The Weekly Blade
New Whatcom, Washington

Wednesday, January 6, 1904:

     Fairhaven's $42,000 High school building will be ready for occupancy January 11, the date of taking up of school after the Christmas holidays.
     This building is one of the most elegant and thoughtfully arranged institutions dedicated to public instruction on Puget Sound and embraces most excellent lighting, heating and ventilating system.
     The structure, itself, is 128 feet long and 78 feet wide and has two full stories with a spacious basement. The basement is built of the celebrated Chuckanut stone and the two stories above of red brick. The building throughout is finished in natural wood and equipped with the remarkable fan system heating apparatus, which automatically regulates the heat constantly within a radius of two degrees. Like an alarm clock the thermostat is set at the degree of heart wished in a certain room and this, through a compressed air tube, communicates with the dampers at the furnace, causing hot or cold air, as the case may be, to enter the room, keeping the temperature regulated.
     As yet there will be no class rooms in the basement. The first floor contains seven rooms and will be occupied by the primary department. The second floor contains the recitation rooms of the High school, also a spacious assembly hall 58 by 42 feet, into which two recitation rooms on either side, 17 by 30 feet, by a series of folding doors may be thrown. The sewer and water connections are being completed as rapidly as possible and a viaduct 60 feet high over Padden Creek on Twelfth street will be the approach.
     With opening of the new school there will be no more school in the old store buildings, Montezuma and Warren, and the congestion at the Fourteenth street and Larrabee schools will also be relieved.
     S. C. SMITH, who has been janitor at the Fourteenth street school the past seven years, will take charge in that capacity in the new building.

Marriage licenses were issued to the following parties during the past week: C. W. CLEAVES and Nellie MARKER, Jens. JENSEN and Miss Jessie NICOLL, James Bert BOWERS and Miss Margaret KAYLOR, Will C. JENKINS and Miss Lizzie M. SMITH, C. H. BEAN and Edna Roe KEPPER, Coleman QUEEN and Pollie RABEY, Arthur PIERCE and Frances OLTMANS, Gilbert R. SCHUYLER and Mrs. Lena HOLMES.

The Lighthouse block is undergoing $10,000 worth of improving and remodeling. To just what object the remodeling of the building is being made the ROEHL Bros. refuse to state. The building when completed will contain three floors of suite rooms with hot and cold water and all reached by an elevator. The third and fourth floor were made by cutting down the windows and dividing the Lighthouse hall into two stories, making a ceiling of 10 feet 6 inches on the fourth. The total number of rooms of the second, third and fourth floors is 42.

The dead body of Captain Fred BEAUTLICK [BEAUTLICH], of the steamer Alert, was found in the water near the P. A. F. cannery Friday. The captain had not been seen since Tuesday week and the body bore evidence of having been in the water some time. It is supposed he fell into the water in making way to his boat, which lay in her moorings near by. Coroner NOICE and Chief of Police LOGSDON were notified and took charge of the body. Captain BEAUTLICK has been a resident of Bellingham about six years. He was a Norwegian by birth and has now a son who is serving as lieutenant in the Norwegian army. He also has a brother and sister living in Tacoma. His brother, Gustav, who is secretary of the Retail Grocers' Protective Association, of Tacoma, was notified and arrived here Saturday.

Unpremeditated Bath
     Carmi DIBBLE, a real estate dealer of Bellingham, fell into the bay at the fireboat dock last night at 8 o'clock, and had it not been for a brave rescue by George GREEN, watchman on the steamer Fairhaven, he would have been drowned. When dragged out, more dead than alive, he was taken to the DILLER hotel, where he had been stopping, and after an hour was reported as having recovered.
     DIBBLE spent yesterday in the city on matters of business, and at 8 o'clock went to the dock to take the boat home. He walked along the wharf for a considerable distance in the dark and failed to notice that he was at the end of the dock. He walked off and, with a loud cry, fell headlong into the cold water.
     Watchman GREEN was standing on the deck of the Fairhaven and heard the cry. He rushed to the stern of the boat, and, seeing a man floundering in the water, threw off his coat and plunged in.
     A few swift strokes brought him to the drowning man, whom he grasped and held out of the water until he swam to the pier. There he met with other assistance. A rope was lowered and by it DIBBLE was hoisted to the Dock, GREEN afterward climbing up. --P. I.

Wednesday, January 13, 1904:

Hotel Laube
      LAUBE's three story brick between Chestnut and Holly on Elk street is receiving its finishing touches. This substantial new building is being equipped as a hotel and will be under the management of GRIFFITH and HADLEY, the old proprietors of the Byron Hotel. This new building is three stories, and contains fifty rooms on the two upper floors. The rooms are so arranged as to open up in suites with good light wall to receive more than the usual amount of daylight, etc., making the building strictly modern in all respects. The first floor is 16 feet high, the second 10 !/2 and the third 10 feet. The building is furnished throughout in natural fir, and Mr. LAUBE is sparing no money or pains to make this structure one of the finest in the city.
     The dining room is 27 feet by 85 feet and the office the same size. One of the unique features of the building will be an open lobby on a sub-floor in the back of the office. This will be for the accommodation of traveling men who wish a place apart from the main office to write and attend their accounts. Mr. GRIFFITH states the hotel will be furnished throughout with brussels carpet and furniture to correspond. The third floor is being furnished now and the kitchen has already been installed with the latest cooking appliances.
     The new hotel will be known as Hotel Laube.

William SHUMWAY, who was until recently a member of the Byron Grocery firm, has opened a dairy product store at 134 West Holly. Mr. SHUMWAY will wholesale and retail butter, eggs, cheese and sweet cream. The building Mr. SHUMWAY is to occupy was just vacated by the Elite Tailoring company, who have moved to the Oakland block.

F. BRUNSON, of Custer, was in Bellingham Thursday and called at the Blade office. Mr. BRUNSON has been at Custer twenty years and is consequently able to give some interesting pioneer experiences. Mr. BRUNSON says in the early days at Custer they were afraid to send children unattended to school on account of the numerous bears and cougars that infested the timber then. He also recalls twenty years ago when he and his family drove from Custer to Lynden in the only wagon in Custer, and at Lynden they employed a siwash with a boat to bring them to Old Whatcom, where the Fourth of July was going to be celebrated. In Old Whatcom they found the streets crowded, all the hotels and lodging houses filled and people compelled to sleep out. After the celebration no transportation could be found home so they put in two days walking back. Mr. BRUNSON says that no one can appreciate the immense amount of money and labor that has been expended in making the excellent roads that lead out of Bellingham better than the farmer.

J. R. ELLIS, of this city, met with a frightful accident Tuesday, January 5. Mr. ELLIS was in Custer visiting and went to the MELROSE shingle mill of that place to call upon a friend. While watching one of the shingle machines at work the saw suddenly left its arbor, striking Mr. ELLIS' leg and horribly shattering it. He was brought to this city and taken to St. Luke's hospital. The limb was so badly shattered and mangled it was decided to amputate it.

Milton STOWERS, upon a warrant sworn out by Agent BREMNER of the Lummi reservation, was arrested by Deputy Sheriff PARBERRY, January 6, for selling liquor to the Indians. STOWERS at the time of the alleged sale was bartender at the Great Northern saloon.

S. F. MAGUIRE and Clarence GRANGER have assumed full control of the Great Northern Furniture company. It is their intention to increase the stock and make this store one of the largest of the kind in the state.

Wednesday, January 20, 1904:

REED Boiler Works Burned Sunday
The main building of the REID (sic) Boiler Works in South Bellingham was reduced to ashes early Sunday morning. The fire was discovered in the south end of the building about 4 o'clock and the fire alarm turned in at once. The south side fire company responded and while some hitch deterred them from getting water on the blaze as soon as the hose was connected, they rendered excellent service in keeping the fire from spreading to the buildings that stood adjacent and out along the Ocean dock. The main building with its contents was almost completely destroyed, incurring a loss of fully $7,000 and with only $3,000 insurance. The efforts of the fireman kept the fire from the old boiler shop across the narrow street to the west and from the store room just to the north. The saving of these two buildings means much to the REID Bros., as apart from the value of the buildings and the stock contained within them, it gives them a place to resume their business at once. The REID Boiler works handle sheet metal manufacturing exclusively and have in that line built up a reputation that brings them custom[ers] from throughout the Sound. ... The REID Boiler Works is owned exclusively by the brothers, R. A. and T. W. REID. Up until one week ago J. H. MACK of South Bellingham was a member of the firm, having at that time disposed of his interest to the REID Bros.

Triplets were born to Mrs. D. H. WITHERS, of Ferndale, Thursday, January 14. Two girls and one boy; all have since died. According to medical annals only once before have triplets been born in the state of Washington.

Word has reached this city of the death of Mrs. Helen G. STRONG at her home in Rochester, N. Y. Mrs. STRONG was the wife of Henry A. STRONG, president of the Eastman Kodak company. Mrs. STRONG was well known here as her husband was for twelve years identified with the industries of Bellingham as owner of Fairhaven Foundry and Machine shop.

Wednesday January 27, 1904:

Work of Building to Start February 1
     The Y.M.C.A. building, as designed in pamphlet, is now assured and work upon the foundation and basement will begin promptly February 1, was the statement of M. M. MOSS, general secretary, this week when called upon by a Blade representative. Mr. MOSS stated he had now received pledges amounting to a sum of over $20,000, and that the field was not nearly covered yet so that the remaining amount of money was practically assured.
     When the building in completed it will stand as one of the most costly and elegant buildings dedicated to the health and good influence of the youth on the whole Pacific coast. It will be a building in which every citizen will take just pride, and its great moral and physical influence will be felt in the hundred of homes of Bellingham and by the city itself. ....
     Bellingham's Y. M. C. A. building will be four stories high including the basement and will be built of brick and stone - the basement of stone and the three upper stories of red brick trimmed with stone. Whether Sehome or Chuckanut stone will be used the architect, A. LEE, has not yet decided. The building will be 50 x 110 feet and occupy the lot purchased by the Y. M. C. A. next to the Pike block.
     In the basement will be the big swimming tank, shower baths, dressing rooms, young men's lockers, businessmen's lockers, boy's lockers, toilets, janitor's quarters and boiler room. On the first floor will be the big gymnasium 47 by 60 feet, around which will be the running tracks of 34 laps to the mile, large reading room, physical director's office, assistant secretary's office, check room, lobbys and other offices. On the second floor will be a large auditorium with stage and vestrys, boy's parlor and boy's game room, four class rooms, senior game room, kitchen, serving and dining rooms. The third floor will have double corridors leading to some 24 office rooms averaging about 12 by 14 feet. The exact disposition of these rooms has not been made yet, but they will probably be used for offices.
     The great structure will, with lot and furnishings, represent an expenditure of approximately $30,000. It is expected to realize a total of between $7,000 to $10,000 per year at a cost of between $3,000 or $4,000.

Mrs. D. J. McARTHUR died of heart failure at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Mrs. McARTHUR has been a resident of Whatcom for sixteen years and her benovlences among the sick has won for her an enduring and kindly remembrance. Mrs. McARTHUR was born in Lobo township, Middlesex county, Ontario. Her maiden name was Hanna WARD. She was married in June 1861 and leaves two sons, H. D. and D. W. McARTHUR and one daughter, Ella, now Mrs. A. Chas McLENNEN, all of whom were with her at the time of her death. She was a direct descendant of the TEEPLES, who came to Plymouth on the Mayflower, and was closely related to General WARD, who fought in the battle of Bunker Hill; was a cousin of Eber WARD, the large steamship owner on the Great Lakes, also a relative of Judge Hall DAVIS, lately deceased, who resided in Seattle. Her father was one of the Green Mountain boys from Vermont. The deceased leaves three brothers. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon from the First Baptist church. Interment was made in the Bay View cemetery.

Wednesday, February 3, 1904:

Mr. WRIGHT, of Everson, died in this city Saturday morning. His body was sent Sunday to Michigan for interment beside that of his wife. Mr. WRIGHT leaves six children.

A new enterprise was started up Monday. The new industry is the factory of the Pacific American Tar company. The plant is located on the water front at the foot of Taylor street in South Bellingham. From fir wood, particularly the stumps, will be manufactured turpentine, tar, pitch, tar oil, gas and charcoal. The refinery is 50 by 84 feet and four stories high. The building is filled with huge and peculiar machinery for the extracting of the various commodities of the wood. Nearly all the stock is owned by Bellingham people and the enterprise might be said to be a home concern. The operation of a plant of this kind here will undoubtedly prove a boon to farmers and mill men as it handles that portion of the tree that is undesirable for lumber, also makes a market for the stumps that the farmer much wishes to be rid.

Maple Falls Leader.
Little Frank COOPER, the five-year old son of Harry COOPER, who was shot through the brain three weeks ago, is out playing in the door yard. This has certainly been a remarkable case. There are many cases on record where full grown men have recovered from an ordeal of that kind, but it is an open question who is entitled to the greatest credit in this case, the patient or the surgeon, Dr. A. J. CRAIG, who has conducted the case to a successful issue, with no better facilities than those furnished by an Indian cabin.

Ferndale Record.
Lee ECK, while operating an upright machine in the CLARKSON Bros.' shingle mill last Tuesday, had the misfortune to lose the first joint of the middle finger of the right hand. He was removing a splinter from the saw when in some manner his hand came in contact with the running saw. The would is very painful but is healing nicely.

Wednesday, February 24, 1904:

-Mrs. BUSHBY died a few days ago in a hospital in British Columbia. The remains were brought for burial to this place.
-C. S. HALE, George E. WILLARD and Richard JOYCE have been added to the Everson school district.

Lighthouse Block
The improvement to the Lighthouse block will soon be completed and 64 rooms will be ready for occupancy. It will be equipped with first class plumbing and sewerage connection and a first class electric elevator. Mr. C. F. ROEHL has received word from the Otis Elevator company of San Francisco that the "dynamo" is now on its way to Bellingham and a constructor will soon follow to install the plant and put up the elevator. The second floor will be occupied by a dentist and the two upper floors by the legal and medical fraternity. The cost of the improvements will approximate $12,000. ROEHL brothers are to be congratulated on the successful improvements to this valuable piece of property, which will when completed be the principal office building in the city.

Wednesday, March 9, 1904:

Mr. and Mrs. WINKLE of McMurray, Wash., have purchased the furnishings and good will of the Roth Block, of Mr. and Mrs. GARRETT, who have been in charge of the place for the last fourteen months. The Roth Block is one of the best rooming houses in the city, and if the new proprietors endeavor to please the guests as well as did the retiring management, it will be a source of gratification to the many respectable patrons of that house.

Wednesday, March 16, 1904:

Dog Ordinance.
Councilman SCOTT succeeded in getting his dog ordinance passed by a vote of 8 to 4. It imposes a tax of $2.50 on female and $1.00 on male dogs, license to date from April 1, of each year, and provides that each dog must wear a collar with number of license tax. The Chief of police was designated to fill the position of dog catcher.

Wednesday, March 30, 1904:

Ruby La Verne, the four year old child of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. FURGUSON [FERGUSON] died on Tuesday afternoon at the European Hotel Cor. G and Holly streets at 1:30 o'clock. The cause of the death was due to Spinal Meningitis the child having been sick but five days. The funeral was held this afternoon at the funeral parlors of R. N. GIFFORD. Interment at Bay View Cemetery.

Wednesday, April 6, 1904:

Mr. L. J. FLANIGAN, proprietor of Mt. Baker hotel, and one of the leading democrats of Sumas, was in Bellingham attending to business matters and renewing acquaintances on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. E. HENDRICKSON, who reside on Iron street, had an eight pound girl born to them early last Saturday morning. The last accounts say baby and mother are doing well.

Miss Edith HARRAH, of Seattle, who has been the guest of her aunt Mrs. A. J. CRANE for a few days, has returned home.

Mrs. Joseph BLETHEN, Miss BLETHEN and Miss Elizabeth HAMMONS, of Seattle, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leslie DARWIN for a few days.

Mrs. E. T. MATHES and daughter Virginia left yesterday for Lewiston, Idaho, where they will visit friends.

Wednesday, April 13, 1904:

Assistant Fire Chief Henry ODELL was married at one o'clock Sunday afternoon, in K. P. hall, Eleventh street, to Miss Addie HUMPHRIES. Rev. Father BOULET performed the marriage ceremony.

Drowned in Lake
On Friday evening, April 8, James ANDERSON, a member of the logging firm of DEAN & ANDERSON, of Kendall, was drowned in Silver Lake, near Maple Falls. ANDERSON was fishing in a boat on the lake, and in some manner the boat capsized. He was not far from the shore, but it is supposed he was taken with cramps. He was 44 years old.

The marriage of Mr. Henry ODELL and Miss Addie HUMPHRIES, both of this city, was solemnized on Sunday at one o'clock in the presence of about one hundred people. The affair took place in the south side K. of P. hall which was beautifully and elaborately decorated for the occasion. Rev. Father BOULET officiated. After the ceremony the guests adjourned to the Masonic hall on the same floor where a sumptuous banquet was served. Mr. ODELL is the assistant fire chief of the city and is chancellor commander of lodge No. 56, Knights of Pythias. Miss HUMPHRIES is the most excellent chief of Temple 22, Rathbone sisters, and is the daughter of S. D. HUMPHRIES. Both bride and groom enjoy a wide circle of friends and are deservedly popular both in fraternal and business circles.

Mr. and Mrs. George A. COOPER have as house guests this week, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McPHAIL, of Scotiville, Michigan.

Wednesday, April 20, 1904:

Laurel Leaves
-Frank DEWEY sold his ten acres for $1,000 and has left Laurel and gone to Whatcom bought a house there and will make it his home.
-Mr. and Mrs. HARVEY have moved to the place they bought near Mr. GREGY's ranch.
-Sheep shearing is the order of the day now. Mr. Clarence SHIELDS has been shearing Mr. PERKINS' sheep this week.
-Mr. JORDAL has moved into his new house. He is a new comer in this neighborhood buying forty acres from Mat MARTIN.
-Mr. John DICKINSON has bought the John SHETTLER [SHETLER] place on Diagonal road but he has rented it for a year so will remain here for some time.

Wednesday, May 4, 1904:

The funeral of Lewis PFIEFER was held at 10:30 this morning from the undertaking parlors of R. N. GIFFORD. Rev. CHEATEM officiating.

Wednesday, June 8, 1904:

A report reached this city Wednesday of the attempted suicide of Joe KELLEY a half-breed and his wife, who probably crazed by the drowning of their 13 year-old daughter in the Nooksack river on Tuesday. KELLEY attempted to hang himself but was discovered and cut down in time to save his life although he was badly injured. Mrs. KELLY (sic) jumped into the river but was rescued by neighbors.

Fifth Annual Commencement of the State Normal School
The members of the class are:
Emma ALDRIDGE, Kahtrina ANDERSON, Julia ARGES, Grace AULD, Ella BARLO, Alice BOWEN, Ethel BOWEN, Ida CHARROIN, Bessie DARLAND, Burton DORAN, Ethel EVERETT, Julia FRITS, Lottie GRA___, Laura GRANT, Wilhelmina HAAK, Jessie HAVENS, Sadie HUBELL, Nellie JONES, Annie KEENE, Alice KELLOGG, Lena KOHNE, Leah LOVEJOY, Abbie LYNN, Anita NOEL, Margaret O'KEEFE, Loretta O'LAUGHLIN, Carrie RISEDORPH, Elsie SCHNEIDER, Florence SEARS, Beryl SHAHAN, Minnie SHUMWAY, Fredia STARK, Bessie STEARNS, Mabel STEEN, Effie WHEELER, May WILLIAMS and Vinnie WINCHELL.

Wednesday, June 15, 1904:

An Icelander by the name of Oscar HOLM, eighty years of age, hanged himself at the home of his son-in-law Fred GUNDERSON on the Marietta road, six miles north of this city on Wednesday last. The body was discovered hanging to a beam in the workshop in the rear of the summerhouse. He was discovered by his granddaughter before life was extinct, and was cut down by neighbors whom she hastily summoned. He died Thursday morning after regaining consciousness for a few a few minutes. Despondency prompted the act.

Wednesday, August 24, 1904:

Funeral services were held over the remains of Mrs. Matilda JOHNSON Tuesday forenoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. O. NICHOLSON No. 2230 Victor street. C. M. HEADRICK, an elder of the first Christian church, of which the deceased was a member, conducted the services. The remains were then removed to the parlors of W. H. MOCK & Son and prepared for shipment to the former home of Mrs. JOHNSON at Baxter Springs, Kansas. A. C. BLAKE left Tuesday afternoon on the 4:15 Canadian Pacific train with the remains, and will accompany them to their destination.

Wednesday, September 14, 1904:

With this issue The Blade will cease to exist.

Copied by Susan Nahas 2004


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