chosen by Mr. TRACY to avoid an injunction which he feared from the owner of the land on which his store had stood. The store was built there in the first place owing to some agreement between the parties by which Mr. TRACY expected to receive title to a tract of land, but there being some hitch Mr. TRACY took this way to save his building. During the removal one side of the building fell upon Mr. Wallace DEMENT and crushed him insensible to the ground. He was brought home to Blaine more dead than alive and remained confined to his bed several days, but is now hobbling about by the aid of a cane and hopes to be entirely recovered in a short time.

Tuesday evening September 17, 1889 at the residence of John OTLY, in Blaine, Washington, there was a quiet wedding at a pleasant union of two of Blaine's young people, Mr. Fletcher L. ROBERTSON to Irene J. STOOPS. The Rev. A. WARREN performed the ceremony, and yesterday morning the new couple departed for Vancouver B. C., where they will take the C. P. train for Eastern Canada and Indiana and other points, on a wedding tour. Mr. ROBERTSON is one of the enterprising townsite proprietors of South Blaine, and the bride is an estimable young lady from Wisconsin, sister of Mrs. J. OTLY and C. F. STOOPS.

Thursday, September 26, 1889:

James BARNES has been elected Sunday school superintendent of the M. E. church.

Elmer MISSIMER has moved his furniture establishment into his building on the wharf, where he is ready to do all kinds of furniture repairing and upholstering, as well as sell new furniture.

Martin DUKES has just finished a fine new barn on his farm near Custer.

Mrs. Harry RUE and little daughter arrived in Blaine Tuesday evening.

C. O. PERLEY, brother of George PERLEY, arrived in Blaine from Nebraska a day or two ago.

Lyle HICKS is clearing up a large piece of ground in the northeast corner of his farm at Custer.

Mr. GEE is putting up a new building for a meat shop at the corner of D street and Washington avenue.

Mr. Dan BARLOW has just returned from a visit to his brother on the islands. His brother has now gone to California for his health.

C. H. SALYER, of Michigan, a fine speaker, will give the people of Blaine a free lecture on Constitutional prohibition at the M. E. church this evening.

C. A. STILLWELL has purchased lots of E. A. BOBLETTE where the latter first built his house seventeen or eighteen years ago, and Mr. STILLWELL will now put up his house on the very spot formerly occupied by Mr. BOBLETTE's first home.

J. A. MARTIN has the plank strung along two blocks of Harrison avenue where he will build a three-foot sidewalk, the first sidewalk of any length in Blaine.

Mr. Wm. PARR has erected neat guide boards at his corner near Custer, which boards point the way and give the distance to Blaine, Birch Bay and Whatcom. His example is worthy of imitation.

JOHNSON & TERRY, the enterprising grocers now deliver goods from their store in a new delivery wagon to any part of Blaine precinct. No additional charge for goods on account of this convenience, but prices still away down.

Mr. J. C. BERTRAND has taken charge of the Blaine Hotel, and is prepared to make guests at that establishment comfortable. He proposes to run it on a home-like comfortable plan, and put it in shape to accommodate all patrons. The prices will remain as in the past.

A new daughter is reported at the house of Thomas BICE on California creek, born on the 22d.

H. F. BEECHER has arrived on the Sound from San Francisco with a large steamer called the Point Arena, which we understand he intends to run between Blaine, Port Townsend, Victoria and Whatcom.

A daily mail service has been secured for Lynden. We do no wish to make unfavorable comparisons, but Blaine is just as much entitled to a daily mail as Lynden and should have been awarded it at the same time.

Little Maud LANGLEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. LANGLEY, died last night after a painful illness of eighteen days. She was a little over six years old. The funeral service will be held to-morrow (Friday) at 2 p. m. at the M. E. church. Rev. LUDWICK will preach the funeral sermon.

Jasper N. RUCKER has bought out John BARBER from the meat business, and has opened his shop in TAYLOR's building on the wharf where he is ready to supply the public with all kinds of fresh meat.

A. L. JOHNSON, who purchased C. A. STILLWELL's E street lots, arrived in Blaine Tuesday by the steamer Eliza Anderson in company with his family. He brought tools for a tinshop which he will open on his place, and will also carry a hardware stock. Yesterday he made the first stovepipe ever made in Blaine. He will put up a new store building.

Charles ANDERSON, a native of Scotland, 65 years of age, was killed on the Bellingham Bay Water Co's right of way Wednesday. In excavating to lay pipe a blast of sandstone rock was made, and ANDERSON, who was at work a quarter of a mile away was struck in the forehead by a piece of rock. Money and securities to the amount of $120 were found on his person. He is supposed to have been a single man. Dr. BRAGG did not think an inquest necessary as the death was clearly accidental. He was killed and buried within three hours.

-Frank NORTON is recovering from typhoid fever.
-Rev. KINDRED's son is still very low with typhoid pneumonia, and has been for more than a month.
-Mrs. WILSON has been very sick. Doctor KING of Blaine was telegraphed for on Saturday.
-Miss Nellie SMITH is teaching on Cottonwood island, Skagit county.
-Mrs. ANDERSON's sisters, who have been spending the summer here, left for the East on Wednesday.
-Rev. Mr. WELLS, the new Congregational minister has charge of Ferndale, Mountain View, Enterprise and other smaller districts. Rev. G. BAKER still has charge of Blaine and Semiahmoo.
-Mrs. HOSKINS, Emma and Willie, with other relatives, have taken a trip to Portland.
-Orsy NORTON has gone to Lynden to teach in the public school.

Thursday, October 3, 1889:

Mr. E. C. STILLWELL has gone to Seattle for his blacksmithing outfit. He will be back in a few days, and in a short time thereafter his shop in South Blaine will be open and ready for business.

We are glad to learn that two more of our young men have determined to avail themselves of the educational advantages offered [at] the Northwest Normal school at Lynden. Kenny LINDSEY and Ed EVANS are now attending that institution.

Mr. C. H. BOWDEN and wife arrived here on the steamer Eliza Anderson from Seattle Tuesday. They are tourists from Barrington, R. I. They have taken rooms in Messrs. JOHNSON & TERRY's block, and propose to spend the winter here, and await the development of the proposed railroads.

Monday as John LITTLE was on his way to the Samish cannery in his sloop with a load of salmon, just off Birch Bay he was capsized and came very near losing his life. He clung to the overturned board, but was washed off time and again by the big waves, and would certainly have been drowned had he not been seen by members of the BRUNS family who put off to his rescue and arrived just as his strength was about gone.

Mr. Isaiah LIVINGSTON came home yesterday from up Sound.

Those who are still indebted to A. A. HART can settle their account with Elmer MISSIMER, as Mr. HART's accounts are left with him for collection.

Mr. Rufus WILSON and John R. MILLER have arrived home from the Fraser river.

JOHNSON & TERRY, the enterprising grocers now deliver goods from their store in a new delivery wagon to any part of Blaine precinct. No additional charge for goods on account of this convenience, but prices still away down.

Miss Ellen HART came over from Vancouver last week to bid parents and friends good bye, as she will remain with her aunt in Vancouver when her parents go to California, to finish her course in the high school. She returned to Vancouver yesterday.

Monday morning the Blaine postoffice was moved to the STEAUBLI building into the room occupied by BARNES & Co., druggists. The office has been newly fitted up by Mr. BARNES, the new postmaster, with dumping and mailing tables, etc., and now has one hundred call boxes and twenty-four lock boxes, with two delivery windows, giving Blaine one of the most convenient postoffices in Whatcom county. Mr. Ed. ROBERTS will act as assistant postmaster, and also as Mr. BARNES' assistant in the drugstore.

Mr. ABERS has just finished a new barn on his B street lots.

Mr. and Mrs. SORENSON arrived home from up sound by the steamer Brick yesterday.

E. M. RATCLIFF is no longer agent for the Farmer's Fire Insurance Company, of Seattle, and all papers and books are to be handed to J. C. BERTRAND, of Blaine.
J. H. WINSLOW, Manager.

Captain Samuel JACKSON, of the Eliza Anderson, has applied for a divorce from his wife.

DIED - In Blaine, September 26, 1889, Maude LANGLEY, daughter of Wellington and Lunetta M. LANGLEY, of typhoid fever, after a few days illness.

Monday as little Mary HAZELTON, of South Blaine was standing on the platform of the stairway leading to the primary school which is in the upper part of MARTIN's building, she fell, and after rolling down one or two stairs slipped off the flight and fell to the ground below striking the side of her face on an upturned stick and tearing an ugly gash from which the blood flowed in streams. She was taken up by the teacher, Miss Anna JACOBS, and carried to Mr. STEEN's, and he carried her home, where we understand she is recovering. The railing to the stairway has since been fixed. It seems to us that it would be well to move to primary school to (sic) the old building for the remainder of the term and thus avoid the stair climbing for the little ones.

Thursday, October 10, 1889:

Dr. REEVES, after living in Blaine for several months has concluded that it is a good place to stop in, and yesterday purchased of John MARTIN six lots in addition to those secured when he first came here.

B. A. WELBON, of Lynden, was a caller at the Journal office this week. Mr. WELBON is agent for that beautiful book, "The Story of America" by Elia W. PATTLE. The book has 600 pages printed on beautiful tinted book paper, and contains 100 full page illustrations.

Chas. STILLWELL has bought out Chas. PAUL in the transfer business, as you will see by reading his card in another column. Here is a very good example of what a young man of energy can do. Mr. STILLWELL came to Blaine nine months ago with only a few dollars. He has bought and cleared two lots, built two houses and two barns and bought two other lots and a good team with what he has made since coming here.

Tuesday evening A. A. HART and family started for California, where they expect to make their future home. Mr. HART has lived near Blaine for about six years, we believe, and has been one of our most active citizens.

Mr. BENNET has built an addition on his house in South Blaine.

E. C. STILLWELL has just finished his blacksmith shop on Harrison avenue.

Steps have been taken during the past week looking toward the construction of a sidewalk across the gulch between E and F streets on Washington avenue. The walk will be six feet wide and built on bents clear across on a level with the north side of F street. The bridge will have a railing and sideboard on each side, and will be built on the line of the street. E. M. ADAMS has the contract for building the bridge, and it will be permanent work. The cost of construction will be met by popular subscription, and any one who wishes to help out in the work can do so by handing in their subscription at the Journal office. There are also some subscribers who have not yet paid their subscriptions who will confer a favor by handing the amount in at CAIN Bro's store or the Journal office by Saturday evening so the money can be deposited against the cost of construction, which will insure vigorous work.

Jasper RUCKER is building a cottage on F street.

Albert WEST is building him a new house on Boblette street.

Jerry MARRELL and Hale SMITH have gone to Mud Bay on a hunting expedition.

C. F. STOOPS is about to move his sawmill down about a mile east of Blaine.

John MERRIT is hauling rustic with which to cover his building on Washington avenue.

A. L. JOHNSON is constructing a large store building on his E street lots near the corner of Fourth.

Miss Mary PETERSON, from Champlin, Minnesota arrived in Blaine this week. She is a sister of John PETERSON.

Arthur ROGERS, of Ferndale, was a visitor at Blaine during the past week looking after the telegraph line along the road.

The Haynie postoffice has been removed from C. A. STILLWELL's house to that of Mr. WENTZ, about forty rods further south.

Last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. A. L. SMITH were taken entirely by surprise by the arrival of their son Delbert and his wife Reakee SMITE (sic) and their little son, just from Rathdrum, Idaho.

A family whom we are told is named GILBERT have this week been moving a large quantity of household and office furniture out to California creek. We understand they will build a sawmill there.

Francis E. WILLARD celebrates (sic) her fiftieth birthday Saturday Sept. 28. Her year have been very useful ones. ...

MARRIED - At the Presbyterian parsonage in New Westminster, B. C., Saturday evening, October 5, 1889, M. T. GEE to Talitha POWEL, both of Blaine, Washington. Both bride and groom are pretty well known here, Mrs. POWEL having come to Blaine from Minneapolis several months ago, being a sister of the CAIN Brothers. Mr. GEE is an old settler, among the best known in the county, having once been chosen by the people to fill a position of trust.

The Excelsior school opened again Monday morning with Horace WENTZ as teacher.

Thursday, October 17, 1889: 

Mrs. Dr. REEVES, organist of the M. E. church, has organized a music class.

Old Mr. KILKUP, one of Whatcom county's oldest residents died at Nooksack last Saturday.

A new chimney is being built in the M. E. church preparatory to putting up a stove to warm the building.

Thos. BARRETT died Saturday night last in Ferndale. He was well known to the old settlers, having clerked in the Bellingham Bay coal company's store years ago.

A. M. WHITNEY, of Lynden was in Blaine this week looking over the ground with G. W. CORNING with a view to building a feed and shingle mill.

Blaine once more has a customs inspector located here. Tuesday evening when James BUCHANAN arrived with the mail he found a telegram awaiting him of his appointment.

Mr. Edward LAMAR has purchased ten acres of land of Robert PENNINGTON out on Dakota creek.

Mr. C. C. SMITH has just finished a cottage on B street which will be occupied by the family of B. H. BROOKS.

Mr. Zebulon JONES, who knew something about this part of the country a good many years ago, came in on the Eliza Anderson Tuesday and will put up a residence over in PINCKNEY's Mountain View addition, where he will hereafter make his home.

E. W. HUGHES, of Roy, W. T., came to Blaine Tuesday accompanied by his family. He is a brother of Captain S. P. HUGHES.

John RADCLIFFE is building him a new house on Harrison avenue.

John PFEIFFER has built him a small house near the corner of Fifth and G streets.

John R. MILLER commenced work this week on the Journal's new newspaper building.

Mr. Geo. McCAULEY, lately of New Westminster, came to Blaine with his family and last week took charge of the Blaine hotel, which will hereafter be conducted by him.

----BIRCH BAY----
-Mr. VOGHT is making some permanent improvements on his residence.
-P. C. JAMES is building a cosy little house, so is Mr. KIRKPATRICK, the school teacher in district No. 3.
-W. R. PARKINS is teaching in Birch Bay school house.
-L. MARTINSON is attending court in Whatcom as a grand juror.

Mrs. Mahala EVANS is in Whatcom where she will undoubtedly be granted a divorce this week.

Jasper N. RUCKER has bought out John BARBER from the meat business, and has opened his shop in TAYLOR'S building on the wharf where he is ready to supply the public with all kinds of fresh meat.

Thursday, October 24, 1889: 

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. PORTER, of Haynie are the happy parents of a brand new son born on the 18th instant at 10 a. m.

Rev. Mr. STAYT will preach at Hall's prairie on Sunday next at 11 o'clock, and in the M. E. church, Blaine, at 3 p. m., same day.

Mr. and Mrs. BAMFORD returned to their Hall's Prairie farm, this week. They will spend the winter on their place and make many improvements. They now have one of the best farms in this neighborhood.

There is a new wharf now at Beach on Lummi island, and the steamers stop there when desired.

Elmer MISSIMER, Emmet McDONALD and Herman KING took in the Bay cities this week on business for the Blaine cornet band.

Albert ROGERS has gone on a visit to relatives near Los Angeles, California, where he will remain several weeks, and possibly spend the winter.

Mrs. R. A. BUTLER and Miss Day BUTLER went up to Coupeville early this week to visit Audley and Grace BUTLER who are attending the Coupeville academy.

Clarence HILTON wishes to announce that himself and Mrs. HILTON are prepared to do family and individual washing promptly and on easy terms.

Mr. Wm. PINCKNEY accompanied by a Mr. RUSSELL a member of the editorial staff of the Washington Magazine, were visitors at the Journal office this week.

The Sehome council last night granted to Mr. P. B. CORNWALL and associates the franchise to build street railways in that city.

Any person who rides a horse across the new Washington avenue sidewalk bridge may look out for prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. It will not be tolerated, and offenders had better take warning.

MARRIED - At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. SMITH, in Blaine, Wednesday evening, Oct. 23 by the Rev. W. M. LUDWIG, William RADCLIFF to Emma J. SMITH. About 30 invited guests were present and partook of the wedding supper. Presents to the bride were: Mr. and Mrs. LANGLEY, set of fruit dishes and cups and saucers. Mrs. BOBLETTE, caster, Mrs. STANLEY, butter dish, Mrs. BERTRAND, fruit and sauce dishes; Ethel McELMON, three silver table spoons; C. C. SMITH and wife, set of sauce dishes and looking glass. John MILHOLLIN and wife 6 sauce dishes; James MILHOLLIN and wife 1 turkish bath towel; Dora TYSON, 1 fine linen towel; E. M. ADAMS and wife, water pitcher; Geo. CAIN 1 dozen dinner plates; Mrs. EVANS, set of sauce dishes; Mrs. DEMENT set of goblets, Grandma MILHOLLIN spoon holder and salter.

Elmer SMITH now walks with a pair of crutches, the scaffold of RUCKER's building having fallen with him the other day and terribly smashed up one of his ankles.

Samuel BASS, formerly customs inspector at Blaine, was married last week in Sehome. We have not learned the lady's name, but we congratulate her all the same.

J. A. MARTIN is agent for Judson powder, caps and fuse, and persons having large stumps to move or dispose of will find this powder a speedier and cheaper than any other.

Get your money's worth by buying your furniture at MISSIMER's store.

-BROWN Brothers have a new perpetual hay press. They intend to make a business of bailing hay for others.
-Overseer Walter CREASY has opened the road from the upper crossing of California creek, northwards towards Haynie.
-Mrs. B. W. EVERETT's mother arrived last week from Missouri, she will remain here through the winter.

Thursday, October 31, 1889: 

We are soon to have a brass band for the International City. There was a meeting Saturday evening at the school house to perfect arrangements,and the following named members have joined the organization:

Geo. CAIN, 1st E
E. M. ADAMS, E cornet
W. H. KING, 1st B
T. E. KING, 2nd B
Will McCULLUM, Solo B
Harry, THOMAS, 1st alto
Chas. MERITT, Solo alto
Dr. KING, 2nd alto
J. E. McDONALD, 1st tenor
Josh. HUGHES, tenor
James VARET, B base
Victor STEAUBLI, baritone
Ed. BENNETT, tuba
A. TAYLOR, base drum
Ed. ROBERTS, clarionet
Chas. POPPLE, clarionet

-Mr. PARR has plank delivered to plank the two bridges on the roads leading to TRACY's Wharf. Mr. PARR deserves credit for the amount of good work done on the roads in this district.
-Henry CREASY has moved back to his farm in Pleasant Valley where he has the most extensive apple and prune orchard in the county.
-Col. Thomas WATERBURY has very poor health this fall.
-Rev. ROLLA, of Lummi Island, is trying to resurrect the Sabbath school in Pleasant Valley school house.
-The house on Mr. DUNN's claim, was burned down last Tuesday morning by tramps or incendiary, as it had been vacant for two or three years.
-Wm. TARTE is building a silo in which to store some late sown oats.

A. W. STEEN has built a sidewalk along the west side of Harrison avenue from his store to Boblette street.

Mr. A. L. JOHNSON is now prepared to do all kinds of tin job work at his shop on E street near Fourth. He is about to put in a full line of stoves and hardware.

Capt. Chas. HUNT has this week been circulating a petition for proper harbor lights at this point. Such lights have long been necessary and the petition should be unanimously signed, and promptly granted by the government.

Young Louis REEVES, the Doctor's eldest boy celebrated his seventh birthday last Thursday, by entertaining a number of his little friends in the afternoon and at tea.


    The CAIN Brothers, the townsite proprietors of the original town of Blaine, have just had constructed for them the finest and most costly residence in Whatcom county. The building is a credit to their enterprise and to the workmanship of the mechanics who did the actual work of construction.
   Such a building is worthy of more than a passing notice, so we have interviewed Mr. P. NEILSON, the architect and builder of it, and obtained a few points. The structure outside the four double bay windows and two porches on the south and west sides is 40x400 feet in size, and two stories high. The first floor is occupied by four large rooms and the hall, which runs through the building from front to back. The parlor is the southwest room and is lighted by two large bay windows. The sitting room is across the hall in the northwest side of the house, and is the same as the parlor, except it has but one bay window. Each of these rooms is about 16x20 in size. In the southeast is the dining room, and it is one of the most elegant rooms we ever saw. The wainscoting is all hand-made panel work in native arborvita wood which has been given a rich appearance by both carpenter and painter.
   The kitchen is across the hall and is fitted up with all the necessary conveniences for the work to be done there.
  There is a stairway finished off in native woods, leading to the upper story, which is divided into six rooms, four large ones and two small ones. The two front rooms, and one at the back, have bay windows, and there is a closet in every room. All the doors in the house shut almost air tight, and hardly a joint is visible in the entire building. All the larger rooms have fireplaces and rich mantels of native woods.
  The painting on the building was done by Mr. Edward LAMAR, who finished off the inside, in hard oil, which gives a beautiful effect to the cedar wood work.
  The plaster is put on an inch thickness and with a marble finish, and this work was done by Messrs. H. LOOMIS and Wm. HAMLEY, in a most durable and artistic manner.
  Back of the house is a wood house 16x20 connected by a covered way with the back hall door. This fine home has been furnished in keeping with its size and workman like construction, and would be an ornament to any city. Its cost, furnished is about $10,000.

Thursday, November 7, 1889:

At the school election last Saturday James BARNES was elected clerk and A. WARREN director.

Mr. Alex. BEETON is building a nice cottage on his lots in MARTIN's addition.

S. P. HUGHES was down town Tuesday walking with the aid of a cane. His old enemy, rheumatism is causing him to suffer.

Mr. Lafe. WILLIARD has built him a new house in PINCKNEY's addition, where his family will take up its residence immediately.

Miss Anna JACOBS went to Whatcom by the steamer Eliza Anderson Tuesday, on her way home to Lynden. We hope she will return to Blaine and teach one of our schools again, as she has had great success with the primary department the past summer.

To-morrow (Friday) evening, the 8th inst., there will be a mass meeting at the school house of the citizens of Blaine school district No. 25 to consider the question of bonding the district to buy a site and build a new school building, and for other matters of interest concerning schools. The subjects are of as much interest to women as men, and we hope every one will turn out to the meeting.

D. S. MILLER has been doing considerable improving on his place in the past month. He has built a fine large wood house; also a pump room addition to his barn about sixteen by twenty feet in size and a carriage house sixteen by forty. He now has about the finest lot of out-buildings we have seen. Next will come a fine new residence.

Mrs. C. C. PAUL has gone to Seattle on a visit, and may also take a trip east to Dakota before she returns to Blaine.

We were wrong last week in stating the length of the Washington avenue bridge at 228 feet. It should have been 328 feet, and the base of calculation was 270 feet instead of 170 as stated.

Emmet HAWLEY and John KILKUP have purchased the steamer Edith of Capt. RANDOLPH, and propose to run it on the Nooksack to Lynden.

Duncan ROSS [in later papers he is called Donald ROSS] has a few nice rooms for gentlemen lodgers at his house opposite the LINDSEY mill. Prices reasonable and beds and rooms comfortable.

In the real estate transfers last week we notice the sale of forty acres by Mrs. Lucy STANLEY to G. W. CAPLES for a consideration of $1000.

Master Clayton MILHOLLIN celebrated his third birthday Tuesday with a party to his little friends.

Thursday, November 14, 1889:

G. S. HOPKINS, of Olympia, a nephew of Rev. A. WARREN, has been spending a few days this week visiting his uncle. He is a clerk in the state house at Olympia.

Chas. E. CLINE, of Lynden, has been elected chief clerk of the state house of representatives. He has been served exactly right, and we heartily congratulate him on his success.

John PETERSON has this week sold to Mr. Ed. LAMAR twenty acres of his place three and one-half miles east of Blaine for $20 per acre. Mr. LAMAR says he will soon build a house on his new purchase. Mr. PETERSON also sold twenty acres to Mr. A. ANDERSON at the same price.

The Journal family was enlarged Monday by the arrival of a nine-pound baby girl. [Joseph W. DORR]

Donald ROSS has a few nice rooms for gentlemen lodgers at his house opposite the Lindsey mill. Prices reasonable and beds and rooms comfortable.

The CAIN Bros. have received one of the finest pianos ever brought to this northwest country. It is a Weber grand upright of sweetest tone, and has a beautiful natural rosewood case. The instrument was made to order at factory for the CAIN Brothers, and cost $750. Prof. J. F. GRIFFIN set it up for them, and pronounces it first class.

There are thirty saloons on Bellingham bay.

The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank ROGERS was brightened up Sunday evening last by the arrival of a new nine-pound boy.

We are informed by the new teacher that the Blaine school will open next Monday, the 18th. Mr. TANNER will occupy the instructor's chair.

-Mr. and Mrs. WILLMORE and Mr. and Mrs. FRANKLIN, of Lynden, visited the families of HOSKINS and SMITH Saturday and Sunday, returning on Monday.
-D. McDONALD and niece left last Tuesday for Prince Edward's island to visit relatives.
-J. BYERS is the father of another son. He will soon have help to clear up his ranch.
-Mr. BYERS and Mr. BRIDGES on the gulf road are making great improvements, and will soon have nice places. Mr. BYERS has the foundation laid for an addition to his house.
-J. LOPES [LOPAS] has a crew of men clearing on his eighty near the main road.
-Mr. FULGEM has rented the MUSSER place.

Thursday, November 21, 1889:

A special telegram from Sehome announces the birth on the 15th, to Captain James TARTE and wife, of a new boy. Mother and baby both doing nicely, and the captain thinking of resigning the wheel to the new pilot.

I. M. SCOTT has built him a comfortable residence in Boblette's addition.

Harry SAVINGS has gone to Lynden to attend the Northwest Normal school.

Dr. REEVES is putting up an office, residence and barn on Washington avenue.

C. A. STILLWELL is prepared to furnish the best of family stovewood to all consumers in Blaine, and also deliver the same at their door for them.

While last Sunday's storm was up Alex BEETON attempted to cross the channel, and the wind carried him up to the mouth of Campbell creek on the British side, where he landed safely. Mr. John BAKER was not so fortunate, for he was blown to White rock, his boat filled with water and himself chilled through.

Miss Dora TYSON went to Seattle the first of the week. She will make her home there for some time to come.

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. MILHOLLIN and their little son, left Blaine Sunday morning for a visit to their old Minnesota home. They will be gone two or three months.

Fairhaven, by popular subscription has graded one street and planked it with four-inch timber, and has built long stretches of broad sidewalk on the same street.

-Mr. W. H. GILBERT is making some improvements on the place he got of John A. BARKER. We all wish that we could induce more men like Mr. GILBERT to settle in this part of the country. Such men are a benefit to any community.
-B. W. EVERETT is improving his barn considerably.
-The last R. R. survey goes through James MILLER's barn near the centre and so near Tom BICE's house and barn both that they will have to be moved.
-Mr. James KING of Blaine was out looking after things on his place north of Custer last week.

Thursday, November 28, 1889:

A. E. MEAD has gone to Snohomish to further the cause of the incorporation of Blaine with Judge WINN.

Mr. S. W. VAN LUVEN brought to the Journal office yesterday some very nice salt salmon which he caught and salted on his place on Campbell creek where it is so small that a man might almost step across it, six miles above its mouth.

Mr. D. S. MILLER has recently purchased from J. A. MARTIN a Double action Cyclone Force Pump. The Cyclone is admitted by everybody who sees it work to be the best pump they ever saw.

The great storm of the 17th struck Point Roberts with terrible force. The WALLER house, which is located over three hundred feet back from the high tide, was washed time after time by sheets of salt water. Hundreds of old beach logs, which had lain for years and years, were washed off into the gulf, and came filing around the shore like a fleet of war ships, and forced themselves, in spite of pike poles and every other feeble obstruction of men, against Mr. KIRBY's warehouse, a building 24x60, built on piles above the water, and smashed it down. Every boat on the point was driven high and dry on the shore, and several of them considerably damaged.

R. G. HOGUE, late of Panora, Iowa, W. E. SHAFFER, of Tacoma and A. V. HAYDEN, cashier of the Citizens' bank, Tacoma, have visited their old friend Ed. ROBERTS, of Blaine, a few days ago.

The Bellingham bay papers say that J. W. TANNER, of Lynden, has secured a first grade certificate in the late teachers' examination. We will wager a penny that they mean our J. W. TANNER, who is now teaching the first department of the public school here. At least Blaine teachers usually earn first grade certificates.

The Bellingham towns are about to have a city directory. SPEIRS & ANDERSON, the enterprising printers and Publishers, are preparing a neat volume of nearly two hundred pages which will show up the population business, etc., of the bay very completely, besides giving other valuable information.

Elmer MISSIMER has been appointed constable for the Blaine precinct.

The county commissioners have appointed John A. BARKER constable in Bellingham precinct.

At the residence of the bride's father on California creek, on Tuesday, November 26, 1889, Miss Hattie MILLER to Mr. Geo. CREASY, Rev. Geo. BAKER officiating.

-Fred HENSPETER, who has been attending school at Lynden, is now at our own home school taught by W. R. PARKINS, who is coming to the front as an educator.
-Sunday school is flourishing in Pleasant Valley school house under the direction of Mr. KIRKPATRICK.
-P. C. JAMES is confined to his room by a scalded foot.
-Hiram RENSHED returned last week to his mother's home after a two-year ramble in Oregon and California.
Nov. 25 Bob BABLER

Victor PAUL has just completed himself a small house on the tide flats in front of block 31.

Charley BARRACKLAW is home from Seattle spending Thanksgiving day with his parents.

Robert NUBER is spending a few days in Blaine, having come up from Seattle on the steamer Brick yesterday.

By an oversight last week we neglected to mention the birth on the 16th inst. to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. POPPLE, of a little daughter.

Mrs. Mahala EVANS is prepared to accommodate a few more table boarders at her house on E street. Good meals and terms reasonable.

Tommy KING has been confined to the house for some time with a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism.

Friends of Mr. Al. HAYWARD will be glad to hear that he is recovering from his long and severe attack of pneumonia which has confined him to his bed at the Temperance Hotel.

Last evening as Mr. Ed. ROBERTS was walking near the Blaine Hotel he slipped and fell, and in trying to save himself sprained his ancle (sic) and broke his leg. He was placed in Mr. TERRY's wagon and taken to E. A. BOBLETTE's where Dr. REEVES went and set the fracture. He is doing as well as could be expected, but will probably rest for several weeks.

Early this morning little Roy McELMON, who was sleeping in a balcony bed room at the rear of the jewelry store, fell from his bed to the floor below, a distance of nine feet, striking his back, a little below and to the right of the kidneys, directly upon the corner of a five-gallon coal oil can which sat there, cutting a deep triangular shaped gash about four inches long. He has been in a comatose state, and it is impossible to tell certainly to what extent he is injured. Dr. REEVES is attending him.

Thursday, December 5, 1889:

John R. MILLER has been enlarging his residence during the past week.

E. M. ADAMS is putting up a building on his Washington avenue lots.

Postmaster James BARNES returned from Seattle Tuesday evening with a large stock of holiday goods.

The band boys cleared $37 by their Thanksgiving dance, which will be quite a help in paying for their instruments.

Prof. R. S. YEOMANS, from Mud Bay, B. C., has been sojourning in Blaine this week, the guest of the CAIN Bros. He is one of the most active citizens in that province.

At the bond meeting last night there was a unanimous vote of all the qualified voters present to bond the Blaine school district for $10,000 for the purpose of raising funds with which to buy a school site and erect there on a suitable school building. It was the sentiment of the meeting that the building should have at least one block of land upon which to stand and have at least four departments with two class rooms, and be two stories high.

Mrs. J. T. RADCLIFFE, arrived in Blaine last Thursday from Brimfield, Illinois, and gave her husband a Thanksgiving surprise. She will make Blaine her future home.

Thursday, December 12, 1889:

Elmer SMITH is about to start a confectionery store in McELMON's new building.

A. WARREN has bought out B. F. HURD's property in Boblette's addition.

Cyrus BUCHANAN is spending a few days visiting with his brother, Inspector BUCHANAN, in Blaine.

Mr. D. P. GREELEY has just finished dressing and mounting the head of a buck, and it is a beauty. The horns are not less than two feet long each, and it looks very life like when hung up on the wall. Mr. GREELEY is a very successful taxidermist.

C. F. STOOPS is this week moving his sawmill down to Blaine. It will be located out at the east end of E street, and when it gets to work we understand it will saw plank for the Blaine Land company, with which they will plank E street through their addition. There is considerable good timber out there both cedar and fir, and the mill will probably be a permanent fixture in Blaine.

Mr. CREASY has been appointed postmaster at Ferndale.

F. C. GALER is in from Custer this morning and informs us that BROWN Brothers have commenced getting out ties for the Fairhaven & Southern railroad, they having secured the contract to furnish all the ties for that line between Blaine and Ferndale.

At a meeting of the Sunday School board December 11, Supt. BARNES in the chair, it was voted to extend an invitation to all friends to join in having a Christmas tree on December 24th. The following committees were appointed:
Music - Mrs. REEVES, Mrs. DAVIES and Mrs. MARTIN; Solicitation - The Misses MERRITT and DAVIES; Decoration - Messrs. Herman KING, Harry THOMAS, Emmett McDONALD, Geo. CAIN, Neil CAIN, and Mesdames MARTIN, DAVIES, ABERS, KINGSLEY, REEVES and MARTIN, and Misses MORGAN and EGAN; Receiving Presents - Mrs. ABERS, Mr. Neil CAIN, Rev. LUDWICK, and Mrs. DAVIES; Purchases - Mesdames DAVIES and ABERS.
The young folks are requested to meet at Mrs. DAVIES on the Monday evening before Christmas to prepare popcorn, etc. for the tree.
J. W. TANNER, Secretary.

Thursday, December 19, 1889:

Shooting match Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock, at the St. Elmo hotel. Turkeys are the game. All shooters are invited.

The Blaine Journal was started by the CAIN Brothers under the editorial management of L. R. FLOWERS on Thursday, April 22, 1885.

In 1885 Blaine was made a postoffice, and the overland mail route was opened between here and Whatcom with J. N. LINDSEY as the first postman, and James CAIN as postmaster.

N. A. CORNISH is here preparing to start a bank. He has purchased the Blaine hotel of Henry STENDER, and will fit up the new institution in that building. The vault doors are now on the wharf and a large brick vault will be built in the bank which will be ready for business early next year. It will be a private institution.

H. F. BROWN, late of Panora, Iowa, was in Blaine visiting his friend Ed. ROBERTS this week.

Mr. John ELWOOD has just returned from the hot springs of California, where he went to treat his rheumatism. He says he has been cured.

Rev. J. W. KAGER visited Blaine last week. He is now located at Snohomish. He occupied the Free Methodist pulpit Sunday morning and evening last.

Mr. Nelson SMITH, of Sehome, was a purchaser last week of valuable property in Kingsley's addition, and will now be another friend at court for our town.

The CAIN Brothers have bought out the LINDSEY sawmill.

Mr. Ben. CLOUD has returned to Blaine after a stay of several weeks in British Columbia.

Geo. W. CLARK has gone to Lynn, Mass., to visit his old home and try and interest some of the burned out shoe companies to come to Blaine and locate.

Mr. E. M. THURLOW, of the confectionery firm of GORDON, BOWEN & THURLOW, and well known as one of the pioneer boys of Blaine, came here representing his house this week.

Blaine is now an incorporated town. A. E. MEAD, who had charge of the work as attorney for the citizens presented the petition to Judge WINN, and the incorporation was granted on the 6th. The board of town trustees, consisting of E. A. BOBBLETTE, A. WARREN, Jas. CAIN, Geo. TERRY and Chas. R. MOULTON were sworn in on the 16th. A. WARREN was elected chairman of the board, Chas. R. MOULTON is treasurer, Frank THOMPSON has been chosen city clerk, W. H. RADCLIFFE marshal and street commissioner.

Mrs. Lucy STANLY is in distress caused by a hurt hand little Dick is disabled, and Dee is sick from a cold. No one in the house is able to do any work except nine year old Allan, and he has a hard time as cook.

Mrs. J. M. BRADLEY, sister of W. W. CARTER is visiting at his place on Dakota creek.

Thursday, December 26, 1889:  

E. C. STILLWELL has found it necessary to more than double the size of his blacksmith and wagon shop, and his establishment is quite an extensive one, with ample room for a large business in his line.

Miss M. E. BARNES of Seattle, is spending the holidays with her parents in Blaine.

F. EDWARDS has bought the ELWOOD sawmill, and we are informed will start it into operation next week.

MARTIN-HAZELTINE  on Dec. 24th Mr. Joseph MARTIN and Miss Hattie HAZELTINE, at the home of the bride's mother in Blaine, at 8 o'clock p. m. The affair was private, only the family being present. The married couple left on a bridal tour. W. M. LODOWICK, Clergyman officiating.

Copied by Susan Nahas 2001

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